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What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
November 30, 2011
That's beautiful! And you are very wise to not advertise since it is a remote place. Not too many places to rape a girl on a 3 lane highway during rush hour! haha. I wonder if people would stop and help me... lol!

Here's my scenic vista for you!

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 03, 2011
i'm one of the girl who always ride on the back of my boyfriend's motorcycle, because i can't ride it tongue sticking out smiley

It's pretty obvious that I am a girl. I have a ponytail out the bottom of my helmet, and I wear a pink Spyder jacket. When I wear a jacket. More often I am in jeans and a tank top, or rockin it Lara Croft style in short shorts, knee high buckle boots and a tank top. No mistaking my sex there.

Blurry cell phone pic below: Wore this once to work with shorts underneath. That elicited more than a few beeps.

whoa, that's you? pardon me if i'm inappropriate, but you look smoking hot doh face
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 04, 2011
You look great in that picture, but aren't you worried about what will happen if some idiot clips you and you go sliding across the road? (I was pretty grateful for full gear the one time I hit the pavement.)
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 06, 2011
Thank you felisdomestica! Good thing I wear a full face helmet, so if I do crash, at least my face will be OK! You should take a rider course! It is SO much more comfortable when you ride your own! Being a passenger on a sport bike is the WORST!

Yurble, I do worry sometimes. My husband worries that people will stare at my butt too much and hit me like a moth drawn to a lightbulb! haha. Obv I don't dress like that all the time, usually I am in jeans and a tank or something similar. On super hot days, I make sure my lower legs are covered because the heat that blows off the engine is like superheated magma on my legs! My skin gets pretty red.

I guess I have some pretty stubborn ideas regarding not wearing much protective gear. Maybe it is because I am so strict about when and where I drive, and under what conditions I drive. No riding in the rain, no riding after drinking, no splitting lanes (illegal in MA anyway) no swerving around traffic and being a general douche on the highway. I won't ride to work if I didn't get enough sleep the night before. I always eat breakfast before I ride to work. The only way I am going down is if someone else hits me (fairly probable), I don't notice one of the millions of potholes all over the place (slightly less probable, though not as risky unless I hit one that is like 6 inches deep!) or something really random happens, like my one accident where I went down on the tracks after a freakish rainstorm. I really try to be as defensive as possible when I ride. Maybe that has made me over confident, but I just generally try to reduce the factors that most often contribute to a crash.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 13, 2011
-Having three cats and loving the hell out of them. Female with cats! We all know what that means smile rolling left righteyes2

-Also, being female and liking snakes. I shouldn't like them, I should be running in fear and telling everyone to stay away from them! However, instead of fleeing in terror, I look at ball python faces and go "d'aww" or saying, "if I ever get a house, I'd love enough room for a red-tail boa, they have such beautiful eyes." Scandalous!

-Being twenty-three and having never dated. Yup, single my whole life. Does it bother me? Nope. So why does it seem to bother everyone else?

-Living with roommates. Seriously, I don't get this one at all. "I live in an apartment with my two roommates," says I. "What year are you in college?" "Uh, I graduated already." "In grad school then?" "No, I work." What, so you're not allowed to have roommates unless you're in college? Oh, and there's that really bizarre notion that because all three of us are female, we're having wild lesbian sex. One of my roommates had several coworkers who were like, "Heh, what do you and your roommates do? Must be hot" and other phrases along that line. Uh, no, we're roommates. We consider ourselves a family because we are all close and care about each other. But just so you know, random people, it *is* possible to have a family that doesn't involve sex, or bloodlines. Just sayin'.

Wow, I'm feeling ranty today.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 13, 2011
-Living with roommates. Seriously, I don't get this one at all. "I live in an apartment with my two roommates," says I. "What year are you in college?" "Uh, I graduated already." "In grad school then?" "No, I work." What, so you're not allowed to have roommates unless you're in college? Oh, and there's that really bizarre notion that because all three of us are female, we're having wild lesbian sex. One of my roommates had several coworkers who were like, "Heh, what do you and your roommates do? Must be hot" and other phrases along that line.

