Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
Cut and pasted from

Children with special needs, and the families that love and care for them, face tremendous challenges every day of their lives. Even the most mundane and routine issues can become hours-long undertaking for both child and caretaker, forcing families to adapt in ways they never would have thought possible before. Life is hard enough for these families without those around them going out of their way to make things even more difficult but, unfortunately, that’s what happened last night to Bonnie Rayborn.

Rayborn, a work-from-home mother of three, and her children, including her two-and-a-half year old autistic son Zeke, decided to have dinner delivered to their home in Woodstock, Illinois, a small town about 50 miles outside of Chicago. Because it’s Illinois in February, it was snowing, so delivery sounded like a solid option – and if you’re going to order out in Woodstock, that means Napoli’s Pizza, voted the best in McHenry County (according to their webpage).

As even the best restaurants sometimes do, this one made a mistake on the order. According to Rayborn, the pizza was severely undercooked and the sandwich was wrong. These things happen. So, she called the establishment and requested it be made right.

Not so fast. Again, according to Rayborn, the Napoli’s staff refused to make it right, offering her, at best, a $5 credit, which would come nowhere near covering the cost of the sandwich, tip, and delivery fee. Rayborn says she rejected this offer and ended the call, looking to speak to her bank about the possibility of disputing the charges – something the bank confirmed was a possibility.

So, she spoke to the staff at Napoli’s again, with the staff there saying if she wanted the order made right or to get a refund, she would have to come down herself and get it. Rayborn says the restaurant also promised to cancel the transaction – while she remains hopeful, it has not happened as of this writing, according to her bank.

It is, at this point, most of us would probably have already written off ever doing business with this establishment again, were we in Rayborn’s shoes. According to Rayborn, she offered up her explanation of why that wasn’t really an option, saying, “I ordered in because I can’t drive up there tonight. I have an autistic son – it will take me 15-20 minutes just to get him out the door.”

The restaurant’s response, according to Rayburn:

“Why don’t you just pack up your retarded kid and stop being lazy?”

Rayborn was, of course, mortified. Like many of us would do in such a situation, she took her complaints to Facebook, hoping to at least let her friends know what she thought of the establishment. Much to her surprise, her complain took off like a rocket. Within a short time, the restaurant was being inundated with phone call and its Facebook presence was besieged by people letting them know what they thought of that attitude.

Then things get weird. After a short while of the social media blitz, Rayborn reports receiving a phone call from the local police department, asking her to remove her posting “to keep the peace.” While under no legal obligation to comply with this, she relented and removed the “offending material” from Facebook. The establishment repeated claims of police protection when Addicting Info first contacted them, with the employee saying we were strictly forbidden to talk about the incident (which is patently untrue).

The company has since published a non-apology on its Wall, having deleted many of the critical remarks.

The text of that statement reads:

Dear Facebook friends, today we had an incident with a customer Bonnie. She ordered a medium pepperoni pizza and a beef with cheese and sports peppers. On our behalf we accidentally gave her sweet peppers instead of sports peppers. She wanted a refund of 5 dollars on her credit card. Our credit card machine does not allow us to do that. We told her that she can either get another beef which would take a while because of road conditions or we can give her a five dollar credit. Off the bat she didn’t want to order from Napolis ever again after we apologized to her for messing up the order. We told her if she just wanted five dollars back she could come and pick it up on a later date when she is out. After she was constantly swearing at all the workers we eventually voided her whole credit card and gave her money back. She never once brought up her son or that he was autistic! We do a lot of donations and fundraisers and ALL school orders. We are all a family and we treat our customers like our family. We would never say anything like that ever. We are sorry for all the misleading and false accusations.

Whether or not the restaurant will take heed of the results here and attempt some sort of actual apology remains unclear. Napoli’s Pizza denied the accusation when speaking to AI on the phone.

Addicting Info will keep you posted on any developments.


Addicting Info spoke with the Autism Society of Illinois and the restaurant’s owner, James Baker. The Society reached out to Napoli’s Pizza and Baker has agreed to conduct sensitivity training with his staff on February 13. The Society also commended Baker’s charity work with disabled and special needs children in his community. Rayborn has not heard anything more from the establishment, but was happy to learn they had agreed to the training.
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
Yeah, I do.

Good god, this woman must have thrown a Defcon Level 1 freakout to have the restaurant call the cops on her. I'm sure they must have been thinking she should just throw Tardley in the trunk and come get her shit. For her to make that particular accusation tells me that she probably does a crap job of wrangling her tard and knows exactly how most people perceive her situation.

