Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 09, 2015
Let's see, how much sympathy do I want to extend to this bint. I'll check my meter

Nope, too bad, I'm tapped out.

So you're living with your in-laws, one of whom (mother-in-law) is a drunk - a mean drunk, it sounds like - because you can't afford other lodgings right now.

You have a 16-month-old and you're pregnant again?

Mean drunk MIL starts shit and you make your husband leave his job (yeahhh, that probably makes for good job security) to rescue you.

Cow, you and your husband don't have very good decision-making skills, do you?
Apparently she doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. Who even thinks about getting pregnant a second time when they're already in dire straits?
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 09, 2015
Apparently she doesn't have two brain cells to rub together. Who even thinks about getting pregnant a second time when they're already in dire straits?

Or the first time?


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 10, 2015
back before this sort of crap became the daily news, I liked to believe that after the woman had the first kid, and hadn't taken the pill for those 9 months (this is back when I also believed pretty much every woman and her dog was on the BC pill), that even if she had begun to start back onto the pill, she might slip up or forget to take it by sincere accident since it had been so long, and she was going through so much with new offspring in the house making routine a nightmare.

I liked to believe that this genuine slip up, resulted in the accidental second baby during poor circumstances, rather the family's that plan to have their second child as close to the first ones age as possible.

how ever, im a bit older and a shitload wiser about this load of crap perspective, all I can say now is, its such a shame people like this bring unwanted children into the world, and into family's who cannot possibly look after them when they cant even look after themselves
Seriously, although the term "regulation" generally makes me squirmy, something like it has to happen in regards to breeding.

There are just way, way, WAY too many stupid people in fucked-up situations cranking out kyds out there.
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 10, 2015
My stoopid nephew and his other half are about to join this club of the breederpoor. They are barely scraping up enough each month for mortgage. They are behind on BOTH car payments (and why they got a new car for her when hers was perfectly okay I don't know) He works in a warehouse and she works two low paying jobs. She also has LOTS of bipolar running in her fambly. I mean... her father has it, her mother has it and BOTH brothers. She was dxd with clinical depression just a couple years ago but went off her meds. Then she got gastric bypas.. lost 125lbs and has gained back almost half of that. NOW she is 'talking the nephew into' breeding. She talked him into a marriage he wasn't ready for and forced him to buy her a ring for something like $3000 that they are going to be making payments on for a while... and now.. after being married less than a year she has convinced him that it is time for a baybeeee. He does not know how to say no to this beotch. (can you tell that I don't like her?) She has the baybee rabies and ain't nuthin' gonna cure it but to pop a few... even though they may be defectos and they couldn't even afford it even if it and the moo had no health problem at all.
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 11, 2015
@ starlady: OMG, that's sound like a recipe for desaster!
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
My stoopid nephew and his other half are about to join this club of the breederpoor. They are barely scraping up enough each month for mortgage. They are behind on BOTH car payments (and why they got a new car for her when hers was perfectly okay I don't know) He works in a warehouse and she works two low paying jobs. She also has LOTS of bipolar running in her fambly. I mean... her father has it, her mother has it and BOTH brothers. She was dxd with clinical depression just a couple years ago but went off her meds. Then she got gastric bypas.. lost 125lbs and has gained back almost half of that. NOW she is 'talking the nephew into' breeding. She talked him into a marriage he wasn't ready for and forced him to buy her a ring for something like $3000 that they are going to be making payments on for a while... and now.. after being married less than a year she has convinced him that it is time for a baybeeee. He does not know how to say no to this beotch. (can you tell that I don't like her?) She has the baybee rabies and ain't nuthin' gonna cure it but to pop a few... even though they may be defectos and they couldn't even afford it even if it and the moo had no health problem at all.

