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What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?

Posted by Anonymous User 
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 15, 2013
@kookiecrisp. I feel ya!

I get degraded for my height (5'4") and for not having a gigantic baboon in heat butt. smile rolling left righteyes2

The same people who degrade me tell me to not care what other people think because I cannot please people. But yet, they are the same people degrading me. They cannot see that. That's why I really do not associate with most people. It might sound elitist and mean but read my siggy. Most people are garbage and I just do not care to associate with most people.

My mother did this same thing to me when I was a kid. She would tell me not to care what the other kids said about, but ten minutes later, she'd be yelling at me for not wanting my hair done at the salon (this was about a monthly thing). I've finally just stopped automatically caring what everyone thinks and decide whose opinion means something.

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 15, 2013
I got the diet soda thing not long ago too. My mother heard from some dumbass that diet soda causes MS and decided all by herself that not only will she no longer be drinking it, but that I won't be either. Yes, I even have my dietary choices dictated by her. I LIKE diet soda more than I like regular soda, and sometimes I want a fucking fizzy drink without the hundreds of calories and tons of sugar that normal soda has. A can of Diet Coke even once a day isn't going to give me multiple sclerosis or cancer.

And I've also had some fun times with people telling me I'm too shy, I need to be more social and come out of my shell, etc. Yeah, and when I do that, people ignore me and talk over me like I'm not fucking there. Then they wonder why I just sit and listen. I honestly cannot get a full sentence out a lot of the time when I'm around most people because apparently what they have to say is so important that it can't wait for what I'm saying to be over with. So sometimes I just don't say anything. I have basically learned that nothing I can possibly say will ever be as important as what anyone else has to say, so there's no point in even saying it.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 18, 2013
And I've also had some fun times with people telling me I'm too shy, I need to be more social and come out of my shell, etc. Yeah, and when I do that, people ignore me and talk over me like I'm not fucking there. Then they wonder why I just sit and listen. I honestly cannot get a full sentence out a lot of the time when I'm around most people because apparently what they have to say is so important that it can't wait for what I'm saying to be over with. So sometimes I just don't say anything. I have basically learned that nothing I can possibly say will ever be as important as what anyone else has to say, so there's no point in even saying it.

I've gotten the same thing, too, so I also just mostly sit around and stay quiet with most people. There are only a few very close people in my life who don't talk over me, so I figure what's the point in talking if most of the time I'm going to be talked over anyway? smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 20, 2013
It happened to me today, from my asshole professor. I was trying to tell the prick I had two sheets of final designs rather than one, and about halfway through the sentence, he starts going on about something. Which I immediately tuned out. Dude, shut the fuck up...if what I say isn't important enough to be heard, then what you say isn't important either. I don't care if you are a famous artist, a prick is still a prick no matter how talented they are.

And then I got bitched at because I never asked for his advice on anything I did. I didn't seek his advice because the guy is a pretentious cock sucker, telling me to do things like "reduce this by about 10 percent" and "move this over by a couple pixels." There is a difference between being skilled and finding fault with everything that is not yours, and this assbag does the latter.

And then I got lectured on how I shouldn't be so independent, how I need to be involved and interact with people and how I can't do what I did (meaning work all alone) if I want to have a job. That's when my number of damns to give went into negative numbers. Once people start telling me how I'm not a team player or some shit, I lose all interest.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 20, 2013
It happened to me today, from my asshole professor. I was trying to tell the prick I had two sheets of final designs rather than one, and about halfway through the sentence, he starts going on about something. Which I immediately tuned out. Dude, shut the fuck up...if what I say isn't important enough to be heard, then what you say isn't important either. I don't care if you are a famous artist, a prick is still a prick no matter how talented they are.

And then I got bitched at because I never asked for his advice on anything I did. I didn't seek his advice because the guy is a pretentious cock sucker, telling me to do things like "reduce this by about 10 percent" and "move this over by a couple pixels." There is a difference between being skilled and finding fault with everything that is not yours, and this assbag does the latter.

And then I got lectured on how I shouldn't be so independent, how I need to be involved and interact with people and how I can't do what I did (meaning work all alone) if I want to have a job. That's when my number of damns to give went into negative numbers. Once people start telling me how I'm not a team player or some shit, I lose all interest.