Edited to add: Jesus take the wheel, "sensitivity training." :crz
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
I think it's bullshit anyone said that to her, although I am certain they were thinking it and maybe saying it among themselves. Actually, it was my first thought right after how ridiculous it is for people to expect perfect delivery service in the middle of a fucking snow storm.:BS

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
Sounds like the pizza place made a minor mistake and tardmoo flipped the fuck out and went into full blown drama queen mode and pulled the "my kyd has awtizm" card to get the rest of the Moo Brigade to join her stampede.
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
I've done my time in customer service, and I highly doubt that an employee seriously said those words to her. Much more likely is this woman became demanding, self-righteous, indignant, and looking-for-a-freebie.

I will guess that her attitude ratcheted up considerably at the point after she first asked for a refund and hung up with the restaurant to call her bank. I'll guess when she called her bank, her first question was do they see her refund yet, at which point they must have said no, they don't see the refund. (I used to work in this area and if what was true then is true today, the bank isn't going to "see" that the merchant put a refund through on the merchant's credit card machine unless this same bank is also the merchant's bank.)

I'll guess that at this point, she saw red and didn't hear the bank rep who likely at that point was trying to explain to her about how credit card authorizations work, such that when she buys something, the authorization hold immediately reduces her funds, which looks like a charge, but actually it's just a hold against available funds and doesn't turn into a charge for a couple days, AND that when she gets a refund, since there's no hold involved with refunds, it takes several days for her to see that amount back in the available funds. Many customers don't grasp this concept, and when they find out that the money doesn't go back on the card immediately, many lose grip on reality and feel completely victimized and that the merchant is "deliberately hanging onto my money." Again, it's been a few years, but that's how authorizations used to work.

I'm going to guess at that point, seeing red and full of mounting fury, THAT's when she called the restaurant back, loaded for bear. The article says this is the point when she told them she has an autistic son, as if that has anything to do with pizza, but I digress. I'll guess at this point she was nearly out of her mind with indignant moral outrage, and one moral outrage led to another, causing her to associate her victimization as the mawm of an autistic kid with the victimization of a pizzeria 'stealing' her money, and her mind concocted this scenario in which the employee insulted her and her son.

Now, none of my supposations may be true, and I could be totally wrong here, but based on what we've been told so far, and my own experience with customer psyche, this is my best guess. Even in the case of a screaming customer, the chance that an employee actually said “Why don’t you just pack up your retarded kid and stop being lazy?” is extremely unlikely to happen, and what is much more likely to happen is that an employee would simply hang up on her instead.
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
She's full of fucking shit. If she had been the only one reporting this "travesty", then it was obvious she was trying to get free food. If more people had cried foul that they were treated poorly, (remember, 1 in 88, so your next door neighbor MIGHT HAVE A SON WITH AUTISM!OMG!!!1!), then she might've had a case.

And she CLAIMS her name is Rayborn, but the pizza place says it was BONNIE! HA! (Yeah, I know, it could be an internet moniker...)
Anonymous User
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
juniper jupiter
And she CLAIMS her name is Rayborn, but the pizza place says it was BONNIE! HA! (Yeah, I know, it could be an internet moniker...)

Rayborn is her last name.

"Life is hard enough for these families without those around them going out of their way to make things even more difficult but, unfortunately, that’s what happened last night to Bonnie Rayborn."
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
I found the Cow and apparently one of her minions bitching on Yelp -

This story is bullshit IMO.

Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
randy johnson's mullet
juniper jupiter
And she CLAIMS her name is Rayborn, but the pizza place says it was BONNIE! HA! (Yeah, I know, it could be an internet moniker...)

Rayborn is her last name.

"Life is hard enough for these families without those around them going out of their way to make things even more difficult but, unfortunately, that’s what happened last night to Bonnie Rayborn."

I try to make a joke but my forgetfulness to minute detail blew up in my face. tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
Stupid moo probably made it up. It was a Friday night and it was probably during our last winter freezing rainstorm, what the fuck was she expecting them to do, rush over her 5 dollar refund on a busy, treacherous evening? She was probably shocked that they didn't bend over to lick her spacial moo ass.

And Woodstock? Is like a little piece of rural Alabama up north. Just saying.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
Like night owl says above, I too have worked in customer service in the past, specifically I managed a famblee restaurant for five years among other customer related jobs. Unless you have worked with the public and dealt with their food, you probably wouldn't BELIEVE the lies they will tell to get a free meal! Some of these people make it a fucking avocation and spend MORE TIME trying to get freebies than it would take to simply prepare whatever it was that was "wrong" or "left off" the order from scratch in their own fucking kitchens! These types share common characteristics and behaviors as if they took the same mail order course on how to be an annoying customer. Although there are other telltale signs, the most common shared traits are the following:

Shared Common Traits of These Types of Customers
1)The great majority of habitual complainers are Moos

2)They ALWAYS threaten to call the owner, corporate office, the Better Business Bureau, The Health Department, etc......And they ALWAYS claim they are a regular customer and won't be coming back too, will "..tell ALL their friends", "...close us down..." etc........ always.

