Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016

I guess this woman is 38 and wants kids "someday" getting a little late for someday. She feels women without kids should take time off to reflect on life, before having kids and then talking mooternity leave. Kind of a strange article
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
And of course everyone hating on her. aExcept one person who said that children are a life choice, not an illness, and all employees should be treated equally. Natch, "you must not have kids" (he has five, it turns out.) I think I like Ryan...kids or not. He is right.

ryan bonta
15 minutes ago

The author says she wants ME time... whatever, it really doesn't matter why she wants some time off...the bottom line where she has a point is that employees should not be treated differently, whatever the reason. just like all the hoopla about equal pay for women...equal means equal. If one employee gets time off for whatever reason, other employees should get time off as well. The inquiry about time off stops at the point that the person is absent from the office...why doesn't matter though being ill is a valid exception to that general rule....but...pregnancy is not an illness...it is a choice, so deal with the consequences.

Fred Burr
12 minutes ago

@ryan bonta Says another anti-family progressive.

ryan bonta
10 minutes ago

@Fred Burr @ryan bonta Nice try...I have 5 children and I/we dealt with all that comes with the territory without whining about extra handouts

Laurie Hazelwood
7 minutes ago

@Fred Burr @ryan bonta Then I am guessing mom is stay at home and you are a lucky and hard working man that can afford that. Unfortunately not all can do that. Having a family is a positive for society - it allows populations to develop and accomodate life. As a society we need family units. Do you think if you can't have a stay at home parent you shouldn't have maternity leave or children?

ryan bonta
just now

@Laurie Hazelwood @Fred Burr @ryan bonta Bad guess...my wife had a very demanding career and did have limited maternity time with each child but was working even while she was home...we both worked a lot but near home and never missed anything. We did hire child care and bore that cost willingly on our own. If you can't deal with it on your own and without getting special perks then make a different choice. If you can't have a stay at home parent, then you should deal with the cost of the child care...

16 minutes ago

Oh yeah, because maternity leave is about "finding yourself" and having "me time". Surely she isn't serious. If she had any idea of the exhaustion, the demands, and the isolation that really make up maternity leave maybe she wouldn't feel so entitled to a relaxing me-time getaway. This is ridiculous. And honestly a bit insulting.

ryan bonta
10 minutes ago

@oiseaubleu Your choice...stop whining

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
Her book is on amazon and a commenter said this:

"During the six weeks after birth, most time is spent caring for the stitches and healing of a mutilated vagina, hobbling to and from the bathroom, swollen and painful breasts, wandering through a fog of sleep deprivation, questioning the purpose of life, feeling horrible about creeping feelings of regret about having a child in the first place, and the slow sinking realization that life as you know it is over. For other mothers, postpartum depression kicks in which can then lead to dark thoughts and suicidal ideations."

Sometimes moos will admit it
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
I think the meternity leave already exists, it's called sabbatical
but not everyone can get that.

I think yurble suggested some time ago that EVERYONE
should get one year off (?).
What you do with your "free year" is only your business
- have a chyld, travel the world, dig a well in Africa...whatever.

I love the comments, they are definitely worth reading.
-> having a chyld is soooooo haaaaaaaard.


Jennifer Anne Hentz:
"Are you for real? Does your me-ternity leave involve cracked, sore, and bleeding nipples?
How about stretch marks, stitches, hemorrhoids, or hemorrhaging? Spit up, screaming and colicky babies,
1-2 hours of sleep at a time? No? You are an absolute joke."


