Re: Just plain hate. March 09, 2013 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,204 |
Re: Just plain hate. March 09, 2013 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,651 |
Women who make me embarrassed to be a woman by acting batshit crazy, slutting it up at work, going all mama-bear on anybody who will stand still long enough, or who mince around in little shoesies acting hyper-feminine. I FUCKING HATE THAT SHIT!!! Stop MINCING!!
Re: Just plain hate. March 09, 2013 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 866 |
I hate the food police.
Rather, my coworkers who decide to make comments about my food choices. Yes, I fucking know I'm fat. Sometimes I get cravings for fatty or sweet food. How to deal with it, is up to me, not someone who decides to inform me about the calories in a certain food. I already know.
Or someone who looks at my cheap lunch and wants to know if it is a good idea for me to eat that. :drool
My job is having some weight loss contest thingy so my coworkers are acting all snotty and obsessed with it. I do not care to join or comply with work unrelated shit like that within my job. I am there to work, and I fucking hate my job anyway. I am there for 8 hours a day and receive my paycheck weekly. Then I go home and try to forget that shitstain of a place. If I wanted to lose weight, I'd do it on my own. I will not volunteer my time to extra shit related to that piece of shit job.
I'm also tired of people pestering me about the stupid contest when I am eating something healthy too. I thought commenting on people's lunch or weight issues was rude?
I've had lifelong issues with food, binging, dieting, weight gain, and self esteem. I do NOT need this. Eating in the employee restroom seems more attractive at this point.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate. March 17, 2013 |
Re: Just plain hate. March 21, 2013 | Registered: 18 years ago Posts: 10,204 |
Re: Just plain hate. March 21, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 12,457 |
Re: Just plain hate. March 31, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 7,786 |
Re: Just plain hate. March 31, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 7,786 |
Snark Shark
"But when the day comes and they close that lid over my face "
you're going to be buried in TUPPERWARE?
"Elvis vow renewals "
Re: Just plain hate. March 31, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,402 |
randy johnson's mullet
I have a new hate that's (kind of) related to the one I made a while ago about some people's belief that only real fans of a group/singer goes to concerts: when someone calls another one's inability to go to concerts because of lack of funds a "hang-up". The person that said this is one that attends pretty much every concert by this group (they don't tour that often) and they don't understand why everybody else can't do the same.
Re: Just plain hate. March 31, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,402 |
I hate the food police.
Rather, my coworkers who decide to make comments about my food choices. Yes, I fucking know I'm fat. Sometimes I get cravings for fatty or sweet food. How to deal with it, is up to me, not someone who decides to inform me about the calories in a certain food. I already know.
Or someone who looks at my cheap lunch and wants to know if it is a good idea for me to eat that. :drool
My job is having some weight loss contest thingy so my coworkers are acting all snotty and obsessed with it. I do not care to join or comply with work unrelated shit like that within my job. I am there to work, and I fucking hate my job anyway. I am there for 8 hours a day and receive my paycheck weekly. Then I go home and try to forget that shitstain of a place. If I wanted to lose weight, I'd do it on my own. I will not volunteer my time to extra shit related to that piece of shit job.
I'm also tired of people pestering me about the stupid contest when I am eating something healthy too. I thought commenting on people's lunch or weight issues was rude?
I've had lifelong issues with food, binging, dieting, weight gain, and self esteem. I do NOT need this. Eating in the employee restroom seems more attractive at this point.
Re: Just plain hate. April 09, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,038 |
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate. April 12, 2013 |
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate. April 12, 2013 |
Re: Just plain hate. April 12, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,038 |
"Liberal" seems to just be a synonym for 'someone I don't like.'
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate. April 12, 2013 |
"Liberal" seems to just be a synonym for 'someone I don't like.'
Ugh! You have JUST described my famblee to a 'T'. I had mentioned this earlier in the 'other types of bingos' thread, but my famblee has constantly made remarks about my weight over my lifetime. Either I was too chubby or too thin. If I gain a few pounds, I'm too fat. If I lose a few, suddenly I'm scrawny!
They are NEVER happy with the way I look! I don't consider myself to be a large person, and while I always feel there's room for improvement, I am generally happy with my shape. Size 8/9 is fine for my height! If I happen to go up to a size 12 or down to a 7, suddenly the unwelcomed comments start to flow.
Re: Just plain hate. April 12, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 7,149 |
Re: Just plain hate. April 12, 2013 | Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 8,038 |
Re: Just plain hate. April 13, 2013 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 866 |
Back in 2011 dinklife spammed here and got polite if pointed responses of our general disinterest. Sort of a meh yea that's nice go away.
