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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 22, 2020
If her kids are “spoiled, ungrateful, and rude” she and her husband only have themselves to blame for letting them get that way.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 22, 2020
This is one of the biggest reasons I refuse to breed - I know for a fact that every single fucking meal is a battle and/or an argument.

Based on my recollections from childhood, that really isn't the case. The reason she's having this battle with tatertots (which are even junkfood!) now is because she's accepted this behavior in the past. She's probably cooked them special meals; at minimum she's listened to their whining. If they are brats, it is because she has made them that way. Her unexpected outburst may have made her feel better, but I'm certain it has made her kids feel less secure, without doing a damn thing to change their general behavior.

My parents expected nothing rude would be said about the food (if you said something rude, you could leave the table and go to your room), and that you would eat what was prepared - at least a taste of everything - or not eat. They weren't harsh about it, though, you could take less of stuff you disliked and more of stuff you liked, as long as you tried everything, so I would fill up on potatoes/rice/bread whenever I didn't care for the main dish. Certainly as far back as my memories go, it was pretty rare for one of us to misbehave at the dinner table. Obviously, that may not have been the case when I was a toddler, but that's the age where you're doing the housebreaking part of child-rearing. What you do then sets the tone for the future.
I had a Lite Brite at that age and managed to only lose a few pegs in the carpet.

I also had many toys with small parts and managed to keep up with them. I was even smart enough not to eat them by age 8.
Where to start with this one? Being visited by CPS because of custody issues with baby daddy, already knocked up by new boyfriend, child is depressed from being separated from sibling, house sounds like an absolute sty, and is ACCUSTOMED to visits from CPS!

My daughter has a guardian ad litem, there is a caseworker from DCS assigned to the case, and it's been almost two weeks since I've seen my daughter.

We've busted ass getting the house and property ready for the inevitable home visit. Right now it's just sorting clothes and junk from my old house and figuring out how to condense 1200sq.ft of crap into almost 450sq.ft.

My son is having trouble with missing his sister and has become very clingy to my boyfriend and me. We don't mind the little shadow, it's just difficult to get any work done.

My boyfriend got a new job in a town closer than his previous one, and a pay raise. He's taking his time at home to help me get everything ready.

Which is great. Because I am very much pregnant and starting to show. And I'm feeling pregnant too. Physically and mentally.

I warned the caseworker about the animals and I made sure to tell him that I did not want to take my daughter from her father. And how upset I am that it's reached this point. That we're wasting resources that are desperately needed elsewhere.

I'm so tired. I'm surviving on popcorn and diet soda because everything else makes me vomit. Especially since I've quit CBD flower in case they want to drug test me. And it's 97°F outside. I want to lie on the floor in front of the AC and watch bad tv until my brain melts.

Luckily (unluckily?) since I've dealt with DCS before, I've got my game plan and house set up. Fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detector, cleaning supplies and medications are up high, we're going grocery shopping again just to make our pantry look fuller. The cats and rats are getting baths tonight, and the dogs are tomorrow.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 23, 2020

...Moo who lost it on her asshole family for not eating brat slop she made.

I did it. I snapped. Dinner time has become the worst time of day with my kids. Every dinner they complain. “This is gross!” “I want chicken nuggets!” “I don’t want to eat this!”. Usually, I’m calm. Okay, that’s fine.

Tonight? Nope. I snapped. I made them a delicious tatertot casserole...

A tatertot casserole?? wide-eyed freak out That sounds awful, so I looked up tatertot recipes online and the disgustingness didn't disappoint, unless you like canned mushroom soup, canned green beans, meat, spices, fake cheese and tatertots all mixed together. two faces puking

I don't blame her family for not eating it. I bet it looked brown and nasty, and stank, too, filled with salt, artificial flavors, preservatives, and dyes from all the processed, canned product. If somebody served that to me, I'd have claimed illness or food allergies to avoid eating that mess two faces puking

It's not hard to get a piece of meat from the grocery store and roast it. This moo could have easily roasted a chicken and potatoes in the oven, and served some simple vegetables on the side. With portion control (my parents served us, we never served ourselves), she would have had a delicious, healthy, low fat meal to serve her family, and there would have been lots of leftovers for the next few days that she could have warmed up or served as cold platter, since she's "frugal," and such a bizzy moo. She could have even froze the chicken carcass after the meat was eaten, to use for bone broth or homemade chicken soup sometime in the future.