And I read just the other day that there is a connection between bipolar and autisim. My nephew IS on the Autard scale (well, that explaines a lot) He didn't speak anything other than 'DAH' till he was almost 5. OMG... that chyld (hopefully they can't have one...but these kind always manage to be firtle myrtles) is skrewwed.
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
ack... meant to quote mrs chinaski and quoted myself.... Oh well ... sorry 'bout that.
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
We currently are staying with dh's parents till we can save enough money to get our own place
My mil is a boundary stepper. Yes me and dh have talked to her but it does no good. 1}"Saving money" to secure one's own residence needs to be done BEFORE one gets married and/or shits a loaf. 2)Shacking up with the inlaws and mooching off family is a "boundary stepper" trait if there ever was one. and 3)What does she mean she "talked to..." the moo in law, about what, I wonder? The only words that need to emerge from her pie hole are when they are going to move

This morning she wanted to give dd (16 months) some jelly jam shit she hasn't tried. I said no ( I try to limit sweets and have me and dd eat as healthy as possible) but she gave it to her anyways. Shortly after dd breaks out around her mouth (allergic reaction) but mil keeps saying 'its from her drooling' umm she's not jackass! 'Its from her cup being on the sink' for two min before I wash it?? She leaves hers there for hours days sometimes and doesn't have a rash.
I never said anything back bc I don't like arguing when I know what caused it. No matter what I say I'm wrong so I don't bother. None of that text speak shit even makes any sense

I take dd to our room with me and shut the door. She comes in bitching. My nerves can't handle it while I'm trying to take care of dd and I call dh crying telling him he has to come back (he was at work) and while I'm on the phone she walks out. Dh says he will come back to the house. Few min later she comes back in talking about we need to find somewhere to go. We can't stay here anymore etc. Saying if dh says even one word to her she will call the cops. That makes perfect sense to call dh to leave work for some low life bullshit. Why do rednecks always threaten to call the law if they don't get their way?

We NEVER EVEN WANTED TO BE HERE! I am quite certain your presence wasn't EVEN WANTED EITHER, stupid cunt.

I called dh after she left again and he said he's turning everything off at work and heading home in two min. I told him if she doesn't stop harrasing me she won't see dd or dd2 after we leave. And that she will be lucky to again at this point. That I won't raise our children around a drunk. Dh just agreed with me and said he's leaving, that he will get here as soon as he can. SO typical. Moos always threaten husbands, baby daddys, inlaws, etc...with never seeing the loaf again if their demands aren't met. I haven't met a cow yet who hasn't used her kid as a pawn to some degree at some point

I can hear her yelling at fil right now but can't tell what she is saying. I'd imagine she's telling him to kick your fat ass to the curb

I hate this :_( I can't stop crying and I can't handle this stress.. :_( I hate my mil >sad smiley Fucking move out AND PAY YOUR OWN WAY! These new generation cows and baby daddys seem to believe they are entitled to a free ride well into their 40's

So much bullshit, so little time.:BS

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
@ starlady: I googled it and it gets even "better". It looks like there is an genetic overlap between autism, bipolar disorder and SCHIZOPHRENIA!
There is strong evidence that genetic factors make substantial contributions to the etiology of autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, with heritability estimates being at least 80% for each.

OK, schizophrenia is not in the mix, but 80% for bd and autism is a pretty good chance...
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
@ kiddleskim: I pretty much agree with your "analysis".

Moo lives in MIL's house. She only takes care of HER family
and doesn't help the in-laws and then she thinks she can
set up the rules and blackmail them if they don't comply :-(
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
mrs. chinaski
@ starlady: I googled it and it gets even "better". It looks like there is an genetic overlap between autism, bipolar disorder and SCHIZOPHRENIA!
There is strong evidence that genetic factors make substantial contributions to the etiology of autism, schizophrenia and bipolar disorders, with heritability estimates being at least 80% for each.

OK, schizophrenia is not in the mix, but 80% for bd and autism is a pretty good chance...

Yep! I got the whole goddamned bag!

One thing though; I'm not breeding!


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
@ craftyzits: How is that possible?
I "know" you and you seem pretty normal to me.

I was always thinking that a person with such conditions
could not function normally. Such a person would be
under heavy medication and institutionalized ????
Not writing completely sane, reasonable, coherent posts on a forum..
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
Dh mentioned all this info on the bipolar and stuff to the nephew and his answer was "We're not worried. It can be treated"
WTF? Why would you want to RISK even having to treat it...especially when you have ONE FOOT IN THE POOR HOUSE????!!!!
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
mrs. chinaski
@ craftyzits: How is that possible?
I "know" you and you seem pretty normal to me.

I was always thinking that a person with such conditions
could not function normally. Such a person would be
under heavy medication and institutionalized ????
Not writing completely sane, reasonable, coherent posts on a forum..

