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What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Anonymous User
What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 03, 2011
We've pretty much all been judged at some point for choosing not to procreate. But are there other life choices you have made that people feel the need to stick their noses into? I have a few:

- Religion, or lack thereof. Thankfully I don't get this so much nowadays since I moved a little farther north. But in college I would be sitting alone in the open studying for an exam, only to be suddenly bombarded by the campus crusade who would not go the fuck away ("Ohh, your exam is just for now, but God is forever." And at work I used to have customers ask me out of nowhere in front of crowds if I knew Jesus and what he meant to me. I found myself having to lie to avoid confrontation.

- Still renting my home. "But it's a GREAT time to buy, especially for first-time homeowners." Yes, if you can afford a house. Which given the house prices in my area, being able to afford one on my salary is flat-out impossible. "Well you can always move farther out." Unfortunately I currently live "farther out" and this area is in the top 5 in the nation for traffic, so whatever I "save" will be going right into my gas tank and I'll only be wasting more time commuting. "Won't it be nice to do what you want and not have to worry about your landlord?" Except for the fact that 99% of homes here are part of HOA's, anyway.

- My career choice. My first degree is in computer engineering. I hated it even in college but pushed through just to graduate. Currently I teach high school math, and actually enjoy it. Any time someone (kid or adult) finds out about the engineering degree, it's always, "What are you doing HERE? Don't you realize how much more you could be making?" Yes, and I also realize how many gray hairs and wrinkles I would have. Even more annoying are the techie people I know who always like to tell me what companies are hiring, just in case I burn out with the kids and change my mind, or just in case I'm interested in making more money.

- Not believing in "Family First" for each and every blood relative and in-law. I believe that your "family" is who you make it to be...not necessarily those you share blood with, or those who share your last name due to marriage. Well, last year brother-in-law got a job near our house, and not having money or anywhere to go, pretty much thrust himself on us for two months. The guy was drunk more often than not, reeked of cigarettes, was loud and obnoxious, didn't shower for up to four days in a row, and broke furniture. Well, the other brother (who endured a similar but even longer and worse experience with his in-laws) told me that I had to do this for him because "he's family." I pointed out that he wasn't MY family and was met with the fires of Hell for it.

So, what else?
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 03, 2011
Religion. Religion. And religion.

Moving greatly helped with that, since none of this shit was coming from my own family, only from the idiot fundamentalists around me.

Having my own opinions--as a woman--and daring to speak them wasn't very popular, either, in the same place that atheism wasn't appreciated.

Not being gung-ho on marriage will get you some bingos as well; I've gotten them. After all, all women dream of big weddings and rings on their fingers!

The only other one I can think of (that I've gotten) is the whole 'sexual shame' thing, where retarded people seem to have this notion that women are supposed to avoid and regret casual sex, multiple partners, blah blah. Men, of course, aren't subjected to the same standards. (Obviously, people should take care about diseases, pregnancy, and their emotional well-being, but these things are also a concern if you have just one sexual partner.)
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 03, 2011
Religion, promiscuity before I was married, loving my pets "too much"smile rolling left righteyes2, marrying young are the ones the come immediately to mind.

I'm pagan and I get no end of grief from the xtians who find out this fact and try their darn diddly darndest to convert me and make me see "The error of my ways".eye rolling smiley
Like some damn Jho at my door, well meaning family member or any other religious whack a do is suddenly going to make me realize my "True path to jeebuz".waving hellolarious

I slept with a lot of guys before I met my husband and I'll be the first to admit that some of them weren't worthy of repeating, but I don't regret my past, I wouldn't be the woman I am today without living through what I have.
Besides, I'm a woman who enjoys sex and I will not apologize for it!grinning smiley
What does a breeder love more than to look down their noses at a CF heathen with a lot of men under her belt? The funniest part is they think they're better than me because of it! HA!:yeah
I married my husband when I was 19 and it was NOT a mistake so I resent it when people (mostly family) told me we were too young and it would never last.angry face saying 'eat me'
Then there's the "You know you're just replacing your need to mother a baybee by spoiling that dog!" BS.angry flipping off
Ya...I'd much rather be wiping shit, piss, barf, snot, etc off my track pants before packing the brats in the SUV stroller to head on over to Walmart!smug
I love my life and make no excuses for my past or the way I choose to live now.
People generally hate that too!waving hellolarious
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 03, 2011
Male and being a nurse. I thnk I can skip the rest of the post waving hellolarious

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 04, 2011
The idea that because I test well and retain knowledge well I should be in an extremely intellectual career, whether I want to be or not.

