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thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)

Posted by zeropop 
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
September 17, 2015
Hello all.

Well, it's been 33 years and I've not had a kid. I've come to the conclusion that I don't ever want children...but there are a few things to iron out first. I'm involved with someone who really wants to have my child. She is 37 and I don't understand why. She's not talking about having children anytime soon, but if it happens, in her eyes, it happens. I have scheduled 3 different vasectomies...all of which should have been done...but stopped. Not because I didn't want them, but because it didn't feel right doing it while I was involved with someone. this will be the third. It will be on Friday if I choose to do it. I really want to, but she's been begging me not to. She wants me to wait until we find out where we're going. She really wants me to change my mind and give her a child. So, at least pray for me that I do not get this girl pregnant at least until this relationship is over. I like her and I like being with her but I can't stand her desire to have a child.

Sorry...it's been a rough past couple of days. I'll be glad when this is all over.

Anyway, Hi Room!

Know what they call a man who sleeps with a baby rabid woman?


Get the snip. Your body, your choice.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
September 17, 2015
When you have heterosexual sex with someone who wants kids, and you're not the one able to get an abortion, you're playing with fire. "Happy accidents" are widely condoned by society.

You'll have better luck at The Childfree Life because there's a section for fencesitters there. If you're with someone who is baby-rabid and you are neither sterilized nor have the final say in whether a pregnancy is carried to term, you're not properly childfree.
Hello Everyone!

I am so happy to have found this place!

I am a 23 yo woman and I am from the little country of Wales. I am engaged to be married to an awesome CF man, we have pet rats and our own little house at the top end of a beautiful valley. We are both Pagan and love metal music. Travel is my biggest passion and I explore as much as I can, me and my Fiance hope to get one way tickets out and work our way around the world grinning smiley I am in university studying International Tourism Management and I hope to set up my own business one day. I love to read, watch horror movies, write (I am in the process of setting up a blog), scuba dive and try new things. I love nature and squeee when I see dogs (babies on the other hand.....EUGH). I also spend a lot of time researching current issues in society, ethics and history, I am very anti-natal.

I have never been able to picture myself as a mother, it has always been repulsive to me. I always thought I was abnormal until I discovered the childfree movement when I was 16 and have identified CF ever since.
I do not want some brat to come between me and my fiance, I love him too much to do that to him. I have seen many good relationships die after sproglets came along, all I want and need in my life is him. Secondly, I am not giving up my freedom and travel for anything, why on Earth would I want to swap adventures in Moscow for a squaking shit machine!?!? Having children to me seems like a living death. HELL NO! grinning smiley I also have serious mental health issues that I am working through, being a parent would kill me, literally.

I really hate children (I would not hurt one though) and breeders, especcially teen mams who give their lives away before they have even lived.

I am saving up the money so that I can have a tubal grinning smiley I should be able to do it in a years time, I am so exited!

Lovely to meet you all and I am looking forward to getting involved smiling smiley
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
September 29, 2015

From what I understand, it's somewhat of a rite of passage to post here, to "discern" members who may not fill the profile. I actually like the strict guidelines.

This is why I don't want kids, and want to forever remain ChildFREE:

I was subjected to my sister's teen pregnancy, in our family home, at age 8. I saw the worst of motherhood very early. Most adult women today act like my 16 year old sister did then. I was asked to grow up, and give, and give, and give, towards everything she wanted. Meanwhile, our mother had just died of cancer, and dad was sinking in his depression. There was no one to defend me against this onslaught of "ME ME ME ME ME AND MY KIDS FIRST!!!" attitude for years. I'm DONE. Even though my sister has grown up, and we've managed to make amends (took a long time) I can't get over how DONE I am with children.

I wouldn't wish my genetics on the Son of Satan, why, oh WHY, would I gamble with my own offspring?

