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Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices

Posted by twocents 
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 15, 2020
This one is great. The grandmother had childfree leanings but bred for whatever reason and regretted it. Now she hates the grand brats, probably because they aren't the angels moo is convinced they are.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 15, 2020
Whaaaaat, people sometimes don't like the kids they have? eye rolling smiley How can she be close to her mother if her mother clearly disliked her and her brother? And guess what, since she doesn't like her own kids, she sure as hell isn't going to either like her grandkids or approve of her own kid's parenting.

At the end she threw in, “I love her and all but I don’t like her.”

Do you know how many times I have heard Moos on breakingmom say that EXACT thing? So it's okay for Moos to love yet not like their kids, but everyone else is supposed to adore them? Every single person on earth doesn't find your brats endearing, Moo, even if they are well behaved.

For what it’s worth, I know most parents have rose-colored glasses, but those words genuinely DO NOT apply to my daughter at all. She has great manners, always says please and thank you (ESPECIALLY when around her grandparents), remembers to be a little tamer than usual at grandma’s house, very very rarely talks back...

No, you THINK she has great manners. Or who knows, maybe she really does. But if Meemaw doesn't like kids, then no amount of good behavior will redeem your brats in her eyes. Why get butthurt about it? Moos would do well to learn that relatives will not automatically like her kids just because they're a blood relative. If you think your kid is sweet, funny, cute, nice, behaved, etc., and her teacher praises her as well, why do you need to focus on the one person who doesn't agree?

Hopefully Moo takes the hint and keeps the kid away from Meemaw, but odds are she will do the opposite and expose Princess to Granny MORE often in an effort to make Meemaw like her brat. Like maybe she'll learn to tolerate her via exposure like a vaccine!
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 15, 2020
My maternal grandmother was not that into kids and probably wanted to do something with her life other than being a SAHM. But she did become a SAHM and had 6 kids. She was born in 1920 and Catholic, so it is likely she didn't have a choice and I can sympathize with that. My mom is not that into kids, which is probably why I'm an only child. I have less sympathy for her because by the time she was a young adult women were starting to have more choices, and she did successfully limit herself to one (she and my dad walked away from religion before I was born).There have always been women with CF leanings.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 15, 2020
It's hard to know what is really going on here.

I do think the Moo has one legitimate beef, that the grandmother told the brother that she couldn't stand Moo's six year old kid and the brother also told Moo. That sounds like some bad family dynamics to begin with. If Grandmoo had a beef with the kid(s), she should have told the mom herself and not told the brother. And I would question why the brother told the Moo--was it to hurt her? It got the intended effect.

My mom is sometimes unhinged, and she occasionally says not-great things about my sister. Even if these things are true, I don't tell my sister because I don't see the point, I do not want to prolong the drama, and I consider the source. If my mom has a problem with my sister, she can address it directly.

I wonder what this means:

"I absolutely do not put up with behavior that I know they know better than and I work with them so much."

She works with them so much? That makes me think she is one of those New Age parents who negotiate with their kids, instead of setting standards and telling them how to behave, IOW, someone who is indeed raising a brat.

According to the OP, grandmoo says the 6 year old kid is, ''annoying, mouthy, and disrespectful, and she thinks I’m failing her as a parent by not correcting it."

I'm going to give Grandmoo the edge because so many parents are blind to the behavior of their kids.

This quote also made me think it is a generational thing:

"She did say my daughter speaks to her like she’s one of her friends."

When I grew up I was taught not to ask questions of adults and not to really engage with them until I was spoken to. While this sounds like an antiquated and quaint relic of the past, and I did not always understand it at the time, I can see the wisdom of it. Children who are permitted to grill adults about any topic are often rude and many of them do not listen and YES, they are annoying AF. Six years old is old enough to start teaching your kids they are not the center of the universe, that conversation is a two way street, and they should be listening in addition to talking.

OP also wrote:


I really think my mom just doesn’t like kids in general, I’ve thought that since I myself was a child since she always bitched at me and my brother for the dumbest things (being too silly, using funny voices, making sound effects when playing, being ‘rambunctious’, etc.) But apparently this goes farther than I thought, and extends to her own grandkids.

Some people are just not little kid people. She also wrote that her mom has always been "good" to the kids up until she found out this from her brother, and OP says she and her mom were close until she had kids.

If OP insists on raising her kids her way, she should limit contact with the grandmother, since contact seems to be exasperating to all concerned. Maybe Grandmoo will come around when they are older. Or maybe the kids will learn if they want to go to grandmoo's house, they need to behave in a certain way. Is that really a terrible lesson to learn? But this likely will not happen because Moo took to Reddit and worked herself into a self-righteous anger.