If her husband is complaining about her "frugality," then I'll guarantee that moo is being extremely cheap with food, serving the lowest quality she can buy. This had to be the dumbest thing to do, because eating bad food for years will negatively affect a persons health. If she wants to save money, she'd be better off looking to cut cable TV, lower the internet and cell phone plans and shop at Goodwill rather than cut the most important thing, food.

Husband and I both work long hours and yet I find the time to meal prep on Sundays so that the food and cooking is simple, easy and healthy during the week. Bizzy moo should do the same.

(bolding is mine)
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 23, 2020
Back when I could cook and the pain wasn't so bad, I would cook a roast turkey once a month, draw and quarter it, and continuously throw it in the crockpot soz I had meat for a month. Nowadays I can't do that anymore.

However, this being a Moo and not a parent the well being of the brats doesn't matter to her. What matters is her gadgets, convenience, and udder rubs.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 23, 2020

If her husband is complaining about her "frugality," then I'll guarantee that moo is being extremely cheap with food, serving the lowest quality she can buy.

Or it could be that she's married to a child who doesn't want to follow a budget and wants to blow the money on toys and booze, instead of sensible things like rent money, etc.

Given the quality of partner selection on Reddit.....it seems to be a distinct possibility.

ETA: The one about the guardian ad litem is unbelievable. It appears that three people, multiple cats and dogs and rodents are living in 450 square feet, and her answer to that is to get knocked up again?

450 square feet would be tight for ONE person.

I'm an animal lover too, but animals need medical care and FLEA AND TICK protection. (Which is probably why she is bathing them before CPS comes.)

And shopping to "make the pantry look full" for CPS. Jaysus.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 23, 2020
The CPS Moo sounds like a real hoot. I wonder why CPS is breathing down her ass. Pissy relatives or friends making false claims against her? Brat is being taken from its father and placed with Moo? Or a legitimate cause for concern? She has said her ex is a good person and an invested father, so what's the fucking problem? I want to know more of this story because CPS doesn't just fuck with people for fun.

And of course they are wasting their resources on her by doing their job. She's done nothing wrong! Is that why she felt compelled to go on a cleaning and shopping frenzy to make the house look inhabitable to the case worker? I'm sure they don't expect the house to be Better Homes & Gardens quality, but when you have to stuff the pantry to make it look like you have enough food and bathe all your animals, I'm thinking you've got something to hide.

And of course she's pregnant because they're always fucking pregnant. They will have six kids living in a 450 square foot home when the new loaf comes along because both of them brought baggage from previous relationships and of course they gotta seal the deal with One Of Our OwnTM. WTF.

A tatertot casserole?? That sounds awful, so I looked up tatertot recipes online and the disgustingness didn't disappoint, unless you like canned mushroom soup, canned green beans, meat, spices, fake cheese and tatertots all mixed together.

Tater tots are one of the many brat kibble staples in the average breeder fridge and you gotta fuck them up bad to make even kids not want them. What you described sounds godawful! Like I wouldn't even feed that shit to prisoners! I figured it was something like shredded cheese and chicken tossed with potatoes. Apparently this Moo also put zucchini in it to make it "healthy" I presume. This is not making it sound more appetizing to me - just a waste of perfectly good zucchini. I guess one of her kids gave in and ate it and liked it, so I don't know how much of this is spoiled kids and how much is shitty food.

I don't understand why breeders are so opposed to cooking. It's not slaving over a hot stove all day long - crock pots exist! They literally do all the work for you! Dump everything in, maybe give it a stir, turn it on and let it go for the whole day. You can cook anything in them - meat, casseroles, mac and cheese, side dishes, even desserts!

