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What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 11, 2011
Quote from Yurble:

"If you had large breasts you would get to hear all the time about OMG how lucky are you! even if they're giving you back pain, no clothing is cut to fit them, and bras cost a small fortune. They're just breasts, people! I really don't get all the insecurities many women have about them, and why they have to constantly project those on other women"

Compare it to penis envy and think about it in that context. "Hers are bigger than mine, she must be a better woman than me. Mine are bigger than that woman over there, I must be the better woman because boob size tells me so."
I'm not saying this is true, I'm only saying this is the attitude I've come across.

This, I concur and solely why I prefer autumn and winter, to summer. Winter clothing does a better job of covering 'em, so I'm not constantly having to 'pull up' my spaghetti strap/tank top or otherwise they'll show, and then if you do (dammit) you'll be deemed a slut, just for having 'em. smile rolling left righteyes2

One time a guy got mad at me for wearing a sun dress. It was a really nice vintagey looking dress with a halter top. The guy came up to me, said he liked the dress but I didn't fill it out properly so I should not wear it. He seemed to find it offensive that I would have the confidence to wear that type of dress. One of my fuller figured friends also made a comment that the dress would look better on her. LOL, it was a size 4 and she was about a 12, so she would look like a sausage in it.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 11, 2011
Some bingoes I've encountered in recent years:

Not being in a PhD program
I finished my master's about two and a half years ago and have the occasional person harp on me about getting my doctorate. I want to ask them if they'll foot the tuition bill and housing expenses. At this point, I'm content with my teaching job and making a decent paycheck. I don't want to be one of those people with a PhD and no experience in my field.

Not having a glamorous job in a big city
When I finished my Bachelor's about seven years ago, I took a full-time job in an unrelated field so I could save money for grad school. I didn't want to settle with the mediocre programs near my hometown and my goal was to go to a good university out of state. I was a customer service rep. at a local company. I had benefits, dayshift, vacation time and all that good stuff. I ran into this dude I knew from college one night at a bar. He asked me what I was doing. I explained that I had a full-time gig at that company. He immediately interrupted me, saying that I was too smart for a job like that, I was wasting my life and I should be doing something more interesting,be living in a big city,etc.

This guy pissed me off because he was still living in my town and I don't think he finished his degree at that point. There's nothing wrong with that, but I thought he was a major hypocrite for lambasting my decision to work at that place. In two years, I was able to travel to Ireland twice and save up enough money to move 1500 miles away to start a master's program in a university with a good reputation for my field. I don't regret being a customer service rep. at that company. I worked with people who were mostly twice my age and didn't give two shits about what I did in college. I had to operate on a different level than being perceived as a mollycoddled Milennial. It was great preparation for the real world.

Not being a rock star in a touring band or something like that
I play the guitar and bass. When I was in high school and college, I played in a few original bands. We had a decent local following, and the band I was in during college played in a few major cities. It was great fun, but it's such a pain in the ass to get a band together and find people who are committed. Obtaining an education and being responsible were more important than living out some fantasy. I'm currently jamming with some people right now just for fun. I'd rather have a decent-playing career than be some puppet for a major label.

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 11, 2011
One bingo I have gotten is I'm not a party person. I like staying in over going out, I do go out, just not that often, and the activity has to be something I'm really interested in and just going out to go out doesn't cut it with me. I also don't like going to places where people are there just to get drunk and act foolish. I've spent many a Friday and Saturday night at home watching TV or videos, eating take out pizza, geeking on my computer or ham radio, and enjoying every minute of it.

When I was younger and single, I thought I didn't want to get married and I was bingoed about that. I was also bingoed for not being in a relationship for long periods of time. In spite of this no relationship status, I was happy, but others insisted I wasn't and needed to be paired up with someone. That just made me want to be alone even more.

The one bingo I've gotten much of my life, which falls into stuff I've discussed before is I don't have enough fun. When I talk about the hobbies and interests I have, and how much I enjoy them, these people who bingoed me about it would say "that's not fun" and would then tell me what I had to do in order to have fun, and it's always something like going to a game, some party or some other event where people are acting stupid and getting drunk, clubbing or the like. I don't understand how if I'm doing what I enjoy, I'm not having fun yet if I'm doing what I don't enjoy, I'm having fun.

