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Be a real man by donating sperm

Posted by yurble 
Be a real man by donating sperm
September 01, 2015
The UK has a shortage of sperm donors so they are a planning a campaign aimed at attracting Og types. Has anyone considered the side effects? This will make people look down on childfree men further, and cause self-esteem issues for infertile men who have internalized this bullshit. All to prop up the fertility industry. Just more evidence that the effect of their 'product' on mental health is irrelevant.

Meanwhile they don't plan to address the reason donations have dropped, which is the law that those fap-products can come knocking on the door in 18 years, which has got to be a deterrent for any man with a functioning brain who hopes to find a female partner...since it's pretty much common knowledge that neither childfree nor wanna-breed women are keen to hear that you've fathered ten children who may be calling you daddy in a few years. And the money's hardly an incentive, either.

Talk about disgusting.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 01, 2015
I'm on a small tablet, so I can't copy/paste how I would like.

That is a nasty article. Besides the valid points yurble made, it is hypocritical of these sperm banks to pay only £35 per load to the donor, but turn around and charge many thousands to an infertile person through IVF. Money corrupts, that is true, but it's just as corrupt to take his sperm for a pittance, and then sell it at a high price to desperate women. I am aware that some EU countries pay for a round or two of IVF. Those baby labs are still profiting off desperate couples/women, and men who sell their jizz for a few pounds.

I don't believe in IVF.

As an aside, I didn't know UK law allows test tube babies to know who their sperm donors are. If I was a CF man, that is one more reason not to donate.

In the past, I was approached about donating eggs for CL couples, and I refused. I didn't want to go through a painful harvesting session for something so superficial, and I didn't want any child from my DNA running around somewhere, because of the thought that it could one day learn who its egg donor was and try to come after me.

I feel for the CF men in the UK.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 01, 2015
In the past, I was approached about donating eggs for CL couples, and I refused. I didn't want to go through a painful harvesting session for something so superficial, and I didn't want any child from my DNA running around somewhere, because of the thought that it could one day learn who its egg donor was and try to come after me.

Reasons against egg donation:
  • Painful process
  • Serious health risks from the process
  • The IVF industry profits from you
  • Chance of being contacted by your potential offspring
  • Causing harm through creating life and contributing to overpopulation

Reasons against sperm donations:
  • The IVF industry profits from your altruism/ego (because you sure aren't doing it for money)
  • Chance of being contacted by your potential offspring
  • Causing harm through creating life and contributing to overpopulation

I can't see why anyone would want to do either.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 01, 2015
I'm against the whole industry. If men are stupid enough to donate based on some ego "real man" campaign and then these kids come out of the woodwork eighteen years later looking for money and a daddy, LOL.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 01, 2015
I don't know about the UK, but in the US, hasn't there been precedents set for men who donated sperm being on the hook for child support? I recall reading a couple of articles about that. That has to be another deterrent. You get £35 for a donation, but then in a few years, you're paying 100x that because the couple that created an infant with the sperm now split or have some other personal issue that doesn't involve you, but now you have to quite literally pay for it.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 02, 2015
paragon schnitzophonic
I don't know about the UK, but in the US, hasn't there been precedents set for men who donated sperm being on the hook for child support? I recall reading a couple of articles about that. That has to be another deterrent. You get £35 for a donation, but then in a few years, you're paying 100x that because the couple that created an infant with the sperm now split or have some other personal issue that doesn't involve you, but now you have to quite literally pay for it.

I think those were people who gave private donations for use with a turkey baster, as opposed to those who actually went through the system.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 02, 2015
UK having a shortage of sperm could be for different reasons. Did the number of donors really drop because men got wiser? I hope so. Is the demand for sperm is so high that there is getting to be not enough to go around? I hope not. This could also be artificial as well. Increase the number of donors, pay less per donation.

