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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 06, 2020

WHY would you get pregnant again between having two kids under 3 and puking yourself to death? I

It sounds like she divorced one dude and is now pregnant by her "current partner" and she is already six months pregnant. Serial Breeder much? And she is also "working from home" with all these crotch critters during the pandemic.

If she's puking all the time and watching two kids while she is working, how could she possibly be productive?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 06, 2020

If she's puking all the time and watching two kids while she is working, how could she possibly be productive?

Put the little fuckers in a playpen and close the damned door.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 07, 2020
I don't understand why people who don't want kids will have them just because their partner wants them. Do these people really think they'll be decent parents when they don't even want the kid to be born? Plenty of parents who want kids suck at their jobs, so what hope does someone who doesn't want kids have? What the fuck kind of a start in life is that when 50% of your parents don't want you? I agree, she is a shit mother - she should have had the sense to use some sort of protection, get an abortion or say no to kids. I foresee a high probability of a PNA, neglect or abuse in that kid's future if Moo is already counting down the days until Junior is 18 and can be kicked out of the house. Either that or a murder-suicide.

Why is she even with this guy if they don't love one another and have nothing in common? Midlife crisis, maybe? Surely being alone can't be worse than living with a terrible spouse and having a kid you never wanted.

Also, why is it that so many men are all gung-ho about making babies, but not taking care of them? Is that just a simple matter of some men being unable to think beyond "pee-pee hard, want fuck now?"

Why are so many parents opposed to spanking? It's not like they need to beat their kids to a pulp. Just a swat on the ass to make them stop what they're doing. Kids are dumb and a little discomfort is often the only thing that gets their attention. Funny how when parents started drifting away from physical discipline, autism rates started skyrocketing.

If Moo divorces Duh and he gets visitation, does she think for one second he won't spank the brat in his own home?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 08, 2020
If you're sick, make sure you make good use of those selfish unchilded friends with loads of time/money/energy to spare!


I don’t know, maybe this is just my particular friends. I looooooove my mom friends, no doubt. We’ve had lots of generous meals brought over and gift cards sent to us. But they don’t have the time and flexibility my childless friends do. I just got done with two weeks of my best friend and her wife doing almost everything for our kids and house while simultaneously teaching remotely (they’re professors). My husband got to do his job and I got to rest and recover.

All the snaps for best friends and aunties and DINKs.

I'm very sorry this lady has cancer, but it sounds like she's just exploiting her childless/childfree friends. Since, you know, people with no brats are NEVER busy, sick, tired, broke or want time to themselves. If the assistance was voluntary, then it's good she has friends to lean on, but I have a feeling there was a lot of guilt tripping and passive aggression involved. Not to mention that if these friends are distance teaching, isn't that a clue that maybe they don't want to be around other people's kids right now?

Also, if this Moo has cancer, why the hell is she handing her kids over to other people when we're supposed to be limiting social contact? I can't imagine one of her crotch goblins bringing home coronavirus would bode well for her when she's already sick.

And I would bet every goddamn cent to my name that if these childless friends ever need a favor from Moo, she won't return it because she's too bizzy. Seriously, NEVER do anything nice for a Moo because they'll take advantage of you and never reciprocate.

Moos who don't like that their husbands still find their post-partum dumpster fire bodies attractive


More than one Moo likens being groped by their spouses to sexual assault. I get that no means no even in marriage, but isn't it kind of a GOOD thing if your husband still wants you after sluicing? These are the same women who will be bitching about how they have no sex lives in six months. To be fair, it does sound like some of these Duhs have serious listening problems that I'm sure go beyond being touchy-feely, so I won't act like every last one of them is an innocent angel.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 10, 2020

I wish people were more honest about what it’s like having kids instead of glamorizing it to get more people to come join their miserable club. Two kids in three years. This sucks. I hate it right now, I feel like a terrible mom because I’m miserable and feel like I’m making everyone else miserable too. It’s just a constant shit show and nobody is ever fucking happy. I’m over it and having crazy regrets. How do you become a happy person when you can’t change your circumstances?

