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What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?

Posted by Anonymous User 
I get bingoed for being skinny and saying no to junk food. "Why? Look at you! You could use the calories. It isn't as if you need to lose weight." Don't they get that if I kept that attitude long enough I would eventually need to lose weight. It's a preventable thing. I am not trying to lose more weight. I am happy where I am and don't want to gain anymore. I am pretty short. I wouldn't look proportionate if I gained anymore.

I have also been bingoed for preferring to work at night. I don't even know why anyone cares. It isn't a mystery that most people don't like to wake up early. I have issues with sleep and it fits better with my schedule. But it is always like, "Do you have another job or are you in school? Do you have kids?" Like my preference to work in the evening isn't a good enough reason.

I have gorgeous wavy hair that I style in ringlets. I take care of it. It doesn't look like a frizzy mess. I have noticed in Hollywood that stick straight hair isn't even in style anymore. Yet, I get people asking me why I don't straighten my hair. Because it is a pain the ass to do because I have a lot of hair. Flatirons are damaging. I like that sometimes I can just scrunch it with product and let it air dry. I live in humid Texas. During the spring/summer it is fruitless to straighten it. It will just curl and frizz back up from me sweating.

I have also been bingoed by men for not wearing high heels. I don't want bad knees and ankles when I am old. I already have a bad knee anyway. They always hurt my legs. And frankly, if I wore the kind I like I would tower over them. I thought most men didn't like for their lady friend to be taller than them?
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 17, 2012
fun evolutionary psychology bingo I found today! credit to the guy who created it!

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 29, 2012
Let's see. I've been bingoed for the following:
Not having a boyfriend. I get this all the time from relatives.
"But you're so beauuuuuutiful. You should have a boooooyfriiiiieeeend!"
Really, why do they care? Oh yeah, they need something to gossip about to their friends, neighbours and other family members.
Not being the stereotypical woman who likes clothes shopping, wearing makeup, dressing up or watching chick flicks.
Having my own opinions and sticking to them. Apparently it's not okay to think for yourself.
I also get bingoed for being introverted. Again, this mostly comes from relatives but I've gotten flack from strangers as well. I'm sorry, but I find it difficult to socialize with others. I love deep, intelligent conversations and everybody seems to like gossip or talk about things that do not interest me.
Cursing. Grandma gets all butthurt when I dare drop the F bomb in front of her even though she swears herself.
That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there are others.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 02, 2012
I get bingoed for my weight. I eat relatively healthfully, and many people are amazed at how little I eat. I'm pretty sedentary, admittedly, but my intake is less than it would take to maintain this weight in a completely sedentary lifestyle.

I also get bingoed for my allergies. "Are you sure that's an allergy? It might be a sensitivity." Or my favorite: "Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you're allergic to it." Oh yeah? Tell that to the raw carrots that gave me an anaphylactic reaction day before yesterday.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 05, 2012
The newest one I've heard: "Other women are having children late in life. Think of how exciting it would be!"

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2012
The newest one I've heard: "Other women are having children late in life. Think of how exciting it would be!"


makes me remember a bingo from my friend, "usually girls like you end up having children in their 40s, because they suddenly want 'em." :hardcore
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2012
One of my "you're too fat" bingoes came from a therapist who told me I was probably overweight to compensate for my height (5'0"). :eh??saying 'wtf':flaming

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 08, 2012
One of my "you're too fat" bingoes came from a therapist who told me I was probably overweight to compensate for my height (5'0"). :eh??saying 'wtf':flaming
I don't get it. shrug

I have truly heard it all.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 10, 2012
Snark Shark
One of my "you're too fat" bingoes came from a therapist who told me I was probably overweight to compensate for my height (5'0"). :eh??saying 'wtf':flaming

I'm 6 FT and I'm fat now- so wahat does that mean???

