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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
October 22, 2012
I hate puffy sleeves on women's blouses. I am not a goddamned cupcake and I don't feel like people can take me seriously if I wear a puffy sleeve shirt.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: Just plain hate.
October 22, 2012
"The Puffy Shirt" waving hellolarious

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 22, 2012
Re: Hornblowing Hooligans....I feel your pain because I am a bus rider. I hate to say this but it seems like dudes in the ghetto part of town are the worse when it comes to this. I hate to go all Romney but it does seem like this. I always have my headphones on and I stand with my back facing the bus stop. When they try to get my attention, I ignore them because I cannot "hear" them. When it becomes clear that they are not getting the attention they so crave, they drive off.

Men like this ruin things for the few decent people. Even for the men who don't do it, they just don't understand how pointless it is and how degrading it is for us. Just leave people alone unless you have something worthwhile to offer them. Let them go on about their lives and conduct their days in peace--it is all I ask.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 22, 2012
More ranting about gas stations UG, was thinking about the 'whistles and catcalls' - I don't get that too much - maybe the people here are nicer or I'm getting old, who knows?

And I did get a nice compliment from a (seemingly) Soccer Mom type driving a Minivan grinning smiley thumbs upwink

Go figure.

Does include an Asshole Man ~

So I picked up my car from the shop, it was no big deal, and more then half of it they could charge off to warranty - the battery had it's own warranty - so I got that for free! YAY! - and I guess they could charge some labor off to them, too. Excellente!

So I take the car to the gas station, you have to pre pay. I decided to get some beer too, so I got that and went to pay - there was a woman before me but she walked away from the counter and back to get something, I guess -

I set my beer on the counter thinking the woman would come back / cashier was working on her - but he motioned me ahead.

Well here comes this jackass through the doors - barges right up to the cashier and says - here's my (credit) card, pump # whatever.

And an argument ensues. Cashier tells him he can't do that / hold the cards - and just turn the pump on - he has to run through the transaction first. Pre PAY. DUH. They go over this like three times. The guy finally relents and says OK charge me $25.

THEN it dawns on him - yeah - there are people here who have WAITED IN LINE. He mumbled something toward me and the cashier and I said - ACTUALLY - I believe this person *behind me* was here first, I surely do not want to interrupt her.

I hope I made a little point there. Rude jerk.

So I pay, go to gas up my car, and on the other side of my gas pumps is the Soccer Mom and she says to me - I LOVE YOUR CAR! smiling smiley

Yes, I have an AWESOME COOL CAR! She asked me a few questions about it, real pleasant gal. thumbs upwink

The car gets stares and attention - not me grinning smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
October 23, 2012
Snark Shark
I hate AT&T right now. We paid our bill and two weeks later they shut off our service claiming we owe them $500.00. When we called to ask WTF they told my husband something was obviously wrong but it would take them three to five days to get back to us. We couldn't be without our phones so we cancelled that contract and signed up with Verizon.I should have known the company was fucked up from the beginning. They support Romney. I'd like to spend next weekend picketing one of their retail locations.

the mobile co. I use, Credo, supports liberal causes, if it's of any interest! grinning smiley

I would love to sign up with them but they're insanely expensive in my corner of the world. If they came down on their price I would sign up ina heart beat.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 23, 2012
I hate politics right now. I hate the coverage the candidates get. WHY did someone feel like telling the world Mittens likes crunchy peanut butter and cherry coke??? I don't care about what Mittens like anymore than I care what movie Obama saw yesterday. These things aren't even relevant. I'm going to throw a party as soon as this crap is over.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 23, 2012
Yeah, the news station pointed out that Romney played jenga with his grandkids and had a peanut butter and honey sandwich just before the debate. WHO CARES??????
Re: Just plain hate.
October 23, 2012
I hate politics right now. I hate the coverage the candidates get. WHY did someone feel like telling the world Mittens likes crunchy peanut butter and cherry coke??? I don't care about what Mittens like anymore than I care what movie Obama saw yesterday. These things aren't even relevant. I'm going to throw a party as soon as this crap is over.