Ahh, the fruits of child worship are paying off:


I have an 8 year old and a 4 year old and I’ve fucking had it. I know they’re over this too, but they’re so mean sometimes. I know it’s not palatable to say things like “I don’t like my kids” or “my kids are mean”, but it’s the truth whether it’s palatable or not. I love them, but I don’t like them right now.

FWIW, I do completely understand that they’re stuck in a situation that they’re also struggling with and while I can’t imagine what it’s like to be a child going through a pandemic, I’m just fucking done.

I resent my 8 year old for provoking the 4 year old when she knows I’m struggling and she knows I’ll have to intervene. I swear she does it for her own entertainment.

I resent the 4 year old for what appears to be willful & selective regression at the worst possible moment... I resent both of them for treating me like shit after bending over backwards to strike a balance between keeping them safe and keeping them engaged/entertained.

I hate making them meals (they always need more of something on their plate, or another napkin, or a new fork because they dropped theirs on the floor and if I don’t comply, I have to listen to them whine about it). I swear to god that if I try and leave the room while they eat, they spill something and completely up-end whatever meal we’re having.

I hate trying to get them in the shower (they take for fucking ever just to undress to get in the shower). They leave dirty clothes on the floor and when I grit my teeth and take a big deep breath and calmly ask them to put them in the dirty laundry, I get nothing but attitude or from my 8 year old, I get this moody AF silent treatment.

I’ve fucking had it and I don’t know how I’m going to do distance learning. Jesus Christ.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 10, 2020
the first one was the most interesting: - I wish they would stop glamorizing it so people join their miserable club.
pro natalism should be the attitude destroyed I think.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 10, 2020
the first one was the most interesting: - I wish they would stop glamorizing it so people join their miserable club.
pro natalism should be the attitude destroyed I think.

Pronatalism is designed to fill the ranks of the military-industrial complex so solders can go kill poor brown people. Don't expect the glamming of Moohood to stop anytime soon.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 10, 2020
My teacher friends tell me 8-9 years old is a pretty decent age. They are too old to pee in their pants (if properly parunted) and too young to be really evil. (Exceptions exist at every age.) If raised properly, they can start doing things for themselves and it gives them a sense of accomplishment.

This is completely pathetic. They are training Moomie:


I hate making them meals (they always need more of something on their plate, or another napkin, or a new fork because they dropped theirs on the floor and if I don’t comply, I have to listen to them whine about it). I swear to god that if I try and leave the room while they eat, they spill something and completely up-end whatever meal we’re having.

I hate trying to get them in the shower (they take for fucking ever just to undress to get in the shower). They leave dirty clothes on the floor and when I grit my teeth and take a big deep breath and calmly ask them to put them in the dirty laundry, I get nothing but attitude or from my 8 year old, I get this moody AF silent treatment.

There is no reason why a kid who drops something on the floor shouldn't be picking it up. These brats are both old enough. You drop your fork, pick it up and get yourself a new one. You make a mess, you are cleaning it up yourself. Start throwing things on the floor deliberately or making a mess? Pick things up, clean things up AND be punished.

And why is taking a deep breath and calmly asking instead of laying down the law? Like so many pathetic parunts today, she wants to be their friend and she's afraid of her own offspring. "You are old enough to pick up your own stuff. The next time I have to do it, you are losing X,Y, Z privileges." Then do it. No arguments or whining.

I worked with guy who used to say, you can either rule your kid or your kid will rule you. Also, "no chyld is going to be running my life."

Instead these Breeders want them to yuv Mommy and they walk on eggshells around their own kids.

If your kid consistently acts like a brat, it's your own fault. These modern Breeders make life hard on themselves.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 10, 2020

I hate making them meals (they always need more of something on their plate, or another napkin, or a new fork because they dropped theirs on the floor and if I don’t comply, I have to listen to them whine about it). I swear to god that if I try and leave the room while they eat, they spill something and completely up-end whatever meal we’re having.

