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thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)

Posted by zeropop 
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
March 18, 2017
welcome sign blackbird
Hi there:

I'm lamaitresse, delighted to find this forum. I really didn't know there were that many men and women who were CF and/or loathed crotch crickets, and smug, self important "mummies"& daddies" as much as me. I have 2 lovely poodle children, Tess and Remy, who I adore and are far more civilized than any loaf I've ever met! I look forward to snarking with you all!
Welcome to the board!
Hi all! I returned to this board after I couldn't recall my old login (didn't post much on it anyhoo). Happy to be back with sane people! Too much breederific crazy in this world...
Hi everybody! After lurking for about three years, I finally decided to join. I'm a 24 year old CF woman who's a part time college student and full time worker in a shitty factory in rural Indiana. I'm surrounded on a daily basis by breeders and their bullshit. Being from a rural area means people see breeding as a hobby, and something everyone "should" do. They think I'm crazy for not wanting to be a broodmare. Needless to say, it's so nice to have found a community of like minded people who won't look at me like I'm fuckin' Beelzebub because I don't like children and don't want them.

I look forward to meeting y'all and maybe making a few friends!
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
June 12, 2017
Sensitivemachine, don't you hate your lunch hour there, with all the talk about sports, breeding, kids, the bar, getting drunk, kids sports games? If I didn't need a table to eat lunch from I would not be in our lunch room and I usually leave after "wolfing it down".

If you are a member of a union, do you notice that labor unions are breederific, with all kinds of talk of "wages to support a family on"?
mr. neptune
Sensitivemachine, don't you hate your lunch hour there, with all the talk about sports, breeding, kids, the bar, getting drunk, kids sports games? If I didn't need a table to eat lunch from I would not be in our lunch room and I usually leave after "wolfing it down".

If you are a member of a union, do you notice that labor unions are breederific, with all kinds of talk of "wages to support a family on"?

You know, it's not even the lunch that's bad. I actually consider that my respite because I eat with mostly old people who don't really give a shit about anything. It's *the whole rest of the damn work day*. Lots of moos and grandmoos going on and on about what little Bratlee did and isn't she so smart at seven months old for saying "dada" and blah blah blah. I get to hear about peoples' ugly ass spawn and see pictures of them all day long. Bingos as far as the eye can see. I used to get bingoed quite often, but as I've been there longer, I've kind of stopped caring about politeness and have no problem telling these people that I'm not having kids and never will.

Not a union member, but our company policies are breederific as hell. "Bonding time" for new baybees and lactation rooms and oh my god I can't wait to leave.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
June 13, 2017
You work in a factory that has a lactation room? What does this place make, baby car seats, baby bottles? Is it a Pampers factory? But then I am not surprised, somewhere here I have a thread about a female engineer who complains she cannot breastfeed at a nuclear power plant. What's next, will businesses have to have a room where pregnant women can have babies not in the hospital?
mr. neptune
You work in a factory that has a lactation room? What does this place make, baby car seats, baby bottles? Is it a Pampers factory? But then I am not surprised, somewhere here I have a thread about a female engineer who complains she cannot breastfeed at a nuclear power plant. What's next, will businesses have to have a room where pregnant women can have babies not in the hospital?

It's a medical supplies plant, but some of what we happen to make is IVF instruments, so it's incredibly breedercentric.
Hi y'all. I had an account here long ago, but I have long forgotten it, so here's a new one. I am very shy, thus I tend to just read all the fabulous stories here and keep my comments to myself, but I'm trying to break out of my online shell a bit.

I am a woman who is rapidly approaching the half-century mark. I have been married most of my adult life, and neither of us have ever wanted kids. My tubes are ligated. We are retired, so we can time our outings and travel to be against the norm giving us cheaper and quieter travel/shopping options. All of the family on both of our sides are on the opposite coast from us. Between these last two facts, we have nearly no interaction with children on a daily basis, and it is sweet.