I don't want it, Period. This should trump any other argument. People don't seem to get the message when I say, "It's not something I wanted in my life..." meaning to say, "How great do you suppose I'd be at this, if I don't want to do it?" I usually get bingo'ed at this point, or they say, "Oh", and the conversation is done, or they agree.

The other myriad of reasons are hypothetical, "If I wanted kids, it STILL wouldn't work out because of X...", but, there you have it. I'm all for population reduction (through ethical means, although, I don't expect much)- it appalls me that people seem to think population growth is a good thing, while seemingly oblivious to the fact that the land mass we're living on doesn't increase right along with it.
I have met a few good parents, but the overwhelming majority are nasty, and that's their own fault.

I'm tired of being called a monster for not wanting to have my own kids (although, I don't expect people to change.) I've always known I wasn't going to be a parent, and when I nonchalantly shared this tidbit as a child, sometimes the adult (or even other child) went haywire. It hasn't really improved, heh...

It's nice to know there's a community out there who will not bend to the whims of angry, life-repressed MOOS, who demand everything, and give nothing, not even a decent member of society...
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
October 14, 2015
Well, it's been 33 years and I've not had a kid. I've come to the conclusion that I don't ever want children...but there are a few things to iron out first. I'm involved with someone who really wants to have my child. She is 37 and I don't understand why. She's not talking about having children anytime soon, but if it happens, in her eyes, it happens. I have scheduled 3 different vasectomies...all of which should have been done...but stopped. Not because I didn't want them, but because it didn't feel right doing it while I was involved with someone. this will be the third. It will be on Friday if I choose to do it. I really want to, but she's been begging me not to. She wants me to wait until we find out where we're going. She really wants me to change my mind and give her a child. So, at least pray for me that I do not get this girl pregnant at least until this relationship is over. I like her and I like being with her but I can't stand her desire to have a child.

Sorry...it's been a rough past couple of days. I'll be glad when this is all over.

Anyway, Hi Room!

What. the. fuck.?

Rudolph, don't come back here until you are snipped and are childfree. You are a fence-sitter and fence sitters are not welcome at this board. I'm quoting from The Rules which of course you didn't bother to read because you really LUUUUUUUUVVVVVVVVVVVVVV this "girl" and you are getting some hot secs and OF COURSE your situation is like no other. .

1. childfree people do not make their childfreedom negotiable for poontang, money, parental pressure, spouse pressure, whatever.

2. And what is this shit? "So, at least pray for me that I do not get this girl pregnant at least until this relationship is over. "

Are you really asking an internet board to pray that you don't impregnate this woman, who I can assure you is probably trying every trick in the book to extract some sperm from you whether you are willing or not? Note to the unenlightened: there are plenty of men who want to have kids; any dumbass broad who is begging YOU and crying for a kyd is a nutcase. And you are really eating up the ego flattery that she wants YOUR kid. (need a laughing my ass off icon.)

Here's a suggestion: MAN UP, WRAP IT UP and don't touch this bitch until you get the all clear. We'll see if she even sticks around that long.

We don't need drama from wimpy-ass fence sitters. Feel free to read Girlfriend wants a child or we will break up and more advice to a man who doesn't want children but his girlfriend does. .

Stay off this site until you man up and do what needs to be done. I like our discussions. Fence sitter drama is so tiresome.

ETA: Here's another one: He/She Wants Kids and You Do Not

I don't understand the part about getting it scheduled 3 times and then backing out at the last minute. If he's really committed to being a CF person, he would have gone through with It regardless of if he was involved with someone or not. If you're a guy who has decided he doesn't want kids, and you want to be in a relationship with a women, go get the procedure. That way, no problems if he runs into the baby rabid and most likely, they'll move on to someone else once they realize they aren't going to a kid from him.

I never had much luck with relationships when I was in my 20s so I never had it done until I was engaged and we had both decided we didn't want kids. After much research, we found it was easier for me to get sterilized than her so I did it. It was a quick and easy procedure. There was some pain after, but it didn't last long, only a few days or so.

