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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
September 30, 2013
I hate commercials with children doing testimonial type readings. Case in point, Carter's:

Feel the Hate

I despise when a child is used for ANY testimonials, including commercials, political, environmental and social justice causes.

If the person is not old enough to do their own research and understand a multi-faceted issue, do not use it to for emotional purposes that it can never comprehend.
Re: Just plain hate.
September 30, 2013
Mushrooms, fresh tomatoes, onions, any kind of melon, constantly talking, rap/country music, drugs, making chitchat, people who hate any animal (except bugs), any temperatures above 70 F, children's shows, family channels, Disney World (hey, I had a bad experience), overly happy movies, cookies without chocolate in them (the horror!).

Soon, my breederific sister is taking me to Disney World (I'm paying for the resort, she buys the air fare) because once I mentioned I would like to go there just out of curiosity. What happened that was bad? I'd like to know so as to not have it. Did it have anything to do with a ride (like Mission: Space)?
Re: Just plain hate.
September 30, 2013
I hate people who, upon hearing an answer they don't like (such as me telling them that X is out of the office on a work trip), ask the same question again and again, as if I am able to bend space and time in order to deliver their heart's desire - and as if I would, after they have been being such a boorish bore.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 02, 2013
Forgive me if this already got mentioned and I managed to forget or overlook it...:

I hate the assumption that unemployed = you have nothing to do.

Yes, I understand that some unemployed people just sit on their asses watching television for 12 hours a day and sleep for another 12, but many people with no jobs have shit to do despite not being a working stiff. I've gotten this quite a bit myself. Back when I was still a not-so-voluntary caregiver for my grandmother, my family assumed I had no job and no friends, so that meant I could elder-sit for days and days at a time. Sometimes I just wanted to go home, see the cats, watch a movie and not have to worry about spending three hours helping my grandmother shuffle two feet to the bathroom.

I get it somewhat now too. My mother thinks it's totally fine to wake me up at ass o'clock in the morning for stupid shit because "Oh you ca just go back to sleep." Then if I wind up napping for too long, she'll say something like "There's more to life than sleeping, y'know!" She also does it when her idiot needs help with something. It's not a matter of I don't want to help (since I get screamed at if I don't). But her moron will do this shit where he just opens the door, barks an order and goes back outside. Doesn't even check to see if I can hear him. If I'm showering, listening to music, walking the dogs, or just not near the door, I may not hear him. Of course, Mom will bitch at me that "You can't always use the excuse of getting a shower!" It seems she expects me to sit with my tongue hanging out all day long, waiting to see if his majesty has a job for me to to.

Some days I am doing shit, whether or not she believes it. Someone with no job can still have chores and errands to do.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 03, 2013
Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls 4 and the play station 3. These things are both brand new in my house right now and even the cats are fascinated with it. I know the only reason my husband has been playing the damn thing for four fucking days is because it's new but that feeling can't wear off fast enough for me. I've never wanted to destroy something as badly as I want to hammer the game and system into tiny little pieces.

Please allow me to say again how much I hate Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. I think they're both pompous assholes and neither one of them has any concept of an inside voice. I'm HARD OF HEARING and even I can say they're both way too loud.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 03, 2013
I hate people who, upon hearing an answer they don't like (such as me telling them that X is out of the office on a work trip), ask the same question again and again, as if I am able to bend space and time in order to deliver their heart's desire - and as if I would, after they have been being such a boorish bore.

I used to get this all the time when I worked at a health food grocery store some years back. People wouldn't believe me if I said we were out of stock of an item, and demand that I go look, "in the back," for it. smile rolling left righteyes2 Out of stock means out of fucking stock. We didn't have a "back," because it was a small store. The only items we stored "in the back" were perishables like produce and dairy in the walk-in fridge and freezer, and we replenished those several times per day. There was nothing else "in the back." If we were out of a shelf-stable or bulk item, we were just plain OUT, and people just couldn't comprehend. We had to start making shelf tags which indicated when an item was out of stock, and when we were possibly expecting it to be back in stock again. Still didn't help all that much, and we'd STILL get the stupid questions. So glad to be out of retail. tongue sticking out smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
October 03, 2013
I fucking hate practical jokes or people who laugh when another person gets hurt. Like if you trip and fall and your friend laughs. It forever cements that person in my mind as a vindictive asshole.
I hate it when people or things startle me. It induces rage.
I hate it when I'm falling asleep on the couch and whoever is there keeps waking me up to watch the fucking movie or tell me that I should go to bed. I love so much to sleep in a room where another person is awake, doing something quiet, and not going anywhere. Why do some people feel the need to disturb that? Just let me sleep!! I had a roommate on my first ship who would sit there and work for hours in the dark at her laptop while I slept. It makes me feel very safe.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 04, 2013
Hey Cambion -

