Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
If you could change the title to "After Major Surgery, What You Can Suggest to Friends Who Offer To Help" it would be a good list! I wouldn't mind doing anything on that list for someone who just went through a major medical procedure, or even a minor one, for that matter.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
WHAT THE FUCK????!!! Is this shit for real? I mean come on!!!...

1. Buy us toilet paper, milk and beautiful whole grain bread.
Shouldn't you already have this stuff in your house?

2. Buy us a new garbage can with a swing top lid and 6 pairs of black cotton underpants (women’s size____).
See above comment. And hello entitlebitch - it's called planning ahead! You know you want this crap so fucking have it on hand before the Goldenloaf arrives!

3. Make us a big supper salad with feta cheese, black Kalamata olives, toasted almonds, organic green crispy things and a nice homemade dressing on the side. Drop it off and leave right away. Or, buy us frozen lasagna, garlic bread, a bag of salad, a big jug of juice, and maybe some cookies to have for dessert. Drop it off and leave right away.
'Make you' this and 'buy you' that. Fuck you, cunt. If you want this stuff so bad then buy it or make it yourself a couple weeks ahead of time. Most of that stuff keeps real well in the freezer until after the loaf comes.

4. Come over about 2 in the afternoon, hold the baby while I have a hot shower, put me to bed with the baby and then fold all the piles of laundry that have been dumped on the couch, beds or in the room corners. If there’s no laundry to fold yet, do some.
Nope. Newborn babies sleep a ton. Do your chores while the baby sleeps. And if you are 'too tired' then too fucking bad. Your baby, your choice, your problem.

5. Come over at l0 a.m., make me eggs, toast and a 1/2 grapefruit. Clean my fridge and throw out everything you are in doubt about. Don’t ask me about anything; just use your best judgment.
It takes about 5 minutes to scramble or fry an egg. While that is cooking, pop some bread in the toaster and slice a grapefruit. Done. Simple.

6. Put a sign on my door saying “Dear Friends and Family, Mom and baby need extra rest right now. Please come back in 7 days but phone first. All donations of casserole dinners would be most welcome. Thank you for caring about this family.”
This should be made clear to people before the Golden Event happens. And if someone does go out of their way to stop by, accept their visit graciously, then politely excuse yourself by saying that your energy is sapped and you need to rest for awhile.

7. Come over in your work clothes and vacuum and dust my house and then leave quietly. It’s tiring for me to chat and have tea with visitors but it will renew my soul to get some rest knowing I will wake up to clean, organized space.
Ok - vacuum and leave quietly? For one, how can 'vacuum' and 'quietly' be used in the same sentence, and for two, you are sleeping all fucking day; why would the house need to be vacuumed? Should have been done before the Golden Event happened.

8. Take my older kids for a really fun-filled afternoon to a park, zoo or Science World and feed them healthy food.
Umm....Nooo...put the older kids to work by having them vacuum and dust the house. After all, since you are such a Good Moo then you will have taught your kids to be respectful, responsible people.

9. Come over and give my husband a two hour break so he can go to a coffee shop, pub, hockey rink or some other r & r that will delight him. Fold more laundry.
Now that is just funny. You just know that a few months down the line Mighty Moo will be complaining about how she does all the housework while hubby gets to go out to the office to work and then go out with his friends after work. Oh and hey Mighty Moo - why don't you just sit back in bed and fold the laundry yourself?

10. Make me a giant pot of vegetable soup and clean the kitchen completely afterwards. Take a big garbage bag and empty every trash basket in the house and reline with fresh bags.
Soup freezes real well too. Make and freeze it before the Golden Event happens, and when you are done you can empty your garbage cans (including the one with the swing top lid that was mentioned in number 2 that you smartly bought before the Golden Event.)
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
If you could change the title to "After Major Surgery, What You Can Suggest to Friends Who Offer To Help" it would be a good list! I wouldn't mind doing anything on that list for someone who just went through a major medical procedure, or even a minor one, for that matter.

Yeah, it would be a good list for someone who just went through surgery/is going through chemo/just got fucked up in a car accident, but this "peel me a grape" attitude from someone who chose to be in her situation just puts me right off.