I hate trying to get them in the shower (they take for fucking ever just to undress to get in the shower). They leave dirty clothes on the floor and when I grit my teeth and take a big deep breath and calmly ask them to put them in the dirty laundry, I get nothing but attitude or from my 8 year old, I get this moody AF silent treatment.

There is no reason why a kid who drops something on the floor shouldn't be picking it up. These brats are both old enough. You drop your fork, pick it up and get yourself a new one. You make a mess, you are cleaning it up yourself. Start throwing things on the floor deliberately or making a mess? Pick things up, clean things up AND be punished.

I remember when I was about 8 through ten I would pick up the utensil I dropped, put it in the sink, then I would take a clean utensil out of the drawer then finish whatever meal I was eating. I do think that this pair of kids are having problems with being continuously locked in the house due to the Covid 19 mess.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 10, 2020
I do think that this pair of kids are having problems with being continuously locked in the house due to the Covid 19 mess.

Ah, no. These kids' behavior is not caused by lockdown. It's caused by their parents letting them get away with it. It's the same type of bratty, entitled behavior we saw before COVID, and it's the same type of bratty, entitled behavior we will continue to see long after. It's brats being brats and being allowed to get away with it, end of, full stop.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 11, 2020
Seems this Moo is too dense to realize that calmly telling her little bastards to do something isn't working. There is a reason that so many Moos there share stories of how they go completely nuclear on their husbands or kids and that is when they listen. It's because this gentle non-threatening discussion of fee-fees doesn't work. You cannot be your kid's friend and their parent, at least not while they're still young. They need someone to shape them into bearable human beings and if done right, they will understand and appreciate it when they become adults.

If they mess up by mistake, you don't have to be mean, but be firm. Tell them why they fucked up, how to unfuck it and that you expect them to unfuck it. If they mess up on purpose, are lazy or bratty, get mad and scream at them. Take away privileges, or use customized punishments. You can't get off your ass and put a dirty shirt in the hamper? It goes to the thrift store. Run out of clothes? Tough shit, cupcake. Have fun wearing the same dirty outfit for a month. They can't get their own fork without whining? Tell them to go whine in their rooms without any meals until they're ready to fetch their own utensils from the silverware drawer.

These little pissants would shape up if there were actual consequences to their shitty behavior. But noooope, Mommy wants to smooch their asses so they'll be her BFFs because she probably has no friends her own age anymore.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 11, 2020
Moos who crave more babies when their husbands don't want more


Funny how they specifically say they want babies and not necessarily kids. They don't want tantrum-throwing toddlers, headstrong grade schoolers, pouty greedy pre-teens or moody teenagers because nobody wants those. Babies are certainly the most needy age, but they're also the most helpless and least developed age. They don't have attitudes, they don't whine about gimme this and gimme that, they don't do drugs, get pregnant, get expelled from school, fail grades, don't need discipline or require the same level of maintenance as older children.

These Moos just like having a cute baby to coo at and they have some kind of a complex that makes them interpret a baby's dependence on them as love. But when that cute baybee becomes a pain-in-the-ass toddler? Time to look at Duh all doe-eyed because Moo wants another loaf to snuggle. Or just oops him because fuck what he wants.

Then they realize how much their plan sucks when they have three brats under three (and later on, three fucking teenagers at once) and act like it's everyone else's fault but theirs that their life sucks. It's like people who only want puppies or kittens, but then get rid of them when they grow up because they're no longer cute little critters. If Moos could just as easily care for their babies and get rid of them when they become toddlers, some of them would just be in a constant state of pregnancy so they could have an endless stream of babies.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 11, 2020
Then they realize how much their plan sucks when they have three brats under three (and later on, three fucking teenagers at once) and act like it's everyone else's fault but theirs that their life sucks. It's like people who only want puppies or kittens, but then get rid of them when they grow up because they're no longer cute little critters. If Moos could just as easily care for their babies and get rid of them when they become toddlers, some of them would just be in a constant state of pregnancy so they could have an endless stream of babies.

