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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
So, because this duh is so fucking useless, she's leaning on her oldest son to play daddy with his siblings. WTF??

I absolutely detest when breeders force their children to co-parent. Those kids didn't decide to have a baby; why should they give up their lives over it?
So, because this duh is so fucking useless, she's leaning on her oldest son to play daddy with his siblings. WTF??

I absolutely detest when breeders force their children to co-parent. Those kids didn't decide to have a baby; why should they give up their lives over it?

It reminds me of an AITA I saw on reddit, where the teenage daughters were basically co-parenting their younger sister on the weekend so, and I'm quoting the OP here: "my husband and I would have a chance to relax together occasionally after dinner."

My blood was boiling just reading it and they were getting torn to shreds in the comments.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 29, 2020
Parents who expect their older kids to raise their younger ones are assholes. THEY chose to make those kids and said kids are the responsibility of one party only: the parents. If they want their older kids to mind the younger siblings, they better be paying them like regular babysitters. She must be hella desperate for her loaves to have a father figure if she's appointing her oldest son since foisting younger siblings onto older ones is usually done to daughters. I suppose his needs don't matter and he gets no say in this at all.

If the older kids are smart, they'll take horrible care of their siblings so they never get asked to do it again. Not like intentionally hurting them, but giving them a shitload of sugary snacks and soda at 11pm so they're hyper all night long when Moo and Duh come home. Or let them do things the parents explicity say they can't do like color on the walls or pee on the floor so then the parents have to take time to untrain these bad behaviors.

Well, one upside to forced parenthood at a young age like that is there's a higher chance those kids will turn out CF. I know forced unpaid babysitting made me more CF when I was 18 when I was already 100% sure I didn't want kids.

And good job on that Moo for marrying and breeding multiple times with a bipolar bear with what appears to be major anger issues. That sure sounds like a healthy sane person to purchase a home with. I know I sure would like living on the edge with a man who might deck me because I interfere with his fifth consecutive hour of gaming.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
May 30, 2020
Moron asks how to go about getting back into dating when she's pregnant by her ex.


Answer: you DON'T. She might be able to get away with it while she's not showing, but any guy who shows up for a date and sees a bloated pregnant gut is gonna nope right out. She also says that "it would just be a relationship between me and him until I know things would be long term." Do you think for one second any guy is going to sign on for the long run when she drops the news in his lap that she's got a brat at home?

Thankfully the few comments seem to be sane and say not to do it. Which likely means she's gonna do exactly the opposite because breeders hear only one thing: what they want to hear.
here's what she wrote about her situation. Apparently she was just a fuckbuddy to this guy and they didn't even know each other that long:


We weren't together that long to even develop feelings, we weren't each others type but we got together drunk stupidly, hes moved on from day one while I have waited I'm due my baby soon but I started talking to a guy I actually like. Haven't met up only been talking non stop for a few weeks but I guess I will stop before I get anymore attached the comment above made me realise that

Sounds like she wanted to oops him and get a relationship or she was just too stupid to use birth control. Too bad she didn't fix the situation right after conception. Now her life is going to be about raising a kid she didn't want, trying to extract money from a guy who is going to be a reluctant father at best and likely an absentee father. At this point she should give the kid up for adoption.

She has no hope of finding a decent guy in her present condition. If she already has a guy in her life who has always wanted to be with her and loves her for who she is and wants to take on a baybee, maybe, but those kind of people only exist in the movies. (And by her writing and actions she sounds dumber than a box of rocks.)

Or she might find a Nice Fundy GuyTM who will remind her every day for the rest of her life that she's damaged goods and will want to knock her up again immediately using the Correct Sperm.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 01, 2020
Dating? Are you fucking kidding me? Just how delusional and entitled is this moo?

The only dudes who might be interested are those with a fetish. Or abusive creeps.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 01, 2020
Sounds like typical breeder logic - this guy's not my type and we barely know one another, let alone have an emotional connection. Grade A daddy material! The drunken sex isn't a huge deal because shit happens, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't clean that shit up afterwards. And yeah, Moo sounds like she's as sharp as a bowling ball. This kid is doomed between an uninvolved father and a dumbass mother.