Oh, Good Lord, this commenter right here just takes the cake:


First time parents have NO CLUE these days what having a baby entails. They have romanticized ideas about what it will be like, but only from television sitcoms (where they rarely show the immediate postpartum at home taking care of everything) the only show I saw that ever talked about that, as a sitcom, was Dharma and Greg. After Dharma’s mom attended a homebirth of a baby that Dharma and Greg were going to adopt, did adopt, they canceled the show.

I hate to break it to this woman, but anyone who tries to learn life skills from a sitcom is a fucking idiot.


So, throughout history, when moms got the real story from other moms, were around birth as it was a normal part of community living, etc that was wrong? Only now is right because we have run away from community? We have become isolated from other parents in general all over the world (well, industrialized countries) that what used to be common knowledge and activity is now debunked and found to be a controversial topic!! “you are on your own. good luck and c ya” really?

The irony must be totally lost on this woman, seeing as she is posting this on the fucking internet! You mean to tell me, what with all the moo blogs and boards out there, that there is no possible way that these women can find information on what to expect after the loaf comes? Christ, they can manage to find shit online about how to get a preggo belly cast or painting, or pee-stick necklaces, or push presents and all that other horseshit, but not what they really need? FFS, woman, use your internet connection for more than cultivating fake strawberries on Farmville, and you just may learn something.


birth and parenting life as we know it has been 100+ years in the making. Its a giant experiment. and its an epic fail. We NEED each other to support our families and ultimately our society. Crime is an epidemic, mental disorders, physiologic diseases are all totally bothersome to say the least.

If you have a chance to prevent that on any level why wouldn’t you? And its so easy to bring a family a bit of groceries, take their older children with you shopping, for if they are old enough they can tell you mom’s favorite food, what she has been wanting to snack on in her last days of pregnancy, and it gives an hour that mom can rest and feed the baby without the kids being needy or distracting.

Are you fucking shitting me? Societal problems such as crime and physical/mental disorders, nonono! Surely things like economic disparity and other things don't come into play here; it's all because we didn't bring moomie her fucking organic salad. The mind boggles.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010

birth and parenting life as we know it has been 100+ years in the making. Its a giant experiment. and its an epic fail. We NEED each other to support our families and ultimately our society. Crime is an epidemic, mental disorders, physiologic diseases are all totally bothersome to say the least.

If you have a chance to prevent that on any level why wouldn’t you? And its so easy to bring a family a bit of groceries, take their older children with you shopping, for if they are old enough they can tell you mom’s favorite food, what she has been wanting to snack on in her last days of pregnancy, and it gives an hour that mom can rest and feed the baby without the kids being needy or distracting.

Are you fucking shitting me? Societal problems such as crime and physical/mental disorders, nonono! Surely things like economic disparity and other things don't come into play here; it's all because we didn't bring moomie her fucking organic salad. The mind boggles.

I agree we should try to stop these things. The best form of prevention I can think of is to prevent ill-prepared people from having children. A donation to Planned Parenthood will help a lot more than coddling a middle-class moron.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
What a CUNT. There is no other way to describe slobs like this woman. She is too incompetent to even go out and buy her own big girl panties!

I'll tell you what, I'll show up at her house, but I'll wear whatever clothes I want and the only gifts I'll be quietly leaving behind is a flaming bag of dogshit, a certificate for a happy ending massage for the husband, and a sign on the door that says "MORMONS AND JAHOVAH'S WITNESSES WELCOME AT ALL TIMES".

angry flipping off
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
If you have a legitimate medical emergency--heart attack, appendectomy, stroke, etc., some of these requests are understandable. And let's face reality: none of us know what the future beholds. We might get very sick as early as tomorrow! For those who do, I offer my sympathies and anything else within reason of course.

But it seems to be, in the case of pregnancy, this is simply an entitlement attitude on overdrive. Pregnancy is (presumably) NOT a medical emergency and you've got plenty of time to prepare yourself for the medical aspects and recovery time surrounding it.

I can recall having a tonsillectomy at age 25. Tonsillectomies for adults are very painful and have a lengthy recovery time. I had a couple of months to prepare for it--AND I DID! Why? Because I didn't want to be a burden on those around me. I didn't want people to have to worry about taking care of me. I did accept some care from people, of course, including my mother. But prior to the surgery I got all my ducks in a line so to speak--food available, drug stores notified and updated with prescription information, house completely cleaned, new batteries in the TV remote control, reading materials, laundry completely done the nite before--the works!

