

Yes, many horrors may be visited upon you, it's best that people know.

I'm one of these 'truth will set you free' type of thinkers and *do want* to know - anything - even if it is gross.

A thought just came to me - that this stuff is SO GROSS - that it has to be kept hidden. Was thinking - if you know the truth, and possible outcomes, you can make an informed choice.

But maybe - this is why they keep all this under wraps - because it is SO GROSS - that it pretty much *would* cause a NO under 99% of circumstances. [...]

Pregnancy and Child birth often DO wind up with serious consequences - it is rare that a Cow comes through it relatively unscathed and 'bounces right back'. [...]

But Piggin and Birfin ARE high risk and do produce serious consequences in most cases ~

And Our Fascist Corporate Overlords don't want this knowledge getting out - GOD FORBID their supply of consumers is cut off! I hate to wear the Tin Foil Hat here - but - yeah - they *do need* their consumers.

And I think some of these types were absolutely *shocked* by the decline in births as well as people who went flat out CF. I've always been CF but there are plenty of 'converts' too. Or maybe fence sitters who chose it.

I think it shocks and confuses these people. And such is why they have upped the Breeding Propaganda as well as the straight up attack on laws / rights, try to change abortion and BC laws.

The TRUTH is OUT! And anyone can see it online now.

Certain types do want to censor the net. I think THIS is actually part of it. Sure, trying to quell political stuff or your biz rivals is one thing, or even the Bible Types who want to kill porn.

These people DO NOT like the CF either and it scares them just the same. There have been targeted attacks, directed at the CF, including Memes of things like "Crazy Old Cat Lady".

But they attack ANY non breeder as well. THIS is why they're against Gays too.

When their Propaganda stopped working - they went to Forced Birthing.

This is why. WE are part of that. As well as the Ruined Crotch Moos who post their stories online.

This is all dangerous information.

It was glossed over in the past and the Propaganda and Fake Jesus Love trumped it, the few whispers - of the reality.

They don't want the hard truths out there. Same goes for war, commerce, and everyday life.

They'd rather snag you into it first - and get you to produce more consumers - after that it's OK if you figure it out later, because you're stuck then ~

They are against anything that leads to, or suggests, Not Breeding.

You're not a tin foil hatter, Natalism is not a conspiracy theory it is a fact. Is not even a hidden fact either, it’s so conspicuous and systematic that is literally everywhere. People are just so accustomed (acclimatized) to be continuously bombarded by it that they just assume is a natural thing, part of the ether itself.

I also totally agree with you on the forced birthing push from the establishment. That something like this is happening in this day and age, and in an overpopulated world is not a coincidence or the wet dream of a bunch of fundies. It is being done for a reason. I'd add cheap labor to the constant supply of consumers you mentioned. After all workers, consumers and taxpayers are an economical continuum. I’d wager that our economy, albeit bigger and more complex, is based on the plantation model. You have slaves and/or indenture servants [workers] doing the work for free or for very little pay [stagnant salaries + inflation] and then you sell them goods via the plantation store [workers become consumers]. All profits from the plantation and the plantation’s store go to the plantation owner [Corporations/Bankers/Share Holders/The State].

And don't forget that most economic models are based on perpetual growth (impossible in a finite world, but they'll try to keep it going for as long as they can get away with). GDP and economic growth are the true forces behind Natalism.
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