My parents used to bingo me something fierce about not liking going out. They even insisted that not going out would warp my personality and I'd be unable to function around people. They always wanted me to go do what my sister did, which was the kind of stuff I don't like. Even when I went out and did the kind of activities I liked, they'd still insist I go do what my sister was doing because apparently, ham radio and computer type events aren't really going out or are not the kind of going out that keeps your personality from warping, only going to football games, bars, and drunken parties work for that.

I'm now married to someone who also doesn't like bars, clubs, sporting events, or parties where people are getting drunk, and we both often stay home together on Friday and Saturday nights, and we're happy.

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 11, 2011
1. Not being a 'famous illustrator' and 'working for Disney' by now. I always draw for the enjoyment of it and the thought of making it a career ruins it for me. Trying to make money at anything I really love just doesn't work for me. I feel like somewhat of a failure in that area and am kind of sad about 'what could have been' had I really applied myself so it's making it hard for me to enjoy drawing like I used to. I know I will always be an artist at heart though, and will get back into it some day. It used to relax me and I want to get that back again. Not sure how at this point but I'm working on it.

2. Being a 'bird' weirdo. I hate people who outright tell me they don't like birds after I mention that I have them and enjoy them. My favorites are the ignorant assholes who 'used' to have a parrot but got rid of it or it died...or the worst ones who threw it in a bathroom, garage or back room because it was too loud. That is the WORST thing you can do to a parrot. I realize birds are not for everyone and I like to say that and then follow it up with I'd take a screaming, biting, messy parrot over a KYD any day! I actually just did that last week and it felt GOOD.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 11, 2011
Religious people bellowing at me. "Whyyyyyyy are you an agnostic? Jesus looooooves you! You're going to hellllll!" Blah de blah blah blah. I just think it's plain rude to heckle me for my lack of belief; I don't do it to them. Ironically, I've found far more acceptance among Muslim friends. I can discuss the Bible and Qur'an just fine since I've read both, and Muslims respect this and enjoy discussing it with someone who has another point of view and know how well those two holy books are connected. They respect and admire knowledge very much. Whereas most Christians I try to respectfully discuss it with soon start to work themselves into a white-hot rage, complete with foaming at the mouth and brick-shitting.
P.S., This invasive religion crap is something I've only been subjected to in the States. Where I'm from, despite the population being around 80% Lutheran, they don't do that shit mostly because they do not care what religion another person is, and it's just not polite or respectful.

Also, if there is a heaven and hell and these nutty, hateful Christians are going to heaven, I think I'd rather suck demon dick in hell.

Smoking. I smoke, I enjoy my smoking. I am fully aware of the fact that it is not good for me. I do not smoke among non-smokers and in a public setting, I will sniff out (ha ha) the smoker's outpost. I don't smoke in people's faces, that's just rude. I don't smoke inside my house; I do not want my house to smell like smoke. But still. "That's so baaaad for yoooooou! Smoking kills! Blllaaaaaaaaaaargh!" I am perfectly aware of this. It was especially rich when I got this spiel from a 5'3, 350lb woman once. I politely informed her that being obese will kill you, too.

Me and hubby both get bingoed about still loving video games. Yes, we are 29 and 34, and we still love our games. "But games are for kiiiiiiids! BLAAA!" Er, first of all, not all of them are. Many games are violent. And the ones that are for a younger crowd, so what? I still like some of them. I'd go jump in a bouncy castle too if they weren't full of kids all the time. Why? BECAUSE IT'S FUN.

Not drinking alcohol. Neither me or my hubby imbibe alcohol - EVER. We just don't want to. I don't care if others do it, we just do not wish to. We get lovely bingoes due to that fact. "Man, you don't drink?! That's soooo boring!", "Guess you can't come to my birthday party, haa haa haa."... and so on. Like drinking is some sort of requirement in order to have fun. Sorry, we just enjoy other activities that do not include alcohol.