In summation....

My situation: "I don't want to burden anybody, and if you do want to help me post-surgery I want to cause you as little inconvenience as possible."

Pregnant Woman's Situation: "I want to be a huge burden upon you. I will be as helpless and unprepared for this event as humanly possible. In addition to help with childcare, I also expect you to clean my house. I won't thank you for your help. You should be willing to accept this treatment."
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
I saw this list and was seeing RED as I read it! Who the hell does this broad think she is?

And then parents wonder why they are called breeders, moos and duhs.

Up yours, bitch. There is NO WAY IN HELL I will hold your baby, clean your house, cook your meals, or pay for ANYTHING for you and your brood. You can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em! angry flipping off

an aside (but not a threadjack): a friend of mine is pregnant after a few months of marriage. She shouldn't be preggers now, but anyways, I'm already having to put her posts in hide mode on FB. Pregnancy watch app is NOT for me! She'll probably be an entitlemoo who expects everybody to provide everything for her free of charge, because you know, she is just so special! angry smiley Glad she lives in Tulsa. It's far away from me!
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
I forgot to add in my previous post, we should all comment on this lady's blog. It needs more "ideas" from a CF point of view winking smiley
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
I forgot to add in my previous post, we should all comment on this lady's blog. It needs more "ideas" from a CF point of view winking smiley


Let me just add something else: I was reading the comments on this blog, and apparently the breeders think that this behavior should be encouraged and is completely normal. I find it to be entitled, arrogant, and presumptious in the extreme.

"If you need anything just call me!"..... umm... no. Don't call me.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
This lady is a midwife with very little training, no formal training, and has been the cause of the deaths of two babies she tried to deliver. She has been sanctioned by the courts, and widely criticized by real doctors who feel she is a danger to pregnant women. How she is still practicing midwifery and has all these idiots following her blog like she is Mother Earth is beyond me.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
Like has been mentioned, these all sounds like things that would be done for someone after a death in the family, while they are recuperating from an illness or injury, or perhaps if they had a family member in the hospital long term. Presumably she had NINE MONTHS to buy trash cans and underwear, freeze food, etc..... Besides, why can't the husband take some responsibility? I mean really! They expect people to get off from work and come STRAIGHT over and play maid and cook so the husband can go out and party? Palease! The trash can ordered to specifications and the "black underwear" thing is an inappropriate request and goes WAY beyond what would be considered a regular or "normal" thing for anyone to do for a co-worker, friend, or neighbor.shrug

Going on my own past experiences, I would be willing to bet that the new moo has often overlooked or outright ignored the needs of the very people who she now expects to cater to her when THEY needed help. Up until I saw these people for the selfish bastards that they are, I was one of those people known to box up creative "care packages" for just about anyone within my monkey sphere and never gave it another thought. Then, when an illness-injury caused me to be unable to drive for 6 months I couldn't HELP but notice the overwhelming number of people who did absolutely nothing in the way of offering me the simplest of things including a ride anywhere or even a crockpot of soup for SIX MONTHS while I was unable to drive and/or recuperating.. angry smiley

The funny thing is that after I was able to "do" for people again, the requests started coming in via other people like, "JoAnne is having a hard time since the baybee was born and "we" are getting together and taking meals over every night for a few weeks. Could you make up one of your wonderful "care packages" or maybe drop off a casserole on Monday night?" Since I had about 6 months to re-examine my prior generosity and think up a response for the ASSHOLES who would sooner let me rot than look at me, I simply replied, "No, I can't. I have too much on my OWN plate right now, Good luck and goodbye". Many people gossipped about how I had "changed" after that and blamed it on my illness when in fact, I had just wised up and saw the light. It was a sad time for me to realize that the majority of people who I had thought were my friends didn't care about me, but I got over it. My bad attitude toward breeders was cultivated and fertilized during that time period and what you now see is the result of their horrible treatment of me..angry face saying 'eat me'