Sometimes the truth hurts.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 16, 2020
Here's one in the same vein as grandmoo above, but this time it's the husband. Looks like he didn't love them when they got here. And now she's forcing a third one on him.


This one gets beaten up daily by a toadler and doesn't understand why "because we never ever hit him". Yet brat is smart enough to only beat on moo.


By they way, have you noticed that when a moo complains about a troublesome step, there is ALWAYS at least one newly hatched "one of our own" in the house?
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 16, 2020
The first story (uninterested Dud) is already gone. I guess Moo got embarrassed.

Listen to the litany of stupid!


We do a lot of explaining and sportscasting. Remove myself from the situation and explain that I do not like to be hit and will not be staying around him if he is going to hit. I'll ask if he has big feelings and would like a hug or to be alone. We also explain how hitting is not safe and that we want to keep him safe.

But this anger,I see his face change with it. Its always when I'm.enforcing a consequence. Last night its because he was playfully kicking as we were getting ready for bed and said no more kicking. He put his foot up to do it again and I said if you kick again, we will not be reading a story tonight. So he kicks, gets me right on the tip of my thumb and it hurt. Without losing my cool, I explained that there wouldn't be a story. I turned offf the lights and he cried and eventually he got mad because I wouldn't give in and that's when the hitting started. My husband was at work so I....started crying. I wasn't in a good place emotionally as it was. He started consoling me when he saw me cry.

I do think it's developmental, he actually can be good at telling us that he feels frustrated and needs to take some deep breaths, needs a hug, etc. But he gets overwhelmed still. I'm definitely keeping a close eye on it in case it gets worse and I won't hesitate to connect with a professional if I feel it's becoming a bigger issue.

Explaining and sportscasting? Yeah, that works on a three year old.

These moos make it so hard on themselves. Every time he does it, whack the little shit on the butt and say, you don't get to kick/hit me. Problem solved in under an hour.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 16, 2020
The first story (uninterested Dud) is already gone. I guess Moo got embarrassed.

Oh man, sorry about that. I didn't copy it because it was kinda long. The gist of it was that he was already showing signs of hating fatherhood and she forced him to participate in a young relative's birthday party while she was off in another part of the house or something. Apparently, this was the straw that broke the camel's back because he was furious on the ride home and said "I'm tired of this life" and apparently told her "I hate kids". Spent the rest of the day or weekend or whatever sulking. She made some mention of ending the current pregnancy but the context was unclear, surprise, surprise. He'll probably go out for milk and never come back.

One of the responses said she shouldn't have forced him to participate in the brat birthday party (during a pandemic, no less) if he hated brats so much.

The punching bag moo is turning her brat into an abusive psychopath with her gentle discipline bullshit.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 16, 2020
That toddler brat is being violent toward Moo because she refuses to use real discipline on him and also that she allows the brat to see that its abusive behavior has such a profound impact on her. Oh she THINKS her and Duh both engage in gentle discipline, but if you think for one second even the most incompetent father would sit there and let their kid punch them, you are sorely mistaken. I guarantee if the kid got violent with the Duh out of Moo's eyeshot, he wailed that brat's ass and that's why it doesn't attack Daddy.

Apparently the fucker does not hit anyone at daycare, so odds are he just realizes Moo is a very easy target and will take his shit.

I lose my shit sometimes yes, but we have never, ever hit him so I don't know why he's so violent.

Has she ever stopped to think he's violent because she doesn't hit him? I would bet you every cent and thing I own that if Moo threw the little bastard over her knee and beat his ass red when he tried to hurt her, he wouldn't be such a pissant toward her. All's I'm saying is she'd better grow a pair and slap the kid now because it won't be as easy to deal with a physically violent older child.

And where the fuck's the Duh anyway? What man would sit around watching his brat physically abuse his wife? Unless he's like 99% of the Duhs these women married who don't actually give a shit about their Moo-wives, in which case he probably enjoys watching this unfold. Apparently he "steps in." And does what exactly? Wags his finger at the brat and says "Pwease stawp that hunny, thank you I wuv you!" like Moo does?

Clearly what they're doing is not working. This brat needs real consequences because one day, it's going to hit someone that doesn't take his shit and the consequences of that interaction may be far more severe than any discipline Moo doles out if she'd actually try.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 16, 2020
Here's one in the same vein as grandmoo above, but this time it's the husband. Looks like he didn't love them when they got here. And now she's forcing a third one on him.


