Anonymous User
The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
OMG! You're a child molester! Stop liking well-animated TV shows my brat happens to like!

There's just so much wrong with this article I don't know where to begin. As a female "brony" I'm pretty damn disgusted by all the parents who whine that (by collecting toys and stuff from the series and watching the show) that the adult/adolescent fanbase is somehow ruining it for all the kyds.

Plus using the word "momfia" to describe your moo group is just moronic.
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
I have an adult male friend who loves My Little Pony. He is a femmy sissy type, very soft spoken but he absolutely HATES kyds! He's adamantly CF and had a vasectomy when he was 29. He just thinks the ponies are cute, and they appeal to him.
I grew up with this person and he is a very decent human being. He would never EVER molest a child. That much I do know. In fact, he hates the little fuckers so much, they send him reeling in the opposite direction every time he sees one in public. These bitches are vile and hateful and GAWD FORBID their goldenpenis snowflake grows up to love MLP.

Narrowminded Moocunt: Looking at my daughter this morning, still glassy-eyed from her pony dreams, I realized why this bothers me so much…to me, it’s a step away from some kind of child molestation. I see these 30 year old men sitting there with pink plastic ponies and envision them getting turned on. Or worse – turned on by my daughter playing with her beloved Apple Jack or Pinkie Pie.

My friend doesn't get turned on by the ponies. He just thinks they're cute. What the hell is wrong with that? Assuming that a person is a child molester based on the fact that they like MLP is a gross accusation to say the very least. I think this woman would accuse anyone of wanting to molest her precious daughter...she's the one with the problem, not the bronies.
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
Wow. These bitches must live some charmed lives if things like men liking My Little Pony, and names of ice cream flavors, piss them off so much.
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
Eat shit, moos. I'm not into MLP but I am a woman who likes some kiddie stuff like stuffed animals. I want nothing to do with your crotchnuggets. THEY disgust me. As an adult, don't I have the right to do what I wish as long as it is legal?
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
Wow, these women need to get lives. I like how grown women who like Ponies couldn't possibly be pedos - only the men. Also, do they think that the ones responsible for designing the toys and working on the show are all female? Hell no - from what I saw in my school alone, animation and industrial design was made up mostly of MEN. So guess what ya fucking lunatic Moos? Odds are very high that a guy designed those Ponies your brat plays with.

I like My Little Ponies and I really like the new show that's out that's responsible for the term "brony" (like many, I like Rainbow Dash a lot). I have a big pile of the old ones and some of the newer ones I customize. I think it's great when something "for kids" can gain an adult following, and I'm sure the people who make the show and the merchandise and stuff love that they have a wider audience than they thought they would.

I dare a Moo to try and tell me I can't like My Little Pony or Spongebob or anything else considered to be just for kids. I will Falcon punch her in the uterus until she has endo in her spine. Hell, the Pokemon television show is produced by something called 4Kids and I still watch the fucking thing when it's on.

I left the dumb whore a comment. Fuck her and her gender bias. I hope she chokes on a GI Joe.
Anonymous User
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
Wow! I didn't know that this still existed. I loved MLP when I was a kid! I totally want that "Bombshell Betty" pony pictured with the article!

And yeah, who the fuck cares, MOMfia? You must have bigger problems to deal with than this, right? Right?
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
Wow, I guess I'm a pedo since I used to watch "Teletubbies" - because my CAT loved that show. tongue sticking out smiley
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
I guess this moo doesn't know a lot of middle - late-middle age computer nerds :lips

Dh sent pictures of his work area to our PC a few years back. He was in his late 50s and worked with people of a similar age. Mind - these are people who are the system and data analysts of a major financial institution. They monitor and troubleshoot system issues that keep the billions flowing through the US banking system each day. Dh's cube showed his collection of Sponge Bob characters; another worker's cube was adorned with Transformers figures (some vintage and quite valuable), another person was a Star Wars freak.

Frequently, muckety-mucks from all over the world come strolling through that area, touring the data center and analyst area. Monitors from the Federal Reserve pull surprise inspections to assure that this financial center is toeing the line. No one so much as raises an eyebrow.

It wouldn't surprise me if there were closet bronies in the bunch; keeping it at home because of the tweeness that would cross the line at work. Noting in several of the comments that the appeal is in the construction and detail to artwork, not to mention the fey nature of the animation, it would appeal to the older geeks for that reason, not because it is associated with little girls.

Gawd, that bint can just eat shit and die. She knows fuck-all about the real world. angry flipping off
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
I had a huge collection of MLP when I was little. They were my FAVORITE. I loved all my ponies so much. I even had a set of MLP shrinky dinks that I painstakingly made in a toaster oven. I never watched the show in the 80s though.

Now I am sorry I missed this new show and I've never heard the word "brony" until just now. I love that men are into this!

I hope she chokes on a GI Joe

spewing water due to laughing waving hellolarious
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
Now I am sorry I missed this new show and I've never heard the word "brony" until just now. I love that men are into this!

Check out the mashups!

MLP+Transformers. My, my, my. Those moos could never even hope to have such an imagination. I passed the link to Dh. He's owl-eyed from lack of sleep but I can't drag him away.

