Why don't the parunts care for their kids and think about them like most good animal owners do?

For the same reason this paper on the Evolution of Childrearing was written? They just suck.
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
March 22, 2013
That anyone could post that sad and pathetic video and behave as if it's all an accomplishment of some merit and great news clearly illustrates several things regarding their mental status and emotional state, none of which are good. I am all "for" hope, but when there is none, and that's been medically proven time and time again, there comes a time when acceptance is in order. While I don't think there is or should be any specific time frame for acceptance to come and these heroic medical measures to cease, in general, the decision of the cessation of painful medical procedures designed to keep her "alive" needs to be made by the same outside sources that are financing it and providing the "care" that don't have an emotional stake in the outcome. As a society we have become way too emotional when dealing with hopeless situations like this with Terri Schiavo being one of the best and most publicized examples of a 15 year long death prolonged due to parents' emotions getting in the way.shrug

While I have mixed emotions about WHEN it's time to toss in the towel, I think if the "treatments" start spanning years, with no hope of any meaningful "recovery" possible, and the "village" is paying the tab that's well into the millions, that there comes a time when the decision needs to be made for them. If someone wants to prop up their brain dead loved one in the family den, continue to provide whatever care they are able, and continue to fool themselves on their own dimes, then as pitiful and abhorrent as that is, that's their own business. However, when Medicaid is footing the bill into the millions while other people, which includes plenty of children, who have a chance at a meaningful existence could be benefiting from those wasted resources, then society DOES and should have a say-so in it. I find it a slap in the face to everyone who needs medical care, and can't get it due to lack of funding, for videos of million dollar kids with rudimentary brain function to be plastered about on the internet doing nothing more than looking about with a blank stare, flicking their tongues like a wounded lizard, and rolling about at the age of 5 in diapers and with NO evidence of anyone being "home" inside their heads.:drool

Then, for their "progress" to be glorified for no other reason than their mom can't accept reality and let the poor thing go peacefully rather than forcing her to remain, "alive", so they don't have to plan a funeral and grieve as long as they maintain "hope" when there absolutely is NONE, is a preposterous waste of time and money. As long as the child is "alive", they don't have to face that "parent's worse nightmare", which in my opinion, became their CHILD'S worst nightmare from the moment of birth when they continued to resuscitate the baby over and over and over and force a critically ill, terminally diagnosed, child born with multitudes of painful defects and deformities to "live". I feel sorry for the child and sickened by the actions of the mother, but that makes me a mean and vicious childless woman in the eyes of a selfish woman like this poor girl's mother She is SO blinded by selfishness she can't even see what she's doing and has convinced herself she is a saint beyond reproach, when she is anything BUT.the world 'fail' on flames

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
March 22, 2013
Why don't the parunts care for their kids and think about them like most good animal owners do?

For the same reason this paper on the Evolution of Childrearing was written? They just suck.

I don't know about the whole paper, but this bit:

Paper on Childbearing
Greek boys stayed in the gynarchy of their own home until they at the age of about ten were forced to be eromenos, sexual objects, in the andron of a much older man's home.


First of all, the famous Greek pederastic relationship (and we are talking about ATHENS greek, because there were huge differencies) didn't start till the boy was AT LEAST 12 (and often an year or two later. Remember, girls married at this age, back then).

Second, it was most definitively NOT a sexual object. The point of the relationship wasn't sex but instruction on how to become a citizen, and the "powerful" party was DEFINITIVELY the boy, who had to show to be a prospective future good citizen by choosing the best teacher/lover among the -possibly- many that wooed him. This was essential, for a young man who choose wrongly showed lack of restrain and discernment. The man, once choosen, had to teach the boy everything on how to be a aner (a true man), and had to bring him to talk of philosophy and even to teach him politic and warfare.Often, the man would introduce the boy to his political ally.

Third, the boy DID NOT leave his house!

Also, the woeful confusion on the sexuality of roman and greeks is appalling for an historical paper! Romans had a sexuality defined "of rape". Men HAD to dominate (this in the first times, not later on). Greek were a lot more relaxed. And the paper forget completely the role of ethereia (the "companions", sort of geishas of ancient Greece).