It might be deleted, but remove is forever smiling smiley https://www.removeddit.com/r/breakingmom/comments/jc3d68/i_hate_kids/

It sounds to me like the duh might have been CF but fell for The Lifescript and regrets it now.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 16, 2020
Jeez, how does a guy like that get a woman pregnant not one, not two but THREE times?

If he hated his life after the first one, he should have snipped it.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 17, 2020
Remove is the best!

I absolutely do not understand why the niece had a second birthday party because the husband had to work during the first one. “This was for him.” Why? He certainly didn’t care about the kid’s birthday. Are the niece’s breeders so desperate for head pats that they will hold multiple birthday parties so that all required family members are able to attend?

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 19, 2020
Get a load of this one. It's mostly a run of the mill post about a useless, porn addicted husband, except for this:


Since our son was born 6wks ago I have been sleeping in a recliner in the living room so my husband could have a good night sleep in our bedroom. I am up all night with our baby, my boobs are always painful from breast pumping, and even when he is home, I do most of the care taking. I also do almost all the house work and outside work. Yesterday I mowed 2 yards, weed whacked them, burnt weeds, and fixed shingles on my mothers’ roof. Even when I was pregnant, he didn’t have a problem with me doing manual labor or things like cleaning the litter box. I even put off going to triage so I could finish yard work when I was 8 months pregnant with complications. He is a really easy-going guy but he has an addiction and is obsessed with screens (tv, movies, video games, endless scrolling). Also, our counselor wonders if he has some form of autism since he seems a little “off”.

...what? That's quite the super-moo. Maybe she can come do some work for me.


This one here's a regular poster who gives all the family members cutesy pickle names. The posts are always the usual useless husband drivel, but this moo's a little brighter than the rest:


He’s not that stupid either. He’s pretty dumb, but he knows what the fuck he’s doing and this whole “I’m gonna do a horrible job so she won’t ask me again” shtick has gotten real fucking old.

I’m kicking myself so hard. I made this bed by having children with this fucking idiot.

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 19, 2020

He’s not that stupid either. He’s pretty dumb, but he knows what the fuck he’s doing and this whole “I’m gonna do a horrible job so she won’t ask me again” shtick has gotten real fucking old.

Clearly he's not that dumb if he knows enough to pull the classic lazy Duh move to get out of adulting.

I really, really wonder why these Moos marry these men who obviously don't give a fuck about them. Like these traits couldn't have possibly gone unnoticed prior to marriage and spawning. Is it desperation - either desperation to not be lonely or desperation to have a loaf by any means necessary? Why would you marry someone who doesn't give a fuck that you're in godawful pain? It's clear "Mr. Pickle" only cares about himself, so why did it take this long for her to notice it?

God, Moos are fucking stupid. They marry man-babies and then act shocked when their piss-poor behavior doesn't change when they become husbands and fathers.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 19, 2020
Have you read any of the other pickle posts? "Mr pickle" is a real doozy.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 20, 2020
Have you read any of the other pickle posts? "Mr pickle" is a real doozy.

Mr. pickle has the same attitude as any lazy parunt. As long as the kids are alive and intact, he has done his job. There are lots of parunts who think this way.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 20, 2020
Yeah, Mr. Pickle sounds like a real catch. From what she's described, he sounds like a momma's boy who married video games. He was too lazy to get a flat tire on their car fixed and expected his pigged up wife to walk half an hour to her induction in 96-degree heat (which she did do). I'm no fan of piggos, but even I'd give an expectant heifer a ride at that point in gestation. He was also too lazy to buy shitrags for his own loaf, instead choosing to play video games because thre's no harm in letting Junior marinate in his own filth for half a day, right?

What a tool. So of course she went and had a second kid by him and then says she regrets not aborting it, and she seems to be staying with him because she's gone no contact with her entire family and has nowhere to go. I would LOVE to know what made her look at this bastard and go, "YEP, that man is husband material!"

How sad that these people can only have a moment that feels like their life prior to calving when leaving the brat at daycare and having a few minutes to spare before an appointment. To be fair, they sound worlds better than 99% of the breeders on that sub, but just think, if they figured out how birth control worked, they could giggle and walk around and have actual lives with one another every day instead of by chance once a year.

I can't imagine that kind of a lack of freedom. It's a prison sentence without bars and a simple cup of coffee is like a conjugal visit. What a shit life.



Today, we had a Big Adult Appointment. So after the toddler was at daycare, we drove off, a bit earlier than needed. Parked the car, found a nice cafe, walked around a bit, had coffee and something to eat before being proper Adults again. There was giggling! Giggling, my ladies!

