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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
March 09, 2013
Underwear with the white fabric patch in the crotch. While I'm not incontinent and know how to clean myself, I know there's always going to be a time when something comes out of me that will leave a mark. Have to pee and don't make it to the toilet in time, my period surprises me and/or I wait too long to change my tampon, etc. Every fucking drop of anything shows up on white. I hate it. I just bought underwear a few days ago (the kind with several pair in a sealed pack) and I feel like I can't wear them because they have the white crotch.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 09, 2013
Women who make me embarrassed to be a woman by acting batshit crazy, slutting it up at work, going all mama-bear on anybody who will stand still long enough, or who mince around in little shoesies acting hyper-feminine. I FUCKING HATE THAT SHIT!!! Stop MINCING!!

Oh, I hate that too. You know what else is irritating? When women shriek to express joy. I HATE that, it's so fucking ANNOYING!

That, and women who are too emotional and cry at the drop of a hat. Yet another reason I hate piggos, I guess.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
March 09, 2013
I hate the food police.

Rather, my coworkers who decide to make comments about my food choices. Yes, I fucking know I'm fat. Sometimes I get cravings for fatty or sweet food. How to deal with it, is up to me, not someone who decides to inform me about the calories in a certain food. I already know. hitting over the head with a hammer
Or someone who looks at my cheap lunch and wants to know if it is a good idea for me to eat that. :drool

My job is having some weight loss contest thingy so my coworkers are acting all snotty and obsessed with it. I do not care to join or comply with work unrelated shit like that within my job. I am there to work, and I fucking hate my job anyway. I am there for 8 hours a day and receive my paycheck weekly. Then I go home and try to forget that shitstain of a place. If I wanted to lose weight, I'd do it on my own. I will not volunteer my time to extra shit related to that piece of shit job.

I'm also tired of people pestering me about the stupid contest when I am eating something healthy too. I thought commenting on people's lunch or weight issues was rude?

I've had lifelong issues with food, binging, dieting, weight gain, and self esteem. I do NOT need this. Eating in the employee restroom seems more attractive at this point.

I'm also kinda fat (I say kinda, cause I fall into that category of being chubby but not huge) and I hate the food police too. I'm lucky enough not to have it at my job, and my job doesn't do stupid weight loss contests, either. But I have had people in my life try to be the food po-po, and it pisses me off. If I want to make efforts to lose weight, I will. My stepdad's mom really hated fat people for some reason. She was a pentecostal "christian" but sure didn't act very christlike, with her waspy, gossiping behavior. She would flat-out tell people when she thought they were too fat. I went off on her one Thanksgiving, because she criticized my weight and food choices. I said, "[her name], it's THANKSGIVING. I'm not going to diet on Thanksgiving. My weight is none of your business, and you are not allowed to comment on it ever again." This was after years of her criticizing my stepdad for being slightly overweight, myself, and my younger sister. We're all a little chubby in my family, but never morbidly obese. She acted like it was the fucking end of days that she had some fat relatives. smile rolling left righteyes2

My dad (who you guys know I've got some major issues with) clearly doesn't like it when I'm fat (which is a majority of the time). He went on and on about how PROUD he was when I was around 150 lbs (this is thin for me, lol), and I was at the gym every day busting my ass and dieting strictly. What's funny is his weight fluctuates a lot as well, and he's often overweight. But he actually told me once when he was on one of his tirades about how I'm too fat, and I told him he had no room to talk because he's also fat, that he doesn't care if he's fat because he's older, and he's a guy, so it doesn't matter. WOW, really? So being a MAN makes it OK to be fat? :headbrick So if I'd been born with a penis, it would be just fine and dandy for me to be a fat-ass? This thing about my weight he'd always had borders on being creeptastic and makes me uncomfortable. He's never shown any tendency to want to sexually molest me, and never laid a hand on me, BUT, it seems like he was concerned about me being a desirable mate for someone later on, as if that even fucking matters.

The ironic thing is that my hubby likes women who have a thicker figure. Not super obese, of course, but what he calls "plump" which I happen to always be, even when I'm working out religiously and dieting.