Oh now, that is messed up. Single people are normally expected to have roommates to share expenses, especially now. But no, you should be living in parents' basement and not paying expenses. That is the new normal. Your roommate's coworkers are just pervs.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 14, 2011
-Living with roommates. Seriously, I don't get this one at all. "I live in an apartment with my two roommates," says I. "What year are you in college?" "Uh, I graduated already." "In grad school then?" "No, I work." What, so you're not allowed to have roommates unless you're in college? Oh, and there's that really bizarre notion that because all three of us are female, we're having wild lesbian sex. One of my roommates had several coworkers who were like, "Heh, what do you and your roommates do? Must be hot" and other phrases along that line.

Oh now, that is messed up. Single people are normally expected to have roommates to share expenses, especially now. But no, you should be living in parents' basement and not paying expenses. That is the new normal. Your roommate's coworkers are just pervs.

Thank you! It's true! We are all single and broke and can't afford to live on our own. So we share an apartment. I wonder if many think it scandalous because the people I graduated with and others my age either live with their parents or are married? I don't know; I shouldn't try to logic my way through it. I'm twenty-three and refuse to live with my parents because I have always assumed that once you graduate college you should live on your own and work. So, I am doing just that, but do not make a lot of money so I need roommates. Who are awesome, but that's besides the point. The point is, lifescript is weird.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 14, 2011
Here's my life bingoes:

Piercings (I have 20 . . . three in each earlobe (all stretched), industrial, one in each tragus (the
flap in front of your ear hole, lol), eyebrow, nostril, septum, tongue, beauty
mark, lip, nape of my neck, and both nipples twice each).
Big boobs (I wear a 34F). I get asked if they're real CONSTANTLY. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
Having a driver's license and no car.
Being a healthy big girl (I'm a size 14, at my biggest I was a 22, but never had abnormal numbers
and have always been very active/eat healthy).
Being vegetarian. (Well, pescetarian . . . the only meat I eat is fish.)
I am a tomboy. I like my jeans, flannel shirts, worn out tees, and I LOVE my Doc Martens. My mom
used to make horrible remarks about me being lesbian (which I am not.
I'm bisexual. grinning smiley)
My dad bingoed me when I used to do roller derby. (I'm taking a season away due to foot injury.)
And I will not start with the religion bingoes.

I also get bingoed for preferring glasses over contacts. People tell me I'd be "sooo much prettier with contacts!" Well sorry, I like my nerdy glasses.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 14, 2011
I get shit from my mother because I like snakes (she is terrified of them). She'll scream bloody murder over a little garter snake frolicking in the grass, but I've gotten the chance to hold larger snakes a couple times and I think they're so pretty.

@raindancemaggie I've also gotten bingoes because I like my glasses more. I've tried contacts and I hated them - I always felt like I had a fuzz in my eye and it was just annoying and I'd be sitting there poking my eye for a while before I realized I was wearing contacts. I hated remembering to take them out and clean them. And they're so fucking small and delicate that it was so easy to rip or lose them, and it always took me forever to put them in or fish them out of my head when they decided to float up under my eyelids.

No thanks, gimme my glasses. I slip them on in a second and I'm good to go. I wish my thick-frame nerd glasses didn't break all the time or else I'd wear those. Fucking plastic frames. Besides, I think I look better with glasses - takes the focus off my big forehead. tongue sticking out smiley
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 20, 2011
Count me in at the wearing glasses bingo. I'm short-sighted and i have to wear them all the time. There are some "smarties" out there who adore to tell (more like order) me that i MUST wear contact lenses and how sexy i would look without glasses, glasses are stupid, i look ugly with them and other insults. My glasses have no frames, they are not thick and overall they look very good...smth. of this kind.