Cate :
Let me explain what actually happens during maternity leave: first, feeding sessions occur every 2 hours, 24 hours per day. If you are nursing, that means you spend 30-40 minutes feeding the baby. Approximately 90 minutes later, you do it again. ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT, which means you only get to sleep for very short intervals. Nursing also can cause blocked milk ducts and chapped nipples. Both can be excruciatingly painful. If you want to actually leave the house without the baby, you need to pump and hope there is enough milk to last until your return. I also had to wear breast pads so I wouldn't leak milk all over my clothing. You smell like milk. ALL THE TIME. When you pee you have to use a little bottle of water to clean yourself, especially if you have stitches, which itch as they are healing. You have to wear adult diapers to absorb all of the blood and tissue coming out of your vagina. This bleeding lasts for 2-3 months. It eventually tapers off so you can use regular sanitary napkins, but the adults diapers are needed for about 2 weeks. (C-section ladies have other wound care issues.) You are supposed to take 2-3 sitz baths per day, but I never had time for that. They tell you to sleep when the baby sleeps, but I usually used those short intervals to check email, do laundry, take a shower, eat something. If you are lucky and have an "easy" baby, the baby is actually sleeping, not screaming. None of your clothing fits right because you still have a baby belly (it took a few months for mine to go down), but wearing maternity clothing feels weird post-baby. And then there are the hormonal adjustments. And the intense fear that the baby will die of SIDS, and the terrifying realization that you are responsible for literally keeping this small creature alive. Being a new parent is insanely joyful, but you also have to go into warrior mode just to make it through those first few months. You often think, "I can't do this." You often feel like you have lost yourself, and your mind. If you are lucky, your baby is sleeping through the night at 4 months. Getting more sleep helps alleviate some off the early challenges. But many people come into work having had only a few hours of uninterrupted sleep because they were up with the baby during the night. This applies to both parents - the non-nursing parent often helps the nursing parent during the night by retrieving the baby, changing the diaper, etc...

One tip: you forgot to add BUT IT'S ALL WORTH IT!
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
Yes, I have suggested that the only equitable solution is for everyone to have equal time off. Sabbatical is currently only open to certain professions, and parental leave, in addition to being limited to parents, is only available to people working in full-time positions and not the people who fill in for them when they are out, leading to a two-tier system. It needs to be paid for universally, rather than by companies (who already bear the transaction costs of finding a temporary replacement and training them), through deductions from salaries in the time leading up to the sabbatical.

I've worked for a number of companies which deducted from my paycheck a little each month and then paid for a 13th month and while I resented the implication that I couldn't budget for Christmas, the tax system was set up so that this particular short-term saving scheme benefited workers. I see no reason why something similar couldn't be established to permit people six months of leave for every five years of work or so.

Of course there will be pressure not to take it, and people who spend it improving their professional skills will probably get ahead of those who spend it breeding or traveling, but that's always how it is for workaholics. I'd probably spend part of it traveling and part of it learning new things.

Reminds me, I think there was recently an article about how people should get time off to care for pets as family members.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
In the second comment Mrs. Chinaski posted, she says that "Being a parent is insanely joyful but...." and then goes on to describe how awful it really is. Typical bitch and backpedal. grinning smiley So glad that never WAS or never WILL BE me. Haha. What a way to spend your time off of work!

I also agree that everyone deserves the same treatment parents get as far as leave is concerned. If a person CHOOSES to have a loaf, then fine. They get their mooternity leave. However, if a person wants time off to do whatever else they CHOOSE, it is their business and they should have that opportunity.

ITA that people also need time off to care for ailing family members and pets. They are important, too, and sometimes require full time care and supervision.

My husband is taking two days off next week for my shrink appointment. One day to take me to the appointment, and one to support me the next day. He didn't have to do it, and I was quite surprised that he did it. He has loads of time off coming to him since he'd saved his holidays, and now we get to enjoy them together doing what we want and need to do. He told me that caring for his wife is number one on his list of priorities.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
Old company had a 30 day unpaid sabbatical as a perk if you stayed with the company at least 5 years. Only rule was it had to be cleared by the company owner at least 3 months in advance so your work can be divided among coworkers during your absence. Ended up being laid off after 2 years since the old guy who started the company died and his kids ran it into the ground. Decided I would travel if I have a chance at a sabbatical, not sure where.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
My friend used to work at Starbucks and they have a perk where you can build up sabbatical time. My friend had built up six months worth and it came in handy when her marriage went bust.

I agree with yurble's idea. If one life choice gets to have paid leave, then all life choices of employees should be granted the same. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to employees if they could taken ample time off to engage in hobbies, travel, get important non-work things done, or just recharge and come back to work renewed?