Oh, and the funny thing is everyone will ASSume if you're kinda fat that you must be in horrible shape. Both my hubby and myself are kind of chubby, but in much better shape than a lot of our thinner counterparts. I can walk several miles at a pretty fast pace and not get winded, while one of my super skinny coworkers says she hates walking and doesn't understand why I often turn down offers for rides home from work and would rather walk just for fun and to enjoy being outside. He works a physical job and hefts around heavy shit all day and can keep up just fine with the skinny guys at work.

All this being said, I have backpedeled once again and decided to give Weight Watchers another go. tongue sticking out smiley I just want to lose about 20 lbs or so and maintain at that weight. I find my metabolism is even slower now that I've hit 30, and I have a sedentary job now, so I have to balance it out so I don't get up to the weight I find to be too much. But that's MY personal choice. smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
March 17, 2013
This is more of an annoyance than something I hate, but I don't understand why some people will refer to a person who starts a thread on a message board or other online forum as "OP" rather than their user name (i.e. "I think the OP of this thread is making a big deal out of nothing" or "OP, I totally disagree with everything you said"). What's wrong with calling them by their user name?
Re: Just plain hate.
March 21, 2013
@randy, I guess laziness? Or a habit? Like when people say "DH" and "DW" for husband and wife. I've said "OP" before, so I can't say I'm not guilty of it. I don't know why I say it either because I love to write. shrug

One more: When people will say, "What can I do you for?" instead of "What can I do for you?" You can't do me for anything, my vag isn't for sale. This pisses me off about as much as people who say "strahg-ety" instead of "strategy" and "nook-you-lerr" instead of "nuclear." English is not that hard!
Re: Just plain hate.
March 21, 2013
I use 'OP' especially on long-running threads because if somebody mentions the person by name I won't connect that with what the person said unless it was quite near the part of the thread where the new comment was. Using OP saves everybody from having to scroll back through pages of thread to figure out what the person said.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 31, 2013
Back in 2011 dinklife spammed here and got polite if pointed responses of our general disinterest. Sort of a meh yea that's nice go away.

Then they came back and did it again with trolling, sockpuppets and general rudeness.

Now the person that runs the site claims over 11 years of professional internet marketing experience and sales.

While holding down a full time career with constant needs for continuing education, a part time job with the same requirements, I've also held a volunteer gig with requirements to keep up difficult emergency services skills for it. I've also been their volunteer marketing and public information guy for the entire state for the past 4 years.

Now with mere part time volunteer experience even I know you don't pop off rude to a potential client base even if they say they don't like you. You approach them up front and honest (no sock puppets or white knights), you put your point out and focus on the people who may have an interest and politely address the ones who are skeptical. The ones who are rock hard against you you ignore. Simple.

So dorklife has been added to things I simply loathe. It's is vapid, pretentious, superficial and breederific. Let them have their Elvis vow renewals and fashion consultants over there ->

I'll take my career - with all its inherent dangers, my volunteer gig - with all its inherent dangers, and my hobbies over whatever pap they produce. At least what I do does something positive in the real world sense, not a bunch of blowing smoke up your ass think positive and do nothing like they spew.

They've got the RAH RAH think positive thing going on.

I've got President's Call to Servie award for over 4000 hours of volunteer service in the Emergency Category. I think when we did the numbers it was over 8000 hours. It's closer to 10,000 now. Who's more positive now Kate?

I may be vulgar, cynical and even a bit bitter. My clothes have been vomit covered and bloody, My hands have been dirty and I've even gotten ill from exposures. I've seen life end and seen it begin. I've seen things no person should ever see. But when the day comes and they close that lid over my face I will have made a difference.

That is the essence of positive. That's what positive thinking is. To reach out and care, to do and to treat everyone even those society society has rejected as respected human beings.

The folks here on BF are much more the doers , the carers, the real. There are lots of people here who do pet rescue, education, volunteer work, research that makes for real world change. There are more than one EMTs, nurses, physicians, medical researchers, medical technicians, educators etc. Hands on hands dirty people who make their corner of this planet a better place one person at a time.

They can have their positive style. I'll take our BF real substance any day.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Just plain hate.
March 31, 2013
Snark Shark
"But when the day comes and they close that lid over my face "

you're going to be buried in TUPPERWARE?

