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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Yeah but it was just a short test drive, not a regular habit. I'm sure he'll never do it again.

How about this one, it has 68 responses:
I love my daughter but no Susan your heathen is not cute and no I don't want to see 20 pictures or your kids. I don't want to watch your kids or have play dates because I quite frankly don't like your kids and I don't have to. Becoming a mom didn't turn me into a child loving saint. I love my child but I really don't like yours.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 08, 2020
Doesn't surprise me. Parents generally think only their kids matter and only their kids are cute. Because CLEARLY their children are so much more unique than everyone else's.


Topic bitching about lazy "parents" when they really mean lazy Duhs who neglect their families to pursue hobbies. Since, you know, Moos can't be lazy - just fathers.

Sounds like a lot of them married man-babies, were likely in denial about their piss-poor behavior and figured that spawning with them would turn them into doting fathers and husbands. Yeah, foisting responsibilities on someone will not magically make them responsible - that usually has the exact opposite effect.

I do wonder how many of them try to be more involved, but then Moo butts in and micro-manages every little thing, so they just say fuck it and don't bother. I'd love to observe the families like I'm filming a nature documentary because I'd wager the story Moo tells, the story Duh tells and the things I see with my own eyes would all have very different interpretations.

Also, as an aside, I was wondering why r/breakingdad was private. Someone mentioned in passing that it used to be public, but I guess the Moo half of a couple was over in r/breakingmom and her partner was over in r/breakingdad bitching about her. Someone recognized similarities between their stories and ratted him out to her and the shit hit the fan. So now the Duh sub is no longer public - I guess they want to prevent drama when spouses find one another complaining in their respective subs.
I can't help but wonder if the breaking dad one was also subject to butthurt mommy whining ala True Dad Confessions site years ago. Moms don't like it when dads get to tell their side of the story. Not that I have more sympathy for the dads, or assume that their side is any truer. There's always the mom side and the dad side, but often the truth lies somewhere in between.

As for "I love my child but don't really like yours"...I think that's a sane response to what passes for parenting these days. Kids suck because their parents are ineffective and selfish. I'm willing to bet that 98 percent of parents hate dealing with their kids' friends and the parents of those friends.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 10, 2020
Moo is fed up with her brat's shit, so she throws him against the couch and tells him to fuck off.


And I say good on her. Just because you're your kid's parent does not mean you have to be okay with them being assholes and hitting you. I'm only sharing this for one reason: do you think the Moos would be as forgiving if a man did this to his child?

I know a lot of my posts in this thread have been in defense of the Duhs and that hasn't been intentional, but it seems almost like Moos are allowed to get away with everything except murdering their kids and they'll get all of the pity and sympathy. Meanwhile, if a man so much as changes his kid's diaper wrong, he's a horrible sexist deadbeat selfish worthless asshole.

I give the lady credit for only throwing the fucker into the couch. Just reading her description of how her brat behaved makes me want to go punch something. This brat is also five years old and I can imagine what an utter JOY he is for his teachers.

It's all wooooorth it
Well this morning he fought getting ready for school with every single fiber in his little body. He hit me no less than four times. Every Time I put something on him (his socks, shoes, jacket, hat.) he immediately removed it. He ran and hid. He locked himself in his room and then his sisters room. He screamed and yelled.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 10, 2020
Also, as an aside, I was wondering why r/breakingdad was private. Someone mentioned in passing that it used to be public, but I guess the Moo half of a couple was over in r/breakingmom and her partner was over in r/breakingdad bitching about her. Someone recognized similarities between their stories and ratted him out to her and the shit hit the fan. So now the Duh sub is no longer public - I guess they want to prevent drama when spouses find one another complaining in their respective subs.

Wow, I didn't complain about my ex-husband in public forums. I didn't say anything via phone or on chat until I was confident there was no future for us and I left him within 1-2 months after that. And that was after I was fed up with trying to work it out with him and convince him to go to counseling with him not wanting to make any effort.

Why on earth does the shit hit the fan when he complains? She is just as guilty of the same. If both of them are complaining that much they need to communicate to each other directly or they need to divorce.
They're on to us!

Hey Bromos...I'm using a throwaway account for reasons that will become clear in my post.

So I'm a mother of 2. 2 year old boy and a 9 month old girl. Or should I say mother of 3 as my husband might as well be a third child...But that's another rant for another day.

