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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
October 08, 2012
People who have their kids record the answering machine message. "Dis is ...uh .. Britnee ("wut I s'posed ta say, Mommy?")... my Mommy can't come to da fone. Pease leeb a messawge :::giggle:::"

DIE! DIE! DIE! :hardcore
Re: Just plain hate.
October 08, 2012
People who have their kids record the answering machine message. "Dis is ...uh .. Britnee ("wut I s'posed ta say, Mommy?")... my Mommy can't come to da fone. Pease leeb a messawge :::giggle:::"

DIE! DIE! DIE! :hardcore

Years ago, I phoned a reasonably large store on a main street in a medium-sized city to get a price for an item.
Their outgoing message on their answering machine was an inarticulate gurgling message from a kid.
I made sure that I left a very clear and sharply worded message about why it was so unprofessional and that I would be utilizing their competitor for all current and future purchases.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 08, 2012
Two guys I dated in 2008. One was a user who should DIAF immediately, and the other broke my heart and should also DIAF immediately.

Also my ex husband. If he DIAF I would be insanely happy.

There's probably a lot of other stuff but this is just my first thoughts on seeing the topic.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 08, 2012
School buses that block traffic while one cunt nugget is being stupid. God forbid other people have places to be.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 08, 2012
School buses that block traffic while one cunt nugget is being stupid. God forbid other people have places to be.

Addendum: schools buses that stop at a driveway, pick up a kid, travel 50 feet, stop, pick up kid, travel another 50 feet, infinitude.

Why can't all those brats do the same as was expected when I was a sprat - gather at the corner, where everyone gets picked up in one swoop.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 08, 2012
I fucking hate earwigs. When I was little I thought that they crawled in your ear and laid eggs in your brain when you were asleep.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 08, 2012
What drives me insane-people who sound like a septic tank backing up when they eat. Chomping, slurping, crunching, grunting-DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Just plain hate.
October 08, 2012
Littering. While Hubby and I were walking our dogs on the beach Archer found a used shit rag lying in the sand. It pisses me off that I had to take this thing away from him. The pointless waste of space who left it there had to pass several garbage cans going in and out of that beach. I'd like to shove that thing into the mouth of whoever left it there.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 08, 2012
I also hate mayonnaise. There is only one dish in which I use it - sparingly - and even then I wish I had an alternative.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
I definitely have many things I loathe with every fiber of my being:

  • Mothers that talk/brag/laugh about how their single-digit-aged daughters are "mouthy little divas". It's pretty much guaranteed those same mothers won't find it funny once their daughters hit puberty.
  • Ampersands, thanks to people who've become too lazy to type out "and"; leave that shit to a certain place that only allows 140 characters.
  • When people say "log on to [name website here].com/net/org" when it should be "visit" or "go to"; they apparently didn't get the memo that "logging on" is when you type in a user name and password, not when you type in the address and pressing Enter on the keyboard.
  • People who say a web address that ends with ".org", but they spell out "org" instead of saying it as a word.
  • Finger snapping in songs.
  • The phrase "all new".
  • People that always have to tack on the word "baby" when saying the name of a baby (ex. "Baby Cody took his first steps"; "Baby McKayla was born at 10 AM."). One, no shit they're a baby. Two, you wouldn't refer to a senior citizen as "Elderly Gertrude" or a 16-year-old as "Teenager Caitlin" so why do it for babies?
  • People that say "the year" before mentioning a future calendar year or even the current one (ex. "I expect to get married by the year 2018" or "I can't believe that people are still racist in the year 2012.")
  • Static-y hair.
  • When people start their sentences with "Look" or "Listen"; so condescending.
  • When people say "folks".
  • When things I really like get discontinued; the most recent was Suave's Firming Lotion a few months back.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
What drives me insane-people who sound like a septic tank backing up when they eat. Chomping, slurping, crunching, grunting-DIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!