Ugh! I hate this shit with the fire of 1000 suns. I also tune out bastards like this. :flaming

I was thinking about how people often interrupt or talk over other people. I wonder if there's some unconscious "social pecking order" thing people have going on. I've had people I otherwise considered decent do this to me in the past. I once did get annoyed several years ago (I think I was 18 or 19 at the time) when I was with a few friends and all of them were doing it, so I raised my voice and actually sort of shouted something to the effect of, "Thanks for interrupting me mid-sentence, assholes!" They were all shocked and even said I was being rude. Well, they were being rude for talking over me. It hasn't really stopped. I've had it happen at other social gatherings as well, with people who aren't really actually always assholes in other aspects of life. I wonder if people with a more "dominant" kind of personality unintentionally do it to people who are more introverted. It still pisses me off, though. It makes me avoid socializing with all but a very few, close friends who don't do that to me.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 20, 2013
It happened to me today, from my asshole professor. I was trying to tell the prick I had two sheets of final designs rather than one, and about halfway through the sentence, he starts going on about something. Which I immediately tuned out. Dude, shut the fuck up...if what I say isn't important enough to be heard, then what you say isn't important either. I don't care if you are a famous artist, a prick is still a prick no matter how talented they are.

And then I got bitched at because I never asked for his advice on anything I did. I didn't seek his advice because the guy is a pretentious cock sucker, telling me to do things like "reduce this by about 10 percent" and "move this over by a couple pixels." There is a difference between being skilled and finding fault with everything that is not yours, and this assbag does the latter.

And then I got lectured on how I shouldn't be so independent, how I need to be involved and interact with people and how I can't do what I did (meaning work all alone) if I want to have a job. That's when my number of damns to give went into negative numbers. Once people start telling me how I'm not a team player or some shit, I lose all interest.

Ugh! I hate this shit with the fire of 1000 suns. I also tune out bastards like this. :flaming

I was thinking about how people often interrupt or talk over other people. I wonder if there's some unconscious "social pecking order" thing people have going on. I've had people I otherwise considered decent do this to me in the past. I once did get annoyed several years ago (I think I was 18 or 19 at the time) when I was with a few friends and all of them were doing it, so I raised my voice and actually sort of shouted something to the effect of, "Thanks for interrupting me mid-sentence, assholes!" They were all shocked and even said I was being rude. Well, they were being rude for talking over me. It hasn't really stopped. I've had it happen at other social gatherings as well, with people who aren't really actually always assholes in other aspects of life. I wonder if people with a more "dominant" kind of personality unintentionally do it to people who are more introverted. It still pisses me off, though. It makes me avoid socializing with all but a very few, close friends who don't do that to me.

This. My duh talks over me a lot. He waits until I'm mid-sentence and then apparently decides that what he has to say is way more important. Dickhead. Other people do it as well, and I used to just put up with it but now I do one of three things depending on who's interrupting and how I'm feeling:

1. Talk louder over them.
2. Glare at them until they stop talking.
3. Ask loudly if their parents taught them any manners.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Everyone I know gives me shit for not having a smart phone. I have a basic phone with a flip out qwerty keypad. That's all I need because I do not wish to pay 130$ for an internet data package on a phone I barely know how to work anyhow. When people say, "Oh, when are you going to upgrade your ancient phone?", I just tell them matter of factly that I have no need for all the garbage and bells and whistles that come with a smart phone. I have a computer with internet at home, and that's good enough for me.

I get bingoed for not having a Facebook account more than anything. Dear god, some of my friends make fun of me for it. Personally, I don't trust Facebook as far as I can throw it out of a 5 story window. It gives me the creeps, and I don't like the idea of sharing any information about myself online for everyone and their momma to see. I am a very private person. I don't want people to know what I am doing or thinking every minute of the day. I also could give two shits about what the morons on Facebook are doing or thinking.

It honestly disgusts me how fucking attached the masses have become to their phones and social media. For Jeebus sake, most people act like they would die a horrible death if they couldn't be on their stupid ass phones/Facebook 24/7.