This Moo seems to think that Duh's money is her money and she can help herself to it, which she did and felt guilty about it. Welp must be he noticed the money had been messed with because she said she was planning on taking half of it ($1,500) and he moved it somewhere else before she could. She claimed it was half her money because she's his wife and he says it isn't, so now Moo claims he's "really unbeliveable."

Unless she helped earn that money, it is not her personal piggy bank. This has nothing to do with breeding or marriage - whoever makes the money owns the money and if you want some of it, you ask for it. And did she think he wouldn't notice $1,500 missing or that he'd take it well that she just took it? Meanwhile, I'll bet if he took her money without asking, she'd bitch about that too because it's her money.

Oh and apparently her allowing him access to her documents in the safe gives her the right to take his money without permission.

I would also love to know what she wanted money for. Legitimate shit like bills, or stupid shit like a new TV?

Sorry, but this shit strikes a nerve because my mother did similar crap to me as a kid. She was constantly raiding my little box of money saved from Christmas and birthdays because of her financial irresponsibility and when I tried to hide it, she bitched at me to keep my money where she could get at it because clearly my money = her money.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 02, 2020
in short: haaaaahaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I love my children, but I hate being a mom
I’m sure most moms understand the difference even if they don’t feel the same?

I mean, I not only love my children dearly, but I actually LIKE them as people too. Of course they’re not perfect, no one is. Yes, my patience runs very thin...a lot lol, but I never forget it’s the actions I hate, not the person. EVERYTHING I do is for them, including marrying their dad, my stbxh. Lol.

But EVERYTHING I do is for THEM, meaning often I feel like I ceased to exist as an individual person when I became a mom.

I mean it’s the JOB of being a mom I hate. I’m sure people who’ve ever had a job where they liked the people they worked with, but hated the job itself understand this, even if they love the job of being a mom, right?

I hate cooking. I hate constantly having to clean up after messes I didn’t create myself. I hate having to see another person’s shit and clean their ass afterward. I hate arts and crafts. I hate having to watch kid-friendly shit all the time. I hate having to repeat myself all the time. The list goes on!

I so wish I was rich enough to afford a nanny, so I could pay someone else to do all of the shit I hate about being a mother, and I could focus on just loving and enjoying my children.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 02, 2020
If only it were possible to love people, like them, and enjoy them, without having to cater to their needs. I've heard of this idea called "friendship," but I guess it will never catch on.

I do wonder, though, how she would "enjoy" her children if she did have a nanny, seeing she has no interest in their activities or interests ("I hate arts and crafts"). Maybe they should visit mother and father for five minutes in the drawing room, after they have taken their dinner in the nursery with the nanny, and just before being sent to bed, in order to deliver a well-mannered peck on the cheek? I believe that's how rich people handled it in the 19th century, when they "loved" and "liked" and "enjoyed" their children but didn't want to be bothered with any of their needs or interests.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 03, 2020
But it's all wooooooorth it, right? Isn't that what we always hear?

If you hate being a mother, why would you have MORE children? Surely she realized this with the first one. Someone who says they hate something and then voluntarily does it again is a dumbass. Well obviously you can't hate it that much if you chose to do it again!

And can someone explain to me how you can hate doing everything involving child care, but not hate the child? The child's existence is the entire reason you have to do all this work you hate, so there is no way you don't hate the child for causing you to have to do all those things.

The Duh is a soon to be ex-husband, so give him custody and get weekend visitations or whatever, unless Duh doesn't want to deal with them either. That's as close to a nanny as you're gonna get. If you can't deal with the shitty parts of raising kids in order to have access to the good parts, then don't have kids.


Here's one from a parent of a toddler that likes to hit people a lot. I fail to understand why these jelly-spined parents refuse to hit them back! Like don't beat them within an inch of their lives or anything, but if they smack you, you bend them over your knee and paddle their asses. The kid clearly knows she did wrong, and even the dumbest kid will learn from pain that "hey, if I hit Mommy, my butt will hurt. Maybe I shouldn't hit Mommy." Yeah yeah, I know, I've heard the whole "you can't teach a child not to hit by hitting them" and I say BULLSHIT. Hitting them shows them how it feels and they learn to not fucking do it.

