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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 21, 2020
Yeah, it's all covid's fault that you are steamrolled by your toddler because your gentle discipline doesn't work


I get the impression moo forced a defecto on dad and is now upset that dad has one foot out the door

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 21, 2020
Second Moo

Posting here because another sub’s users are just asking why I didn’t abort my daughter.

I think this is a very valid question. Why did she keep the child? Did she “just know” that he would love it when it got here, special needs and all? It sounds like he made it immediately clear that he was not willing to raise a special needs child.

She knew he didn’t want it. She has every right to keep it, of course, but it was immensely stupid of her to continue to be financially dependent upon him for seven more years.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 21, 2020
From what I understand, cerebral palsy is not like Down syndrome and cannot be detected during pregnancy, so there was no way for the Moo to know about her kid's illness before giving birth.

Of course Duh was excited about the pignasty - bareback sex + proof of his fertility/heterosexuality is the only reason 99 percent of men are okay with knocking someone up. But the reality of a normal healthy child is a lot to take in for anyone, and I bet this guy felt like he got the rug pulled out from under him when he learned his kid is fucked up. I'm sure Moo wuvs their defecto brat, but not everyone is okay with having a disabled child.

I don't see why she doesn't divorce the guy. He's clearly not interested in being a husband or a father, he's having an affair with someone almost half his age and if he's a senior partner at a law firm, she'd probably get a pretty penny for brat support. My guess is it's just easier to stay with him, even though I'm sure his limited contact with Moo and calf is toxic. As far as I know, cerebral palsy does not affect a person's mental facilities a whole lot, so I'm sure this poor kid will pick up on it that her father hates her and if Moo stays and continues to put up with his shit and subjects their kid to his behavior, she's as much of a bastard as he is.

And yeah, no, COVID-19 is not why your kid is a fucking brat. Your parenting failures are to blame. Moo mentions all these bad behaviors her brat toadler does regularly, but she fails to mention what she does about any of it. My guess is nothing, which is typical of Moos. They seem to think that if they just ignore bad behavior, it'll just magically resolve itself and then they complain when that doesn't happen. Why is she not spanking her brat daughter every time she whines, cries and acts like a little bitch? If the little shit stain is going to shriek for 15 straight minutes, then give her something to truly shriek about.

God, Moos are fucking useless.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 21, 2020
Moo's asshole tard child is getting kicked out of school for behaving like a feral animal.



My child has a lot of sensory issues, and issues with interpersonal situations. We don't have an official diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, but the school psychologist has said that is the approach he is taking.

He's started first grade at a new school this year, after being removed for not being responsive to/respectful of the rules/other people at the only real daycare in the area, and he's on thin ice with the extended child care people at his new school.

Friday, he got his third disciplinary write up that I had to sign for running from the teachers/hitting them when they tried to coax him back into the classroom at the after-school care area of school. I had to leave work early to pick him up.

It's like when reality doesn't match up with his mental expectations, he can't handle it and goes full-on reactionary, lashing out and not being responsive to words/talking it out.

I'm supposed to get a call from the school office and find out if he can go back or not. Friday is his IEP meeting, to discuss the results of his evaluations. I just want to facilitate my child's health, happiness, and success, and I feel like I'm failing. I'm stressed every day that he's at school, worried about whether he's able to learn or if he's just as stressed.

Schools have enough shit and stress to deal with as it is trying to restart during a pandemic and I think everybody's fuses are much shorter as it is. This kid sounds like a fucking undisciplined brat and the school just isn't putting up with his shit like Moo does.

They have a ton of other kids to deal with and cannot be devoting all efforts to one asshole child, so it would be in the school's best interests and the students' best interests to remove the one problematic student until Moo figures out how to make him behave. The staff doesn't have time to use worthless pussified Moo methods like distraction, redirection and fee-fee discussion for 2 hours because the little wanker won't come out of the bathroom. Nobody cares about your feral brat's made up sensory disorders.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 22, 2020
Why is she not spanking her brat daughter every time she whines, cries and acts like a little bitch? If the little shit stain is going to shriek for 15 straight minutes, then give her something to truly shriek about.

God, Moos are fucking useless.

Shit, they'll cut off contact with family members for so much as SUGGESTING spanking as a punishment. I'm sure you've seen the toothless posts fuming about mothers (of moos) or mothers-in-law suggesting some actual discipline for the little shits.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 22, 2020

Friday, he got his third disciplinary write up that I had to sign for running from the teachers/hitting them when they tried to coax him back into the classroom at the after-school care area of school. I had to leave work early to pick him up.