In short, even if it does raises some interesting point, base on those mistakes alone I am inclined to think some better research should have been made.

End of OT, sorry, I had to take it out^^


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
DAMMIT! Seeing this come up on the first page, I thought we had another Mootroll to kick around. Sigh ... I'll go back to my cave now.

Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
November 13, 2013
Sorry for the necro-post, but I got here from the recently-posted thread about "growing replacement organs in the uterus."

I've pored over this entire thread, and I'm thoroughly disgusted by Jill Scott's actions -- not only because she's forcing her daughter to suffer, but also since she's taking SO MUCH from the government and private donors and spending it on herself -- when there's no help at all for unchilded adults who are down on their luck. Gee, I wish someone would keep a Target gift card loaded for ME -- I've been hungry and broke before.

Out of morbid curiosity, I clicked over to her blog, and it's still ongoing - its most recent update was October 2. Lily recently "celebrated" four years of suffering, and has been accepted into Pattison's. Hmm, wonder who's paying for that?

Kinda strange that the title of the blog is "I See Love" -- because I see no love at all. This is what people generally call "lying." Lily CAN'T love, because she sure as shit doesn't possess the higher brain function necessary to do so. And her MartyrMoo DOESN'T love her enough to let her go -- she instead parades her around and whores her out day after day -- AT OUR COST! angry smiley
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 09, 2014
Something recently made me think of this thread and I thought I'd check in on how the blogger is doing. There were only two posts this year, however, both from March. In case you're looking for an update, it appears the kid has now learned how to swallow water, and that sentence deserved an exclamation mark.


She now crawls much faster. . .with a purpose. Just the other night, she was playing with a ball. As it got away from her, she would crawl around the room to get it.

That's the best example, but so much more is going on. The other day, she took a sip of water from a cup and swallowed it! She transfers objects from hand to hand. She cruises the couch with assistance. She purposefully reaches for objects that she's dropped.
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog
August 10, 2014
Ignorant, stupid Mooos: We don't give two shits about you OR your bastards. Get used to it, because we are not the only ones who feel this way. I can't wait to hear what kidless' response will be to this stupid moo... popcorn and jerry springer signjerry

The children aren't bastards, they are the victims of Moos seeking validation and attention.

When Moo doesn't receive that after an amount of time, they either have another victim and favor him or her, or actively PMA their loaf. When a loaf is as defective as a Trisomy 18 baby, PMA's are easier to hide in their complex medical needs.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog
August 10, 2014
One that came to mind is - NO - your Tard wouldn't have a "Christ like response" because Jesus wasn't a retard.

That made me almost spit Coke all over my laptop.

We all need to put plastic over our computers to protect them from this hilarious thread!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 10, 2014
I thought about this case and the others like it too recently and that's because of the Jahi McMath case. In case anyone doesn't know about that one it's the one currently active where the 13 y/o girl went in for a tonsillectomy related surgery, there were complications post surgery, and she was declared DEAD back in December 2013. Then, a court battle ensued and Moo and famblee were allowed to have her body transported to an unnamed "care" facility where I suppose her body still is being kept and is on "life support". While this case is along the same lines of tens of thousands being unnecessarily spent, false hopes of Moo being entertained by a bevy of supporters, and it's extremely macabre, the Jahi MacMath case isn't nearly as bad as this one because the child is actually DEAD and isn't suffering. That, and the money being wasted is coming from voluntary private donations and not public funds being diverted from the care of other people who actually have a chance at recovery.the world 'fail' on flames

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Th Jahi case is a hot cold mess but her location was leaked when one of her doctors was booted for diddling patients...it is a nonprofit research institute that, interestingly enough, does not have her listed as one of the research subjects.


So they sold the body to science, but keep up the charade so they can get more money for tattoos, steak and lobster dinners at Ruth Chris and Kors shopping sprees. And the partying....

All the pics from Mama Nails' Instagram...till she pulled it. Nice picture of a lovely manicure on a dead, bloated necrotic hand. Real hospitals don't allow polish or acrylics from what I understand. Her toes in the pics are curling under, which tells my nonmedical mind that she is trying to rot but not able to.