This guy needs to decide one way or the other for himself, or his baby rabid girlfriend will decide for him.
Good evening everyone!
I was introduced earlier this year to TCFL and could not have been happier to have found "my people"
I've always been childfree, am happy to shout it loudly even when not asked and am so grateful to have found others like me! I thought I was alone and crazy and that no one understood.

I'm recently single and the happiness of being single comes second only to being child free. If he had had his way, we would have followed the life script and been married with children. I decided differently and finally got rid of his dumbass a few months ago.
I love freedom.

I'm not sterile yet, but I'm hoping in the next year to make it happen. Laparoscopic surgery is still surgery and scary, but not as terrifying as being pregnant. Thank goodness it's a choice I can make!!

I'm headed out to take a look around...

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!!
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
October 20, 2015
another fool
Good evening everyone!
I was introduced earlier this year to TCFL and could not have been happier to have found "my people"
I've always been childfree, am happy to shout it loudly even when not asked and am so grateful to have found others like me! I thought I was alone and crazy and that no one understood.

I'm recently single and the happiness of being single comes second only to being child free. If he had had his way, we would have followed the life script and been married with children. I decided differently and finally got rid of his dumbass a few months ago.
I love freedom.

I'm not sterile yet, but I'm hoping in the next year to make it happen. Laparoscopic surgery is still surgery and scary, but not as terrifying as being pregnant. Thank goodness it's a choice I can make!!

I'm headed out to take a look around...

Looking forward to getting to know everyone!!

We tend to be a bit,. well more than a bit ,more hardcore than TCFL.
If that suits you, you will like it here.

They aren't bad folks there, just more more PC. Via la Difference.,

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
I heart the stance of cf means cf and the blunt, open, honest, straightforward, no nonsense approach I'm finding!!
I squee with delight!
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
November 18, 2015
Hello, everyone. I am 'cf' for some other reasons than what might be usual. I am newly married and my husband wants kids. I basically know I am going to be sexually attracted to any kids I have. The temptation is there. I know I will also resent the kid for what the pregnancy would do to my body so who knows how I would deal with that even if I could repress myself.

I would be a horrible parent and it's my darkest fantasy put ridiculously close to my reach. (Keep in mind I am not planning on having kids). I'll keep it at that.

Nice to meet you all. (I edited this a bunch... sorry.)

Ew go away pedophile.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
November 18, 2015
Hello, everyone. I am 'cf' for some other reasons than what might be usual. I am newly married and my husband wants kids. I basically know I am going to be sexually attracted to any kids I have. The temptation is there. I know I will also resent the kid for what the pregnancy would do to my body so who knows how I would deal with that even if I could repress myself.

I would be a horrible parent and it's my darkest fantasy put ridiculously close to my reach. (Keep in mind I am not planning on having kids). I'll keep it at that.

Nice to meet you all. (I edited this a bunch... sorry.)

Tee-hee hee, troll.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
November 18, 2015
Haha, the troll has been vaporised. grinning smiley
Hi guys:-)..

I'm a thirty-three year-old woman, who came to the decision to be Cf a little later than most folks. For years, I just assumed that I'd follow the script! but after meeting a man whom I fell pretty hard for, I actually stopped and put a LOT of thought, time, and research into what *I* wanted. I even joined a couple of parenting forums to see what people in the trenches of that lifestyle had to say.

Sadly, our relationship ended because I decided that a childed lifestyle isn't what I want, and although I miss him, I'm very, very grateful that I stuck to my guns. Just wish I'd done this self-reflection sooner in life, but better late than TOO late.

I've worked with kids, and have a close relationship with my niece and nephew, but seeing how hard it is to be a parent makes me soooo glad I can have the fun of kids but not the rest that come with them.

