I agree with bunny and Mo6B. When a person signs the paperwork to live in an apartment, they know that they have to abide by certain conventions. One of those is not being loud at all hours of the day and night. Period. Seeing as how Bunny is entitled to a peaceful living space that she must PAY for, it is not beyond the realm of decency to ask for the hellions to choke on a bag of dicks.

What I don't understand is why breeders pay money to live in an apartment when they obviously can't keep the unwritten rules of living in an apartment. It is their responsibility to be respectful, so they need to either do it or kick rocks. My response and verdict? LIQUID ASS THEM!
it is not beyond the realm of decency to ask for the hellions to choke on a bag of dicks.

Tired from work and feeling kind of loopy. The image that came immediately to mind has me rolling waving hellolarious

What I don't understand is why breeders pay money to live in an apartment when they obviously can't keep the unwritten rules of living in an apartment. It is their responsibility to be respectful, so they need to either do it or kick rocks. My response and verdict? LIQUID ASS THEM!

Unfortunately, the close living of most communities means that others would be affected by your mischief, but I am boggled by the entitled attitude of some apartment dwellers. You can't act like you have the right to do as you like with other folks living cheek by jowl, you just can't. it's not decent.

I live in an apartment part-time for my job. I have gotten compliments from my next door neighbors, who noted "wow. I thought that apartment was empty. I never hear anything." Yeah, well, I have headphones for music and tv, do my laundry and housecleaning on the days I'm off in the early afternoon, hold my front door as it closes to keep it from slamming ....

If these parents are home, and able to see that their hellions are running and shrieking, take the little fuckers out to the park, or for a walk - something to burn off the energy. Kids that young do need to burn off fumes, I can remember bouncing off the walls when I was a sprout, so the parents are impelled to find someplace for their brats to do it. It's not even healthy to keep the varmints cooped up.
the noodler
Crafty - you're in Cali? Can't you get something? Esp. if you are sick - can't you get it? The oils and things to make your brownies? I thought it was legal there? I know though - that with all the bureaucracy - it is still very difficult.

I live in Arizona. Medicinal pot is not legal here so I am strictly on my doctor's largess of narcotic tablets for pain. Pot can put you in jail for longer than assault and rape here.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
keeper of traken
The only problem with the loop of the mosquito frequency is that moo might cause trouble and accuse you of child abuse. smile rolling left righteyes2

How? It can't be heard by adults. Only her brats could hear it and they most likely could not identify where it's coming from. All they would know is that every time they start screaming the pain noise starts. These kids are pretty stupid. The best they'd manage to communicate is that a bad noise (the moo can't hear) hurts their head when they start screaming.

Sorry to be a party pooper, but some people well into adulthood can hear those damn high pitched things. I am one of them. I would be all over a neighbor using one of those.

Yes, there are other ways to be obnoxious to the offenders, such as the bagpipes! Those bagpipes are boss, and they would piss off Bratly's mom when it is needing nappypoo!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Knock on the door and tell her they are disturbing you EVERY SINGLE TIME. It may just be apartment living isn't for you. There is always going be some noise. My other recommendation is a one story duplex or fourplex. I lived in apartments for over 10 years so I understand. On the other hand, there were times I had to do laundry and clean house at 4 AM because of my work schedule. Maybe asked to be moved to another unit? I don't mean to be discouraging but even in my house my husband can hear me walking upstairs. Maybe move out to the country where rental homes are cheaper?

I have moved to a single detached house in a subdivision in a small rural village.

The children scream like they are being gutted alive for hours while bouncing on trampolines, playing street hockey and riding bikes.

I live next to what I think is a drug rehab place and they play basketball from morning to sunset. They are young adults but they sound like nine year olds at recess, except for many four letter words. I've gotten used to them, and can sleep through basically a train passing by.

I have reported neighbor fights on occasion when I heard (and saw things) such as a person punching another leaving blood in the complex.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
I agree with bunny and Mo6B. When a person signs the paperwork to live in an apartment, they know that they have to abide by certain conventions. One of those is not being loud at all hours of the day and night. Period. Seeing as how Bunny is entitled to a peaceful living space that she must PAY for, it is not beyond the realm of decency to ask for the hellions to choke on a bag of dicks.

What I don't understand is why breeders pay money to live in an apartment when they obviously can't keep the unwritten rules of living in an apartment. It is their responsibility to be respectful, so they need to either do it or kick rocks. My response and verdict? LIQUID ASS THEM!

Agreed that CF are expected to put up and shut up! However, a little passive aggression never hurts anyone and will drive madame breeder up the wall that you share! Perhaps you might mention rats when Breeder is within earshot, "Oh my, I thought I saw a rat scampering by the complex near our apartments," or maybe "Peter Pedo had to register the other day for groping up little Suzie," and watch the ears perk up. When Breederson inquires, "Um, I donno where he lives, but he always has candy Mrs. Breederson..."


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Whatever happened to yelling, "Stop screaming or I'll give you something to scream about!"?
Seeing as how Bunny is entitled to a peaceful living space that she must PAY for, it is not beyond the realm of decency to ask for the hellions to choke on a bag of dicks.

I love this quote. Absolutely love it.

I live next to what I think is a drug rehab place and they play basketball from morning to sunset.

UUUUuuuuugh. Basketballs. I LOATHE basketballs, 10 years ago, to get better at airbrush tattooing I did a stent at a 6-flags tattoo kiosk. They had games where brats could win mini-basketballs. They would then walk around bashing them into the ground. ALL. DAY. That echoing, smacking sound over and over and over. TINK TINK TINK! That alone was enough to make me want to slash every basketball on the planet, but couple it with playground noise and I'd want to climb to a clock tower with a sniper rifle. (I happily lack the skill or drive to aquire either the rifle or the skill to use it, though it would give me great pleasure to be able to puncture/ruin basketballs and (at this complex) footie/soccer balls from a distance without being caught. Oh, for the power to violently and permanently deflate things with my mind.) This is probably another reason the brats at this complex who keep bashing their damn footie balls against my apartment to scare the birds makes me want to see them die in a fire... slowly.
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