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thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)

Posted by zeropop 
A warm welcome to everyone!

@ catsandyarn: I envy you that you live in a CF land (or at least in a land without
non-stop pro-natalist propaganda) and that you have so many CF friends!!!
Hi everyone! Don't know if anyone remembers me, but I was registered here before.
Love the site, love the sense of humor of everyone here. I let my registration lapse only because I'm internetarded and have time-management issues.

Now get out the eye-bleach, because I brought a gift!

Mods: don't post disgusting pictures to a thread without warning. If you want to post that kind of stuff, it should be in its own thread with an appropriate warning in the title.
Erm....someone already posted that pic here once and the mods removed it because it was too gross. two faces puking
Dare I ask what the picture was?

Hell of a first post, by the way. Good job. sarcastic clapping


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

strange aeons
Dare I ask what the picture was?

Hell of a first post, by the way. Good job. sarcastic clapping

It was the one where the moo is sitting in a bloody kiddie pool, freshly after sluicing, with her family of feral brats all splashing around in there.
strange aeons
Dare I ask what the picture was?

Hell of a first post, by the way. Good job. sarcastic clapping

It was the one where the moo is sitting in a bloody kiddie pool, freshly after sluicing, with her family of feral brats all splashing around in there.

Oh, lovely. two faces puking

And we want to see this because...? Anyone? Bueller?


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Welcome back. I'm in the same boat. I registered three years ago but my my account expired due to inactivityDunce cap
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
June 14, 2015
Posting a pic of a moo in her disgusting birthing moojuice is a VERY Moo Thing to do.

smile rolling left righteyes2

mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob

I miss my little feather baby.
Posting a pic of a moo in her disgusting birthing moojuice is a VERY Moo Thing to do.

smile rolling left righteyes2

mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob

It seems like a lot of new users are lowering the tone around here. smile rolling left righteyes2


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

strange aeons
Posting a pic of a moo in her disgusting birthing moojuice is a VERY Moo Thing to do.

smile rolling left righteyes2

mob with pitchforks chasing anothermob

It seems like a lot of new users are lowering the tone around here. smile rolling left righteyes2

Ohhhhh yeah, agreed.
Hello! I'm a long time lurker. 30, happily married, and childfree. My husband is a recent CF convert smiling smiley He wanted children when we first got together and I even partially resigned myself to it, but the problem resolved itself. After spending time with my far-too-numerous relatives' children and seeing most of our married-with-spawn friends' marriages, bodies, lives, and minds go to shit, he wants nothing to do with it. Score!

We've been married less than a year and already the breeders have descended. I have four older sisters who've all bred and one of them - not coincidentally, the one who really is suited to parenthood with resulting delightful children I happily spend time with - gets it, but the other three are at the end of their reproductive lives in their 40s now and are desperate to live vicariously through me... or see me join the misery parade, perhaps. Their lives are hell, their bodies are ruined, they have no free time, their marriages suck... why should I get to have fun, right? The badgering both subtle and overt never ends, no matter how clear we make it that there will be no pitter-patter of gross sticky baby feet in our house. I'll never understand the obsession with making sure everyone else breeds or what makes them think badgering will get them anywhere.

I just need a place to vent where I won't be judged for not thinking everybody's child is cute and clever, and for being deliriously happy with my own life, my freedom, my husband, and our three dogs (who are infinitely cuter and cleverer than a human infant).
Hi all,

I'm a 19 year old childfree woman who's tired of being bingoed by parents, professors, sibling, etc...... Mr. T: I pitty tha fools I tend to use infection/parasite language when refering to pregnancy (at least, that's the language I use in my head). For a while I thought I was the only ones disgusted by pregnancy. I discovered the childfree comunity relatively recently, and was waiting to join till I learned the lingo. I've noticed that the more adament you are that pregnancy/birth/childraising is not for you, the more certain breeders will be that you'll change your mind (or "accidents happen"). When breeders act like that I can't help but think of what the world would be if say, people who like pickles acted that way. Pickle hater: I don't like pickles, I think that they're gross, and horrible. Pickle lover: Wouldn't it be funny if you accidentally ate a pickle? You should try making pickles, you would love them if they were your own. Also I have ADD, thus the rambling, train of thought post.... so umm...... hi. :nerd
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
July 01, 2015
I've noticed that the more adament you are that pregnancy/birth/childraising is not for you, the more certain breeders will be that you'll change your mind (or "accidents happen").

You challenge their world-view more than someone who takes the "I lurve kids, although I don't want to be a parent myself because I am too selfish. I so admire those who are doing the world's most difficult job!" approach.
Hey y'all!