This board, and other Cf blogs and TCFL have also helped me when deciding. The logical, intelligent reality-checks posted in responses to bingos that I hear every day are a refreshing change, and you guys yourselves help me stand my ground (so to speak) whenever I have those moments of fear that some bingos ( " You'll die alone and no one will miss you/ " Who will take care of you?"/ " All men want kids, who will love you if you won't make him a father?") still give me.

By the way, the reality-checks about THOSE in particular were and still are huge to me. Reading about the married-and-happy Cf on here makes me feel better, too. Now, I know I'm not alone.

Thank you all for reading this. I hope I'll be welcome here. Have a great day:-).
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
November 20, 2015
Hello, everyone. I am 'cf' for some other reasons than what might be usual. I am newly married and my husband wants kids. I basically know I am going to be sexually attracted to any kids I have. The temptation is there. I know I will also resent the kid for what the pregnancy would do to my body so who knows how I would deal with that even if I could repress myself.

I would be a horrible parent and it's my darkest fantasy put ridiculously close to my reach. (Keep in mind I am not planning on having kids). I'll keep it at that.

Nice to meet you all. (I edited this a bunch... sorry.)

Dafuq? I leave for a few months and come back to this weird crazy shit?


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Just signed up here today after I got to wondering where all the oldtimers from the old Childfree EZ board went after the old forum vanished without a trace. Found this site with a quick and simple DuckDuckGo search, and it soundded like a suitable replacement for CFEZ.

So anyway, I used to post there as Scarlet Otter, but decided to switch to my Ravenplume identity for here. I'm currently 47, have been always single, and am most certainly CF. I share a nice 4 bedroom 2 story house with my best friend since the 5th grade (also single and CF), along with a cranky but spolied old lady kitty named Jingles. And I must say, we are enjoying a nice peaceful midlife here. Can you imagine the lowing that would ensue if word got out on breeder oriented boards that there is a pair of single CF guys using up an entire 4 bedroom house for themselves when there are "much more deserving" real families that could make better use of the place, especially at the $500 per month we pay? grinning smiley

The very thought makes me smile and sigh with contentment...

Anyway, more about me may be revealed as time goes on and if the urge to post strikes. Laters!
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
November 23, 2015
Just signed up here today after I got to wondering where all the oldtimers from the old Childfree EZ board went after the old forum vanished without a trace. Found this site with a quick and simple DuckDuckGo search, and it soundded like a suitable replacement for CFEZ.

Hey Scarlett Otter! Louie the Lump stops by on occasion and me, few others.
The kitteh pics are in The Yard.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Hey everyone! I'm a 32 year old childfree woman. My husband and I have just moved to a suburb which is filled with stay at home moms.
I'm glad that I've found some mommy friends who don't pressure me to have kids or act condescending when I say that I don't want children.
Some of them have even said that they are jealous of my life.

I was a member at TCFL and I decided to leave. That forum is filled with butthurt whiners and mods who love to make mountains out of molehills.
I was taken to task for quoting the wrong way as well as standing up to someone who looked for reasons to be offended.

Ain't nobody got time for dat!
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
December 16, 2015
Hello all newcomers from the former CFEZ. PhinPhan here. Still a parrothead and still lovin the CF life.

"There's always a Plan B."
Amanda Rosewater, Defiance
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
December 16, 2015
Hi everyone, it's Ondinette. I used to post here but I quit around March 2013. Just wanted to say I did not die, or worse, breed. I developed rheumatoid arthritis and my employer was a total asshole about accommodations. I have not worked since early 2014 and am on long term disability. But it's okay, work sucked anyway.

I am a 45 year old single woman who lives near Tucson, Arizona. I have two beautiful cats. I have known I was CF since I was 12. Lately I don't do much because of my health, but I have been writing a little. I used to be a lab technician.