People think the same thing about the self employed! That you have unlimited free time and can do as you please! Especially when it comes to them stopping by smile rolling left righteyes2

They tend to think this about students, too - reflecting back on my school years - plenty of people thought that was all fun and games too, with plenty of free time to trot after them smile rolling left righteyes2

Uh, OK. So - that means you'll do my Physics HW for me then, eh?

angry smiley

I hear ya!

Another 'hate' I remembered which is a tad gross, but I will try to make this - not too gross ~

OK. I have long hair. Medium long, like down to mid back. And I have alot of it. As it's been hot, if I don't have to 'dress up' I keep it up in a bun.

I also keep my home clean - I do a thorough clean about every two weeks, I vacuum every week, and I run the dust mop around when it needs it. I also make sure to wash things often, including my bed things.

OK - so what I hate is - with all this hair, I shed like a dog anyway, and like I say - I try to keep everything clean. It is clean and neat, others have said so. Anyway - there's nothing worse than taking a pee and wiping your bits - and there's a long hair stuck in there! doh face
Up with the tissue comes a long hair sliding through. GAH.

Or, same difference - I like to wear these low rise / hip hugger jeans - and I have no butt so they fall down alot. Gotta pull 'em up and adjust the underpants too. Long hair stuck in butt cheeks? YARG! angry smiley


And like I say - I am CLEAN! I vacuum, I dust, I *don't get it*!

But like I say - I shed like a dog! I can't understand why I'm not BALD! I lose so much hair! More must just grow right back in.

Long hairs winding up in the bits = NOT GOOD!

Sorry if TMI! Others must get this too though. And what a pain in the ASS!
Re: Just plain hate.
October 04, 2013
They tend to think this about students, too - reflecting back on my school years - plenty of people thought that was all fun and games too, with plenty of free time to trot after them smile rolling left righteyes2

Ugh, they say that about art students. "Lol, why are you stressed? You just paint all day!" :drool

No, cunthead, I don't. What idiots like this don't know is that in an art course, you pretty much have to be creative on demand. Do they have my idea how horrendously taxing that is?

This goes for art careers, too. People just assume you don't really work for a living. :headbrick

I fucking hate practical jokes or people who laugh when another person gets hurt. Like if you trip and fall and your friend laughs. It forever cements that person in my mind as a vindictive asshole.

That'd be me, then. Hey, most people are disgusting and cruel, so I don't think me laughing when they get hurt in a stupid way is a bad thing. shrug

For instance, I was in a shit mood last Tuesday morning, and when I was waiting at the bus stop, I saw a kid fall of her bike and start wailing. It made me smile.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
October 04, 2013
strange aeons

I fucking hate practical jokes or people who laugh when another person gets hurt. Like if you trip and fall and your friend laughs. It forever cements that person in my mind as a vindictive asshole.

That'd be me, then. Hey, most people are disgusting and cruel, so I don't think me laughing when they get hurt in a stupid way is a bad thing. shrug

For instance, I was in a shit mood last Tuesday morning, and when I was waiting at the bus stop, I saw a kid fall of her bike and start wailing. It made me smile.

When it happens to a kyd it IS funny!!! :beer
Re: Just plain hate.
October 04, 2013

But like I say - I shed like a dog! I can't understand why I'm not BALD! I lose so much hair! More must just grow right back in.

Long hairs winding up in the bits = NOT GOOD!

Sorry if TMI! Others must get this too though. And what a pain in the ASS!

Me too! My old roommates used to call my hair "miracle hair" because it clogged and broke vacuums and other appliances. I have to have my drain snaked professionally twice a year. I am also very clean and I DO NOT UNDERSTAND how this shit gets everywhere! I'll do a load of laundry and "hair spiders" (clots of hair with strands in all directions) will be clinging to the freshly dried clothes. WTF.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 04, 2013
Oh blah, I shed a lot too, and I hate that feeling of pulling hair out of my ass crack when I'm in the bathroom. Usually that's where all the loose hairs go when I'm in the shower rinsing my hair. Not only do I lose a bunch of hair in the shower, but when I brush my hair afterward, even more come out! I know it's normal for a person to shed about 100 hairs a day, but I swear every time I run my hand over my hair, another strand comes out.