I want to be a massage therapist...you can imagine the responses I get for that one.

Having so many pets.

Having very long hair.

Dyeing my blonde hair red, because *everyone* wants to be blonde. smile rolling left righteyes2 I'd switch my boring dishwater blonde for fiery natural red hair any day, ginger comments or no.

Not wanting to get married.

Not being the slightest bit interested in celebrity gossip or chick flicks.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 04, 2011
Cats. I have three of them. FFS, three cats does not a cat hoarder make, but I hear the "crazy cat lady" BS. Personally, these cats make much better company than someone who doesn't know when to STFU about someone else's life choices.

Not owning a house. I refuse to even entertain buying a house until I have the 20% down and can do a 15- or 30-year fixed mortgage on just my income. I am also not going to go into tens of thousands of dollars in debt just to finish college. Not to say I will never own a house or finish school, just that I am going to do them on my own terms. If the people that tell me "You're just throwing money away", or "You can't make it anywhere in life without a 4 year degree" care so damn much, let them pay for it.

Don't know why, but I also catch shit from people for reading, going to the gym, and watching the news. As in, "why would you want to do THAT?!" Seriously? I don't even want to waste my time justifying myself to idiots like this.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 04, 2011
I get harassed and bingoed all the time on the internet if I admit that I'm a Christian. I mostly just keep it to myself.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 05, 2011
Snark Shark
"YEAH I know him! BITCH OWES ME 20 BUCKS!"
I WISH I was that bold!

Dyeing my blonde hair red, because *everyone* wants to be blonde. Roll-Eyes I'd switch my boring dishwater blonde for fiery natural red hair any day, ginger comments or no.
Thank you I'm blonde too and bored of it. The day after school let out for the summer I dyed mine pink.

I have a lot of empathy for those who have caught flak for casual sex. Being sociable, sexually aware AND a woman does not make you a bad person. It added an element of excitement to my life and I miss that part about college. But, when my family found out, I got reamed out with all the typical 50's stereotypes. "It's inappropriate!" "You're going to look like a tramp and he's going to look like a hero!"

Oh, and the marriage thing! When my mother found out that my husband-to-be and I were shacking up (before even being engaged), there was outrage: "Well, I guess that means you're never going to get married." It was hilarious that at our actual wedding, she wore a scowl on her face for the entire day up until the instant when the document got signed - then it turned into a warm glowing smile.

And as far as I'm concerned with pets, they are my (well-behaved) children and thus are MEANT to be spoiled.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 05, 2011
I also was bingoed for coloring my blonde hair red. Back to blonde now though winking smiley .

Other bingos-

Not having sex in high school or having a bf, living with my SO, choosing a middle class guy over a rich guy, having "invisible" disabilities, living in a rural area ("aren't you scared living way out there?") - it's ten minutes from town and I don't have to abide by any HOA rules, thanks. Taking solo vacations, changing flights if I get a bad feeling, questioning doctors.

Not having a dog or cat, leaving corporate job for self-employment, paying cash, having a purple door, liking antiques ("old stinky things"), going to rock concerts and talking about music, not "changing" since my twenties, being too "good" ???! Sorry for having ethics.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 05, 2011
Funny thing about the religion thing . I was eating at a fast food Mexican place and there was this group of religious fundies at a table fairly near me. About every two minutes someone would scream" Praise the Lord!!! or Sweet Jesus" . Finally, they got up to leave. As they passed by my table one of them says to me" Did you thank the Lord for your bounty of food? " I looked up and said " Since when is an order of nachos a bounty?". The look on this guys face was priceless!!!
I work for the Medical Examiner, and I deal with dead bodies. I live alone, by choice. I'm not exactly asexual, but it's really low on my list of priorities. I'm religious and it affects my day to day life, but because I dont discuss it with people they think I'm just "trying to be difficult" when I don't want to engage in certain mainstream holidays, or my eating habits are put under a microscope. I'm a more left leaning person in a very right wing area.

