The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 15, 2010
Not only our usual weekly dose of giggles and facepalms, but with lots of emoticons too!

saying 'wtf' Moo and her husband have been caring for their nephew a bit since his parents don't give a fuck about him. Kid is a retard (I mean "developmentally delayed") who doesn't even know his own name, isn't bathed, and is allowed to misbehave and who hurts Moo's kid. Husband doesn't want to deal with it anymore because their daughter is acting like Tard Boy. Everyone says the husband is a dickhole for not wanting to care for a kid that isn't his; Moo also refuses to call CPS.

:baybie1 The martyr Moos find something else to "grieve" over: the final weeks of their pregnancy they would have experienced had they not birthed preemies.

ninja Good reason to not marry a breeder: step-kid is a whiny he-bitch awwtard who likes to try and start fistfights with his step-duh when he doesn't get his way. Tardo is about 15 or 16.

drinkingy Genius Moo breeds with two losers...miscarries one kid, shacks up with another one who is ohhh-so-wonderful and the perfect daddy. Finds out he's an emotionally abusive, alcoholic junkie after a fetus just happened to sneak into her uterus and start growing. Good job there, cow.

:bawl Mom-tard of twins is waiting for the "baby crush" to happen, but she doesn't like her identical maggots who nurse every hour 24/7. I'm gonna cry the tiniest tears ever for your plight, Moomie.

:bdid Bastard brat doesn't like going to bed or getting up for school. Oh noez! So the days when he's impossible to sway, Moo lets him stay home and she home-skools him with what she assumes his teacher would be teaching him. People advise just letting the kid take days off from school since it's too hard for the little moron (who was dropped down a grade - probably a mainstreamed retard).

angrily flogging with a whip Duh spanks bratty kid and Moomie is OMG heartbroken over it. Duh also likes to pit the kids against one another or against Moo, and blames her for his bad temper. Sounds like an absolute sweetheart. Moos can really pick 'em.

sleeping Natural consequences (as in, "If you keep climbing on (thing), you'll fall and get hurt") do not work on little brat because he usually wants the consequences; "If you fall, you might get hurt and have to go to the hospital" is met with a response of, "I want to go to the hospital."

grinning smiley GD Moo doesn't like that her FIL smacked her brat and the brat listened.

face saying 'error'r Yes, Moo, it's totally normal to continue "nursing" your child when even you admit you are producing absolutely no milk. Yup, "dry nursing" is just dandy...pedophile.

:sx Discussion on how long it took various cattle to spread for their sperm banks after their "birth trauma." One woman says she could not intimately connect with her husband anymore because he just stood idly by while she suffered a "birth rape" (meaning she had to go to a hospital to shit out a kid rather than on her living room floor or in a bucket of water).

Mr. T: I pitty tha fools Moo knows better than the doctors...feels the doctor was a bitch for telling her incubating the loaf for an extra week increased stillbirth risks and she quit her gestational diabetes meds because she felt she didn't have GD. She's pissed at the doctor who gave her a C-section because the dumb cow wasn't laboring correctly. Go take your catheter and play in traffic, you ungrateful whore.

:crz Retarded woman thinks vaccines gave her child seizures and a brain bleed. Of course, the neurologist who said shots don't cause intercranial bleeding is wrong because it's not HIS child. Took Moo-tard five years, apparently, to have the chance to take some kind of stand to prove the ebil vackseenz brain-damaged her kid.

eye rolling smiley Moo is all butt-hurt that her friends with a freshly-shat crotch dragon won't let anyone near the kid if they are not vaccinated. Moo's litter is, of course, unvaxed (and is probably still contagious with the pertussis Moo feels they no longer have).
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
MIL let Ds1 CIO when she knew we're not ok with that, and now it's been a year and a half and we haven't let her babysit because I don't feel like I can trust her not to do something else that's unacceptable.

I can't believe that these people all think that letting a baby "cry it out" is some punishable form of abuse that warrants a year and a half of distrust.
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
MIL let Ds1 CIO when she knew we're not ok with that, and now it's been a year and a half and we haven't let her babysit because I don't feel like I can trust her not to do something else that's unacceptable.

I can't believe that these people all think that letting a baby "cry it out" is some punishable form of abuse that warrants a year and a half of distrust.

Sounds like MIL quickly found the best route NOT to be asked, I mean 'let', to babysit anymore. Smart move. grinning smiley

WTF is it about parents trying to arrange their children's lives so that they never feel the need to cry? They HAVE to cry. It's a biological function of the species -- it rids the body of excess sodium, it lowers blood pressure, it 're-sets' a couple parts of the brain -- it's not just some kind of isolated expression of disappointment or anger which can be prevented.

