Apparently, there had been a sligh increase in maternal mortality/morbidity in the US. The overall maternal mortality rate rose from 10.4-14.5/100,000. Which is HUGE.

The reason is that mooh-brained cows don't understand common sense even if it is spelled to them real slowly. Many of these women who are experiencing maternal mortality/morbidity complications in 2014 would have been counselled against having children because of diabetes, heart problems, etc back in the 1960s/70s when for a OB to tell a woman with a cardiac problem "Perhaps you shouldn't breed" was not cause for a lawsuit fo discrimination.

Also, women are older and sicker when they breed, and of course that is considered baaaad because having an actual job before sluicing and being able to avoid poverty is so retro.

For me, if you are diabethic, have Cystic Fibrosis or are cardiopathic and die for childbirth... it is like dying when you drive drunk. You know it could have happen.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
The loaves that result from such situations are often resented by the remaining parent, as they are seen as the cause of the moo's death. In fact, it was moo's poor choice that resulted in her own death, the loaf didn't ask to be born.

I have a friend who was counselled against getting pregnant unless she lost a significant amount of weight, as she has high BP, Type 2 diabetes, and there is also a high risk of a baby becoming obese and having health problems later on if they have an obese moo. She went ahead and got pregnant anyway, and then made a complaint about a midwife who made comments about her weight and her diet and how she was putting the baby at risk.

She has now improved the way she eats at least, but still, the lack of personal responsibility is staggering, not to mention the irresponsibility in having a child and putting it at risk of health issues.
Had a cousin who was advised not to breed because of a kidney condition. did she listen? NO! She met a churchy guy who wanted (no kidding) 10 childrun. she was willing to comply with his wishes. First one was fine, second still born... and then... she got kidney cancer... and she died at 36. Okay.. maybe she would have gotten it anyway.. but childbearing does take a toll on kidneys.. and hers were not good to start with... and she already had 'abnormal' pap tests. So... Yeah.. you have that and then try to breed 10 kids for some stupid .... Oh it makes me mad every time I think about it. this couslin was like my sister.
Yeah, ain't it just grand when life imitates a bad movie? And if the moos are real lucky, they can all have their very own real life Steel Magnolias scene and they die for the loaf.

Shrieking babbies are the most effective birth control on earth.
What I don't get is if you really love loaves wouldn't you want to be around to see it walk much less grow up? :bdid
Yeah. it was all a steel magnolia scene with my cousin. Her mother sat there and talked to her when she was near death. Her son was 4 at the time and grandmoo had to take care of him. With the hubby and the elders of the church.. it was more of a steel magnolias meets Fundy Blossoms for Jeabus. It was such drama.
What I don't get is if you really love loaves wouldn't you want to be around to see it walk much less grow up? :bdid

And throw away the self-gratification and sanctification after death? Everyone knows what's important is birthing it! The child will be thankful forever and look up to martyr moo. "She sacrificed herself so you can be born! Totally unselfish!"

I swear it's like death makes humans want to breed so they can "leave something behind to be remembered". Really? That's what we're supposed to think when someone says we'll die soon. Well, I must be damaged. I only want a painless fast death.

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.

Yeah, ain't it just grand when life imitates a bad movie? And if the moos are real lucky, they can all have their very own real life Steel Magnolias scene and they die for the loaf.

When I watched Stale Magnolias I was but a wee sprog/teenager myself and I remember thinking, "What an idiot martyr Moo with a selfish husband to boot. Dying to squirt out a loaf? A year after she's gone, her husband will be saying "Shelby Who?"

I always wondered why there was no mention of her husband in the press. Only Robert Harling, her brother, who wrote the play, is mentioned.

Viola, IMDB trivia to the rescue!


Robert Harling, living and working in New York City, (was) not only distraught over his sister's death, he was also upset with his brother in-law, who remarried within six months of his sister's demise.

Why am I not surprised? There are also sources on the web who say her husband pressured her to have a kid, even when her health was bad. He probably had her replacement lined up while she was still alive.
Yeah. it was all a steel magnolia scene with my cousin. Her mother sat there and talked to her when she was near death. Her son was 4 at the time and grandmoo had to take care of him. With the hubby and the elders of the church.. it was more of a steel magnolias meets Fundy Blossoms for Jeabus. It was such drama.

Dear heart, this is sickening. Beyond disgusting.

I bet he remarried before a year, too.

Some women should not whelp, period. It ain't like there is a shortage of people around.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Yeah. it was all a steel magnolia scene with my cousin. Her mother sat there and talked to her when she was near death. Her son was 4 at the time and grandmoo had to take care of him. With the hubby and the elders of the church.. it was more of a steel magnolias meets Fundy Blossoms for Jeabus. It was such drama.

Oh man. I feel sorry for women who are so brainwashed that they think that dying for the sake of shitting a loaf is the best thing they can do with their lives. I feel even sorrier for the resulting kids.