The problem is that i tried contact lenses but i'm very uncomfortable with them and frequently get eye infections although i respect the instructions. It's just that glasses are easier with me.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 21, 2011
Things I get shit for on a weekly basis:

Why are you still a virgin?
Why do you hate children?
Why are you so weird?
Why do you draw weird things?
Why don't you think about sex all the time?
Why don't you smoke pot?
Why don't you go to parties and drink?

Because I'm a fucking individual and if you don't like it, you can take your joints, mediocrity, and party time and shove them up your ass where they belong. angry flipping off
Every fucking day, day in and day out.
Why are people nosey ass bastards?
Why is my coslopus/libido anyone's business but my own?
It's fucking embarrassing to have to sit there and squirm when I'm asked a few of these things.
I have nothing against pot, alcohol or sex but at this time in my life, I'm more interested in, you know, improving myself/drawing/education for later.
Not sex, parties, drugs, or alcohol.
I'd just rather not be bothered about it on a weekly/daily basis because NOT A SINGLE FUCK WAS GIVEN.
Sorry if that makes me weird or a fucking goody two shoes but I honestly don't care what these asshats do on the weekend to "unwind".
Plus, I'm an introvert and would rather have some nice alone time with my art.
Why is what goes on in my head so weird to people?
I didn't fucking invite you to peer into my twisted imagination or look at my drawings! ranting
I keep my head bent anymore so people don't see what I'm writing/drawing because I hate idiotic questions.
So now it's become a bad habit.
/end tangent

ETA: It should be noted that I'm 17 so some of those questions are a bit ridiculous for people to be verbalizing to me.

“I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds.”
— George Carlin

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 21, 2011
Things I get shit for on a weekly basis:

Why are you still a virgin?
Why do you hate children?
Why are you so weird?
Why do you draw weird things?
Why don't you think about sex all the time?
Why don't you smoke pot?
Why don't you go to parties and drink?

Because I'm a fucking individual and if you don't like it, you can take your joints, mediocrity, and party time and shove them up your ass where they belong. angry flipping off
Every fucking day, day in and day out.
Why are people nosey ass bastards?
Why is my coslopus/libido anyone's business but my own?
It's fucking embarrassing to have to sit there and squirm when I'm asked a few of these things.
I have nothing against pot, alcohol or sex but at this time in my life, I'm more interested in, you know, improving myself/drawing/education for later.
Not sex, parties, drugs, or alcohol.
I'd just rather not be bothered about it on a weekly/daily basis because NOT A SINGLE FUCK WAS GIVEN.
Sorry if that makes me weird or a fucking goody two shoes but I honestly don't care what these asshats do on the weekend to "unwind".
Plus, I'm an introvert and would rather have some nice alone time with my art.
Why is what goes on in my head so weird to people?
I didn't fucking invite you to peer into my twisted imagination or look at my drawings! ranting
I keep my head bent anymore so people don't see what I'm writing/drawing because I hate idiotic questions.
So now it's become a bad habit.
/end tangent

ETA: It should be noted that I'm 17 so some of those questions are a bit ridiculous for people to be verbalizing to me.

I got some of those same bingos when I was 17, like why I didn't drink, why I didn't go to parties, why I didn't date or have a girlfriend, and why I didn't like to go to school dances or go out in general. Like you, I never understood why it was anyone's business either. Another way I looked at it was how to do they know what I do if they aren't with me 24/7? It was just ridiculous.

Even if I said that I had my own things I liked to, I was told that was wrong and that I was supposed to do what others did. I don't care what others do, nor do I interfere in their activities, so why couldn't I be granted the same consideration? I hope it does get better for you.

I'd like to say the introvert bingos stopped when I got to college, but that wasn't the case. I didn't get them at school anymore, but I did start getting them at home, but that's another story I've told before.

As long as this thread has been going on, I still am fascinated by the fact introversion is so common amongst the CF.

Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 22, 2011
I don't live with my BF of three years. According to the nosey unwashed masses, apparently we're supposed to be shacking up, co-dependent and engaged by now. I'll keep my independence thanks very much thumbs upwink
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 23, 2011
I don't live with my BF of three years. According to the nosey unwashed masses, apparently we're supposed to be shacking up, co-dependent and engaged by now. I'll keep my independence thanks very much thumbs upwink

As someone who doesn't live with their BF of over 5 years, and is happy that way, I get the same shit from people. Then they go, "Don't you want to get maaaarrieed?" I either respond with, "Why? Does misery want some company?" or "I'm too happy to do that, thanks for your concern," or "If it ain't broken, don't fix it." I have never had one person NOT shut up with any of those responses, so try one.

This is not a dig at all married people, so nobody get offended please, just the annoying ones that can't mind their own business. It's usually breeders or wanna-breeds who say this shit anyway.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 23, 2011
Something that came up on another board reminded me of coffee. I don't drink coffee. Yes, I have gotten shit for that.

Really, people: it offends you to the core of your being that I don't drink coffee?
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 23, 2011
I don't live with my BF of three years. According to the nosey unwashed masses, apparently we're supposed to be shacking up, co-dependent and engaged by now. I'll keep my independence thanks very much thumbs upwink

I do live with my bf of forever but if I could do it we'd have two separate houses next to each other. Our next house will at least have a separate floor or an inlaw apt or something - maybe even a duplex. He doesn't do anything wrong but sometimes it's too much.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 25, 2011
Perhaps it is "childish" of me but I get a lot crap from family about still watching anime and playing video games. I don't get why it's not like that's all I do. I have pretty active life outside of work.

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 25, 2011
I've already responded in this thread, but wanted to add that I too am rather introverted. I have taken so much shit for it my entire life. I am polite and friendly, but apparently some people don't like it that I'm not into touching, hugging, or talking a lot about my personal affairs. I've been openly harrassed about my introverted nature by people, and sometimes I don't think they know they are doing it because being outgoing (sometimes to the point of being totally obnoxious) is seen as endearing in our culture. "Ketchup, why are you so quiet?" (after responding to a question in front of other people) "Gee Ketchup, I don't think I've ever heard you say that many words at a time before!" "Ketchup, you're just not a people person", and on and on...even though I get along FINE with most people, as long as they are not dicks to me I don't have any issues with them. I get uncomfortable when I'm forced to make a lot of small talk with strangers because honestly I know I sound ridiculous trying to come up with things to say. Being introverted is one of those things that is still socially acceptable to pick on others for being, even in the workplace.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 25, 2011
Perhaps it is "childish" of me but I get a lot crap from family about still watching anime and playing video games. I don't get why it's not like that's all I do. I have pretty active life outside of work.

But that stuff's awesome. thumbs upwink

“I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds.”
— George Carlin
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 25, 2011
I've already responded in this thread, but wanted to add that I too am rather introverted. I have taken so much shit for it my entire life. I am polite and friendly, but apparently some people don't like it that I'm not into touching, hugging, or talking a lot about my personal affairs. I've been openly harrassed about my introverted nature by people, and sometimes I don't think they know they are doing it because being outgoing (sometimes to the point of being totally obnoxious) is seen as endearing in our culture. "Ketchup, why are you so quiet?" (after responding to a question in front of other people) "Gee Ketchup, I don't think I've ever heard you say that many words at a time before!" "Ketchup, you're just not a people person", and on and on...even though I get along FINE with most people, as long as they are not dicks to me I don't have any issues with them. I get uncomfortable when I'm forced to make a lot of small talk with strangers because honestly I know I sound ridiculous trying to come up with things to say. Being introverted is one of those things that is still socially acceptable to pick on others for being, even in the workplace.

I empathize with you completely. I consider myself to be an intro-extrovert. When I'm around a bunch of people I know, and/or people with whom I share many common interests, I'm pretty outgoing. When I'm bored with the conversation, or not around people with whom I feel comfortable, I don't say much.