That's one of the reasons why small children need to be kept away from the rest of polite society until they pass the age when unbidden and uncontrolled crying happens. It's annoying and embarrassing and stressful, and just cannot be 'helped' by distraction tactics which frankly make mommy and daddy look like a couple of donkeys.

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"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
1)"Anyone else experiencing or experienced the grieving process of the final weeks of what would have been your pregnancy after having a preemie?

My son was born at 30 weeks and 3 days, 2 weeks ago. He is in the NICU and will be there for a while. I feel like everything is breaking down now. The joy of having a new baby, no matter where he is, is no gone and the pain of the situation has started to set in.

I have tried to talk to other people about this but they don't understand. I wonder how much of this is grief and how much might be the start of ppd. What helped you though this.... if you went though it? "

WHA? "GRIEF"????? How is having an otherwise healthy baybee a reason to "GRIEVE"?This sounds like to me that she's pissed because she was denied those last few weeks to milk her INPIGNESS for all it was worth! WTF kind of "help" does a moo need in this situation? Other people "don't understand" because it's LUDICROUS.

2)People kept congratulating me when my daughter was born, and I just kept feeling like I wanted to explain - it was not a joyful moment. Or alternatively, I wanted to scream. She was in a plastic box in the hospital with tubes up her nose, when she was supposed to be in my belly, kicking me in the ribs and learning to breathe. What part of that is good?
There is some real grief.

I also think that parents of preemies face different stresses than parents of full-term, healthy infants, and are more likely, over time, to find that they are exhausted and depressed. That's what prolonged anxiety does to us - it wears us out and wears us down. And then there's the thing where you spend what would have been your third trimester (you know, the time when you were supposed to make all the lasagna in the world, clean your house, and get your best friend to throw you a party) doing whatever you can, so that you can then come home... with what is, for all practical purposes, a newborn. It felt like being on a treadmill, like didn't we do all this newborn stuff in the hospital? Why aren't we on to the socially interactive baby part yet?

The NICU I was at had a social worker on the floor, who was very helpful. There are some NICU parent support groups - check at the nurse's station for flyers and activities and info."
Yeah, the TRUTH reared it's ugly head in the part I put in italics. Her time to "prepare" was cut short AND she didn't get that "party" that she wanted. SELFISH WHORE that she is doesn't acknowledge that SOME women in the NICU are grieving because their baby was STILLBORN or died shortly after delivery. In those cases, grieving is expected and normal! "Grieving" because the kyd was born early is completely ridiculous. MY GOD these bitches are SO selfish that it's hard to even believe what I am reading! If I was a social worker, the LAST place that I would want to work would be in the NICU ward and then to have one of these moos who had a HEALTHY, but early kyd, to WASTE my fucking time with this "grieving" nonsense when REAL grief lay in the next room in the form of a baby who only had hours to live!

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
Anyone puzzle out what the heck "DTD" stands for?

And this:
A long time. But for me it was compounded by feeling abandoned and betrayed by DH during my birth rape. It's hard to want to be intimate with someone who just stood there and watched you being raped and tortured, YK? Not to mention the physical issues.

Yeahright. Talk to women who endured the rape camps during the Bosnian/Serb war before you start yammering about your own experience, you fatuous cunt. Gawd, I hate women who blow such things out of proportion :flaming

Maybe there is something to the archaic medical practice of slapping chloroform over the birthing mother's nose and presenting her with a baby when she woke up. Saved a lot of aggro and passive-aggressive guilting toward the father down the road.
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
Anyone puzzle out what the heck "DTD" stands for?

And this:
A long time. But for me it was compounded by feeling abandoned and betrayed by DH during my birth rape. It's hard to want to be intimate with someone who just stood there and watched you being raped and tortured, YK? Not to mention the physical issues.

Yeahright. Talk to women who endured the rape camps during the Bosnian/Serb war before you start yammering about your own experience, you fatuous cunt. Gawd, I hate women who blow such things out of proportion :flaming

Maybe there is something to the archaic medical practice of slapping chloroform over the birthing mother's nose and presenting her with a baby when she woke up. Saved a lot of aggro and passive-aggressive guilting toward the father down the road.

"Doing The Deed" bouncing and laughing I know most all of their jargon, but I'm not proud of it!

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
cats not kids 1
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
Did anyone notice this response to the dry nursing?