Moo's solution is to walk away from her or lock her in her room for a while, which sounds like gentle discipline. Doing this tells the brat that their behavior is acceptable because Moo going away for a little while is not a punishment and probably looks more like admittance of defeat. Slap the little cunt and I guarantee she'll learn to stop hitting very quickly when she realizes that not only will Moo fight back, but she will hit much harder.


And one more. Moo has a longing to refill her uterus, even though her husband was a complete knob to her during her first pregnancy (oh, but they're okay now because aren't they always?) and she can hardly handle her current toadler. Never mind we're still in the middle of a deadly pandemic that shows no signs of stopping.

I guarantee she'll get herself in pig again and the bitch about how hard it is like she didn't expect it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 03, 2020

Here's one from a parent of a toddler that likes to hit people a lot. I fail to understand why these jelly-spined parents refuse to hit them back! Like don't beat them within an inch of their lives or anything, but if they smack you, you bend them over your knee and paddle their asses. The kid clearly knows she did wrong, and even the dumbest kid will learn from pain that "hey, if I hit Mommy, my butt will hurt. Maybe I shouldn't hit Mommy." Yeah yeah, I know, I've heard the whole "you can't teach a child not to hit by hitting them" and I say BULLSHIT. Hitting them shows them how it feels and they learn to not fucking do it.

Moo's solution is to walk away from her or lock her in her room for a while, which sounds like gentle discipline. Doing this tells the brat that their behavior is acceptable because Moo going away for a little while is not a punishment and probably looks more like admittance of defeat. Slap the little cunt and I guarantee she'll learn to stop hitting very quickly when she realizes that not only will Moo fight back, but she will hit much harder.

My younger brother was a biter. One day my mother had enough and bit him back. Honest to God, he never bit anyone again.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 03, 2020
My younger brother was a biter. One day my mother had enough and bit him back. Honest to God, he never bit anyone again.


two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 05, 2020

This is cute. This Moo takes a day off from mommying and gives her husband a to-do list for the day. I like that she seems to think that he'll do any of this shit, given that a vast majority of the Moos on there with problem husbands complain that they don't do shit.

Let me guess what will happen. He will do none of these things, she will come home and bitch at him for being worthless and he will bitch at her for abandoning her job (he's a full-time restaurant manager, so he gets to deal with shitty kids AND adults) and then she will bitch and moan on the sub about what a horrible piece of shit he is that he couldn't even do a few things for one day.

Here is Moo's honeydew list:



-Clean the house (the floor needs to be mopped for sure)

-Make meals and snacks for the kids

-Take care of Marley [dog]

-Go ahead and ignore anything you want to do for/by yourself

-Be sure to discipline and stick to consequences

-Resolve any meltdowns any fights

-Discuss lessons and principles throughout the day

-Be sure to teach the kids academically (Adam needs to work on counting and letters)

-Please don't raise your voice or express frustration

-No breaks or privacy allowed

-Act as nurse when injuries happen

-Deal with the shitshow that's going on in the world around you without getting too depressed or hopeless

-Make an effort to bring in some extra money. We need to save up

-Keep in mind that there are endless ways the kids can get hurt, taken advantage of, and discouraged, and be prepared to help them through those situations

-Put your own mental health on hold so you can focus on them

-Be aware that you'll need to do all these things tomorrow as well. And every single day for the next 15 years of your life

-I'll tell you to chill out if I sense any hint of stress when I get home

-Don't forget your body is stiff, sore, and you're exhausted. But don't be lazy and just sit on the couch

-Oh and don't be on your phone all day. And not too much screen time for the kids.

Some of these are reasonable chores like laundry and mopping. Some sound like she's talking to a retard like having to explain he needs to feed the kids (because clearly this is top secret mommy knowledge that no one with a penis could ever understand). Most of it is passive-aggressive bullshit that attempts to guilt him and make him realize what a martyr she is. Welp the joke's on her because I guarantee all he's doing is thinking, "What a fucking bitch."