I also want to add meth heads to my list. I fucking hate these people with their 'tweeking' and filth covered skin, always coming to the pharmacy to buy "The 96 count nasal decongestant because they have a really bad cold and used up the box they bought four days ago." Fuck you, NO ONE needs 96 Sudafed in that many days. Or they're buying syringes for "Grandma. Uh, no, actually it's for my uncle. Well really for my aunt. Actually her dog." Just stop. Just tell me you want the fucking syringes and I'll sell them to you because I don't want you spreading hepatitis. But I will lie to you about say I have no sudafed in stock when I really have thirty boxes, because frankly I don't care if you kill yourself or blow yourself to bits when your lab goes unstable. In fact I hope you blow up and die. But your neighbors don't deserve it. You are dirty and disgusting and I hate you touching my counter with your dirty nasty scabby hands, and I hate that those of you who are female dress like goddamn skanks letting everything hang out. I don't feel sorry for you at all, because when you started this, you KNEW better. Just go DIAF.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
People who butcher the English language either by writing or speaking.
You will lose many opinion points with me if I hear or see improper use of grammar.

People who pronounce the 'H' in a word when it is supposed to be silent.
For example: when, what, why, white, etc. Drives me battty.

People who make mouth sounds when they aren't even eating anything.

When a group sits around a fire and someone begins playing guitar. Fucking annoying.
Even worse if they sing.

People who destroy books just by reading them. The cover will be bent and dented to shit, and there will be stains on the pages. What the fuck were they doing? Riding on the wing of a jet while they were eating?


I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
Fakebook, twatter and other social media

There's lots more but I can't think of it now.

Oh yeah .... solving the mathematical question before posting messages.... especially late at night or early in the morning.. or when I've had wine.....
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
People who show little awareness for the world around them and other people in it. They are the people who block the doorway to a shop by standing around chatting, the ones who smack you in the face with their overly large backpacks as they turn around, the ones you bump into on the sidewalk because they suddenly stop, the ones who park their grocery carts in the middle of the aisle, and the ones who keep chatting with their friends while their babies scream.

People who have no respect for private or public property, or nature. I'm thinking of people who litter, who try to burn the bus schedule with lighters, who cut into the seats on public transport, who break car windows after football matches, who carve things into trees, who put grafiti on buildings which are hundreds of years old, and who try to touch things at museums.

People who are inconsiderate. These are the people who have a loud party when their neighbors are trying to sleep, who stand smoking in the doorways of apartment buildings so that all the residents are subjected to their smoke, who take up too much space on the sidewalk with their overly large strollers, who let their brats run around completely undisciplined, who spit out their gum on the sidewalk, who leave their garbage wedged between the seats on the tram, who cough without attempting to cover their mouthes, who play loud music on public transport, who honk their car horns instead of ringing the doorbell of the person they have come to meet, who babble loudly on their cell phones in public, and who are so eager to get on the bus that they block people from exiting.

I am sure I could think of more examples, but it basically comes down to assholes. I don't like assholes, and most people are assholes.

I also don't like disease or mosquitos.

I consider a poor grasp of one's native tongue a sign of stupidity. I am not a fan of stupidity.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
I am guilty of ruining books. I will qualify that by letting you know that I do buy all my books second hand now unless it's something I really want. I am addicted to taking baths and reading in those baths. It's my one truly guilty pleasure. The longest bath possible, sometimes partially draining and adding more hot water to extend it beyond 2 hours. So my books inevitably get wet from my hands, causing the covers to break down and fray, curl and become covered in waterspots. I know, I know. It's bad. I really want a kindle, but unless they make truly waterproof covers for them, it's not worth the risk. I have dropped books IN the tub before.....
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012

I'm turning into an old person. I don't keep up with the latest vocabularies and had to look that up smile rolling left righteyes2

Love how the Urban Dictionary defines it


The douchebag mating call.

Douchebag: YOLO

*women start humping his leg*

The only thing I could think of is why do people hate the Sacramento area? Then I Googled it and thought "that is stupid. Just say you only live once."

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
I am guilty of ruining books. I will qualify that by letting you know that I do buy all my books second hand now unless it's something I really want.