Fertility industry is a big business that functions on people's emotions. I would not be surprised if fertility industry is wealthier than porn industry.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 02, 2015
paragon schnitzophonic
I don't know about the UK, but in the US, hasn't there been precedents set for men who donated sperm being on the hook for child support? I recall reading a couple of articles about that. That has to be another deterrent. You get £35 for a donation, but then in a few years, you're paying 100x that because the couple that created an infant with the sperm now split or have some other personal issue that doesn't involve you, but now you have to quite literally pay for it.

I think those were people who gave private donations for use with a turkey baster, as opposed to those who actually went through the system.

Ah, okay. Still fucked up.

Fertility industry is a big business that functions on people's emotions.

Yep yep yep. When I listen to online radio, the ad that always plays is for a fertility treatment center and it's nothing but manipulating emotions. I always think to myself that no treatments with such low efficacy and high risk would be approved if it was for attempting to solve a real health issue.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan

Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 02, 2015
Seems I wasn't the only one to think that campaign would wind up perpetuating negative concepts of masculinity. Infertile guy says he's still a real man.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 02, 2015

As an aside, I didn't know UK law allows test tube babies to know who their sperm donors are. If I was a CF man, that is one more reason not to donate.

In the past, I was approached about donating eggs for CL couples, and I refused. I didn't want to go through a painful harvesting session for something so superficial, and I didn't want any child from my DNA running around somewhere, because of the thought that it could one day learn who its egg donor was and try to come after me.

I feel for the CF men in the UK.

This is what HEFA say. Problems start when going to unlicensed clinics.


Legal rights for egg and sperm donors
If you’re an egg or sperm donor, you could be the legal parent of any child born from your donation.
Sperm donors
If you donate sperm through a Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) licensed clinic, you won’t:

be the legal parent of any child born
have any legal obligation to any child born
have any rights over how the child will be brought up
be asked to support the child financially
be named on the birth certificate
If you use an unlicensed clinic to donate sperm, you will be the legal father of any child born from your donation under UK law.

Egg donors
The woman who gives birth to a child is always considered the legal mother in UK law, even when using a donated egg.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 03, 2015
I always found sperm donation a disgusting thing (nothing says love like "you can't get me pregnant, darling, so I'll just have a baby with some random man"...) but the laws about egg donations are even more scary, in fact, for me they were a major factor in deciding to be childfree.

Where I live, sperm donors get some money (not much, but they get some), while egg donors are expected to do it for free, without any compensation, because otherwise it would legally be the same as selling a kidney. (Blood donors aren't compensated either, which is fine with me, but if a woman goes through a painful and risky procedure, why would she deserve less than what a man gets for jerking off? I don't condone egg donation but it's a slap in the face of feminism.)

Also, before I became childfree, I considered the idea of having a baby through a surrogate mother, because there is no way in hell I'd go through a pregnancy. But in all the countries where surrogacy is allowed, surrogate mothers are considered the legal mothers, and the kid's real mother has to adopt a kid legally, like it was just some random kid in an orphanage. IF the surrogate mother allows, because she can refuse. (I once talked about this with a man, and he did not understood why I find this unjust. He told me that "she suffers through nine months of pregnancy and all you provided was a microscopic little cell from your body, why would you be the kid's legal mother?" I told him that "all you provided to conceive a kid was a microscopic little cell from your body, I bet it wasn't half as unpleasant as harvesting an egg, so why are you the legal father who has equal rights with the kid's mom?") And several countries just ban surrogacy, because it would be legally the same as selling a kid (which again implies that the surrogate is the legal "owner" of the kid.)

I'm so happy I became childfree, otherwise I would be subject even more things that subjugate women...
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 03, 2015
Btw, if a man fucks every woman in sight and then doesn't give a crap about his kids, we would hardly consider him a real man. Why would I consider someone a real man if he's basically doing the same, the only difference is having a test tube between his dick and the woman's vag? Recently I found an online discussion where a woman said that her husband is infertile and they're planning to have the man's best friend impregnate her (*shudder*), and all the other commenters were like "don't cheat on your husband, just go to a sperm bank"). I seriously don't get it what's the difference between using a sperm bank or using the best buddy. It was like they were discussing whether she should conceive the kid in missionary position or doggy style and insisting that one is cheating, the other isn't...
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 03, 2015
Hmmm... "Be a REAL man..." is shaming language directed at men, usually when others want them to sacrifice their wealth or health for reasons that are often specious at best.