Not saying he shouldn't try to do some of this stuff, but I guarantee even if he did ever single thing on this list, Moo would still bitch that he didn't do them good enough (a.k.a. her way). Because someone who would write a list like this will find fault in anything her partner does. Both of them sound like assholes to me and they deserve one another.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 05, 2020
How's about this fucker?

Husband is amazing most of the time, but he becomes careless when he's anxious. Today he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and decided to go for a walk with the baby while he let me sleep after a night of her fussing and my insomnia. All good, right?

I wake up to a crying baby with ice cold hands and feet. He forgot to dress her, and it was 58° outside. It was like 80° yesterday so I think it just didn't register to him the weather had changed and get outfit had to change with it. As if that's an excuse.

She's fine now, and he never makes the same mistake twice, but dude WTF.

They just cannot be fucking happy, can they? Comes out and says the guy is amazing, he wakes up and takes the loaf for a walk so Moo can sleep instead of letting it screech in her ear. Still bitching. Also, 58 degrees won't kill a loaf for fuck's sake. So the kid had fuckin' cold feet and hands, you know how often that happens to me on a regular basis even when it's warm out? I seriously doubt the kid got frostbite from nearly 60-degree weather.

I hardly think he even made a mistake. Christ woman, step off!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 06, 2020
Not saying he shouldn't try to do some of this stuff, but I guarantee even if he did ever single thing on this list, Moo would still bitch that he didn't do them good enough (a.k.a. her way). Because someone who would write a list like this will find fault in anything her partner does. Both of them sound like assholes to me and they deserve one another.

Of course he should do the things that need doing. And she should have had the common sense to not marry and reproduce with someone who needs hand-holding to perform the most basic adulting, like cleaning the floor if it is dirty. She starts to become the bigger asshole when she puts in all those asides about how he should feel and think about the work.

Now, I don't know if there is a better way to do the parental shit, but I have definitely observed that there are some people who plan and rarely wind up overwhelmed, and then there are people whose lives are a constant drama of running around putting out fires. People in the second group seem to really resent the people in the first group for not sharing their exhaustion and stress, instead of seeing that it is objectively better and trying to learn from it. Everyone gets overwhelmed when a crisis hits, but it seems to me common sense to arrange your life so that crisis is the exception, rather than the rule.

This moo would be completely pissed if duh found a better way to do everything, which didn't leave him exhausted mentally and physically. She'd feel he was "cheating" and come up with all sorts of new imaginary criteria by which he failed.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 06, 2020
They just cannot be fucking happy, can they? Comes out and says the guy is amazing, he wakes up and takes the loaf for a walk so Moo can sleep instead of letting it screech in her ear. Still bitching. Also, 58 degrees won't kill a loaf for fuck's sake. So the kid had fuckin' cold feet and hands, you know how often that happens to me on a regular basis even when it's warm out? I seriously doubt the kid got frostbite from nearly 60-degree weather.

I hardly think he even made a mistake. Christ woman, step off!

I read it differently. Guy is obviously an idiot. I don't walk outside in shorts and a t-shirt when it is 14 degrees out, because I'd be cold. It's not a big step from "I'm cold" to "person who isn't even getting the exercise of a little walk will be cold". It looks like just another example of a woman excusing a man for a lack of basic common sense because of all the other really basic skills he's mastered - like peeing without splashing on the seat and using a fork.

So which is it, is he "amazing" or do his actions inspire a "WTF"? Always trying to have it both ways, like "I love my kids" and "I hate being a mom." It looks to me like the cognitive dissonance of regret over marrying someone who opts out of all the mental and emotional labor of adulthood. They can never flat out say the guy is irresponsible and an idiot, at least not until they've reached the stage where they hate him so much that he's in the wrong for even breathing.
My younger brother was a biter. One day my mother had enough and bit him back. Honest to God, he never bit anyone again.


We have a cat like that. Mr kittehpeoples bit him on impulse once in response to a particularly nasty chomp. He got a mouthful of hair and the cat got a big surprise, but he (the cat) became an absolute sweetheart after that. And he ADORES Mr kittehpeoples. Just worships him. It showed him his place in the pride, I guess, and that was the end of it. People point out that children want boundaries, too, but it seems like very few parents actually want to provide any.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 07, 2020
This moo would be completely pissed if duh found a better way to do everything, which didn't leave him exhausted mentally and physically. She'd feel he was "cheating" and come up with all sorts of new imaginary criteria by which he failed.

