Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 15, 2012
I'm hoping that the OP hasn't checked in yet because she's busy dumping his ass. angrily flogging with a whip
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 15, 2012
Putting up with his crap is bad enough, but getting dumped on by his offspring is unacceptable.

Consider this our "Dump the Heap/Anti-V-Day" party. Beers in the fridge and pie's cooling on the counter.

Let's all make #apieforglynnis and write about it on our blogs! Then you can buy #HotExGirlfriend boots to wear to expensive dinners bought with charity money.

(Could. Not. Resist).
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 15, 2012
I would accept salami and cheese if it was cut up into little heart shapes and he shared it with me over some good wine and candlelight.

In this case, that salami shoulda gone up his ass.

You DO NOT deserve to be treated like this. I was treated like trash for three years by a guy I married who seemed to be CF, then after we got married he got the worst case of baby rabies and even tried messing with my BC to get me pregnant.

I now have a rule. Anyone showing the slightest bit of breeder isn't boyfriend material.
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 15, 2012
I would never date a breeder either because no matter what you do for them or what you say, you will NEVER be the most important person in their life. It will always be the kids - even the grown ones, even if they're complete douchebags. You will always be, at the very best, second-best. If there's more than one kid, you get knocked that much further down the importance ladder.

Exactly. You will always be second best (at the highest) to a breeder. No matter how "grown" the brats are.
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 15, 2012
You already told him that you don't date men who spawned.

Yet he still became your BF.

How?! openmouthed shock
Anonymous User
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 26, 2012
Sorry for disappearing. I needed some time to figure things out.

Banshee, He made himself adorably pesky. I eventually agreed to go out with him to get him to stop doing his goofy "big white boy" dance on my lawn. I figured that anyone willing to totally humiliate himself, was at least worth having lunch with. Things just went from there.

Up until recently, things seemed to be going okay. The kid started being obnoxious toward me right around Thanksgiving. He complimented his grandmother on how good the ham and potatoes were, and when she told him I made those, he refused to eat another bite. Whatever. After dinner, Bf, kid, and the girlfriend went into another room to play video games, while I helped his Mom, and sister clean up. I have no idea what took place, what was said, or anything else, but Bf began acting really coldly towards me.

Fast forward to V- Day. Everyone knows how that went.

Unbeknownst to me, he put me on "relationship probation" last V- Day (2011). One of his friends (This guy is a real winner. A perfect cross between Mel Gibson, and Dale Gribble.), decided that I wasn't good enough for his "Bro", and started talking a lot of shit about me one day when he was drunk. I'm a goldigger, I'm gonna oops him, I'm not worth the trouble to their friendship... The best one of all- She hates your son. I never said it. Never. At that point, the kid was serving in the Military. I had only met him about four times. I didn't know him well enough to have an opinion either way. But, if Mel Gribble said it, it must be true. Hence the probation.

I don't know why he changed. We were really happy for two years, until MG started spouting off drunken bullshit. I'm angry that he didn't ask me if any of that shit was true, he just believed what an angry drunk told him about someone he didn't even know. But he hid it. I had no idea that he despised me. I had no idea that he distrusted me. I sure as hell never imagined he was plotting against me. He said he started thinking about leaving me about a year ago. He moved in a year ago, the same time he put me on this probation he never bothered to inform me of. He's still here. But, he did tell me again this morning that he's leaving. Because I'm just a low- earning fuck- up, in a town with no real jobs. I consider myself lucky to have a job at all.

I just wrote myself to an epiphany. He started being a dick when he got a good job. We were both unemployed for awhile, I got a job first. His company called him back after a layoff, and rehired him. A year ago. The magic year. He had just moved in with me, kid would be coming home in a few months. Damn, I've been a fool. He was using me as a pit- stop, wasn't he? The lease was up next door, he needed to save money, he was planning on dumping me anyway. Now, I've outlived my usefulness, so he doesn't even have to pretend to be nice to me, anymore.

Sorry this was so long and rambling. I'm really confused right now. I just wanted to pop in and give an update.
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 26, 2012
Glynnis, two of my biggest relationship mistakes were with guys who pursued me relentlessly, including my ex who married me when I has a tubal ligation and turned into a baby rabid cheating Wanna Breed. It underscores the importance of SELECTING your partners, rather than allowing yourself to be selected.

Love yourself and forgive yourself, but get him the Hell out of there, ASAP. Frankly I'm a little worried about your safety right now because he has a drunken asshole for a friend. Do you have any burly brothers or burly male friends?
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 26, 2012
Aw, Glynnis, that sucks. But you've seen the light and that can only be a good thing. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Anonymous User
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 26, 2012
No. BF is the burly one. 6'5 280. His friend doesn' t come around here, anymore, at his request. He's always shitfaced, and BF sees that as a liability. He goes to visit with the douchy friend.

