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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
July 31, 2014
Even if it's been said it needs to be said again:

Justin Bieber Beaver

I couldn't help but think of this

I don't actually wish anything on him (except a shitty life), but I do enjoy this clip devil with smile


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Just plain hate.
August 01, 2014
Anyone want a huge list of the things I hate?

In no particular order:
- People who are so busy with their phones they don't look where they're going.
- People who stand around chatting, taking up the whole pavement
- People who walk too slowly
- People who insist overpopulation doesn't exist
- The extreme right
- The extreme left (though not as much)
- Religious fundamentalists of any kind
- Benefit scroungers (welfare whores)
- People who litter
- People who abuse animals
- People who play music on their phones in public places
- Strangers who try to chat to you on public transport
- Noisy children
- Rude children
- Parents who allow their children to be noisy and rude
- Babies
- Small yappy dogs
- Small children with squeaky shoes
- Parents who get their small children squeaky shoes thinking it's cute
- Anyone who watches The Only Way is Essex
- Anyone who watches Jersey Shore
- Anyone who watches Geordie Shore
- Anyone who watches Keeping Up with the Kardashians
- Anyone who watches Toddlers & Tiaras
- Fuck it, anyone who watches any of that reality shit and genuinely enjoys it
- Celebrities who are famous for no good reason
- People who like those celebrities who are famous for no good reason
- People who say "YOLO" and "SWAG" in a non-ironic way
- People who say "vacay-shway" instead of vacation/holiday
- People who say "expresso"
- People who say "regardless"
- People who overshare (especially women)
- People who are nosy (especially women)
- People who hate cats
- People who hate reading
- People who like dubstep
- People who like nightcore
- People who think metalheads, goths, punks, etc. are all weird and evil (I see this attitude a lot in TV shows - severely pisses me off)
- When strangers tell you to smile
- When strangers ask you why you're sad when all you're doing is thinking
- People who write "of" instead of "have" (as in "should of")
- People who write/say "prolly"
- People who get your/you're, there/their/they're and its/it's mixed up (and don't have dyslexia as an excuse)
- People who uptalk
- People who don't get sarcasm
- People who are too idealistic (that naive, wide-eyed world view is only reasonable in children, IMO)
- People who are too cheerful
- People who are too cheerful and are adamant to make you cheerful as well
- Movies that are too cheerful
- While I'm at it, musicals that are too cheerful (I like stuff like Les Miserables, Sweeney Todd, Phantom of the Opera...)
- Romantic comedies (mostly stealth misogyny wrapped up in saccharine feely bullshit)
- People who say their kids have ADHD when their only problem is shitty parenting
- People who say their kids have "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" - which does not exist
- People who talk about you like you're not there
- PewDiePie - and on the off-chance that Pew's reading this: knulla din mamma >sad smiley
- PewDiePie's retarded "bro" fanbase
- Boybands
- Girlgroups
- 98% of modern pop music
- 99% of modern rap
- Twilight
- Fifty Shades of Grey
- The inexplicable popularity of those books
- People who actually like those books
- Most teenagers (especially girls)
- Leggings
- Ugg boots
- Girls who wear way too much makeup
- Girls who wear way too much perfume
- Girls who wear oversized aviator shades
- People who hate on skinny women
- Most online gamers (especially guys)
- CoD fanboys
- Console fanboys
- Drunk people
- People who give you shit about not drinking alcohol
- People who give you shit about not wearing makeup
- People who give you shit about not wanting children
- People who assume that because you're bisexual you're obviously an immoral slut
- Or people who assume that you're only saying you're bisexual because it's "cool"
- Teenagers (especially girls) who say they're bisexual to look cool
- Teenagers (especially girls) who say they're bipolar/BPD/whatever to look cool
- Teenagers (especially girls) who cut themselves to look cool
- Women who shriek to express joy
- Women who wear revealing clothes, then complain when they get stared at
- People who wait until they're at the front of the bus queue to get their money ready
- People who take forever at ATMs
- People who say "ATM machine"
- People who stand too close to you in queues
- People who walk too close behind you
- People who read over your shoulder
- People who interrupt you while you're reading
- People who interrupt you while you're talking
- People who don't cover their mouths when they cough/sneeze
- People who give unsolicited advice
- People who insist on coming into class/work while they're really ill
- People who ask how you are when they don't actually care
- Extroverts who try to bully you into being more outgoing...
- ...and then call you an antisocial freak when you politely refuse
- People (especially women) who are too emotional
- Ditzy women
- People who are too empathetic (I find them insincere and cloying)
- Loud people
- Rude people
- Stupid people
- Rape jokes
- People who make rape jokes
- Louis C.K.
- Dane Cook
- Republicans
- "Pro-lifers" (not just about abortion, but things like assisted suicide)
- Stay-at-home mothers
- Crunchy granola mothers
- Clingy mothers who infantilise their children
- People who say they have a food allergy just because it's trendy
- Guys who call you a lesbian just because you're not interested in them
- People who think they're better than you because they went to a more prestigious university, even if you've got the same qualifications
- Weeaboos
- deviantART (shithole)
- All the shitty anime art on dA
- All the stupid little teenage fangirls on dA
- The blatant mobbing behaviour on dA
- People who say that swearing indicates a limited vocabulary
- People who try to sound intelligent by using large words - and use them wrong
- People who have no idea what they're talking about
- People who hate history
- People who hate science
- Creationists
- Michael Bay movies
- Uwe Boll movies
- 99% of American "comedy"
- "Torture porn" movies
- Film franchises that run on too long
- Braveheart
- People who think Braveheart is accurate
- People who assume that everything animated is for children (two words: Ralph Bakshi)
- People who insist that because you're an adult you can't have fun any more - unless you have kids
- Smug vegans
- People who actually try to argue that humans aren't supposed to eat meat
- People (usually women) who react hysterically over a tiny spider
- Seagulls
- Seagull shit
- "Mommy" bloggers
- Most food bloggers
- ...especially Shauna Fucking Ahern
- Emotionally weak people
- Weak-minded people (or sheeple)
- The way people generally treat you like shit unless they want something from you
- Louie Spence
- Perez Hilton (nearly wet myself laughing when will.i.am punched him - god, he had it coming)
- Katherine Jenkins (good voice but she still gets on my tits)
- Tyra Banks
- Ann Coulter (cunt)
- People who say death metal isn't music
- People who say digital painting isn't art/is cheating
- People who, when hearing you're depressed, try to convert you to their religion
- People who, when hearing you're depressed, tell you to snap out of it
- People who, when hearing you're depressed, say there's no such thing and it's all in your head
- Have I mentioned pronatalists yet?
- Fuck it, just people in general - I can't be fucked interacting with them, most days