That's the few "main" ones, as it were.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 12, 2011

1. Not being a 'famous illustrator' and 'working for Disney' by now.

do they even still USE illustrators? everything is on COMPUTER now. (which I'm not a big fan of.)

HAHA! Yeeesss... Computers just make the process faster in some cases. You can still draw shit by hand and scan it in for color and all sorts of fun stuff. I'm totally not a big fan of all the computer shit, either, and really prefer the softer, hand drawn stuff. Computers do enhance things nicely...but only used in moderation.

Don't even get me started on how computers have ruined animation. I've said here before how much I hate the mass-produced crap movies that keep coming out. However, there are some great ones that I do enjoy (the Toy Stories, Finding Nemo) and see the beauty in. I guess I'm still mourning what has been lost. Fucking 3-D has taken over everything.

I just watched 'Rio' with hubby. I thought it was an overly done MESS. If you have epilepsy or are otherwise prone to seizures, DO NOT WATCH. Waaayy the fuck too much color, patterns, singing and bullshit. Stupid, too. And the parrot's voice was ANNOYING. I'm pretty sick of talking animals anyway. Enough already! Oh, but the breeders will demand, MORE MORE MOOORREE!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 12, 2011
I get crap about being female and loving autumn/winter and not spring/summer. Ha! I just HATE warm weather. I much prefer 75 or cooler. I enjoy cloudy, 60ish rainy days and 40 and rainy. I LOATHE 90 + weather.

lab mom
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 12, 2011
I chuckled while reading all of your posts on this topic because I share many of the same reactions from people for many of the same ones!drinking coffee

I rarely get bingos of any type anymore because over the years I have learned to let most people know as LITTLE as possible about the "real me". I was rather naive' regarding openly being myself up until I was about 40 years of age. I mistakenly thought because I generally didn't judge people or care what they did or how they lived their lives I would be afforded the same courtesy which of course isn't true. ANYTHING considered out of the ordinary or not "normal" or lifescript WILL tend to create unwanted commentary from the ignorant masses or at the very least, raised eyebrows, suspicions, judgmental commentary, and whispers.eye rolling smiley

Following are some of the more common things about myself which I avoid letting people know about and I will LIE, if necessary, rather than risk having to deal with unwanted commentary. I no longer have the time, energy, or desire to defend my life choices or personal decisions:

1)ChildFREEness. I generally just say when asked, "No, I never had any kids", but say it in such a way it doesn't arouse suspicion it was by choice in an effort to avert judgment.
2)The fact I am a NIGHT person. Most people believe I am a morning person and it works out better this way. Honestly, "You will sleep your life away", "It isn't healthy to sleep all day and stay up all night", "You could TRAIN yourself if you tried", "If you'd just get up early and go to bed at the same time each night, you'd get used to it", and other similar TIRED bingos have been more annoying then breeder bingos throughout my life!:sleeping
3)I do NOT eat three "regular" meals a day and I do NOT eat lunch at noon and dinner at 6PM. I am NOT hungry at 6pm, so therefore I don't eat then JUST because you're "supposed" to do so. This drives MANY people insane if you don't eat when you're SUPPOSED to eat.eye rolling smiley So, if it's a famblee gathering, I just push food around and pretend I am hungry. If they call at 8:30pm and I am eating, I keep it a secret.
4) I don't let people know I often eat cold pizza for breakfast or bacon and eggs for dinner and sometimes I might even skip a meal completely.:hs
5)I avoid letting anyone know I am 15 years older than my husband. THOSE "cougar" bingos get old REAL fast.
6)I don't make it known I no longer attend church, going on about 30 years now. I say things in a way that make acquaintances think I still attend, when the topic is raised. Otherwise I will be inundated with "invitations" to THEIR church.
7)I keep it to myself if I am having financial problems OR if I am doing well financially and ESPECIALLY if I have recently received a large sum of money from one source or another. EVERYONE has investment and/or financial advice and think they know better than I do how to manage MY own money or financial affairs.
8)I never release info about any medications, including herbal, I am currently taking. EVERYONE has a cousin who had a bad reaction to whatever it is I am taking.
9) I NEVER tell anyone anymore I have had surgery on my neck-spinal area that included a disc replacement.or why. If ONE MORE mother fucker were to say to me, "My uncle had that SAME surgery, where they go in through your throat!", I might have to slit theirs angry smiley
10)I keep it a secret I PREFER gloomy cold-snowy weather and overcast rainy days. "Aren't you just LOVING these sunny days we've been having?!!!!!", I now just say, "Oh yes! They're lovely!" I don't reveal that my "spring cleaning" takes place in Autumn and the air conditioner comes on in the spring and the windows get SHUT on warm days.