FTR, the kid doesn't like the drunk, either. Probably the only thing we can agree on.

Thing is, Bf even admits that Douche is unbearable when he's drunk. But he believes the shit, anyway.

Oh, BF is a really big man, but he is not violent at all. I am in no physical danger.
Anonymous User
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 26, 2012
We were really happy for two years, until MG started spouting off drunken bullshit. I'm angry that he didn't ask me if any of that shit was true, he just believed what an angry drunk told him about someone he didn't even know. But he hid it. I had no idea that he despised me. I had no idea that he distrusted me. I sure as hell never imagined he was plotting against me. He said he started thinking about leaving me about a year ago. He moved in a year ago, the same time he put me on this probation he never bothered to inform me of.

Honestly, I'm going to have to agree with everyone on dumping him. Any guy who'd consciously ruin his relationship because of what a shit-talking friend who has never met you advised is not worth it. Especially where you mentioned he started thinking about leaving about a year ago. If someone has repeated thoughts of ending it but never bring it up to you, that's definitely a red flag that they aren't serious for the long run. I'd know, I've been down that road, dated an asshat for over 3 years who treated me badly and mooched off me. Just walk away and never look back.
Anonymous User
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 26, 2012
I'm with everyone else who says stay away from breeders. You'll never come first in their lives and kyds are such coddled worthless shits these days that they remain dependent well into adulthood. Not only will your privacy and social life be infringed upon in any case, but if you combine households it's a guarantee that at least some of your income will be going down that sinkhole too. Single moos are looking for a wallet and single duhs are so used to being wallets they don't even blink when the little shits stick their grubby hands out.

The duh I was with for 3 years was a really smart and nice man in most ways but was a fucking moron where his little shits were concerned. And I was stupid too for putting up with it.
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 26, 2012
I'm so sorry that you found out that your boyfriend is such a douche. On the other hand, I'm glad that you finally got to see the douche for what he really is before you invest one more precious second in a relationship with him. I don't think that there's any man or woman on this planet over the age of 25 who hadn't given their all to a relationship for somebody who didn't turn out to be complete loser.
Thinking of practical things, if Doucheman still lives with you, NOW is the time to give him that 30 day notice to vacate. If Douchie Jr. and his girlfriend are also living there, give them their 30 day notice. Keep it all legal and civil, but get this loser/these losers out of the house as soon as legally possible. Only a total coward and loser puts you on relationship "probation" while moving in and pretending that everything is A-OK without bothering to inform the other party. Now, go find yourself on non-breeder hottie and feel better:sx
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 26, 2012
I just wrote myself to an epiphany. He started being a dick when he got a good job. We were both unemployed for awhile, I got a job first. His company called him back after a layoff, and rehired him. A year ago. The magic year. He had just moved in with me, kid would be coming home in a few months. Damn, I've been a fool. He was using me as a pit- stop, wasn't he? The lease was up next door, he needed to save money, he was planning on dumping me anyway. Now, I've outlived my usefulness, so he doesn't even have to pretend to be nice to me, anymore.

Fucker owes you a year of life, Glynnis. Know that he'll always be in debt to you for the time he sponged off you physically and emotionally even if he isn't man enough to own up to it.

If you feel up to it, let the rat bastard know that he has a lot of people wishing him bad karma. I hope he hooks up with another breeder bitch just like himself and has years of misery to compare to the one generous year you gave him.
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 26, 2012
glynnis, it just blows my mind how unfeeling and immature people can be. sad smiley

I'm sorry you had/have to deal with that. I'm sending you a cyber-hug (:drkbddy) and I wish you luck with kicking him and his son out of your house.
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 27, 2012
Let me say that Valentine's Day has never really meant a whole lot to me. It's just a day, after all.

Until this year. Yes, my BF is an empty nester, his kid is an asshole, and I have nothing to do with the douchebag. Absolutely nothing at all. He hates me, I don't give anything close to a shit about him. Period. I didn't even get the fuckwad an X-Mess card.

A bit of background... I met BF shortly after my divorce. I bought a house, he lived next door, and, would help me with heavy things, while I was remodeling (I'm disabled.). I told him right off the bat that I did not date men with kids. I didn't need the baggage. Meaning, his ex- wife and kid. Well, kiddo was already a legal adult, didn't interfere, left us alone. That was three years ago. Kiddo is out of the Military, back home, and making my life HELL!

