Why can't these baybee rabid women just accept a NOT PREGNANT verdict? They spend countless dollars on early pregnancy tests, ovulation tests, extra doctor's visits, ultrasounds, additional costly bloodwork when the piss test doesn't yield the desired results, and worry the PISS out of the health care industry to confirm that they had a miscarriage rather than just a late period.moo with baybeem They become aggressive and militant when the docs refuse to play their games too and practically stalk them. I will bet that OBGYN's wish to GOD that home pregnancy tests had never hit the market. They spend so much time dealing with hysterical pregnancies and baybee rabid women that I don't see how they manage to actually treat their legitimate patients.eye rolling smiley

This cow seems to blame the doctor????
"...My last LMP (last menstrual period) was on 11/29/08 - we had been trying to conceive for 9 months - 1st preg, so each month we were calculating ovulation and waiting to see if a period would show up either 26 or 28 days on schedule. Well, December 26 I was due for my period and it didn't show. Waited until Dec. 29 to take a PG test and sure enough positive. On 1/2 had mild cramping and light spotting however water in toilet was all pink the first time urinating after cramps and there was what looked like to me a lot of "gray matter" in it. On 1/4 went to Urgent Care as I had seen this grey matter again in my urine but I wasn't spotting or bleeding again....- they also took my blood and confirmed pg but sent blood out for a quantitative HCG number and called it a Threatened Miscarriage. The next day, Monday they called me to tell me that the HCG seemed extremely low if I was to be 5 weeks pg according to the dates - the # was 79.8 which is more like a number for a pg in it's 1-2nd week. eye rolling smiley

However, with symptoms of miscarriage I immediately got into my gyne on Weds 1/7 - he sent me for more blood work and did a transvaginal u/s - found absolutely nothing in uterus and said for 5 weeks I should at least be seeing a sac. Blood came back on Thursday 1/8 at 128 - rising... not exactly doubling but certainly rising. I am near positive it has been a miscarriage but the doc does not want to diagnose it as such yet... please. I know my body - I know what I've seen in my urine and I've been bleeding every day since Monday last week. Cramping light in between here and there. Monday 1/12 I go for another HCG test. Friday 1/16 he'll do another u/s but nurse talked to him and he now says either ovulation was off or it's a miscarriage. I have been reading through many posts on this board and the board about PG complications and about how many women are left with frustration and grief over their doctor being blase about the whole situation. Over getting incomplete results or incorrect results or answers. I'm really sick and tired of the doctor acting like he really knows my body more than I do - I felt pg before - sore breasts, bloating, I must also be very sensitive because I could feel in my belly a change a flutter before, now - nothing.

.. well, sorry, MISCARRIAGE doesn't happen to me all the time buddy. Better get a better bedside manner or I'll kick your butt to the curb and find a better doctor. I am not expecting good news this week - I am a realist - if for some miracle the life we had created is still viable then wonderful but I already feel like I lost what was started." ↓ :bawl

shrug So the medical professionals are saying it MIGHT have been a "miscarriage" at perhaps at 1-2 week(s) gestation, yet she felt a "flutter" in her tummy? I am surprised that she didn't feel it kicking and doing carthwheels at that stage of the game. I couldn't help but notice that the doc was more inclined to just agree with her possibly having had a miscarriage after the "..nurse spoke with him...". The nurse probably filled him in on what a relentless nutcase she was and that this was probably his best bet to rid himself of her. WHY ON EARTH after a transvaginal ultrasound confirmed that the contents of her uterus is E M P T Y, would she go on and schedule more HCG tests and another ultrasound, among other medical tests? If she believes that she had a miscarriage and her baybee oven is empty, then she doesn't even require a D&C, so WHY does she want this "miscarriage" diagnosis? What good would it do and what purpose would it serve? The bottom line is that she is NOT PREGNANT and likely never had a viable pregnancy baking in the baybee oven in the first place. shrug

The ONLY reason for this persistence and insistence of a miscarriage diagnosis has GOT to be for attention getting purposes as there are no medical, financial, or physical reasons that a miscarriage diagnosis would be desired.moo with baybeem:inw It's also rather odd how she claims to understand that her uterus is EMPTY, but then in the next breath she is hoping for her "created life" to somehow miraculously be "viable". This is sign of a severe mental disturbance, IMO.
Yea, imagine that. A doctor, someone with COUNTLESS years of college, internships, experience and knowledge does not know what he is talking about.

