Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 03, 2015

Blog post with the usual breeder TMI and excuses for skipping out on social events they've already agreed to attend or RSVP'd for because kyyyyyyyyds! No wonder breeders' social lives often go down the toilet. They become the most self absorbed assholes ever. thumbs down

Another reason once a friend spawns I sort of start just counting them as an aquaintance even if I truly care for them.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 03, 2015
Did you read the "retaliatory" article from a CF/CL person? http://thoughtcatalog.com/stephanie-harris/2015/10/6-reasons-i-probably-wont-make-it-to-your-kids-god-awful-event-and-why-i-dont-want-you-to-take-it-personally/
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 03, 2015
My experience has been that unless the event involves a bunch of people bringing a gift for their kydz, breeders seldom want to get together.

Why do you think they've got such a strong sentiment to bring everyone together for the holidays? It has little to do with any religious meaning or sentimental feeling. It's all about a gift/wealth transfer going mostly in their direction.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 03, 2015
coco uk
Did you read the "retaliatory" article from a CF/CL person? http://thoughtcatalog.com/stephanie-harris/2015/10/6-reasons-i-probably-wont-make-it-to-your-kids-god-awful-event-and-why-i-dont-want-you-to-take-it-personally/

Nice! the finger smiley

My experience has been that unless the event involves a bunch of people bringing a gift for their kydz, breeders seldom want to get together.

Why do you think they've got such a strong sentiment to bring everyone together for the holidays? It has little to do with any religious meaning or sentimental feeling. It's all about a gift/wealth transfer going mostly in their direction.

Yep, pretty much. Me and my better half have been attending extended famblee gatherings for the last few years since we got married because I felt kind of isolated/disconnected from them after some years of being distant and somewhat estranged, and he didn't grow up in a big family and felt like it might be fun to go to a big, raucous family party. It was kind of fun the first year. The second year was cool too. Last year was boring and annoying. We've decided this year after 3 years of attending the Thanksgiving on my dad's side and the Christmas on my mom's side that hell no, we're opting out this year. Too breederific and all about the chyyyyyldrun. The novelty of our "new" marriage wore off and I never shat out a kyd so they're bored with us and we get virtually ignored, and I'm intending to stay sober (and the boredom and free booze will most likely tempt me too much to rationalize getting drunk). I'm looking forward to not hearing any inane brat-related stories and being ignored (at LEAST they don't really bingo us). I'm looking forward to arranging to have a few cool, CF friends over to hang out and have a little dinner party with. We're still going to pop in to the Christmas on my mom's side to keep my mom from whinging too much, just as a little compromise I'm willing to make, to say we "made an appearance", but we're staying 1 hour max, and not participating in the stupid gift exchange. I'll use my sobriety as an excuse, as it is a valid one, although my real reason is not wanting to interract with the breeder cult.
coco uk
Did you read the "retaliatory" article from a CF/CL person? http://thoughtcatalog.com/stephanie-harris/2015/10/6-reasons-i-probably-wont-make-it-to-your-kids-god-awful-event-and-why-i-dont-want-you-to-take-it-personally/

I can never get that site to work for me-- and it's not like I have any restrictions on my laptop. Can you copy-paste, or give a TL;DR version?
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 03, 2015
coco uk
Did you read the "retaliatory" article from a CF/CL person? http://thoughtcatalog.com/stephanie-harris/2015/10/6-reasons-i-probably-wont-make-it-to-your-kids-god-awful-event-and-why-i-dont-want-you-to-take-it-personally/

I can never get that site to work for me-- and it's not like I have any restrictions on my laptop. Can you copy-paste, or give a TL;DR version?

Same for me.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 03, 2015
I really don't need a mere six reasons illustrating why moo's life sucks. I already know there are 348474 more, and I surely don't care whether she shows up or not. She says most people they know sympathize. Then why is it so important to waste time writing anything to the people who don't? She says they don't have much spare time, so they really should be concentrating on the positive rather than the negative.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 04, 2015
The original mommy-excuse article is horribly written. Then again, I expected that just from reading the title. Hey mommy-wannabe-writer: "personal" is an adjective, used to describe a person/place/thing. "Personally" is the adverb you need for that title, as it's modifying a verb (telling how you want the person to take your excuses).