bouncing and laughing These are but a few

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 13, 2011
Snark Shark
I get crap about being female and loving autumn/winter and not spring/summer. Ha! I just HATE warm weather. I much prefer 75 or cooler. I enjoy cloudy, 60ish rainy days and 40 and rainy. I LOATHE 90 + weather.

if it were up to me it would never get above 70!

Yes! Same here!!

KK I usually have to keep it to myself about being a nightowl and loving rainy, cool, overcast days, eating late, skipping meals, loving red and black, etc also.

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 13, 2011
I get bingoed by my family sometimes for saying I'm not Catholic, even though I was raised in the church and went to Catholic school until I was 15. They insist I am even though I don't believe in the church, I think the pope is full of BS, and how people in the church will be the first to say hang someone who molests kids but will turn a blind eye to it if that person is a priest.

My mother used to bingo me about dropping out of college, yet she sometimes says it's her fault for sending me to a school that didn't prepare me for it.

I have occasionally gotten boob comments like mentioned already. Mine are small and I sometimes go braless when not at work. I've had someone say something about it to me because there were kids around.

Being small breasted has never stopped me from getting a date nor finding a husband. It's not what you have, it's what you do with it.

Childfree Karen
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 13, 2011
Oh, yeah, I've gotten the small boob comment, and I've also gotten shit for being thin. Back in high school, a friend of mine started calling me "Age 40" because she said something about my chest, and I said "At least they'll be in the same place when I'm 40!" I turn 37 next month, and, yep, they are still in the same place. And is it me, or do the guys that feel free to criticize a women for having a small chest, erm, seem to be packing some serious boobage themselves? I told a guy one time, "Maybe it's not that mine are too small, maybe it's that yours are too damn big!"

And being thin - I have a small frame. I am not emaciated. My appetite is just fine. You would just about shit if you could see the amount of food I can put away. I do not look like goddamn Olive Oyl. Even if I did, she always did have Popeye and Brutus fighting over her, so there.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 14, 2011
-Introverted. I'm quiet and tend to keep to myself. I don't see the fun in going out and getting drunk or going to clubs or doing any of the other stuff people my age seem to like.

-Future career choice. I'm getting my master's in counseling. I've heard it from so many people: "Why would you want to do that? Counselors don't make much money." Yes, I'm very well aware of that, thank you very much. It's also a career I think will be interesting and enjoyable. As long as I have money to cover all the important stuff (with some to have fun with), I'm okay. I don't need to be super-rich to be happy.

-My hair. When it was long, people nagged at me to cut it and/or donate it. When I finally cut it (because of all the split ends), I had people asking why I cut it and saying I should grow it out. If you want to do something with hair, do it to your own!

-Clothing choice. I don't like dressing up or wearing skirts or dresses very much. I like to dress for comfort. Also, I shop mostly at thrift stores and get some great stuff; I can't afford to go to Big Box Overpriced Clothing Store and pay $100 for a pair of jeans.

-Not wanting to get married. It's just not something I'm into.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 16, 2011
The upshot of all this appears to be that the world is full of narrow-minded idiots, and you can't do ANYTHING without being bingo-d for it. smile rolling left righteyes2

I have a lot of tattoos, have done since I was in my teens. Apparently I'll regret them one day. Maybe the same day I'll change my mind about being CF eh? What a day that'll be - watching pigs fly and hell freezing over all at the same time.

I ride a motorbike. Lots of people love to tell you about their brother-in-law's niece who had a crash and lost a limb, or ended up a vegetable. A lot of people assume that a female biker is either a slapper or a lesbian, I'm not sure why they connect riding a bike with sexuality so strongly. It's not sexy, it's just a bike.