I'm supposed to get a call from the school office and find out if he can go back or not.

Wow, that is a lot of missing information, I suspect buried somewhere in the "after being removed for not being responsive to/respectful of the rules/other people at the only real daycare in the area, and he's on thin ice with the extended child care people at his new school" area. The kid's six. If he's just "lashing out" and being nonresponsive, why in the hell does no teacher or child care provider in her town want to be around her demon kid? What is he doing?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 22, 2020
That's a very good point, kittehpeoples. A six year old will not be kicked out of multiple schools for not listening and hitting their teachers. That was how I acted at that age because I was a shit and I spent a lot of time in the principal's office and also indoors for recess, but I never got kicked out of school for it.

Moo is leaving a LOT out of this story, most likely to garner as much sympathy for her brat as possible from her breeder peers while minimizing his behavior so it seems like he's just misunderstood and all the teachers are intolerant bullies.

My guess is he's much more troublesome and violent than she lets on, like causing real injuries to students and staff and destroying people's stuff and/or school property. Moos are really, really good at downplaying their brats' horrible behavior because being honest about it might mean having to admit to parental failure and it's much much easier to just say their asshole children have some kind of a disorder so they don't have to actually do their jobs.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 23, 2020
Precious darling has full-blown meltdowns involving screaming, sobbing, destruction of possessions and self-harm when Mommy won't hold his hand and tell him exactly what to write for his homework.



It's not that he doesn't know how to do it, it's not that he is incapable in anyway... He knows how to do it, he knows what to do & is more than capable of completing the assignments.

He's fucking lazy, expects me, or someone else, to basically tell him, sentence by sentence, what to write. I will give him multiple ideas, tell him he needs to use his imagination, but I will not do the work for him.

What ensues is a complete and total mental breakdown. He screams, sobs, breaks shit, and sometimes will even go as far as attempting to suffocate himself by wrapping a blanket around his head.

Today... Today it got to me. I locked myself in the bathroom and cried.

Fuck "Distance Learning." Some kids NEED that in-person classroom environment in order to thrive.

If this little psycho is willing to suffocate himself because he doesn't want to write a few words, Moo's got bigger problems than distance learning.

Many other Moos chime in saying their kids are acting the same way. So this is considered a normal, rational reaction to homework? Other delightful young future leaders do things like throw huge fits because they have to rewrite a single word or they argue with the teacher about how they should only have to write one sentence instead of two.

If your kid is too fucking lazy to write a handful of simple fucking words and they feel that nuclear tantrums are the proper response to things they don't want to do, I doubt these kids will have any hope of going to college or holding down jobs when they get older because you know their Moos sure as fuck won't discourage or punish such awful behavior. Traditional classroom learning won't fix this shit either - this is a parental failure.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 24, 2020
It’s not an in-person vs. distance learning thing, the brats act like this in the classroom too. Mommy just makes excuses for the behavior reports that the teacher(s) send home.

As much as I like to bitch, there are a handful of kids out there that do have the makings of future leaders. Some of the kids I taught were doing amazing things, even at the elementary level. I can guarantee those kids are not sitting on their asses at home crying about having to do an eLearning assignment. They have the imagination and the drive to take the technology available to them and do some really innovative stuff. Meanwhile, their peers are using technology as an excuse to become lazier and stupider. The gap between the “above average” and “average” kids is widening with every day that passes, and when they reach adulthood the educated few will monopolize whatever opportunities are left while their lazy, uneducated peers will remain permanently unemployable.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 24, 2020

sometimes will even go as far as attempting to suffocate himself by wrapping a blanket around his head.

I have a cousin who threw massive tantrums when she didn't get her way. She would beat her head against the floor until her mother gave in, which of course never took very long because "my precious baby will hurt herself!" In a rare fit of decent parenting, my aunt asked the pediatrician about it and he gave her the best advice ever: "Let her do it! She won't hurt herself. She's just doing it because it's working."

And then my aunt went home and continued to give in every. Single. Time.

My cousin is now one of the most worthless breeders you'd ever care to meet. She's also a poster child for the Dunning-Kruger effect. I mean, why put out effort to be or achieve more when everything's handed to you?