I think the comeback article is okay, though it's a bit too rife with the party animal CF trope. Yep, partying is definitely one thing I do since I don't have kids. But how I spend my free time is pretty diverse, and I bet plenty of other CF people are like me. Sometimes I like to booze it up a bit, sometimes I like to sleep, sometimes I like to go swimming.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 04, 2015

Yep, pretty much. Me and my better half have been attending extended famblee gatherings for the last few years since we got married because I felt kind of isolated/disconnected from them after some years of being distant and somewhat estranged, and he didn't grow up in a big family and felt like it might be fun to go to a big, raucous family party. It was kind of fun the first year. The second year was cool too. Last year was boring and annoying. We've decided this year after 3 years of attending the Thanksgiving on my dad's side and the Christmas on my mom's side that hell no, we're opting out this year. Too breederific and all about the chyyyyyldrun. The novelty of our "new" marriage wore off and I never shat out a kyd so they're bored with us and we get virtually ignored, and I'm intending to stay sober (and the boredom and free booze will most likely tempt me too much to rationalize getting drunk). I'm looking forward to not hearing any inane brat-related stories and being ignored (at LEAST they don't really bingo us). I'm looking forward to arranging to have a few cool, CF friends over to hang out and have a little dinner party with. We're still going to pop in to the Christmas on my mom's side to keep my mom from whinging too much, just as a little compromise I'm willing to make, to say we "made an appearance", but we're staying 1 hour max, and not participating in the stupid gift exchange. I'll use my sobriety as an excuse, as it is a valid one, although my real reason is not wanting to interract with the breeder cult.

Please keep us posted--I am curious to know how that approach goes for you this year.

Over the past several years I've decided to attend fewer holiday events, and go more with the idea of "making an appearance" as you describe, and reducing long visits.

As for the extended family... please don't tell me that you "missed me at the holiday party." Huh? Let's be real, okay? You missed getting another gift for the kydz. And that's pretty much it.

There has been a very clear pattern established here. Here's what I am invited to: 1. Christmas, 2. Kydz birthday party, 3. Religious events for the kydz. All of these events come with the expectation of a gift.

Isn't it ironic that none of these folks "missed me" the other 360+ days of the year? Did I get invited over for just an ordinary dinner? No. A few beers and a ballgame on the tube? No. To play a board game? No. To celebrate a holiday like, let's say Independence Day, where gifts would not be expected? No. Do they ever just call or e-mail to say hello? No.

And yet these same people have the balls to say, "We really missed you at the holiday party!" Frankly I find it very insulting.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 05, 2015
@ Studio54: Big YES to everything...

I went through some of the comments to the article "6 Reasons I Probably Won’t Make It..".
It's scary how many breeders are patting her on the back for her "thoughts" and "honesty". :-(

For those of you who don't want to read the whole article, poster Nics summed it up:
“We have KIDS!!!”
“We are TIRED!!! Like, not normal tired.”
“We DON’T HAVE A BABYSITTER!!! We don’t feel guilty or as if we’re missing out on anything. Sorry, but Not sorry.”
“We actually DO have a FINANCIAL BUDGET and PRIORITIES!!! Not to rain on the parade of your $100/meal dinner party, but this week’s automatic tuition debiting from the Chase account, and the Costco diaper/wipe stock-up will probably hold a higher level of importance for us.”