OH, I know, I EAT TOO MUCH. bouncing and laughing

Apparently, you wish you were 7 feet tall smile rolling left rightsmile? The weird thing is that I've never really felt short. I wasn't even in therapy to talk about my weight or my height.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 11, 2012
invader kim
We've pretty much all been judged at some point for choosing not to procreate. But are there other life choices you have made that people feel the need to stick their noses into? I have a few:

- Religion, or lack thereof. Thankfully I don't get this so much nowadays since I moved a little farther north. But in college I would be sitting alone in the open studying for an exam, only to be suddenly bombarded by the campus crusade who would not go the fuck away ("Ohh, your exam is just for now, but God is forever." And at work I used to have customers ask me out of nowhere in front of crowds if I knew Jesus and what he meant to me. I found myself having to lie to avoid confrontation.

- Still renting my home. "But it's a GREAT time to buy, especially for first-time homeowners." Yes, if you can afford a house. Which given the house prices in my area, being able to afford one on my salary is flat-out impossible. "Well you can always move farther out." Unfortunately I currently live "farther out" and this area is in the top 5 in the nation for traffic, so whatever I "save" will be going right into my gas tank and I'll only be wasting more time commuting. "Won't it be nice to do what you want and not have to worry about your landlord?" Except for the fact that 99% of homes here are part of HOA's, anyway.

- My career choice. My first degree is in computer engineering. I hated it even in college but pushed through just to graduate. Currently I teach high school math, and actually enjoy it. Any time someone (kid or adult) finds out about the engineering degree, it's always, "What are you doing HERE? Don't you realize how much more you could be making?" Yes, and I also realize how many gray hairs and wrinkles I would have. Even more annoying are the techie people I know who always like to tell me what companies are hiring, just in case I burn out with the kids and change my mind, or just in case I'm interested in making more money.

- Not believing in "Family First" for each and every blood relative and in-law. I believe that your "family" is who you make it to be...not necessarily those you share blood with, or those who share your last name due to marriage. Well, last year brother-in-law got a job near our house, and not having money or anywhere to go, pretty much thrust himself on us for two months. The guy was drunk more often than not, reeked of cigarettes, was loud and obnoxious, didn't shower for up to four days in a row, and broke furniture. Well, the other brother (who endured a similar but even longer and worse experience with his in-laws) told me that I had to do this for him because "he's family." I pointed out that he wasn't MY family and was met with the fires of Hell for it.

So, what else?

LOL! i love your post - can relate to a lot of it and then some. the saying that goes you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family doesn't fit me. i feel that if you don't want to be around your relatives, you can choose your own type of family or lack of it.

how about this on for size?
i'm an antinatalist non-religious vegetarian cf woman who is NOT family centric :hs

i have a picture on one of my walls with 3 kittens in a basket that reads:

and i personally don't have family in the traditional sense. but i extend myself to many animals and some people. i've received every kind of bingo message you can imagine since i'm just me and not a little knock off of the average drone going through life.thumbs upwink
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 13, 2012
I got bingoed yesterday for wanting to work from home. I thought most people would like to work from home.

I also got bingoed for not having a car. I am almost 27. I have gotten around just fine. I have traveled a lot. I am not "trapped" in my house. The bus/train schedule isn't that difficult to understand/follow. "Well, I don't like having to wait around." Well it is pretty simple. I time my chores and getting ready so I don't stand outside unnecessarily and wait longer than I have to. Duh. They have just recently expanded the light rail route. So now they actually have train stations closer to my house. Every night I take the train, it is crowded. So I am clearly not the only one seeing this as a good option. Gas prices are getting high. I also firmly believe there doesn't need to be any more cars on the road for the environment's sake. But whatever. smile rolling left righteyes2

Btw, all of this was coming from typical girls way younger than me (19-22) who still live at home and haven't experienced as much out of life. I know 26 going on 27 isn't THAT old. But I feel like I am in a completely different place in life than people who have graduated high school in four years or less and STILL have their parents do everything for them.

One was complaining about how she got into a carwreck and her shoulder hasn't been the same. She said she wanted to go to the doctor but doesn't have insurance. I asked if she got the person's insurance information and contact number. Their insurance will pay for her to go to the doctor. She was like, "No. Everytime I have gotten in a wreck. I just moved on. I never talked to the other person because I don't know what to do." She just graduated high school a year ago. Pffft. Aren't there any adults teaching her anything? Hasn't she thought to ask?

She has recently just gotten hired at my job. So she has spent the last few days complaining about how her previous job hasn't given her her paycheck yet. I told her if it has been THAT long she needs to contact the Texas Work Force Comission or something. She keeps saying ignorant stuff like, "I think I should call the police really." Yeah okay. Let's see how that works out.