SURELY the mommy to be, with her substandard high school education, knows FAR more than doc.
I'm really sick and tired of the doctor acting like he really knows my body more than I do - I felt pg before - sore breasts, bloating, I must also be very sensitive because I could feel in my belly a change a flutter before, now - nothing.

Erm, TMI alert: I have those symptoms, minus the imagined belly-flutter, every month. That's when I break out the stretchy jeans. Thank god for stretchy jeans! I see that I've been missing a golden opportunity to make a normal m. cycle into an operatic drama, month after month. Silly me!eye rolling smiley
I'm really sick and tired of the doctor acting like he really knows my body more than I do - I felt pg before - sore breasts, bloating, I must also be very sensitive because I could feel in my belly a change a flutter before, now - nothing.

Erm, TMI alert: I have those symptoms, minus the imagined belly-flutter, every month.

Yeah, those sound like perfectly normal PRE-MENSTRUAL symptoms to me. And the fluttery stomach? Totally explained away by the fact that she THOUGHT she was pregnant, and was consciously (or sub-consciously) looking to feel something move in her tummy.

God, these women are beyond pathetic. It might actually be funny if it wasn't so sickening.
Kim, I always love reading your analyses of these ridiculous moo posts. :spin

This one really shows why I have no earthly clue why ANY doctor would want to specialize in obstetrics. Dealing with hysterical and demanding moos and wannamoos, not to mention their propensity to sue your ass off should the slightest thing go wrong.

You are so right. The only reason this wannacow wants a "diagnosis" of "miscarriage" is for martyrdom purposes. What a psychobitch. Lady, the doctor isn't "acting" like he knows YOUR body better than you do, he's making an assessment based on medical evidence and facts learned through many, many years of schooling AND experience. Where do YOU get off thinking you know the medical and scientific aspects of human repugnancy (or lack of) better than he does? :crz

As for this bullshit: "...many women are left with frustration and grief over their doctor being blase about the whole situation..." Grief? PLEASE. Talk to someone who's just received a devastating cancer diagnosis, you selfish bitch. The doctor is "blase"? She had a heavy period. BFD. What exactly do these weirdos expect? That the doctor and staff will start wailing along with them? FREAKS!
[...] and there was what looked like to me a lot of "gray matter" in it.
Here we have the reason for such behaviour, her brains were going down the toilet... Another ridiculous, attention-getting post.
What the fuck do these bitches want? A hug? A pity party in the waiting room? A special ribbon just for your cause?

They need to realize that these doctors are not fucking therapists. They see twats, uteri, tits, and fetuses on an assembly line basis. They see so many that their heads spin. You are nothing special, they've seen trillions of miscarried cell clumps. Why do they think these doctors would give a shit about them? When their car breaks down, do they think the mechanic is supposed to give them a hug? NO! Fix the problem, move on. Get over it already.

So many weak women in this world. It makes me cry. These stressed-out, shreiking wrecks make the rest of us REAL WOMEN look really bad.

"...many women are left with frustration and grief over their doctor being blase about the whole situation..."
They see twats, uteri, tits, and fetuses on an assembly line basis. They see so many that their heads spin.

:hs spewing water due to laughing bouncing and laughing drinking coffee :spin

So many weak women in this world. It makes me cry. These stressed-out, shreiking wrecks make the rest of us REAL WOMEN look really bad.