3)Their complaint is rarely legitimate and even when it is it's a MINOR mistake, deviation, or misunderstanding where the level of complaint is not in line with the alleged offense. In other words, the punishment and restitution they demand is FAR GREATER than the alleged ""crime".

Often times, especially during weekend dinner rushes, I stationed myself at the carry out window and generally checked each and every order MYSELF, since I usually had teens working the register at these times and they wouldn't properly check orders. So, I KNEW FOR A FACT when people were lying about most every order, which of course worked in my favor. Although I was in my 30's, I looked like one of the teens the way I did my hair and looked, not at all like a "manager" in those days, so they had NO IDEA that same "girl" they later refer to who handed them their fucking food was also the general manager, which worked in my favor as well when they lodged their false complaints later rolling left rightsmile

Although there are many MANY more, below are some ridiculous customer complaint stories I recall from my restaurant days from two decades ago. ALL of the offenders in the stories were women, although sometimes it was men, but rarely, and most let me know in one way or the other they were Moos too. OR I remember their wailing kids while they were there OR I could hear them in the background when they called in their complaint. I'd like to add that although my restaurant was a franchised regional chain, it was locally owned and my dad was a good friend of the owner and I had known him my entire life. I was a damned good manager too and he liked me, so I had some extra room to be a cunt to these shitty customers and not get "in trouble" with it due to my stellar customer service reputation and the family friendship. This extra authority came in VERY handy for me and I DELIGHTED in having this ability too, more than anyone can ever know.smug

Annoying Customer Stories-My commentary and responses to the cunt-customers in red

1)The, "You people didn't give me extra ketchup in my order like I asked for and MY CHYLD HAS to have lots of ketchup on his chicken tenders or he won't eat them!! I want a free dinner the next time I come in!" CUNT. You DID get SOME ketchup packets, didn't you? Yeah, that's what I thought. Do you not have any ketchup in your refrigerator", I asked. Then, the cunt goes on and ON AND ON about how that isn't the point and it was MY RESPONSIBILITY to have included the extra ketchup. Then I went on to tell her that ONE OR TWO is usually all they get and since she got THREE, I considered that "extra". Of course she got pissed and started up with the, "What's the number to your corporate office" BULLSHIT, which I freely gave her but with the following comment, "Mam, I can ASSURE you the owner won't respond to a frivolous complaint of this type as he's a very busy man. He will call ME and tell ME to handle it and you STILL won't be getting a free meal out of it." This call included a "Bitch!" comment from this wonderful Moo and a phone slammed down in my face. bouncing and laughing

2)The, "Your food gave me food poisoning" cunt. "No mam, it did not. Food borne illnesses take 12-36 hours to manifest symptoms and you picked up your order two hours ago. I don't know WHY you are sick, but it isn't from food poisoning from your lunch." Then she goes on to say how nasty our kitchen must be and by the end of her rant, all she REALLY wants is a free meal the "next time" she comes in! After I questioned WHY anyone would want MORE food from such a "nasty place" is when she started up with the she's going to call the health department. Yeah, okay, DO that and when they investigate I will give them the documentation file I have ALREADY started, along with your receipt copy and time of your call, and your complaint will go RIGHT INTO file 13. ANOTHER hang up as a result of my not backing down to a Moo demand. eye rolling smiley

3)The, "You gave me french bread instead of corn bread, I can't eat my meal because of it, and I want you to BRING me a new meal" cunt who called an hour after we closed, were about to walk out the door, and for an order she picked up 3 hours prior. Oh, NO CAN DO on that shit! 1)We don't deliver 2)We are CLOSED and 3)It's ridiculous your meal can't be eaten either with another bread or NO BREAD, for that matter! That was basically what I told her when she demanded a free meal "next time" since we "refuse" to deliver her a new meal. God, what IS it with people who think they will get free food because of some shit like that? She threatened to call EVERYONE from the owner to the health department. WHY they think the health department gives a shit about wrong orders is beyond me, unless it's a threat to FURTHER lie about the food, who knows? confused smiley