What I want to rant about today is how my current circle (Specifically my childfree friends, family and acquaintances) seemingly destroying the one place I come for solace, understanding and a bit of cathartic release. You see: Recently on my facebook a CF friend of mine posted a link to this subreddit and started to absolutely tear down the users here. Talking about how she's "SOOOO HAPPY" she doesn't have kids so she doesn't become one of "Us" (IE bunch of miserable b**chs).

I was about to post something calling her out, but soon her post started to fill up with others sharing the same sentiment. Talking about how we're weak for staying with useless men we do, how we only have ourselves to blame for our misery and that we shouldn't have had kids if we weren't ready to deal with them. But the underlying message was: "I am so happy to be childfree because these women make having kids sound worst than death".

I couldn't do it bromos...With all the stress I've been under lately, I lost my nerve. I buckled like the weak woman these people claim I am. I deleted the few posts I had made here on my main account in fear that one of my friends (Or the people posting in that thread) would discover that I am a user here. And then I went to cry...Because I just couldn't take my ONE sanctuary of understanding be torn down like that. And like a coward I couldn't even defend it.

How do you deal with it bromos? Hell part of me even started to agree with some things they were saying, as if they were directed at me personally.

send wine please
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2020
Must be someone else. I am not sure I've even mentioned breakingmom on my fb page. They may end up going totally private like breakingdad.
If so, I say we have also avenged the dads for these whiny moos destruction of the previous dad forum. No one is allowed to bitch, whine, kvetch, other than the poor moo.
And yah, we do bring a lot of our problems on ourselves. It is not restricted to moos. However moos, and duhs, can do a LOT of damage to children if they make stupid breeding choices.
Wonder who it was? One of the CF forums in FB is public, anything you post there is visible to EVERYONE. I haven't joined it as some of the things I say would hit a lot of innocent folk as well.
I don't think they've found us here though.
I haven't really posted much as the misery there is unreal.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2020
Haha wowww, what a bunch of fucking pussies. The truth hurts, don't it? These women not only have no one to blame but themselves for the shitshow they call their lives, BUT they have also contributed to helping many men and women abstain from reproduction by hearing first-hand how horrible parenthood is.

Make your little clubhouse private if you don't want non-parents to use it as validation for childfreedom. We get plenty of haters here too, or at least we used to. If you make your site public, you have to expect people to find it and criticize it. If you're so fucking proud and happy with your life, why would you get mad or butthurt over someone else saying they're glad they didn't make the same choice?

From the comments:
Yeah, those childfree bitches don't have the aggravation, or "misery" as they call it, that bromos have in their lives. They also don't have any of the delights or rewards.

I'm still waiting to hear about the alleged delights and rewards. Just another riff off "It's all woooooooorth it." Plenty of bingos in the comments too - we were children once too, we don't know what we're missing, if we're so happy then why do we read mommy bitching

More from comments:
I don't understand why the fuck you would be consciously childfree and then consciously trap yourself in the same type of circles parents do. Get the fuck out of here. Life is short. Smile more.

Because Moos brag about how wonderful their lives are and I enjoy reading irrefutable evidence of their LIES. It warms my cold dead heart to see how disappointed and unhappy they are when I'm sure they played up breeding as a dream come true in their heads.

Moo comes out and says her partner has always been very distant (translation: doesn't give a shit about her or the brats), gets pregnant by him for a third time, and is shocked that he not only gave no fucks about her being in the ER giving birth prematurely, but he was also busy banging another chick while Moo-wife was crapping out mistake #3.


He didn't even fucking upgrade - the side dish is a Moo with four kids.

From the mouth of the author herself:

I know he was never a good partner or parent but I didn’t want this.

So WHY THE FUCK did you stay with him for so long? Why did you reproduce with him multiple times? You have NO ONE to blame but yourself for your misery. Why are Moos so fucking stupid? I'd be more sympathetic if I knew that her situation was one she felt she couldn't leave like she's dependent on him for money or can't afford to live on her own or he's got a gigantic cock and the sex was worth the trouble, but I don't know what kept her with him for so long if he's so awful.

Why do they not learn from their mistakes? Why do they continuously breed with men that suck? Something about the definition of insanity comes to mind. I was in a relationship with a piece of shit years and years ago and it wasn't something I wanted to continue and sure as fuck wasn't someone I would have bred with even if I wanted kids!

(Edited because I forgot to type the rest of my post.)
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2020
Gee, it must suck to have your reproductive choices singled out and ridiculed like that. eye rolling smiley

Welcome to what CF people deal with all the damn time.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin

Moo comes out and says her partner has always been very distant (translation: doesn't give a shit about her or the brats), gets pregnant by him for a third time, and is shocked that he not only gave no fucks about her being in the ER giving birth prematurely, but he was also busy banging another chick while Moo-wife was crapping out mistake #3.


