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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
April 17, 2013
Snark Shark
Snark Shark
"Shag rugs"

my cousins house used to have that! SO MUCH crap could get caught in the long carpet! they've redone it since then. IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 70's!!

"rusty pipes or nuclear green"

this was an orange-red, I think. or dark red??
They were that orange-red color. Plus most shag rugs in my experience tend to felt after a while, further trapping any food particles underneath the felted layer..

not just food! those things could trap small toys! or toy parts!

And hopefully toadlers. Although they would tend to smell really awful after awhile.

Actually they smell bad no matter what.

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 17, 2013
I also hate older people who never really got a lesson in how to use teh Internetz...

Example: You post a picture of yourself on vacation. One of your older FB friends makes this comment:

Looks like you're having a great time! Uncle Bob is having his colonoscopy tomorrow. I bought new yarn today for a another project. The grandkids are adorable. Love, Aunt Myrtle
Re: Just plain hate.
April 18, 2013
Kim Kardashian (go the fuck away)
Jersey Shore
Reality TV
When people say "I don't have none" or any variation with double negatives.
When people say bucks (we aren't trading male deer).
People who can't communicate well.
People who don't know about well versus good
Popular fiction
People who don't care about the environment
Animal abusers
Being called young lady
Being called ma'am
Re: Just plain hate.
April 18, 2013
Companies that you're trying to buy a product from, who fuck up your order so badly that you don't want to buy from them anymore...but who waste so much of your time in the process that you miss the opportunity to get a competing product in a timely manner.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 18, 2013
I have more.

The words "amazing", yolo", and "swag".
Coach bags
Mainstream culture
Re: Just plain hate.
April 18, 2013
shy lurker
I have more.

The words "amazing", yolo", and "swag".
Coach bags
Mainstream culture

Sooo sick of YOLO. I see it everywhere. My FB wall is usually full of people posting dumb shit from a group by the same name who usually has tard pics and "like if she is beautiful, ignore if you have a stone heart" or some bullshit. Just attention whores wanting likes.

Coach bags...ugh. Every welfare mombie has one. They used to be status symbols due to quality and classic design, but now they are everywhere and tacky to boot. Once a market is saturated, is it a valued commodity?

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Just plain hate.
April 18, 2013
People who park right next to me when I'm the only thing in the damn parking lot. When I can get away with it I'll either hit their door on purpose or use my door handle to leave a large dent. What I'd really like to do is spray paint the words learn to park all over their vehicle.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 20, 2013
People who park right next to me when I'm the only thing in the damn parking lot. When I can get away with it I'll either hit their door on purpose or use my door handle to leave a large dent. What I'd really like to do is spray paint the words learn to park all over their vehicle.

I hate this as well. I've actually pulled my car away, sometimes right in front of the person.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 27, 2013
Like I need to add more to my pile of pet peeves. smiling smiley

One in particular I loathe is when I sell shit on DeviantArt. Usually when I have a bunch of auctions going on on eBay, I post something on DA in case anyone who "watches" me for updates is interested in stuff I'm selling (for those not familiar with the site, it's not as creepy as I made it sound about watching). I hate when I get people asking if they can draw me a picture in exchange for an item. This always happens under two circumstances: The item is generally one of the more expensive or rare items on my list, and the people who offer artistic services usually can't draw to save their lives. So NO you cannot have that $15 stuffed animal for one of your shitty magic marker drawings. I'm going to be selling some expensive shit soon (a projector and maybe a tablet) and it's gonna bring these people out of the woodwork.

Another is when people go out to eat and one half of the couple (usually the woman) will grab some of the tip money that her husband or boyfriend or whoever puts down. My mother is notorious for doing this. One thing her fake ex-boyfriend did do right is tip waiters and waitresses well, and quite often when he'd get up and head to the car or restroom, Mom would grab some of the money off the table because she felt he left too much money. Isn't it considered theft once a server's tip is on the table?
Re: Just plain hate.
April 27, 2013
I hate being interrupted while I'm reading, particularly if it's done repeatedly and by the same person each time. It mights me downright irate.

I hate patronizing, self-proclaimed experts on pretty much any subject. Show me your college degrees or years of working in that field or shut the fuck up (inspired by a former friend who thinks that because she works as a cashier at Petco she can lecture me about animal care when I actually work for vets).

I hate pregnant/recently sluiced women who act like bitches to everyone around them, and try to blame it on the hormones when someone calls them on it. Exercise some fucking control over yourself.

I hate people who make purposely vague status updates on facebook for attention. I've started trolling those updates before removing the fuckers from my friends list.

I hate always online single player video games. Fuck that shit.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 27, 2013
This is something that happens to me at work all the time - I hate it when people congregate in front of the entrance to or exit from an escalator. Have your freaking meeting somewhere else, dammit! Some of us are trying to get somewhere!
Re: Just plain hate.
April 28, 2013

I hate people who make purposely vague status updates on facebook for attention. I've started trolling those updates before removing the fuckers from my friends list.