And I remember always hearing from my mother about how my one aunt doesn't do anything all day long because she has no job. She's not married, but she's...whatever you would call the unmarried equivalent of a housewife? It's definitely not true she didn't do anything. When she would watch me and my cousins, she was always running around doing errands. Despite having lots of cats, her house was always spotless too. Obviously she kept herself busy despite not being a working stiff and if it's an arrangement her and her partner were both good with, who the fuck cares? Her decision didn't have a negative effect on anyone. Hell, it was because she didn't work that she was able to babysit all the kids in the family so their working parents could do what the fuck ever they needed to do. I don't even know if she was ever paid to watch our asses either.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
October 04, 2013
I don't care for uggly boots myself
Re: Just plain hate.
October 05, 2013
I have always hated the question "How are you?" used as a greeting.

I grew up in the west and moved to the east, and it seems like everyone in the east uses this stupid greeting. I'd get it once in a while in the west, but people there only used it as an alternative to "hi", they didn't expect you to actually answer. Here, people expect you to answer and return the question. It seems so fucking pointless to me, because the only socially acceptable answer to "How are you?" is "Good." If I actually answer how I actually fucking am: "I hate my job, my depression is bad and I'm shopping for a gun to off myself, and my feet smell funky - I think I have some kind of fungus" the asker gets all fucking huffy. Seriously, I could have a crossbow bolt sticking out of my damn forehead and some idiot will ask me "How are you?" and expect a perky and exuberant "Good! How are you?!" in return. I don't see the point of this crap - a simple "hello" will fucking suffice.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 05, 2013
Snark Shark
Oh blah, I shed a lot too, and I hate that feeling of pulling hair out of my ass crack when I'm in the bathroom. Usually that's where all the loose hairs go when I'm in the shower rinsing my hair. Not only do I lose a bunch of hair in the shower, but when I brush my hair afterward, even more come out! I know it's normal for a person to shed about 100 hairs a day, but I swear every time I run my hand over my hair, another strand comes out.

brush hair BEFORE you shower, and you'll have less hair in the drain! smiling smiley

and the shedding happens to me, too!

"Long hair stuck in butt cheeks?"

yup. blushing

and my crotch!

I have the same issues with at least 100 long hairs from my head daily relocating themselves to undesirable areas.

A few things have helped with controlling it.
- combing hair before shower
- using a hair catcher in the drain during every shower
- clearing drains every six months with a looped wire and plunger
- removing loose hair from the crotch bits before leaving the shower
- using a surgical scrub brush to tidy furniture and area rugs daily
- frequently combing to remove loose hairs from head before they can relocate themselves
Re: Just plain hate.
October 06, 2013
I hate the flavor of pumpkin flesh. The seeds are delicious when roasted but the rest is NASTY. Whenever I come across a good recipe that's been sullied by pumpkin I just use sweet potatoes as a substitute.

Edit* LMAO at Cambion's Freakazoid avatar. waving hellolarious That was one of my favorite cartoons when I was younger.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 06, 2013
Shark- how long is your hair?

Do ya have a beard?

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 06, 2013
The *blood blister* I have on my left index finger now reminded me of another cringe worthy thing:

The type of windows with the "pinchy" open and close. What do you call this? The sort of windows where you have to push in those little tabs to get them to go up and down.

GRRRR!!!!! Who's fingers can fit in these?

2" of rain in 20 minutes = MAD SCRAMBLE to get the storm windows closed! YIKES! It was literally like a Monsoon!

And now I have this blood blister that's about the size of a large lady bug on my left index finger and it HURTS! Who invented these ridiculous windows? Did they think they'd only be operated by tiny lady hands? Well - I *do have* tiny lady hands and long fingers so you'd think they'd fit right in there! Um, NO!

angry smiley <- that's what it looks like, too. angry smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
October 07, 2013
I have always hated the question "How are you?" used as a greeting.