Or don't reward life choices with paid leave and instead extended paid leave is reserved for shit that can't be planned. Breeders have such a lack of foresight. They want paid parental leave because it's totally unreasonable to plan and save for their fucking kids. Meanwhile, they (and most Americans) are one catastrophic accident or illness away from bankruptcy. One of those kids gets cancer or hit by a car, your ass can be canned after the FMLA runs out. Or the breeders themselves end up ill or injured and need months of treatment and recovery. No GoFundMe is going to cover that.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
Moo telling it like it is
You have to wear adult diapers to absorb all of the blood and tissue coming out of your vagina.

Dear God, if I had ovaries and a uterus still, they would have shriveled up and died.

***Pats hysterectomy scar***
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
mrs. chinaski


Jennifer Anne Hentz:
"Are you for real? Does your me-ternity leave involve cracked, sore, and bleeding nipples?
How about stretch marks, stitches, hemorrhoids, or hemorrhaging? Spit up, screaming and colicky babies,
1-2 hours of sleep at a time? No? You are an absolute joke."

Wondering why moos and duhs are whining about the 1-2 hours of sleep at a time, just attach the loaf to an IV with formula. Loaves aren't mobile and moo and duh could remove the loaf from the IV to hold it or so it can spit up or crap on them. Check the diaper regularly or stare at the loaf or whatever they spend all their time doing besides fakebook and online games.

If I make a few million off the loaf iv then my next invention will involve a burp and changing automation. I will invent a robot to do this!
Can't imagine a more lucrative purpose for creating a robot. Bet it is already being invented. Hospitals, daycares, etc. could also be customers.
Let me be clear, I would own the code and let someone else at another company buy the rights and deal with the public.

By the second release of the robot I'd have outfits that could be purchased for the bots at a very high profit margin. Moos eat up that worthless shit. I'd sell them to pet stores so moos and duhs could visit pet stores and see the bot clothing right next to the pet clothing. It would be a huge PR stunt with signs at electronics stores with bots artfully dressed to tantalize the owners of the bot. Then, Apple would purchase the rights so that they could be sure their smartphones could control the robots, set the timer on the iv and provide a snooping application so moos and duhs could monitor the loaf from their phone. Oh and bot would also have a camera of some sort.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 28, 2016
I think many of us have been involved in a deadline project at work where a team member leaves early and then acts butthurt when you point it out. "Excuse me, but I have KIDS!!" Well, excuse me, but there is an empty stool at my bar. Both are life choices, and yours is not more important. If I choose to spend my free time sitting alone in a dark room, your time is still not worth more than mine.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 29, 2016
@ mumofsixbirds: your husband thumbs up


I agree with yurble's idea. If one life choice gets to have paid leave, then all life choices of employees
should be granted the same. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to employees if they could taken ample time off
to engage in hobbies, travel, get important non-work things done, or just recharge and come back to work renewed?

Yes and not only that. It would also eliminate the discrimination of women in countries with mooternity leave.

"I'm fucking SICK of people raving about how great we are as a country to mothers.....all it does is mean
ALL WOMEN pay for it with their careers because no one will risk hiring anyone with a uterus aged
between 25-40 unless it is an absolute last resort."
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 29, 2016
paragon schnitzophonic
No GoFundMe is going to cover that.

Will we reach a point, eventually, where GoFundMe "jumps the shark"?

Online panhandling can't be this popular forever... can it?
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 29, 2016
I'm with yurble. The only solution is a sabbatical for everyone. If you want to use it to bake a loaf, that's up to you.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 29, 2016
My solution is that employers should give decent length of maternity leave...but it will come out of a general PTO bank that each employee has. Use it for dentist appointments, illness, maternity/paternity leave, bereavement leave, whatever you need to take care of in your life. Take your vacation days out of it, too. The actual reason for being gone doesn't matter in the long run, so let's do away with the bullshit "this many days for illness and this many days for personal leave and this many days emergency leave" type of system we have now. Let's say six weeks. Spend it as you will. If there's some extreme situation, such as having to care for a dying parent, deal with the aftermath of your house burning down, etc. and you're already out of PTO days, the employer could give unpaid time off, or maybe half-pay. Maternity/paternity leave extensions could come out of this category.