As long as they're your books. And some books have no justification for existing. I bought a couple of the Twilight books (paperback, 2nd-hand) just to see what the fuss was about. They will become lighting material for our backyard bonfire. But my good books --- ohh, I'm as fussy as an adoption agency handing out kids when it comes to loaning them. A couple of experiences where the books came back in such a traumatic shape that I screeched "you killed them!" convinced me to never loan books again. You want to read something and don't want to buy a copy? Go to the library.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
Yeah, I borrowed a trilogy from my brother and dropped one in the tub. Needless to say, I went to B&N and bought him the trilogy again because there was no way I was returning that set to him in such awful condition! (It was the Golden Compass trilogy- I am glad I have a copy now, even as crumbling as they are...)
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
I hate certain words, like doily, hygiene and zephyr.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012

I'm turning into an old person. I don't keep up with the latest vocabularies and had to look that up smile rolling left righteyes2

Love how the Urban Dictionary defines it


The douchebag mating call.

Douchebag: YOLO

*women start humping his leg*

Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
I hate when otherwise intelligent people believe and repeat old stupid cliches. Ex - Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.

I cannot stand the sound of paper crinkling.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
-"bling". Hate it. Hate anyone who uses it. Same with "crib". You are 21 years old. If you are in a "crib" and are calling something "bling", you are infantile and need to be slapped. Preferably with a tire iron.
-"lambo". Putting gull wings on your '92 Datsun does not make you look cool. It makes you look pathetic. Real lamborghinis=fucking hot! Turning your car into a fake Lamborghini=douche.
-preppies at Monster Magnet concerts. You are not winning any friends by pushing your way in front of me to look at the strippers. Especially when you step on my feet to do it. Go die!
-fake "Joisey" accents. Just. Stop.
-grills. Not the kind on cars or that you cook on. I am talking about that retarded shit people put on their teeth.
-hip hop-EVERYTHING: pants below their ass, posturing, posturing dancing, rap music, fashions, you name it.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
I hate when otherwise intelligent people believe and repeat old stupid cliches. Ex - Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.

I cannot stand the sound of paper crinkling.

I can't stant that paper crinkling sound either. Wonder where that comes from? My dh thinks it's silly.. but I really can't stand it.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012
-Peach flavored tea.
-Anything-flavored tea. Tea should taste like tea.
-The trash that rides the bus at night.
-Fake eyelashes. 90% of the people who wear them look stupid.
-When I do something awesome (wear solid glitter nail polish, dye my hair green), then two weeks later, EVERYONE is doing it and acting like they just discovered the latest trend.
-People who can't fucking read. For example, a customer who bangs on the glass demanding to be let in at 9:05 when we close at 9. They bang right next to the posted hours. All I do is tap at the sigh and walk away.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2012

People who make mouth sounds when they aren't even eating anything.

Oh. My. God. Yes. Tooth-suckers drive me right over the edge.

And shall we add bad table manners to the mix? I don't like people who make excessive noise when they ARE eating, either with their mouths or their silverware: biting the fork or spoon as it goes into their mouth; smacking their lips; licking their fingers; using toothpicks; attacking their food like a hungry wolverine*.

I cannot STAND clink-clink-clink of a spoon against the cereal bowl-- I used to be on the SECOND FLOOR and I could hear my ex-DH do this. It drives me fucking crazy.

I thank my parents and Miss Manners for my table manners. I can still recall reading that when using utensils, the idea is to eat as noiselessly as possible. Makes sense--why is it so hard for people to comprehend?

*BTW, my in-laws do all of the above. So does DH, when I'm not here. My in-laws also have an aversion to using serving utensils. The last time we all got together, I sneaked them on every dish at the table. My FIL took his own fork, the one he had been using, and stuck it into every community dish.

I've already told DH that I'm speaking up at Christmas about using serving spoons because I can't take it anymore. You want to eat like a pig, fine, that's your business, but contaminate community food, and I'm speaking up.
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