"what kind of hard time? physical pain or societal pressure?

if physical pain then like others said see how YOU feel about it.

if its societal pressure since some are never going to like it what do you think. do you feel odd?

is it normal? doenst matter to me. i have been dry nursing for the past 5 years. its emotional therapy for dd and i would never take it away from her. "

Bolding added by me,
Also her sig has her daughter listed as 8 years old. two faces pukingI can clearly remember most everything that was going on in my life when I was eight. That poor girl is going to have serious issues.
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
Can't these kids just be contented to suck their thumbs anymore?
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
Anyone puzzle out what the heck "DTD" stands for?

And this:
A long time. But for me it was compounded by feeling abandoned and betrayed by DH during my birth rape. It's hard to want to be intimate with someone who just stood there and watched you being raped and tortured, YK? Not to mention the physical issues.

Yeahright. Talk to women who endured the rape camps during the Bosnian/Serb war before you start yammering about your own experience, you fatuous cunt. Gawd, I hate women who blow such things out of proportion flaming

Maybe there is something to the archaic medical practice of slapping chloroform over the birthing mother's nose and presenting her with a baby when she woke up. Saved a lot of aggro and passive-aggressive guilting toward the father down the road.

I hate that as well. Makes me wonder if the 'birth rape' was really just the medical community getting back at non-compliant moo.

Can't these kids just be contented to suck their thumbs anymore?

This. And why not pacifiers? Sheesh.

lab mom
Gail Jefferson
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
Re: Martyr Moos with premature babies:

If it wasn't for medical intervention (aka "birth rape" what a stupid fucking term) her child would likely be DEAD.

Doesn't she feel the slightest happiness that the doctors/hospital/advanced medical technology were able to do? Save her child's life??

"Birth Rape???" WTF?? They probably saved your life and definitely saved the life of your child, you ungrateful drama queen.

Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
So if I get a tracheotomy while my airway is blocked, is that a "Neck Rape?" Woe is me!
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
Natural consequences (as in, "If you keep climbing on (thing), you'll fall and get hurt") do not work on little brat because he usually wants the consequences; "If you fall, you might get hurt and have to go to the hospital" is met with a response of, "I want to go to the hospital."

What her "DS" is doing would have earned me an old fashioned ass whopping. But nooooooooo....that's aaaabbbuuuuuuuuuuuseeee!!!!!!!

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
cats not kids 1
Did anyone notice this response to the dry nursing?

"what kind of hard time? physical pain or societal pressure?

if physical pain then like others said see how YOU feel about it.

if its societal pressure since some are never going to like it what do you think. do you feel odd?

is it normal? doenst matter to me. i have been dry nursing for the past 5 years. its emotional therapy for dd and i would never take it away from her. "

Bolding added by me,
Also her sig has her daughter listed as 8 years old. two faces pukingI can clearly remember most everything that was going on in my life when I was eight. That poor girl is going to have serious issues.

angry flipping off This site is going to give me a heart attack. I am sick of this disgusting crap. Emotional therapy my ass. That is NOT healthy and it's NOT about your damned daughter. It's about YOU getting off (sexually, emotionally, I have NO idea) on your kid sucking your breasts. You are the ADULT, so YOU make the decisions, not the other way around. Learn some other way to help your kid "emotionally." Stop it and get some goddamn professional help. Jesus Christ. I am starting to understand why some people snap and murder their parents....
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
This is the Moo who had one kyd then just "had to" have another one, used IVF and has twins.


I used to be a good parent to my 5 yo DS. I practiced gentle parenting a la 'non violent communication', Gordon Neufeld, UP etc. I had the time, energy, whatever. I know lots of people do it with 3 kids but I am so far off the path it isn't funny. Even when I can keep my composure it is a constant "shh, babies are sleeping" "be gentle" "quiet, no yelling" "clean up your stuff" blah blah blah. I am tired of hearing myself nag.

We used to go out all the time . . . park, bike rides, playdates, museums, etc. Now that the babies are here we only go out a couple times a week and while we are at home DS mostly watches tv until it is time for me to pack them all up to take him to kindergarten in the pm (thank goodness he loves kindy!!). Soon it will be 40 below zero and it will suck even worse. I feel isolated, lonely. Going out is a lot of work and isn't really 'fun' since there is only a short window until one or both babies melt down.

GD aside, I can't help but wonder why this Moo didn't stop at one kyd. What did she think would happen when she had twins. Did she think of anything other than getting pregnasty? Did she think having three kyds would be a walk in the park?