The only time I freak out if I don't have my phone is if I am driving somewhere. The last thing I need is for my beast car to fuck up and break down the one time I forget my phone at home. Other than that, I could really give two shits about having it on me at all times.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 21, 2013
I get the introvert bingoes all the time as well. Some people do the passive-aggressive “You’re so quiet” type of thing. My usual response is “I have nothing to say.” Depending on the person, I sometimes get lectured on the importance of interacting with other people which I immediately tune out, or they are stunned into silence, which is just wonderful because I get a few minutes of bliss before they start yapping again.
Other things I get bingoed about.
Not liking sports. Really, I have zero interest in any type of sport whatsoever and that doesn’t appear to sit well with some relatives.
Not wearing headbands in my hair. I have really long hair that I wear down most of the time because I like to have it cover half of my face. The only time I’ll wear a headband is when I go out to eat or if it happens to be a really windy day.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 21, 2013
I've been bingoed about the smartphone thing as well. I have the same type of simple phone with a QWERTY keyboard, and I just use a pay as you go plan which ends up only costing me about $200.00 a year. I buy 1,000 minutes for $100.00, and I can stretch that about 6 months before running out. I don't need to be on the internet 24/7 or text excessively. I use texting, but only maybe twice per week, and I'm one of those people who still types out a complete sentence with real words when I text. tongue sticking out smiley I think it's really rude how people will just whip out their smartphones and start playing with them while having a conversation with other people. hitting over the head with a hammer I've had a few people assume that I would want to "upgrade" to a smartphone, but I figure whenever this one croaks, I'll just get another one exactly like it. It works for me, and it's cheap.

Since I'm working on my fitness and health at present, it reminds me that I've been bingoed both for being overweight, and for wanting to lose weight. :headbrick Just one example in my life: I lived with my dad for about a year, my freshman year of college, and he ragged on me constantly to lose weight during the first few months I lived there. I didn't do it to please him, but I had put on too much weight my senior year of high school, so I decided on my own, for myself, to change my lifestyle. When I started eating right and doing exercise, he would make fun of the exercise I was doing (he said it looked stupid), and gripe that the junk food he bought (chips, cheese curls, shit like that) wasn't being eaten fast enough since I was avoiding it and eating only healthy food. It was infuriating. You can't have it both ways! I can't be sedentary, eat junk-food and still lose weight. :crz I told him just to buy enough junk-food for himself and not to buy extra if he was so concerned that it wasn't being eaten fast enough. I honestly just think that my Duh is such an unhappy person that he always has to have something to complain about.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 27, 2013
all my life, I am bingoed by my parents and my relatives because I don't like pork, except in bacon form.
a little background: pork is a specialty at where I live, since the country I'm living in is predominantly moslems who are restricted from eating pork. I don't know why or how, but my family think pork is the best thing ever after Jesus, and I am at loss for not liking suckling pig, roasted pork, whatever. they think, gee, what kind of Chinese person does not eat pork?

my parents, especially, often trick me into eating pork. they think me not liking pork is just a phase, or merely just trying to be "different", and they think I will eventually grow to like pork, despite of me declaring "I don't enjoy the taste of pork" ever since I could articulate it almost two decades ago. They would make me eat something, tell me 'it is chicken/beef'... I always am able to spot the pork taste, but my parents never give up anyway. They always ask me to go with them to restaurants that only serve pork dishes (no bacon!), try to make me eat pork, although they know, I will just end up eating nothing, only watching them eating. every family gathering, only pork dishes are served (also no bacon!). pork, pork everywhere. they pork out eating pork, with the smug look of see-the majority of people here can't eat pork, we are soooo special! kind of disgusting, in my opinion.

last time, my parents went a little overboard on the trickery. BF and I have some business in another city, so we rented a car and hire a driver for one day. We stopped by my parents' house on the way to pick up some of my documents. My mom packed us three sandwiches, hinting to give one to the driver. I asked, "what's on the sandwich?" which my mom replied, "chicken". without much hesitant, I gave one to the driver while ate one for myself. then I knew it was pork.
I confronted my mom via phone. the best paraphrased answer from her was, well, I forgot to tell you it wasn't chicken! hahaha! but it's okay though, you are not banned from eating pork, are you?
I had to awkwardly asked the driver (who is religiously restricted from eating pork) to give back the sandwich. I was lucky the driver had not eaten the sandwich yet; if he had, I couldn't even imagine. That would be a real awkward situation. really, would my mom really put me in that situation for the sake of tricking me into eating pork? Sweet zombie jesus.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 27, 2013
Wow. I don't like pork either, and sometimes people find that curious since bacon is so popular and I'm also living in a country where pork is widely consumed. They sometimes assume it's for religious reasons or that I'm a vegetarian, but I just don't care for the taste.