Thanks for letting me lurk all these years, and hopefully I'll sometimes have something useful to contribute - or if not something useful at least something snarky.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 16, 2017
Hello! I've lurked around here for quite a while and finally decided to join. I'm a married woman with 3 extremely spoiled cats. I've never wanted kids; when I was young and didn't know exactly where babies come from and thought they were inevitable, I decided that if I had a boy, I'd leave him in the woods for the wolves to eat.

I'm excited to be able to post/bitch about the things that I see and read somewhere that people will understand and agree.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
September 12, 2017
Hello All!

Used to be here years ago under another name, went to the Aimoo site until it closed, back to here under this name and have been dodging breeders in the meantime.

Glad to be back here for the voices of sanity!
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
September 12, 2017
Welcome to all!


I am a woman who is rapidly approaching the half-century mark. I have been married most of my adult life, and neither of us have ever wanted kids. My tubes are ligated. We are retired, so we can time our outings and travel to be against the norm giving us cheaper and quieter travel/shopping options. All of the family on both of our sides are on the opposite coast from us. Between these last two facts, we have nearly no interaction with children on a daily basis, and it is sweet.

I've been around here a long time. Heavy moderation of this page is a must, because before we had it, we had a fair number of screaming Breeder trolls hurling what they thought were insults at us on a regular basis. (Because misery loves company and HOW DARE anyone not subject himself/herself to the misery that is childrun?)

A fair number of these idjits would refer to us as "spoiled 20-somethings" and they ASSumed we are young. Au contraire, we have a fair # of people on this page who are in their 40's and 50's.

I myself am in my mid-50's. I fought hard for my tubal ligation when I was in my 30's. No regrets EVER--in fact if I could go back and hug my younger self I would. I will be retiring in the next couple of years, and I can assure you that my retirement will be equally SWEET. I have a fair number of friends who barely get free from the working world, only to be saddled with the defective womb products from their own kyds. They are guilted into it or their kids are druggies/losers or somebody dies. One friend with a progressive neurological disorder enslaved herself with her own daughter's kyds and worked herself into a nursing home.

Work hard, finally get free, only to be stuck with grand sprogs?


Anyway welcome aboard and happy ranting.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 08, 2018
Hi all!!!

While I have been registered for a very long time, and a lurker since day one (creation of the previous site after the fall of Turtle Brats! rant page), I have posed infrequently and Haven a total lurker for the last year or so. Therefore, I thought I should reintroduce myself.'
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
March 06, 2018
Hi all!!!

While I have been registered for a very long time, and a lurker since day one (creation of the previous site after the fall of Turtle Brats! rant page), I have posed infrequently and Haven a total lurker for the last year or so. Therefore, I thought I should reintroduce myself.'

Hi ehartsay!

Welcome and glad you're here welcome sign
Hi! I'm Tristan, a 22 year old guy from the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada

I have a Disability (Minor Cognitive Delay), so my mind's a little slower in some aspects, but I'm still like any other person!

I like Reading, Cooking and Baking once in a blue moon, Video Games (3DS, Switch, Xbox One, and PC), Listening to Music, and I'm pretty into Tea and Coffee, and maybe some more things I'm probably forgetting

I'd like to get more into exercising, hiking and photography more as well

Hope to hear from you soon! If not, that's ok too!

Happy to find a CF Forum, but, it seems kinda dead?
Hey there isadoorian! I'm also from Western BC and proudly CF.

Sometimes the board is a bit slow, sometimes it moves a bit quicker. It seems a little slow right now because I think the mods have been keeping a lot of trolls off of the board.

I've been a member here for quite a few years and have met some fantastic people.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
April 26, 2018
Hi! I'm Tristan, a 22 year old guy from the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada

I have a Disability (Minor Cognitive Delay), so my mind's a little slower in some aspects, but I'm still like any other person!

I like Reading, Cooking and Baking once in a blue moon, Video Games (3DS, Switch, Xbox One, and PC), Listening to Music, and I'm pretty into Tea and Coffee, and maybe some more things I'm probably forgetting

I'd like to get more into exercising, hiking and photography more as well

Hope to hear from you soon! If not, that's ok too!