He didn't even fucking upgrade - the side dish is a Moo with four kids.

From the mouth of the author herself:

I know he was never a good partner or parent but I didn’t want this.

So WHY THE FUCK did you stay with him for so long? Why did you reproduce with him multiple times? You have NO ONE to blame but yourself for your misery. Why are Moos so fucking stupid? I'd be more sympathetic if I knew that her situation was one she felt she couldn't leave like she's dependent on him for money or can't afford to live on her own or he's got a gigantic cock and the sex was worth the trouble, but I don't know what kept her with him for so long if he's so awful.

Why do they not learn from their mistakes? Why do they continuously breed with men that suck? Something about the definition of insanity comes to mind. I was in a relationship with a piece of shit years and years ago and it

I saw this one too. If you look closely it says the marriage went to shit around the time the first brat was born.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2020
Gee, it must suck to have your reproductive choices singled out and ridiculed like that. eye rolling smiley

Welcome to what CF people deal with all the damn time.

Yup. They started it. And we still deal with a lot more of this shit in daily life, because nobody is criticizing them to their faces, whereas every stranger seems to have an opinion about my uterus.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2020
Why do they not learn from their mistakes? Why do they continuously breed with men that suck? Something about the definition of insanity comes to mind. I was in a relationship with a piece of shit years and years ago and it wasn't something I wanted to continue and sure as fuck wasn't someone I would have bred with even if I wanted kids!

There must be a million studies showing that women do the vast majority of childcare and household work. If I had money for every time I read an article suggesting that society should do something to fix this problem, I'd be rich. It's a problem that stems from personal choices. I've often thought, if women aren't content with the status quo, why don't they go on a reproduction strike (in the case of childcare), and a cohabitation strike (in the case of household work)?

But this will never happen, because so many women have low, low standards, to the point that they'd consider a man a paragon if he spent the evenings and weekends sitting on the couch, because he'd still be better than the majority of men that women choose to breed with. I will never understand why they enable these men to begin with, and I definitely don't understand why they complain when the predictable result occurs.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 16, 2020
I'm sure the issues with useless men have at least something to do with their upbringing. They're probably babied by their mothers and their fathers are either non-existent or don't give a crap about raising them, so they grow up thinking this shit is normal. Then they proceed to repeat the cycle with their own kids and tell everyone what bitches their wives are for having expectations of them like putting dirty laundry in the hamper or actually paying attention to their own kids.

I wonder how the sons of the Moos in that sub will turn out given the attitudes the Moos have toward their husbands. You can't tell me the kids don't eventually figure out that Mommy hates Daddy, even though all the proud mommies claim they don't shit-talk their men in front of their kids. Will they turn into yet another generation of useless lazy lumps? Will they grow up with a sense of hatred for their gender? Or will they see their parents' mistakes and try to ensure they don't make them as adults?

My ex was also a momma's boy and an only child too, and he grew up into one of these useless lazy assholes living off your tax dollars, but boy oh boy he couldn't wait to knock somebody up. He went on and on to me when we were together about how much he wanted a son to name it "Asshole III" because he was Asshole II and his father was Asshole the first (his dad is a decent guy and my ex might have turned out okay had his dad raised him full-time instead of his mom). Man I grinned like an idiot when I learned he wound up with a girl, but hopefully that doesn't mean he treats the kid any less for not having a dick.

That seems to be a common theme with guys like this. Lazy as fuck, but often the first ones to say they reeeeeeally want babbies, then they proceed to have nothing to do with said babbies once they're born.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 17, 2020
An open letter to CF meanie-heads who read Moo sites and gloat about being CF. Off-shoot of the Moo whining about her CF friend making her feel bad about reproducing on social media.


A new bingo to add to the collection too! Apparently if we read about breeders and their awful lives, we aren't really childfree because we need constant reminders of what we're missing out on, I guess because we secretly might want kids and need to be reminded of why it's a bad idea by reading Moo horror stories? And she's so glad we don't have kids because we're all so awful and mentally unhinged. Aww, she's breaking my heart!

The fact this person took time to write this shows that they care much more than they want to let on. If they enjoy motherhood so much, why would they even feel compelled to write any of this? I love the end of the post too:


If you have to stalk people in places you don't belong in, probably stick to the Internet, as you clearly aren't intelligent enough to get away with it otherwise.