Several years ago, I was at a party, and I was sitting at the table with a few people. I just wanted to relax and enjoy a beer. I really didn't know anyone other than my cousin, so I was sort of bored. I have no problem talking to new people if they're interesting and cool, but these people were neither of those things. The one guy looked at me and said "wow, you don't say much". I think I retorted with something like "whatever happened to just saying 'hello, my name is...'". The guy got all offended that I wasn't going to play nice with him.

I noticed that my personality fit in really well when I traveled to Ireland. No one hassled me about my lack of gregariousness. It seems like Europeans don't blab as much as people here in the U.S.A., and speaking only when you have something intelligent to say is highly valued. Canadians seem really smart and laid-back too. When I stayed in hostels on my trip through Eastern Europe, most of the English-speakers I hung out with were Canadians.

I've gotten the "why don't you and your boyfriend get married" bingo too. We live next door to each other and get along just fine. We like our relationship just the way it is. We also like living by ourselves and being over 40 and never married, I think it would be hard for both of us to have to live together.

Donna Four Eleven
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 26, 2011
I've gotten the "why don't you and your boyfriend get married" bingo too. We live next door to each other and get along just fine. We like our relationship just the way it is. We also like living by ourselves and being over 40 and never married, I think it would be hard for both of us to have to live together.

Donna Four Eleven

It's amazing what people think they have the right to ask, and just barge into your personal business. Maybe, just maybe, there is a GOOD not to mention PRIVATE reason why you have made your ADULT life choices--does that ever occur to these Nosy Parkers? Sheesh.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 27, 2011
Oh, let me count the bingoes:

- Not having a car ('But....but HOW do you manage?') - I have a bike, strong legs and a fit cardiovascular system! It's also a great way of getting out of many supposed obligations to do with Family First bollocks.

- Being tattooed and pierced ('But what about when you're OLD?') - I'll have colourful, wrinkly skin instead of just plain wrinkled!

- Not drinking (at least not going out drinking, I'll have a wee bit at home on occasion, I'd be lying if I tried to call myself teetotal)

- Loving comics, manga, anime, horror and action movies and various other things girls aren't supposed to do.

- Not wearing make-up except on very special occasions

- Doing zero with my hair other than getting DH to lop the ends off every once in a while when I get bored

- Not being on FuckBook (or having a smartphone or other ludicrious gadgetry)

- Not having friends especially, and more so for not seeing any need for them

- Being logical rather than emotional in decision-making

I know there's more but that'll do for now.

I do live with my bf of forever but if I could do it we'd have two separate houses next to each other. Our next house will at least have a separate floor or an inlaw apt or something - maybe even a duplex. He doesn't do anything wrong but sometimes it's too much.

That would be my ideal living situation. Although we're married, I think we'd be better off with separate homes.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 27, 2011
Another one I've gotten is about sports. I'm not a sports fan, I don't follow pro, college, or any of that. Seems like that's all most of the men at work talk about, so I don't really fit in. Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I have to be interested in sports.

Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
December 27, 2011
I'm too lazy to read all 8 pages....anyhoo....
Lack of religion:
Conversation with a casual Muslim acquaintance (he was only about 21 yrs old at the time)...
Me: so what did you do yesterday?
Him: I was reading my Koran preparing for my class
Me: It's an interesting book alright
Him: you've read it?
Me: yes, I have a large collection of fairy tales
Him; (after long pause) so are you x-tian?
Me: no
Him: what religion are you then?
Me: I don't believe in any of them?
Him: but you do believe in god?
Me: no
Him: WHAT? REALLY? (voice getting higher and higher)
Me: that's right, I just believe in one god less than you
Him: but, but what about when you die?
Me: what about it?
Him: where do you go?
Me: em, no-where? You die, you die.
Him: but you can't believe in nothing....
Me: Another beer then?

A friend of mine doesn't have a TV, and the amount of shock that generates is amazing...along the lines of Joey in "Friends"..."but what is your furniture pointed at then?"
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