Watch out moos! Another brony conversion in progress! spewing water due to laughing
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
I guess what the Moo is trying to say is: How dare you circumvent the system, when I had to turn my crotch into a bucket of chicken livers just so's I could play with motherfuckin' Apple Brown Betty and Starfire? ( I have no clue whether or not these are real MLP names, but I can't shit on it because I collect cows form CowParade)
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
Article Translation: "OMG guys! Stop having fun! You're not supposed to have fun as adults! You're supposed to have fun THROUGH your kids."


"I see these 30 year old men sitting there with pink plastic ponies and envision them getting turned on. Or worse – turned on by my daughter playing with her beloved Apple Jack or Pinkie Pie."

I could care less about people being turned on by plastic ponies provided that they aren't getting freaky around me. And how the hell do you go from being turned on by plastic ponies to being turned on by children, specifically children playing with plastic ponies? That is a very specific kink, there.

I do not want to ever look at this lady's internet browser history because I know I would find some seriously freaky stuff.
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 22, 2011
It's much more disturbing that that is where her head automatically goes.

I've got no interest in snot nosed kids, and the fandom really doesn't seem to be going down that route, even the dirty stuff is still about ponies.

Plus how many bronies are parents? I'm guessing it's not a small chunk.

Just enforces my belief that moos need to grow up. It's like she's stuck at that age where you reject things not on their merit, but because they are "childish".
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
It's much more disturbing that that is where her head automatically goes.

I've got no interest in snot nosed kids, and the fandom really doesn't seem to be going down that route, even the dirty stuff is still about ponies.

Plus how many bronies are parents? I'm guessing it's not a small chunk.

Just enforces my belief that moos need to grow up. It's like she's stuck at that age where you reject things not on their merit, but because they are "childish".

Yes to everything you said.
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
MLP is cute and well-written for a mere toy-selling cartoon, and I don't get any kidf*cker vibes from it AT ALL, unlike a lot of Japanese anime these days.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
I love the Smurfs, and Conner (my parrot) loves The Muppet Show.
That oughta be enough to keep those idiot moo-cunts and their screaming hellions far, far away from us.
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
I find this Brony thing pretty funny...not my thing, but neither are a lot of things. And I think these moos who are obsessed with the idea of pedos preying on their children have some serious headfuck problems. I am so sick of the media obsession and societal obsession with pedos. The minute a guy is into something different? He's a fucking pedo. Its such a dangerous thing to apply to any subculture of people. The word whips some people into such a frenzy that they will commit violence if someone is even suspected of it. I fucking HATE it, and I am so glad I'm not male.

Brass Eye said it SO well: The obsession is completely absurd and unwarranted. "Stranger Danger" has turned into "A pedo lurks round every corner".
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
Thanks to this clever new version of the long-running MLP cartoon/toy, I am NOW a fan!smiling smiley

And those moos are WORRIED about grown-ups liking this stuff while dolling up their little girls for Toddlers & Tiaras? smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
Let me put this out there first that I think any men who get into My Little Pony are lame. But calling yourself "momfia" is even more lame. Apparently, moo has never heard if a secret illuminati form of deviants known as TOY COLLECTORS. There is a whole secret society of these people running out and collecting toys and merchandise tie ins to movies and tv shows. It is so secret and devious that it has only been talked about on HGTV, Food TV, every major network human interest news show, Discovery and a myriad of other stations, had video and DVDs and books dedicated to it, people poking fun at it on YouTube...
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
They don't want adults to visit parks without a kid in tow, they think they have the market cornered on Chef Boy Ardee, they have a hissy fit if any cartoons are geared towards adults because it might influence their brats, and they don't want anyone parking in their coveted famblee parking spots, so the fact it upsets the moo-cunt anyone other than a kid might like a toy isn't surprising.

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
Dumb moo, the men turned on by your daughter's pinky pie (and I ain't talking about the pony) are likely the guys you trust....your priest/pastor, the soccer coach, the Brownie leader. And odds are they are married with kids.

It is not some guys who collect plastic ponies.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
Dumb moo, the men turned on by your daughter's pinky pie (and I ain't talking about the pony) are likely the guys you trust....your priest/pastor, the soccer coach, the Brownie leader. And odds are they are married with kids.

It is not some guys who collect plastic ponies.

waving hellolarious Excellent point!

Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
Dumb moo, the men turned on by your daughter's pinky pie (and I ain't talking about the pony) are likely the guys you trust....your priest/pastor, the soccer coach, the Brownie leader. And odds are they are married with kids.

It is not some guys who collect plastic ponies.

So this. The ones most likely to grope little Snotleigh are family members or close friends. The 120 pound geek with a WoW tribe symbol on his t shirt is more interested in the plastic pony and wants nothing to do with your kid. He would have an anxiety attack if he had to share his canned pasta and ramen noodles with some mucus encrusted brat anyway...
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
it is telling that the author of this piece calls herself hipmama.

if you actually call yourself hip that means you are NOT.


L'enfer, c'est les autres.
Re: The "momfia" attacks bronies
September 23, 2011
I collect Eeyore stuffed animals and often wear Eeyore jammies. But wait!!! Can't stand to be within fifty feet of yard apes. Guess that just makes me weird.
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