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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
October 14, 2012
I'm in the same boat on the last two points. Except for me it's a little like "Well gee, I dunno why I'm 28 and never had a boyfriend. Thanks for reminding me, shithead." But then I also remember that I'm kid-free and don't have babydaddy drama and a shot to shit reputation and I feel lots better.

I also hate the cotton mouth voice, especially when the person gets pissed off at me for not being able to understand them. Maybe if you'd work on enunciation and actually try to speak like a human being instead of a drunk sea slug, I'd be able to tell what you're saying.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 14, 2012
Those people who cluster under the awnings and block the door when it is raining irritate me. Yes, it is raining and it is unlikely to stop soon, so you are going to get wet. It's not as if you're made of sugar: you'll survive. If you really find it too daunting to simply step onto the sidewalk, get back in the store and get the fuck out of the doorway so that I can leave (or enter, as the case may be - the last thing I feel like doing is standing in the rain for an extra minute because there's no room for me to walk in!).
Re: Just plain hate.
October 14, 2012
I'm in the same boat on the last two points. Except for me it's a little like "Well gee, I dunno why I'm 28 and never had a boyfriend. Thanks for reminding me, shithead." But then I also remember that I'm kid-free and don't have babydaddy drama and a shot to shit reputation and I feel lots better.

I also hate the cotton mouth voice, especially when the person gets pissed off at me for not being able to understand them. Maybe if you'd work on enunciation and actually try to speak like a human being instead of a drunk sea slug, I'd be able to tell what you're saying.

This reminded me of something else. You ever noticed that some women will intentionally speak in a squeaky, high-pitched voice? It's not cute, it won't get you a man, and you just end up looking like a retard. Use your normal voice.

More things I hate.

Roast beef.
Sanctimonious granola crunchers who claim to be the biggest environmentalists of all, but in reality they're a bunch of wasteful slobs.
Compulsive liars.
Revolving doors.
People who talk way too much about nothing at all.
Littering. Really, would it fucking kill you to throw your shit in the trash?
Twilight. Thanks for ruining vampires for the rest of us.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 15, 2012
People who rrrrroll their RRRRRRs when they speak.

Bagpipe music.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 15, 2012
People who say they are strict vegetarians and don't eat meat cuz they don't want any animals hurt; while at the same time wearing leather shoes, carrying a leather bag, while getting into their leather covered interior of their car. Although I am a meateater, I have no problem with someone who wants to be vegan. I DO have a problem with these people when they are hypocrites concerning their own convictions.

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 15, 2012
"Shabby chic" decor
99.97% of self-identified freegans
People who feel the need to constantly talk about how attractive they are (most of the time these people really aren't all that good-looking)
Re: Just plain hate.
October 15, 2012
People who say they are strict vegetarians and don't eat meat cuz they don't want any animals hurt; while at the same time wearing leather shoes, carrying a leather bag, while getting into their leather covered interior of their car. Although I am a meateater, I have no problem with someone who wants to be vegan. I DO have a problem with these people when they are hypocrites concerning their own convictions.

I met one of those idiots once. She gave me some line about meat and hide coming from an animal at the same time. I never understood the crap she spouted and I don't think she did either. If I remembered her name I would put her on this list too.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 15, 2012
I'm in the same boat on the last two points. Except for me it's a little like "Well gee, I dunno why I'm 28 and never had a boyfriend. Thanks for reminding me, shithead." But then I also remember that I'm kid-free and don't have babydaddy drama and a shot to shit reputation and I feel lots better.

I also hate the cotton mouth voice, especially when the person gets pissed off at me for not being able to understand them. Maybe if you'd work on enunciation and actually try to speak like a human being instead of a drunk sea slug, I'd be able to tell what you're saying.

This reminded me of something else. You ever noticed that some women will intentionally speak in a squeaky, high-pitched voice? It's not cute, it won't get you a man, and you just end up looking like a retard. Use your normal voice.

More things I hate.

