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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
July 18, 2013
let me release some rant about my pet peeves:
1. I fucking hate people who walk slowly in the middle of narrow sidewalk... especially those who are using cell phone and/or walking in a huge group eliminating any chance I have to pass through their barricade. I guess I really walk a lot faster than the average person, but really, if one is going to walk so fucking slowly they should at least choose one side... no, nope, here it is a common courtesy to walk on the left side no matter how fast your pace is! moronic bastards think they own the fucking sidewalk!!

2. I hate patterned trousers and legging-tribal, floral, stripes, polka dot-FUGLY. no other reason beside that THEY LOOK SO UGLY. Why do people wear this embarrassment?

3. I hate my own reproductive system. human female reproductive system is one of the worst, vilest joke the nature has ever created. punishing non inpig women to bleed every month for not being a host to parasite? SICK.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 20, 2013
I hate the combination of pink and orange on any fabric...even if there is light-dark contrast, it bugs the fuck out of me to see those colors together. And I hate that I actually like that fucking Gangnam Style song. :bawl :smn
Re: Just plain hate.
July 20, 2013
I hate the combination of pink and orange on any fabric...even if there is light-dark contrast, it bugs the fuck out of me to see those colors together. And I hate that I actually like that fucking Gangnam Style song. :bawl :smn

I have a sundress with a loud print of a raspberry and coral that I love, that I'm quite sure that you, well, not so much - LOL!
Re: Just plain hate.
July 21, 2013
Let me say again how much I hate panhandlers. I had to deal with one today. I almost felt sorry for the duh that came up to me because he seemed genuinely ashamed to be panhandling in parking lots. It's gotten to a point that you can't tell who's genuine and who's just out for drug money. If I knew for a fact he only needed a small pack of diapers to hold him over until pay day I would feel sorry enough to help the spawn. I know that probably makes me a sucker.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 21, 2013
fucking hell....as a child, i had to wake up on weekends with one of five albums:
-Jimmy Buffet's Changes in Attitudes
-Linda Ronstadt's Greatest Hits
-Bob Segar and the Silver Bullet Band's Against the Wind
-ABBA's The Album
-Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds

In my case, it was usually "Elvis: Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite". My mom was a huge fan. I can still hear it: "Oh see, see see rider! Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Shoot me. Sometimes she would switch to Streisand's "Funny Girl" or "Funny Lady" soundtracks.

There was also that shitty French singer Michel Fugain and his "Big Bazar". Try not to have nightmares:

P.S. During the Holidays, it was either "Elvis' Christmas Album" or Bing Crosby's "White Christmas".
Re: Just plain hate.
July 21, 2013
Let me say again how much I hate panhandlers.

Me too. I mean, I feel bad if they are really going through hard times. Especially if they have a pet with them. sad smiley

But a lot, if not most, are actually probably doing better than I am! Frak, sometimes I can't even leave my house for 5 minutes before I'm asked for "change" - and some even specify the amount! And this is a nice neighborhood. Hello? Do I look rich? I don't even have a job right now, OK? And even if I had plenty of money to spare, I would give it to the cat shelter I'm volunteering at. So, as my avatar would say: piss off!
Re: Just plain hate.
July 21, 2013
Let me say again how much I hate panhandlers.

Me too. I mean, I feel bad if they are really going through hard times. Especially if they have a pet with them. sad smiley

But a lot, if not most, are actually probably doing better than I am! Frak, sometimes I can't even leave my house for 5 minutes before I'm asked for "change" - and some even specify the amount! And this is a nice neighborhood. Hello? Do I look rich? I don't even have a job right now, OK? And even if I had plenty of money to spare, I would give it to the cat shelter I'm volunteering at. So, as my avatar would say: piss off!

In a bad neighborhood ten years ago I made a habit of giving food and water to a dog that belonged to a homeless man. I often told him to go die in a fire but I did take care of his dog. My neighbors thought I was funny.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 21, 2013
@redheadedharlot, I dunno, when I think of coral, I usually think of a pinkish color. I have this old crappy night shirt I bought at the thrift store that I intend to use for sewing that has a bright neon pink and orange star pattern on it, with neon green trim on the neckline and sleeves. That drives me nuts. Raspberry and coral is probably more like magenta and salmon pink. Haha, I think with the shirt of mine, it's a total lack of contrast between the colors and they compete with one another, making it nothing but a stitched headache.

And I hear you about panhandlers. Funnily enough, I never have been bugged by one in NYC, but they're all over Pittsburgh. I especially love when they get bitchy with you when you don't give them money. And I don't know what makes them think I have money. I don't wear fancy clothes - I wear jeans and t-shirts. Maybe they think that because I'm a woman, I'll be more likely to fork over money or something. If there was a way for me to tell it's someone genuinely down on their luck, I would give what I could spare. I know that for a person who truly needs help, even a couple dollars to hold them over can make a difference. It's just I don't know who might want a buck for a burger at McDonald's because they have no food and who wants a buck so they can put it toward crack or a bottle of whiskey, and until I can tell the difference, I have to assume everyone that begs for money is a lazy addict whose habits I will not fund.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 21, 2013
Let me say again how much I hate panhandlers. I had to deal with one today. I almost felt sorry for the duh that came up to me because he seemed genuinely ashamed to be panhandling in parking lots. It's gotten to a point that you can't tell who's genuine and who's just out for drug money. If I knew for a fact he only needed a small pack of diapers to hold him over until pay day I would feel sorry enough to help the spawn. I know that probably makes me a sucker.

