Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011

H.R. 358, introduced by Rep. Joe Pitts (R-Pa.), goes beyond the issue of taxpayer dollars to place actual limits on the way a woman spends her own money. The bill would prevent a woman from buying a private insurance plan that includes abortion coverage through a state health care exchange, even though most insurance plans currently cover abortion.

An even more controversial aspect of the bill would allow hospitals that are morally opposed to abortion, such as Catholic institutions, to do nothing for a woman who requires an emergency abortion procedure to save her life.

If only I could engineer a disease that would kill idiot pro-lifers only.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
It's amazing how these vermin can have the audacity to call themselves "prolife" while knowing full well that blocking reproductive rights KILLS WOMEN!
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
Glad to see the TP-run house is focusing on the important issues, like the fact that the unemployment rate is still on the rise.

Obama better veto this shit if it ever makes it to him.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Anonymous User
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
Damn conservatives are determined to turn the US into a third world country with their archaic laws.angry flipping off
This shit is really getting scary...
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
Someday all these irritating people will die off. Just don't accidentally get pregnant until they do.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
But no doubt they will be breeding ignorant fuckwit sproggins to replace them. That said, I'll laugh my behind off if a Duggar turns out to be gay.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
Glad to see the TP-run house is focusing on the important issues, like the fact that the unemployment rate is still on the rise.

Obama better veto this shit if it ever makes it to him.

It won't. The senate will trash it.

But no doubt they will be breeding ignorant fuckwit sproggins to replace them. That said, I'll laugh my behind off if a Duggar turns out to be gay.

Or at least sane.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
Politicians write these bills with no intention of having them actually pass. The point is to play, "I'm more pro-life than you" so they can get voted back into office on a conservative ticket. That way the PL voters think they actually DID something, even if the move was an impotent one.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
Dear me chickenlady, and here was me thinking there are more important issues to focus on at the moment, like the dire economy in every country in the bloody world. Silly me!
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
There are tons of more important issues, but it boils down to "know your audience". These types tend to be one issue voters. It matters not if someone is about to lose the home they grew up in, if they will be able to eat, or walk down the street without being killed. I think George Carlin was the one who said something like, "If you're pre-born, you're protected. If you're pre-school, you're fu*ked".
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
I heart George Carlin.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
There doesn't seem to be much substance to this bill that "protects the life" of women in dire need of emergency medical assistance. This kind of shit pisses me off SO MUCH that if I were a violent person I believe I could literally choke the life out of some of these idiots with my bare hands. My wish for them is that they or someone they love is transported by ambulance with all four limbs nearly severed and bleeding profusely. Then, that this was the only hospital available and had only ONE doctor on duty who was morally against giving blood products and refused them a transfusion on religious grounds. shrug

Due to that, the orthopedic and neurosurgeon on call would be unable to reattach the limbs because that type of surgery requires blood transfusions. Let then spend the rest of their life limbless because of it and perhaps they'd come to a different opinion on the matter. Do these mother fuckers not realize that by denying that woman an emergency abortion that if she lived, she would likely not ever be able to shit another loaf? The ignorance, self righteous BULLSHIT of people with this mindset make me want to bite a nail clean into.cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
You're absolutely right - one issue voters make up a HUGE contingent of voters in this country and there is no shortage of politicians who pander to them.

Whether they draft phony bills to "protect life" or guns, they think nothing of wasting time in Congress while doing no real work. The very sad thing is that there are so many people in this country who think that the Republican and/or Conservative parties are the ones who will actually get work done.