4)The, "You didn't give me any plastic ware for my "large order"(It was for 6 people)and we can't eat our food and want a refund", but of course she had every intention of keeping that food they couldn't eat. I then let on how STUPID I thought that was, that if she brought back the food like was required for a refund then she'd pass 8 or 10 stores on the way here that SOLD plastic ware for a dollar a box, and I never heard of an office that didn't have some left over plastic ware or even silver ware in their break rooms. That pissed the cow right off and ONWARD she threatened to make all those calls to every agency in a tri-state area to "report" me. After I laughed is when THAT cunt slammed the phone down. drinking coffee

5)The, "I ordered turkey AND ham on my chef salad and it ONLY has turkey and I want a free one next time" cunt. No, there won't be anything FREE and "...****I**** not only took your order, I checked it before I handed it to you and it DID have ham AND turkey on it!" Then she back pedals with, "Well, it was skimpy then and I want a free one!". Another one bites the dust and hangs up angrily after making empty threats that caused me to laugh. WHY do they say they will call the Better Business Bureau? Do they NOT KNOW how that works? The BBB doesn't even TAKE complaints like that and when they DO take a complaint, the idiots are required to allow the establishment to "make it right" before ANYTHING goes on the record as a legitimate complaint! After I inform them of the process of making grievances to the BBB it ALWAYS pissed them off too.That, and my laughing as I told them probably didn't help matters, along with my surly tone. CUNTS, all of those bitches.eye rolling smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
" I have an autistic son – it will take me 15-20 minutes just to get him out the door.”

If her kyd is a true autistic spectrum child and not just a brat wearing a label this woman is absolutely correct about this comment. Autistic kids and people in general take to change about as well as a skunk squirt in the face.

This woman is doing her son a disservice by inflicting a change by not being prepared for the blizzard and ordering out. Then, when the order came in wrong, she could have tossed that undercooked pizza into the oven and redressed the sandwich. If she had to pitch a Moo fit, she should have done it before the kid went to bed. Stupid bint.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
Well, moos are used to demanding and getting freebies, so that's no surprise.

You have to love her reasoning in ordering too. Well, it's dangerous for moo to go out, so someone should risk themselves to bring her fat ass some food.

Ever heard of cooking, cow?

I wouldn't have given her a refund at all, but they were willing to do so. Did she have to have her 5 dollars right that minute, that someone had to risk running around in bad weather a second time for her?

You know, last summer, I ordered from a fast food place that is a little more "fancy" I guess than McDonalds, BK, etc. It was when I was in the process of moving and staying in a hotel that did not have an oven (2 burners, fridge, microwave). The place was a stone's throw away and had online ordering that you could just pick-up at the drivethru.

I decided to treat myself to a special milkshake that they had and ordered it online with my meal, and paid for it via my bank card.

When I drove over at the time it was ready, they did not have my milkshake available and couldn't make one at that point for whatever reason.

Did I pitch a hissy fit? No. They told me to call the manager the next morning, who would be informed what happened, and I could just pick it up then. That's fine, not going to die without a specialty milkshake. Next day I called and came over to pick it up.

Not only did they have the shake, but they actually gave me free food. They had my receipt and they duplicated the meal I had from the previous evening and gave it to me gratis as an apology for messing up the order.

I was really hesitant to take the free food, because people make mistakes and I am not expecting them to do anything more than make up what they weren't able to provide the previous order. But they insisted I take the food as well.

Moos wouldn't know anything about courtesy and treating people humanely though. Any slight against them is obviously the biggest mistake, ever, and the person who slighted them must get down on their knees to grovel and lavish them with freebies.

Personally, I don't believe anything was wrong with the food. She probably decided with the pizza and sandwich for herself and 3 kids, it wasn't filling enough, so she demanded more. She thought she'd play the awtistic card because it's no doubt worked for her before.
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
Restaurant says:


She ordered a medium pepperoni pizza and a beef with cheese and sports peppers. On our behalf we accidentally gave her sweet peppers instead of sports peppers.

OK - the issue here was the wrong peppers. smile rolling left righteyes2

Me personally, I don't even see how you could tell the damn difference! Well, I suppose the Sport peppers would be a tad spicier - but still. Jesus. It's a fucking pepper smile rolling left righteyes2

And she got cheese on top of it too? Good Gawd, load on the calories why don't you? Ewwww also. Italian Beef *should be* with Sweet peppers and NO cheese! Why kind of a Psychopath IS this???