Roast beef.
Sanctimonious granola crunchers who claim to be the biggest environmentalists of all, but in reality they're a bunch of wasteful slobs.
Compulsive liars.
Revolving doors.
People who talk way too much about nothing at all.
Littering. Really, would it fucking kill you to throw your shit in the trash?
Twilight. Thanks for ruining vampires for the rest of us.


You ain't human!
Re: Just plain hate.
October 15, 2012
pepper labeija
"Shabby chic" decor
99.97% of self-identified freegans
People who feel the need to constantly talk about how attractive they are (most of the time these people really aren't all that good-looking)

"shabby chic" is hipsterese for "looks like cheap shit"

explain the freegan one....i know freegans are people who raid dumpsters and trash cans to rescue tossed food from stores...
Re: Just plain hate.
October 15, 2012
Snark Shark
"Bagpipe music."

IT'S NOT MUSIC. My Scottish ancestors used bagpipes to torture the ENGLISH.

bagpipes were invented to sound like dying geese, with the idea that this noise will strike fear into the hearts of the enemy. considering once the celts ran into battle naked and wearing woad, i think that not too many were exactly threatened originally with a bunch of painted drunk nudists running at them. so, after inventing golf, which is a game that screams "wasted scots made this up", they decided instead that it would be better to put on a skirt, a beret and a purse to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. i must agree that if a guy pops up on the battle field wearing a plaid skirt, he probably knows how to kick your ass...
Re: Just plain hate.
October 16, 2012
People who say "Feels" instead of "Feelings." Stop it. Fuck you. angry smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
October 16, 2012
People who say "Feels" instead of "Feelings." Stop it. Fuck you. angry smiley

Same for saying "legit" instead of "legitimate." It's two more syllables, goddamnit.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: Just plain hate.
October 16, 2012
People who say "Feels" instead of "Feelings." Stop it. Fuck you. angry smiley

Same for saying "legit" instead of "legitimate." It's two more syllables, goddamnit.

Does that go along with "teef" instead of "teeth"?

I'm glad I'm not a social person (which isn't the same as "anti-social", as we've discussed in another thread) and that I stick to just a few message boards that are largely comprised of smart, literate people. The top of my head would blow off, listening to and reading the pidgin talk that counts as literacy these days.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 16, 2012
I hate it when lateness is sanctioned. Whenever lateness is accommodated it is implicitly rewarding it and punishing people who are on time.

It might be a meeting, or a class, and the person in charge will announce that they're going to delay starting for a few minutes so that everyone can arrive. Of course, that means that the next time, half of the people who were on time will figure it isn't worth sitting around, and show up five minutes late - while those people who were late the first time notice there were no penalties and so they show up 10 minutes late.

What should happen is that the everything should start on time, and late people should enter without causing disruption. (In the case of disruption, it should be pointed out how unacceptable that is.) If a person is late repeatedly, it should be pointed out that this is rude to the other participants and there should be some consequences.

It really pisses me off when I take the trouble to be on time and I'm the one inconvenienced.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 17, 2012
My list is:

People who talk to you as if you are a retard or a child.

Most holidays, especially Christmas. The reason is that Christmas is heavily commercialized and the pressure it puts on people to go into debt over gifts. Also, our store starts playing the music at the beginning of November, and by then I'm sick of it. The only exception to this would be Halloween, but that is because I like horror.

WIC- I hate seeing customers with WIC, the checks take so frikken long to process and to me it's just associated with young dumb breeders.

Going into the lady's room and seeing toilets splashed with pee, poop smears and/or menstrual blood.

Moos who like to say their little girls are 'divas' and/or 'have a boyfriend.' How the hell does a two year old have a boyfriend?

'Christianese.' Mostly encountered in Christian circles. Thank God I don't go to church.

People who think Food X or Drug Y cause autism. This is the anti-vaccers and folks who avoid certain foods that cause 'overgrowth of yeast, which causes autism.' If that's so, why aren't the parents autistic too?

The word 'veggies.' It sounds so cutesy and is what a yuppie moo would say.