Speaking of which, when I was going to college, we had those people come around the school rattling donation cans for some charity that I honestly couldn’t give a shit about. They would walk up and down the halls, rattling their cans and shouting “Donate to such and such charity!” Yeah, why don’t you target college students who are not only paying thousands of dollars in tuition as well as residence, but they also have to buy groceries, textbooks which are ridiculously expensive, and anything else they need for school or what have you. So it’s kind of a dick move trying to get people to part with money they don’t have in the first place.
I specifically remember one charity for some kid with some illness. This was not a charity for a children’s hospital, but a particular chyld with some kind of illness that was never specified. The stupid bitches in charge of the whole thing would get all pissy when people didn’t donate money. Uh, maybe that’s because they didn’t fucking have any money to begin with, cunt.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 23, 2013
fucking hell....as a child, i had to wake up on weekends with one of five albums:
-Jimmy Buffet's Changes in Attitudes
-Linda Ronstadt's Greatest Hits
-Bob Segar and the Silver Bullet Band's Against the Wind
-ABBA's The Album
-Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds

In my case, it was usually "Elvis: Aloha From Hawaii Via Satellite". My mom was a huge fan. I can still hear it: "Oh see, see see rider! Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Shoot me. Sometimes she would switch to Streisand's "Funny Girl" or "Funny Lady" soundtracks.

There was also that shitty French singer Michel Fugain and his "Big Bazar". Try not to have nightmares:

P.S. During the Holidays, it was either "Elvis' Christmas Album" or Bing Crosby's "White Christmas".

Ugh-French bands. My first dealings with one was at the first NEARFest I went to: Ange. Ange's leader singer looked like a Hare Krishna cult leader with the Gentle Giant bearded face for a head. There was a female vocalist dressed like she escaped from Circe De Soleil. At one point, they did a song apparently about a dog where the woman donned a leash and collar and at one point both singers had the end of a bone in their mouth and engaged in a bit of tug of war.

Then there is Magma.

Things I loathe intensely in modern music:
-the obvious over use Pro Tools
-sampling from old songs, especially ones the artist thinks are obscure enough that no one will notice. Dude, I know it's England Dan and John Ford Coley. Just stop.
-creating a song for the sole purpose of a) a commercial or b) for fans to sing along with a wave lit up cell phones to at concerts
-lameass no talent featuring no talent lameass. For example: will.i.am featuring Justin Bieber
-"edgy" or "quirky" personalities that have confused "fucking annoying" with "edgy" and "quirky"
-"money notes" (Leslie Hunt defined this for me)-it's not singing. It is at best screaming and at worst sounding like someone pissing out magma.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
July 24, 2013
Ignorance in any form. I once had a nieghbor tell me pit bulls are bad dogs but the cow telling me this had never seen one up close. I also hate the bad reputation pit bulls have. There is no such thing as a bad dog only a bad owner.
I can't stand STUPID either, & bad dogs are trained, not trained, or worse, UN-trained by stupid owners.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 24, 2013
Fangurls or fanbois. Man they irritate me to no end.

I think I told the story here on the old board about the teen band fanatic at the airport. All her stuff was decorated with hand drawings of their logo N Stink or Green Dork or something. You know the type boy band or overly impressed with their own cough cough talent and importance.

So this brat is running around the gate loudly talking about the band, flashing her drawings and listening though ear phones but still so loud the dead could hear them.

So she has the typical teen girl notebook with a large band logo on it. She blasts up to me, sticks it in my view and says "Aren't they great!"

Me: "Umm what?"
Girl " < name of lame band > aren't they great!"
Me: Umm what is that?"
Girl: < name of lame band > they're a band.
Me: "Oh. never heard of them."
Girl: "you never heard of
Me: "nope."
Girl: slinks away with a crushed look, sat down and was quiet as hell till them plane boarded.

The only thing worse than them are wild sports fanatics. No fuckers you aren't a nation. The US is a nation, Italy is a nation. Native American groups are nations. You're just a bunch of asshole bullies spending money to prop up a bread and circuses fandom. Go to a game to have fun, no problem. Paint your self up like an idiot, put stupid shit all your car, become aggressive with the other teams fans - you're a fuck stick.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Just plain hate.
July 24, 2013
@thom_c what's worse than songs played loud enough to be heard from distance far enough from the earphone is those fucking fanboys and girls who blast the song on fucking loud speaker IN PUBLIC.