Let us not forget the udder rubs. Babies provide lots of ass pats and udder rubs to the pregnant cow, then everyone will coo at the 'cute' baby.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 11, 2020
I didn't know about the forum in question before this thread began. I've been reading it daily ever since.

SO MANY POSTS about bitches getting angry or cutting contact with anyone who actually disciplines their brats, including their husbands, and especially immediate families or in-laws. And then they want to whine and complain about how badly they are treated by their brats. Completely oblivious to the situation of their own making.

This one's getting petty revenge on childfree brother for calling breeders "breeders"


This little girl is pissed at her family for not helping raise her brat

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 11, 2020

This little girl is pissed at her family for not helping raise her brat


Love how this young mother says it " it takes absolutely NOTHING to help out someone who needs a break" -- for her relatives to take full time care of her kids for a few days.

I also want 48 hours of someones free labour.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 11, 2020
Love how this young mother says it " it takes absolutely NOTHING to help out someone who needs a break" -- for her relatives to take full time care of her kids for a few days.

Gee, if it's "nothing," why does she need help with it?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 12, 2020
From the Moo bitching about how nobody will relieve her of the job she chose:


I (25) understand my child (5) my responsibility but it takes absolutely NOTHING to help out someone who needs a break.

So I’ve just graduated, my and my partner have had hardly anytime to ourselves as he works during the day. He has a few days coming off so I ask my family for help so we can spend time together just one or two nights. But they’re all refusing to help me. I understand how I’m coming across but it’s so frustrating when I’m asking for a tiny sacrifice on there behalf just so I can have a tiny bit of time for myself

There’s always an excuse or a problem which means they can’t help. So I find solutions to there problems and they still won’t help me. Or I’ll get “well I raised three kids on my own” so I’m just supposed to have no quality of life until my little ones old enough?

It’s even more frustrating when they want help and I’ll do it but it’s never returned.

Like just help me, I’m asking you to spend time with your niece/ granddaughter not for a kidney.

Has she considered the fact that maybe her family doesn't want to catch fucking coronavirus? Or maybe they have other obligations? Or they want breaks themselves? And oh really now, Moo finds solutions to their problems over the phone? I would loooove to hear how she magically fixes people's lives so they have no excuse to not mind her bastards. How generous of her.

Has she considered the possibility that her kid is a fucking asshole and nobody wants to be around it? With that sense of entitlement from the cow herself, I imagine the calf isn't too far behind. Could be Moo has burned some bridges with her family and now they don't want to do anything for her.

If it takes absolutely nothing to help her out, then she should be able to help herself out, right? Because if she is incapable of doing something as simple as "absolutely nothing," that must mean she's a piss-poor excuse for a mother. If no one at all is willing to help her, there's a reason for it that's she's conveniently leaving out to make herself look like the poor widdle victim.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 12, 2020
From the Moo bitching about how nobody will relieve her of the job she chose:


I (25) understand my child (5) my responsibility but it takes absolutely NOTHING to help out someone who needs a break.

So I’ve just graduated, my and my partner have had hardly anytime to ourselves as he works during the day. He has a few days coming off so I ask my family for help so we can spend time together just one or two nights. But they’re all refusing to help me. I understand how I’m coming across but it’s so frustrating when I’m asking for a tiny sacrifice on there behalf just so I can have a tiny bit of time for myself

There’s always an excuse or a problem which means they can’t help. So I find solutions to there problems and they still won’t help me. Or I’ll get “well I raised three kids on my own” so I’m just supposed to have no quality of life until my little ones old enough?

It’s even more frustrating when they want help and I’ll do it but it’s never returned.

Like just help me, I’m asking you to spend time with your niece/ granddaughter not for a kidney.

Has she considered the fact that maybe her family doesn't want to catch fucking coronavirus? Or maybe they have other obligations? Or they want breaks themselves? And oh really now, Moo finds solutions to their problems over the phone? I would loooove to hear how she magically fixes people's lives so they have no excuse to not mind her bastards. How generous of her.