I think thats about it.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 05, 2011
I've gotten a ton of crap for having a pilot's license and flying small planes.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Thom, why would you get grief for that? It sounds AWSOME!!
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 06, 2011
Snark Shark
. Finally, they got up to leave. As they passed by my table one of them says to me" Did you thank the Lord for your bounty of food? " I looked up and said " Since when is an order of nachos a bounty?".

waving hellolarious

I KNEW you'd like that one!!!!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 06, 2011
- Long hair. I used to get bingos about my hair when it was longer (like down to my lower back) and people would tell me I need to chop it off and donate it, or I had relatives tell me they'd give me money if I'd let them cut it off for me. It was a godawful mess because it was never brushed, but I kept it to spite people, I think. I got it cut to my shoulders when I got to ninth grade, though.

- Clothes. My mother tells me a lot that my jeans are too tight, they show every crease and roll and vein in my body, etc. Don't know why she's looking that closely at what I wear. Then again, this is the woman who will come into my bedroom and sniff my clothes because she thinks I can't tell when they need to be washed.

- Dying my hair any color. Mom again - I've been told if I dye my hair something unnatural, not even Wal Mart will hire me.

- Living at home. Most people who hear me say this, followed by how much I complain about it, tell me to just up and leave as if it's just that simple. I was actually recently run off another site because I mentioned my living situation once, people would not let it go, and then they deemed me a troll because I didn't take their advice (which I never asked for).

- Art. Up until I was about 15, I was discouraged from drawing because my mother felt "it don't put no bread on the table!" Then I made the mistake of having her talk to my high school art teacher and she got it in her head that art career = $100,000 a year. Now, as many of you know, I have a forced bachelor's in graphic design and will have a forced master's in illustration by 2013...each degrees that I will never be able to use.

- Not doing what I'm told in general. I get told I'm stupid or called some other odd insulting name like "fuck-bastard" when I don't do what people (almost always my mother) tells me to do. Like when I went to my aunt's funeral last fall...my mother told me not to talk to our family and I did. I was told how I'm an imbecile who can't listen.

- Friends. Again, my mother. She likes to take cheap shots at me by using my friends in strange examples. Like this one...I mentioned in passing about a friend who was a video major, who later graduated and began working at a thrift store. During one of her "get a job" tirades, she said, "You can't be like Friend, sittin' around makin' movies all day!" Uh...huh.

Yeah, good times. smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 06, 2011
Not religious.

No significant other.

Introverted.- This one pisses me off the most. Just the other night I was reading a blog post about something totally unrelated and all of the sudden there was a bingo about how if you are introverted you can change this if you want to. NOBODY EVER FUCKING TELLS EXTROVERTS THEY SHOULD CHANGE.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 06, 2011
Chicken Lady
Thom, why would you get grief for that? It sounds AWSOME!!

Projection of their fear, jealousy and general sour grapes. Thye are afraid to fly in a small plane, jealous and some people are just mean.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 06, 2011
Introverted.- This one pisses me off the most. Just the other night I was reading a blog post about something totally unrelated and all of the sudden there was a bingo about how if you are introverted you can change this if you want to. NOBODY EVER FUCKING TELLS EXTROVERTS THEY SHOULD CHANGE.

OMG this is a HUGE one for me too! Being outgoing, "bubbly" (god I hate that term), extroverted is seen as the societal norm. For as long as I can remember, people have been telling me "you're so quiet" or "what is wrong?" FUCK. When I was first meeting DH's (then BF) family, it was the WORST. They are all super loud and gregarious, so I was a complete anomaly. It was a real shock to my system. I would hear that people said "she needs to come out of her shell" and other bullshit.

Does anyone ever analyze extroverts like that? Fuck NO.