So glad I found this. I was wondering if I was the only person out there that is so disgusted by the idiot sheeple in the world. I'm a gay hairstylist ( a walking cliche winking smiley I always thought one of the benefits of being gay was no fucking kids! As I have gotten older; I've realized how out of control the population is and how fucked up the welfare system is. I won't go into all that. We all know they shouldn't be making a living by popping out babies. I work with a bunch of girls who have spent their whole lives breeding, most have kids by several different dads, single, or their other half is a lazy piece of shit that doesn't work. They don't even have custody of all their kids. One girl is moping around about having a stillborn baby she didn't get to add to her growing brood. And the father wasn't even her boyfriend for God's sake! Now she is insistent on having more! Another girl has "baby fever" and can't support the 3 she already has that we all have to pay for. They're a a bunch of stupid redneck sluts! It's truly ridiculous. They're like HUMAN PEZ DESPENSERS!!!! No regard or even a thought to what they're doing to the planet. They're selfish and could care less about the long term consequences of all their bastard babies. And don't even get me started on the clients and they're fucking stair step little monsters. I just don't understand how so many people can be so self involved and blind to anything and everything outside of their own wants and desires.

The agent in the Matrix movie had it right. We are like a virus on this planet!! Damn, I feel better! HAHA smiling smiley
Hey breedersbeware!

Welcome to our board! I think you will fit in very well here.

I hear you about people not giving a shit about anyone who doesn't exist outside of their famblee bubbles. Breeders are the most self-involved creatures on the planet.
in the Matrix movie had it right. We are like a virus on this planet!! Damn, I feel better! HAHA smiling smiley

They also referenced humans as a virus to the earth needing to be culled before we all kill our host planet and die anyway, on the more recent kingsmen, movie.

I strongly believe in this logic, humans need to plug it and let a few billion people die off if we want to survive.

Ive been keeping up on the estimates surrounding how many people the earth can support and it sounds like it'll max out in our lifetime
Hi...Well I am not sure what made me decide to register now in particular but here I am. I have been a very frequent lurker for a very very long time. Since before Bratfree were refugees. face saying 'error' Years and years.

I have had felt no real need to post, mostly because someone here usually covers what I would've said pretty quickly and I see no point in "me too" posts. And you guys are on top of all the relevant news pretty much instantly...I usually hear the horror/idiot breeder/dumbass feral brat stories here before the public at large gets wind of them, if they even do. I am also off-the-charts vicious when it comes to breeder bullshit particularly bingoes and people who can delude their sadsack selves into thinking they know a goddamn thing about kids, let alone what I should do concerning self-replicating, myself.

Maybe the rash of "poor wittle meed parunting is so haaaard you can't understand this basic drudgework unless you're a paaaarent" shit I have been bombarded with lately for some reason. So maybe I am telling myself to let it out here rather than what I am going to end up doing soon- making enemies by telling these jackoffs the facts (it's nothing special, anyone can do it including bilge rats, billions lf people are doing it at a given moment, and that janitors and hotel maid do the same thing only wors with less getting their backs patted.

Another push over the line for me lately is just watching some friends and a family member who I know to know better fall face--first into this pile of shit. One of them has a doctorate and now has squeezed out a second replicant. Good thinking...maybe one of your kids will be a doctor! Then let it go NO GODDAMN WHERE and just squirt their own baby and let that education and decade or work go to waste...ad nauseum. Why bother?? Someone I had kind of looked up to, really a sad wakeup call and proof that at the end of the day even most accomplished, intelligent people let a hole rot in their head and toss their lives in the toilet permanently.

I have a biological drive to piss at the shopping mall but guess what? I don't just give in and do so. Biology is utterly controllable and there is no excuse for "letting it take its course". It's a decision and people don't even make it, they just clown-shoes trip into the steaming pile.

I guess to wrap up what is already become a big rant, I am not real interestinf but the basic stats: I am middle aged, live outside Chicago, make a (bad) living as an artist doing traditional painting (portrait, still life, landscape in oil), and have the stereotypical menagerie of pets. Breeders question every one of these decisions nonstop because misery does love company and they are so jealous it's eating them like acid in many instances that I can live how I choose even though tbh it's only a noteworthy life by "trapped-in-the-house" cuntwork-enslaved sadsacks that are ghosts in their own lives.

Bonus round! My bff is the evidence room clerk at a police station in a largeish town (200k people). Guess how many times in the last year I have heard the phrase "I have to get a rape kit tested again that has a diaper in it"? Parenting really does make you a better person, guys! For real.....
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 04, 2015
Welcome All New Folk! smiling smiley

And a Hi, Neighbor :1wv to Sunstone - Chi Town Peep here too, Near W, by that place that Sven mentions alot ~

I have also lived on the S. Side, HP when I was in grad school, and also In Burbias such as the Hinsdale / OB area.
I am from MI. It Came From Michigan ~

Grand Haven, it's the 'exurbs' of this Megalopolis now.

So always been 'here' in the general and now in an overpriced crappy area. Like I didn't learn my lesson in Hinsdale. That was my exH's idea though.

How bout you?
I am about 40 minutes southeast of downtown. Want to move to Palau soon as I can figure it out :-)
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 07, 2015
I am about 40 minutes southeast of downtown. Want to move to Palau soon as I can figure it out :-)

I had to look up Palau. Looks interesting. I too am thinking about moving, I can't decide where though. It would be around here, but 'farther out'. And all the places I've been looking at - keep getting hit with tornados.