I was reminded of this post today, because my dad has been put on oral chemotherapy by his consultant. His wife is away, so I went to the appointment. He had to sign before receiving the tablets that he agreed not to have unprotected sex or father a child during his treatment, otherwise treatment may be stopped. Most chemo drugs will cause defecto loaves if they are conceived whilst on chemo or if a woman begins chemo whilst pregnant. The NHS obviously wants to avoid people being given life saving treatment, costing thousands, and then costing hundreds of thousands more having a complicated pregnancy and a severely defective child which would need intensive and expensive care. I was pretty impressed with the consultant's no nonsense approach, and my dad agreed, said he wasn't looking to have more children at his age and in his state of health.

I've posted about stepmoo before who doesn't believe in anything other than "natcheral" contraception ie ovulation tracking or whatever that is. She has gone ballistic at my dad signing this form and starting the treatment without her having been there, and told me she thought I should have told him to wait before signing up until she'd had a say. I said why, do you want to stop your husband getting cancer treatment just in case you feel like having another baby? She claims she's allergic to all forms of contracteption :BS and this is going to severely affect their "marital life" and that whilst she's not looking to get pregnant, she isn't actively preventing it either, and that's what she believes in. I said, well if you want your husband around for a few more years, you better find a way to work on that. She says she needs "time to get her head around ruling out any more children". They already have 2, and the last one was autistic. I wouldn't want to play that lottery again.

I hope to dear God above that she doesn't try and change his mind about the chemo and try and get him on to some bullshit natural treatment or something to try and preserve his sperm.
I met a woman through a friend, who was single and diagnosed with breast cancer.

She was told by medical personnel that her cancer was very treatable and that her prognosis was good, * if she got immediate and uninterrupted treatment.*
She decided to stop the cancer treatment to squirt out a kid (she was not already pregnant).
The breast cancer got a lot worse and she is likely long dead by now.
She had no close family and that small kid is likely an orphan in the foster care system now.

Yeah, ain't it just grand when life imitates a bad movie? And if the moos are real lucky, they can all have their very own real life Steel Magnolias scene and they die for the loaf.

When I watched Stale Magnolias I was but a wee sprog/teenager myself and I remember thinking, "What an idiot martyr Moo with a selfish husband to boot. Dying to squirt out a loaf? A year after she's gone, her husband will be saying "Shelby Who?"

I always wondered why there was no mention of her husband in the press. Only Robert Harling, her brother, who wrote the play, is mentioned.

Viola, IMDB trivia to the rescue!


Robert Harling, living and working in New York City, (was) not only distraught over his sister's death, he was also upset with his brother in-law, who remarried within six months of his sister's demise.

Why am I not surprised? There are also sources on the web who say her husband pressured her to have a kid, even when her health was bad. He probably had her replacement lined up while she was still alive.

I am not surprised at all either. Any man that wants a fuck trophy more than his wife's life is an A1 dickhead. She should never have caved in like that.

She was sick so I am sure asshole husband was stepping out her long before she died. Disgusting.

Shrieking babbies are the most effective birth control on earth.

Yeah, ain't it just grand when life imitates a bad movie? And if the moos are real lucky, they can all have their very own real life Steel Magnolias scene and they die for the loaf.

When I watched Stale Magnolias I was but a wee sprog/teenager myself and I remember thinking, "What an idiot martyr Moo with a selfish husband to boot. Dying to squirt out a loaf? A year after she's gone, her husband will be saying "Shelby Who?"

I always wondered why there was no mention of her husband in the press. Only Robert Harling, her brother, who wrote the play, is mentioned.

Viola, IMDB trivia to the rescue!


Robert Harling, living and working in New York City, (was) not only distraught over his sister's death, he was also upset with his brother in-law, who remarried within six months of his sister's demise.

Why am I not surprised? There are also sources on the web who say her husband pressured her to have a kid, even when her health was bad. He probably had her replacement lined up while she was still alive.

Again, this might be too much Investigation Discovery talking, but this could have been a nefarious plan to get rid of his country bumpkin wife in order to marry his sidepiece.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
I wish we had those sort of rules in the US. However, I'm not sure why your Dad isn't taking responsibility for preventing a pregnancy since stepmoo won't. Your stepmoo is a huge idiot, but your father needs to make sure he doesn't knock her up. He is the one who signed the agreement so I believe ultimately he needs to be responsible for sticking to it.
My dad died when I was 2, and that makes for a pretty stressful childhood. Why on earth anyone would VOLUNTEER to embrace a high risk that a kid will grow up without a parent - or an adult partner without the one they love in this life- is unfathomable to me.
I just despise people who are so selfish. They don't even think about the impact watching them die, or growing up without them, might have on the child. It's all about them and their greed. Breeders "care about children" my ass. If they cared, they would want to be around to actually raise them, not simply to squeeze them out into an orphanage or a wrecked single parent home.