I hear that. One of my friends does this shit a lot. He posts about a dozen times a day and sometimes writes shit like, "Tired of everything, but sleep won't make the demons disappear." He's a good friend, but I want to fucking smack him. Dude if you're upset about something, just fucking SAY what's wrong! Hell if he just wants certain people to see what's going on, you can edit your posting settings so what you say is visible only to some of your friends.

I just don't respond to the vague emo bullshit. If you can't just say what's the matter, then you're just attention-whoring and it can't be that bad.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 05, 2013
I really hate daddy longlegs (crane flies). They're just... wrong. That jerky, weird way that they fly, how they can't really control it so they bash into everything, you included. I like spiders - quite a bit, actually - but I just can't stand these horrible things! And the ones we get up in Scotland get HUGE.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
May 06, 2013
Slightly petty, but I really hate The Amazing Race. It stresses me out just watching it, traveling and airports, money exchanging, tickets, taxis, etc are stressful enough without the retarded tasks they set these people to do. I dunno, when this show is on, it just makes me feel like I'm at work, doing something I'm unfamiliar with and sucking at it. It's stressful enough BEING at work without bringing it home.

Our neighbor always lets her dogs out when my Dad, or any of us is outside feeding the horses and sheep for the evening. And our feeding times + her dogs' outside time don't just coincide, either. Tonight Dad was out there a lot later than usual feeding because he went to evening service at church, and she let her fucking dogs out so they could proceed to bark at him IN HIS OWN YARD. Not to mention this irritates my dog to the point he always goes after them and is gone on his own little adventures for an hour sometimes and I can never find him no matter how much I drive around.

People who are willfully ignorant morons need to be punched in the throat. Like the ones who always try to stand at the register with the 'lane closed' signs in front of it when I'm clearly at the other one. Or if I ask if they have any questions for the pharmacist and they go "No, but I have one for you!" and then proceed to ask me a complex MEDICAL QUESTION even after I tell them I'm just a cashier.

Basically, I hate people.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 06, 2013
It's that time of year again where I am reminded of my hate of sunscreen. Sure, it's useful stuff, but why does all the high SPF stuff have to feel like you're rubbing congealed fat on your face, and stink? I wish they'd make something that felt like lotion and didn't smell at all.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 06, 2013
It's that time of year again where I am reminded of my hate of sunscreen. Sure, it's useful stuff, but why does all the high SPF stuff have to feel like you're rubbing congealed fat on your face, and stink? I wish they'd make something that felt like lotion and didn't smell at all.

I hate that nasty shit too, and I'm really fair-skinned and burn up in the sun so I have to use it. I actually really hate the super hot weather in the summer. I feel self-conscious about all the sweating.

I also hate how by and large in the United States, if you work in any entry-level, regular job that doesn't require a degree, you're more or less expected to continue going on as normal even if you're really sick. Screw your health or the health of the other employees. Some girl at work came in and worked while she was super sick last week, and now I'm starting to get it. I think all employers ought to be subject to allowing all employees a certain amount of sick time that goes unpenalized. Everyone gets sick, and if people come in to work sick because they're worried about getting fired, they make everyone else sick, and everyone has to suffer. It's worse in the restaurant industry. I've worked alongside people who had stomach viruses, and the managers knew they had stomach viruses, and they were still allowed to work and prepare food for people. Servsafe instructs not to allow employees who have symptoms of stomach viruses to work with food until the illness has passed, but nobody follows that. The managers would rather not run short-handed than protect the customers from getting sick.

I'm seriously contemplating going back to school to finish the degree I started years ago. I just have a huge problem with procrastination and self-motivation, and I want to make sure I have a handle on that problem before I take it on again. I know that having a degree in something useful will open up my job options, and perhaps I can eventually find work where they have benefits, built-in sick days, paid vacation, etc. It would be nice. Still, I think most companies should give their employees a bit of a cushion, say 5 days a year, where the employee can call off and not be penalized. They don't even have to make them paid days. shrug
Re: Just plain hate.
May 07, 2013
Coppertone Sport Spray smells nice, goes on light and has SPF 50.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Just plain hate.
May 08, 2013
I'll have to give the Coppertone stuff a try, thanks for the tip! grinning smiley Anything that doesn't leave so much grease and doesn't smell like coconut is fine by me. tongue sticking out smiley

I was reading through some stories on Experience Project in a group about people who have issues with toxic parents. It got me thinking about my duh and how he's largely an asshole. I consider his personality toxic and I avoid him most of the time. I've tried to have a normal relationship with him and told him why I've avoided him a lot, and he has apologized, but in the way that a child expects to be immediately forgiven with an apology. He's also said, "at least I didn't beat you." Mind you, he's been verbally abusive on several occasions, and has gone on rages where he'll throw things around the house and break things while screaming. Just because he didn't automatically default to physical violence against me doesn't make him a non-violent person. I find it funny how he thinks it's all OK because he didn't beat me. smile rolling left righteyes2 I hate that. I've resigned myself to accepting that he's very selfish and will never understand, because he's incapable of really seeing things from someone else's point of view. I pretty much have almost no patience for him, which is why I avoid him until the holidays. The only reason I don't completely cut him off is because I have positive relationships with much of the extended famblee on his side.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 08, 2013
Coppertone's not sold here. I checked today.