We don't know how that goes here at all, do we? eye rolling smiley Though it has been a while since we had breeders spewing verbal diarrhea on our turf and/or masquerading as CFers.

I read Moo stories for the same reasons I read bridezilla stories: entertainment and schadenfreude. I knew a long, long time ago I didn't want kids and don't need further reminders of the so-called happiness I'm missing out on because I'm secure in my decision - probably the only thing in life I am 100% sure about. I would, however, point anyone on the fence or anyone who wants kids to that sub to get an undistilled dose of reality. I feel like it's only right to show someone what they can actually expect and I know I'd want someone to be honest with me about the pitfalls of any new endeavor.

And to be honest, I almost NEVER see CFers being openly childfree on social media (outside of private childfree Facebook pages, that is) because they often don't want to incur the wrath of breeders and breeder supporters. So for all we know, the CF person in question may have just been a bitch, a bitter infertile or one of the people who pretends to be CF just to be edgy. I won't say every CF person is an angel just like how I won't say every parent is a piece of shit because some people suck no matter what they have or have not pushed out their vaginas.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 17, 2020
How do you deal with it bromos? Hell part of me even started to agree with some things they were saying, as if they were directed at me personally.

send wine please

That is because they are all the same. Have the exact same complaints and yet they never learn! And many go on to have more than one brat knowing all this.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 17, 2020
I read Moo stories for the same reasons I read bridezilla stories: entertainment and schadenfreude. I knew a long, long time ago I didn't want kids and don't need further reminders of the so-called happiness I'm missing out on because I'm secure in my decision - probably the only thing in life I am 100% sure about. I would, however, point anyone on the fence or anyone who wants kids to that sub to get an undistilled dose of reality. I feel like it's only right to show someone what they can actually expect and I know I'd want someone to be honest with me about the pitfalls of any new endeavor.

You know, I don't think I'd feel the need for a CF rant site, if the following were true:
  • Women were given full reproductive freedom without judgement, including the right of sterilization
  • Women weren't treated as potential incubators by medical staff
  • Nobody would inquire further or nag or bingo if you said you didn't have kids
  • Being childfree were presented as a valid choice, with ample role models
  • Media didn't display a bias toward parents
  • The legal system didn't display an explicit (e.g., equal right to personal leave, protected family status, tax systems) or implicit bias (e.g., equal punishment for the death of a child) against people without children
  • Women's issues were not conflated with mother's issues
  • The quality of life of the potential child were put above the right of adults to breed
  • I never had to interact with children, except in the most minimal fashion
  • No discounts for children, and other unearned privileges for breeders

And maybe a few more things. Society discriminates against people without children, and it warms my heart to see that even with all the unearned privilege, their lives still suck.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 17, 2020
Damn that is a fine list and maybe this should even be a separate, pinned topic for Butthurt Breeders when they come here in a huff.

To pile on:

Women were given full reproductive freedom without judgement, including the right of sterilization

I was a 36 year old, stable, home-owning person with a master's degree (not that any of this should matter) and I went through multiple doctors (one of whom wanted me to get counseling) and too much grief before I finally got sterilized.

Doctors don't bat an eye when a 20 year old woman with zero life experience is knocked up, or a 48 year old woman wants to do IVF. Just bill the state or hand over the checkbook.

Women weren't treated as potential incubators by medical staff

This includes not giving women with reproductive cancers effective treatment because OMG WTF BBQ it may effect fertility, even if it saves the woman's life. (ovary and/or uterus removal, certain drugs) Also not giving a rat's ass about treating women with diseases that affect the reproductive system (PCOS or endometriosis) or offering PREGNANCY as the ultimate and only treatment.

The legal system didn't display an explicit (e.g., equal right to personal leave, protected family status, tax systems) or implicit bias (e.g., equal punishment for the death of a child) against people without children

This flows into the workplace with Workplace issues and unequal work benefits:

Something comes up at 5:00? Parunts have a pass to walk about the door while the childfree/childless people stay and fix it.

When my parent had cancer and I had to take her to treatment, I had to go to the Union and submit all kinds of paperwork for the privilege of taking LEAVE WITHOUT PAY, while someone else in the office was permitted to "work from home" (and do fuck-all) for six weeks with pay (before we had a formal telework program and laptop computers!) after his wife lost a clump at six weeks.