I grew up in the west and moved to the east, and it seems like everyone in the east uses this stupid greeting. I'd get it once in a while in the west, but people there only used it as an alternative to "hi", they didn't expect you to actually answer. Here, people expect you to answer and return the question. It seems so fucking pointless to me, because the only socially acceptable answer to "How are you?" is "Good." If I actually answer how I actually fucking am: "I hate my job, my depression is bad and I'm shopping for a gun to off myself, and my feet smell funky - I think I have some kind of fungus" the asker gets all fucking huffy. Seriously, I could have a crossbow bolt sticking out of my damn forehead and some idiot will ask me "How are you?" and expect a perky and exuberant "Good! How are you?!" in return. I don't see the point of this crap - a simple "hello" will fucking suffice.

It's just a stupid formality.

They don't give a damn, a shit nor a fuck how you are doing.

If you answer with anything other than "great", they will tell you how you are a whiner and how there are armless orphans in Mexico.

They should not ask me a question they don't want the answer to. I hate people sometimes. I feel like grumpy cat today.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Just plain hate.
October 07, 2013
Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls 4 and the play station 3. These things are both brand new in my house right now and even the cats are fascinated with it. I know the only reason my husband has been playing the damn thing for four fucking days is because it's new but that feeling can't wear off fast enough for me. I've never wanted to destroy something as badly as I want to hammer the game and system into tiny little pieces.

Please allow me to say again how much I hate Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. I think they're both pompous assholes and neither one of them has any concept of an inside voice. I'm HARD OF HEARING and even I can say they're both way too loud.

You are not alone with Colbert and Stewart.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 09, 2013
Snark Shark
Oh blah, I shed a lot too, and I hate that feeling of pulling hair out of my ass crack when I'm in the bathroom. Usually that's where all the loose hairs go when I'm in the shower rinsing my hair. Not only do I lose a bunch of hair in the shower, but when I brush my hair afterward, even more come out! I know it's normal for a person to shed about 100 hairs a day, but I swear every time I run my hand over my hair, another strand comes out.

brush hair BEFORE you shower, and you'll have less hair in the drain! smiling smiley

and the shedding happens to me, too!

"Long hair stuck in butt cheeks?"

yup. blushing

and my crotch!

I have the same issues with at least 100 long hairs from my head daily relocating themselves to undesirable areas.

A few things have helped with controlling it.
- combing hair before shower
- using a hair catcher in the drain during every shower
- clearing drains every six months with a looped wire and plunger
- removing loose hair from the crotch bits before leaving the shower
- using a surgical scrub brush to tidy furniture and area rugs daily
- frequently combing to remove loose hairs from head before they can relocate themselves

Same. The amount of hair I lose in a day is ridiculous. In the shower, it pretty much comes out in handfuls.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
October 12, 2013
Sports fans - just hate them.

My boss showed up yesterday in a football jersey. He's 49 years old.

What really chaps my thuggas is that every year the sci-fi/fantasy fans are ridiculed because they show up at the conventions in costumes, but grown-ass men going to a business office in football costumes are seen as cool. It's the exact same thing! At least no one is wearing a Frodo costume to work!
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
October 12, 2013
besides ugly bayyybeez (well duh)

Cockroaches, ugh and spiders.My cats will avoid spiders, but they will mess with roaches-
Re: Just plain hate.
October 13, 2013
Sports fans - just hate them.

My boss showed up yesterday in a football jersey. He's 49 years old.

What really chaps my thuggas is that every year the sci-fi/fantasy fans are ridiculed because they show up at the conventions in costumes, but grown-ass men going to a business office in football costumes are seen as cool. It's the exact same thing! At least no one is wearing a Frodo costume to work!

This shit burns my ass to no end. I go to an anime convention once a year (yay Anime Detour!), and I love seeing people in cosplay. grinning smiley However, not too many people wear their costumes every time their favorite shows are on. Somehow, though, we're labeled as 'immature'.

Really? I would think that a bunch of people who have stupid ass 'fantasy teams', wear paint on their faces EVERY FUCKING GAME, get shitfaced and act like fools over these overpaid and juiced up wastes of skin are more immature than nerds having some fun!
angry flipping off

(Sorry for the extra-ragey rantage...I was bullied badly by a bunch of jocks in high school. -Popcorn)


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Just plain hate.
October 13, 2013
While we're on the subject of work attire, I hate casual days, casual events and casual workplaces.

What ever happened to dressing like an adult? It started out with dockers and polo shirts on Fridays. Now you see people wearing velour track suits with flip flops to an office.

I'd like to start my own business just so I can demand that everyone dresses the way they did back before casualness became a blight upon the land. Yeah, that's right. I'd make every dress like the cast of Mad Men 5 days. a week.
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