Sure, give new parents time off to be with their new bundle-o-insomnia. But let others take off that time, too. One lifestyle choice isn't better than the other.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 29, 2016
My solution is that employers should give decent length of maternity leave...but it will come out of a general PTO bank that each employee has. Use it for dentist appointments, illness, maternity/paternity leave, bereavement leave, whatever you need to take care of in your life. Take your vacation days out of it, too. The actual reason for being gone doesn't matter in the long run, so let's do away with the bullshit "this many days for illness and this many days for personal leave and this many days emergency leave" type of system we have now. Let's say six weeks. Spend it as you will. If there's some extreme situation, such as having to care for a dying parent, deal with the aftermath of your house burning down, etc. and you're already out of PTO days, the employer could give unpaid time off, or maybe half-pay. Maternity/paternity leave extensions could come out of this category.

Sure, give new parents time off to be with their new bundle-o-insomnia. But let others take off that time, too. One lifestyle choice isn't better than the other.

Let's get down to brass tacks here...

The number of days, weeks, months, years of "paid maternity/paternity leave" doesn't matter. It is inconsequential. We could give the breeder socialists one month, six months, one year, five years... hell, ten years of fully-paid parental leave, and it STILL wouldn't be enough.

"Need" begets need with this crowd. If/when our government is stupid enough to allow for wealth redistribution via "paid parental leave," the parents who clamored for it will just be clamoring for more handouts, other handouts, larger handouts, etc. They'll want longer leave, cash bonuses for babies, government mandated daycare at work, government paid daycare... you name it, they'll demand it.

The tapeworms of society are getting out of control. It's time to stop feeding them and to start starving them.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 30, 2016
My solution is that employers should give decent length of maternity leave...but it will come out of a general PTO bank that each employee has. Use it for dentist appointments, illness, maternity/paternity leave, bereavement leave, whatever you need to take care of in your life. Take your vacation days out of it, too. The actual reason for being gone doesn't matter in the long run, so let's do away with the bullshit "this many days for illness and this many days for personal leave and this many days emergency leave" type of system we have now. Let's say six weeks. Spend it as you will. If there's some extreme situation, such as having to care for a dying parent, deal with the aftermath of your house burning down, etc. and you're already out of PTO days, the employer could give unpaid time off, or maybe half-pay. Maternity/paternity leave extensions could come out of this category.

Sure, give new parents time off to be with their new bundle-o-insomnia. But let others take off that time, too. One lifestyle choice isn't better than the other.

I absolutely agree that the government should not be giving preference to one lifestyle decision over another. However, I think that things which are not decisions cannot be planned for and deserve compassion, so I would not like to see sick days and bereavement lumped in with choices.

Also, I've noticed that when sick days and vacation come from the same pool, people come into work ill and spread it on to others, leading to a worse net effect on productivity than if they just stayed home to recover.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 30, 2016

I absolutely agree that the government should not be giving preference to one lifestyle decision over another. However, I think that things which are not decisions cannot be planned for and deserve compassion, so I would not like to see sick days and bereavement lumped in with choices.

Also, I've noticed that when sick days and vacation come from the same pool, people come into work ill and spread it on to others, leading to a worse net effect on productivity than if they just stayed home to recover.

How about this proposal... every citizen gets 50 work days of lifetime, flexible, permanent time off. Those days begin on the day you start your very first job, and expire when you retire.

The days carry over with you from job-to-job. You can use them whenever you like, and for whatever reason. Some will hold onto those days as bereavement days. Others will use them for illnesses. Some lucky folks won't use any of their 50 days, and they'll be able to cash them out at the end of their careers. Teen moos might burn these days all at once. Either way, the employee chooses when he/she will take the days.

But when they are gone... they are gone. No whining permitted. They are yours to use when you want, so use them wisely.

For extended absences due to illness, the employee has the option of not using these days but instead using their usual sick time and buying private disability insurance.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 30, 2016

I absolutely agree that the government should not be giving preference to one lifestyle decision over another. However, I think that things which are not decisions cannot be planned for and deserve compassion, so I would not like to see sick days and bereavement lumped in with choices.

Also, I've noticed that when sick days and vacation come from the same pool, people come into work ill and spread it on to others, leading to a worse net effect on productivity than if they just stayed home to recover.

How about this proposal... every citizen gets 50 work days of lifetime, flexible, permanent time off. Those days begin on the day you start your very first job, and expire when you retire.