Finally, she said she got her check. She had her "Uncle" (I am guessing she has no father. Not that there is anything wrong with not having a father. She just seems like a welfare mom in the making.) called the manager at the previous job and cussed him out over the phone. Then he picked up her check for her. Okay....

Like I am "dependent" because I seek alternative modes of transportation? I am not begging anyone for rides or anything like that. At some point she will be too old to call her "Uncle". She doesn't sound like she can do anything for herself. She keeps talking about wanting to get her own place. Good luck with that.

Frankly, I am not sure why they hired her. She doesn't do anything. We work in a stockroom. She sits on the floor and plays on her iphone. Then she talks about taking naps. I told her to go ahead and take a nap. :biggrin2 I hope management catches her and fires her. She is creating more work for me.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 13, 2012
^What did the bingoer say about working from home? I'd like to work from home as well. It would save me from having to deal with dumbasses like the bingoers.

And i don't have a car either. I save loads of $$$. People need to mind their own business.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 14, 2012
^What did the bingoer say about working from home? I'd like to work from home as well. It would save me from having to deal with dumbasses like the bingoers.

And i don't have a car either. I save loads of $$$. People need to mind their own business.

Yeah they DO need to mind their own business. Well everyone was talking about getting either second jobs or changing to another job completely. I had told one girl that I put in an application online. It was for a work at home job for a call center. So she had asked me if I had heard back. Then this other girl made the comment, "Well why wouldn't you just work right at the call center? Why would you work from home?" She didn't actually give any reason for why she didn't think it was a good idea/odd idea.

Judging how she spent most of the day hanging out with the other two sitting on her ass and socializing rather than working... Also, a few weeks ago she told everyone she got a second job at an office. Then she proceeded to ask me, "You don't like office jobs? Why don't you work at one?" I explained to her that I didn't like the politics and the drama. She said she enjoyed it and liked that everyone there was young like her.

So, I am going to assume it is because she can't imagine not wanting to be surrounded by morons and gossiping. She is infact a moron who gossips and doesn't stay focused. She probably can't stand to do anything that doesn't involve being social. I am social but with people I have things in common with/who can bring something to the table discussion wise. I have no interest in gossip, bingoing, and talking about drinking and acting stupid like most of the people I work with. I really can't stand people in their 20's even though I am one.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 25, 2012
"Cats. I have three of them. FFS, three cats does not a cat hoarder make, but I hear the 'crazy cat lady' BS. Personally, these cats make much better company than someone who doesn't know when to STFU about someone else's life choices."

This. I've got kitties too. Prefer them to people. Those who bingo me about it are one of the reasons why...
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 25, 2012
I'm not a hoarder but if I was ever in a position to have 300 cats I would. This is provided I lived on a good sized chunk of land and could take care of that many. I enjoy hearing what the average breeder says to that.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 27, 2012
Not having wedding pictures. I HATE being photographed. My two brothers-in-law took some pics at the ceremony, but one of them I haven't seen since and I don't know what happened to the pictures and don't care. The other one took a few pics which he put on Facebook and I saved only about 5 of them; I didn't even tag myself. What would I have wedding photos for anyway, only to annoy people by forcing them to have a look at them?

Another strange bingo I get is for not owning an umbrella. I live in UK, in Manchester, where it apparently rains a lot. Yeah, sometimes I get soaked but it hasn't killed me yet and I doubt it ever will. People tell me "but you need an umbrella when you live in this country/city" (I'm not from here). To which I answer "I've been here for 9 years and managed quite fine without one". That shuts them up.

All these bingoers, whether it's for our Cf choice or other... do they really think they're telling us something new? That we'd never heard i before? yawning smiley
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 28, 2012
Snark Shark- I LOVE pugs too!bouncing and laughing

They are so damn adorable!

My cousin has one and I swear I'm going to steal her!devil with smile
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 28, 2012
Snark Shark
I'm not a hoarder but if I was ever in a position to have 300 cats I would. This is provided I lived on a good sized chunk of land and could take care of that many. I enjoy hearing what the average breeder says to that.