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
The funny thing is that after I was able to "do" for people again, the requests started coming in via other people like, "JoAnne is having a hard time since the baybee was born and "we" are getting together and taking meals over every night for a few weeks. Could you make up one of your wonderful "care packages" or maybe drop off a casserole on Monday night?" Since I had about 6 months to re-examine my prior generosity and think up a response for the ASSHOLES who would sooner let me rot than look at me, I simply replied, "No, I can't. I have too much on my OWN plate right now, Good luck and goodbye". Many people gossipped about how I had "changed" after that and blamed it on my illness when in fact, I had just wised up and saw the light. It was a sad time for me to realize that the majority of people who I had thought were my friends didn't care about me, but I got over it. My bad attitude toward breeders was cultivated and fertilized during that time period and what you now see is the result of their horrible treatment of me..angry face saying 'eat me'

Good for you for not being guilted by their bullshit.

FFS, women used to give birth in fields and get right back to work if they didn't die or have complications. Women working in factories in the 1700s, 1800s & early 1900s didn't get 6 fucking weeks of maternity leave.

I had minor surgery where I had to use a cane for 2 weeks and a surgical shoe for a total of 6 weeks. A co-worker who'd both given birth and had the same surgery as I did, said the recovery from the surgery was more painful. People were nice enough to offer to get my mail/take out my trash, but by the end of the first week, I was well enough to do that on my own. Granted, I didn't have a baby to take care of, but I live by myself. I did appreciate my fellow CF friend who insisted on coming over and treating me to Thai delivery and a very thoughtful get well present of Lavendar Origins bath wash and body cream. That was very sweet of her, but I'd never expect or demand it of anyone.

Basically, the week before my surgery, I went out and did a huge, massive grocery shopping so I wouldn't have to run out for groceries until I was feeling up for it. I bought some prepared meals, cooked some stuff in advance. I gave my apartment a good cleaning and got all of my entertainment (books, laptop, dvds) and drugs set up the night before where they were in handy reach. I had to keep the foot elevated, so the morning before I went to surgery, I unfolded the fold out couch, put an Aerobed on top of it to make it comfy and set up extra pillows & blankets.

Several people had offered assistance, but I didn't have to take them up on it because i planned ahead. It's nice to know that they are there if I'm ever unable to do for myself, but I don't want to exhaust their help in the event I really need it someday.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
I'd kill two birds with one stone, and bake the black panties in a tuna casserole.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 11, 2010
Fuck that Moo - I hope her uterus gets infected and falls out.

If this were someone who had been in an accident, or had surgery or was undergoing chemo - basically, if they were in a situation where they were a bit infirm due to things they did NOT choose - I'd do whatever I could to help. I can't good much, but I'd make whatever I could that would taste alright. I'd help clean their house or do some errands for them. I'd call every day or visit to ensure they were alright and make sure they knew they could call me anytime if they needed something.

However, I wouldn't do a fucking thing for some greedy bitch who chooses to shit out a kid and then demand slave labor from everyone. Fuck you, you lazy whore - make your own goddamn breakfast. If you can't even chop a grapefruit in half and put some bread in the toaster because the baybee wears you out that much, maybe you shouldn't have had the little fucker. You brought this misery upon yourself, so you can take your demands and shove them up your gaping cunt.

This bitch's wish list wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't speaking as if she was owed all these favors just for spreading her legs.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 12, 2010
Broken record time.....I love you people!! :bal

waving hellolarious hysterical laughterz

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 12, 2010
Love the responses from my fellow childfree.

This entitlemend minded walking uterus, can go kiss my ass. All of those demands, without a single utterance of a "please", or "thank you". eye rolling smiley


Make us a big supper salad with feta cheese, black Kalamata olives, toasted almonds, organic green crispy things and a nice homemade dressing on the side. Drop it off and leave right away. Or, buy us frozen lasagna, garlic bread, a bag of salad, a big jug of juice, and maybe some cookies to have for dessert. Drop it off and leave right away.

So, Mcdonald's is not good enough for them? I'll make said aforementioned salad or food for myself and my significant other, and then any leftovers go to my dog. If you, ungrateful bitch, want any of said aforementioned salad or food you can dig through my trash for any leftover food.

lab mom
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 12, 2010
Compare and contrast with what I just stumbled on:


In 1995 Brady married Canadian footballer Paul Peschisolido, who played for Birmingham City for two seasons, 1992–93 and 1993–94. About one year later, she had her first child, a girl named Sophia, and she went back to work three days after the birth, although she felt very exhausted at times. She had about six weeks off work after the birth of her second child, a boy named Paolo.