However, nobody has gone to such lengths as your family to make me eat pork. If I couldn't taste it I would eat it, but I prefer to know what I'm eating. I don't see any reason to develop a taste for something that is high in fat anyway.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 28, 2013
*being rubbish at texting and remembering to use my mobile phone. I talk to the people I most want to via IM each day and once I am not at work I REALLY value not having to answer the phone or engage in conversation.

*from some family, being gay. From others, not having a girlfriend. Sister in law's dad has asked me every single time he has seen me from age 14 to 37, "Shorty, where's your boyfriend?" I figure the 25th time I come out to him may be the winner and it will stick.

*still living in the home I grew up in. Bought out my siblings' share when my mother died as I was working locally and had given up my other place to come nurse her, and just was not up to the challenge of moving and facing new people at that time. Now I am staying as it is affordable, near work and allows me money to travel every year or so.

*weight. Am bulimic, so it goes up and down, and I've found there are people with too many opinions on it no matter where I am on the scale. I don't like tea or coffee (another thing many find odd and juvenile) but drink coke zero. Get a lot of comments about that and told that is why I am fat etc, when I am heavier right now as I am not purging.

*being really rubbish at wine drinking. I know I prefer red over white, but have no inclination to drink it. I get a fair few people, including siblings, who tell me that I need to grow up and start appreciating such things.

*voting for the Greens. Pisses some off royally (but it is a fucking fabulous way to shut the SIL's dad up when he starts in about my lack of a fella). Yes, I know they won't have power in what is essentially a two party system but no, I don't think it a wasted vote.

*not inviting many people into my home. Good friends learnt quite early that I was not comfortable with them "dropping by" and now don't do it, but they still think it odd.

*the one I find most odd: friends who are horrified that I walk on my own, go to movies, restaurants and overseas on my own. My using public loos and phones sends them into a fit and public transport likewise. It is another thing that gets labelled "A Tausa Thing" and derided as juvenile, for some reason I can't fathom.
The only other bingo I get is about my choice to leave this hell hole and never come back. They're all like "what about your family, they'll miss you. Don't you love them?" and "where's your loyalty to your country?" Firstly, my parents want me to leave if it makes me happy and means I can get a good job. Secondly, my country is so shit. There are no jobs whatsoever here and if I need an abortion, I'd have to get on a plane to England. Plus, most Irish guys seem to be stuck in the 1950's and expect their women to be subordinate mothers and the concept of not having kids is still weird and unthinkable. lurking Sure, I will miss my parents and I do sort of feel bad for leaving my country but I genuinely want to travel and settle down some place else. Plus. they're aren't many science jobs here but there are abroad and I'm not going to be stuck on welfare when I can get a job elsewhere. Then they're like "you should have been a doctor instead of doing genetics when there are no jobs." Don't even get me started on that. Mr. T: I pitty tha fools
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 28, 2013
*being really rubbish at wine drinking. I know I prefer red over white, but have no inclination to drink it. I get a fair few people, including siblings, who tell me that I need to grow up and start appreciating such things.