In recent years courts have held in certain cases that sperm-donating men can be liable for child support, and that their identities may not necessarily be shielded from their biological children.

Any "real" man can donate sperm. An intelligent man chooses not to.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 03, 2015
Hmmm... "Be a REAL man..." is shaming language directed at men, usually when others want them to sacrifice their wealth or health for reasons that are often specious at best.

In recent years courts have held in certain cases that sperm-donating men can be liable for child support, and that their identities may not necessarily be shielded from their biological children.

Any "real" man can donate sperm. An intelligent man chooses not to.

Most of the people who use that language are the same ones that would give me shit for being in a "woman's job."

For those jokers try this out:

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 03, 2015
@ thom_c:
That's also in the movie "Meet the parents"


"...Pam's father, Jack (Robert De Niro), takes an instant
and obvious dislike to his daughter's boyfriend, lambasting him
for his job as a nurse..."
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 03, 2015
The UK sperm donation crap was made public years ago when it passed. Any moron who wants to suck his thumb and claim he didn't know is full of shit.
The only cases where a man is held responsible in the US is when they were in a relationship with the moo to be and knowingly gave their sperm with the expectation of being recognized as the duh.
I don't care what people do but I do think this whole "boys will be boys" attitude that insists men have DNA spawns needs to go. If a legal contract does not promise confidentiality then men need to stop getting their fun from maturation in a medical setting then they need to get over it.
Also, I don't think any CF person, male or female, should continue this nonsense.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 05, 2015
I hate the term "real man" because the accepted definition of it is so fucked up. Apparently, being a real man in our society is someone who should breed in order to prove his heterosexuality and virility and who isn't allowed to cry for any reason. He's not allowed to have certain jobs, drive certain vehicles or like certain colors. He's not allowed to be attracted to other men and he's supposed to like what society feels are "manly" things. He's not allowed to be afraid of anything or have long hair. He's supposed to like beer rather than fruity cocktails. He's supposed to like gettin' dirty and know how to fix cars. He's not supposed to get a vasectomy because sterility is not manly. He's not allowed to be compassionate or empathetic because that makes him a pussy. If his cock isn't a certain size, he's not a real man either.

And because a lot of guys are so insecure about what everybody else thinks of them, they buy into this crap rather than just being themselves. There are a lot of ways to define a "real man" and one man's definition will not match another's. I'd say if you just do whatever the fuck makes you happy and/or is right for YOU without hurting anyone else, that is being a real man.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 06, 2015
I hate the term "real man" because the accepted definition of it is so fucked up. Apparently, being a real man in our society is someone who should breed in order to prove his heterosexuality and virility and who isn't allowed to cry for any reason. He's not allowed to have certain jobs, drive certain vehicles or like certain colors. He's not allowed to be attracted to other men and he's supposed to like what society feels are "manly" things. He's not allowed to be afraid of anything or have long hair. He's supposed to like beer rather than fruity cocktails. He's supposed to like gettin' dirty and know how to fix cars. He's not supposed to get a vasectomy because sterility is not manly. He's not allowed to be compassionate or empathetic because that makes him a pussy. If his cock isn't a certain size, he's not a real man either.

And because a lot of guys are so insecure about what everybody else thinks of them, they buy into this crap rather than just being themselves. There are a lot of ways to define a "real man" and one man's definition will not match another's. I'd say if you just do whatever the fuck makes you happy and/or is right for YOU without hurting anyone else, that is being a real man.