"Elvis vow renewals "

ugh. smile rolling left righteyes2

Nope, I'm gonna get cremated and my ashes aerial sprayed over the Bunny ranch dirty thoughts

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Just plain hate.
March 31, 2013
randy johnson's mullet
I have a new hate that's (kind of) related to the one I made a while ago about some people's belief that only real fans of a group/singer goes to concerts: when someone calls another one's inability to go to concerts because of lack of funds a "hang-up". The person that said this is one that attends pretty much every concert by this group (they don't tour that often) and they don't understand why everybody else can't do the same.

i agree. while i go to concerts frequently (at least once a year-in 2011, i did seven), i will not pay a certain amount or go certain places (such as New York-fucking expensive!) due to funds. i don't call it a "hang up", i call it being thrifty. Why should I pay 100$ for one band when I can see a weekend of bands for 150$? by the time you total up tickets, bridge tolls, parking, food and gas, it is cheaper than going to a fest over a weekend, eating out and staying at a hotel. and at the fest, you still have enough money to buy a ton of crap. I also have not been able to see bands as often because i have bills, like normal people. so i pick and choose.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 31, 2013
I hate the food police.

Rather, my coworkers who decide to make comments about my food choices. Yes, I fucking know I'm fat. Sometimes I get cravings for fatty or sweet food. How to deal with it, is up to me, not someone who decides to inform me about the calories in a certain food. I already know. hitting over the head with a hammer
Or someone who looks at my cheap lunch and wants to know if it is a good idea for me to eat that. :drool

My job is having some weight loss contest thingy so my coworkers are acting all snotty and obsessed with it. I do not care to join or comply with work unrelated shit like that within my job. I am there to work, and I fucking hate my job anyway. I am there for 8 hours a day and receive my paycheck weekly. Then I go home and try to forget that shitstain of a place. If I wanted to lose weight, I'd do it on my own. I will not volunteer my time to extra shit related to that piece of shit job.

I'm also tired of people pestering me about the stupid contest when I am eating something healthy too. I thought commenting on people's lunch or weight issues was rude?

I've had lifelong issues with food, binging, dieting, weight gain, and self esteem. I do NOT need this. Eating in the employee restroom seems more attractive at this point.

can you talk to HR about this?

where i work, nobody plays food police. the whole place is a bunch of food fans. it is the foodiest place ever! i never worked in a place before, not even fast food, where people had long and deep conversations about pizza, subs and crab soup. it's actually a fun place, believe it or not.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 09, 2013
I absolutely loathe the way phone sex operators are stereotyped as ugly, 400-pound single moooos, with hamhock arms and rollers in their hair, who talk on the phone while changing their loaf's diaper.

I am also not an oversexed nympho. I hate telling peeps that I'm a PSO, only for them to think I'm a huge, raging sex machine. I am NOT!! (I am damned good though...hehe)

I am none of those things. Yet, just about anytime someone talks about phone sex operators on TV or the net, they refer to us in this fashion. It's a LIE! Some of us are normal, attractive and even CF!

This particular stereotype sets my teeth on edge.

ETA: The reason we use profile pics is to protect our identity, especially from stalkers and crazies. We also use multiple profiles to get more biz. I was once offered by my company to use my pics but turned them down because I'm not interested in putting out p0rn pics of myself, where everyone, including my famblee, will see them. I also don't want to attract any creepy stalkers who may be able to track me down using my photos.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
April 12, 2013
I hate when people (usually men) bring up politics in articles that have nothing whatsoever to do with politics. 99.9% of the time it involves them throwing the word "liberal" around like it's an insult.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
April 12, 2013
"Liberal" seems to just be a synonym for 'someone I don't like.'


cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck angry flipping off :eatu
Re: Just plain hate.
April 12, 2013
"Liberal" seems to just be a synonym for 'someone I don't like.'


cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck angry flipping off :eatu

Ugh! You have JUST described my famblee to a 'T'. I had mentioned this earlier in the 'other types of bingos' thread, but my famblee has constantly made remarks about my weight over my lifetime. Either I was too chubby or too thin. If I gain a few pounds, I'm too fat. If I lose a few, suddenly I'm scrawny!