I get this too. I have never acquired a taste for wine, most alcohol really, and just don't want to partake of it. People always look at me like I am an idiot or something. Like, "what kind of adult doesn't want wine"??? Then they will try to get me a beer, or a mixed drink, etc., to which I am like "no thanks" because alcohol gives me the most terrible headaches ever. Then I am shunned for being a social leper. smile rolling left righteyes2

sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
indecision may or may not be my problem
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 28, 2013
I get the boyfriend bingo too. I really don’t understand why my love life or lack there of is so important to these people. They always seem to be utterly shocked and horrified that a female in her 20s hasn’t shacked up with anyone yet. When I ask why it matters so much that I find myself a boyfriend ASAP, they claim they just want to see me happy.
a. Why do people assume that being single equals being miserable. I know a lot of singles, myself included, that are perfectly happy with their lives. I also know a lot of married people who are absolutely miserable because they were so desperate to have someone in their lives they married the first person that took the time to fuck them and now they’re stuck in a relationship that’s going nowhere.
b. I’m quite sure if I was dating an ethnic guy, or someone who was covered in tattoos, piercings and had long hair, these same people who just “want to see me happy” would try and convince me that he wasn’t the right guy and I deserved better, even though this hypothetical guy treated me well.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 28, 2013
I get shit about not drinking alcohol. Most people get a bit huffy with me when they find out I don't drink. Now, I have a very good reason for not drinking - one side of my family has a history of alcoholism, and there's growing evidence to suggest that if someone in your immediate family is addicted, you've got a higher chance of being addicted too. Sometimes I do feel a compulsion to drink, which does scare me. So I've taken the safe route and am just avoiding alcohol altogether.

Actually, even if that wasn't the case, I probably wouldn't drink anyway. I don't like the taste of it and I don't like the feeling of being drunk. I've only been drunk once in my life, and that was to see what all the fuss was about.

I get bingoed about being thin as well. At 5'4" and roughly 100 lbs I'm pretty small, but I'm not unhealthy. That's just how I am naturally. Yet I still get relatives and even strangers accusing me of having an eating disorder and telling me I need to put weight on. Never mind that I don't want to gain any weight (and I certainly don't want to lose any), it's apparently what they want that matters. smile rolling left righteyes2

And don't get me started on the skinny-shaming. Saying you're not a real woman because you don't have curves is pretty ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as saying you're not a real woman because you don't have kyds. As far as I'm concerned, if you're physically female, human and an adult, you're a real woman. Simple.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 28, 2013
I get the boyfriend bingo too. I really don’t understand why my love life or lack there of is so important to these people. They always seem to be utterly shocked and horrified that a female in her 20s hasn’t shacked up with anyone yet. When I ask why it matters so much that I find myself a boyfriend ASAP, they claim they just want to see me happy.
a. Why do people assume that being single equals being miserable. I know a lot of singles, myself included, that are perfectly happy with their lives. I also know a lot of married people who are absolutely miserable because they were so desperate to have someone in their lives they married the first person that took the time to fuck them and now they’re stuck in a relationship that’s going nowhere.
b. I’m quite sure if I was dating an ethnic guy, or someone who was covered in tattoos, piercings and had long hair, these same people who just “want to see me happy” would try and convince me that he wasn’t the right guy and I deserved better, even though this hypothetical guy treated me well.

Same here. So far, I've only had one crush and she lives in the UK. No one knows that, however, so they think I've never had a crush on anyone and can't understand that or my indifference to having a romantic relationship. I would like to be in one someday, but it's not a big deal that I'm not yet. I like being single.

B probably applies to me too. If I introduced a guy to my family and they didn't like him for some reason, even if he treated me well, they'd probably question me endlessly about why I was with him or try to tell me everything wrong with him. My family loves to talk trash about anyone different from them. And don't get me started on if I was with a woman or, even worse in their eyes, a transgender person. I would never hear the end of it.

I'm not exaggerating when I say I don't personally know one person in a happy relationship, family or friends. One of my friends (the aforementioned crush) is on her fourth relationship. Granted, she was single for over a year and she knew the guy for almost a year, if not a year, prior to becoming his girlfriend, so it might have a better chance than her other ones, but I'm not holding my breath.

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 28, 2013
I have been reading this thread off and on and it's most interesting.

I can't think of too much that I get bingo'd about, I was never bingo'd that much for being CF (thinking of family here).

My relatives value education and I have plenty. I am basically an over educated idiot - but - they can't talk smack because they're all in favor of education.

I'm also a 'hide in plain sight' type of Jane Average - you'd never guess what a miscreant I really am! grinning smiley
(One of the reasons I mistrust 'conformity' also - it can be used as a mask.)

