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What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 26, 2011

KitsNotKids, I loved your "sleepwalking" comment. Have you by any chance read "The Art of Non-Conformity" by Chris Guillebeau? There he calls people that live by the LifeScript as "sleepwalkers".

I havent, but I'm off to google it now! thumbs upwink
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 27, 2011
There isn't much that hasn't been mentioned. Just a couple things for me....

I quit working in my late 40's 1. because my father was sick and needed me. 2. then he died and I had to deal with his estate... sell his house... sell our little townhouse and see to all the details of having out current home built. Then I got active in charity work. Dh has a good job and we live comfortably and have our retirement and savings all in order. I do not have to work. (not putting loaves through college or anything) So I get that 'you don't work' eyeroll AND the comment/question "Don't you get bored?"

Yeah.. right... 3500 sq foot house to take care of, being head of a charitable group, chairing several fundraisers every year..traveling... Yep.. I get sooooo bored. NOT

Then there is that thing someone mentioned about being intelligent and retaining information. "Oh you're sooo smart. You should go back to school and take up......(insert major here) I may be smart but I was always a rotton student.

Guess that's it for me. People bingo others just becaue they are jealous. That's the way I see it.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 29, 2011
Crimson, thanks for sharing that info about Chris Guillebeau. I looked at his web site - good stuff! Thank you

myrna minkoff
- paris? sounds fun but so expensive!
yeah, mr. minkoff & i are going to have sex on top a pile of euros in notre dame. i'll think of you!

I hear ya! My husband and I have cut out many expenses over the last few years so we can focus on things like travel. We sold our car, which was an enormous expense (and still get tons of bingoes over that!!) and choose to walk/bus it when we need to get somewhere. We have several trips planned over the next few years, and we know how to play the mileage points game for free/reduced cost airfare. Plus we travel off-season (breeders usually can't do this) and as a result get killer deals on lodging. I can't talk about this with Lifescripters though because there is a sort of "must be nice" passive-aggressive attitude, like I'm bragging or something...but when they tell me about their latest big ticket purchase (flat screen TV, latest model SUV, etc.) I'm supposed to applaud them. Whatever.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 30, 2011
One bingo I hate, is "Why do you have pet birds? Is it because you aren't allowed to have a cat or a dog?" I get so miffed with that one. I told this stupiid woman that I had pet birds, and she assumed that people only owned birds if they couldn't have any other pet.
I told her that birds were my critter of choice, and she was actually surprised by that. What an idiot! I defriended her, shortly after she bought a pet kitten, and then put it in the shelter after buying another kitten she liked better. What a bitch! :mad2
I told her that people like her should be banned from owning animals and to never call me again.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 31, 2011
Breeders suck. They'll find any excuse to put us cf down.

You can wear any top, females, despite being petite in the chest area. The hell with what others think.

lab mom
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
August 31, 2011
Regarding women bikers, LOL. This slim woman with long blonde hair was riding a Harley, she was fully dressed in appropriate riding clothing. Still, every single guy and some women stared, ogled, turned around and finally one guy hit the car in front of him. What is the big deal, oooh woman on two wheels, so what? I rode since I was fifteen years old, it never made me want to jump anyone or seek attention.

I got pulled over by a cop angry smiley

Ol' Buford Pusser probably just saw a rider with NC plates in his corridor of western Kentucky and decided to give them some shit, then did a double take and was thoroughly scandalized when that rider pulled off their helmet and revealed a WOMAN!
The questions went:
Yew rilly from Nawth Care-o-lina? -- yes
Yew by yerself? -- yes
Yore husbund kno' where yew at? -- *squawk* what?!
Duz yore HUS-bund kno' yew ridin' way-out-hyer by yuself? -- *glaring and now standing next to my bike with hands on hips* -- "#1 - my having a husband IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. #2 - have I committed a riding violation? Because that's your only concern and the only one I intend to answer for

Buford Pusser doesn't answer, merely takes my license, walks back to his car and has an agitated and long-winded conversation over his walkie-talkie. He's probably having an irate tirade about a woman who dares to be riding x-country, ALONE, on a motorcycle. I get my license back, am compelled to reveal my destination (another "sweet Jaysus!" exclamation when I tell him I'll be riding across Indiana, across Illinois, allll the way across Missouri to the KC area. by now I'm kind of enjoying giving the good ol' boy more shocks). I'm admonished to "BE CAREFUL!" and watch as Buford walks back to his car, muttering "wimmen these days. sure as hell, mah wyf 'n dotter wuldnt be 'loud to dew sich a thang."