Has she considered the possibility that her kid is a fucking asshole and nobody wants to be around it? With that sense of entitlement from the cow herself, I imagine the calf isn't too far behind. Could be Moo has burned some bridges with her family and now they don't want to do anything for her.

If it takes absolutely nothing to help her out, then she should be able to help herself out, right? Because if she is incapable of doing something as simple as "absolutely nothing," that must mean she's a piss-poor excuse for a mother. If no one at all is willing to help her, there's a reason for it that's she's conveniently leaving out to make herself look like the poor widdle victim.

My guess is that the Moo equates her offering 30 seconds of unsolicited phone advice (aka "help") to the relatives as those same relatives caring for her kids for 48 hours (aka "help")
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 12, 2020
Yes, OBVIOUSLY she is childfree and couldn't possibly have already raised brats and still be annoyed by your howler monkey running wild in a doctor's office. Therefore you feel entitled to insult her because you're the only one who matters anyway.

Today my husband, three year old, and I were standing in line for her to get bloodwork done. She has a potential tumor on her back, and it has been a horrible and stressful time for us.

Her behavior was typical of a three year old who has literally done nothing all day except interact with doctors and have medical tests done on them. To say the least she was wound up.

Cue some old out of touch quack who was keeping an awkward distance from us, like even more awkward than the post-COVID-social-distance kind of thing. I thought just about nothing of it. I’m the kinda gal that likes her space.

But after a while she was interrupting the flow of the line, and somebody behind her politely asked her to move forward so their was space for everybody. That’s when Mrs. Biddy decided to loudly proclaim that “Oh I’m allergic to children, especially hyper ones”

My response? “I’m allergic to old people, especially those who are practically on their death beds”. She had no chance to reply. We were called forward, and I refuse to feel bad for it. I hope she knows what a cunt she is. (Not that she likely does. We all know those types.)

I just don’t understand why people do that shit. She could have just as easily said she was social distancing and left it at that.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 12, 2020
Older people sometimes have frail bones. They cannot easily recover from being knocked over by some badly-parented brat whose parents are making no effort to keep him/her from bouncing around a room like a pinball.

When she saw this woman distancing herself from her crack monkey, she should have stepped in but that would require being a parent. If they knew they were going to be at the doctor's all day, why didn't she bring something to occupy her brat? Why wasn't she trying to keep her out of other peoples' way?

I am disgusted by all the other mawms who are giving her high fives for being an entitled bitch.

ETA; This brings back memories. I was once in a doctor's office with my mom, who has brittle bones. A kid was bouncing all around, off the walls, no parunt in sight. He was being watched by a (I assume) teenaged sibling who looked really embarrassed by his behavior. I told him, "you need to go elsewhere before you bump into my mom."
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 13, 2020
Stellar Duh comes right out and says he didn't miss his brat while it stayed with family for a week and how he wouldn't care if those relatives kept the kid long-term.



Our daughter was away with family for about a week. I was having a mental health break (see previous post), plus husband and I weren’t getting along well.

I missed my kid like crazy. We did a FaceTime call at least daily, family kept us updated with pictures and videos. Husband was disinterested so he basically had no contact with our kid for over a week.

A day or so after she came home I was telling him how much I missed her and how glad I was to have my baby back home. He kind of brushed it off. I asked what was wrong. His response exactly was, “I really didn’t miss her. I liked having my own time and not being bothered. I really wouldn’t care if she went to live with [family].” I. Am. Crushed. How could he not miss her? Or worse, not even care if she didn’t live with him? I would be lost without her in my life.

On top of this he found out he needs to do significant continuing education for work. Fine, whatever. But he’s insistent that he must do it while the child and I go elsewhere so he can have peace at home. And no, he absolutely cannot do it during the time he’d normally play video games for hours at night after kiddos bedtime. Apparently I’m crazy for even suggesting that. So not only do I stay home with kid all day and keep her away from his currently at home office space, but now I get to significantly extend those hours so he still gets his precious video game time in the evening.