The days carry over with you from job-to-job. You can use them whenever you like, and for whatever reason. Some will hold onto those days as bereavement days. Others will use them for illnesses. Some lucky folks won't use any of their 50 days, and they'll be able to cash them out at the end of their careers. Teen moos might burn these days all at once. Either way, the employee chooses when he/she will take the days.

But when they are gone... they are gone. No whining permitted. They are yours to use when you want, so use them wisely.

For extended absences due to illness, the employee has the option of not using these days but instead using their usual sick time and buying private disability insurance.

You must be a healthy person, which is nice for you. Your proposal is completely unrealistic for anyone with an ongoing health condition. I'm pretty sure I've spent more than two months of my life either hospitalized or just short of it. Those days would have been gone before I was 25 through no fault of my own. Should I just roll over and die because I'm an inadequate worker bee?

I also think less than two months is completely inadequate for preventing burnout. Even in the US most people get two weeks a year of vacation, which adds up to what you're proposing in just five years, not over a lifetime of work. I am not interested in returning to 19th century conditions. Our overlords have enough profit, they can extend some of it to the humane treatment of workers.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 30, 2016
...and moos are blowing up the internet because of this book.


my favorite comment is:

"Let me ask you, Meghann Foye: do you also resent that your co-workers with cancer get super-fun free time to go to their chemo appointments?
Are you jealous of a co-worker who takes a few days off to attend a funeral? ("She's probably sipping margaritas and relaxing at the wake!")"

a moo compares having a kid to cancer or a funeral. wow, being a moo must be super fun. like cancer or a funeral.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
April 30, 2016
From someone who considers her working life to be a mashup of "what a waste of time this has been" and "waiting to die," two cents: Titfeeding Nazis need a good swift kick right in the moneymakers. Period. Enforced breastfeeding: holy shit, what could be the one thing worse than actually beefing a sprog? Why, having to have it attached to and leaching off your fucking body twenty hours a day for the next two years. Guilting moos into titfeeding is nothing more than a ploy to strip them of their (remaining) agency as women. Feed the little shits formula and get the hell back to work, you stupid cows.*

*Not you guys, of course. You knew that already.winking smiley
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
May 01, 2016
Some moos do need time to physically recover and some are up and around in no time. So it's hard to gauge what is necessary medically for recovery. I would think if it was so bad they would not be able to care for the loaf. Most of them seem to be pretty active and moving around fast enough.

Then there is the issue of paternity leave. When maternity leave is enforced then the duhs want in on it too. What is their excuse? Is duh's vagina cracking and bleeding too? No, they want time to "bond" paid with our dime. Then definitely the equivalent leave should be available to everyone.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
May 01, 2016
Then there is the issue of paternity leave. When maternity leave is enforced then the duhs want in on it too. What is their excuse? Is duh's vagina cracking and bleeding too? No, they want time to "bond" paid with our dime. Then definitely the equivalent leave should be available to everyone.

The only reason I would possibly support paternity leave is that it reduces the discrimination against women in the workplace, because with paternity leave, any employee is deemed a risk, not just women. But of course it's still discriminatory, hence my agreement on making it available to all.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
May 01, 2016
Someone (an entitlemoo) on my Facebook shared this: http://yackler.ca/want-maternity-leave-without-kids-ok-heres-go/

Maybe butthurt moo should spend the time she had to write this with her kids. She just oozes with bitterness and resentment. Maybe some people DO want to take off to volunteer services. This is also why they all hate Chrissy Teigan so much for going out to dinner looking hot a week after baybee.
Re: Taking "meternity" leave before mooternity leave
May 01, 2016
Someone (an entitlemoo) on my Facebook shared this: http://yackler.ca/want-maternity-leave-without-kids-ok-heres-go/

wow. If moohood is so terrible, why did she chose it? Btw I love it when she compares her kids to baboons and badgers.

I don't understand this part, though: "Here’s a weird thing: A bear or a cougar or something scary will be unleashed in your house and will be threatening everything you love. But you can’t see it and you are the only person who knows its there. Nobody believes you. You know you sound crazy but IT’S THERE." Is this some poetic metaphor for baby blues or by "bear or cougar" she means the kid and its tendency to break everything and eat everything?
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