I have a hard time believing a 2.5 year old kid is actually Autistic also. Probably just a spazzy brat that Cow doesn't want to deal with.
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
@cfchevygirl--your story, THAT is the kind of behaviour that makes a customer service person want to go above and beyond. If the customer finds out their order is short and gets an apology and responds with 'oh, sure, no problem, I'll just come pick up the shake from the manager tomorrow, no biggie,' and lets it GO, it makes a customer service person want to do something nice for you. thumbs upup (As opposed to trying to shake us down, reminding us what a good and valuable customer you are, which just grates.)
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
night owl
@cfchevygirl--your story, THAT is the kind of behaviour that makes a customer service person want to go above and beyond. If the customer finds out their order is short and gets an apology and responds with 'oh, sure, no problem, I'll just come pick up the shake from the manager tomorrow, no biggie,' and lets it GO, it makes a customer service person want to do something nice for you. thumbs upup (As opposed to trying to shake us down, reminding us what a good and valuable customer you are, which just grates.)

Right. And I certainly didn't expect free food.

I had driven up to the speaker where you order, told them my name and about the shake I was supposed to pick up. The woman apologized over the speaker and asked if I had wanted anything to go with it, on the house. I told her that while I appreciated it, I didn't expect them to go above and beyond because of a mistake.

It was only when I got to the pick-up window that she handed me a shake and a bag of food! They didn't have to do that. My thought was that it wasn't really fair for them to lose money in giving me a free meal. But they insisted!

That was like 6 months ago and I still feel a little weird about having taken the food, because they simply made a mistake that anyone can make.
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
In college I had a customer service job where the managers' office closed around 5-6pm and we stayed open until midnight. A lot of times people would come in needing assistance that only the management office could provide after-hours help on certain matters.

We were instructed to nicely explain this to people and offer to make them a phone or in person appt during biz hours. Whenever someone was an asshole about it, the managers had us document it in a special file just so they could "keep track" of whether or not the same person was constantly causing trouble. The customer is NOT always right!
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
Bullshit. I'm betting that, at most, the employee got short with her for being an unreasonable, pushy bitch, and she blew the interaction out of proportion, tacking on the retard detail to ilicit sympathy and self-righeous anger from the braindead cunt brigade.
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 10, 2013
I figured that she was full of shit, but the thing that really busted my balls was the fact that she was ordering food in a BLIZZARD. Who does that? It's bad enough that the pizza place was OPEN in horrid weather, but WHO calls to get food delivered?

Someone needs to teach this bitch how to make chicken cutlets or an omlette.
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 11, 2013
I think moo is full of shit. I also think she's incredibly hypocritical. She isn't willing to go out in the snow but she expects others to bend over backwards and kiss her ass. If restaurant staff did mouth off, I did say IF, she probably pushed some teenage kid way too far and said teenage kid got frustrated. I probably would have said something nasty to her and that's why I don't work in food service anymore.
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 11, 2013
About much of the story, the moo is clearly lying through her teeth and dramatized the business about her Tardley for brownie points with other moos. In this era no business would dare say such a thing as she claimed was said about her sprog.

That said, if the order was wrong or defective, the restaurant should have made it right. I dunno if I buy either story here. The truth is likely to be somewhere in between. The questions remain: (1) why was the restaurant still open during a snowstorm, and (2) why was moo expecting someone (maybe another pahrunt with kyds, horrors!) to risk life and limb to deliver the original order in the first place in such conditions? So much for moos being empathetic, eh?
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 11, 2013
Full of shit covering up her own bad behavoir: "After she was constantly swearing at all the workers we eventually voided her whole credit card and gave her money back."

So bitch was cursing out the workers over the wrong peppers. SHe cursed them out when told it would be a longer wait for them to bring out a correct order. She continues cursing them out, but then claims someone called her kid a retard t hide her own potty mouthed temper tantrum.

Sounds more like it. Or someone did say retard and lazy after being cursed out by someone sounding like a drunken sailor whose alcohol had been cut off at the bar.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 11, 2013
This woman is a total idiot. If the pizza was undercooked, she could have simply put it in the oven. Sweet peppers instead of sports peppers (whatever they are)? Geez, just pick them off. I have no doubt this woman totally lied about what the restaurant said.


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 11, 2013
"This Capsicum annum type of pepper is popular for its use as a pickled pepper to go on hot dogs and other sandwiches. It is especially well known as an essential condiment in a Chicago-style hot dog. Peppers resemble Tabasco peppers, but the Sport pepper is larger, about 1-1/2 inches long and 1/2 inch wide. They are medium-hot and produced in great abundance on sturdy plants. 75 days."

I had to look it is a Chicago thing. So she got sweet instead of hot. A dash of Tabasco and a complaint would have been sufficient.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Do you think this woman is lying?
February 11, 2013
Drama queen bitch. Like all moos!

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