Irrationally jealous mommies
November 26, 2016
I was at the store today looking through stuff in the produce section (honeycrisp apples, yum) and making minor small talk with a dude who happened to be picking out fruit. Woman with preschooler orbiting her came around the end of the aisle and said to him "Come on, we don't have all night"...and gave ME a dirty look. I just about laughed at her. Trust me, lady, I'm not about to go after your man.

This isn't the first time this has happened to me, either. I am not a flirt. I'm friendly and respectful to others (unless they give me reason to be otherwise), and don't mind being helpful. Doesn't matter if the person is male, female, old, young, or purple polka-dotted.

Apparently these values and actions are considered Goin' After Mah Mayun! by some women, especially mommy-types. It's so strange.

Anyone else noticed this?
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 27, 2016
I did. Moos have hard time to understand that sometimes small talk is just small talk.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 27, 2016
Some people are insecure. And some people make the choice to be in relationships with insecure people. Not my problem, no sympathy for either.

But yeah, it is kind of annoying when you are behaving normally and someone tries to suck you in to their stupid drama. Most people just aren't prepared to address their personal shortcomings and see jealousy as the issue. They'd rather project "man-stealing hussy" on you, and "thinks with his dick" on their partner, and view their jealousy as rational.

I have seen plenty of insecure girls and I would not be surprised if they think the baby trap is the way to keep a man. Then they become insecure about their post-pregnancy bodies and become even more clingy. So yes, a lot of these jealous women are moos, but it's because they were already insecure and they believe in magic bullets.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 27, 2016
I think on some level the MOOs understand that their inability to have a conversation about anything but their brats, the martyring and the post-baby body are unattractive traits, and that women who aren't harried and covered in puke look pretty good to their mates in comparison. Why else do they constantly need to insist that they are "mom sexy" and other such nonsense?.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 27, 2016
Have definitely noticed this and most women are too dumb to realize if the situation calls for a dirty look or words it should be directed to their significant other, not the woman. Also noticed women at the gym I go to (no idea if they are moos) cannot stand it if I'm working out in proximity to their mahhyynnn. I work out at a hard core gym meaning the people who join are there to work out, not show off their skimpy work out clothes, socialize or pick up on other gym members. And heaven forbid I use a bench next to a mahhyynn who has a girlfriend nearby because she'll be all over his shit within a millisecond, trying to stand between us. And women will just stand there while their boyfriend works out, looking awkward because the rest of us are working out and the stupid women are just taking up space. The men and I are just trying to work out and leave. I'm not even remotely flirtatious and say hi only to the members I know or the employees at the desk. It is especially funny if the man happens to be obviously much younger than me. I just ignore these clingy idiots who are there only to keep tabs on their men (along with the ones who sit on their phones texting the entire time they're at the gym). It would be absolute hell to have to deal with such insecure people.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 27, 2016
This would irritate me especially because I prefer other women, so the assumption that everything is about Pickin' Up a Mayunn would apply to me even less.

Thankfully, I don't personally know anyone who is like this, and that type of obnoxiously insecure person seems to be a small percent of the population.

But it seems like the kind of person has a narrow-track mind. First, the only thing they care about is finding a boyfriend. Then, the only thing they care about is getting their boyfriend to marry them and/or talking about relationship drama. Then they only care about getting pregnant and having babies. Then, divorce drama, then finding a New Mayunn, then more of the same old shit. It's like, what about friendships, and meaningful hobbies, or contributions to the world, or charities/causes, or creative arts, or science, or health/fitness, or culture? do these people care about nothing other than their selfish crap?
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 27, 2016
Moos perceive all other women as threats to their relationships, but they didn't get that way because of Mooing. Odds are VERY good that they were already very jealous and insecure before they bred and breeding just augmented that insecurity. Plus, post-breeding, they need to keep their men around for financial support, so they need to keep their men on short leashes and keep them away from any other threatening sets of non-lactating tits. Never mind the fact that this kind of clingy jealousy is precisely what can drive your partner away.

