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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
December 06, 2012
I hate it when people are perky about Christmas. It's very annoying.
Yeah, I'm a Scrooge about this holiday.
I worked in retail many years ago and it destroyed what little Christmas "spirit" that I had.

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 06, 2012
I really hate it when people ask me, "So did Santa bring you lots of presents?" in that annoying way moos talk to their spawn. Uh, 'scues me? Do I look retarded to you?
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
December 06, 2012
Add me to the "I hate Xmas" list. Everything about it annoys me. That goes for Thanksgiving, too.

Stuff I hate:

The smell of tobacco smoke.


The sound of leaf blowers. (Any loud sound, really, but something about those machines is worse than most.)

Bicycle riders who nearly run me over on the sidewalk, or who run through red lights, because the number one rule for bicycles seems to be NEVER STOP.

People who dump their cigarette butts, drink bottles, candy wrappers, etc., on hiking trails.

Any advertisement or bumper sticker that makes use of that stupid "Got?" phrase. (It was dumb when it was just "Got Milk?" It's really dumb when I see things like "Got Xmas?")
Re: Just plain hate.
December 06, 2012
victoria silverwolf
Bicycle riders who nearly run me over on the sidewalk, or who run through red lights, because the number one rule for bicycles seems to be NEVER STOP.

This one stopped dead... lol. I'm sorry, I had to do it. This happened right near my work. I see these idiots running reds all the time.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 07, 2012
See, I'm a stupidly safe cyclist. I only cruise the sidewalks (sorry, pedestrians) and use crosswalks when I must get to the other side of the street. Not that it helped me - a motorist managed to hit me while I was riding back in September. She came WAY too late to the left turn. I have battery operated Christmas lights on my bike right now. It's festive! I hate asshole cyclists.

I also hate asshole motorists. The shoulder's not a fuckin' turn lane! People walk and bike there and how dare YOU yell at ME to "get yo ass off da road!" when you aren't even on it! It's like you're trying to commit vehicular manslaughter, asshole motorists!


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: Just plain hate.
December 07, 2012
I also hate bicycles. They aren't cars and the idiots who ride them need to figure that out. One tard on a bike was using hand signals and blocking traffic AT AN RV PARK. There is no such thing as a small car here. ALL of these vehicles are huge. I'm tempted to slash bike tires late at night.

I admit I share most public roads. In San Antonio I share Broadway and all of downtown with bicycles. In Austin I share Red River and South Congress. I do not share farm road 620. I also don't share Highway 35 in either city. I also can't understand why I'm expected to make room for bicycles on busy highways. That idea is beyond stupid.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
December 07, 2012
Bicycles have their place, and there are lots of reasons to dislike many drivers, to be sure. (Folks who park in the fire lane, for example; it better be a real emergency to do that. People who throw garbage, particularly cigarette butts, out of their moving cars, too.)

I will also complain about some pedestrians, who jaywalk verrrrrrrrrrry sloooooooooooowly in front of your car, so you have to slow down to avoid killing them. (These folks usually stop to turn to look at you as you approach.)
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
December 09, 2012
Agreed on the auto-tuning. To name some of my hatreds: Onions, mayo, public pools, the popularity of crap like Glee, Real Housewives, jersey anything. Short hair on most men, pierced ears on men, overzealous pot smoking (pot is fine, just stop screaming from the rooftops that you smoke it), my neighbors who blast country music, deserty alcoholic beverages, lunch meats, sports obsessions. The fact that I can't help but wish miscarriage on a friend who oopsed my other friend. So much rage. Don't care how evil that might make me. I'll probably think of many more.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 12, 2012
Wires. Especially headphone wires. They make me want to shoot fire from my eyes.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 13, 2012
Christmas. I fucking HATE this time of year. It sucked ass as a kid and it sucks ass now.

Just shut the hell up with all the peace and joy etc. If you act like a scum bag all year being a reasonable person for the next month doesn't make it all better. Fucking hypocrittes.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Just plain hate.
December 14, 2012
I hate the hype surrounding new year's resolutions. I hate the idiots who come up with long lists of stuff that they're just going to neglect or fail at by the time March rolls around. I hate the whining and attention-whoring about how sticking resolutions is "soooooo hard" so people can get nipple-tweaks and head-pats. I hate people asking me what my resolutions are for the new year. If I want to change something about my life I start working on it immediately. Why the hell would I put it off for a new year when tomorrow is a new day?
Re: Just plain hate.
December 14, 2012
I fucking hate the Nutcracker. Mom took me to see it when I was a kid and I wanted to leave before it was halfway over. What's the deal with those super-creepy giant rats? Urgh. And that stupid Clara bitch dancing with the toys or whatever.