These moos aren't doing their brats any favors by letting their hellspawn extort them like this.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 24, 2020
Bingo! The average child is a moron, but even dumb kids won't hurt themselves on purpose. The moment a child figures out how to get a rise out of its parents, they will milk that behavior indefinitely. Like if a kid swears, the parent will make a huge deal out of it, so the kid keeps doing it. But if the parent were to pretend like it was no big deal - or better, get all worked up over a more benign word to trick the kid into "cursing" with a G-rated term - then the kid won't do it anymore because it doesn't get the desired result.

A child will act as ridiculously as humanly possible in order to get what they want, and so long as the parents succumb, there is no reason for them to stop doing it. Screaming, crying, thrashing around on the floor, pissing/shitting their pants, holding their breath, smacking themselves in the head, smacking their siblings or their parents - it's all behavior that has gotten them what they want before, and so it continues.

So if this Moo's psychotic asshole brat is throwing tantrums and pretending to suffocate himself, it's because he pulled that shit in the past and Moo did what he wanted her to do in order to prevent him from doing it again. She may not know it, but children can be manipulative and she is wrapped around the finger of an 8-year-old.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 25, 2020
Google news insists on showing me headlines from this stupid parenting advice column. A future broken mom showed up to ruminate over potentially breeding with a man-child:


I’m 30 years old and very much feel physically, emotionally, and financially ready to start trying to have a baby—understanding that it could take several years to happen. My husband says he’s about 70 percent on board. His hesitation is about the way our lifestyle will change with children. He is a good person at a heart, super kind, and wonderful with children. Up until recently I thought having kids with him would be amazing. But the more I’ve examined our lives and started planning for the realities of having a baby together—the more I realize that my husband is truly incompetent and unfit to be a parent.

The bulk of our household management falls to me: grocery shopping, caring for our dog, cooking, planning trips, dealing with our apartment management, and all our bills and finances. He simply cannot do these things. When I ask him to make dinner, he makes mushy pasta with no vegetables. When I ask him to go to the grocery store, he gets overwhelmed and leaves the store with half the list. When I ask him to plan our wake up and leave time for a trip, we invariably miss our flight. And when I have an early meeting, I’ll come home midafternoon to find that the dog hasn’t been out at all yet.

All of that would be … sort of fine (at least commonplace in the culture we live in). But he’s also very sensitive to even very gentle criticism and he is easily stressed. Looking for parking sets him on edge. A website that doesn’t load results in cursing and aggressive sighing. He’s never cruel to me, but when I push back against his behavior and ask him to be more mindful of his temperament, he shuts down for days at a time. I don’t know what to do. I really do love him and the life we have together, but I know it only works if I’m willing to give at least 70 percent at all times, because he’s bringing no more than 30 percent to the table. I’m not a perfectionist, and I’m fine with some things falling through the cracks. But I can’t help thinking that bringing a child into our home would be overwhelming and frustrating for him. Can you help me figure out where to begin dealing with this?

The response was a resounding no, and find a new guy. If she's smart, she'll heed the advice and dump the guy, but I'm sure we all know where this is headed. At least she understands that she will be raising 2 people instead of the one.

No, she’ll delude herself into thinking that he’ll magically grow up and become a responsible adult overnight because she’s convinced he’ll love that baby when it arrives.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 28, 2020

No, she’ll delude herself into thinking that he’ll magically grow up and become a responsible adult overnight because she’s convinced he’ll love that baby when it arrives.

Absolutely, she will and it's criminal. This dude can't even be trusted to let the dog out to pee, poor dog, and she wants to sprog with him?

I cannot figure out why she even wants to live with this man-child. (She sounds like one of those timeline bitches: you know, married to anything with a pluse by age X, chyld by age X and she will bingo the Hell out of anyone who is not following that.)

She's not in an adult relationship. This dude is probably a gentle discipline graduate.


All of that would be … sort of fine (at least commonplace in the culture we live in). But he’s also very sensitive to even very gentle criticism and he is easily stressed. Looking for parking sets him on edge. A website that doesn’t load results in cursing and aggressive sighing. He’s never cruel to me, but when I push back against his behavior and ask him to be more mindful of his temperament, he shuts down for days at a time. I don’t know what to do. I really do love him and the life we have together, but I know it only works if I’m willing to give at least 70 percent at all times, because he’s bringing no more than 30 percent to the table.