Trust me, I don't want anybody's whipped Duhs-band. I've experienced this shit too. Saw a Duh acquaintance of mine at the store some months back and I stopped to say 'hello' to him. He was with his wife and while I don't know her at all, I greeted her too. Cue dirty look. But from what I gather from mutual friends, she's like that toward pretty much any woman who interacts with her may-unn. This is also a woman whose mental conditions are bad enough to warrant being on disability. Apparently she bitched out another one of Duh's female friends at one point for talking to him because Moo was under the impression said female friend was in love with him (she wasn't). I used to wonder how someone like me could possibly pose a threat to anyone's relationship because I am far from attractive, but then I realized it's not about looks. These jealous Moos will get pissed at any woman who dares interact with their men in any way, regardless of appearance. I could look like a side show attraction and I'd still draw glares from envious mommies if I so much as asked their men for the time.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 27, 2016
Moos perceive all other women as threats to their relationships, but they didn't get that way because of Mooing. Odds are VERY good that they were already very jealous and insecure before they bred and breeding just augmented that insecurity. Plus, post-breeding, they need to keep their men around for financial support, so they need to keep their men on short leashes and keep them away from any other threatening sets of non-lactating tits. Never mind the fact that this kind of clingy jealousy is precisely what can drive your partner away.

Trust me, I don't want anybody's whipped Duhs-band. I've experienced this shit too. Saw a Duh acquaintance of mine at the store some months back and I stopped to say 'hello' to him. He was with his wife and while I don't know her at all, I greeted her too. Cue dirty look. But from what I gather from mutual friends, she's like that toward pretty much any woman who interacts with her may-unn. This is also a woman whose mental conditions are bad enough to warrant being on disability. Apparently she bitched out another one of Duh's female friends at one point for talking to him because Moo was under the impression said female friend was in love with him (she wasn't). I used to wonder how someone like me could possibly pose a threat to anyone's relationship because I am far from attractive, but then I realized it's not about looks. These jealous Moos will get pissed at any woman who dares interact with their men in any way, regardless of appearance. I could look like a side show attraction and I'd still draw glares from envious mommies if I so much as asked their men for the time.

Absolutely other women are threats just because they are women...and it isn't just interacting that causes it. It is also being within an approximate distance which a moo perceives as a threat. And childfree women aren't interested in any duh but I will refrain from mentioning it to the moos because the jealousy is funny. Also, not interested in any men who are in relationships.

Today at the gym a man of around 50 was working out nearby, within earshot. Enter moo who obviously likes guy, she talks with him and he tells her she is more than welcome to use the weights he isn't using. She stays cemented to poor guy's side working out and talking for about 20 minutes. The minute she walks away another moo (who also obviously likes him) runs over and starts talking to him for awhile. First moo then comes over immediately and plants herself next to the two of them. Moo jealousy!!!! Poor guy was at the gym longer than me and couldn't have accomplished much. I'm on the other side of the gym and all the sudden the man is working out a few machines away. You go nice man! Way to break from the yapping moos and get back to the purpose of being there, working out.

Then, young guy working out in front of me. Moo comes over and interrupts him and loudly asks how much longer he is working out. He answers her and immediately puts him headphones on and continues to work out. Moo sits on a weight machine in close proximity and watches him like a hawk. Guy continues his workout and isn't making eye contact with her. He had the right approach.

I just don't understand women who follow their men to the gym or follow men around at the gym. That has to be really irritating for the men.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 28, 2016
Military wives/moos are the worst. They assume all single women are insatiable nymphomaniacs with no morals whatsoever. Maybe it's because they are that way themselves and are projecting. It is well known both halves of military couples cheat at a high rate.

On a related note, I have always noticed women with the least attractive husbands or boyfriends are the most jealous. Has anyone else noticed this?
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 28, 2016
I used to wonder how someone like me could possibly pose a threat to anyone's relationship because I am far from attractive, but then I realized it's not about looks. These jealous Moos will get pissed at any woman who dares interact with their men in any way, regardless of appearance. I could look like a side show attraction and I'd still draw glares from envious mommies if I so much as asked their men for the time.

Have you ever read posts by lonely cheating duhs? It is rarely about appearance, it is generally about not getting any ounce of affection or attention from their spouses. (Rabid jealousy does not count as positive attention.) At some level, I guess she knows that, therefore any woman who interacts with him as if he's a human instead of a sperm donor/wallet puts her relationship at risk because he may remember what it is like to be treated like a person.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 28, 2016
On a related note, I have always noticed women with the least attractive husbands or boyfriends are the most jealous. Has anyone else noticed this?

I do notice that I've never had someone project jealousy at me with anyone I was remotely attracted to. Maybe it's a way of deluding themselves that they didn't 'settle'.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 28, 2016
I have to agree that these women are grossly insecure, as they know that all is not right with their so called relationship. Odds are that the moo pinned down her wallet by breeding, and it's the only thing keeping him around, so instead on working on the relationship, they just make it more hellish for the wallet.