I also really hate "It's A Wonderful Life". I wanted the Jimmy Stewart character to off himself.

And don't get me started on "The Sound Of Music". The hills are alive... with the sound of puking.

I do love "Wizard Of Oz", though - but only because the Wicked Witch totally rocks. And her flying monkeys too! And I want those ruby slippers.

Hmm... I guess that part belongs in the "Just Plain Love" thread! Mr. T: I pitty tha foolongue2
Re: Just plain hate.
December 14, 2012
pepper labeija
I hate the hype surrounding new year's resolutions. I hate the idiots who come up with long lists of stuff that they're just going to neglect or fail at by the time March rolls around. I hate the whining and attention-whoring about how sticking resolutions is "soooooo hard" so people can get nipple-tweaks and head-pats. I hate people asking me what my resolutions are for the new year. If I want to change something about my life I start working on it immediately. Why the hell would I put it off for a new year when tomorrow is a new day?

It's the worst time of the year for those of us who don't need a particular date to make changes in our lives. The gyms in January are always full of clueless people who will fortunately be gone by February.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 14, 2012
I hate the whole idea of New Year's resolutions, and especially being asked what mine is, and then getting chewed out for not having one. Not like anyone sticks to them anyway. So what's the point?
Being asked what I got for Christmas. Look, I know people are curious and I get that, but it's the reaction I often get from certain individuals. After I tell them what I got, they're like "Oh," in that disgusted tone, and then they proceed to tell me about all their super expensive and high end gifts. I really don't give two fucks how much yer daddy spent on your designer brand clothes or the latest gadgets.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
December 14, 2012
Drama queens (especially those who try to pull you into their drama)
People who abuse animals
Big-money actors who can't act worth a flip
Recycled plots in literature (cough Stephen King cough)
The sound of metal scraping against metal (like fingernails on a chalkboard)
Snakes (even the non-venomous ones)
Whiny teenagers
Whiny children
Re: Just plain hate.
December 15, 2012
Snark Shark
"And don't get me started on "The Sound Of Music". The hills are alive... with the sound of puking."


It's the only movie EVER where I want the nazis to CATCH AND KILL someone.

"I fucking hate the Nutcracker."

all ballet is LAME.

You've never seen the lead from Nevada Ballet theater,

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Just plain hate.
December 22, 2012
what exactly is a "chibi"? it sounds like some kind of oriental demon.
Chibis are a super deformed style of Japanese manga, often drawn with big heads, small chubby bodies and stubby limbs. They look quite like children (even having a child's face) and are often meant to be 'cute.' My problem with them comes everybody seems to like to draw them on DeviantArt, sometimes there will be tons of chibi Batman, Harry Potter, Transformers, etc. on a page. I don't mind chibis if they are drawn well, but 80% of the time they are drawn by American teenagers who manage to make them look stupid.

is that what they were drawing Toki Wartooth as on there?
Re: Just plain hate.
December 22, 2012
I fucking hate the Nutcracker. Mom took me to see it when I was a kid and I wanted to leave before it was halfway over. What's the deal with those super-creepy giant rats? Urgh. And that stupid Clara bitch dancing with the toys or whatever.

I also really hate "It's A Wonderful Life". I wanted the Jimmy Stewart character to off himself.

And don't get me started on "The Sound Of Music". The hills are alive... with the sound of puking.

I do love "Wizard Of Oz", though - but only because the Wicked Witch totally rocks. And her flying monkeys too! And I want those ruby slippers.

Hmm... I guess that part belongs in the "Just Plain Love" thread! Mr. T: I pitty tha foolongue2

ugh! musicals in general! except for repo! the genetic opera
Re: Just plain hate.
December 22, 2012
I agree with everyone who hates whistles and catcalls from random strangers. That's the worst. In what universe has shouting, "heeeeey sexy lady" out of a car window ever worked? On that note, I hate guys who will not take a hint. Or guys that think friendly = interested. Case in point, the cashier at CVS asked me out last week. I've checked out there with him before and engaged in small talk about the weather and wished him a good evening, but I didn't think I was being more than cordial and friendly. While I get that in my area, people tend to be fairly abrupt, I don't see the harm in smiling and saying, "have a good evening.". I turned him down and now I have to be really strategic about when I go to my neighborhood CVS because he has made it super awkward since.