Yes. And they refuse to understand or even see the connection of how their behavior moves us all back into the 1950s.
I've had the fluttering in my belly before...usually I get it right after eating jalapeno peppers. grinning smiley

I love when women will bleat on about how they know what they're talking about more than their doctors. Being pregnant doesn't make you an expert on it, and really, if they're going to downplay a professional diagnosis, then maybe Mommy should hire a doctor (or maybe a medical student) who will be on call who will give Moo hugs and feed her bon bons when she finds out she's not actually pregnant. Pay out the ass, on top of the ovulation tests and early pregnancy tests, for someone to just tell her what she wants to hear. Someone this mentally unstable should not be allowed to spawn to begin with...if I were a doctor and had women bickering with me about their diagnosis and being so obsessive about their pregnancies (real or imagined), I would do my best to put the hysteri-Moos into therapy. Someone who gets this freaky over a cell or a clump of them is not playing with a full deck.

I can't help but wonder how the husbands/boyfriends of these insane whores feel. I sincerely doubt sex is ever executed for the purposes of enjoyment, but instead, only for procreation. Doing it only at a certain time of the month when the wannaMoo is fertile, Moo charting her temperature, and having a hysterical breakdown and funeral service when she has her period.


So many weak women in this world. It makes me cry. These stressed-out, shreiking wrecks make the rest of us REAL WOMEN look really bad.

Yes. And they refuse to understand or even see the connection of how their behavior moves us all back into the 1950s.

Jebus Crisp, do any of these sows think for half a minute that maybe if they just chilled out and you know, kept having sex until it happened, they'd actually get pregnant and then be able to keep the baby? Being that stressed out will not make your body say "Yes, let me use these resources to help create another life" it will make one's body go "GET OUT!! You're using up precious resources!!! Can't you see that we're in danger, we must be because of all the stress!"

TTC for only 9 months? Fucking hell, do these women think that everyone gets pregnant on the first try? Many people knowingly have unprotected sex several times, possibly over several months without getting pregnant. Granted, these people aren't all "I MUST BE A MOMMY NOW THIS MINUTE RIGHT NOW HURRY HURRY HURRY MAKE BABY NOW".

Could someone remind me again why it is wrong to just slap people upside the head?

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."

TTC for only 9 months? Fucking hell, do these women think that everyone gets pregnant on the first try? Many people knowingly have unprotected sex several times, possibly over several months without getting pregnant. Granted, these people aren't all "I MUST BE A MOMMY NOW THIS MINUTE RIGHT NOW HURRY HURRY HURRY MAKE BABY NOW".

Exactly. If I remember my 8th grade health class correctly, there are about one million sperm in every ejaculation. This means that a woman literally has a one in a million chance of getting pregnant. Any logical person in their right mind would realize with these odds that getting pregnant might take a while. But, NO, these stupid cows immediately go into spasms of angst and despair when the stick fails to turn blue the very first time.

This kind of behavior is exactly why women are so often stereotyped as being overly emotional, and not logical or rational enough. ranting
It's mentally sick women like this who, paradoxically, try to make everyone believe they are most suited to motherhood because they want it so much. In my book, if you behave this madly and you do manage to have a baby, it ought to be taken away from you before you even clap eyes on it.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
"relentless nutcase"

"shreiking wrecks"

"insane whores"

"stupid cows"

"mentally sick women"

I just had to see all of these gems from the posts in this thread together. You people kill me. I LOVE IT! bouncing and laughing
Those moomie-wannabes don't need babies.

They are acting like BABIES themselves.eye rolling smiley
i do agree that women should get the straight facts about there "pregnancy" before crying miscarriage. However if you truly are pregnant you need to relax and realize that the chance of miscarriage is relative to the stage and condition of youre pregnancy. i tried for 3 years and gave birth to a healthy child a year ago not trying ended up pregnant again and i am still getting over the fact that i miscarriaged at 2 months gestation it is a very emotional situation. One that does hurt you in a very deep way unless something is wrong with you mentally.but if they tell you you arent pregnant than you say you lost it thats bullshit you know youre body, but trust me doctors run tests for reasons. you are trying to gather attention if you tell anybody that will listen and that is just sickning. You need more attention if you have to kill a fake life every month to be happy.