The ending '-ables' to any food product. I HATE this with a blazing passion. Biggest offenders would be 'Wheatables, Steam-ables' and any other damn '-ables' that product makers deem 'cute.' Who are you trying to be, fucking Willy Wonka? angry flipping off

Most romance and slash in fanfics. Half the time the romance is the dewy-eyed crap that appeals more to teen females or some author *forgot* to warn that there might be graphic slash in this story. Biggest pet peeves in this would be stuff found in Left 4 Dead and Star Wars. Hunters shouldn't be shipped with anyone because it makes them look OOC, and I don't really care to hear about Anakin having butt-sex with Obi-wan.

Lastly, chibis. These infest the halls of DeviantArt, and they make any character they are 'supposed to be' look insanely stupid.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 17, 2012

The word 'veggies.' It sounds so cutesy and is what a yuppie moo would say.

The ending '-ables' to any food product. I HATE this with a blazing passion. Biggest offenders would be 'Wheatables, Steam-ables' and any other damn '-ables' that product makers deem 'cute.' Who are you trying to be, fucking Willy Wonka? angry flipping off

You hate "veggies" and "-ables"... what about "vegetABLES"?

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
October 17, 2012
The word 'veggies.' It sounds so cutesy and is what a yuppie moo would say.

Agreed. Other cutesy words I hate are "mani-pedi" and "tummy". A grown woman referring to her stomach as her "tummy" is so gag-inducing.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 17, 2012
More things I hate.

Justin Bieber. Please, somebody kill that thing before it spreads.
White milk.
The sound of static.
Really high-pitched noises.
Baby dolls.
When people leave things in places where I can easily trip over it. EG my mom has a tendancy to leave the vacume in the middle of the floor.
The phrase "Just sayin'."
Horribly done accents
Attrocious spelling and grammar.
The fact that all the books I want to read aren't available in braille.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 18, 2012
Shoelaces. Hate. Hate. HATE!!! angry smiley angry smiley angry flipping off

I HATE shoelaces! HATE THEM WITH THE POWER OF 1000 HIROSHIMA BOMBS!!! Shoelaces are of the Devil.

Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
October 18, 2012
Sweatpants with words printed across the ass
When people write "would, could, should OF" instead of "would, could, should HAVE"
Swiss cheese
Co-workers that talk to themselves under their breath
When I'm just settling in to read or watch TV and the phone rings...I swear, that seems to be the ONLY time it rings.
Grocery shopping
Going to the hair salon and getting a stylist that won't stop talking...I just want to chill and get my hair cut, dammit!
Having my picture taken; I usually end up hating the picture even if I was prepared for it
Wedding showers, baby showers, bachelorette parties, or any other event with shrieking female conversation
People who feel the need to point out that I'm introverted like there's something wrong with me - "You're so QUIET!" Been hearing that all my life and I'm so fucking sick of it.
Door-to-door anything - I don't want to buy magazines, candy, find Jesus, get an estimate for new windows...just GO AWAY and leave me alone!
Co-workers who have lengthy personal phone conversations in our shared office space
Having neighbors - I wish I lived in the country with no one around for miles
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
October 18, 2012
In no particular order:
-People who break wind in public. Forcing others to breathe in your intestinal gases is beyond foul.
- Dumb footballers and their airhead girlfriends. Who gives a flying shit about anything they say or do? Ever.
-People who address female Doctors as 'Nurse' and male Nurses as 'Doctor'. Thick as pigshit and offensive to all groups concerned.
- People who cannot get it through their thick fucking heads that some women keep their own names when they marry and that same women have no interest in hearing their opinions on the matter,either way.
-Anyone who makes pathetic jokes about 'parking' in the presence of a female pilot. Go fuck yourselves,or at least,go throw yourselves off the aircraft at FL300.
-False eyelashes,hair extensions,fake tans. Yuck. Just yuck.
-Any idiot who has ever used the phrase 'Who's the Daddy??!'. Cretinous.
-Smelly people.
-Religious nutters.
-Brats who won't wear something because the label 'isn't cool enough'.

Re: Just plain hate.
October 18, 2012

-People who address female Doctors as 'Nurse' and male Nurses as 'Doctor'. Thick as pigshit and offensive to all groups concerned.