Dude must have radioed ahead to the other police on that route. I encountered three other cops before I crossed over the Ohio into Indiana, each one slowing down to look me over. I merely gave a jaunty wave and then ignored them. Dolts put me an hour or so behind, though. Once I realized I was under surveillance, I had to mind my speed. Given that the roads in western Kentucky aren't busy, I was hoping to do about 85 in a 60 on my bike devil with smile
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 01, 2011
Dorisan, that is called the American Taliban. I know there are Southerners here, and that is why we evil elite New Yorkers will stereotype/make fun/hate them. I refused to respond to a Southern man in a Chinese restaurant when he and his family were demonstrating in NYC during the beginning of the war. I thought he was out FOR Dubya. When I saw his teen daughter carrying a sign against Dubya I pulled out my iPod earbuds and helped him out. Understand I don't get the Old Boys Club concept of Southern Hospitality considering all I hear is misogynistic, racist, Xtian twaddle. Just saying.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 01, 2011
Religion. Former skeptic, brief jesus-freak moment at 15, now freethinker. My mother thinks I should attend her church because I would like it. I've gone several times to appease her. I don't like it. Her church is full of racist and homophobic blowhards. No thanks.

Being a loner. I am one of those content loners. Not the ones you see on the TV shooting up people because Mommy didn't hug them enough. Some people think I'm a ticking bomb, it's unnatural, I should get a roommate, I should get married already, who's going to protect me at night, the house will blow up, who's going to fix the appliances if they break down, I'll get a heart attack, start speaking Klingon, won't know how to walk anymore, eat bugs, blah blah blah.

I get a lot of crap about having pets or having certain pets. Not having a degree is up there, too. Not owning my own house. Not getting Botox or anything other age regimen (I'm 24 and will age naturally). Not showing more skin (modest). Not having "perfect" hair. Not having an iWhatever. Not celebrating Christmas. Not putting my relatives ahead in my life. I could go on, but that's about it.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 01, 2011
The loner bingo seems to have come up a lot here. I prefer staying in over going out too, I will go out once in a while, but it's not a big thing for me. I've been this way most, if not all of my life.

I guess it's hard being not very social in a mega social world.

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 01, 2011
The loner bingo seems to have come up a lot here.

Ditto. I ride a motorcycle, but turned down all offers of group rides - that doesn't even sound like fun. When Dh and I do go out, it's usually in pursuit of scenic solitude - a ride up the Blue Ridge Parkway, scouting out the lonesome backroads of the state ... When going out to eat, we choose the mid-afternoon, after the lunch rush, and before dinner. Fewer diners. Shopping - get there right when the store opens.

Even when I (or we) do go out in public, the preferred time is when there are fewer people about.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 03, 2011
Being kinky. I like using toys, I like to have sex in public places, I like to role play, I like to use costumes. I had a boyfriend once who is the complete opposite, and he made it his mission to show me the error of my ways he would routinely tell me how inappropriate I am, yet he would always speak of marrying me (as if I got no say in it)...... good riddance!
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 04, 2011
Introverted.- This one pisses me off the most. Just the other night I was reading a blog post about something totally unrelated and all of the sudden there was a bingo about how if you are introverted you can change this if you want to. NOBODY EVER FUCKING TELLS EXTROVERTS THEY SHOULD CHANGE.

This x100. I'm definitely an introvert and I hate being told I need to change. If I try to make myself bubbly and loud in social situations I tire myself out and pass out exhausted at the end of the day. So I try to do more laid-back social activities so I can spread out my energy and not tire out so quickly.