They are NEVER happy with the way I look! I don't consider myself to be a large person, and while I always feel there's room for improvement, I am generally happy with my shape. Size 8/9 is fine for my height! If I happen to go up to a size 12 or down to a 7, suddenly the unwelcomed comments start to flow. angry smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
April 12, 2013
"Liberal" seems to just be a synonym for 'someone I don't like.'


cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck angry flipping off :eatu

Ugh! You have JUST described my famblee to a 'T'. I had mentioned this earlier in the 'other types of bingos' thread, but my famblee has constantly made remarks about my weight over my lifetime. Either I was too chubby or too thin. If I gain a few pounds, I'm too fat. If I lose a few, suddenly I'm scrawny!

They are NEVER happy with the way I look! I don't consider myself to be a large person, and while I always feel there's room for improvement, I am generally happy with my shape. Size 8/9 is fine for my height! If I happen to go up to a size 12 or down to a 7, suddenly the unwelcomed comments start to flow. angry smiley

Ugh. Christ on a fucking stick. They bitch about a size 12? I wish I could be a size 12. I was unfortunate and put on anti-psychotics for a few years on top of having PCOS in the first place. The anti-psychotics irritated the fuck out of my hormones and I literally gained roughly 80 lbs in just a few months. I took myself off of them, am trying to do my best to get back down. In the last couple years I managed to lose 30lbs of that, but it fluctuates since I'm on meds for PCOS. But it moves so damn slowly, and there is no excuse for anyone who hates fat people. I'm considered lazy, hoggish, and sluggish no matter what I say I do. I wish people were less judgmental about health, especially since it's none of their damn business.

Bitching about your size? God dammit, I'm pissed off on your behalf. That's none of their business. You're at a healthy size at any of those sizes.

Fuck. We should just start a thread all about weight hate we get.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 12, 2013
People with no fucking clue saying Size X is prmoting obesity.

The other day a friend posted a like on Facebook because a Swedish department store featured mannequins in a size 12 and a size 16 so a variety of clothes can be looked at on various forms. Of course the unwashed masses were all shrieking about how they are promoting obesity because these sizes are fatty fatty chicken patty, after all. Most were male, and hardly adult.

I wanted to mention two things: it depends on height, and a Swedish size (as most European sizes go) is about 2 sizes smaller tahn American vanity sizing, making them an 8 and a 12 respectively. At least that was my guesstimate looking at the dress dummies. Besides, if you don’t like the way someone looks, look elsewhere. No one is forcing you to look at the person.

Then I realized that I was mostly wasting keystrokes and did not bother. Like the pro-liars who keep popping up on my thread, getting into a battle of wits with the woefully unarmed is ill advised.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Just plain hate.
April 12, 2013
My mooo's favorite saying was, "You can never be too rich or too thin." She was neither. She always pushed this on me, and always made me feel like I was never good enough.

My aunt is much the same way, and since I was partly raised by her, the weight bingos never stopped. In my late 20s I developed an eating disorder due to undiagnosed gall bladder disease, and became dangerously thin. I couldn't eat anything without becoming violently ill. Nobody seemed to give a shit that I was sick, they only focused on the fact that I was thin and thought that I was trying to get attention by developing a fucking eating disorder!!! angry smiley

I ended up developing pancreatitis and went in for surgery to have my gall bladder removed. After that, I started eating normally and my weight started to increase...suddenly, Bingo! I was getting heavy again! My weight has stabilized and I'm healthy now.

Also, the average size for a woman is a size 14/16 at a height of 5 feet 4 inches. I am under the average size and over the average height, so I don't see why they keep harping on me. confused smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
April 13, 2013
Back in 2011 dinklife spammed here and got polite if pointed responses of our general disinterest. Sort of a meh yea that's nice go away.

Then they came back and did it again with trolling, sockpuppets and general rudeness.

Now the person that runs the site claims over 11 years of professional internet marketing experience and sales.

While holding down a full time career with constant needs for continuing education, a part time job with the same requirements, I've also held a volunteer gig with requirements to keep up difficult emergency services skills for it. I've also been their volunteer marketing and public information guy for the entire state for the past 4 years.