It felt almost like we're on a date, all alone, like "before". It really helped filling our love tanks. It's a rare occasion for us to be able to spend time together during the day without kiddo, so, yeah. It was lovely.

(I'm in Europe, where Corona is still somewhat manageable, we also follow all safety measures.)
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 20, 2020
Something tells me Mr & Mrs Pothead aren't even 20 yet. She better hope no one comes around peddling magic beans.


I don’t know if this is the right place to post but oh well.

My boyfriend of 2 years is just so fucking childish. I feel like I’m raising 2 kids at this point. I’m solely responsible of waking him up for work cause “you know I’m a deep sleeper and can’t wake up from the alarm” (the one he wakes up multiple times to snooze) one time he got mad at me for not cooking lunch and let’s be honest, I’m exhausted with being 25/8 mommy with a baby that can’t be without me more than 20 mins. And he has really bad spending habits. I’m always the one that has to be money smart, meaning I can’t treat myself to something nice and it’s shit but I don’t care as long as I know we won’t run out of money in the future (I have no job). He spends his money as he gets it and it gets under my skin!! The worst part is that a lot of it is on weed! A lot of the time he’ll say something like “we should get this for baby or that for baby” but it’s things she already has but the more expensive version and I have to remind him so many times we don’t NEED it. Recently he got scammed not once but TWICE on a weed site and from some random guy he messaged on FACEBOOK! WHY WOULD ANYONE BUY WEED FROM A RANDO ON FACEBOOk?!

I don’t know. I’m just so frustrated with being the only one responsible with everything. I don’t like being the only one thinking about the future. I’m tired of fighting. I don’t want to split up but if he doesn’t man up soon I’m afraid I won’t have a choice...

Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 20, 2020
toraneko. one of the reasons I'm not there too much anymore. I know I started this thread which is proving long lived. After all, we'll NEVER EVER run out of schaedenfreude material. It's not so much that it is obvious these little boys they shacked up and screwed with did not get that way overnight, if you point this out you are excoriated. 'Oh, you can't slam/shame/scold poor widdle girl.' Which just proves to me they are stupid beyond redemption. They are in hell, they can't get out. Bed. Made. Lie.
A lot of the reddit forums are like this. You can't point out the obvious, even if one of the points is in their sticky. justnomil is one. there is a sticky which contains excellent advice 'it is easier to dump/change a mamas boy than it is to divorce one'; they can include daddy's girl in this as well. But when in a post it is obvious they saw this coming and chained themselves by breeding why should they complain? Point that out and you are shaming them.
again I do go back to the fact that humans complain about everything, even things we do like. I love my kitties but sometimes they drive me nuts.

two cents ¢¢


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 21, 2020
I agree that the posts are highly repetitive and most of them are not worth reading. However, there are also posts like this:


Entitled piggo single moomy expects to use TWO bedrooms of brother's house after the rest of the family "decided" bro should take them in, and his wife ain't having it. Cue whining from poor pathetic moo who will be homeless because of evil, selfish sister in law. Moomy gets offended when SIL suggests that the multiple baby daddies take some responsibilty. Moomy also appears to be one of those Christians who selectively ignores the adultery rules. Amazingly, the comments are in SIL's favor and some are doubting that this is actually a real post, since the entitlement is so over the top.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 21, 2020
I agree that the posts are highly repetitive and most of them are not worth reading. However, there are also posts like this:


Entitled piggo single moomy expects to use TWO bedrooms of brother's house after the rest of the family "decided" bro should take them in, and his wife ain't having it. Cue whining from poor pathetic moo who will be homeless because of evil, selfish sister in law. Moomy gets offended when SIL suggests that the multiple baby daddies take some responsibilty. Moomy also appears to be one of those Christians who selectively ignores the adultery rules. Amazingly, the comments are in SIL's favor and some are doubting that this is actually a real post, since the entitlement is so over the top.

It's been removed. No loss, here it is:


Here is the link to the OP. What a nutjob. https://www.reddit.com/user/anon_roommate_probz/comments/
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 21, 2020
Holy shit, the entitlement is real after all. And look at her brag about what a great Christian she is, since being an unmarried piggo is totally good Christian behavior.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 21, 2020
I really love it when Moos try to "punish" their husbands by doing the same shitty things they do back to them in an attempt to learn them some manners and it still backfires. The men these women have all married are absolute masters of being useless. Someone who wants to be lazy will work harder at finding ways to remain lazy than any effort they'd expend doing the task they're trying to avoid.