Poster Ron analyses the article as follows:
Answers to this:
First of all, you people are not the first people on Earth to ever have children. The fact is you gave your word to people who have spent hard earned money to include and accommodate you. So basically you are using the fact that you copulated and have kids to NOT live up to your word whenever life is a wee bit inconvenient, got it…

You’re tired…OH BOO FREAKING HOO… Everyone get’s tired. Everyone gets exhausted too. It is called time management and planning. You gave your word, you know your are expected and people have gone out of their way to include you. So be responsible and take a nap, go to bed early, plan to be rested for an event you gave your word to attend. It is called being an adult…

No baby sitter? Again planning and management. You know well in advance I am sure that you have a event to attend. I bet if the event were handing out golden eggs and wads of cash your baby sitting problem would instantly go away somehow. This again is you using the fact that you have kids to worm out of honoring your word and in my opinion that is the worst kinda human…
Both can’t come? Fine, but the one who gave their word to be there should be there. Again, you gave your word to people who have spent hard earned money to include and accommodate you…

Budget is blown and can’t afford to go? Although I understand that unexpected things can arise and tap you out financially, Just not showing up because you are broke is not an option. You let your host know and you let them know why (the truth)…You just don’t NOT show up or say anything. Slimy weasels do shit like that, not supposed friends…

You just don’t want to go…Fine… the you should never say you were going in the first place. Also if you do give your word to go and you change your mind, you let your host know right away and not at the last minute. DON’T give your word to attend and then just never show up. What if I took you to the ice cream parlor and got your a could of scoops of ice cream on your favorite cone and then right when I start to hand it to you I throw it in the trash because I changed my mind about doing what I said I was going to do. What if I threw it on the ground and then just walked out on you without so much as an explanation. Yeah when you give your word it is the same thing.
Be adults people. Sure things come up that are unexpected, but your word is something that follows you all your life. If it isn’t worth anything, You are not worth anything…
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 05, 2015
mrs. chinaski
@ Studio54: Big YES to everything...

I went through some of the comments to the article "6 Reasons I Probably Won’t Make It..".
It's scary how many breeders are patting her on the back for her "thoughts" and "honesty". :-(

For those of you who don't want to read the whole article, poster Nics summed it up:
“We have KIDS!!!”
“We are TIRED!!! Like, not normal tired.”
“We DON’T HAVE A BABYSITTER!!! We don’t feel guilty or as if we’re missing out on anything. Sorry, but Not sorry.”
“We actually DO have a FINANCIAL BUDGET and PRIORITIES!!! Not to rain on the parade of your $100/meal dinner party, but this week’s automatic tuition debiting from the Chase account, and the Costco diaper/wipe stock-up will probably hold a higher level of importance for us.”

Poster Ron analyses the article as follows:
Answers to this:
First of all, you people are not the first people on Earth to ever have children. The fact is you gave your word to people who have spent hard earned money to include and accommodate you. So basically you are using the fact that you copulated and have kids to NOT live up to your word whenever life is a wee bit inconvenient, got it…

You’re tired…OH BOO FREAKING HOO… Everyone get’s tired. Everyone gets exhausted too. It is called time management and planning. You gave your word, you know your are expected and people have gone out of their way to include you. So be responsible and take a nap, go to bed early, plan to be rested for an event you gave your word to attend. It is called being an adult…

No baby sitter? Again planning and management. You know well in advance I am sure that you have a event to attend. I bet if the event were handing out golden eggs and wads of cash your baby sitting problem would instantly go away somehow. This again is you using the fact that you have kids to worm out of honoring your word and in my opinion that is the worst kinda human…
Both can’t come? Fine, but the one who gave their word to be there should be there. Again, you gave your word to people who have spent hard earned money to include and accommodate you…

Budget is blown and can’t afford to go? Although I understand that unexpected things can arise and tap you out financially, Just not showing up because you are broke is not an option. You let your host know and you let them know why (the truth)…You just don’t NOT show up or say anything. Slimy weasels do shit like that, not supposed friends…

You just don’t want to go…Fine… the you should never say you were going in the first place. Also if you do give your word to go and you change your mind, you let your host know right away and not at the last minute. DON’T give your word to attend and then just never show up. What if I took you to the ice cream parlor and got your a could of scoops of ice cream on your favorite cone and then right when I start to hand it to you I throw it in the trash because I changed my mind about doing what I said I was going to do. What if I threw it on the ground and then just walked out on you without so much as an explanation. Yeah when you give your word it is the same thing.
Be adults people. Sure things come up that are unexpected, but your word is something that follows you all your life. If it isn’t worth anything, You are not worth anything…

Standing fucking ovation.......
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 05, 2015
I don't have a problem with people who want to stay home with their kyds. In fact I would love if all people stayed home with them until they were 21 or so.