It takes me a while to warm up to people. Maaaany times I've heard "I was afraid of you at first (WTF) but then I got to know you and you're funnier than hell!"

FWIW, I (and many others here) feel your pain. angry smiley

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 06, 2011
Introverted.- This one pisses me off the most. Just the other night I was reading a blog post about something totally unrelated and all of the sudden there was a bingo about how if you are introverted you can change this if you want to. NOBODY EVER FUCKING TELLS EXTROVERTS THEY SHOULD CHANGE.

OMG this is a HUGE one for me too! Being outgoing, "bubbly" (god I hate that term), extroverted is seen as the societal norm. For as long as I can remember, people have been telling me "you're so quiet" or "what is wrong?" FUCK. When I was first meeting DH's (then BF) family, it was the WORST. They are all super loud and gregarious, so I was a complete anomaly. It was a real shock to my system. I would hear that people said "she needs to come out of her shell" and other bullshit.

Does anyone ever analyze extroverts like that? Fuck NO.

It takes me a while to warm up to people. Maaaany times I've heard "I was afraid of you at first (WTF) but then I got to know you and you're funnier than hell!"

FWIW, I (and many others here) feel your pain. angry smiley

"I was AFRAID of you?" Does introvert = "possible serial killer" in their narrow little minds? angry smiley By the way, fellow introvert here. smiling smiley
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 07, 2011
"I was AFRAID of you?" Does introvert = "possible serial killer" in their narrow little minds? angry smiley By the way, fellow introvert here. smiling smiley

I have also heard that I am "intimidating" because I am quiet. I am nonconfrontational (unless pushed too far, then watch out), so I don't know where this comes from. I think that some people just have a hard time with those of us who don't wear our hearts on our sleeves, so they don't quite know how to "read" us.

I'm sure this goes for most people, but where I work, there are a few loudmouths who make sure to let as many people as possible know of their problems in a ploy for attention and/or sympathy. I keep all my shit to myself because I just do not feel comfortable sharing intimate details of my life, nor do I enjoy coming across as a whiner or attention whore or whatever. Sometimes part of me is tempted to "one up" someone's woe-is-me story, but that's just not my style.

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 07, 2011
Yup, I'm a quiet one too. I can't help it if I prefer to keep to myself. If I'm in a waiting room, I won't go and strike up a conversation with the first breathing creature that I get near - I sit and draw or read a book. I can be loud around those who I'm comfortable being around, but gods I'm not a defective person because I don't scream bloody murder at each possible minute. I even heard about how I was too shy and how I had to be broken out of my shell by my asshole ex-boss.

If my being quiet is scary or weird, then fine. I like it. If it keeps morons at bay, even better. Though I met one of my closest friends when he approached me while slightly drunk and we talked about toilets. That's what sealed the friendship, I think. This friend is also a little cuckoo when he's sober, so it's all good. tongue sticking out smiley

I'll say one thing....sitting in the corner of Half Price Books by myself reading a pile of serial killer books keeps people away, or makes them get their shit and move away fast.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 07, 2011
invader kim
Snark Shark
"YEAH I know him! BITCH OWES ME 20 BUCKS!"
I WISH I was that bold!

Dyeing my blonde hair red, because *everyone* wants to be blonde. Roll-Eyes I'd switch my boring dishwater blonde for fiery natural red hair any day, ginger comments or no.
Thank you I'm blonde too and bored of it. The day after school let out for the summer I dyed mine pink.

When I quit my current job and go self employed, pink is my next plan!

I also was bingoed for coloring my blonde hair red. Back to blonde now though winking smiley .

Other bingos-

Not having sex in high school or having a bf, living with my SO, choosing a middle class guy over a rich guy, having "invisible" disabilities, living in a rural area ("aren't you scared living way out there?") - it's ten minutes from town and I don't have to abide by any HOA rules, thanks. Taking solo vacations, changing flights if I get a bad feeling, questioning doctors.

Not having a dog or cat, leaving corporate job for self-employment, paying cash, having a purple door, liking antiques ("old stinky things"), going to rock concerts and talking about music, not "changing" since my twenties, being too "good" ???! Sorry for having ethics.