I'm actually rather boring for the most part.

But on booze - one thing I've always found interesting, bears a mention - people seem to take issue with women drinking beer. It's sexist! I have gotten the stink eye from plenty of store clerks. But if a woman is buying wine or some hard liquor and frou frou mixers - no one bats an eye. You come upon a cashier, esp. an older lady - they scowl at you.

Which IMO is incredibly stupid and sexist! I've probably heard people make specific remarks too - that women like or should like wine and beer is for men smile rolling left righteyes2

It's crazy too because beer has less calories, less alcohol (depending, I do drink the Lite stuff myself), it's mostly water which is hydrating, IMO it is MUCH healthier than wine. And cheaper and easier to drink. Lighter. Wine is sour and icky. DO NOT WANT!

Beer is fizzy like a Pepsi, it doesn't taste like choking down stomach bile, it *settles* your stomach, and if you pace yourself you hardly intake that many calories nor get 'drunk' at all. You might feel a light buzz. If you stick with the "Lite" stuff and keep it low.

Wine, at least in my case - just made me tired, upset tum, it's full of calories, I don't like it.

And 'beer gut'? Don't have it. Calories are calories. Most people who do have *any kind of* booze gut - usually hit it hard, also shovel in the food hard, and are rather sedentary.

I'm nearly 40 and fit into a (US) size 6.

Why? Because I don't intake excess calories, I do not wake up hungover and sick from gross wine or gross hard liquor so I can easily take some exercise or even if it's jut doing regular stuff; I do not have to lay in bed all day with a bad wine hangover and then stuff myself full of chicken nuggets and mac n cheese because that's all the kids will eat and I am too lazy to chop up a few veges for a salad. I also have not screwed up my metabolism via piggin and birfin. (I would assess mine as average - if I eat junk, drink too much, am lazy - I will gain. If I eat reasonably healthy and do moderate exercise, I will lose and / or stay at a reasonable rate. I conclude this is 'average'.)

My relatives give me no grief because we're all beer drinkers, including all the women. We are from EU, many from Prague, which - beer is like the state religion there LOL.

And here it is hot so lots of people do drink beer. It's all you can really stand on the hot days. And the stores sell TONS of it too! They have huge stacks of cases of beer in the main areas, piled halfway to the ceiling! People guzzle beer here like fiends! It's hot here!

And that's why it's weird to me too - that some of these 'older lady' store cashiers - look at me kind of funny for buying beer. So? I like it. So what? And clearly plenty of others do too! Including plenty of *old lady* shoppers! I'm not kidding you! Little Old Ladies with 12 packs, cases of beer.

Sorry if I'm not "Ladylike" enough for you Granny, with your pinchy butt face scowling at me.

This is a 'vibe' I've gotten plenty of times, for buying beer. Even mixed in with a load of groceries or a few other items, all the grocery stores around here sell liquor and that's mainly where I buy it. There are also liquor stores (usually sleazy places and not that much cheaper), and - gas stations sell liquor too. No kidding. Starting at 5am.

I've gotten funny looks for buying gas and a six pack of beer at gas stations. Meanwhile, there are men all around men buying *cases* of beer - this one gas station has a *walk in cooler* - they also have a full aisle of wine, and other alco pops in the fridges - I don't know if such places can sell hard liquor. They do have beer galore (an entire walk in cooler - like a side room of this 'mini mart') - all sorts of people buy all manner of booze there - you give me the stink eye for getting a six pack? And I would bet - if I picked out a bottle of cheap wine or bought "wine coolers" - I'd get either no reaction or nods of approval.

I am saying, I pick up this vibe from cashiers - that beer isn't 'lady like'. And it's mostly from older, female cashiers.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 29, 2013
@zzelda, I have gotten the exact opposite reaction whenever I buy beer anywhere. If I am at a bar (or even at a supermarket) somehow every single male in the general vicinity wanders over and starts to hit on me because I like beer. It is the worst when I have a geeky T-shirt and a short skirt on. It is fucking annoying!
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 29, 2013
mistress rotwang
@zzelda, I have gotten the exact opposite reaction whenever I buy beer anywhere. If I am at a bar (or even at a supermarket) somehow every single male in the general vicinity wanders over and starts to hit on me because I like beer. It is the worst when I have a geeky T-shirt and a short skirt on. It is fucking annoying!