As if all of us would think their taste is cool!
Re: Just plain hate.
July 24, 2013
@thom_c what's worse than songs played loud enough to be heard from distance far enough from the earphone is those fucking fanboys and girls who blast the song on fucking loud speaker IN PUBLIC.

As if all of us would think their taste is cool!

I HATE those idiots that play songs on their phones in public places. They've absolutely no consideration for others.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
July 24, 2013

creating a song for the sole purpose of a) a commercial or b) for fans to sing along with a wave lit up cell phones to at concerts

A cell phone? The Hell? I remember when it was a lighter.

Re: Just plain hate.
July 24, 2013

creating a song for the sole purpose of a) a commercial or b) for fans to sing along with a wave lit up cell phones to at concerts

A cell phone? The Hell? I remember when it was a lighter.


Yeah, because, you know, smoking (tobacco) is bad for them, plus the usual overreaction to Great White's little fiasco, you see audiences now waving inane shit like light sticks, cell phones with the lights on and lord knows what else. And they do it to the most idiotic songs. "He's singing the slow song tribute to grape juice! Get the cell phone!"

And this brings me to another hate: mainstream idiots pirating shit from more obscure counter culture such as metal and the occult. Stuff such as "throwing horns" (started with Coven and metal bands), referencing the Illuminati and using "satanic" images (just stop it). I once saw a Madonna performance where she crossed guitars with back up guitarist (swiped directly from BOC)-WTF?????
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
July 28, 2013
I hate cutesy "goo-goo ga-ga" talk with stuff unrelated to babies. The first two that come to mind for me are "mani-pedi" and "selfie".
Re: Just plain hate.
July 28, 2013
Hated commercial:

All VoiceOver as going down a hall
Girl: "Mom! What did you do with my jeans??? "
Mom: "I-washed them?"
Girl: "Why did you do that?! I LOVED those jeans!!"
Mom: "Because they were dirty."
Girl: "They'll fade! They'll shrink!"

Just SHUT UP! Your mom did not want her kid in clothes that smelled like old Cheetos! Get over yourself!
Re: Just plain hate.
July 29, 2013
randy johnson's mullet
I hate cutesy "goo-goo ga-ga" talk with stuff unrelated to babies. The first two that come to mind for me are "mani-pedi" and "selfie".
Me too. It's often yuppie people that like to say this crap.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
July 29, 2013
When people I know on FB won't shut up posting about or taking pictures of their latest work out routine and healthy eating plan. Sure, feel free to talk abut it with your gym buddies but no one wants to see you post pictures after picture of your new juice diet or hear how much you bench pressed every day. angry flipping off I work out but I keep it to myself and only talk about it to one other guy who encouraged me to start as an outlet for my break-up sadness.

And no, I'm not going to leave FB. Most of these people are actually my friends, they just have annoying habits. Plus, I live far away from home when in university so use it to keep in touch.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 30, 2013
When confronted with panhandlers who need money for diapers, I offer to take them to the Walgreens on the next block. Will buy them no name pampers, and get points for myself. I offered up food to people who were hungry.

Interestingly no one takes you up on the actual items. I once gave some sample dog food packs to a homeless dude with a dog.

I got hit up by some chick who "needed money for food and bus fare." I noticed she was wearing a pair of True Religion jeans, which are 200 bucks a pair. I suggested she hock the expensive jeans at Plato's Closet; she could get 10 bucks for them. If they were counterfeit, those people would never know the difference having found several designer fakes in my local store.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Just plain hate.
July 30, 2013
The messy bun "hairdo". 9 times out of 10 it doesn't look sexy or playfully casual, it looks sloppy and stupid. Besides, you obviously put forth some kind of effort in order to put your hair in a bun so why not just go a little further and neaten up your hair? You can have a relaxed hairstyle without looking like you fought some seaweed and lost.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 31, 2013
I am so sick of construction noise. There's been construction going on at my work since January. I thought they'd finished with my floor so I'd only have to hear it on the ground floor, but this week they were back. Why can't they just do it all at once while the people who have to work there go on holiday?

It doesn't help that there's a house being constructed next to my home. On good weekdays the noise starts just after I've woken up, but on bad weekdays, like today, I'm woken up by the noise. I think they're cutting tiles in half, which makes the most ungodly noise. It pisses me off that construction people seem to end their days about 2-3 hours before most people, which means that they start extremely early as well. Why can't they be restricted to making noise between 9 and 5 when they're in a residential area?

Of course that wouldn't help me in the office. In a commercial area, they should work nights. tongue sticking out smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
July 31, 2013
Fundies. I hate Fundies. I guess that's about it. Well maybe raw tomatoes but not as much as I hates me some Fundies.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 31, 2013
Mushrooms, fresh tomatoes, onions, any kind of melon, constantly talking, rap/country music, drugs, making chitchat, people who hate any animal (except bugs), any temperatures above 70 F, children's shows, family channels, Disney World (hey, I had a bad experience), overly happy movies, cookies without chocolate in them (the horror!).

The MORE abortions there are,
The FEWER spawn there'll be.

The FEWER spawn there are,
the FEWER I'll have to see.
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