The Moo who is knocked up for the third time with an oopsie. Can you say denial? How can she write all this and come to the conclusion in the last sentence?


He kicked me out and luckily a good friend of mine is letting me stay with her. The original plan was to move to Oklahoma where another friend of mine lives. A whole 3 1/2 hours away. And he didn't care. Now he's not attending any appointments (his decision) and have called him every week for the past three, asking that he call me back so we can discuss getting the rest of my things and money I need for the baby. It's the same routine... "Sure, I'll call you." A week goes by so I call him (at work, no less, because he doesn't have a phone or got one and hasn't given me the number) and the process repeats. And I'm scared to death that he'll actually try to fight for custody after baby is here.

Honey, if he won't return your calls for a week, he obviously wishes you'd just fall off the face of the Earth, or more preferably, down the steps so you'd miscarry.

Don't women like this have any self-respect? Hasn't she ever heard of abortion? Doesn't she care she's raising two kids without a father? Apparently not.

I'm to skeered to read about "dry nursing" an eight year old kyd. WTF is wrong with these bitches?
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
Moos are bloody notorious for breeding with complete losers and/or abusers (physical, emotional, sexual, or substance)...yup, let's not get to know the guy enough before getting knocked up with his child, but THEN find out after the Unplanned SurpriseTM that he doesn't give a fuck about her and is abusive. And of course they have the kids anyway...odds are the guy will not want to see the kid, but some men are nuts and will try and fight for custody so he can be near the wifey to torment her.

I had no idea that letting a kid suck Moo's tits long after she's finished making milk actually had a name. That made me want to heave. I also asked what's wrong with a thumb or a pacifier - a tit is not in any way necessary to sate a child's need to suck something. Child-led weaning is absolutely horse shit and if Moo had any sense about her, she'd toss the kid off the boob and give her something else to suck on. Unfortunately, this seems to be the age of rampant jelly-spines, so rather than Mommy being the one who wears the pants, it's Junior and Mommy's just got to do what the kid wants no matter what.

These women have zero respect for themselves, period. That's why they serial-breed with useless men, let their children hit them in the face or otherwise abuse them, and generally allow their kids to walk all over them like doormats. It's sickening and I'm ashamed to say I share a species and a gender with these swine.
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
"Doing The Deed" bouncing and laughing I know most all of their jargon, but I'm not proud of it!


Sounds like an amorphous euphemism for a task that doesn't have any emotional connection to them. As in: lie back passively and let your man have his way with you since the "birth rape" you endured left you emotionally and physically numb to him. However, you realize you gotta put out sometime to keep Baby Daddy around, you just wish he'd get it over with and not bounce so much, he's getting close to waking up the baby lying next to them.
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 16, 2010
Help me be ok with suckling after my milk is gone


My DD just turned 3, and I am 17 weeks pregnant. About two or three weeks ago, I finally stopped making milk completely. It had been dwindling before that. My daughter still nurses four or five times in the day and night, and would not be ok with stopping suckling completely. She is pretty good about stopping a session if/when it starts to get too uncomfortable for me. I ask DD if there is any milk, and she just says, "When the new baby comes, there will be lots of milk, and I will share with the baby!"

I guess I am having a hard time with her suckling my breast when there is no milk. This is normal, right? There is nothing "wrong" with continuing to nurse my 3 year old exclusively for comfort? I live in an area where it is very very rare for a mother to nurse this long, and I feel very weird when people ask now, especially since there is no more milk

First of all, she shouldn't be nursing a 3 year old. I also have to wonder if the kyd isn't closer to 4 because she didn't say it's age in months, like they usually do. "My 37 month old is still nursing......", for instance. I am wondering if the "3" year old isn't actually a 47.5 month old because they are infamous for using verbage to suit their own agenda. So, it's 47.5 months when it's his first time with a baybee sitter with the AP set and a simple "3" when it's dry sucking their udder. Which, BTW is HIDEOUSLY vulgar and gross at ANY stated age.two faces puking

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 17, 2010
I had no idea that letting a kid suck Moo's tits long after she's finished making milk actually had a name. That made me want to heave. I also asked what's wrong with a thumb or a pacifier - a tit is not in any way necessary to sate a child's need to suck something. Child-led weaning is absolutely horse shit and if Moo had any sense about her, she'd toss the kid off the boob and give her something else to suck on. Unfortunately, this seems to be the age of rampant jelly-spines, so rather than Mommy being the one who wears the pants, it's Junior and Mommy's just got to do what the kid wants no matter what.