And I bet her kids will grow up and not be forever helpless mewling idiots.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 12, 2010
Be prepared for trollage, gang. Someone on that blog commented and jokingly asked Doula Gloria if they could link the article back to Bratfree, because all of her minions were praising her and saying they were going to link it back to their blogs (provided Doula Gloria is given the credit!).

Just a heads up to maybe expect some breeders coming over here.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 12, 2010
I can think of many proactive answers to all that:

don't moos go into "nesting" mode in the weeks leading up to birth? that's the time to make casseroles, lasagna, and other dishes that can be frozen. also, head to Squalmart and stock up on a lot of non-perishables (and underwear. black cotton? okaaay, I'm not gettin' what that means :crz)

My guess? Those torn up bits leak. For some reason they don't want to just use a pad. Anyhow, black won't stain.

Cotton so it doesn't stick to the stitches or create a hospitable environment for infection (as many man-made fabrics do).

Now, was that TMI or what?

Yeah, that's what I was thinkin', but not wanting to think. KWIM? Especially in asking other people to buy that stuff - gaaaahI have been around women who have recently given birth. A simple pair of panties isn't going to do the trick for postpartum flow and leakage unless they expect a laundress to come in and do the sheets as well (which I noticed in a comment someone posted). She ought to just stock up on the Kotex Sooper Dooper Crotch Hammocks and be done with it.

TMI - I used those when I was bed-ridden for several weeks with sciatica. They stretch from your belly button to the middle of your back and are certainly heavy enough to absorb even a gully washer. The bad part was in describing them to Dh when I said I needed them. I expected him to be squicked and embarrassed; he was fascinated, taking them out and admiring the engineering. I was torn between laughing hysterically at him and hitting him. I married a weirdo spewing water due to laughing I do keep a supply of them in my emergency kit now, even suggested Dh use a couple for knee pads during our remodeling project. He thought that was going just a little too far.
The Grinch
Be prepared for trollage, gang. Someone on that blog commented and jokingly asked Doula Gloria if they could link the article back to Bratfree, because all of her minions were praising her and saying they were going to link it back to their blogs (provided Doula Gloria is given the credit!).

Just a heads up to maybe expect some breeders coming over here.


the world 'fail' on flames
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 12, 2010
The Grinch
Just a heads up to maybe expect some breeders coming over here.

*chik-chik* Locked and loaded.

Though I expect it'll be more comments over there about how eeeevil CF people are.
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 12, 2010
Why, because we won't make organic salad with free range eggs and homemade dressing, buy her household shit and undies, and drop them off and leave? Because she is too tired to muster a "thank you so much, I really appreciate you doing this for me" but can rant "IHAVEABABYGODDAMMITANDYOUMUSTWORSHIPMEEEEEEANDPAYHOMAGE..."

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."

9. Come over and give my husband a two hour break so he can go to a coffee shop, pub, hockey rink or some other r & r that will delight him. Fold more laundry.

I'll do you one better, Moo. Since you're obviously comatose, I'll treat your husband to a real good time that will "delight him" no end. And fuck the laundry. After hubby and I blaze a doobie and have wild, rambunctious sex for a couple hours, I'll quietly leave. Sleep tight, we won't disturb your fat ass.

9. Come over and give my husband a two hour break so he can go to a coffee shop, pub, hockey rink or some other r & r that will delight him. Fold more laundry.

I'll do you one better, Moo. Since you're obviously comatose, I'll treat your husband to a real good time that will "delight him" no end. And fuck the laundry. After hubby and I blaze a doobie and have wild, rambunctious sex for a couple hours, I'll quietly leave. Sleep tight, we won't disturb your fat ass.

waving hellolariousthumbs upwink
Re: Breeder Birther Entitlment. Kiss moo's feet and worship her.
November 12, 2010
waving hellolarious
OK so I was not the only one who saw "Come over and give my husband...." as something that can go horribly awry.

and then leave. Of course.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
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