Problems start when you accept invitations where you RSVP. Not showing up at the last minute because you're "reading to a four year old" is rude. If you RSVP you need to go to the event unless you are extremely, unexpectedly sick.

If this woman never hires a babysitter and doesn't go anywhere without her husband, she needs to park her ass at home and keep it there.

I had to laugh at this:


If ONE of us can’t attend, nine times out of ten NEITHER of us will attend!!! This is a hard one for people to understand, and we’ve lost friendships over the concept. We are Married. We are not pals, boyfriend & girlfriend, or side buddies. We are a union. A team. We make our appearances together in the situations that call for it. This isn’t really negotiable. If hubby is sick and shut in, so am I, and vice-versa. Of course this doesn’t apply to the token Girl’s or Guy’s Night Out. We respect each other’s individualized socialization. I’m referring to the things we are Both hoped to be in attendance for. This also applies to situations where one spouse may think/know that the crowd at a certain event is questionable. Again, nothing personal against You, but we choose not to put ourselves in awkward or obviously drama-filled situations when we don’t have to!

I need that rolleyes icon. Hey, I'm MARRIED too. If I have an event to attend and my husband is sick, I'm a big enough girl to go by myself. And I love the "questionable" events reference. I guess that means if the husband is going to a strip club, she's coming too, probably because she feels the need to police his life. .

She sounds like one of those huggy-bear types who is burrowing hard into her husband and not giving him any space to breathe. Too bad True Dud Confessions is defunct and we can't hear what this guy really thinks. He would probably be writing, "Bitch won't let me breathe...she's on me like white on rice 24/7."
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 05, 2015
Geez, you're married, not sutured together. Having your own interests and going out alone is good for a relationship. Sure, if a partner were seriously ill I'd be too worried to go out, or if he were sick enough to need help I'd stay home and care for him, but if he's just a bit under the weather? No need for me to cancel my plans. I'd expect him to do the same.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 05, 2015
I love my husband. I really do. But...
There is NO WAY I am going with him to his weekly, 6 hour long, Dungeons & Dragons game.
Not. Going. To. Happen.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 05, 2015
mrs. chinaski
@ Studio54: Big YES to everything...

I went through some of the comments to the article "6 Reasons I Probably Won’t Make It..".
It's scary how many breeders are patting her on the back for her "thoughts" and "honesty". :-(


Comment from article...

Budget is blown and can’t afford to go? Although I understand that unexpected things can arise and tap you out financially, Just not showing up because you are broke is not an option. You let your host know and you let them know why (the truth)…You just don’t NOT show up or say anything. Slimy weasels do shit like that, not supposed friends…

Let me also add that I've been told more than once, "Oh don't worry about giving all those gifts and being treated like a human ATM machine. It will all be reciprocated someday!"



I'm not having kids, and if I get married it will be by the justice of the peace. I don't give a gift with the expectation of reciprocation. I give it because I want to, and I hope it is appreciated.

I've seriously curtailed attending this famblee nonsense and giving these gifts because they are 1. looked upon as a God-given right and 2. not appreciated.

And as for the "reciprocation" piece... angry smiley We're talking about the same people who can't even be bothered to send you a "Happy Birthday" text message. And yet, somehow they are going to "reciprocate" 18 years worth of birthday/Christmas/religious occasion gifts for their kydz, not to mention gifts for their wedding(s) and multiple showers. We're talking a grand total in the thousands-of-dollars.

Sorry I'm calling "bullshit" on that reciprocation prediction.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 06, 2015
@ Studio54: Those breeders are full of shit.