I am not entirely 'functional' as I am on Social Security Disability due to the fact I cannot hold a job thanks to my physical and mental health. I am on heavy medication as well.

As for passing as normal, and writing completely sane, reasonable, coherent posts on a forum, I thank my incredible mother who knew instinctively, as she was not trained, how to guide me to where I am today.

Back when I was as a child, I did not speak until very much later than my peers, not sounding half normal at age nine. I jumped forward fast, graduating high school, (I had the credits to graduate early but stayed in high school to march at graduation on the Principle's List). I went to college on scholarship (low income) and obtained my AA in journalism. Sadly my physical and mental health suffered a minor breakdown and I had to drop out after I got the AA. I went no further in education.

My abilities now emerged about 10 years ago. I still however have severe sensory issues and other problems.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
The nephew didn't speak more than one or two word phrases till he was almost 5... and only his mother could really understand him till he was nearly 8. Through his teen years he would talk real fast and slur a lot. Even in his late 20's I still could not understand some of the things he said and, in his 30's now, he still needs to be told (reminded) to slow down and say words slowly. Can't hold a job because of his entitlement attitude which he got from a mother who told him over and over and over that 'he was perfect and could do no wrong'.
Yep.. whatever kyds come out of that mess.... I feel sorry for 'em.
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 12, 2015
Dh mentioned all this info on the bipolar and stuff to the nephew and his answer was "We're not worried. It can be treated"

:::shakes head:::: That mentality

Those disorders can be treated, but it takes the cooperation of the one who suffers - which doesn't always happen!

Shiiiit There's all sorts of whacky crappy mental stuff that has swirled in my family's gene pool. My sister's youngest daughter was initially diagnosed as autistic, but Sister continued to press for further analysis. What was finally decided was ooooh so better (said sarcastically). Niece is now classed as bipolar with a low IQ. Yeah, that makes for a promising future. Sister is in her 40s and in rapidly declining health (more bad genes shit). Will she make it to her 60s? Not likely. Niece will be in her 30s, dramatically defective, with siblings who so far are a crapshoot as to whether or not they'll take over their little sister's care (not that they should be obliged to). Niece certainly doesn't have the brains to manage it. And no one knows if, as she matures and becomes more aware of how limited her life is, she'll have a very malleable nature.

Both my older sister and I blew our stacks when we heard Little Sister was happily pregnant with her 5th kid. I won't say it to her face; Little Sister now lives with a lot of physical pain; but my thoughts are "told ya so." We kept telling her she was taking too many chances, given our messed up gene pool, but Sister loved being a mom when she was healthy, couldn't get enough of the maternal feelings. This last kid was just one too many.
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 13, 2015
@ starlady:
"It can be treated!" Yep, that sounds like a plan..NOT.
IMHO they should skip having children and concentrate
on their financial situation - pay off all debts etc.
but we know that that's not gonna happen.

I feel it's not only about money, it's also about the quality of life.
What kind of quality of life will you have when you have to deal
with such a child on a daily basis?

And more importantly - what quality of life will the child have?
The child didn't ask anyone to be here...
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 13, 2015
Dh mentioned all this info on the bipolar and stuff to the nephew and his answer was "We're not worried. It can be treated"

:::shakes head:::: That mentality

Those disorders can be treated, but it takes the cooperation of the one who suffers - which doesn't always happen!

And the reality is that sometimes, they flat out can't be treated. Or the treatments become ineffective quite rapidly, which is especially a problem with schizophrenia (at least, the people in my family have that problem, and when I was going to a MI support group, it was a common problem there too). Medication resistant mental illness FTW angry flipping off I have medication resistant severe depression (along with chronic suicide ideation, which most shrinks have no idea what to do with), multiple extended family members have schizophrenia (or are schizo-affective) with various results at medicating it, and even more family members are bipolar, with varying successes at medication. And that's the ones that actively TRY to get and maintain the help and treatment. The ones that don't? Dear god...