I'm not saying that the Democrats are any better - I'm a third party voter myself. But it just stuns me how many people are starry eyed for the Conservative party, and it's usually over one or two ridiculous social issues - gay marriage, abortion, guns, etc.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
I wish we could impeach these fuckers. They said they were going to focus on the economy, then they turned around and did this.
Gods, they impeached Clinton over a blowjob.. why not?
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
I'd like to start the rumor that Rick Perry and Sarah Palin were both born in Russia. See what that does to their following.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
I've only read the main headlines about this new law, but if it were to pass in the Senate, doesn't this mean that:

1) If you are pregnant and your fetus dies and your body fails to naturally expel the remains (a failed abortion or failed natural miscarriage) and
2) Your body heads into septocemia (sp?) -- that type of infection that women get in these cases if their bodies for whatever reasons fail to pass the fetus remains then
3) You go to the hospital to have a D&C to clear out the dead tissue and
4) The hospital doesn't have to treat you - so they let you die?

Is this what's going on here? Because I know several breeders who had incomplete abortions, i.e., incomplete natural miscarriages, and they went into toxic infection that can kill you VERY fast if you don't have the dead fetal tissue cleared out of you.

So hospitals aren't going to do these procedures now? (If it were to pass in the Senate, which it probably won't least this time. And Obama says he'd veto it, anyway.)

I think breeders don't realize that a LOT of the women in their family tree died of this shit because this is very common when a woman has shat out a dozen of kids and keeps getting pregnant every year, as most people's grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. And women today still have this happen. Sarah Palin actually had this happen, it's in her medical records as an "Abortion" and she whited it out on the medical form so that people wouldn't misinterpret it and think that she'd sought a clinical abortion. Hers was (allegedly) for an incomplete miscarriage. that I think about....maybe there IS a potential upside to this law.....if it meant Sarah Palin would have been left to die in a pile of her own vile fluids. HMMMMMMM.......smiling smiley

PS I think that this is probably already the norm at most Catholic hospitals, actually. There was a very excellent Catholic hospital my honey's mom spent time in, and I remember them talking about how they wouldn't even perform this type of procedure if the mother's life was in danger and the fetus was dead. So I think it's already being avoided, perhaps illegally, under the broad umbrella of "religious grounds."
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
Every cloud has a silver lining, eh loaves? cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
Geez, are we going to start requiring dowries for marriage too? I can't believe we have the balls to call ourselves a developed nation when the douchebags with the most power are doing everything they can to make women little more than property and force them to be at the mercy of men. I suppose were this to pass (and I doubt it would), the next thing to get outlawed would be women being allowed to purchase supplements or receive prescriptions that have abortifacent properties. Would it be like how no one can buy more than one bottle of Sudafed now because needing more than one bottle could mean somebody's making meth out of their basement?

Of course there are no laws that would limit what men could do - men are the ones who tend to make all these horse shit bills, so of course they won't do anything to weigh themselves down like those useless wimmins. smile rolling left righteyes2 I would love it if (any bill like this one were to pass) a woman close to these assholes - like a wife or a sister or a cousin - was affected by it. While I wouldn't want to wish harm on innocent people, this is the only way these fuckers would ever understand: to watch their wives die of a totally preventable infection because she couldn't abort an incomplete abortion. Or a sister who bleeds to death because she has a very bad miscarriage and was refused a blood transfusion. Much like how anti-vax breeders won't learn the true nature of what they want until their own kids die from preventable viruses.

Good to know we have no other problems in this country that THIS is what people are focusing on. Obviously we are in such perfect condition as a society that our biggest problems are women getting abortions - elective or medically necessary.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
I have a particular flora in the innards, this LIFE NEEDS BEER! to SURVIVE!!!


People have fought and died for this!

You know what? I'm gonna need an entire brewery. Reparations for the displaced EU peasants.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
I suppose were this to pass (and I doubt it would), the next thing to get outlawed would be women being allowed to purchase supplements or receive prescriptions that have abortifacent properties. Would it be like how no one can buy more than one bottle of Sudafed now because needing more than one bottle could mean somebody's making meth out of their basement?