I used to know a childless woman in her seventies.
She had a house and $$$ on the bank.
She fell ill. The breeder-relatives were jumping around her
and "taking care" of her because they hoped
they would be included in her last will - not for themselves
of course, only for the chyldren!!!
That's the only "reciprocation" I have ever seen.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 11, 2015

As for the extended family... please don't tell me that you "missed me at the holiday party." Huh? Let's be real, okay? You missed getting another gift for the kydz. And that's pretty much it.

There has been a very clear pattern established here. Here's what I am invited to: 1. Christmas, 2. Kydz birthday party, 3. Religious events for the kydz. All of these events come with the expectation of a gift.

Isn't it ironic that none of these folks "missed me" the other 360+ days of the year? Did I get invited over for just an ordinary dinner? No. A few beers and a ballgame on the tube? No. To play a board game? No. To celebrate a holiday like, let's say Independence Day, where gifts would not be expected? No. Do they ever just call or e-mail to say hello? No.

And yet these same people have the balls to say, "We really missed you at the holiday party!" Frankly I find it very insulting.

This is exactly how I feel about nearly all famblee holiday gatherings now and like the idea of reducing my involvement very much. I'll keep you posted! grinning smiley
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 11, 2015
I need that rolleyes icon. Hey, I'm MARRIED too. If I have an event to attend and my husband is sick, I'm a big enough girl to go by myself. And I love the "questionable" events reference. I guess that means if the husband is going to a strip club, she's coming too, probably because she feels the need to police his life. .

She sounds like one of those huggy-bear types who is burrowing hard into her husband and not giving him any space to breathe. Too bad True Dud Confessions is defunct and we can't hear what this guy really thinks. He would probably be writing, "Bitch won't let me breathe...she's on me like white on rice 24/7."

I didn't mention this in my original post, but that's what I was thinking as well. She's totally smothering him.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 11, 2015
In my family there's been six babies born in the past 3 years. That's six birthday parties a year for kids of people I don't usually talk to otherwise. Guys, at what level of family do you cut off? I could see attending parties for nieces or nephews because those are kids of immediate family, but the kids of my cousins feel too far removed for me to spend time and money.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 11, 2015
coco uk
Did you read the "retaliatory" article from a CF/CL person? http://thoughtcatalog.com/stephanie-harris/2015/10/6-reasons-i-probably-wont-make-it-to-your-kids-god-awful-event-and-why-i-dont-want-you-to-take-it-personally/

Yup, I read it and loved it!
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 11, 2015
This is exactly how I feel about nearly all famblee holiday gatherings now and like the idea of reducing my involvement very much. I'll keep you posted! grinning smiley

I applaud you. Draw a line in the sand. Maybe that line is a few hours on Xmas Day, or Thanksgiving, and that's it. No more time. Whatever you are comfortable with.

Please get back to us and let us know how it goes.

In my family there's been six babies born in the past 3 years. That's six birthday parties a year for kids of people I don't usually talk to otherwise. Guys, at what level of family do you cut off? I could see attending parties for nieces or nephews because those are kids of immediate family, but the kids of my cousins feel too far removed for me to spend time and money.

For me, I sat down and had a conversation with my SO. We've been together for several years, and now it is pretty serious. We talked about those whom we were close to, and those whom we'd like to remain close to. Those folks we'd continue to give gifts to, stay in contact with, and see regularly. After that we discussed those who we felt didn't give two fucks about us, with the exception of the fact that they somehow think we have "HUMAN ATM" tattooed on our foreheads.

I wouldn't go so far as to say the latter folks are "cut off." We didn't send them a nasty e-mail, didn't confront them, and if we see them in person (usually 2-3 times per year, at most) we are friendly and conversational. What we're not doing is giving them stuff for birthdays, Xmas, and religious occasions. It's important to note: we are never invited to anything except a gathering where a gift would be expected. And that is why we felt this was reasonable and appropriate.

We did not want to set a precedent and be "gift grabbed" for the next 20 years.

I encourage you to sit down and really think about who you are close to, and who you would like to remain close to. If you have a SO, talk it over with them. Put the "Human ATM" descriptor on the shelf for a moment and ask yourself if you are getting anything out of the quasi-relationships you have with your extended family. Do they really care about you? For us the answer was "no," but you will have to answer that question for yourself.