An eight-year-old who still wants to suck must be developmentally delayed. Just replacing the boob with a thumb doesn't sound like a solution. Doesn't thumb sucking generally stop before the child starts kindergarten (i.e., around the age of 5)?
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 17, 2010
I dunno about that one yurble. My sister and I were formula fed but she sucked her thumb until she was like 15 or 16.
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 17, 2010
I dunno about that one yurble. My sister and I were formula fed but she sucked her thumb until she was like 15 or 16.

Wasn't she embarrassed? I would think that a child who is 8 and still sucks her thumb would get teased mercilessly at the playground...I can't even begin to imagine how a 15-year-old would be treated.
Natural consequences (as in, "If you keep climbing on (thing), you'll fall and get hurt") do not work on little brat because he usually wants the consequences; "If you fall, you might get hurt and have to go to the hospital" is met with a response of, "I want to go to the hospital."

Easy fix for that. Go on vacation near something really f*cking dangerous; like an abandoned mine or an alligator-infested lake, tell Bratford "stay the hell away or you'll get a spanking from Saint Peter tonight." If he goes anyway and doesn't survive the experience you can tell everyone to chalk it up as a junior Darwin.

Yes, I'm feeling particularly nasty today.
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 17, 2010
Hell, if a kid wanted to suffer the natural consequences of his actions, I'd let him. Let him break his arm scaling a cupboard, and then wait about an hour before taking him to the hospital so he can reeeeallly, reeeeallly enjoy those consequences he wanted. Odds are good he wouldn't be climbing that cupboard again...and if he did, you'd know he was retarded.

As far as the dry nursing/thumb sucking, I know one of my younger cousins sucked his thumb until he was about 9 or 10, and he's all there mentally. I've also seen grown men and women with pacifiers in their mouths, but I don't know if this was to satisfy an urge to suck something or more for health reasons (like drug use or teeth grinding).

People who prefer to have things in their mouths often grow up to do more subtle things, like chew pens, eat lollipops or chew gum. I know I was and still am a bit orally fixated and I like to chew the ends of my writing tools. Still, if a kid has to suck on something beyond infancy, that something should absolutely not be a tit. BreastFEEDING is not meant to be done for comfort of either the child or the mother - it's meant to FEED a baby that can't eat solid foods. This "dry nursing" is nothing more than foreplay that mommies are allowed to get away with because it's For The ChildTM.
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 17, 2010
So if I get a tracheotomy while my airway is blocked, is that a "Neck Rape?" Woe is me!

OMG, I am SO stealing this the next time I hear a moo cry about "birth rape." We could go on and on. Should cardiac bypass be "heart rape?" Is a mastectomy "breast rape?" These idiots SICKEN ME.

They get knocked up, THEN bitch and moan and play victim when they go for prenatal care and the birth itself, and have their hoohas poked, prodded, invaded, and...gasp...LOOKED at? Is a Pap smear now considered rape? Why don't they consider themselves fucking FORTUNATE to have the medical care in the first place??

Google "birth rape" if you can stand it. How dare they equate medical treatment with RAPE?? Is it just because it involves the nether regions? Grow up and get over it.

I want to strangle these people. angry flipping off

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 18, 2010
Gail Jefferson
Re: Martyr Moos with premature babies:

If it wasn't for medical intervention (aka "birth rape" what a stupid fucking term) her child would likely be DEAD.

Doesn't she feel the slightest happiness that the doctors/hospital/advanced medical technology were able to do? Save her child's life??

"Birth Rape???" WTF?? They probably saved your life and definitely saved the life of your child, you ungrateful drama queen.


Honestly, I doubt it. These are the "addicted to pregnancy" types of idiots who don't actually want the children, they just want the attention that comes along with being in pig/having a newborn. Their attention whoring time was cut short when the baby was born prematurely. If it had died they could have milked the grief for a few weeks and then would have been free to get knocked up again that much quicker.

Most of the sane women I have known were so uncomfortable during the last few weeks that they couldn't wait for their pregnancy to be over. A few of them even took steps (once it had been declared safe) to get things moving more quickly.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: The Commode still smells on Friday night
October 18, 2010
This "birth rape" and PTSD associated with pregnancy and delivery is OUTRAGEOUS. If I was entering a medical field of study in the near future I would absolutely NOT choose obstetrics.Since the moos seem to want to anyway, maybe we should just go back to home births and use the hospitals only in cases of emergency. I am certain that EMS employees would be the ones suffering then though because it's ALWAYS someone else's fault, always.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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