Another one I get is ripped on for not having a significant other. I've forever been uninterested in most men. I've accepted it's just the way I am. I'm not picky, but I think I may sunconsciously know what I'm after and be able to "weed out" the ones who don't fit from the start. But because I've never had a serious relationship, people act like I'm a freak. ALL girls are boy-crazy and baby-crazy, riiight?
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 04, 2011
Snark Shark
Being kinky. I like using toys, I like to have sex in public places, I like to role play, I like to use costumes. I had a boyfriend once who is the complete opposite, and he made it his mission to show me the error of my ways he would routinely tell me how inappropriate I am, yet he would always speak of marrying me (as if I got no say in it)...... good riddance!

dirty thoughts


He's a fool that's what his problem is. It gets better, he doesn't like overweight women and liked my slim figure (he would often loudly proclaim how fat other women are in public), yet he was afraid of displeasing his family (most of which are overweight), his family were major food pushers and wanted me to be fat with them, he wanted me to keep my slim figure yet he wanted me to give into his families food pushing, my non-conformity scared him I think lol. He knew perfectly well that I have a slow metabolism and I have to work to stay thin, and I simply cannot eat a double quarter pounder with cheese followed by three desserts and not suffer consequences! I told him his family was making me self conscious around food, yet he wouldn't stand up for me and wouldn't let me say anything to them.

Yet he ALWAYS talked about getting married, if your still putting mommy and daddy first you aren't ready for marriage pal.

I'm SO glad he's gone!

So I guess you could say I was bingoed for being a healthy eater and exerciser. When I went to a buffet with the women in his family for breakfast, they got mad that I wouldn't have dessert afterward (this is BREAKFAST for crying out loud!) his mom said "but it's sugar free!" Haha I think that's a pretty good bingo smiling smiley
Being kinky. I like using toys, I like to have sex in public places, I like to role play, I like to use costumes. I had a boyfriend once who is the complete opposite, and he made it his mission to show me the error of my ways he would routinely tell me how inappropriate I am, yet he would always speak of marrying me (as if I got no say in it)...... good riddance!

Very interesting!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 05, 2011
Introverted.- This one pisses me off the most. Just the other night I was reading a blog post about something totally unrelated and all of the sudden there was a bingo about how if you are introverted you can change this if you want to. NOBODY EVER FUCKING TELLS EXTROVERTS THEY SHOULD CHANGE.

This x100. I'm definitely an introvert and I hate being told I need to change. If I try to make myself bubbly and loud in social situations I tire myself out and pass out exhausted at the end of the day. So I try to do more laid-back social activities so I can spread out my energy and not tire out so quickly.

Another one I get is ripped on for not having a significant other. I've forever been uninterested in most men. I've accepted it's just the way I am. I'm not picky, but I think I may sunconsciously know what I'm after and be able to "weed out" the ones who don't fit from the start. But because I've never had a serious relationship, people act like I'm a freak. ALL girls are boy-crazy and baby-crazy, riiight?

it is nice to know there are people who have been bingoed like this too. i am also an introverts, a little bit of an outcast, and i don't take group situation very well. introverts are not naturally bubbly and loud...for example, no matter how bubbly i try to sound, i will always sound forced as if someone hold a gun against my head. people usually tell introverts to be more extroverted. one of my relatives even criticized me for being introverted in family gathering. what? why the hell people think it is nice if everybody is fucking bubbly and loud? if you google it, there are so many articles about how to be more extroverted and less introverted. come on, introversion doesn't always mean we lack of social skills!

the other bingo is about lack of religion, i see many of you have experienced this too. when they find out about my lack of religion, the first thing they say: oh, it is just a phase, you'll change your mind, you are just angry with god, you need to reconcile with god...

i'm an only child. you know what they say: spoiled brat, spoiled brat, spoiled brat, spoiled brat, spoiled brat

...and every other bingo about gender.
you dream of getting a PhD? why, you are a girl, you don't need it! i pity you to go through education that long. you will be a stay at home mother at the end anyway. don't you want to hold your little baby cousin? because, every girls love baybeee. please stop stroking the cat, you could be infected by toxoplasmosis and be infertile! every girls want a man who pays for each date and remember important dates like birthday and anniversary.
there are a lot of out of custom weird things i do too, but i rarely let people know about it. they can't bingo me thumbs upwink

spread meme, not genes

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 05, 2011
Snark Shark
So I guess you could say I was bingoed for being a healthy eater and exerciser. When I went to a buffet with the women in his family for breakfast, they got mad that I wouldn't have dessert afterward (this is BREAKFAST for crying out loud!) his mom said "but it's sugar free!" Haha I think that's a pretty good bingo smiling smiley

of all things to be bingoed about- EATING HEALTHY!

dessert for breakfast??? sometimes I don't even finish my cereal. I have an appetite, but not right after I wake up.