Please report back with any updates!
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 11, 2015
This will be the first year that my husband and I won't be attending any family gatherings for the holidays. I moved 10,000 miles away from my family, and now my in-laws favor their other son for giving them a grandchild. Everything is about them, and when we wouldn't comply with their demands of worshiping the other couple, we promptly high-tailed it.

We don't know what their kid looks like, we haven't met it. We don't want to, and it pisses off his parents (bonus.) When his spoiled piglet wife got knocked up, husband's mom called and told us. When the baby was born, we still didn't hear from them. We weren't invited to the baby shower (I don't know if we would have gone, or not. Maybe to bury the hatchet about other things.) But my oh my, the couple were PISSED that we didn't congratulate them. Why the FUCK would we do that? Gee, that's only the biggest red flag of a toxic personality; giving nothing and expecting everything. You'll fit right in with today's parenting demographic!
They probably wanted a gift, and DIDN'T invite us to the stupid party, even.

When I ran into one of their dumb-ass family friends, who asks with happy, oblivious dipshittery written all over their face, "Have you seen the new baby yet?" I said,"Well, that couple is as stupid as they come, and they really shouldn't be having kids. So while I hope it's healthy and they don't fuck it up too much, I can't say I really want to have anything to do with them."

Well, more money for us. Not spending anything on a brat, child or adult, that won't appreciate it.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 11, 2015
This is exactly how I feel about nearly all famblee holiday gatherings now and like the idea of reducing my involvement very much. I'll keep you posted! grinning smiley

I've experienced the give a gift phenomena even to events I wasn't invited to where some asshat has the nerve to dictate my finances. I realize you weren't invited to baby shower/birthday/wedding/etc. but wouldn't it be a nice gesture to purchase a gift for insert co-worker/acquaintance/distant relative here. No, it would be a foolish gesture on my part to buy a gift for someone merely because we happen to know each other's name.

My personal favorite is what I like to refer to as the "talent tap". This occurs AFTER you've accepted an invite to attend an event you may have marginal interest in, at best. Also, most likely you've purchased a gift even though you'd much rather be doing something else. That is not enough for these people. They somehow think they're having the social event of the year and they are so gracious to invite the weirdoes who don't have kiddzz.

Expand your usage of the term parasite for a minute to include adults, parasite says, "We'd (never I because that is too specific and implies self-interest) really like it if you'd sing/dance/photograph/cater our event." You know the event you've already bought a gift for? Well, that just isn't enough. Now you have to EARN your place at the event by offering free labor in what some may call a bait and switch. I've actually had a former friend state in front of me that they were going to invite me to an event so I could take pictures. Some friend!

It isn't as if any of these people would be there for you when you move, offer their talents at no-cost at your event, or any other time.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 11, 2015
Sorry I'm calling "bullshit" on that reciprocation prediction.

What they won't say is the reciprocation would only have a chance of happening if you were to also sprog. Otherwise, no way.
Re: Or 6 Reasons I won't invite breeders to anything...
October 11, 2015
In my family there's been six babies born in the past 3 years. That's six birthday parties a year for kids of people I don't usually talk to otherwise. Guys, at what level of family do you cut off? I could see attending parties for nieces or nephews because those are kids of immediate family, but the kids of my cousins feel too far removed for me to spend time and money.

I cut off at immediate family. If someone outside this group shows up at a holiday I either make treats or buy some tasty chocolate for them. With exception for the brother who was cruel to me as a child and hasn't bothered to give me a gift during the holidays since I was a little kid, I cut him and his famblee off a few years ago because he still insisted on being cruel.

Another idea is to buy one famblee gift per famblee so you don't have to buy 800 gifts for kidz. And if your family decides to only buy gifts for the kidz consider buying one famblee gift for each famblee instead and act like you misunderstood. It is a heck of a lot easier to buy a famblee one nice gift than it is to try to figure out age groups and what they'd like.
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