Anything pertaining to children (last minute take offs related to clump or chyld "emergencies", well baybee visits, fathers going to each and every Moo visit, two parunts taking a kid to the doctor) is holy and sacrosanct and not to be questioned, yet a CF/CL person who wants to take leave is questioned to within an inch of his/her life.

I've been told that I "take too much vacation" when I want to use my earned time off (even when it's use or lose leave), yet parunts who use their leave are not questioned. One Breeder Pleaser Boss told me he scheduled his vacation around when parunts wanted to take theirs, and I should do the same.

No discounts for children, and other unearned privileges for breeders

You are expected to take it up the ass, cheerfully and gladly give parunts the perks when many of them are doing the worst job of raising kids in history. Single CF or CL people or married people without children pay more than any other category and are net givers, rather than net takers, and they use the fewest resources. (No skool system for regular and endless tard services, no "marriage and family court" to adjudicate the inevitable divorce and custody battles, no court system for badly-raised juvenile brats.)

Being childfree were presented as a valid choice, with ample role models

If you are CF, your life does not count. In a Titanic situation I hope you like icy water, because you would be expected/forced to give up a place on the lifeboat to the childed. If you are murdered or missing or in a minority group, good luck in getting any press to look for you. A sainted Moo could be a crack whore, and she will get more attention than you. When I was younger, I used to tell DH, if I am ever missing, tell the cops I'm pregnasty, so someone will look for me.

If you are married and CF, be prepared to be told you are "not really married until you have kyds." If people find out you do not have children, they will ask why you got married.

When my ex and I broke up due to his cheating, I had Good ChristianTM people from our church ask me if I considered having a baybee to save our marriage. Many people who "don't believe in divorce" think it's acceptable to divorce a sterile or unwilling-to-breed partner, even if both parties agreed not to have kids at the time of the marriage.


Society discriminates against people without children, and it warms my heart to see that even with all the unearned privilege, their lives still suck.

Quoted for truth! Society may heap some bullshit on me, but my life definitely does not suck. Things stay where I put them. My life, time and money are MY OWN.

band playing music bouncing smileys holding sign: bed made lie
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 17, 2020
This flows into the workplace with Workplace issues and unequal work benefits:

Something comes up at 5:00? Parunts have a pass to walk about the door while the childfree/childless people stay and fix it.

When my parent had cancer and I had to take her to treatment, I had to go to the Union and submit all kinds of paperwork for the privilege of taking LEAVE WITHOUT PAY, while someone else in the office was permitted to "work from home" (and do fuck-all) for six weeks with pay (before we had a formal telework program and laptop computers!) after his wife lost a clump at six weeks.

Anything pertaining to children (last minute take offs related to clump or chyld "emergencies", well baybee visits, fathers going to each and every Moo visit, two parunts taking a kid to the doctor) is holy and sacrosanct and not to be questioned, yet a CF/CL person who wants to take leave is questioned to within an inch of his/her life.

I've been told that I "take too much vacation" when I want to use my earned time off (even when it's use or lose leave), yet parunts who use their leave are not questioned. One Breeder Pleaser Boss told me he scheduled his vacation around when parunts wanted to take theirs, and I should do the same.

In Europe we have slightly better workplace protections. I've never been asked to stay late when others were not, denied the ability to take time off for medical appointments, given extra work, or pressured into giving up vacation. But even when you take state-mandated parental leave out of the equation, breeders still get a better deal.

I once worked for an organization that bragged about their substantial benefits package. Now, I don't expect that every benefit available will appeal to everyone, but I am not kidding when I say more than 50% of those perks were only relevant to breeders. There were maybe two things of interest to me, reduced cost gym membership (which I ended up not taking as I preferred one nearer to my home) and public transport expenses. I would have been a lot better off if I'd gotten money instead of the "benefits", even with additional taxes deducted. You can't look at a list of benefits that includes things like minimal cost onsite daycare, a nursing room, per-child additional vacation days, group insurance plans with free child membership, and so on, and tell me that it was even remotely fair and equal.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 18, 2020
I've never been asked to stay late when others were not

I was once told by the CFO that I had to stay late because I had nothing better to do and no one waiting for me at home.

And I had to take all my vacation days when my mom was dying of cancer.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 18, 2020
Ohhh this is rich. So the Moo that wrote this:


... the open letter to all the horrible CFers who are happy to not have bred, comes out and says she never wanted kids here:


And here:


So I guess since CFers manage to STAY unchilded, we're all terrible. But not wanting kids and having them anyway makes you a saint. What a hypocrite. I want to feel bad for her because she's a rape victim and her husband hits her and her kid, but it's also no excuse to be a cunt to people who didn't breed.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 18, 2020
And here's another! All the bitter Moos who are still pissed their men didn't do shit for them on Mother's Day are planning to get back at them by doing nothing for them on Father's Day.