(I want to add that she had not changed her screen name on Instagram...that Nailah is not Mama Nails.)

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 11, 2014
Ew! That one with the gauze square over her eye makes it look like her eyes are really sunken.
Not surprising when your brainz are mush!

I'm not sold on the lightened pic of her wearing shades, the "black spot" could easily be an artifact of lighting combined with the shades. However, I'm not saying her eyes are fine and normal or anything! I just play with photoshop a lot. grinning smiley
I could not see the necrosis on her fingers until I saw the other lightened picture. I DO remember seeing these very similar sores on my grandpa at his open casket!:goggle

skull2 skull2 skull2
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 12, 2014
The most offensive pictures are the ones that show her sitting up in bed(from the chest down) along with the comment claiming she sat up in bed "Indian Style" on her own and the one where her foot is posed at one of the bed rails as if she had put it there herself and was trying to get out of bed. That pic also had some idiotic comment about how they just couldn't keep Jahi from moving about. The most creepy picture award goes to the one with an up close photo shot of her face and most specifically, her lips, which appear to have some sort of stage makeup gloss plastered on them. How about a full video of Jahi performing these actual voluntary movements on her own? I won't count on that proof anytime soon because corpses can't make voluntary movements. That, and her corpse is probably past the phase where it can contract and appear to move voluntarily due to natural shit that happens shorty after death, seeing as how she's been dead since before Christmas 2013.shrug

At best her moo and associates are experiencing some sort of psychotic reactions to grieving her death and are in dire need of psychiatric care, but at worst they are perfectly aware she's dead and are milking this macabre mess for the GoFundMe donations, monies, goods, and services being donated from other sources, and for the "celebrity" and they need to be locked up for fraud. Oh, did anyone see the business card moo posted belonging to the original doctor who stated Jahi was deceased and the moo's posted comments towards him which included inciting people to call his office repeatedly at a certain time? I think that qualifies as a public threat as well as harassment. Crazy Woman needs to be arrested on a variety of charges including, but not limited to, felony fraud, libel, slander, and whatever charge it is when someone makes public threats against a person and encourages the public to join her in her harassment campaign.thumbs updown

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Oh God. I absent-mindedly clicked the pics while I was eating.

Oh God. OH GOD.

I need some benzos, now.
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog
August 12, 2014
Well that was just beautiful, Kim. You handed this cruel bitch her ass not just once, but several times.Thank you Thank you for providing me wonderful reading material.

The Internet is a powerful tool and has brought us many advancements. I am thankful to have been able to find like minded people in a vast sea of sheep, not to mention being able to look up information so quickly and easily. However, as with any powerful thing, it has caused and continues to cause irreparable damage to society. One of its biggest unforeseeable problems is the fact that it is helping spread the stupid at an alarming rate. This selfish woman's blog is an example of that.

I am so disgusted by her attention whoring. She has shat PUH-lenty of healthy children, yet insisted on bringing this poor thing into this cruel world. Don't get me started on the medical advances that have allowed her to do so. This whole thing is an ethical mind fuck.

I'm not so sure this Moo wouldn't have had a means Internet or no Internet to be spreading her stupid to the four winds.

She's the type to have been mailing out a newsletter to who ever would subscribe and then donate to her lost cause if there was no Internet. She would have advertised her newsletter in every publication she could lay hands on.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog
August 12, 2014

Yes, three times, and he was denied three times.

The two of you need a lawyer. Lawyers cut through the bullshit, under that you are buried. Kids don't matter, not in this. Most people I know who are on it don't have kids, as they are physically unable to breed. The one I know who got pregnant adopted out the baby.
Oh God. I absent-mindedly clicked the pics while I was eating.

Oh God. OH GOD.

I need some benzos, now.
Yeah, you can really tell that her body is starting to rot in a way, especially on the hands. I wish someone would 'accidentally' just flip off the vent or the machine making her heart beat when the mom's not there, so Jahi could finish dying. That girl is never going to get better.
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 12, 2014
I just checked out the actual blog and it looks like the commenters are ripping her to shreds.

Can you please post the URL to what you are seeing? I couldn't find it.