Happy to find a CF Forum, but, it seems kinda dead?

We had a spammer and moo troll problem so now the admins and mods hand verify membership requests.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Pleasure to meet you! & yes, I saw that when I came here; not surprising
Thank you for adding me. I joined because I saw an article on Facebook stating all fines in school zones would be tripled in my city, and made the mistake of of saying the lives of parents of children are NOT worth 3x more than non-parents and non-children in the comments section, and got roasted for it.

Anyone rational would consider it discrimination to have traffic fines at X rate for one group of people (like if it were based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality) while leaving the Y rate for another group of people.

Yet....this is exactly what the state is doing, they're saying "parents and their kids deserve better tax-protected status than people without kids". And it's totally prejudiced. And it's totally PC. And it's totally....bullshit.

PS I'd rather remain anonymous, for no other reason then to prevent breeders using my words against me and my business. But I support everything about this page and the people on here. This is great.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 18, 2018
welcome sign

The barricade is because we get a lot of spammers.

Thank you for adding me. I joined because I saw an article on Facebook stating all fines in school zones would be tripled in my city, and made the mistake of of saying the lives of parents of children are NOT worth 3x more than non-parents and non-children in the comments section, and got roasted for it.

Anyone rational would consider it discrimination to have traffic fines at X rate for one group of people (like if it were based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or nationality) while leaving the at Y rate for another group of people.

Yet....this is exactly what the state is doing, they're saying "parents and their kids deserve better tax-protected status than people without kids". And it's totally prejudiced. And it's totally PC. And it's totally....bullshit.

PS I'd rather remain anonymous, for no other reason then to prevent breeders using my words against me and my business. But I support everything about this page and the people on here. This is great.

Your experience is exactly why most people here prefer to retain a degree of anonymity. There isn't anywhere where you can argue for equality rather than parental privilege and not be subjected to harassment. In many places, it's still considered outrageous to simply profess to be CF.

As for your city's proposal, it will probably fall by the wayside once they realize that 99% of the people driving and parking like assholes around the schools are breeders dropping off their sprogs, and of course we can't have a situation where sainted parents are having to pay more traffic fines. Most people seem in deep denial about how little regard breeders actually have for anyone, including their own children.

As for your city's proposal, it will probably fall by the wayside once they realize that 99% of the people driving and parking like assholes around the schools are breeders dropping off their sprogs, and of course we can't have a situation where sainted parents are having to pay more traffic fines.

Thanks this makes me feel better, because it's probably what will happen. And in their defense, In the comments section most of the parents whining were blaming the other, less honorable parents, for creating the triple fine experiment. As they should.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 18, 2018
Thanks this makes me feel better, because it's probably what will happen. And in their defense, In the comments section most of the parents whining were blaming the other, less honorable parents, for creating the triple fine experiment. As they should.

We all know the ones whining are the reason it's being implemented.

Of course the common sense way of addressing it would be to simply actively patrol the area around schools if there is a particular problem with speeding there, and hand out tickets religiously - no warnings, no excuses. There is no need to up the fine unless it's a laughable amount to begin with, in which case it should be increased regardless of where you're speeding.
Long time lurker, first time poster! Finally decided to join so I can share my salt with the rest of y'all smiling smiley I'm 30, asexual, biromantic, in a serious relationship with my girlfriend. I'm cf as hell, I can't stand the little fuckers, they're obnoxious and I am SO DONE with this child-worshipping culture, especially at work where I can't seem to get away from it! I work in a nursing home and all my coworkers have kids and are obsessed with them. Once, like, four coworkers at once were pregnant. My girlfriend on the other hand adores children and they gravitate towards her, but she doesn't want *any* of her own bc anxiety and PTSD. So thank all the gods, if we ever marry, no kids!!

also I work at a damn nursing home so I can very well answer the "who will take care of you when you're old" question. Bitches like ME are gonna do it, because your kids drop you there and LEAVE.
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