This site is a wonderful oasis in a baybee crazed world. It's nice to know there are other people who are not into kids.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
December 17, 2015
Hi everyone, it's Ondinette. I used to post here but I quit around March 2013. Just wanted to say I did not die, or worse, breed. I developed rheumatoid arthritis and my employer was a total asshole about accommodations. I have not worked since early 2014 and am on long term disability. But it's okay, work sucked anyway.

I am a 45 year old single woman who lives near Tucson, Arizona. I have two beautiful cats. I have known I was CF since I was 12. Lately I don't do much because of my health, but I have been writing a little. I used to be a lab technician.

This site is a wonderful oasis in a baybee crazed world. It's nice to know there are other people who are not into kids.

I remember you, Ondinette! Welcome back! smiling smiley
Hi, everyone. I found this board recently and was so happy that there is a group like this.

I am 40, female, married with two awesome dogs, and husband and I are adamantly CF. I have been CF as long as I can remember. I never understood the fascination with breeding, even from a very young age, and I can't decide whether to vomit or laugh when breeders give you a laundry list of how badly their lives, finances, and bodies suck, and "it must be niiiice" to not have to worry about anything and never be tired (ha!), then tell you it is totally worth it and you will be unfulfilled if you don't join them.

My rewards for not passing along terrible genes, contributing to world overpopulation, breeding someone I know I am not equipped to care for and buying into society's pro-breeder lines include getting to stay late at work filling in for all the moos and duhs who always have something better to do than their jobs (and I don't have kydz so OF COURSE I can stay late with no notice on December 24!!) and having the rare FB post about life outside of work mommyjacked.

Nearly my whole bio family consists of breeders, they honestly scare me. A 20-year-old in my extended family, with no education, no job skills, and no money recently bred, and their brains have turned to jelly going on and on about how awesome they think the situation is.

I finally had my tubes removed recently after years and years to trying to find a doctor willing to work with me. Yeah, it took 22 years of adult life to accomplish that goal.

I could go on and on, but I will stop for now. Looking forward to contributing to your discussions.
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
December 21, 2015
Welcome to the board! I think you will be a great fit here. Just open, honest discussion about how we feel about breeders and how badly they screw up.
How's it going everyone. I've found my fucking oasis with this group!! Everyone I know thinks they need a fuckin kid or another kid to solve all their goddam problems. Glad to be around people that don't suck!!
Hi Everyone! I found this site through a link from the Childfree Reddit. I'm happy to find a site that validates my and my husband's life choice for being Childfree. Heck, back when we got married some 32 years ago, I don't think the term Childfree even existed. I now realize how lucky we were to find each other and share the commitment to be Childfree. And Freedom is what it's all about anyway, isn't it? We have a great marriage, a great life, good careers, and love it! True testament to how leaving tradition in the dust can be very rewarding. So bear with my newbie-ness, please. And thank you for allowing me to join you. cool smiley
Tried a couple times registering with no luck but finally got approved! Been lurking and reading the epic troll threads. How did I find BratFree... I think I was looking up online if it was normal to find pregnancy disgusting. Am in my 30s and thought maybe it was just me bit then saw this. Never really saw myself as the mother type or even want to be with somebody who had already had kids. Dated somebody twice who was baby rabid and it freaked me out big time.

I grew up poor as a chyld with two siblings. We were all skinny and our mum overweight and never worked. Yes, we had food stamps and even as a kyd told myself I would never accept a handout no matter how hard it got. Didn't grow up with my father and so we scraped by on child support and welfare. Ugh! Proudly CFBC, in great physical shape, and mildly successful in a big city. Of course, not all perfect as my parunta passed down some depression and I got the worst (major recurrent) and it sucks, but I have good health insurance to help with it.

Here's to not contributing to the future generation's continuing destruction of our environment! *cheers*
Re: thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)
February 17, 2016
Hello all. Decided to go ahead and register for the opportunity to interact with you guys, because I've been reading old threads and laughing my head off.

I'm female, 40, single and the proud guardian of two cats.
Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum.

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