Do you really think these men who give no fucks about their own wives and kids will really care that Father's Day comes and goes without any recognition? Most of them probably don't want to be fathers anyway, so a lack of a reminder would probably be a relief.

Why do husbands have to do shit for their wives on Moo's Day anyway? I always thought it was something you do for your own mother, not the mother of your kids.
This one just kills me. How did humanity survive before air bags, rear facing car seats and air conditioning? Surely we must rightfully been extinct by now and our continued survival is a fluke of nature.

My husband and I were at his parents house for a brunch. His dad has an older Corvette he’s been working on for awhile that’s finally running. My husband wanted to go for a spin in it but I told him I needed him to keep the baby while I helped cook and get food situated. He said okay and took our 13 month old to the shop with him. Five minutes later, I see him driving down the road. I go outside where his dad and brother are and ask where the baby was. HE WAS IN THE CORVETTE WITH MY HUSBAND. I freaked the fuck out. I didn’t know whether he was just sitting on his lap in the DRIVERS SEAT OR NOT. He’s gone almost 20 minutes. I’m hyperventilating and getting ready to get in the car to go hunt them down. He comes back, baby is in the passenger seat, forward facing, in 100 degree weather with no ac in this car. No top, no air bags. Baby is red as a tomato, sweat dripping off of him. His hair looks like he got out of the bath with sweat. I snatch him while screaming at my husband. I leave him there. I am now at home with my son and my husband is blowing up my phone asking me to come get him and that he didn’t do anything wrong. I’m strict as fuck about car seat safely and I thought my husband was too but I guess I don’t know now. I am so angry I’m shaking. I can’t believe how irresponsible he was!! He could’ve killed our son. So easily. I don’t know what the fuck to do or if I can get over this. I just need to rant and be pissed off.


There's a follow up post where she got his whole family to gang up on him to the point he cried. If I were this guy, I'd be long gone.

And by "older", she means an '85 model, not some 50's death trap. And aren't we supposed to be social distancing, anyway?

I read the update where he’s clearly contrite and has been crying, but Moo is determined to keep punishing him. Let’s see when Li’l Sizzler season is in full swing if she has that same energy for a fellow moo who “forgets” her kid in the car and the baby roasts to death. Is she going to have the same righteous anger she has toward her husband for a lapse in judgment that lead to nothing worse than a slightly hot baby? Or is she going to fall over herself telling everybody to give the poor moo grace, forgiveness, and leniency for killing her child?

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
I love the end of the post too:


If you have to stalk people in places you don't belong in, probably stick to the Internet, as you clearly aren't intelligent enough to get away with it otherwise.

We don't know how that goes here at all, do we? eye rolling smiley

Oh, like the largest CF reddit sub being full of breeders and having a breeder mod? Talk about shoehorning yourself into places you don't belong....
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 19, 2020
Ohhh this is rich. So the Moo that wrote this:


Quoting someone else from the same forum who told the whiny moo here how it is:
I think more people are choosing to have no children or less children and later in life actually. I personally do not place any judgment if someone wants to not have kids, it's not for everyone. I think it's the company you keep that is your issue......"

Bingo! Problem addressed!
This one thinks the husband is the stupid one in the relationship. Whoops, make that baby daddy.



This man takes a shower EVERY DAY. This morning my 6 month old got very messy eating so I had to bring him in the shower (we do not have a bathtub) and I had to bring my three year old in there too because he follows me EVERYWHERE. Anyways I hop in the shower holding the baby to wash him and the toddler is just playing. We get out and a little later when my fiance wakes up, I tell him I want to shower. His response: "why?" Me: "because I haven't showered in a week" He: "didn't you just shower this morning?" Me: "No, I washed the baby" He: "why didn't you wash yourself?"

Are all men this stupid?!? How the HELL am I supposed to hold the baby, wash the baby, and wash myself? Nevermind that I just want to take a damn shower in PEACE and QUIET. I shouldn't have to tell him why I need to take a shower by myself for the first time in a week. He gets to shower in peace every fucking day. He goes to the bathroom for over thirty minutes when he wakes up, then hops in the shower right after for another 30 minutes. It's just unfair. I wish he would be able to see what I go through everyday.


My mother bathed my sister in the sink.
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