Roasting vegetables is easy as fuck too - chop veggies, toss in olive oil and salt/pepper, bake at 425 for 20 minutes and give the pan a shake halfway through. Easy, healthy, and tasty too! If the brats don't want any of it, tell them they can either eat what is prepared, make themselves a sandwich or starve. Why's this so hard?

Now I have to wonder, when it comes to finicky brats, are they picky because they're spoiled bastards or because Moo serves slop?
Check out this shitshow. That's one lucky kid baking in that oven.

So I don't currently have any living children but I'm gestating one right now, do I qualify for this sub? Another user sent me a message about this sub and at this point, I need to rant or I'm going to have an aneurysm.

I'm 20. Pregnant. Pregnancy is the result of a non-consensual time. I have blocked my ex and his family on everything social media related, deleted my Facebook and even went as far to change my phone number. I'm a broke ass college student who is legit surviving off my credit card and will be in credit card debt and student loan debt up to my eyeballs in a couple of years. But I refuse to not finish my degree. Covid has thrown a damn wretch in every plan I had. I had a summer job lined up that Covid fucked over but it is what it is. I live with an out of touch roommate who's parents pay her half of the rent and her share of the utilities but everything I owe comes out of my pocket. Eventually I said fuck it, swallowed my pride and applied for government assistance and it has been a blessing. I still am worried and stressed beyond belief but at least I don't have to worry about starving.

I am just so fucking tired of people telling me "You'll figure it out!" Or "Have you tried applying for this or that?" Yeah, I have! And because i do receive SNAP and Medicaid and WIC, I had to give my rapist's name to my social worker. I know my state will go after him for child support and he will probably get some type of custody even though I don't fucking want him to. His mother has someone found out I receive government assistance and has threatened to sue me for "neglect" and custody of mu baby because apparently getting help when I really fucking need it counts as neglect??

And I'm just so fucking tired of people telling me what I already know. Yeah I know WIC will pay for formula but what the fuck do I do about diapers? Or where the hell will my baby sleep? My roommate has made it very clear that I will have to find another place to go once my baby is born because she doesn't want a newborn in the apartment.

I'm fucking tired of people telling me to get a job. Telling me to cut things out. What the fuck can I cut out? Or to ask for help - who the fick do I ask for help? My parents called me a "stupid whore" and told me I had to marry my rapist to "make things right" when I told them I was pregnant. I have NO support system and I am just so tired of people suggesting shit like I haven't already thought about it or tried it

So no I do not want advice. I don't want to hear about reactivating Facebook to look on the marketplace for baby things. I don't want to hear about going to churches or this or that because I've already done it. Or going to pregnancy crisis centers or this or that. It's not helpful. I honestly regret keeping this pregnancy but now it's too late for an abortion. I'm so fucking glad that Susan in Kansas can have five kids and live off one income because they have a farm and grow their own food but in no fucking way does that help me. I'm so goddamn over people.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 23, 2020

And of course they are wasting their resources on her by doing their job.

The State isn't blowing money on drug tests for nothing. This woman has probably had a problem in the past.

Instead of thinking, I want to get my life together and raise the kid I had, I'll just crap out another one with NextGuy. I'm guessing the reason why she still has one kid is that there is no daddy to take it away from her.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 23, 2020

honestly regret keeping this pregnancy but now it's too late for an abortion.

Why did she explain all the obvious as fuck things, like that her roommate isn't going to let her stay with a baby, but not explain the one really critical thing: why didn't she get an abortion? You'd think with having no support system, no resources, and being raped on top of that, it would have been the sensible thing to do.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 23, 2020

honestly regret keeping this pregnancy but now it's too late for an abortion.

Why did she explain all the obvious as fuck things, like that her roommate isn't going to let her stay with a baby, but not explain the one really critical thing: why didn't she get an abortion? You'd think with having no support system, no resources, and being raped on top of that, it would have been the sensible thing to do.