Last point, I promise. Things are tight. Covid cut his commissions, we had just moved so huge expenses are still happening, etc. I’ve offered countless times to go get a job. But he wants me to stay home with child. It’s starting to feel like he doesn’t want me to have the independence of a job and he’s flat out refused to keep our child while I’d work even if it’s not during his working hours. I’m so lost bromos.

I like how she says in the comments that she will definitely bring this up with her therapist, as if therapy is going to fix this shit. It's painfully obvious to everyone but Moo that Duh has zero interest in being a father, and for all any of us know, maybe he never did and he either gave Moo a kid to shut her ass up or it was a Happy AccidentTM that she kept. I want to know exactly how much discussion went into the decision to have this child, or how mutual the decision was. I mean he didn't even try to hide the fact that he doesn't want the kid around - most Duhs at least attempt to disguise their hatred of parenthood a little when talking to Moo face-to-face.

Sounds like he doesn't want Moo getting a job because he doesn't want to pony up for brat care and he sure as fuck doesn't want to deal with the kid either, soooo make Moo stay home with it. At the very least, Moo got herself fixed, so she won't be making the same mistake again. Sooo why'd she marry this guy? I wonder how he treats the kid.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 14, 2020
Cambion: most of the time these women are so baby rabid they ignore red flags. they don't get like this overnight, nor in one generation usually. they are so desperate to be in pig they ignore the warning signs. and when the ceiling caves in... they are soooo surprised. I am cruuuushed. boo hoo moo hoo. but he sure wants to keep you down and out.
me thinks there is more going on than stated. she needs a therapist? for what? to sooth the knowledge she was stooopid? dunno.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 14, 2020
^^ Wow, every adult in this story sucks. Poor kid.

He's being a ridiculous man-child for not scheduling his studies in a sensible fashion. I can get wanting a break from parenting and being fine with her visiting relatives or whatever, but he had a hand in making this kid so he needs to man the fuck up and parent her.

The wife is being a bit of a wimp. I mean, she can't make him change his behavior but it sounds like she's putting up with a lot of shit, too. I hope she does bring this whole thing up with her therapist, and then her therapist guides her to what she needs to figure out (which won't be fun, but if the therapist is good they'll do that). I hope that the OP isn't one of those people who sees therapy as just a chance to vent because while that helps in the short term, it won't change anything or make her better off. I hope her therapist pushes a bit.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 15, 2020
Bet it's the only break he gets from this cow

I’m so fucking sick of my husband’s 3 30 minute long shits a day.

Bitch I know you aren’t pooping that whole time.

That is all.

Edit: I confronted my husband about the pooping tonight and he’s gonna mention it to his dr when he goes to his super overdue checkup I’ve convinced him to get.

I’m also going to try and find some time during the day for him to have some mental breaks so he doesn’t feel that he needs to go to the bathroom for a break, if that is in fact what he’s doing.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
August 16, 2020

A day or so after she came home I was telling him how much I missed her and how glad I was to have my baby back home. He kind of brushed it off. I asked what was wrong. His response exactly was, “I really didn’t miss her. I liked having my own time and not being bothered. I really wouldn’t care if she went to live with [family].” I. Am. Crushed. How could he not miss her? Or worse, not even care if she didn’t live with him? I would be lost without her in my life.

I do not know how this baybee showed up in this situation where her parent obviously does not want her, but Moo needs to make sure she does not have any more kids.


The wife is being a bit of a wimp. I mean, she can't make him change his behavior but it sounds like she's putting up with a lot of shit, too.

Agreed. Asking to not be disturbed while he studies is a reasonable request, since it's a job requirement, and he's the sole bread winner. But telling them they must be out of the house is ridiculous and abusive. It's her house too. If someone said that to me I would have probably been already gone but I'm a spunky, prideful bitch and I wouldn't stick around where I wasn't wanted.

It sounds like the marriage is over anyway.
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