Keeping him on a short leash, and Moo clawing any potential threat is their bread and butter now. Odds are too that he's already banging her best friend/office slag/street hooker, and their relationship has a set use-by date, and she probably knows that too.

Whenever you encounter them, just think how absolutely terrible it must be being so paranoid and hypervigilant that their wallet is a hair's breath away, from kicking their ass to the curb.

Yes, they will find another, and the cycle will start all over again - what a demeaning and pathetic life they must lead.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 28, 2016
As someone who prefers other women, I would be especially irritated by an assumption that I was trying to "steal someone's man." Not everything we women do is about flirting with men or wanting to find a boyfriend!! People who assume that everything is about man-finding are just as annoying as people who assume everything is about having babies. Sometimes things are just about friendship, hobbies, professional networking, volunteering, learning new things, or other ends that having NOTHING to do with their narrow "find a may'nnn and have some babies" view of life.

Also, I think this site can sometimes get on a slippery slope with sexism. Not every case is a matter of "Moomie pokes a hole in the condom and then ignores and harps on the poor guy who would have been happy staying CF." Some men are the ones who pressure the women into having baybees, often out of an Og-dik-werks motivation, then they become deadbeats and force the women into taking on ALL the childcare, then expect the women to not resent them at all and be their little trophy wife alongside their domestic slave. Fuck that. Yes, we women have the uteruses and thus ultimately the final say. And yes, it's stupid to have kids with an obvious deadbeat. But not everyone is a genius, and I'm sick of this "always assume sympathy for the man and that the woman is the lunatic" thing. If a man harbors secretly sexist views, pressures a woman into having a baby under the promise that they'll do their 50% share, then bail, then the man is the one who should be getting his share of the blame. If a guy pressures a woman into having a kid, bails on his fair share, goes around knocking up other women like a stray cat and then hits on hot CF girls (who are smart enough to reject him, but still) at the gym, then I'm sorry but we need to be calling out the guy as an asshole. Not just assuming that everything is the woman's fault.

And I haven't personally experienced getting hit on by cheating deadbeat duhs at the gym or grocery store, but I have gotten plenty of dirty looks from obese, frumpy, snot-stained-clothes-wearing moos who are maybe (although I can't read minds) jealous that I'm fit, well-groomed and put in the effort to look decent.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 28, 2016
People who assume that everything is about man-finding are just as annoying as people who assume everything is about having babies. Sometimes things are just about friendship, hobbies, professional networking, volunteering, learning new things, or other ends that having NOTHING to do with their narrow "find a may'nnn and have some babies" view of life.

I suspect the man-finders may mostly be the same womben who assume everything is about having babies. I've known plenty of women who hit puberty and only care about men and then babies. Come to think of it, plenty of younger women couldn't stop talking about men before they hit the baby stage.

Also, I think this site can sometimes get on a slippery slope with sexism. Not every case is a matter of "Moomie pokes a hole in the condom and then ignores and harps on the poor guy who would have been happy staying CF." Some men are the ones who pressure the women into having baybees, often out of an Og-dik-werks motivation, then they become deadbeats and force the women into taking on ALL the childcare, then expect the women to not resent them at all and be their little trophy wife alongside their domestic slave. Fuck that. Yes, we women have the uteruses and thus ultimately the final say. And yes, it's stupid to have kids with an obvious deadbeat. But not everyone is a genius, and I'm sick of this "always assume sympathy for the man and that the woman is the lunatic" thing. If a man harbors secretly sexist views, pressures a woman into having a baby under the promise that they'll do their 50% share, then bail, then the man is the one who should be getting his share of the blame. If a guy pressures a woman into having a kid, bails on his fair share, goes around knocking up other women like a stray cat and then hits on hot CF girls (who are smart enough to reject him, but still) at the gym, then I'm sorry but we need to be calling out the guy as an asshole. Not just assuming that everything is the woman's fault.

I agree and think for childfree women that date men it can be difficult for us to see the Og men unless we date them and eventually they reveal themselves. A man who tries to pressure women into having babies isn't going to get anywhere trying to date a childfree woman so his only choice is to hide this from her. And it is just as likely that there are jealous and insecure men running around acting the same way towards their wives (at grocery stores, the gym, etc.) but I wouldn't see this behavior.