Now with mere part time volunteer experience even I know you don't pop off rude to a potential client base even if they say they don't like you. You approach them up front and honest (no sock puppets or white knights), you put your point out and focus on the people who may have an interest and politely address the ones who are skeptical. The ones who are rock hard against you you ignore. Simple.

So dorklife has been added to things I simply loathe. It's is vapid, pretentious, superficial and breederific. Let them have their Elvis vow renewals and fashion consultants over there ->

I'll take my career - with all its inherent dangers, my volunteer gig - with all its inherent dangers, and my hobbies over whatever pap they produce. At least what I do does something positive in the real world sense, not a bunch of blowing smoke up your ass think positive and do nothing like they spew.

They've got the RAH RAH think positive thing going on.

I've got President's Call to Servie award for over 4000 hours of volunteer service in the Emergency Category. I think when we did the numbers it was over 8000 hours. It's closer to 10,000 now. Who's more positive now Kate?

I may be vulgar, cynical and even a bit bitter. My clothes have been vomit covered and bloody, My hands have been dirty and I've even gotten ill from exposures. I've seen life end and seen it begin. I've seen things no person should ever see. But when the day comes and they close that lid over my face I will have made a difference.

That is the essence of positive. That's what positive thinking is. To reach out and care, to do and to treat everyone even those society society has rejected as respected human beings.

The folks here on BF are much more the doers , the carers, the real. There are lots of people here who do pet rescue, education, volunteer work, research that makes for real world change. There are more than one EMTs, nurses, physicians, medical researchers, medical technicians, educators etc. Hands on hands dirty people who make their corner of this planet a better place one person at a time.

They can have their positive style. I'll take our BF real substance any day.

Hell yeah, Thom! smiling smiley I just saw this catching up in this thread, as I remember our little Dorklife trolls of a few weeks back. smile rolling left righteyes2 Fucking toolboxes all of them! :yeah As always, you nailed it! grinning smiley And thank you for the difference you make in the world, and to all other Bratfree members as well who do what they can to make a difference in society (and to me, doing your part to be productive, and being enough of a freethinker not to breed makes a difference as well), the thinkers, the doers, the REAL people! smiling smiley You are all so awesome! friendly hug
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
April 14, 2013
I can't stand people that don't know how paragraphs work. They'll either write everything as one massive paragraph...

Random example I made up
My mom is going out to eat with my old kindergarten teacher this Sunday. I hope they don't talk about the time I talked in my sleep to Big Bird because it happened a long time ago and is something that should be forgotten. My sister is seven months pregnant and wants to have a home birth. I can't believe she won't want to do it in a hospital. I wish she would go to the hospital like a normal person because giving birth at home is too weird. I am going to Burger King and having a large fry and three Whoppers with a diet Coke. My friend used to work there until they caught her fucking some homeless guy on top of the fry maker. They had to close that store for about a week to disinfect the place. Now they're married and living in his cardboard box.

Or they'll have paragraphs without spaces in between them (the more paragraphs there are, the more unreadable it becomes)...


My mom is going out to eat with my old kindergarten teacher this Sunday. I hope they don't talk about the time I talked in my sleep to Big Bird because it happened a long time ago and is something that should be forgotten.
My sister is seven months pregnant and wants to have a home birth. I can't believe she won't want to do it in a hospital. I wish she would go to the hospital like a normal person because giving birth at home is too weird.
I am going to Burger King and having a large fry and three Whoppers with a diet Coke. My friend used to work there until they caught her fucking some homeless guy on top of the fry maker. They had to close that store for about a week to disinfect the place. Now they're married and living in his cardboard box.

And then you get the ones that think spaces between paragraphs are only used if they're talking about more than one topic in their post/e-mail/whatever...


My mom is going out to eat with my old kindergarten teacher this Sunday.
I hope they don't talk about the time I talked in my sleep to Big Bird because it happened a long time ago and is something that should be forgotten.

My sister is seven months pregnant and wants to have a home birth.
I can't believe she won't want to do it in a hospital.
I wish she would go to the hospital like a normal person because giving birth at home is too weird.

I am going to Burger King and having a large fry and three Whoppers with a diet Coke.
My friend used to work there until they caught her fucking some homeless guy on top of the fry maker.
They had to close that store for about a week to disinfect the place.
Now they're married and living in his cardboard box.