Then they came back and did it again with trolling, sockpuppets and general rudeness.
Now the person that runs the site claims over 11 years of professional internet marketing experience and sales.
While holding down a full time career with constant needs for continuing education, a part time job with the same requirements, I've also held a volunteer gig with requirements to keep up difficult emergency services skills for it. I've also been their volunteer marketing and public information guy for the entire state for the past 4 years.
Now with mere part time volunteer experience even I know you don't pop off rude to a potential client base even if they say they don't like you. You approach them up front and honest (no sock puppets or white knights), you put your point out and focus on the people who may have an interest and politely address the ones who are skeptical. The ones who are rock hard against you you ignore. Simple.
So dorklife has been added to things I simply loathe. It's is vapid, pretentious, superficial and breederific. Let them have their Elvis vow renewals and fashion consultants over there ->
I'll take my career - with all its inherent dangers, my volunteer gig - with all its inherent dangers, and my hobbies over whatever pap they produce. At least what I do does something positive in the real world sense, not a bunch of blowing smoke up your ass think positive and do nothing like they spew.
They've got the RAH RAH think positive thing going on.
I've got President's Call to Servie award for over 4000 hours of volunteer service in the Emergency Category. I think when we did the numbers it was over 8000 hours. It's closer to 10,000 now. Who's more positive now Kate?
I may be vulgar, cynical and even a bit bitter. My clothes have been vomit covered and bloody, My hands have been dirty and I've even gotten ill from exposures. I've seen life end and seen it begin. I've seen things no person should ever see. But when the day comes and they close that lid over my face I will have made a difference.
That is the essence of positive. That's what positive thinking is. To reach out and care, to do and to treat everyone even those society society has rejected as respected human beings.
The folks here on BF are much more the doers , the carers, the real. There are lots of people here who do pet rescue, education, volunteer work, research that makes for real world change. There are more than one EMTs, nurses, physicians, medical researchers, medical technicians, educators etc. Hands on hands dirty people who make their corner of this planet a better place one person at a time.
They can have their positive style. I'll take our BF real substance any day.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate. April 14, 2013 |
Random example I made up
My mom is going out to eat with my old kindergarten teacher this Sunday. I hope they don't talk about the time I talked in my sleep to Big Bird because it happened a long time ago and is something that should be forgotten. My sister is seven months pregnant and wants to have a home birth. I can't believe she won't want to do it in a hospital. I wish she would go to the hospital like a normal person because giving birth at home is too weird. I am going to Burger King and having a large fry and three Whoppers with a diet Coke. My friend used to work there until they caught her fucking some homeless guy on top of the fry maker. They had to close that store for about a week to disinfect the place. Now they're married and living in his cardboard box.
My mom is going out to eat with my old kindergarten teacher this Sunday. I hope they don't talk about the time I talked in my sleep to Big Bird because it happened a long time ago and is something that should be forgotten.
My sister is seven months pregnant and wants to have a home birth. I can't believe she won't want to do it in a hospital. I wish she would go to the hospital like a normal person because giving birth at home is too weird.
I am going to Burger King and having a large fry and three Whoppers with a diet Coke. My friend used to work there until they caught her fucking some homeless guy on top of the fry maker. They had to close that store for about a week to disinfect the place. Now they're married and living in his cardboard box.
My mom is going out to eat with my old kindergarten teacher this Sunday.
I hope they don't talk about the time I talked in my sleep to Big Bird because it happened a long time ago and is something that should be forgotten.
My sister is seven months pregnant and wants to have a home birth.
I can't believe she won't want to do it in a hospital.
I wish she would go to the hospital like a normal person because giving birth at home is too weird.
I am going to Burger King and having a large fry and three Whoppers with a diet Coke.
My friend used to work there until they caught her fucking some homeless guy on top of the fry maker.
They had to close that store for about a week to disinfect the place.
Now they're married and living in his cardboard box.
Re: Just plain hate. April 14, 2013 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 1,651 |
Re: Just plain hate. April 15, 2013 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 538 |
Re: Just plain hate. April 15, 2013 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 741 |
Re: Just plain hate. April 16, 2013 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 805 |
Re: Just plain hate. April 17, 2013 | Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 1,788 |
Re: Just plain hate. April 17, 2013 | Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 805 |
They were that orange-red color. Plus most shag rugs in my experience tend to felt after a while, further trapping any food particles underneath the felted layer..Quote
Snark Shark
"Shag rugs"
my cousins house used to have that! SO MUCH crap could get caught in the long carpet! they've redone it since then. IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 70's!!
"rusty pipes or nuclear green"
this was an orange-red, I think. or dark red??