Commonplace in our culture to marry a man child? I guess maybe if breaking mom is your point of reference.

She needs to kick is ass to the curb because if she thinks being married to a dude like this at 30 is bad, it will be exponentially worse to be married to someone like this at age 40, 50 or 60.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 28, 2020
Commonplace in our culture to marry a man child? I guess maybe if breaking mom is your point of reference.

This made me laugh!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 28, 2020
When she made the comment about it being commonplace in the culture we live it, I took it as a reference to an ethnic culture. My mind jumped to Indian (Asian), but that’s just based on my interactions with my jackhole neighbor, who comes from India.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
September 30, 2020
Kid wakes Duh up to ask how to make younger sibling stop screaming, and Duh tells the kid to leave him the fuck alone. Cue ALL of the mooing and how Duh should be sleeping on the couch for that (I don't think they realize this is NOT a punishment when they hate their spouse). Meanwhile, several other heifers in the comments admit to doing the exact same thing (swearing at their kids in anger) and it's all hunky dory because mommies can do no wrong.


I know I've said it before, but it's true that Moos and Duhs can do the exact same things and get totally different reactions. Not trying to side with the Duh because he was still a dick to his kid, but just shows what hypocrites breeder women are. A mother bitches her kid out? "Ohhh that's okay Momma, kids are hard work and you're a perfect goddess warrior who's just trying her best!" A father bitches his kid out? "ASSHOLE COCKSUCKER BASTARD FUCKER SHITHEAD HE DESERVES TO DIE!"

Meanwhile, this level-headed mommy screamed loud enough to wake up the entire house because she couldn't find her coffee mug.


Everyone knows you don't touch mom's coffee cup. But when I went to get coffee this morning, my mug was missing. But no one has it. I (F41) live with my husband (M48) and two of my four sons - "Sean" (M16) and "Ryan" (M20). I've been married 21 years, living in a house filled with varying levels of testosterone. I long ago gave up the notion that I can have anything nice.

Except my coffee mug.

It's my ONE FUCKING THING. I wake up, knowing my mug is waiting for me, waiting for that first cup of bitter, wonderful go-go juice.

But this morning it was missing. So I screamed at everyone, woke everyone up. Because fuck them.

Still no cup.

It's my one thing. Why can't I have ONE THING THAT'S JUST MINE.

I love how this is completely justified behavior in her mind. If you're that mentally invested in a fucking coffee mug, I think it's high time to see a shrink. I have several favorite mugs and I've never felt the urge to scream about it when I can't find one of them. Gee, it's a shame that they can't seem to afford any other vessels into which drinks can be decanted. I can easily get mugs for like 25 cents each at the thrift store. Maybe we should start a GoFundMe for this poor, unfortunate family that can't afford more than one bucket for the prize broodmare of the stable.

If she's willing to throw this big of a tantrum over a goddamn cup, I wonder what it's like to live with this raving bitch. I feel bad for the other members of the household having to listen to what I can only assume is constant screaming over trivial shit.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 02, 2020
lovetolurk.. you refered to your Indian neighbor as a jerkwad? do tell... wouldn't surprise me in the least.. but would be intesting.. people nowadays seem to love to elevate other kultures to godhood it seems.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 02, 2020
He’s just an a-hole that is forever up in everyone’s business, yet his own property is a dump. This is a problem for the rest of us, because we live in a townhome community and his awful looking dump is the first thing people see when they turn onto our street. He’s can’t hold down a job, yet he treats his wife like shit despite the fact that she seems to be the main breadwinner of the household (he screams at her in his own language, and I guess he thinks the rest of us are too stupid to figure out what’s happening because we don’t speak it.) I personally hate him because he’s the type that gives me advice that I didn’t ask for and tries to mansplain everything to me like I’m a goddamn idiot. We had an issue with him giving us yard maintenance “help” that we did not want, and when I told him to stop touching our shit he tried to explain why I had to let him keep doing it, and then kept doing it. When my husband told him to stop, he stopped. Based upon his interactions with me and the interactions I’ve seen him have with his wife, it’s obvious he has a problem with women.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 05, 2020
Duh tells Moo in front of a serial breeder that she was "pathetic" during childbirth and when she bitched at him about it, he gives her kind of a back-handed compliment/apology by saying that it's okay because all women are pathetic when sluicing. Another Duh says childbirth is no big deal because he's taken bigger dumps. I LOLed. Of course, all the mommies are foaming at the mouth.