Sometimes I wonder if some Moos actually secretly don't want their husbands to do stuff because they might do it better, or they might not be able to complain about how useless their men are. I suspect that the Moos who refuse to let their kids' fathers have an active role in parenting those kids (and then turn around and complain about what deadbeats they are) are scared that a man can be as good of a parent as a woman and then suddenly the title of Moo is no longer sacred.

I read it differently. Guy is obviously an idiot. I don't walk outside in shorts and a t-shirt when it is 14 degrees out, because I'd be cold. It's not a big step from "I'm cold" to "person who isn't even getting the exercise of a little walk will be cold". It looks like just another example of a woman excusing a man for a lack of basic common sense because of all the other really basic skills he's mastered - like peeing without splashing on the seat and using a fork.

So which is it, is he "amazing" or do his actions inspire a "WTF"? Always trying to have it both ways, like "I love my kids" and "I hate being a mom." It looks to me like the cognitive dissonance of regret over marrying someone who opts out of all the mental and emotional labor of adulthood. They can never flat out say the guy is irresponsible and an idiot, at least not until they've reached the stage where they hate him so much that he's in the wrong for even breathing.

I guess I'm a little more willing to side with the men at times because I know the Moos are generally fucking nuts and blow everything out of proportion. And compared to what I usually read over there, this seemed pretty insignificant to complain about.


This woman's kid refuses to eat anything besides crackers. Advice from various medical professionals is to just keep putting food in front of him and he'll eat eventually, but he doesn't. I don't think the parents are necessarily doing anything wrong, but can you imagine your life just revolving around getting your child to take part in their own survival? Same with those loaves that have "latching" problems and can't suck a tit or a bottle and you have to go to a lactation specialist. One person mentions having to trick their awtard into eating because it won't otherwise. You can't do something that will literally keep you alive? I swear, so much of what kids do from the very beginning seems counter-intuitive to survival.

Also, I see this come up now and then over there and maybe someone can explain it to me. How does "overtired" work? As in someone's kid is too tired to sleep. How can you be too tired to sleep? I have never heard of an adult that was too tired to sleep, but I hear kids described in this way when they're tired and cranky, but also refuse to sleep. Because I don't know about any of you folks, but when I'm overtired, I pass the fuck out.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 07, 2020
Aaaaand one more:


First kid dies very young in his sleep and Moo basically comes out and says she's intentionally pregnant with the kid's replacement. The first kid has been gone five whole months - I guess Moo and Duh weren't too heartbroken if they got right to work on the second kid. Someone else (not the author) commented further down that they conceived their replacement child on the night of their dead child's funeral. I guess people grieve in different ways, but at least wait until grass grows back on your kid's grave before making a replacement.


I'm pregnant now with our second, a decision we came to very quickly because of how devastating it has been to lose our firstborn. He was a perfect baby- bright brown eyes, always smiling! He could almost sit up and could roll over and wriggle across a room (only when I wasn't looking of course). Even in the worst times he filled me with so much joy and love.

Of course it's sad and tragic that the poor kid died and his death was nobody's fault, but I already feel bad for the incubating kid because not only does it have a job, you know it will never ever be good enough because it won't be her first child back from the dead. Moo misses her first kid and is having a second one to fill the void and she will compare it in every way to the dead child, almost certainly doing nothing but being disappointed by it.

I guess it just strikes me as odd that these women will go on about how devastated they are by the loss of their children, but then immediately fuck and make replacements.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 07, 2020
The OP did not mention SIDS or any illness, only that he "went down to bed with Papa" and died, which made me wonder if it was a rollover situation due to "attachment parenting" and "co-sleeping," idiot inventions from First World people.


Of course it's sad and tragic that the poor kid died and his death was nobody's fault, but I already feel bad for the incubating kid because not only does it have a job, you know it will never ever be good enough because it won't be her first child back from the dead.

When I was about 11, a friend of mine was babysitting for a young girl with a porn stripper name. (This was the 70's before we knew what that was, but I digress.) The young girl was a replacement baybee for her older sibling, who died as a toadler.