I used to have sympathy for the men and women who are tricked or coerced into having babies but I'm now of the holding sign: bed made lie mentality for both sexes. Unless either sex is prepared to potentially do 100% of the childrearing and financially and emotionally cover all necessary expenses then they shouldn't even consider parenting. Spouses die and it isn't always a conscious choice with one spouse or the other choosing to be a deadbeat or shirking responsibilities. And sometimes one of the spouses simply can't handle parenting or a special needs child.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 28, 2016
Yep, both sexes are capable of being insecure troglodytes. And if you're trying to keep a relationship long-term, you'd best get out in front of that insecurity, because it poisons relationships in a rapid and deadly way. If you're suspicious of your partner's every move and treat everyone who crosses his/her path as a potential affair, you're gonna get misery one way or another. Insecurity just isn't sexy, and no sane adult should see it as a sign of "devotion".

In the grocery store I managed not to smirk or roll my eyes. Took some effort. But seriously...monitoring your grown-ass partner's moves is pathetic. If you don't trust him, break up. If he's given you reason not to trust him, decide whether you wanna work to mend stuff or if it's time to move on.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 29, 2016
yurble, you are spot on. i know folk here don't care for dr laura, but some of her points are spot on and she did mention cheating men who many times did not engage in sex, just wanted someone to talk to and give them attention and affection. they all had moos who just got the almighty sperm donation and did the 'all for the baaabeee' and the guy 'should understaaaand, she's now a busy mooo and has no time for him.'
guess what cows, there are always other women who will give your sperm donor attention.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 29, 2016
"Mom sexy"? Is that really a thing?

I should not be surprised that that's a thing....
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 29, 2016
"Mom sexy"? Is that really a thing?

I should not be surprised that that's a thing....

PNB's can be sexy as they see their mates as more than wallets and don't focus all their time on their brats. BNP's on the other hand, forget it.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 29, 2016
Sometimes I really do feel bad for married Duhs. Not because they necessarily reproduced, but because a lot of them don't know that their wives will emotionally divorce them in order to devote all time, effort, care, affection and humanity to the kids. That's gotta suck for the guy, especially since he was there first. Not to mention that he actually had to work for the Moo's affection (most likely) in order to get in her pants and marry her while the brat just had to get born to have all that love and fucks to give automatically re-routed from Duh to Junior.

I'm not saying Moos should only care about their men and not at all about their kids, but why can't there be a healthier division? I think most men understand that the mothers of their kids will be stretched a little thin in the love department with a helpless loaf being brought into the picture, but these women pay zero attention to their men once the loaf comes down the chute and they not only expect their men to be totally happy with this arrangement, they fully expect them not to cheat. Like twocents said, I don't necessarily think these guys want pussy - they just want someone to give a shit about them and to treat them like human beings instead of walking wallets/sperm banks. I'm sure plenty of them still love their wives/girlfriends, but it's gotta be difficult when that person lives with you and won't even give you the time of day.

If these guys wind up cheating or leaving, the Moo-wives go into hysterics over it. She's raising his children and how dare he not be thrilled with getting absolutely no positive attention from the woman he married - not so much as a peck on the cheek a couple times a month. OH but when she decides all by herself that it's time for another baybee, she can't keep her hands off Duh. And since Duh is so starved for attention, he won't refuse. This will tack several more years onto Duh's life sentence all because he wanted to feel wanted again for like 20 minutes.

It's possible to maintain a healthy spousal relationship with kids thrown in, but it takes effort that most breeders aren't willing to put forth because they're all so tiiiiiiiired.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 30, 2016
"Mom sexy"? Is that really a thing?

I should not be surprised that that's a thing....

They think it is.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 30, 2016
People do this for lots of reasons unrelated to breeding:

Most people just aren't prepared to address their personal shortcomings and see jealousy as the issue. They'd rather project "man-stealing hussy" on you, and "thinks with his dick" on their partner, and view their jealousy as rational.

Projection is one of 'em. I've noticed this a few times from nymphos, and also from the kind of people who think that being single is the worst thing in the world and who would rather be in a bad relationship than try to "cope" on their own. They assume everyone else is as desperate as they are.

A now ex-friend of mine once got suspicious that her boyfriend was cheating on her with me- it turned out that he was cheating on her, but with a different friend (and two other women in addition). She had pointed the finger of blame at me because I was single at the time and therefore must have been desperately lonely and desperate for a man- obviously people in relationships never go after other people's partners(!).

Have definitely noticed this and most women are too dumb to realize if the situation calls for a dirty look or words it should be directed to their significant other, not the woman.