I've had times where I had to leave a room, even though I needed orders, because the bastard wouldn't talk to the doc because she was younger and female. Once I left then he'd talk to her.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Just plain hate.
October 19, 2012

The word 'veggies.' It sounds so cutesy and is what a yuppie moo would say.

The ending '-ables' to any food product. I HATE this with a blazing passion. Biggest offenders would be 'Wheatables, Steam-ables' and any other damn '-ables' that product makers deem 'cute.' Who are you trying to be, fucking Willy Wonka? angry flipping off

You hate "veggies" and "-ables"... what about "vegetABLES"?
I don't mind 'vegetables' as that is a normal word form, but thinking on it now it might be the grossly incorrect 'plural' English often used to make it sound cute. 'Wheatable" and "Sociable" sound a lot better then "Wheatables" and "Sociables" (these are both names of brands of crackers) and 'Steamable' sounds better then Steamables." ('Steamables' are steam-in-bag vegetables.) The normal word form implies ability, the incorrect plural form makes me want to scream.

Snark Shark


whazzat?? a Chinese christian? bouncing and laughing
I wish. :smoke Usually what it means is someone tries to use certain words and terms to sound more 'spiritual.' Often terms like "Slain in the Spirit" "I felt led by God" and "I have a stirring in my spirit" are all pretty common ones, especially if you look in Pentocostal churches and hardcore Baptist. I'm not Penty or Baptist, but I've known enough of them to get an idea of the 'lingo.'
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
October 19, 2012
One of my more recent pet peeves is the misuse of "myself" (i.e "Please call Doris or myself if you have any questions" or "Some people still get perms every year, myself included.") It's like people that do this think they'll sound like Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel if they say "me".
Re: Just plain hate.
October 19, 2012
My list is:

People who talk to you as if you are a retard or a child.

Most holidays, especially Christmas. The reason is that Christmas is heavily commercialized and the pressure it puts on people to go into debt over gifts. Also, our store starts playing the music at the beginning of November, and by then I'm sick of it. The only exception to this would be Halloween, but that is because I like horror.

WIC- I hate seeing customers with WIC, the checks take so frikken long to process and to me it's just associated with young dumb breeders.

Going into the lady's room and seeing toilets splashed with pee, poop smears and/or menstrual blood.

Moos who like to say their little girls are 'divas' and/or 'have a boyfriend.' How the hell does a two year old have a boyfriend?

'Christianese.' Mostly encountered in Christian circles. Thank God I don't go to church.

People who think Food X or Drug Y cause autism. This is the anti-vaccers and folks who avoid certain foods that cause 'overgrowth of yeast, which causes autism.' If that's so, why aren't the parents autistic too?

The word 'veggies.' It sounds so cutesy and is what a yuppie moo would say.

The ending '-ables' to any food product. I HATE this with a blazing passion. Biggest offenders would be 'Wheatables, Steam-ables' and any other damn '-ables' that product makers deem 'cute.' Who are you trying to be, fucking Willy Wonka? angry flipping off

Most romance and slash in fanfics. Half the time the romance is the dewy-eyed crap that appeals more to teen females or some author *forgot* to warn that there might be graphic slash in this story. Biggest pet peeves in this would be stuff found in Left 4 Dead and Star Wars. Hunters shouldn't be shipped with anyone because it makes them look OOC, and I don't really care to hear about Anakin having butt-sex with Obi-wan.

Lastly, chibis. These infest the halls of DeviantArt, and they make any character they are 'supposed to be' look insanely stupid.

what exactly is a "chibi"? it sounds like some kind of oriental demon.

i hate fan fiction. there were some in a metalocalypse forum doing that and it was pretty dreadful. but mainly, i hate fan fiction because you are taking someone else's creation and using it (I am talking to you, too, current James Bond authors). make up your own damn characters!

the thing i hate most about the christmas season is the hypocrisy of many who call themselves christians. they will send out freakin' holiday email memes on the true meaning of christmas and then go trample on some poor Wal Mart employee to get to an Xbox or snatch a popular toy from a child while standing in line at Toys R Us. they can't bother to give money to the Salvation Army guy outside a store, but will toot their own horn about generosity because they bought their kids a ton of shit.
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