There are ALWAYS new proposed laws to make almost all supplements and many herbs illegal here in the U.S. Germany already passed this law sometime back. In Ireland, you need to get a DOCTOR'S prescription to buy vitamin C! Abortion is illegal in Ireland, so women there are finding themselves with fewer and fewer options. You have to go back to the sneaky indigenous Celtic wisdom, like my tenth generation Celtic shaman friend taught me. (The early Celts didn't have 15 children like the modern Irish did after Catholicism took root. They were far more sensible than that! They also had a policy whereby a woman could instantly divorce her husband if he failed to sexually satisfy her! smiling smiley )

(Vitamin C as many here know is very effective as a natural abortifacient and also it's excellent for preventing implantation rather like a "Morning After Pill"--you need high doses every few hours to bring on your period.)

In my book I'm working hard to make a detailed inventory of "stealth herbs" which hopefully won't be outlawed. Parsley, cinnamon, fenugreek seeds (MY FAVE! Used those several times with mugwort, got my period in 12 to 24 hours.) I think women need to have the culinary herbs as backup for sure. The book is probably going to take at least another month while I double check all the dosages, outline all the different FORMS of the herbs and how they are different (fresh herb vs. freeze dried vs. dried.)
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
WaterLily suggested vitamin B6 to bring on a late period to me once. I think it was two 100 mg tablets a day and within about three days I was bleeding. I don't know if that was a coincidence or not, but it appeared to work on my period that was three weeks late.

From what I know about vitamin C, it halts the production of progesterone (which I think is what one of the pills given for medical abortion does). But I've also read that once you get all the vitamin C you need for the day, your body will flush out the excess. So I often wonder how vitamin C can be an abortifacent when all the extra vitamin content just leaves your body. I also wonder if it'd be more effective if it were inserted vaginally. shrug
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
WaterLily suggested vitamin B6 to bring on a late period to me once. I think it was two 100 mg tablets a day and within about three days I was bleeding. I don't know if that was a coincidence or not, but it appeared to work on my period that was three weeks late.

From what I know about vitamin C, it halts the production of progesterone (which I think is what one of the pills given for medical abortion does). But I've also read that once you get all the vitamin C you need for the day, your body will flush out the excess. So I often wonder how vitamin C can be an abortifacent when all the extra vitamin content just leaves your body. I also wonder if it'd be more effective if it were inserted vaginally. shrug

Interesting about the B6 - I hope Waterlily will chime in on a new thread I've just started asking for people's experiences, both good and ineffective, in using herbs or supplements to bring on their period.

Yeah, Vitamin C spikes estrogen levels, and this seems to be one of the factors in why it stops a pregnancy in its tracks. You do need to take the pure form --ascorbic acid--and not get Vitamin C with bioflavonoids or rose hips or anything added. And for whatever reasons, if you take large doses at regular intervals (like every six hours) the Vitamin C doesn't have time to leave your body yet so it has enough time to send a big "Hell, no!" message to your uterus.

I have no info about women using it vaginally, so I can't speak to that! Parsley stems inserted "up there" are proven to loosen the cervix and gently encourage it to release its contents, and then if you combine that with parsley tea (using the fresh herb if possible, although dried works, too) you usually get your period very quickly.
Anonymous User
Re: Protect Life Act
October 14, 2011
this infuriates me to the point that I am just about goddamn speechless.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 15, 2011
I've tried using vitamin C and black cohosh to bring on a late period - not majorly late, but just a few days. I don't know if they worked or not. But vitamin C every six hours sounds great - I've read SisterZeus and women there talked of taking something like 1000 mg every hour - even through the night - for three days. I've also used parsley and I don't think it did shit - both the sprigs inserted vaginally and tea (the tea which, by the way, tastes exactly like carrots when you add a little sugar. Hell if I understand why tongue sticking out smiley)

And I only asked about taking vitamin C vaginally because it tastes fucking horrible...I know, a small trade-off if it means getting rid of an unwanted clump, but gack I hate the taste of those goddamn tablets.
Re: Protect Life Act
October 15, 2011
Can I say this? I motherfucking HATE religion!
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