The parunts made a replacement baybee and GAVE THE REPLACEMENT THE SAME NAME AS THE DEAD KID. Even at the tender age of 11, I remember being horrified and thinking this was all kinds of fucked up. I still do.
The parunts made a replacement baybee and GAVE THE REPLACEMENT THE SAME NAME AS THE DEAD KID. Even at the tender age of 11, I remember being horrified and thinking this was all kinds of fucked up. I still do.

That should be considered psychological abuse, seriously.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 08, 2020

That should be considered psychological abuse, seriously.

I cannot imagine what kind of conversations there were at the house. I mean, did they call her Destinee Rose II***?

George Foreman named all his sons George, which is weird, but they were not replacement kids.

***name changed to protect the innocent.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 08, 2020
There's a big difference between giving your kids all the same name or even naming your child after a deceased loved one and naming your replacement child after the child they're meant to replace. I know losing a kid has got to be horrible, but if this is their method of coping, they shouldn't be having more goddamn kids.

Like what happens if the dead kid was a boy and the replacement was a girl? Would the parents give it the same name anyway? Or would they just ignore that kid and immediately make another one with the "right" genitals? I can't imagine how much it will mess up the kid if it learns it was just a substitute for a dead sibling.
This one just kills me. How did humanity survive before air bags, rear facing car seats and air conditioning? Surely we must rightfully been extinct by now and our continued survival is a fluke of nature.

My husband and I were at his parents house for a brunch. His dad has an older Corvette he’s been working on for awhile that’s finally running. My husband wanted to go for a spin in it but I told him I needed him to keep the baby while I helped cook and get food situated. He said okay and took our 13 month old to the shop with him. Five minutes later, I see him driving down the road. I go outside where his dad and brother are and ask where the baby was. HE WAS IN THE CORVETTE WITH MY HUSBAND. I freaked the fuck out. I didn’t know whether he was just sitting on his lap in the DRIVERS SEAT OR NOT. He’s gone almost 20 minutes. I’m hyperventilating and getting ready to get in the car to go hunt them down. He comes back, baby is in the passenger seat, forward facing, in 100 degree weather with no ac in this car. No top, no air bags. Baby is red as a tomato, sweat dripping off of him. His hair looks like he got out of the bath with sweat. I snatch him while screaming at my husband. I leave him there. I am now at home with my son and my husband is blowing up my phone asking me to come get him and that he didn’t do anything wrong. I’m strict as fuck about car seat safely and I thought my husband was too but I guess I don’t know now. I am so angry I’m shaking. I can’t believe how irresponsible he was!! He could’ve killed our son. So easily. I don’t know what the fuck to do or if I can get over this. I just need to rant and be pissed off.


There's a follow up post where she got his whole family to gang up on him to the point he cried. If I were this guy, I'd be long gone.

And by "older", she means an '85 model, not some 50's death trap. And aren't we supposed to be social distancing, anyway?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
June 08, 2020
Um, I have to side with the Moo on this one, particularly since it sounds like he just plunked the kid in the front seat with no seat belt. No doubt she handled it badly, however.

An unbelted kid = projectile and her husband and his family sound pretty dense. I am sure Thom could weigh in with some stories. I myself grew up in the 1960's and early 70's and there were plenty of grisly accidents then. We actually wore seatbelts in the family because of my father's occupation but I think it was about 50/50% at that time.

The kid may have been able to stand the heat with some airflow, but he probably needed a hat so he wouldn't burn*.

She seems to be pretty resentful about his wanting to take a ride while she was preparing food. Is it really that hard to watch a kid while you are cooking? I bet she does it all the time at home. She could be mad about being stuck with the cunt work. From what I have observed, despite how much lip service some men give it; you have a kid, and the woman is straight on into the cunt work. Just say no to kyds and cunt work. I also get the vibe that she wouldn't have accepted someone else watching the kid, perhaps because the in-laws are morons.

*once someone has a kid, it's on them to make sure it's not killed, burned, roasted in a hot car, drowned, etc. That means watching it all the time. Toadlers are particularly stupid. So very glad I didn't sign up for that.
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