And of COURSE, Moo wants to have another kid! Because when they're shacked up with assclowns, they go and make more brats with men they clearly hate. Oh, but this time, Moo will make sure Duh isn't in the delivery room so he can't call her pathetic again. Because that'll learn him some manners all right. eye rolling smiley

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 11, 2020
Apparently a mommy "life hack" to make your famblee grateful for your cooking is to quit cooking for them and let them subsist on ramen and frozen crap indefinitely.


That's not a "hack," that's just using your fucking head. Also, this "hack" may not work if Moo is a shite cook and ramen and microwaved baked potatoes taste good in comparison to whatever slop she churns out (like the tater tot casserole mentioned here before).

And why does this even need to be said? Regardless of my cooking abilities, if someone I live with doesn't want what I make, then I won't cook for them anymore - not in some passive-aggressive effort to force them to be grateful, but I'm just not gonna waste time, effort and ingredients cooking enough for X number of people if they won't be eating it. That's just kind of common sense, isn't it?This should not be something that takes months or years to figure out.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 12, 2020

That's not a "hack," that's just using your fucking head. Also, this "hack" may not work if Moo is a shite cook and ramen and microwaved baked potatoes taste good in comparison to whatever slop she churns out (like the tater tot casserole mentioned here before).

For Busy Mom's?

For busy Mom's 2?

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 12, 2020
Haha what, that Amazon book has a measly 45 recipes in 134 pages. Even if you subtract 10 pages (estimation) for the table of contents, index, foreword and all the other usual stuff you might find in a book, that means every recipe is 3 pages long? If it's a book for bizzy mawms with no time to spare to cook, surely each recipe can't be three pages worth of instructions.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a grown-ass woman and I love tater tots (and fries and Smilies too), but how the fuck many casseroles can you possibly make out of them? I assume it's a bunch of normal casseroles with tater tots just thrown in to make it more appealing to picky brats instead of telling them "shut the fuck up and eat what I make or go hungry."
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 14, 2020
Right up there with fighting with picky eaters is fighting at bedtime. Fucking brats won't go to sleep and then they act like cunts the next day because they stay up all night arguing about their unfair bedtimes and they're tired. This seems to start right around toddler years, goes on every night and lasts indefinitely.

Also, in this same vein, can someone explain to me how a child can be "overtired?" Apparently it's possible to be too tired to sleep and I've only ever heard this mentioned in regard to kids and it's the reason brats will choose to stay up all night screaming instead of sleeping. How's this work? Because when I'm extremely tired, I pass the fuck out. I don't want to scream and fight, I will pass out on the floor like a drunk with no pillow or blanket if given the chance.

I couldn't put up with this horse shit without throwing the bastard down the stairs because I couldn't sit there and argue with a dumbass kid about why they need to sleep. You want to stay up all night, fucker? Fine by me! I'm still dragging your dumb ass out of bed and you're still going to school and any cranky bitching the next morning will be met with generous spankings.



Ya'll I'm about to lose my mind fighting with my 9 year old over her bedtime (and nearly everything else) lately. Tell me is 10pm not a more than reasonable bedtime for a kid her age on a school night!? Her friend was over just now and left around 10:15, and right after her friend left, my daughter immediately started to go to watch YouTube videos. I told her nope, it's already past your bedtime, and she started bawling over how she didn't get to watch anything today (she did earlier but chose to play with friends outside mostly). I explained that when you spend most of the day with your friends that you don't just get extra time to watch tv. Bedtime still happens at the same time and she chose to play with friends instead of watching tv and I didn't make her do that. But no I'm the wicked witch of the West and I should just let her stay up allll night so that she can get mad at me in the morning when I wake her up for school. I know I sound salty and I love my daughter but my God I didn't think they started acting like teenagers at fucking 9 with the amount of attitude she gives me, telling me no when I tell her to do something. Then still acts like a toddler with the bawling and crying. It's the worst of both worlds. I don't live with her father anymore so have nobody to vent to or to back me up at the moment so tbh I really could use some reassurance that I'm not being horrible and unfair to her. I never acted like that with my mom at that age so am I doing something wrong or what!?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 15, 2020
Shit, my bedtime was 9pm no exceptions. It didn't matter if I was tired or not.

And OF COURSE she doesn't live with the father.
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