they are so strange. i trolled around facebook last night just out of morbid curiosity. SO MANY women are quite okay with posting revolting dead baby/fetus pictures. ON FACEBOOK. where ANYONE can see them. and then there's the even weirder people that reply "awwwwhhhh s/he's go gaawwwjuss", when the thing in the picture looks like something out of roswell.
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
December 15, 2010
It's not having the kyds that makes them FUGLY though because many PNB's are attractive. I think that part of their FUGLINESS is due to their attitudes, but it's haaaaard to overlook rolls of blubber, greasy hair, and bulbous noses covered in acne and black heads.

I believe that would be because PNB's keep their personality after the whelping, so they retain their self respect and still want to be presentable.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin

We're sorry
you lost your clump.
Better luck next time.
Think of us.

spewing water due to laughing

And here's a fragile houseplant you can kill while you're knitting fetus hats.

(spew) I just snotted my smoothie everywhere. Love it.

Poor kids look mentally unhinged anyway. I can see it in a few years. That girl is gonna be on the main stage of the Lusty Beaver Paris XXX Night Club and Entertainment Center and her brother will be that guy in front of the gas station "Dude, got a cigarette?"
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
December 16, 2010
That is so creepy and disgusting! And I truly feel sorry for those two kids... Moomie no doubt forced them to hold the thing, because they look confused/befuddled by the situation. And mooo... naaaaasty! I don't like ripping on people for their looks, but this woman looks like one of those back-roads trailer bible thumping breeders that you only see in the B movies.

Why in the world would anyone want photographs of something like that. I find it disturbing when people take photos of their deceased ADULT loved ones, but this thing wasn't even alive, ever. My uncle took photos of my aunt right after she passed. I found that to be distrubing. As matter of fact, HE didn't take the photos, he made his son-in-law take them. Thankfully, those photos were deleted. I want to remember the living while they were ALIVE. And I surely wouldn't want a photo of a "could have been" that looks... um... well... words fail me...
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
December 16, 2010
What really irks me about this is that these are the same people who would balk at the thought of another person having their beloved pet buried or cremated. I had lost 3 birds who were very near and dear to my heart; I had them cremated and have them in little ceramic urns that look like little ring-boxes. But they were once LIVING, viable, and beloved family members. ONCE ALIVE. These... things... were never actively part of the famblee, so how could they even go through so much shit by knitting little caps, having funerals, wakes, etc. for them? I'm not that heartless to think that it should be something that should be "brushed off" and forgotten, but going through all of that crap is akin to self-torture. Cremate it, say a little prayer and MOVE ON! And please, DON'T force your kids to look at it. This broodmare is just plain SICK.
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
December 16, 2010
By the way, Miss Hannigan... your gummy bear reference... I really SHOULD start wearing Depends whenever I sign on to read the posts here! waving hellolarious
For fuck's sake! They put a HAT on it?!
This is fucked on so many levels it isn't even funny. At first I thought it couldn't be real but sadly enough, I think it is. This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen anyone do. And to put the siblings through something so traumatic as to hold a dead fetus is beyond words. fainting
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
July 06, 2011
I believe in the caps lock key. Kindly fuck off.
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
July 06, 2011
Wall (this equals we all, or w'all) aren't unduly traumatizing anyone, unlike these weirdos.

Unless, of course, a child might stumble upon this site which is pretty unlikely. They'd have to really root around. And if they have time for that and unrestricted computer access THEIR PARENTS aren't doing THEIR JOBS right.

Go mix yourself up a placenta cocktail and flake the fuck off.

Um, excuse me you stupid whore, did you even READ this thread? If you had, you'd realize that most posters DID think about JUST THAT!


Believe me fuckface, I will NEVER be bigger than she is.

Well "EVERYONE" is not "OUT THERE". We're IN HERE, a CF site and if you'd bothered to read the rules, you would know this. GTFO if you don't like it.
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
July 06, 2011
Fuckin' Caps Lock trailer trash. Go back to your pot of beenie weenies and leave the Internet to the professionals.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Tanya: Don't you have a used tampon you can go knit a hat for? :biggrin2
Tanya: Don't you have a used tampon you can go knit a hat for? :biggrin2

Hahahahahaha I so agree with you mumofsixbirds ! You are so funny ! Some people really do not have any sense of privacy. They should not share that kind of thing on the Internet...
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
July 06, 2011
Obvious troll, is obvious.

lab mom
It's not something for children. They will be traumatised for life !!!
by late late is it?

you know, that looks a lot like this indonesian mythical creature:
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
July 07, 2011
I've got to say, even the fetus has a "WTF Mom?!!!!" look. Poor thing was probably all Greta Garbo "I want to be alone." Probably bailed so it wouldn't have to deal with moo and duh, who was probably taking the photos. I feel sorry for the 2 living kids who look absolutely traumatized by the whole thing. And the hat, there just aren't even words . . .

One of my relatives was born prematurely & lived for a few days. His parents took a few photos of him while he was living, but didn't do any weird things to his body. If they had any photos of him after his death, they kept them to themselves. I'm not sure if it was because of the physical/emotional stress on them and/or the baby's age, but they had a combo wake/memorial service in one day and then burial. It was closed casket. And most of my family's Catholic & big on the open casket. I think it was a respectful and appropriate service. We didn't give "gifts". We gave money, instead of flowers because we figured while parents might buy life insurance for kids in case they have to cover a funeral, no one expects to lose a baby during pregnancy, so they may not have been prepared for a funeral. We figured they could use it for funeral expenses or to donate to a charity in his name or whatever else they needed.

I can see parents wanting a few photos of a stillborn child, but I do think it should be a few, tasteful and private. And siblings shouldn't be involved unless they really want to be. Those kids look terrified and like they don't want to be.

And I agree with Kim. I've had outpatient surgery where I ended up with one of those bracelet things and the cotton by the arm. I might have waited 'til I got home, but they were off as soon as I could operate scissors safely and I live alone without anyone to help me get the bracelet off. Cotton was much easier to get off.
Re: Family pictures with late term miscarriage (disturbing images)
July 07, 2011
Ok and why are the fetus's eyes closed for all but that creepy photo against the comforter? Did they pop the eyes open? Did it come to life? It's kinda reminding me of that freaky Karen Black horror movie with the doll that comes to life I saw as a kid in the 70s.
I have to comment on this stupid ass picture.I took notice that she was in hospital bed then it appeared she had this thing in her home as well! Even it it is not real how sick is this! you see her laying on her ass in the hospital and then laying on her ass in a home bed. Fairly nice one to boot! wonder who takes care of the kids while she is on her back????
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