I think the "real man" cliche falls into the "No true Scotsman..." fallacy. Instead of looking at who is a "real man" we should be asking who is a good citizen. While a guy might not be able to fix cars, he should be able to fix something, or do something valuable for society. If he's 18+ years old and still in mommy's basement with no plans to leave, then yeah, he should be criticized. And whether he's drinking beer or cocktails is irrelevant... if he's drinking too many of them too often, he should be criticized, too.

Furthermore he shouldn't be creating future lives which nearly all the research says we simply won't need anyway. I don't care if guys are gay, and I don't care what job they choose to do. But they should HAVE a job of some kind, and be able to support themselves, or at least be on the road to being able to do so.

I think there are some strange parallels between not being a "real man" and the criticism we see on here toward SAHM's, believe it or not.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 12, 2015
And the population of the UK is what, 69 million?

No further comment needed.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 14, 2015
I disagree with IVF to produce chyldren. I also go one further and disagree with surrogacy. I mean, so long as it's legal, people have the right to do it; but I'm of the opinion that if you can't get knocked up through normal means, nature is telling you that you shouldn't pass on your genes. Oh how I wish nature would tell more people that.

That being said, the only thing I can see about recruiting more sperm donors is the fact that if there are a very few (supposedly only 9 donors at that one bank?) there's tons of opportunity for those baybees to grow up and hook up with half-siblings, unknowingly. So, while I would be perfectly fine with sperm (and egg) donation being abolished, I guess if it has to be legal, it would be better if there was more variety of donations and less chance of sorta inbreeding.

I certainly don't agree with the idea of dispersing baybee batter making a man a man though. Not at all. And it's definitely not any man's duty to provide his donation for someone who can't obtain it the regular way.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 16, 2015
The whole thing is fucked. This though is the most fucked:


TV presenter and shopping guru Mary Portas and her wife, Melanie Rickey, said earlier this year they had used sperm donated by Portas’ brother to allow Rickey to give birth to son Horatio.

"Hey son, you know your uncle? He's your dad too" distant sound of banjos

Right next to an advert for another article that says her family is the new normal. I fucking hope not!

Ugh. Infertility is creepy. It reminds me of rabid consumerism where people "must have" the latest overpriced plastic crap or a wardrobe full of this season's conform costumes. All of course produced in an ethics be damned fashion.

"Pro life childfree" is just another way of saying parent minus 9 months.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 16, 2015
The whole thing is fucked. This though is the most fucked:


TV presenter and shopping guru Mary Portas and her wife, Melanie Rickey, said earlier this year they had used sperm donated by Portas’ brother to allow Rickey to give birth to son Horatio.

"Hey son, you know your uncle? He's your dad too" distant sound of banjos

Right next to an advert for another article that says her family is the new normal. I fucking hope not!

Ugh. Infertility is creepy. It reminds me of rabid consumerism where people "must have" the latest overpriced plastic crap or a wardrobe full of this season's conform costumes. All of course produced in an ethics be damned fashion.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 16, 2015
Since when does jerking off into a cup make a man a 'real man'?
Being a sperm donor doesn't make you a real man. It makes you a fucking sperm donor.
This campaign is stupid, and it's preying on the most insecure of males.
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 16, 2015
Since when does jerking off into a cup make a man a 'real man'?
Being a sperm donor doesn't make you a real man. It makes you a fucking sperm donor.
This campaign is stupid, and it's preying on the most insecure of males.

More like makes you a real teenager

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Be a real man by donating sperm
September 16, 2015
I hate the assumption that real man/woman has to do anything with reproduction. Women usually get the you are not a real woman unless you give birth (preferably through the cooter). So what am i then...a false woman? Sheesh!

@thom_c: People who are giving you shit for being in a woman's job are very narrow-minded not to say downright stupid. Being a nurse is a very tough job and i know for a fact because i've worked in hospitals close to nurses (i'm not a nurse). I don't think i can ever do it. On another note you don't want to hear how much shit i've got when i said i want to become a truck driver or train engineer... because *gasp* those are men's jobs! Didn't know that driving a train requires to have a dick. *eyeroll*
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