I am a boring, speccy nerd, who prefers to read books and listen to classical music than visit nightclubs and parties. This confuses people who assume all tattooed bikers (particularly women) want to constantly be partying.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 16, 2011
How about when you're dieting, trying to lose a bit of weight for a special occasion or just for yourself. You are doing well, it's been hard work but it's paying off, and now people are starting to notice that you are slimmer. Then this kind of nonsense starts - ' don't lose too much now', 'make sure you don't take it too far', 'you look great but you shouldn't lose any more' etc etc.
It's bitchy, it's underhanded mean-spiritedness dressed up as concern. It's jealousy, and it's irritating as hell. I just realised how much I got this bingo when I was slimming because someone is doing it to my friend on facebook.

My friend has lost a couple of stone at Slimming World, she looks and feels great, and is fitter and healthier than ever. The message on her faceberk wall? 'Don't disappear altogether, will you?!'

So I have commented on their comment as follows -

Yeah, that happens all the time to people in slimming clubs. Several of my mates have disappeared that way, it's becoming a real problem.

Maybe I'm just grumpy, but that's a bingo that makes me want to punch people.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 16, 2011
i hate when people tell you something is expensive, especially when it's coming from childed people. it's almost a CF bingo, because the subtext is that i am selfish for spending my own money on myself. examples i have heard:

- grad school is so expensive!
luckily since i have no kids i can afford to educate myself.

- buying a house? ugh! good luck - so expensive right now!
well, since we don't have a litter of kids we can get a small 2 bedroom house and be just fine.

- your cello cost $12,000? oh my god! is it made of gold? **
yes...yes it is. sadly though i can't take it out of the den...too heavy.

- paris? sounds fun but so expensive!
yeah, mr. minkoff & i are going to have sex on top a pile of euros in notre dame. i'll think of you!

** this is an actual exchange i had with my aunt, a woman whose kids spend all their money on shit like x-boxes, mc mansions, fake nails and mommy mini-vans to tote around all the grandmoos.
Introvert. People always come up to me annoyingly saying, "Get out of your shell".
Uses "alternative" medicine. Its not my fault that people offline can't see the errors of allopathic medicine. Though online I really enjoy connecting to other alt. med. types.
Avoids relationships. I've never been in a relationship before (or had sex) and really I have no interest.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 16, 2011
I've been bingoed for just defending asexuals. There's a lot of hate toward that group. I think people put a lot of stock in that breeding equipment and feel very threatened and angered by anyone not using it even if it is not for breeding.

Regarding women bikers, LOL. This slim woman with long blonde hair was riding a Harley, she was fully dressed in appropriate riding clothing. Still, every single guy and some women stared, ogled, turned around and finally one guy hit the car in front of him. What is the big deal, oooh woman on two wheels, so what? I rode since I was fifteen years old, it never made me want to jump anyone or seek attention. I also drive performance cars which makes people believe I want to fuck them. The connection is lost on me.:crz
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 16, 2011
I've been bingoed for just defending asexuals. There's a lot of hate toward that group. I think people put a lot of stock in that breeding equipment and feel very threatened and angered by anyone not using it even if it is not for breeding

I wish I were asexual. I really do sad smiley But I know it's just one of those things you're born with.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 17, 2011
Snark Shark
Snark Shark
I get crap about being female and loving autumn/winter and not spring/summer. Ha! I just HATE warm weather. I much prefer 75 or cooler. I enjoy cloudy, 60ish rainy days and 40 and rainy. I LOATHE 90 + weather.

if it were up to me it would never get above 70!

loving red and black

BEST COLORS!!! grinning smiley

I agree! Thank you!

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 17, 2011
Ah, I've been bingoed about being a rather introverted loner myself. I may be married, but I enjoy my alone time, and so does hubs. He'll have his alone time in the mornings when I sleep, and I'll have mine late at night when he sleeps. In between, we spend time together but we don't need to do it every single day just because we love each other.

Being a loner, I like my games, plants, books, movies, art, etc. rather than (most) human company. And people seem to have a HUGE problem with it.

"Go out and see some people!"

"You'll be happier if you socialize more!"