There are a lot of states in the USA that have banned abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, and risk to mother's health.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 24, 2020
She could always give the baby up for adoption once it's born. Safe haven exists for that reason. Dump it at a fire station or hospital far away and forget about it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 24, 2020
I can't blame the woman for not getting an abortion since it can be a little harder now to get one with coronavirus-related restrictions and she may have been trying to cope with being sexually assaulted too. But still, who is holding a gun to her head making her keep and raise this infant? She clearly can't, her family is giving her zero support (they sound like Christians) and her attacker's family is obviously siding with him. Plus, it will bind her forever to her rapist who will undoubtedly fight for custody/visitation just to mess with her and she will have nowhere to live because the roommate is throwing her out. Every single problem she will have will be caused by this kid and every single existing problem she has will be worsened by it.

Giving the kid away or leaving it at a Safe Haven is the best thing she can do for herself and her kid because she clearly cannot provide for it and it won't be healthy for her to raise a rapist's child. There is no shame in giving up on something you can't handle, but then I also don't know if family can interfere with Safe Haven dropoffs either. Like if this woman left her kid at a Safe Haven and her parents inevitably find out when she says she gave the kid away, can they out her as the mother and get the kid given back to her by lying and saying she made a mistake? What if they adopt the kid themselves and then use the kid against her the rest of her life? What if her rapist comes after her again to "teach her a lesson" for getting rid of his child? She would do well to go full no-contact with her family if she gets rid of the kid.

I'm very sorry she was raped - no one deserves that. But this kid doesn't deserve to live like this either. You know she won't do the right thing. She will keep the kid and act like she had no other choice and proceed to do a piss poor job of raising it because she has NOTHING.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 24, 2020
If I were her I would disappear about a month before the due date, birth it, drop it off at a safe haven, and then reappear to tell the sad story of the child’s stillbirth.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 24, 2020

honestly regret keeping this pregnancy but now it's too late for an abortion.

Why did she explain all the obvious as fuck things, like that her roommate isn't going to let her stay with a baby, but not explain the one really critical thing: why didn't she get an abortion? You'd think with having no support system, no resources, and being raped on top of that, it would have been the sensible thing to do.

There are a lot of states in the USA that have banned abortion, even in cases of rape, incest, and risk to mother's health.

The section I quoted implied that she had a choice. She would not have said she regretted keeping it if it was lack of access that prevented her from getting an abortion, she would have said "I hate that I live in a red state and abortion wasn't available to me."
Lady, it isn't the word "boyfriend" that makes you sound 13.

Don’t want to say “boyfriend” because that makes me sound 13, but we’re not married. We’ve been together for 3 years, have an 11 month old daughter and I’m 5 months pregnant. We’ve struggled for our entire relationship, in a way that I have never constantly disagreed and fought with anyone. I’m not a confrontational person, so I know the heart of the problem is not me. He’s narcissistic and emotionally abusive. Has accused me for 3 years of being interested in other men and having a “secret life” although I have never cheated or even done anything wrong. It is so hurtful and insulting to the core of my being.

I do EVERYTHING. Cook, clean, take care of house, our daughter, our dogs. I work part time, I pay all my own bills, buy groceries, pay for our daughter’s medical expenses, because I can’t rely on him for anything financial. He makes great money, but who the hell knows where it goes. I ask him for very little- maybe to give me a break an hour or 2 a few times a week so I can nap.

Today I came home from the anatomy ultrasound for our second daughter. I was so excited to see her and that everything seems ok with baby so far. He ignored me the minute I walked in the door and when I asked him to what was wrong went on a rant about how he hadn’t heard from me in 3 days and he’s in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love or care about him. (This is after I texted him probably 5 times yesterday and he DID NOT RESPOND.) Didn’t bother to even ask how ultrasound went. I am so damn hurt. I wanted today to be a happy day, celebrating a healthy sibling for our girl. Damn it, celebrating me, being pregnant, busting my ass, getting up every day with our daughter despite morning sickness, working on my feet 30 hours a week so I can save up enough money to be a SAHM mom for a bit. Nope, it all goes back to him.