What I suffer through every god-fucking-awful day is one of the biggest reasons I will never, ever sprog. I don't even wish what I go through on the person who told me "I wish you had committed suicide" - someone I thought was a best friend long ago. What she said rang in my head for YEARS every morning and every night; I loathe, despise, and hate her guts and I smiled at the karma when I heard she sluiced a low-functioning autard, and yet I still wouldn't wish what I deal with on her. How could anyone possibly claim to love someone, and then intentionally inflict that on them, even as a possibility? It's the utmost in cruelty in my opinion.

And I think having a moo/duh with a MI is nearly as cruel, especially if it isn't under control. I don't give a flying fucking rat's ass if people start screaming "eugenics" at me, it will always be my belief that people with severe MIs, especially medication resistant ones, need to be sterilized before any sluicing/knocking up happens. (And can I be first in line, please?)

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." - Oscar Wilde
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 13, 2015
@ craftyzits: The reason I asked directly, maybe too directly ??? :-(,
is that I don't understand how it is possible that some people
can function normally and other people diagnosed with the same
condition (!) are not able to do so.
I have a distant relative who has bipolar disorder. He ended up in an institution.
He will never leave that place.
A college friend had mother who suffered from schizophrenia. She had to be
institutionalized as well.
On the other hand, there is f. e. Catherine Zeta Jones who is bipolar or C.G. Jung who had schizophrenia.
Where is the line between functionality and non-functionality?

I am sorry if I offended you that was definitely not my intention.
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 13, 2015
I have a cousin with schizophrenia. He takes his meds and helps his elderly parents. He does not have a job, yet is well integrated into society and is not a threat. My aunt, his mother had three sons, and they are like big brothers to me. She would come get me in the summer to spend weeks with her family. Very loving, they all were, and brought a sense of normal familial interaction that was absent at home.:emoheart He is the only relative with schizophrenia, so I do not have much experience about this condition. There are others on this side of the tree with mental illnesses, one who is completely retarded. She went on to breed, and her three spawns are addicted to drugs and general f*ck-ups. She friended me on FB, and LOL'ed when my cat died. :crz Playing the genetic roulette = bad idea.
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 13, 2015
Oh... I have a FB friend (only have a few) who has a depressive condition. He was all upset yesterday about a tornado watch in Ohio and wanted everyone to pray... and then the earthquakes... wanted us to pray... I just mentioned that we can't pray for every individual thing and that we just "get up in the morning... look to the sky and say "bless this mess" and that should pretty much cover it. I was trying to be positive. Also added that I deal with tragedy through charity (in the organization I belong to) He ripped me a new one this morning (kinda) by saying that I did not acknowledge his feelings. WHAT?? Okay.. maybe straying off subject but.. he IS being treated for depression so.. is probably too sensitive.
Think my point here is.... MI's are difficult to deal with on a daily basis. I had PTSD at one time but it was not that serious and I got through it with only counseling. But with the more serious issues there are times when the meds need to be upped or downed or rearranged and people go into different levels of their condition while this is going on. I can not imagine bringing a kyd into this world knowing the genes in my fambly on both sides were prone to mental dissorders. That, to me, is a form of chyld abuse. That chyld will be dealing with this all of his/her life. Why subject someone to that when it is preventable?
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 13, 2015
Seriously, although the term "regulation" generally makes me squirmy, something like it has to happen in regards to breeding.

There are just way, way, WAY too many stupid people in fucked-up situations cranking out kyds out there.

Isn't that the truth. This is just unsustainable, so many people are non-functional and breeding like rats. They can't support themselves. And there are ever more tards being born.

I went to this little restaurant/ice cream place that was recently renovated. I worked there years ago and it was a cool little place. So I go in the new version of it and the entire place looked like a toadler's play room. The menu was dumbed down and it was full of trashy moos and duhs with out of control kyds. I was thinking this is the new normal and it really made me sad. I asked my SO, what does this look like and he said "Idiocracy". Nearly everyone there looked like there was something wrong with them. The food was awful too.

We are molding society to them - stupid irresponsible breeders, tards and their handlers, and there is no stigma to being stupid and doing stupid things or being an entitled sloth. If you criticize any of this you are called a hater. It is unsustainable. Makes me feel like a conspiracy theorist because it seems like having a dumb society works well for those in power.
Re: Yeah, well, you bred your way into this mess
May 13, 2015
""Makes me feel like a conspiracy theorist because it seems like having a dumb society works well for those power.""

Thank you Just what I have been thinking for a while now.
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