Er, no. I don't really like people. Even my friends know this, they know not to call me too often. I've explained to them that it's nothing personal, I am just not all that social and I hate being on the phone. Luckily, they are okay with it. I love my friends, I just don't feel the need to "hang out" all the time or yak on the phone. It's just the way I am.

But some people don't seem to be able to even remotely fathom that someone may enjoy being alone. No, I'm not unhappy, bitter, I don't want everyone to die. I just like being by myself.
Re: Long hair....next time someone tells me that long hair is too much of a hassle, or too hot, or this or that....i'm gonna give them what moos do to us (you dont know, you don't have any kyds) ....and say...how do you know...you haven't had long hair in 3 decades....or you never had hair past your waist, so how dare you have an opinion about it.??!!!??
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 18, 2011
When I see long, healthy hair on a female, I think "Oooohhh, pretty!". If I see it on a guy, I think "If I was single, I'd let you plow me 'til next July..."

grinning smiley

In all seriousness though, I think long hair is fantastic and I cannot for the life of me understand why the fuck anyone would even think to harp on it. Even if they do not find long hair pretty, how does one intersect that into an everyday conversation? Seems like a really bad kinda harpiness to me; you know, the kind of harpiness where someone actively looks for something to whine about. But I guess most bingoes are like that, eh.

"So, I like bread."

Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 18, 2011
CF Uter
Re: Long hair....next time someone tells me that long hair is too much of a hassle, or too hot, or this or that....i'm gonna give them what moos do to us (you dont know, you don't have any kyds) ....and say...how do you know...you haven't had long hair in 3 decades....or you never had hair past your waist, so how dare you have an opinion about it.??!!!??

You get the same thing if you have long nails. Mine aren't massive, just long and painted nicely most of the time. People say 'I don't know how you can keep your nails long like that, mine would snap off in an instant with all the housework/gardening/DIY I do'. Which is a way of saying they assume I'm lazy and do fuck all to keep my nails nice. :mad2 Cheeky bastards.

I got fed up when my MIL said 'I don't know how people can type with such long nails, I couldn't manage if I didn't keep mine nice and short'. To which I told her 'people with no legs manage to climb mountains, typing with nails really isn't that hard'. Apart from anything, it was a stupid thing to say considering I can touch-type faster than she can talk. bouncing and laughing
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 18, 2011
CF Uter
Re: Long hair....next time someone tells me that long hair is too much of a hassle, or too hot, or this or that....i'm gonna give them what moos do to us (you dont know, you don't have any kyds) ....and say...how do you know...you haven't had long hair in 3 decades....or you never had hair past your waist, so how dare you have an opinion about it.??!!!??

Ah, yes: The Hair Bingo. We had a discussion about this on here some time ago. Don'cha know that adult women are all supposed to chop off their long hair, even if short hair would look horrible on them? I actually had a professor tell me to cut my hair once. It was only to my shoulders and cut in layers.

Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 19, 2011
I can relate to so many of you!

I'm also a loner and introvert. I don't do socialising. Being around people drains my energy. I LOVE being at home on Friday and Saturday nights. I'm tired of dealing with people all week and I would go CRAZY if I had to see even more people in MY time. I am a bit of a misanthrope, I admit.

I don't drink alcohol. People stare at me as if I had 10 heads. "What, not at all?" No, not at all.

I don't drive and I don't see myself learning anytime soon. I live in inner city and public transport is good enough for me. No need to pollute the environment more (and I'm not big on environment issues).

I rent and am not interested in buying a property.

I like nice clothes but I don't wear make up and you'll never ever see me in high heels.

KitsNotKids, I loved your "sleepwalking" comment. Have you by any chance read "The Art of Non-Conformity" by Chris Guillebeau? There he calls people that live by the LifeScript as "sleepwalkers".

Cerebralherpes, me and my boyfriend are the same. I'm a night person, he's a morning person and we each enjoy our own "me" time too. He is learning about financial markets now and sometimes after a long day of trading he likes to take a walk to clear his head. He rolls his spliff and goes smile rolling left rightsmile

Black & red ---- best fucking colour combination ever! Love black white red too.
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