Yeah and his sister in law moo (who is quite huge mind you) called me an anorexic whore behind my back, I'm currently 5'3 and 120 lbs but back then I was around 135 or so LOL riiiiight that's so anorexic on my 5'3 frame! My ex liked it that I wasn't obese yet he wanted me to give in to his families demands, I guess he'd be better off with a thin girl who has a high metabolism (not me mine is slow), or better yet he should just grow the fuck up!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 06, 2011

Yeah and his sister in law moo (who is quite huge mind you) called me an anorexic whore behind my back, I'm currently 5'3 and 120 lbs but back then I was around 135 or so LOL riiiiight that's so anorexic on my 5'3 frame! My ex liked it that I wasn't obese yet he wanted me to give in to his families demands, I guess he'd be better off with a thin girl who has a high metabolism (not me mine is slow), or better yet he should just grow the fuck up!

at 5'3 and 120 lbs, most likely you look pretty normal and healthy, far from anorexic ...whore? also, this is the first time i've ever heard about someone eating dessert after breakfast.

Snark Shark
angry? pft! I don't get angry with imaginary people.

see? you deny the existence of god, because you are angry with him!

spread meme, not genes

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 06, 2011

Yeah and his sister in law moo (who is quite huge mind you) called me an anorexic whore behind my back, I'm currently 5'3 and 120 lbs but back then I was around 135 or so LOL riiiiight that's so anorexic on my 5'3 frame! My ex liked it that I wasn't obese yet he wanted me to give in to his families demands, I guess he'd be better off with a thin girl who has a high metabolism (not me mine is slow), or better yet he should just grow the fuck up!

at 5'3 and 120 lbs, most likely you look pretty normal and healthy, far from anorexic ...whore? also, this is the first time i've ever heard about someone eating dessert after breakfast.

Snark Shark
angry? pft! I don't get angry with imaginary people.

see? you deny the existence of god, because you are angry with him!

Actually it gets better,as I stated in my above post I weighed around 135 when I was dating this guy, yeah she called me an anorexic whore at 135 LOL!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 06, 2011
My Life Choice Bingos:
(aka aspects of my lifestyle that I have been hassled about)

- being an atheist
- not being interested in traditional female anything
- not being a male but interested in "male pursuits"
- not being into marriage
- be an introvert
- having a major life goal
- solo travelling
- have multiple disabilities
- having invisible disabilities ( ie not limping, bleeding publicly)
- have Buddas in my Zen decor and not "honouring them properly"
- doing a lot of volunteer work
- being a deep green environmentalist
- being car-free
- not staying in contact with my abusive and dysfunctional family
- not starting my small business projects immediately
- exercising too much / not enough
- as an avid cyclist that I should be personally responsible for any shitty cyclist that the person encounters
- that cycling a lot shows I have a death wish
- gardening ( too much/ too little)
- judging any hobby or interest that I pursue that the criticizer does not

One lesson I finally learned was that every day that I wake up, someone somewhere will be pissed off about something that I said or did or did not say or do.

I leaned to focus on my authentic positive pursuits, support like-minded people and not care about the toxically poisonous judgemental few people.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 07, 2011
Too many to mention.

Art - I like to draw and paint, but people don't understand, I draw for ME and no one else. And if they don't understand what I drew, or what is in my picture (bad art? haha) I get flak for it. Hey, it's fun, leave my fun alone! You don't see me getting all squirrely at old ladies who cover their sweatshirts in puffy paint and plastic jewels, right? It's just a creative outlet! Maybe they're just jealous that they don't have time to draw pictures because they're chasing their little sticky-fingered monsters around all day.

Pets - I don't have any pets, mostly because I live in a nice place that I want to keep nice, and it wouldn't be fair to get a pet and then never be around it, because I'm out and about a lot. People think it's weird that I'm happy to hang around here without a cat or a dog or something. I'm definitely not an animal-hater, I just don't feel the need.