I want to leave. I don’t even like him anymore and I haven’t for a long time. The thing is, I have nowhere to go. I can’t afford to rent a place on my own (I don’t think) and every time I’ve left him in the past, I’ve gone to my moms. She’s a good person, but cognitively she’s really losing it a bit. Her house is small, I have no space and I can’t be there with a screaming infant. I just don’t know what to do.

Side note- we’ve been to counseling in the past. He just comes up with this dumb Mr.Nice Guy act and it does not work. I’m not interested in saving this relationship.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 24, 2020
Lady, it isn't the word "boyfriend" that makes you sound 13.

Don’t want to say “boyfriend” because that makes me sound 13, but we’re not married. We’ve been together for 3 years, have an 11 month old daughter and I’m 5 months pregnant. We’ve struggled for our entire relationship, in a way that I have never constantly disagreed and fought with anyone. I’m not a confrontational person, so I know the heart of the problem is not me. He’s narcissistic and emotionally abusive. Has accused me for 3 years of being interested in other men and having a “secret life” although I have never cheated or even done anything wrong. It is so hurtful and insulting to the core of my being.

I do EVERYTHING. Cook, clean, take care of house, our daughter, our dogs. I work part time, I pay all my own bills, buy groceries, pay for our daughter’s medical expenses, because I can’t rely on him for anything financial. He makes great money, but who the hell knows where it goes. I ask him for very little- maybe to give me a break an hour or 2 a few times a week so I can nap.

Today I came home from the anatomy ultrasound for our second daughter. I was so excited to see her and that everything seems ok with baby so far. He ignored me the minute I walked in the door and when I asked him to what was wrong went on a rant about how he hadn’t heard from me in 3 days and he’s in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love or care about him. (This is after I texted him probably 5 times yesterday and he DID NOT RESPOND.) Didn’t bother to even ask how ultrasound went. I am so damn hurt. I wanted today to be a happy day, celebrating a healthy sibling for our girl. Damn it, celebrating me, being pregnant, busting my ass, getting up every day with our daughter despite morning sickness, working on my feet 30 hours a week so I can save up enough money to be a SAHM mom for a bit. Nope, it all goes back to him.

I want to leave. I don’t even like him anymore and I haven’t for a long time. The thing is, I have nowhere to go. I can’t afford to rent a place on my own (I don’t think) and every time I’ve left him in the past, I’ve gone to my moms. She’s a good person, but cognitively she’s really losing it a bit. Her house is small, I have no space and I can’t be there with a screaming infant. I just don’t know what to do.

Side note- we’ve been to counseling in the past. He just comes up with this dumb Mr.Nice Guy act and it does not work. I’m not interested in saving this relationship.


Waiting for the murder suicide.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 24, 2020
"Pay all my own bills" + "can't rely on him for anything financial" or "I can't afford to rent a place on my own"?

Hasn't liked him for a long time and is incubating #2. She is definitely wrong in thinking she isn't part of the problem.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 24, 2020
toraneko: that broad is dumb to the nth degree. She is doing everything (so she says) and can't afford to be on her own, when he doesn't contribute anything? that doesn't make sense.. Oh, and he refuses to bow down and worhip cumstain# 2. The problem here for the most part is this slug brain bimbo.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 24, 2020
"Pay all my own bills" + "can't rely on him for anything financial" or "I can't afford to rent a place on my own"?

Hasn't liked him for a long time and is incubating #2. She is definitely wrong in thinking she isn't part of the problem.

She's "holding her own" as if in a roommate situation, but no she can't afford to live on her own 'cuz of her stupid decisions and the fact that rents are out of control.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
This kind of codependency is outside my realm of comprehension. My husband has a cousin who pinballs from useless man to useless man. I can only assume she cannot get pregnant since there's no possibility whatsoever that she would be responsible about birth control, as she is as useless as the men she bounces off of.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 24, 2020
Not marrying someone after three years is hardly immature. No, I think it's more the having a kid with a complete asshole and then getting pregnant again six months later that checks that box, Moo.