I really don't mind hearing about peanut butter and soda. It's the ugliness and misleading ads and disrespect that's getting to me from everyone--the candidates and the voters. This country is going insane in this election. I don't remember it being this bad in 2008. Couples are sleeping on the couch because of difference of opinion and things are just getting so very ugly. I too will throw a party when it is over. smiling smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
October 23, 2012
I hate when people say they like how babies smell. I think that baby powder smells gross, and babies smell like a mix of baby powder, sour milk, crap, piss and more baby powder smell from the baby wipes.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 23, 2012
Cramps, breast swelling, back pain - I hate the lot of it. The only good thing is clear evidence of not being pregnant.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 24, 2012
I realized that I hate automatically flushing toilets. I mean COME ON! I'm tired of my backside being lightly misted like its a veggie in the produce aisle. Sooooooo... Gross! :scr

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 24, 2012
I hate seeing Christmas merchandise hit stores in October. There are three holidays between now and Christmas. I have a special prize for anyone who can tell me what they are.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 24, 2012
I hate seeing Christmas merchandise hit stores in October. There are three holidays between now and Christmas. I have a special prize for anyone who can tell me what they are.

1. (US) Thanks Giving (Canadian TG has already passed, so I won't guess that)

2. Some Jewish Holidays

3. The CF Rock N Roll All Night! and PARTAY EVERY DAY!
Re: Just plain hate.
October 24, 2012
I hate seeing Christmas merchandise hit stores in October. There are three holidays between now and Christmas. I have a special prize for anyone who can tell me what they are.

1. (US) Thanks Giving (Canadian TG has already passed, so I won't guess that)

2. Some Jewish Holidays

3. The CF Rock N Roll All Night! and PARTAY EVERY DAY!

May I ask which holidays??? I can add those to my list.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 25, 2012
I hate seeing Christmas merchandise hit stores in October. There are three holidays between now and Christmas. I have a special prize for anyone who can tell me what they are.

Here are a few that I could think of off the top of my head (although I didn't remember the dates for all of them):
  • Samhain (October 31)
  • Halloween (October 31)
  • Día de los Muertos (November 1)
  • UK Bonfire Night (November 5)
  • U.S. Veterans Day (November 12)
  • U.S. Thanksgiving (November 22)
  • Hanukkah (starts December 8)

But of course there are many more. Did you know that November 6th is Marooned Without a Compass Day, October is Sarcastic Month, and December 6th is Put on Your Own Shoes Day? It's a good thing that December 5th is Repeal Day (repeal of the 18th Amendment) and National Chocolate Covered Anything Day falls on December 16th, because December is Bingo Month.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 25, 2012
I agree with everyone who hates whistles and catcalls from random strangers. That's the worst. In what universe has shouting, "heeeeey sexy lady" out of a car window ever worked? On that note, I hate guys who will not take a hint. Or guys that think friendly = interested. Case in point, the cashier at CVS asked me out last week. I've checked out there with him before and engaged in small talk about the weather and wished him a good evening, but I didn't think I was being more than cordial and friendly. While I get that in my area, people tend to be fairly abrupt, I don't see the harm in smiling and saying, "have a good evening.". I turned him down and now I have to be really strategic about when I go to my neighborhood CVS because he has made it super awkward since.

I also really hate when I am in a fairly empty metro car or at least one with plenty of completely open rows, and some moron insists on sitting down next to me anyway. If the train is fairly full, its rush hour, or the train is filling up I obviously don't care, but when it's mostly empty and you insist on sitting with me anyway, I'm going to think you are a creep. It's bad enough when they don't talk to me, because I usually seethe for a few stops and then get up and move away and feel really awkward. It's worse when they want to chat...I'm sorry, if I have my headphones on and I'm staring at a book, please leave me alone. Yes, I'm mean.

Other things that get me
- Sex and the City...or really, the young 20somethings that think they are Carrie Bradshaw. Ugh. Why anyone would want to be a writer of trite drivel with serious financial problems/homewrecking slut who marries an emotionally unavailable asshole is beyond me.
- Chain emails of people's newborns. Babies are not cute. If there's no puppies or kitties involved, not interested.
- People who like their own facebook statuses. I'm getting petty here.
- While I'm being petty, men who wear cargo shorts who are not either hiking or in the army.
- People who show too much cleavage. Or wear ill fitting clothes. Ladies...it doesn't cost much to find inexpensive clothing that fits. On that note, I hate anything with excessive logos or writing across the butt.
- Hot rooms when I'm trying to sleep. Then again, I'm a nutjob that keeps my fan on until well into December
- Most girlie cocktails. Why girls drink cranberry vodkas or sex on the beach type drinks is beyond me. I'm all about whiskey or bourbon with a splash of ginger ale.
- People who think society owes them something without contributing back in any way. To the welfare moo cows...angry flipping off
- Twilight. I am behind the times and just heard a little bit about it and wanted to throw up.
- Flying. I am always terrified that the airplane is going to crash. Hate it.
- Oh, and goddamned Taylor Swift. Hate her. This whole "waiting for a white knight" bs is a really bad message to send to her teenage girl admirers, and she comes across batshit crazy and desperate. I was stuck on a plane next to some shrieking kids (another thing I hate, but around here that goes without saying) and reading in some tabloid about how she bought a house next to the summer home of her teenage boyfriend who is still in high school. Clingy, anyone? Also, what 22 year old wants to date an 18 year old high school junior. I don't even care if it is legal. I was 22 fairly recently and I couldn't imagine even dating anyone who wasn't old enough to drink. Also her music sucks and it is EVERYWHERE!
Re: Just plain hate.
October 26, 2012
Autotuning, and the hacks that seem to think that it makes them into stars. Uh, no. You can't sing worth shit.
Families of dead celebrities who turn their lives into reality shows. Yes, I'm looking at you, Houstons. Just what do you think you're going to get out of this?
Doing laundry.
When my mom has one of her baybee rabies moments.

