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600 million jobs needed confused smiley

Posted by mrs. chinaski 
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 23, 2016
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful." Seneca, 4 BC - 65 AD.

Zzelda, this is amazing! thumbs up

While I was never religious myself and was raised by non-religious parents in a non-religious environment, I did make somewhat of a mistake of taking on spirituality for a couple of years in order to deal with challenges that came my way. At the end of the day, it was not what was happening to me but rather how I felt about it. By not feeling down, I was able to fight the challenges and not give up.

Here is the mistake part. I was fed bullshit that when I help others, I help myself. I ended up helping myself, but I have discovered that helping others was truly optional. I did make a mistake of helping a few people who simply did not deserve my help. Lucky for me, I saw it for myself soon enough, so I stopped helping those people and have instead re-directed the effort my way and made many things better for myself.

Why was I helping those people? I felt guilty for my success. I came from a family that had no money. I worked, I went to school, I got lucky. I make exponentially more than the people that I was helping. I felt that they got the short end of the stick. At the end of the day, I have realized that I can't help everyone. Random acts of kindness are good, but continuos help - I can't always do it.

Our biggest enemy is stress. When we are under constant stress and we allow it to get to us - we eventually suffer for it physically.

Religion is false, I agree with that. But, it is not the only problem. I think worshipping anything or anyone can be a problem. In the World War 2, Red Army soldiers would go to battle and shout out: "For the motherland, for Stalin!" They worshipped something and someone, even though that place was supposed to be atheist.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 23, 2016
So you're telling me that despite all of their newfound "free time," the masses chose to riot instead of learning a new language, playing the pan flute, or waxing philosophical??? Shocking.

Learning a new language is good but somewhere along the lines people want a return on an investment. If there are no jobs to use the new language in, there is no pay and therefore no return on investment. Anyone can learn a new language. Any job opening that requires a knowledge of a specific language is usually filled - quickly.

Playing a flute is not going to pay much or put food on the table if the audience is broke and unemployed and does not pay to listen.

Waxing philosophical is only going to tame someone for so long. After the hunger sets, people get upset. Philosophy works well on full stomach, not on an empty one. Throw education in there too. If EVERYONE had a Ph.D. like they have a high school diploma, would everyone get paid Ph.D. wages? Of course not. But, if we were to listen to for-profit schools, they sure make it sound like everyone with a Ph.D. will make top salaries and are guaranteed jobs.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 23, 2016
So you're telling me that despite all of their newfound "free time," the masses chose to riot instead of learning a new language, playing the pan flute, or waxing philosophical??? Shocking.

Learning a new language is good but somewhere along the lines people want a return on an investment. If there are no jobs to use the new language in, there is no pay and therefore no return on investment. Anyone can learn a new language. Any job opening that requires a knowledge of a specific language is usually filled - quickly.

Playing a flute is not going to pay much or put food on the table if the audience is broke and unemployed and does not pay to listen.

Waxing philosophical is only going to tame someone for so long. After the hunger sets, people get upset. Philosophy works well on full stomach, not on an empty one. Throw education in there too. If EVERYONE had a Ph.D. like they have a high school diploma, would everyone get paid Ph.D. wages? Of course not. But, if we were to listen to for-profit schools, they sure make it sound like everyone with a Ph.D. will make top salaries and are guaranteed jobs.


I was laying on the sarcasm there.

I am quite pessimistic on the future. Mass unemployment will result in mass misery. There is no evidence that suggests that long-term unemployed people are in good shape, in any regard.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 23, 2016
So you're telling me that despite all of their newfound "free time," the masses chose to riot instead of learning a new language, playing the pan flute, or waxing philosophical??? Shocking.

Learning a new language is good but somewhere along the lines people want a return on an investment. If there are no jobs to use the new language in, there is no pay and therefore no return on investment. Anyone can learn a new language. Any job opening that requires a knowledge of a specific language is usually filled - quickly.

Playing a flute is not going to pay much or put food on the table if the audience is broke and unemployed and does not pay to listen.

Waxing philosophical is only going to tame someone for so long. After the hunger sets, people get upset. Philosophy works well on full stomach, not on an empty one. Throw education in there too. If EVERYONE had a Ph.D. like they have a high school diploma, would everyone get paid Ph.D. wages? Of course not. But, if we were to listen to for-profit schools, they sure make it sound like everyone with a Ph.D. will make top salaries and are guaranteed jobs.


I was laying on the sarcasm there.

I am quite pessimistic on the future. Mass unemployment will result in mass misery. There is no evidence that suggests that long-term unemployed people are in good shape, in any regard.

In a way, I was adding to the sarcasm, but only in a way.

There are people out there who, almost at every case of unemployment, they have a solution: Get education or training. What I was trying to say basically supports what you are saying. Education, training, new skills - all only are useful when there is a demand for it.

For example. The famous "retraining credits" in USA. Retrain for what? Jobs that will be shipped out by the time one finishes school? Learn new language? Which one? Our outsourcing countries change so fast, by the time one masters a language, there is a new "vendor" and a different language yet is needed.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 23, 2016
Talking about taxes, i live in one of those Nordic welfare paradises which is so praised to other countries. Trust me it's not a paradise like they let you think. We have insane taxes, the more you earn, the more you pay taxes. And sometimes they do "mistakes" in such a way that you pay extra taxes. Two times i had to fight so i can get my tax percent fixed because i was taxed too much without reason.

Ah, you get "free" stuff? That stuff is not free and you definitely don't get it when you want. For example, public healthcare sucks, you have to wait months to see a doctor and when you finally get to see them, they give you ibuprofen and send you home. I used private healthcare much more than public one although i pay heavy taxes for public healthcare.

Welfare is good if you lose your job and in between you try to find another one. At least you don't starve but here we have the problem that some jobs are paid worse than welfare and people prefer to stay on welfare than go to work. I told you once about FIL and MIL which were unemployed for few months and they got more money than when they both had jobs. Add to that bonuses for 4 kids.

And i don't really see unemployed people picking up new hobbies and developing themselves. Most of my time here in Finland i studied and during the summers i was working. Half of a summer i was unemployed and i developed my own vegetable garden plus did online courses but not everybody is me.

We also have problems with job outsourcing to cheaper countries and automatization...i mentioned earlier grocery stores, railways and post office. We also have a problem with state monopol but i'm already getting away from the subject so i'll stop here. To cut the story short, i don't see a bright future at all.
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
February 23, 2016


I was laying on the sarcasm there.

I am quite pessimistic on the future. Mass unemployment will result in mass misery. There is no evidence that suggests that long-term unemployed people are in good shape, in any regard.

But it's the responsibility of the CF to keep this from happening! All we have to do is all of us buy at least one Chevrolet so that all the riots don't happen!
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
March 06, 2016
An another wonderful article from NYT to the Topic:

The World Has a Problem: Too Many Young People
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
March 06, 2016
mrs. chinaski
An another wonderful article from NYT to the Topic:

The World Has a Problem: Too Many Young People

Here's something directly from the article...

"...In the United States, nearly 17 percent of those between the ages of 16 and 29 are neither in school nor working...."

I'll put it out to the board... WHY is this? For what reason do we have nearly 1 out of 5 young people not working at all?
Re: 600 million jobs needed confused smiley
March 06, 2016
An another wonderful article from NYT to the Topic:

"By and large, today’s global youth are more likely to be in school than their parents were; they are more connected to the world than any generation before them; and they are in turn more ambitious, which also makes them more prone to getting fed up with what their elders have to offer."

Then why are so many adult children jumping at the opportunity to move in with their parents? confused smiley
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