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Watch with the private info, people

Posted by Rose Red 
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
Now, where did that girl go? Did the welfare office open? Oh, that's right, not today.
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
Rose Red
Now, where did that girl go? Did the welfare office open? Oh, that's right, not today.

But I'm sure she took a trip down to the office, just to be sure. Mys'tayk and Oopz'ee need that money; she doesn't have _time_ to sit here and argue with a bunch of 'pathetic assholes', right?


"The secret of dealing successfully with a child is not to be its parent." -- Mel Lazarus
"Women who miscalculate are called mothers." -- Abigail Van Buren
"Better to be deprived of food for three days, than tea for one." -- Chinese proverb
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
she doesn't have _time_ to sit here and argue with a bunch of 'pathetic assholes', right?

Only when she has PMS, apparently. I hear that getting knocked-up will cure PMS for AT LEAST 9 months. She should try that instead.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
she doesn't have _time_ to sit here and argue with a bunch of 'pathetic assholes', right?

Only when she has PMS, apparently. I hear that getting knocked-up will cure PMS for AT LEAST 9 months. She should try that instead.

I never take a sure bet.
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
Ah i missed her. Damn.

Sounded like she'd been hitting the kids' cough syrup all afternoon if you ask me.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Anonymous User
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
I took a few days off to do some inside home improvements and miss the latest wave of breeder tolls.

For the record I'm a forum gnome not a forum troll winking smiley

Forum gnome: Unlike a forum troll a forum gnome doesn't intentionally cause trouble, it just sort of happens when they're around.
Anonymous User
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
You all put standing on top of each other have not "outgunned" me.

You may want to rewrite this sentence. As written, you make no sense. Of course, this is nothing new.
Anonymous User
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
Sabine the Sentence Structure Queen.
Anonymous User
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
With Yoda, studied she has.
Anonymous User
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
You all put standing on top of each other have not "outgunned" me.

Yes, they have. And oh by the way, you lose.

Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
Sabine, I want you if you are white. Jewish girl? Wow! I'm getting erect now! Sabine, I know I'm CF, but I'll change my mind for you only. You are hot!
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
You all put standing on top of each other have not "outgunned" me.

You may want to rewrite this sentence. As written, you make no sense. Of course, this is nothing new.

Sabine, can you sit on top of my black face?
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
Sabine, where in Israel are you? Can you write Hebrew alphabet on me with your tongue? Jewish women are hot! Especially the white ones. I just want ya you so sexy!
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009

Yes as a Jewish person (my 2nd language is Hebrew, I lived in Israel for years) I did spend quite a lot of time in my youth on neo-nazi boards trolling them I guess and arguing much as I do here. And the level of discussion was exactly the same, the same stupid arguments and bitterness and this feeling that they were somehow victimized by the society. Hence my comparison with the nazi boards. Not with nazis themselves. With the message boards.

I'm sure there are reasons that someone who is childfree might feel victimized, but this has nothing to do with *bratfree.

You all put standing on top of each other have not "outgunned" me.

I have not read many of your posts, and I hope I am not making improper conclusion about you based on this post. I have personally been in many places of the world. I have received help from many as well as helped many. I have seen many different types of people with different views.

I see that you have been around the world and were certainly a person who had to deal with uncomfortable issues. I plead for safety and well being of all people and people of Israel.

You have lived in that part of the world long enough. The thing that I could expect out of you is that you accept or at least be tolerant of those who are different from you. You have not shown to me that you are able or willing to do that. It seems very obvious to anyone that horrendous acts of Nazis are not really persecuted by you for the fact that you are doing exactly what they were doing by criticizing and harassing those who are different from you. You have no right to oppress anyone. How dare you call your self a Jewish person. You are a bloody shame to the Jewish community. You are a murderer of Jewish ideas and things that Jewish people stand for.

I hope that you soon wake up and really evaluate your views. Maybe then you will understand why Jewish State has been fighting oppression for 2000 years and is unable to gain acceptance or even be allowed to exist. They are the views like yours that exist in non-Jewish countries of the middle east that keep the war going. I am deeply ashamed of all your current views and I hope you spend your time thinking and evaluating you where you stand. You have not shown to me or anyone here that you have learned or understood anything by living in Israel.
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
Sabine, I appreciate you views and opinions but I am unable to support any of them. I would like to see what you have learned in Israel, you did not have much to show for so far. I think you may start by reading just a few years back and understand what price have Jewish people paid in order to have their own place returned to them.

Last time I checked, most of the harm done to children was by parents and not child-free people. Adrea Yates was not a good parent and there are many more. Nazis used to blame Jews and gays for all the problem in the society. Following their views is not a way to go. Decent Jewish people love other people, no matter where they are from and even if their views differ.

There are many child-free celebrities and scientists out there who have done many things for the society and it's well being. Your children may be enjoying the fruits of the work of Nikola Tesla, who was child-free electrical engineer. He is the reason why your electric blanket works well. His ideas are used today to create a long range electric vehicle, which you could use to safely transport your family in. Remember, while mothers were rocking cribs, some child-free reject (according to you) has worked his brains off to give you and your kid a better future. They cared about people. I am unable to say the same about a sperm donor who raped his own daughter.

Did you know that even in today's world much of time consuming research is done by people who have no families but love the world and other people so much that they dedicate their lives to better others? They feel that their ideas will live much longer and better than anyone's DNA ever will. It may be difficult to understand but feel free to research. No person knows everything, we all could learn something.

I may give child-free people a bad name because I try to reason with all people, no matter who they are. Most people do not give the same in return to child-free. I do not support making fun of disadvantaged and disabled. I have designed parts for mobility scooters to helps folks. I need not to disclose all details. Next time you see a Chrysler Mobility Van, just remember, I had something to do with it. Same goes for brake and gas pedal hand controls.

You may not shut up about the hatred that you perceive, but I suggest you provide a valid, well supported argument. Most child-free people come from different walks of life, do not get help or time of the day that any parent would. Who really hates who? Think about it.

From time to time, we get a person here who is openly a parent. I appreciate any well supported arguments they may have. In fact, some post regularly and are tolerant of us. You too are welcomed to have a good argument and enjoy a few good points. After all, we all have something to learn.
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 19, 2009
sabine, would you have sex with a chocolate boy? i could use some white suga! my bro, u and i could make an oreo cookie!
Re: Watch with the private info, people
January 20, 2009
I'm so glad I'm drunk.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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