All but the one udder rubber comment had been removed from the blogspot post. Anyone here do a screen grab?


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog
August 12, 2014
Ignorant, stupid Mooos: We don't give two shits about you OR your bastards. Get used to it, because we are not the only ones who feel this way. I can't wait to hear what kidless' response will be to this stupid moo... popcorn and jerry springer signjerry

The children aren't bastards, they are the victims of Moos seeking validation and attention.

When Moo doesn't receive that after an amount of time, they either have another victim and favor him or her, or actively PMA their loaf. When a loaf is as defective as a Trisomy 18 baby, PMA's are easier to hide in their complex medical needs.

I call all kyds little bastards. bouncing and laughing
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 12, 2014

Who cooked up this saying? /curious


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 13, 2014
Who cooked up this saying? /curious

I remember reading it on t-shirts/stickers at conventions 20 years ago at least, so I doubt anyone remembers.
Who cooked up this saying? /curious

I remember reading it on t-shirts/stickers at conventions 20 years ago at least, so I doubt anyone remembers.

It's a play on Tolkein's "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and swift to anger" but has been around for years and attributed to pretty much every fantasy writer and comic strip in existence.
Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 13, 2014
Who cooked up this saying? /curious

I remember reading it on t-shirts/stickers at conventions 20 years ago at least, so I doubt anyone remembers.

It's a play on Tolkein's "Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and swift to anger" but has been around for years and attributed to pretty much every fantasy writer and comic strip in existence.

Re: Kidlesskim gets called out on a blog (Trisomy 18 Cow Moos and Lows)
August 13, 2014
Snark Shark
" the rough draft to my book entitled, "I Don't Hate Your Kids, I Hate YOU!""

I WILL BUY YOUR BOOK. grinning smiley

I will GIVE you a copy.:beer

How much $$?



Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat

The little thing is now 6, I think, and she learned to walk with the help of a walker! sarcastic clapping She still can't eat herself, so mummy has to mainline formula through the tube.
Naturally, they had a begathon for the "academy".

Tri-tard mummy
I am so grateful for how hard the teachers at Pattison's have worked with Lily. The speed at which she has progressed this year has been mind-boggling! When Lily walked up to me, right after I stopped the video, she was right in front of me. Usually, if she were that close to me, she would put her arms around me. Not this time. She held on to those handles as tight as she could! That tells me that she understands what could happen if she let go. And around 1:22 in the video, if you watch her, you'll see that she slightly loses her balance but quickly corrects herself. Wow!

Speaking of Pattison's, the spin-a-thon went very well! They raised over $278,000! Our team raised $3500 and a second team was formed by ladies of our church, and they raised $2030! Not bad for newbies! When I see what this school has done for Lily, and I know that summer camp will be an extension of that, I know that the money raised is definitely going to a good cause!

It seems that today Lily got to job shadow. Just kidding. But she did spend some time with Ms. Christy in the office. I've always said that Lily should be a yoga teacher, but maybe secretary is more like it. She's a natural!

Looking at the picture, can you even tell that she has hearing aids? Besides being able to tell that she hears better, we're seeing a difference in Lily's balance. Not sure if it's a coincidence, but before Lily got the hearing aids, when she tipped in her walker, she wasn't able to correct herself. It wasn't until after the hearing aids that her teacher was able to not have to hold on to Lily in some way while she was in the walker.

I'm telling you. She never ceases to amaze me

Details at seven!

Tri-tard mummy
She's gone and done it again!

Once again, Lily has defied our expectations.

There are so many things that have always dangled in front of us, teasing us as to whether or not Lily would be able to do such things. And there are so many things that we've been able to check off of that list that's dangled in front of us because Lily has been able to do way more than we expected.

I'm sharing two videos. One, I have finally caught Lily pulling herself up into a standing position. The other, of Lily brushing her teeth. (OK, so she's not really brushing her teeth, but it surely looks like it. She does, however, hold the toothbrush and move it in a back and forth motion. It's still a big deal because FINALLY, she's opening her mouth to allow the brush in. . .and that's just as big of a deal as her brushing her own teeth is.)