Not dying my hair - It's a gorgeous shade of silver and I just don't understand why anyone would want me to cover that up with industrial strength goo!

Religion - I was raised in the deep South in a very religious and breederific community. I got my lifetime dose of religion, I am fully aware that as a woman I am a secondary human being, that war is good, healthcare is bad, God hates fags, and I'm going against God's master plan by not squeezing out the maximum number of crotch crickets that my uterus will allow. Whatever. I like to think my life could have more meaning than wiping asses and wondering if I'm hating all the right ethnic groups.

Food - I eat very carefully and people sometimes get upset with me because I refuse to just order pizza, or go out and eat McDonald's all the time or whatever. I've hit the age where it really does make a difference in how you feel (and how your blood tests look) whether you eat the right foods or the wrong foods. And so no, I will not just run out and grab a burger. I would rather skip a meal than eat something that's full of corn syrup and growth hormones. Also, I eat what some people call "weird" (by American standards, anyway) and I've had plenty of people upset with me because I served butternut-curry soup for dinner instead of meatloaf. Fortunately, my boyfriend's very conservative, very Midwestern family is slowly beginning to accept my "slow-food" style. And my boyfriend? Ruined. He used to eat fast food and pizza all the time. Now he gets upset at me if we run out of homemade hummus.
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 07, 2011
Wow Cassia, many of your "bingos" are things I could have written myself. What's an independent-minded, free-thinking, non-traditional female to do?

Yeah, we have come a long way but we still have a long way to go...
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 07, 2011
So I guess you could say I was bingoed for being a healthy eater and exerciser. When I went to a buffet with the women in his family for breakfast, they got mad that I wouldn't have dessert afterward (this is BREAKFAST for crying out loud!) his mom said "but it's sugar free!" Haha I think that's a pretty good bingo smiling smiley

Oh good grief yes! People can be SO PUSHY at me about the food issue too! I try to explain that I just try to watch what I eat, I have to keep the "frankenfoods" to a minimum because I have allergies, homemade meals from whole ingredients are what work best for me, and "sugar free" doesn't necessarily mean it's fit for human consumption! Quite the opposite in fact - I'm highly allergic to artificial sweeteners!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 08, 2011
I can't believe I left out my food allergy bingoes

"How can you be allergic to __________? Nobody's allergic to that!"
"You can't be allergic to __________ because it's natural"
"So you carry an Epi pen, right? My sister's boyfriend's great-aunt's dogwalker's step-metalurgist has food allergies and he/she carries one of those pens too...."
Anonymous User
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 08, 2011
Wow, people will object to almost anything.

A few more I thought of:

I like looking pretty and girly. Pink has always been my favorite color, and I love jewelry and floral patterns. I realize all this can look ridiculous if it's overdone, so I tone it down in public. Sometimes I don't dress girly at all. Some people think wearing anything feminine at all is stupid. I should work on ignoring those people.

Earlier I mentioned not being religious. I'm not, but I have always believed in a spirit world. It just makes intuitive sense to me. I also believe in God, but not the Christian God. So I get crap from both Christians and athiests because I don't agree with either one of them.

Eating habits: I eat a mix of healthy food and junk. So again I get it from both sides; the people who think I should not bother trying to eat healthy at all, and the ones who think anyone who eats any junk is a pig.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
September 08, 2011
So I guess you could say I was bingoed for being a healthy eater and exerciser. When I went to a buffet with the women in his family for breakfast, they got mad that I wouldn't have dessert afterward (this is BREAKFAST for crying out loud!) his mom said "but it's sugar free!" Haha I think that's a pretty good bingo smiling smiley

Oh good grief yes! People can be SO PUSHY at me about the food issue too! I try to explain that I just try to watch what I eat, I have to keep the "frankenfoods" to a minimum because I have allergies, homemade meals from whole ingredients are what work best for me, and "sugar free" doesn't necessarily mean it's fit for human consumption! Quite the opposite in fact - I'm highly allergic to artificial sweeteners!

I have no food allergies (that I know of), but as for the sugar free desserts I should've said "when its calorie free, then we'll talk"
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