I do have some spray stuff which doesn't smell too bad, but I don't like to spray it on my face. I'm worried about inhaling. And it still feels greasy for a while.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 13, 2013
One thing I truly despise: people.

No, seriously, fuck them. Most of them are painfully ignorant and stupid and just wastes of space in general. Also, I've found that when people are nice to you, 99% of the time they're only being nice because they want something. Otherwise, they'd be quite content to either pretend you don't exist or just treat you like shit, you know, if they're bored and need something to do.

Honestly, there's no point in letting people get close to you (with the exception of very, very few people who are worth it). From my 21 years, I quickly learned that if you let them in, they either fuck you over or they'll just leave. So screw it. Save a lot of misery and just keep the bastards where they can't do any damage.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
May 15, 2013
Snark Shark
Isn't it considered theft once a server's tip is on the table?

i dunno, but it SURE AS HELL SHOULD BE!
My uncle steals tips. That's why my aunt does not want to go out to eat with him! He also likes to do the old "dine and dash". devil with smile
Re: Just plain hate.
May 15, 2013
strange aeons
One thing I truly despise: people.

No, seriously, fuck them. Most of them are painfully ignorant and stupid and just wastes of space in general. Also, I've found that when people are nice to you, 99% of the time they're only being nice because they want something. Otherwise, they'd be quite content to either pretend you don't exist or just treat you like shit, you know, if they're bored and need something to do.

Honestly, there's no point in letting people get close to you (with the exception of very, very few people who are worth it). From my 21 years, I quickly learned that if you let them in, they either fuck you over or they'll just leave. So screw it. Save a lot of misery and just keep the bastards where they can't do any damage.
Sad but true!
Anonymous User
Place your rants here
May 19, 2013
I thought this might be a good idea to have a general rant thread. So when you feel like bitching, come here to say what's on your mind.

Mine for today is about Dexter. I had never seen it before so I started at the beginning. I've just ended season 3. I'm so pissed they've turned him into a duh! I was hoping that damn baybee wouldn't have made it full term. It's totally fucked up the show. Has Dexter making mistakes from lack of sleep from that screaming brat. I'm so pissed. I'll keep watching and hope it gets better. Why did they have to do that, though?
Re: Place your rants here
May 21, 2013
Dress shoes. I hate dress shoes. Had to spend the last week wearing them. Hate 'em!

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Just plain hate.
May 22, 2013
When people tell me to read the directions, look at the manual, etc. when I ask them a question. Maybe it makes me a lazy asshole to say this, but dear gods I fucking hate it when someone KNOWS the answer to the question I'm asking and they tell me to read instructions. Did it ever occur to them that maybe I don't have the instructions or don't understand the instructions and that's why I'm fucking asking a human being for help? Are they seriously that lazy themselves that they can't take a few seconds to answer a question? I especially hate it when a professor does this. Fucking asshole, the answer to my question might require three words, tops. If you're not going to answer your students' questions, why the fuck are you teaching?

Sorry for the rant. One of my professors did this shit to me recently. I ask about a very important deadline and they tell me to look in the fucking handbook. Well my handbook is out of date - seems everyone got new ones but me, somehow, so I haven't really depended on it much since the only way to know what's accurate and what's not is to ask one of my professors or advisers. Therefore, if the deadline I have is incorrect, I will be sure to raise holy hell with the school.

What are they trying to do, teach me to be more independent or some shit? Forgive the fuck out of me for wanting to run something by someone who is more knowledgeable than myself because I want to be sure about whatever it is I'm doing. Then when you say you don't understand something or can't find the details you're looking for, they tell you to look again or look harder or look online, but they still won't actually answer your question.

Believe me, I hate interacting with people. If I can get an answer from a manual or a set of instructions, I'll do that first.

My mother's idiot did this all the time. His ass lived here without having to get a job, pay rent, buy groceries or even his own hygiene supplies and clothes, so I think it's not totally unfair to ask for help around the house in return. Nope, anytime Mom asked him to do stuff, he'd tell her to read the directions. This usually resulted in Mom screaming, sobbing, threatening to kill everyone, etc. because she overreacts about everything and couldn't understand shit, hence her asking for help. Gods forbid he take time out of his busy day of doing NOTHING.

Maybe I'm the exception here, but I like answering questions for people if I can because I like knowing I could offer advice or help or suggestions or just help someone understand something better. Apparently that's too big of a chore for some people.
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