If anybody I see online does one of the above things, I never read anything they write; chances are good that I'm not missing out on what they have to say.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 14, 2013
The excessive spacing between paragraphs annoys me, too. What annoys me more, however, is when people type their sentences Like This With Every Word Capitalised. Why do they do it? Why?!


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
April 15, 2013
Yet more things I hate!

I absolutely hate when my lips get dry and flakey. Eww.
When people pronounce “popcorn” as “pupcorn.” It’s popcorn. Pop corn. P o p
People who snap their gum. I expect that irritating behaviour from a kid. Not a grown ass adult. Stop it.
People who continuously touch me. Why do they feel it necessary to pat me on the head, play with my hair or rub my back while they’re talking to me? I’m not a dog. I don’t appreciate that.
Lollipops. Even the word makes me cringe.
Bubblegum-flavoured anything. Whoever came up with that idea should be forced to consume massive amounts of their product. See if they don’t want to vomit afterwards.
Licorice. I don’t know when I started disliking it. But I’ll never touch another piece of licorice again.
Granny Smith apples. Bleeeeerg.
People who repeat themselves over and over again.
Taylor Swift. I’ve honestly met dogs with more talent than her. Besides, I heard that if she wasn’t making her shitty music, she said she would probably be a stay at home moo. Something tells me her parenting skillz would be along the same lines as her musical talents.
The Real Housewives of anywhere. One time my mom was watching the Real Housewives of Vancouver and I wanted to reach through the TV and strangle every one of those snooty bitches. And of course, they’re all SAH moos with rich husbands
Re: Just plain hate.
April 15, 2013
Ooooo I like this thread.

Things I hate:

The word moist
The word panties
Mom Jeans
Easy Spirits
Gigantic pocketbooks
The word "pocketbook"
Women over 40 who feel the need to get that 1980s dyke haircut
Tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists
People who post every last exercise/meal that they eat on Facebook: OMFG I DID 300 SQUATS AND 500 BURPEES TODAY AND I HAD A SALAD #FEELINGINCONTROL
People who can't spell. Really. I can't deal.
When some kind of major or minor tragedy occurs and everyone takes to social media with prayers or updates every 3 minutes
Ending a sentence with the word FACT.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 16, 2013
More stuff I hate:

Shag rugs. Usually the color of rusty pipes or nuclear green, I tend to see this '70s leftover in old run down houses that the owners don't bother to clean. To me they are associated with druggie relatives living in cheap housing, so I don't much like them.

Cockroaches. I share this dislike as well. I can tolerate mice, I can tolerate silverfish, I don't mind stink bugs and I don't mind house centipedes (thousand leggers.) But cockroaches are one of the few household organisms that if a person has them, I will not want step foot into that person's house. Just one roach gets a lift inside a pant cuff into your house... No, I am not taking that chance.

Public scab picking. When someone is picking pieces of their scabs off while they are talking to you. Can't they wait for a better time?That is just so gross.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 17, 2013
Ooh, more things I hate:
*People say "Smile!" to me when there is no reason to. I am not frowning or expressing any negative emotion. I have a neutral expression about something as everyday as purchasing a plane ticket. I don't need to smile. I am not happy. I am not joyous. I am not crying. I am not raging or angry. Why can't I just not worry about the look on my face?

*People who park in the bike lane. How hard is it to understand that this lane, with the bike painted on it, is for bikes?

*People who feel the need to go on and on that they don't understand why I do certain things. It's one thing to say "that's not my thing but it sounds like you really enjoy it." It is quite another to spend five minutes blathering on about how you don't see how anyone, especially a woman, a married woman, could want to spend her time doing THAT. I don't bore people to death with talk of infectious disease so why do they think I want to spend hours talking about loaf schools and baybee poop?
Re: Just plain hate.
April 17, 2013
Snark Shark
"Shag rugs"

my cousins house used to have that! SO MUCH crap could get caught in the long carpet! they've redone it since then. IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 70's!!

"rusty pipes or nuclear green"

this was an orange-red, I think. or dark red??
They were that orange-red color. Plus most shag rugs in my experience tend to felt after a while, further trapping any food particles underneath the felted layer..
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