Fucking Jesus Christ on a tilt-a-whirl, go to any one of the 987,456,555 MOMMY BOARDS TO TALK ABOUT YOUR CUNT LOAF!

the noodler

Fucking Jesus Christ on a tilt-a-whirl
Actual hysterical laughterz
What a fantastic phrase.

And what a dumb fucking troll.
Gray matter in urine? That's disgusting and it has nothing to do with pregnasty.

For someone who is trying to create the mirakul of life, these women have zero knowledge of basic biology. And the clump would not be kicking...hello, it's probably as big as a pencil eraser..the fluttering could have been gas or period related. Back when I had my parts and bad endometriosis all over my abdomen, my period would wreak havoc with my intestines.

Demanding Moo Wanna Be
well, sorry, MISCARRIAGE doesn't happen to me all the time buddy

More ignorance....if you are indeed pregnant and having a miscarriage, there is very little that a doctor can do to stop it, particularly if it's super early like this twat's. Because of her HCG levels an it's possible she had a spontaneous abortion and her embryo never attached to her wall properly. This is actually very common...30 years ago these women wouldn't have known they were pregnant, but as Kim mentioned now we have all this technology and they can pee on a stick every five minutes and get on these forums and compare their pan drippings for hours on end.

Nice work, Noodler. It must be thread mining week for Moos. Maybe it's Spring Break and they need to get away from Trendleigh and M'ystake.
I'm laughing here grinning smiley because my PMS symptoms were dizziness, swollen breasts and belly, water retention and cramping. She thinks she's pregnant because of that??? waving hellolarious

blood in the urine is also indicative of a urinary tract infection. I guess the moo never even bothered to think of that!
It's mentally sick women like this who, paradoxically, try to make everyone believe they are most suited to motherhood because they want it so much. In my book, if you behave this madly and you do manage to have a baby, it ought to be taken away from you before you even clap eyes on it.

I like the bitches who announce in front of their husband/sperm donors that THEY are trying to get pregnant. Um. not really. But the miscarriage is ALL THEIRS.
Also, she seems to fail to remember (if she even knew at all) that miscarriages are typically the body's way of getting rid of damaged goods. If she indeed had a miscarriage, she just might be better off having not carried the defective clump to term.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
We get tons of these POC (products of conception) specimens through the lab. Most look to the naked eye like a bunch of blood and clots, though I have seen a few actual tiny fetii. I wonder how many of these specimens actually end up showing fetal tissue under the microscope. May have to ask one of the docs about that.

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
She thinks she felt it that early, huh? She must be a Twilight fan :drool
Yeah last week I was worried about a flutter in my tummy.

I am trying to 'eat healthy' and as a pre dinner nosh I had some carrots and blue cheese salad dressing. Just a tea spoon, to dip the carrots slightly in.

I put the blue cheese salad jar away, and it looked ok - I am very clean and watch things. I noticed on the side of the jar - what looked like some run off dressing - recent - as I put half of my orig scoop back smiling smiley - so I ran my finger over that and ate it.

I noticed what I had scraped and dragged forward looked - ah - bluer than blue cheese. I think it was straight up mold. Yeah this cheese is kind of too - but - this appeared to be ah - not a cheese mold.


Not quite sure what I ingested here......

But I carried on, made dinner later (which was fish, baked potato, and green beens) (quite good too, I might add smiling smiley ), and all was fine and no stomach aches.

And, I didn't panic either.

Maybe if I had pannicked - it might have been the reincarnation, yea tho lost, of Romulus and Remus - I did see a couple of dead raccoons the other day - it is a SIGN! Of course eating moldy things might make a Godzilla or something - so - sigh - I suppose it's all for the best. The Lord's Will.

Of course I should be wracked with guilt because - any stomach movement must have been a behbeh and I probably killed it with the mold, and much medical tests and counseling must now commence.

Uh huh.
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