I got major, serious bingos for not having sex until about 3-4 months into my current relationship. Obviously only my closer friends knew but they were not supportive. I don't care if people go sleeping with someone after knowing them five minutes, so why the fuck am I getting judged? It really got on my nerves.

Oh, I forgot about the biggie...went vegan a few months. I keep my opinion to myself and do NOT try to convert people, I'm not an AR evangelist and I don't pull disgusted faces when people eat meat around me, in fact I could not care at all. But people still take every opportunity to attack me when they find out about it.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 07, 2011
invader kim
Snark Shark
"YEAH I know him! BITCH OWES ME 20 BUCKS!"
I WISH I was that bold!

Dyeing my blonde hair red, because *everyone* wants to be blonde. Roll-Eyes I'd switch my boring dishwater blonde for fiery natural red hair any day, ginger comments or no.
Thank you I'm blonde too and bored of it. The day after school let out for the summer I dyed mine pink.

When I quit my current job and go self employed, pink is my next plan!

I also was bingoed for coloring my blonde hair red. Back to blonde now though winking smiley .

Other bingos-

Not having sex in high school or having a bf, living with my SO, choosing a middle class guy over a rich guy, having "invisible" disabilities, living in a rural area ("aren't you scared living way out there?") - it's ten minutes from town and I don't have to abide by any HOA rules, thanks. Taking solo vacations, changing flights if I get a bad feeling, questioning doctors.

Not having a dog or cat, leaving corporate job for self-employment, paying cash, having a purple door, liking antiques ("old stinky things"), going to rock concerts and talking about music, not "changing" since my twenties, being too "good" ???! Sorry for having ethics.

I got major, serious bingos for not having sex until about 3-4 months into my current relationship. Obviously only my closer friends knew but they were not supportive. I don't care if people go sleeping with someone after knowing them five minutes, so why the fuck am I getting judged? It really got on my nerves.

Oh, I forgot about the biggie...went vegan a few months. I keep my opinion to myself and do NOT try to convert people, I'm not an AR evangelist and I don't pull disgusted faces when people eat meat around me, in fact I could not care at all. But people still take every opportunity to attack me when they find out about it.

HOW could I forget the vegetarian bingoes???
I've been getting them for 13 years too now.
My father will buy my husband a burger and tell me "I can go graze on the lawn over there"eye rolling smiley
I'm like you, I do not try to impress my views on others at ALL. Hell, I still cook meat for my husband ffs and I still get crap from people.
Then there's the other veggies that give me shit for cooking meat for my husband, sigh, I just can't win.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 07, 2011
OMG this is a HUGE one for me too! Being outgoing, "bubbly" (god I hate that term), extroverted is seen as the societal norm. For as long as I can remember, people have been telling me "you're so quiet" or "what is wrong?" FUCK. When I was first meeting DH's (then BF) family, it was the WORST. They are all super loud and gregarious, so I was a complete anomaly. It was a real shock to my system. I would hear that people said "she needs to come out of her shell" and other bullshit.

Another introvert here. I can't count how many times someone has pointed out in front of other people how "quiet" I am. I think it's rude as hell but I don't make a scene about it because I'm reserved like that. These same people will tell you all sorts of inappropriate personal info as if they don't have a filter on their mouth or brain.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 07, 2011
These are the other choices I get bingoed about:

No credit cards yet (if ever)

Life-long introvert who prefers solitude

I haven't straightened my hair in years and really don't plan to ever again (Loser: "But don't you want to look professional?" Me: "Bitch, please! smile rolling left righteyes2 ")

No sexual activity as a minor

Don't date much ( I'm just not interested right now)

Didn't get a cell phone until I was 20

No cable TV

I don't drive (but that'll probably change soon since I'm moving)

Fat but not medically obese (all vital number are average or better for my age), so a lot of concern trolls like to tell me that I'm lying - either about my health stats or about my diet and usual activity levels

"Overly" moral/ethical

Rarely drink, never smoke, never had any interest in illegal drugs

I don't do pets
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