I also really hate when I am in a fairly empty metro car or at least one with plenty of completely open rows, and some moron insists on sitting down next to me anyway. If the train is fairly full, its rush hour, or the train is filling up I obviously don't care, but when it's mostly empty and you insist on sitting with me anyway, I'm going to think you are a creep. It's bad enough when they don't talk to me, because I usually seethe for a few stops and then get up and move away and feel really awkward. It's worse when they want to chat...I'm sorry, if I have my headphones on and I'm staring at a book, please leave me alone. Yes, I'm mean. what the cvs cashier is doing is sexual harassment, report him.

Other things that get me
- Sex and the City...or really, the young 20somethings that think they are Carrie Bradshaw. Ugh. Why anyone would want to be a writer of trite drivel with serious financial problems/homewrecking slut who marries an emotionally unavailable asshole is beyond me.
You sure you're not talking about Shauna?
- Twilight. I am behind the times and just heard a little bit about it and wanted to throw up.
- Oh, and goddamned Taylor Swift. Hate her. This whole "waiting for a white knight" bs is a really bad message to send to her teenage girl admirers, and she comes across batshit crazy and desperate. I was stuck on a plane next to some shrieking kids (another thing I hate, but around here that goes without saying) and reading in some tabloid about how she bought a house next to the summer home of her teenage boyfriend who is still in high school. Clingy, anyone? Also, what 22 year old wants to date an 18 year old high school junior. I don't even care if it is legal. I was 22 fairly recently and I couldn't imagine even dating anyone who wasn't old enough to drink. Also her music sucks and it is EVERYWHERE!
And it's all the same song really.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 25, 2012
I don't know whether this has been posted, but I hate people who have no concept of personal space. Like when you go into a bathroom with 9 empty stalls & you pick one, and some moron comes in right behind you & picks the stall next to yours.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 26, 2012
I hate grocery store people who see me carrying a bunch of things in both hands and attack me with a credit card application. Not even take a breath to hear my "no, thank you". I get it. It is a sucky way to make a living. But after a fucking long day working alongside lobotomized breeder women, I just want to go home to my music and my novels and my Dexter DVDs. For the love of all that is holy, get the fuck out of my way.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 26, 2012
I dislike it when people post a link to an article or paste in an article, don't add any analysis at all, and then write "Discuss."

Excuse me, I am not your fucking student, and that 'joke' of treating people as if they were stopped being funny a long time ago. It's rude to tell people to do something you're too lazy to do - put in more than the bare minimum of effort and contribute some commentary if you want a discussion. If I find the topic interesting I might want to discuss it, but not with someone who has contributed nothing to the conversation and tries to order me around.

I can understand not completely dissecting an article when offering analysis, in order to leave something interesting for later participants to address. But that is completely different from proudly plopping a dead mouse in our laps and expecting us to be thrilled to examine it for your pleasure.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 27, 2012
I dislike it when people post a link to an article or paste in an article, don't add any analysis at all, and then write "Discuss."

Excuse me, I am not your fucking student, and that 'joke' of treating people as if they were stopped being funny a long time ago. It's rude to tell people to do something you're too lazy to do - put in more than the bare minimum of effort and contribute some commentary if you want a discussion. If I find the topic interesting I might want to discuss it, but not with someone who has contributed nothing to the conversation and tries to order me around.

I can understand not completely dissecting an article when offering analysis, in order to leave something interesting for later participants to address. But that is completely different from proudly plopping a dead mouse in our laps and expecting us to be thrilled to examine it for your pleasure.

I post articles or items with no commentary regularly but my reason for no commentary is because I am looking for opinions and I don't want to influence it or start a fight right off.

Seasonal hates:

-"Last Christmas". It's the only Christmas song with whining.
-interpretations. Especially by screaming divas and swing crooners. To the former-pick a fucking note. Nobody want to hear "Silent Night" a la air raid siren. To the latter, who "hipify" lyrics-"Who's that cat with the big red suit and swingin' the bag? That's Ol' Saint Nicky Baby! And he's hoppin' the train to come to your town!" Stop. Just. Fucking. Stop.
-lists. You know which two I am talking about and I feel the need to beat someone with a tire iron when I hear them.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 27, 2012
fucking self righteous moo fucking trolls.

douche bag macho man duh trolls.

hollywierd "action heroes"

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Just plain hate.
December 27, 2012
I post articles or items with no commentary regularly but my reason for no commentary is because I am looking for opinions and I don't want to influence it or start a fight right off.

I don't mind it when people do that, as long as they also contribute to other discussions, or participate in that discussion later on. Just don't write "Discuss." at the end.
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