I'm watching my dad die right now, and I'm 24 years old. It's still too damn young even now. He's only 62, but at least he can honestly say he got blindsided. He was perfectly healthy when I was born, and remained so up until recently.

I can't imagine going through this when I was 14, or 4, if he had some kind of chronic health condition. Do these people have any fucking idea how hard it is? How much it can fuck a kid up? I'm a grown-up and it's still fucking awful. I can't imagine if I was too young to understand what death is, or that it isn't my fault.
I just despise people who are so selfish. They don't even think about the impact watching them die, or growing up without them, might have on the child. It's all about them and their greed. Breeders "care about children" my ass. If they cared, they would want to be around to actually raise them, not simply to squeeze them out into an orphanage or a wrecked single parent home.

I'm watching my dad die right now, and I'm 24 years old. It's still too damn young even now. He's only 62, but at least he can honestly say he got blindsided. He was perfectly healthy when I was born, and remained so up until recently.

I can't imagine going through this when I was 14, or 4, if he had some kind of chronic health condition. Do these people have any fucking idea how hard it is? How much it can fuck a kid up? I'm a grown-up and it's still fucking awful. I can't imagine if I was too young to understand what death is, or that it isn't my fault.

I grieve with thee, Lilin.

Yes, it is awful. Yummynotmummy, what your step-mother is doing to your father is beyond contemtible. It is horrid. Disgusting. She is not playing with her own life, but with your father's. How can he forgive such a thing?


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Lilin, I am sorry you are facing this. Good thoughts are coming your way.
Lillin, sending thoughts and strength to you at such a tough time. It is awful watching a parent be so ill like that.

Evilchildlessbitch, agree 100% that my dad needs to take responsibility for ensuring pregnancy doesn't happen. He mentioned looking into the snip if he had to go on chemo a while ago, so I hope he follows through with that to be honest, safest way.
Lilin, I send good thoughts and prayers to you as well. It's very awful to watch someone you love passing away.

Yummynotmummy, I with evilchildlessbitch as well. You stepmoo is being completely insane.

As with the topic, I too find it very selfish that people who have fucked up diseases and disorders want to have their own mini mes, even if it kills them.
Thank you guys. Trying my best.
I used to work with a girl who had a 'reconstructed' / 'fixed' cleft palate. She looked OK, Docs fixed that. But both the kids she shat had it too -
The daughter had it worse. I can't quite remember but *I think* the first kid she had (boy) - didn't have it. The next one (the girl) - DID, and she was warned about it, I do remember her talking about this while pigged up with that one.

That's 'fixable' - in many cases, but from what I have seen here and there - it isn't always fixable and can include *serious issues* - not just cosmetic.

And this Cow *knew this* - I may have even heard the above *from her* and not 'read it somewhere' - I don't really remember. But it IS pretty serious and one should probably think long and hard before they gamble.

But - she wanted A GIRL! Since she already had a Boy. Had to have that girl. And - YES - the child was born with a cleft palate. But, it was 'mild' enough to be fixed. Like her, the Mother.

She gambled and *got lucky*. This is not always the case.

And this woman, herself - while she looked mostly OK - you could see that her face had been reconstructed / operation scars, and she had very weird teeth - they were all like 'fangs' - mouth full of pointy, vampire teeth.

The nicest person you'd ever care to meet. Beautiful person. Wonderful, very caring person. But still - I wondered - why would you put a child through what you went through? All that surgery. And you *know this* - that it is a possibility. And sure enough the girl - had the same issues / was born the same way.

Yes, they had her 'fixed'. I paid for that, via the company insurance pool.

She had to have her girl. I didn't begrudge because she was such a nice person and did want those kids, and did take care of them. But on the other side of the coin - she *knew* the risks - and did it anyway. Also knowing that our insurance would pick up the tab.

I might've liked to get a face lift or new boobs or even a tattoo or a session at a tan spa - would the insurance cover that? HELL NO.

All of this, any of it, is so unfair to us!

And they'll tell you - "Life Isn't Fair". But - that has to do with circumstance - NOT things we CAN control!!!

I controlled myself - I did not do stupid things - and what do I get for it?

All these others get what they want - including complex $$$ fixes for their Defecto Loaves ~

Me? Us? Responsible people who *think* and *plan*? Yeah - what about US???
I worked with someone who had a cleft palate and she had a lot of surgery as a child, not to mention the consciousness about her appearance growing up.

I really wish these people with genetic and inheritable diseases would adopt, if they are so desperate for children.
Lilin-I am so sorry about your Dad. That must be horrible. My parents are around his age and I am lucky they are both very health, and I feel so lucky for this now.

Yummynotmummy-Awesome for your dad! It really is the only way he can take charge on this issue.
Lilin. I am sorry about your father.friendly hug I hope he does not suffer needlessly.friendly hug
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