Lily has had some extraordinary therapists since she was a baby. Every single one of them has helped her grow and strengthen and develop into this incredible little girl who's defying our expectations. But all of this development that we're seeing her do now--walking using a walker and gait trainer, riding a tricycle by herself, pulling into a standing position--those could not have been done without Pattison's.

You may say, "Yeah, but she'd be at another school, getting therapy services there." Sure. But the equipment, the comprehensive care, the developmentally appropriate material--those little "extras" probably wouldn't be at another school in our area. Pattison's is our Dream Academy!

So is their summer camp.

And that is why, this Saturday, I will be riding once again in their Spin-a-Thon. It is why I've enlisted Rani and Autumn and my friends, Allison C., Alison C., Heidi D., Jana I., and Julie W. to be on our spinning team. It is why I secured a second bike and asked other ladies of my church to join us and to fundraise with us.

It is because I Believe. I believe in the power that school has to help my little girl reach unimaginable heights. I believe in the love that school has for their students. I believe in the experiences they know these children deserve to have, despite their disabilities.

We spin this Saturday. Our goal, as in the past, is to be in the top ten of teams. So far, we are in tenth place, but the eleventh place team is tied with us, so we've got some work ahead of us during the next few days.

We'd love to have your support. It doesn't have to be much. I fully believe that a lot of people giving a little bit can go a long way. Your support--sure, it will help us get into the top ten--more importantly, though, it will provide four weeks of summer camp, four weeks of daily therapy, four weeks of exposure to arts and crafts and music and extracurricular activities. That's four weeks extra that these kids get over the regular school year to get stronger and four weeks where they won't lose so much that has already been gained. And for our kids, that's important!

If you would like to support us, you can find our First Giving page at http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/brenda-reagan/pedal-4-pattisons-2015. We are grateful for any amount. And if you aren't able to give at this time, no worries. Prayers are just as important, and we'll definitely take as many of those as we can get!

Look who got glasses! Already we can see a difference. The other night,
there was a block under the chair Lily was at. She was on all fours, and she
put her head on the floor to look under the chair and reached under it to
grab the block. We've never seen her do that! I love checking off her
accomplishments! I can't wait to see if the hearing aids help!

Tri-tard mummy
She has gotten so strong and more aware! About a month ago, I was sitting on the floor, running Lily's formula through her pump, paying no attention to her at the moment. She was about five feet away and crawled toward the chair I was sitting beside. I looked up and over at Lily, AND SHE WAS STANDING RIGHT BESIDE ME!! She had pulled herself into a standing position! I did a double take! Unfortunately, she's not done it again, even though I've tried coaxing her multiple times, but I'm confident she'll do it again. . .and continue doing it!

At school, she walks on a treadmill a few days a week. I'm not sure exactly what type of position she's in, but the other day, I got this text: "She went 9 minutes straight with Shauna just a few prompts at the hips and holding her hands to keep them on the bars. The most we've ever gotten is 6 minutes." That text was followed by "Your girl is getting stronger and smarter every day!!" Ah. . .music to my ears! I asked if they used a harness and was told that they don't usually use the harness with her. Her therapist usually holds her at her hips.

As for medical, Lily had an ABR (hearing test) and an MRI last Friday. The MRI was to establish a baseline for her spine. Both procedures required sedation, so we opted to have them both done at the same time because we weren't sure how Lily would do with the sedation since she's not always come out of it so easily. I'm happy to say that she did quite well with the sedation, considering.

Lily had an orthopedist appointment the other day. Dave took her. She goes for scoliosis and kyphosis. Because of the scoliosis (and I guess the kyphosis, too), Lily has to wear what is called a TLSO--basically, a back brace. The hope is that the back brace will keep Lily's scoliosis from getting worse.

Unfortunately, it is getting worse. And that is not a good thing. According to the doctor, she will need surgery. I'm not sure exactly when that will happen, but when the doctor told Dave that he doesn't want her in the hospital this winter, it makes me think that he's talking soon.


" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Yeah...the odds are still way against this kid. Only 1% of infants born with Trisomy 18 live to see age 10. Just because she made it this far doesn't mean she's going to always beat the odds.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
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