Also for laughs I was looking at Far N MI, and even beyond mid MI such as Manistee - yeah. I don't know if I could hack it. And - snow. But I cannot take this heat, so. I would be ok with that. Some.

I even, possibly, thought I might, consider the UP. Probably not. It's too far away. But - I did see this interesting place called Copper Harbor. It's not an Island but is on a sliver of land that sticks out into Lake Superior. Way up N, the back of the beyond for sure.
Big tourist spot, some here may wish to take a trip there.

I don't think I could live there, or the general area. Many don't. Because the weather gets extreme in Winter.

40 minutes SE of downtown? I misread this as 40 *miles* at first. OK - you people over there? Drive like maniacs! grinning smiley
Hi everyone.

I'm a 37 year-old childfree married woman. There are a hundred reasons why I don't want children, but health issues (not infertility) and the nature of my profession are definitely big factors. Recently, I quit my job because after years of working in a very unfulfilling job, I had a sort of midlife crisis and decided that if I didn't get out now, I would probably stay there miserable until they wheeled my corpse from the building. It was a quick decision and I have brief moments of regret now and then. I don't really want to talk about my profession in great detail as I hate it with a passion, and I think I'm finished with that miserable chapter forever.

This is the first time in my life that I have been so severely depressed. I'm not sad about being childfree. In fact, I can imagine my life being way worse than it is now had I decided to be a parent. Every single one of my former coworkers has kids, but of course they have a grandma, an aunt or some other family member raising their offspring. Many had their wives as stay at home parents and oddly enough I feel that if they are going to reproduce, that is the most responsible way to go about it. The kids without an educated parent consistently present are the most feral in my experience. I find it irresponsible to bring kids into an overpopulated world and on top of that to have them raised by someone other than the parent. None could work in my infernal occupation if they had regular day care as our hours varied like the moon. My former coworkers are utterly miserable working for the company, but with a bad job market and the glut of professionals in our field, there is no other option for them. I remember one coworker calling her toddler daughter at a very late hour to say good night from work and the kid didn't recognize who this lady was.

My husband shares our same profession but works for a different company. He's unfulfilled as well and not quite as miserable, but when he saw me crying on my way to work and crying on my way home, he asked me to consider quitting and to do a real analysis of where I'm headed. Perhaps start a business or go back to school. Not having kids and having such a wonderful husband has allowed me to leave that nightmare behind. I literally felt in the 9th circle of hell. I'm 2 weeks into being unemployed and I'm still depressed but I'm slowly feeling a little better. I thought leaving that toxic environment would be an instant magic cure but I was wrong. Many days I just cried in my bed wondering why in the hell I spent so much money and time going to college to be treated like crap. Can we curse here? I don't even know, but for the past 8 years I have been treated like shit at every single one of the companies I worked for. It's not just me but I don't know if that's good or bad. If I were the cause of my professional failure at least I could try to change. It's not me when my colleagues feel the same sense of utter hopelessness.

I apologize for going on a tangent as this isn't a board for frustrated professionals who have essentially committed career suicide :Violin This is about sharing with a group of people who think alike. I do not know a single person like me. That is to say, I don't know anyone who chooses to remain childfree. I don't have friends (only former colleagues and acquaintances) so that's not too surprising I guess. My friends are my husband and my cat. Now that I'm temporarily a non-productive member of society, with my copious free time, I can try to commune with others who think like me via an internet forum. Many people start new professions or new endeavors at different stages in life. I hope I find my path, but the option to seek something else would've been a distant dream had I reproduced. End of pathetic introduction.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 08, 2015
You can swear all you want.

I think there's been some discussions in the past about changing careers - for me it's one of the freedoms of being CF. If you want to talk about career stuff, stick it in the Patio since it doesn't directly relate to being CF.

Welcome, and I hope you'll soon move out of the confused mourning stage and start making concrete plans about what you want to do with your life.
Thank you yurble.

I hope to get out of this confused stage soon. My husband and I haven't had a vacation since 2012 so I'm waiting for him to finally have time off so we can enjoy that time before I get serious about a new company or a new project. Finally, we don't have to coordinate time off by having to beg two bosses to let us off the leash for a bit at the same time. I'm just going to do projects at home until we have time off together. I think after that, I'll get more serious about my future. I'll put any further career rants in the patio.

smiling smiley
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 09, 2015
Fuckin fuck yeah you can curse here.

I fucking LOVE it!

Oh, and :1welcome @ lilly and sunstone.

I miss my little feather baby.
Thanks drake.

I used to be one of those people who didn't like to curse just because there were so many words in the English dictionary I could select, and I almost felt it was beneath me to use curse words for expression. I know what a condescending fucking bitch I was. At middle age, I realize there is nothing more expressive than the word fuck or cunt as they are truly word power houses. Since I've become grumpier as I age, I find the need to express myself in a crass manner. I now sound like a fucking sailor and I just don't give a fuck anymore. How refreshing to find a place with true freedom of speech.
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