If I was a millionare, I'd probably have 100 Pugs! THEY'RE SO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!grinning smiley

Up until today, I had one pug and four foster pugs. I now have three pugs and two fosters. I mailed my adoption for these two cuties:

Meet Giada (pronounced JAH-da) and Sebastian. G was a breeder casualty, and Sebastian a mortgage crisis casualty.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 28, 2012
The newest one I've heard: "Other women are having children late in life. Think of how exciting it would be!"


I am thinking exciting is jumping out of a plane or test driving a Ferrari at top speed. Kids just don't bring that reaction to my table.

And add me to the "still single" bingo list. I got out of my last serious relationship a decade ago. I spent two years alone to not dump my fucked-uppedness on someone else. Once I was good to go, I dated but discovered others wanting to dump their fucked-uppedness on me. Or hoping for a sugar mama.

I own my 3 br house that I share with cat and puggerazi. But I bought it from my BFF, so I don't hear bingos except from strangers. And they can cordially die in a flaming outhouse explosion.

Solo travel...wish I could find more places that cater rather than try to double charge. Cruises charge the two-fer price for a room unless you volunteer to share with a stranger, for example. You are bingoed by people trying to get your money from you! Sell to me at the double price, and I guarantee you will make your money on wine and excursions.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 29, 2012
@navi8orgirl, I'd like to hug those pugs right now.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 29, 2012
SB, if you are ever in my neighborhood come on over. All the puggin' you can handle lol.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 29, 2012
SB, if you are ever in my neighborhood come on over. All the puggin' you can handle lol.

CanI come too? I love love love Pugs. They are so cute!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 29, 2012
Solo travel....

As a tangent to that, apparently once a woman marries, she's not supposed to want to travel by herself. I suppose that's by way of preparing her to be saddled by kids - once those come along, oh forget having time to yourself.

Dh and I had different schedules for most the years we worked. I was off three days/week; Dh two; we had one common day together. On that day, we'd do 'together stuff', but on two off days, I was on my own. According to a lot of folks, I was supposed to stick close to home. My response: "like hell". Especially having my own motorcycle, and the Blue Ridge Parkway only ~70 miles from my front door .... screw staying home. I'd be off at sunrise and home by sunset, sometimes putting 300+ miles on my bike. There were days I'd pack my topographical maps and go exploring. The response from people was usually a hushed "your husband lets you do that?"

It was suggested several times "well, at least find a riding partner", to which I replied "ick". Even riding with Dh can be a trial. He fixes his view on a distant point and heads straight, while I'm an ADD rider: constantly scanning the area for interesting points, sometimes saying "wow! wassat?" and making a sudden U-turn to go check it out.

People really got ants in their pants when I talked about making the 1000 mile/three day ride to visit family in the Midwest. On my first trip, I returned to work and received a scolding from my boss "you didn't call to let us know you made it OK!"
Me: "wuuuut?"
Boss: "you - a WOMAN - on those roads by yourself! ANYTHING could have happened!"
Me: (major eyeroll) ::Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhrows hands in air::: /heads back to desk to catch up on 300 useless corporate e-mails/

I have enough sense to always dress in non-gender-revealing clothes when riding by myself, but the way people react, you'd think I was setting myself up for an episode of The Perils of Pauline.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 30, 2012
I would love to take a trip by myself, and I seriously hope that one day I can. That just sounds so nice. No husband or family, just me and my thoughts. Lovely.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 04, 2012
Shark, Giada was a family pet (judging by her old but expensively made collar) until a tardley came along. Then they used her as a breeder for money and did nothing but feed her. She had heartworms as a result and they dumped her at a pound because she got inpig again. Said a dog and three kyds and a tard was too much, but got knocked up again. The pound called the rescue and I sprung her since they were close to my house. Gia is now treated for HW and completely adored.

Sebastian was tougher; the couple lost both their jobs and eventually foreclosed. Sebastian was with them since he was a baby, and they were heartbroken when they called the rescue because they could not keep him. He was heartbroken too, but he is now also spoiled and adored. They were boarded this weekend, and the kennel people swear that he grew up with my boy since they are always together. I said he had a dog companion in his old home, and he seamlessly adopted mine as his new best friend.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
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