Internalised sexism is another. I made up with the aforementioned ex-friend after she found out the truth about her boyfriend's cheating and broke up with him. She admitted that she was coping with the heartbreak by blaming it all on the friend who slept with him, calling her a "whore". I asked her "Well, if he's slept with you and three other women, what does that make him?" Inevitably she took him back and I just gave up trying to talk to her.

I've known several other women who have chosen to blame "the other woman" taken their cheating boyfriends back- when friends do this it makes me want to bang my head against a wall. The old sexist idea that men don't willingly cheat with women, they are seduced by temptresses and are powerless to resist is a deeply-ingrained one...

Also, I think this site can sometimes get on a slippery slope with sexism.

Internalised sexism, yes- it's so ingrained we even see it here, of all places!

As for reasons for irrational jealousy, I think some people actually get off on the idea that people are jealous of them and trying to steal their partner.

I used to post on a forum where a lot of people knew each other in real life and would meet up regularly. One of my acquaintances from this forum developed a crush on another and stupidly asked me "So, what do you think of him? Do you like him? Should I ask him out?" I thought "Oh fuck, what do I say?"- I didn't like this guy at all but I wanted to be polite, so I said something along the lines of "Oh yeah, he's nice, I like him, go for it". She immediately looked like she was going to scratch my eyes out and I tried to row back with "Oh no, I didn't mean I like him in that way" but it was too late, she already had me down as a jealous man-stealer. She asked him out, he said yes, and she developed a habit of crowing to anyone who'd listen that I was jealous of her and was after her maaaaayun.

I left that forum a long time ago but the last time I looked she was still trying to smear me as some kind of desperate homewrecker- this was well over ten years after they first got together... and a few years after he left her for her so-called best mate he had been shagging behind her back, and then went on to marry. I laughed so hard when I heard that news- I hope the poor freak is enjoying imagining I'm jealous, I swear she got more enjoyment from that than she ever did from him. She must have been so gutted that it was her best friend, not me, who threw herself at him. hysterical laughter

On a related note, I have always noticed women with the least attractive husbands or boyfriends are the most jealous. Has anyone else noticed this?

Oh Christ, yes!!! The two examples I mentioned above the boyfriends weren't only physically unattractive, they weren't nice people - both turned out to be total sleazebags for a start, and the one who later married the woman's best friend was a quite obvious sponging gold-digger. They also both had questionable personal hygiene and really didn't take good care of themselves... Again, it's projection- they settle for their partners out of desperation, and assume everyone else is as desperate as they are.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
November 30, 2016
I was in a hotel for a convention and the lobby had a bunch of tvs on sports programs. I walked up to a screen to see which games are playing and to see a score from my team. I asked the guy if he saw the score from my team game, he said opponent just scored and the score and time. I thanked him and as I turned around I felt someone glaring at me. It was the moo with a feral brat running around her. I smiled and waved because moos get pissed off when you do that and went back to the convention space.

Noticed that moos also flirt with married CF/CL men. It's funny seeing the single moos try to flirt with Takeo. He shuts them down pretty quick, or plays along for my entertainment depending on his mood.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
December 01, 2016
@hana Don't you know that women aren't interested in sports. They only pretend to be interested if they are hitting on a guy.

I have never really had that sort of moo jealousy. I think it is because my style is a bit in your face and because I could probably bench press their ass. There is probably something about a woman in neon eyeshadow, red lipstick, killer heels, and a fucking bow tie that terrified the average moo. I am a walking vortex of mad scientist eccentricity and sheer not giving a fuck that I shatter their brains. Or I could just be oblivious.
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
December 02, 2016

It's possible to maintain a healthy spousal relationship with kids thrown in, but it takes effort that most breeders aren't willing to put forth because they're all so tiiiiiiiired.

The parents who do put an effort into their own relationship actually benefit the sprog.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Irrationally jealous mommies
December 03, 2016
mistress rotwang
@hana Don't you know that women aren't interested in sports. They only pretend to be interested if they are hitting on a guy.

I have never really had that sort of moo jealousy. I think it is because my style is a bit in your face and because I could probably bench press their ass. There is probably something about a woman in neon eyeshadow, red lipstick, killer heels, and a fucking bow tie that terrified the average moo. I am a walking vortex of mad scientist eccentricity and sheer not giving a fuck that I shatter their brains. Or I could just be oblivious.

They probably see you as too different and unclassifiable, and thus you get filed under "not a threat".
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