Yes, I get the men looking too. Men who are fellow customers. These old biddy cashiers at grocery stores - (I mostly shop at Jewel (Albertsons) - they give me the stink eye. Except for one who's German (has the accent anyway) - she's always nice to me and likes to talk to me. And the girl who watches the 'self check outs', she likes me. Probably because I don't cause issues / have problems, and they run that poor girl ragged! Grrrr.

Actually, that reminds me - they have surveys to fill out, which I've never done. In fact I was going to go one step beyond and write a letter to their HQ praising this woman. And the German woman, and the DS girl who bags, who's a right genius compared to some of the idiots they have working there.

I have gotten "love letters" at various jobs - this is what we would call letters that were sent by clients to praise you. One of them I got, when it was finally shown to me - it was covered with rec'd stamps because it had circulated through the whole company - the person who wrote it addressed it to the Co. President! This is a big boost for you, to get the 'love letters', praise for your work.

I have to write one for these workers at Jewel, the hard workers deserve some praise, I just made a note of this to remind myself.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 30, 2013
@Zzelda, Fuck those old bitches. They are whinier than any toadler. And they wonder why their kids and daughters--in-law are just waiting for them to die so they can get the insurance $$$.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 30, 2013
I was used as a bingo-by-proxy once which embarrassed the hell out of me. I was waiting for the elevator, and when it opened, a man who usually flirts with me got out with his wife.

He complimented me on my dress, which was a nice, turquoise maxi dress, and then says to his semi-nicely dressed wife, "See, that's how YOU should be dressing. Turquoise is your color." Both her and I were mortified. I actually felt quite bad for her. sad smiley
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
July 30, 2013
I've been bingoed for everyfuckingthing about me by my family at one point or another.

When I was sixteen, my parents had me come out of my room for a little talking-to, where they told me they didn't like who I was becoming, but that they still loved me.
I was so furious! I think they had scolded me for something right before this so I was already pissed, but this just took the cake.

Like comes before love, in my book. That stupid ownership-affection of parents, "well we made it we've got to "love" it" isn't really love. It's obligation and sunk costs at most, and I understood this even then, even though I wouldn't have the words to express it for many years.

I just flat out rub my mom the wrong way. My dad kind of likes me now, but he was fully under her spell back then.

I am gender nonconforming, completely unreligious, childfree(obviously), and not really concerned with what anyone thinks of me. Sure I mind when people dislike or sneer at me, but it just makes me want to get away from them, not grovel to get back in their good graces.
I was born to semi-fundy mormons, who preach gender roles as something divinely bestowed from god. They are a group that encourages extroversion and group interdependence, and here I am, the polar antithesis of everything they insist is normal and right.
Seriously, I would transition except people take men who are 5'3" even less seriously than they take women. Besides I would be gay, and this form certainly is fine man bait.

I really did think something was fundamentally wrong with me until I was able to get on the internet eventually.

Never would have known it from the tiny little microcosm I came from. Determined mormons can present a really warped reality to their children. But I never did fit the little box they tried to smash me into.
Mormons still have a private electroshock reformative therapy center. I was smart to keep it all to myself until I could leave that hellhole known as my parents home.
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
October 02, 2013
I got bingoed about using my Kindle to read books today instead of reading "real books." It's the same fucking book, for fuck's sake. And it's a fucking first-generation Kindle. I don't own a tablet or a smartphone. The ignorant sow who bingoed me about it plays on her fucking iphone all day. :headbrick
Re: What other life choice "bingoes" do you get?
October 03, 2013
I got bingoed about using my Kindle to read books today instead of reading "real books." It's the same fucking book, for fuck's sake. And it's a fucking first-generation Kindle. I don't own a tablet or a smartphone. The ignorant sow who bingoed me about it plays on her fucking iphone all day. :headbrick

And I get bingoed about liking paper books instead of owning an e-reader! Sheesh, as long as both are produced, it's a matter of personal preference which you use.
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