Also, I heard somewhere that Taylor Swift was not well-liked in high school.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 26, 2012
I hate seeing Christmas merchandise hit stores in October. There are three holidays between now and Christmas. I have a special prize for anyone who can tell me what they are.

Here are a few that I could think of off the top of my head (although I didn't remember the dates for all of them):
  • Samhain (October 31)
  • Halloween (October 31)
  • Día de los Muertos (November 1)
  • UK Bonfire Night (November 5)
  • U.S. Veterans Day (November 12)
  • U.S. Thanksgiving (November 22)
  • Hanukkah (starts December 8)

But of course there are many more. Did you know that November 6th is Marooned Without a Compass Day, October is Sarcastic Month, and December 6th is Put on Your Own Shoes Day? It's a good thing that December 5th is Repeal Day (repeal of the 18th Amendment) and National Chocolate Covered Anything Day falls on December 16th, because December is Bingo Month.

Congratulations. You're the winner. I was thinking of Halloween, US Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. I'm still thinking up a prize for you. Any suggestions???
Re: Just plain hate.
October 26, 2012
Congratulations. You're the winner. I was thinking of Halloween, US Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. I'm still thinking up a prize for you. Any suggestions???

Virtual prizes are a tricky matter, so just wish a fundamentalist Christian a delightful Halloween on my behalf. winking smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
October 26, 2012
Congratulations. You're the winner. I was thinking of Halloween, US Veterans Day and Thanksgiving. I'm still thinking up a prize for you. Any suggestions???

Virtual prizes are a tricky matter, so just wish a fundamentalist Christian a delightful Halloween on my behalf. winking smiley

I would be happy to. waving hellolarious
Re: Just plain hate.
October 29, 2012
white shoes.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
October 29, 2012
Roaches. WTF is even the point? Ugh. And they're SO hard to get rid of.

Also, a good majority of the human race. I work in customer service, so I deal with the assholery of the general public for 40 hours a week. Lemme tell ya, that shit will get to you at the end of some days.

This. The majority of the human race, roaches, mosquitos (Really bad allergy. They swell up to the size of dollar coins), most fast-food, waiting in lines or just waiting in general, unleashed dogs (who try to eat you while you are going on a walk. Their idiot owner just left them roaming about), loud rap music, a lot of the mainstream music of today, a lot of the television shows/movies these days, inflation, and finally....

*drum rolls* ....talking to my parents on the phone. Haha.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 03, 2012
Those stupid K-cup commercials with the brats who cut into an adult conversation to spew fairytale bullshit about how the machine works. They're not cute, they're stupid.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 05, 2012
Hot rooms when I'm trying to sleep. Then again, I'm a nutjob that keeps my fan on until well into December

I run a fan year-round, both for the white noise and moving air around in the bedroom. And I keep my bedroom window open at least a crack during the winter and then sleep under multiple blankets if necessary. A chilly room is about the only thing that gets me through bouts of insomnia. Lowering one's body temperature has been shown to help sleep.

A current hate: my new, chatty co-workers. I started a new job and am suffering through working with two women who can't shut the fuck up. ALL DAY LONG, they blather to one another inanely. I don't miss my old job one bit, but I do miss my former work partner quite desperately in comparison to these yammering bitches. He was Mr. Silent sad smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
December 06, 2012
I can't stand when people on a message board (or elsewhere) will mention a time from the not-too-distant past and then add a reminder about how it was a pre-internet time, like this example on the Television Without Pity Dr. Phil thread:


To the woman at the end who wouldn't talk to her kids about sex and had the "save it for marriage" atitude...the 1950's (before the Internet, Facebook, cell phones, etc.) are calling. Time to head back there. I'm glad Phil called her out.

:hs Facebook and cell phones didn't exist in the 1950s?!? Color me shocked! I had no idea! Next you'll tell me that TV didn't exist in the 1700s.
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