Sounds like the guy has been like this since day one, yet she's surprised he continues to behave exactly the same? Why are these women this dumb? She's put herself in the very precarious position of being able to afford to live as a roommate but not independently, so she can't leave, and good fucking luck finding a roommate willing to live with a Moo, a toddler and an infant. And she doesn't like him anymore, but she managed to get knocked up by him twice within a year. Clearly she likes at least part of him unless both those children are the products of non-consensual sex.

Why the fuck has she stayed with someone with whom she had no compatability from the beginning? He's playing their therapist too so she looks like an unhinged bitch and he comes out smelling like a rose. News flash: that's what we call a RED FLAG.

Does she literally have nobody who can lend her their couch for a bit? Has she alienated everyone in her life? Surely with brats, she can qualify for benefits even working 30 hours a week so she can live on her own? And unless I misunderstood it, did she say she gives her money to him and that's why she can't save anything? If he makes such great money, why is she giving him anything? My guess is between his narcissism and her non-confrontational nature, he makes her give him her money so she can't leave.

And I'm sure surrendering the incubating loaf never crossed her mind either because clearly this stable, healthy relationship needs another child. If he treats her like this, I wonder how he treats the kid. Or is she going to claim that he's a wonderful, doting daddy? I never believe it for a second when one of these halfwit Moos claims their man treats them like shit and is an angel to their kids.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 25, 2020
He decided that jail was better than paying child support

Long story short.

My (36F) ex husband (38M) cheated during my second pregnancy and transmitted herpes to me and the baby.

So I file for divorce the moment I’m out of the hospital. The judge is furious with my ex husband and his 21 year old girlfriend and orders a hefty child support payment.

Months pass and to no one’s surprise, he doesn’t pay a cent. I have lost my job and I only eat enough to be able to produce breast milk because of my anxiety.

The other food I buy using food stamps I give to my four year old son but he still says it’s not enough.

I move into a very cheap apartment where I’m sneezing from the dust. I sleep on the floor while my baby girl sleeps in a crib and my son on the only bed.

I finally get my complaint heard by a judge, who basically cites my ex for contempt of court.

The judge decides to give him a strict deadline by which time he had to pay the required child support. My sister says he’ll probably pay it at the very last minute but that deadline passes and he doesn’t pay.

Now he has to serve 30 days in jail. His surrender date was yesterday. And the judge even says if he pays before he has to surrender they will let him off because of corona.

Surrender date comes and he texts me saying he’ll go to jail with a big smile on his face.

So now I have my kids’ father in jail and am still living off peanut butter and bread.


Why do people breed with these loser men?? the world 'fail' on flames
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
July 25, 2020
I saw the child support one too. It's quite telling when a guy would gladly pick prison over paying for his own kid, though I guess child support is financial prison. Plus I have no idea if the kids were oopses or not. And if this story is true, these kids should not be with this woman if her kids are going hungry because her benefits don't provide them with enough and she's not supplementing with a food pantry or whatever. If she's subsisting on peanut butter and bread and only enough to beef, I highly doubt her loaf is getting adequate nutrients since the quality of boob juice is only as good as what the Moo puts in her face.

But no, it's 100% the guy's fault. Zero blame goes to Moo for dating him, marrying him and making two kids with him. Must be he forcibly impregnated her, strapped her to a bed for the better part of a year and made her give birth to two kids against her will just so he could abandon them in favor of three hots and a cot for a month. Sounds like he's legitimately living better than she is for doing less parenting, so I really wonder who is the "loser" here.


Another food thing and the comments are just as good as the original post. Apparently when you sluice, you don't get to have any food to yourself. This sounds like college roommate bullshit to me where you label your food and someone else still eats it. Why is every single one of these women married to a greedy retard with whom she's created a bunch of miniature greedy retards?

I'd just not buy shit if they can't keep their paws off it. Or spike it with laxatives - I think it's only poisoning if it's someone that doesn't live with you. It's also peppered with stories of no privacy in the bathroom, either because the husbands have to come in and take dumps or insist on shower sex or the kids need something the moment Moo is taking her monthly shower. Yeah tell me again what I'm missing out on here?
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