The thing is the Moos usually actually care about their brats, or at least feel like they have to because they are often the only responsible parent in the home (which, honestly, is usually their faults for either enabling worthless lazy Duh behavior for years or breeding with assholes).

Most Duhs do not care or do not feel like they have to care because that's why Moo exists - to care about Junior so he doesn't have to. This is why dumping his brat with him with the expectation that he will act like a parent will never work because Duhs have no problem at all neglecting their kids and letting them scream for hours all so they don't have to lift a finger and actually do any parenting.


Two nights ago my 2 year old was sick in the night. He came into our bed, neither of us slept well. The next morning I was dead with exhaustion. I asked my partner to watch him for an hour so I could sleep. He said he “didn’t feel well” and went back to bed......slept all day. I’d be understanding if he was ill but he was just being lazy.

This morning I hand the toddler over at 6am and say I’m going back to bed. I wanted a nice long lie in after yesterday. At 8am he wakes me up and says he is exhausted and needs to go back to bed. I wanted him to get a taste of his own medicine so said no. He went to sleep on the sofa and let our son cry at the baby gate until I woke up.

Right now I’m comforting him on the sofa while my useless partner has gone back to bed. Why is it acceptable for him to sleep at all day?

Sometimes I question whether this would be easier as a single mother, at least I wouldn’t have all this anger

Edit: Why do men not know what to do when their child is crying? Just sitting there telling someone else to fix it
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 21, 2020
Here is the link to the OP. What a nutjob. https://www.reddit.com/user/anon_roommate_probz/comments/

She is upset that new guy doesn't want to support her other two kids. Obviously he can't afford it. But, isn't this the kind of conversation one has PRIOR to getting pregnant? If there is a baby does that mean you'd support all my past babies from other duds? And isn't that a bit entitled?

And SIL treated her like a "servant" when she lived with them, rent free. And told her to get a job and support herself if she didn't like it. I like SIL.

SIL may be jealous of her ability to breed but I don't see any correlation with this jealousy in the way she treats her. She simply expects her to be responsible and won't give in to her entitled attitude. And SIL isn't up for round two of them moving back in.

"She knew marrying my brother that our mom comes from a country where extended fam lives together & supports each other."

So, their mother grew up a culture with the extended famblee b.s. Unless SIL and her brother offered, it isn't save to assume she can live off them. And who would want someone like that living with them? She whines if anyone expects her to lift a finger despite the free everything.

Newsflash on the extended famblee b.s. Pretty much any famblee that does this expects everyone to contribute, if you're an adult you're working and contributing to the bills. Depending on the region, some of the kids may also work and contribute to bills. If you're elderly you're doing housework and taking care of children. No one gets a free ride.

She is such a jerk she likely makes it very easy for SIL to say "no".
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 21, 2020
toraneko. one of the reasons I'm not there too much anymore. I know I started this thread which is proving long lived. After all, we'll NEVER EVER run out of schaedenfreude material. It's not so much that it is obvious these little boys they shacked up and screwed with did not get that way overnight, if you point this out you are excoriated. 'Oh, you can't slam/shame/scold poor widdle girl.' Which just proves to me they are stupid beyond redemption. They are in hell, they can't get out. Bed. Made. Lie.

Most will never do anything to improve their circumstances because they are entrenched in victim mentality. There are positive steps these womben could take to improve their lives, it is a choice to remain and complain.
Re: Breakingmom Tales: Or A Collection of Stupidity & Dumb Choices
October 22, 2020
I don't see where the SIL in that thread did anything wrong. Moo was living there rent free and probably figured she could get away with contributing absolutely nothing to the homeowners because she's a mawwwwwm. Sounds like the sister-in-law doesn't take any shit and she is not fazed by the author's self-inflicted "condition."

She seems to think her SIL is jealous of her because she's pregnant, so if that's the case, why'd she move in with her in the first place? Sounds like they're religious too, as evidenced by the talk of "the Lord would give her a child if she was supposed to have one." If SIL really is running her ragged to punish her for getting knocked up, then beating with a lol hammer.

Also, why is she surprised that her partner only wants to pay for the child that's his and not the others? They aren't his responsibility. And bawww, she only wanted a father for her kiiiiiiids and this current guy was just dandy until she got knocked up by him. playing a violin If you want a father for your kids, then breed with someone who doesn't suck. There are virtually no men willing to accept responsibility for another guy's brats, and if they do, it's more like they just put up with those brats because pussy - they don't actually give a crap about them. Exercise a little quality control with the men you reproduce with and you won't have to worry about finding someone who's enough of a cuck to mind your litter of half-siblings.
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