I flat out refused to let the Asshole live here. It is MY HOUSE! He lives with his girlfriend's parents. They want his ass out. He refuses to get a job, go to school, learn to drive, etc. Y'all get it. His GF is flunking out of school, because he's awful to her if she tries to study. She's a good kid. Very polite. Oh, Kiddo is almost 22. Can't drive a car, doesn't want to learn to drive. He demands chauffeur service. I was cool with picking him up when he was serving. Not any more. He trashed my truck (SMOOV). Daddio couldn't care less. That thing cost me almost $40,000. They burned cigarette holes into my leather seats, brought it home empty($100 fill up), and left food all over the place. Yeah, I'm pissed. REALLY FUCKING PISSED!!!

Well, it gets worse. For V-Day, BF got me a salami, and a block of cheese. Who the fuck does he think I am!!! Shauna!!! The card he got me called me a loser.

Sonnyboy got $500 concert tickets. I got a salami.

Me thinks all hell is gonna break loose, tonight.

I'm not a greedy person. I didn't expect anything. Least of all an insult.

Note to anyone thinking of dating an empty nester- Don't. You'll never amount to shit unless the kid decides otherwise.

Is your boyfriends son my ex? Sounds exactly like him!
Anonymous User
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 27, 2012
Ugh, as if more evidence was needed that breeders are self serving pieces of shit who exist to suck everything dry and go onto the next victim when they can't benefit any more.

That's an ass that needs kicking to the curb without so much as a goodbye. Bin that fucking leech and invest in yourself because you're way better than that!
Anonymous User
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 27, 2012
I have a friend who married a man with a 25 year old daughter. After the wedding the full truth was revealed. Daughter is a drug addict who has more rehabs behind her than Lindsay Lohan.

Here's the problem.

Daddy refused to listen to reason about his precious puddin'. After she got kicked out of another rehab and lost her job, she moved in the basement. Then things started going missing. She is now 32 and was kicked out of the house after living with her father and stepmother for three years. Stepmother finally started locking up the jewelry and prescription medication and she took off for greener pastures.

If my china, or silver, or jewelry started to go missing......Breathe. Just breathe. OMG.
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 27, 2012
Every time I read this thread, glynnis, I hope it's an update from you that your house is now empty except for you and is quiet and your ordeal is over. I hope you will trust me (though I know I am a stranger on the internet with no face) that you will be so much happier when you definitively end it. Place his shit on the curb and change the locks. It will be worth it, I promise you.

Single and lonely is way better than being paired with an unfeeling loser. "On probation" and didn't even tell you. That there is some fuckery I've never even heard of. Totally unacceptable and a dealbreaker for anyone. You deserve far, far better.

Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 27, 2012
Oh how awful. You don't even have to givehim a thirty day notice, let him go to a motel and put his shit in storage. You shouldn't have to look at his lying ass for one more day.
Anonymous User
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 27, 2012
Put his shit out on the curb and change the locks while he is gone at work. If he gives you any shit, threaten to take him and his spawn to court for damage to your truck and home.
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 27, 2012
Put his shit out on the curb and change the locks while he is gone at work. If he gives you any shit, threaten to take him and his spawn to court for damage to your truck and home.

Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 27, 2012
Put his shit out on the curb and change the locks while he is gone at work. If he gives you any shit, threaten to take him and his spawn to court for damage to your truck and home.


+2. In a situation like this I wouldn't even tell him why it was happening, I'd just do it.
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
February 27, 2012
Since the bugger has been there a year, I think things will HAVE to go the 30 day route. Consult an attorney if you can, but you do NOT need to be sued by these fucks who will probably try and sue if you do change the locks. And if you do change the lock, it is quite possible the fucker will get the cops to kick the door in.

If you are in New York State, getting rid of the bastard will probably be a nightmare. The courts are totally goo goo over poor widdle charity cases, even if the charity case has a job.

Give him a 30 day eviction notice: send it certified, registered, all to get a signature that he was personally delivered the notice. That way he can't simp 'i never gawt it'. Write everything down, document everything. I've been down this road: I owned a mobile home court and campground. You can probably handle the eviction yourself. if you are in ohio or a similar conservative state (sometimes conservative states have advantages) it may well be easier to can him.

But I would cover yourself and do the 30 day notice.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Anonymous User
Re: Why Breeders Make Bad Boyfriends
March 03, 2012
Chicken bomb.

Take 1 lb. of chicken wings, a large glass jar with a metal lid, and enough buttermilk to cover the chicken wings after placing them in said glass jar.

Hide chicken bomb somewhere on breeder-asshole's property. Wait a few weeks/months depending on ambient temperature.

Oh yesssssss.
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