I'm tired now...


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
August 02, 2014
Men (lol) who gossip like they're all 12-year-old girls.

Strangers (in my experience, ALWAYS men) who insist you smile, then proceed to irritate the piss out of you, thinking that'll get them what they want from who they want you to be (submissive would-be fuckpuppet).

People (in my experience, always women) who think they can just walk up and adjust your camisole straps, because your tits are just too goddamned big for their taste.

People who think they have the right to comment on your body, or clothing (whether you're dressed like a hooker or a lumberjack).

People who assume you're gay, bc your roommate is a woman, you don't see the point in wearing makeup or heels in a warehouse during the graveyard shift, and bc you hide your body under a huge-ass flannel shirt, bc you're sick of the creeps a-creepin'.

Those who take part in what I call The War on Introverts.

Those who still want women to be Stepfords.

People who can't just leave people the fuck alone.

People who are too obtuse to take a hint (or pretend to be), but get all butthurt when you're direct.

The fact that I broke my ankle 6 months ago, and I'm still forced to run around in flats, which I absolutely loathe (even the cute ones).

People who demand that I breed, eschew education and career opportunities, never express myself in a manner indicating intelligence, and that I grin like a daffy bitch, all day, every day, bc they need to feel better about themselves.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
August 10, 2014
I hate forced social interaction (hence being here while SO goes toddling off for his monthly re-up of Mommy affirmations and nephew-coddling). HATE HATE HATE NOPE NOPE NOPE my bosses can take their mandatory get-together's and shove them up their collective asses. I DON"T WANT TO HEAR ABOUT KYDS ALL DAY unless you pay me time-and-a-half and even then, SORRY not enough!

And wishy-washy people. STAND FOR SOMETHING for FALL FOR ANYTHING is my way of life.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 11, 2014
I hate suck ups. I was talking to a co-irker in the break room. The Director walked in and she stopped in the middle of our conversation to go suck up. I'm not talking about my feelings or anything like that--I'm doing just fine, and I feel no need to be rude and drop someone in the middle of a conversation to go ass kiss. I have dignity and self-respect and there's no need to be rude to anyone.

Another thing I hate is Bible Bangers who try to interject Bible stuff into work when it's SO inappropriate. An example is our company newsletter. The newsletter usually contains an employee interview. The interview has basic questions such as: how long have you worked here; what is your job, etc. And there is the usual, "what inspires you?" or, "what is your personal philosophy?" and this is where things can get dicey.

A few months ago one lady veered off into oblivion when asked what inspired her as an individual. She launched into a tirade about JESUS IS MY PERSONAL SAVIOR AND HE INSPIRES ME EVERY DAY. MY PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY IS THE BIBLE SAYS IT, I BELIEVE IT AND THAT SETTLES IT. I READ THE WORD EACH DAY AND LIVE MY LIFE BY THE WORD.

Jeez, talk about looking like a whack job. First of all, thanks for outing yourself as an uneducated dolt. By all means, base your life on unquestioning adherence to something that's been translated numerous time by numerous men. smile rolling left righteyes2 I'd hate to work for someone like this, who is probably pressuring her employees to accept Jaysus as their savior. And secondly, shouldn't it be obvious that if one is being interviewed by the COMPANY, that they are looking for appropriate COMPANY-related content?

I noticed since this happened, the questions have been really narrowed, such as: "what inspires you AT WORK," I guess they had to change the questions because some people are clueless and inappropriate and have no concept of "context."
Re: Just plain hate.
August 11, 2014
I'm really, really hating roommates, apartment living, and dealing with fucking drama. ranting cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Just plain hate.
August 21, 2014
I hate feeling crowded by people who have no concept of personal space. I hate using public restrooms but they are a necessity. We have seven bathroom stalls in the ladies' room at work. I'll be the only one in the bathroom and there will be lots of other choices that aren't next to me (five in fact) yet someone will take the stall RIGHT NEXT TO MINE.

It's not restrooms either. I was at a car wash the other day. You run your car through and you get a free vacuum, which is a DITY project. It was early and the place was empty except for me. It's a big place with at least 20 parking spaces where one can vacuum his/her car. Yet the guy in the big Redneck truck with the huge tires has to park RIGHT NEXT TO ME. It's invasive and creepy.

Having to deal with other people is bad enough. GIVE ME MY SPACE.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 21, 2014
I hate feeling crowded by people who have no concept of personal space. I hate using public restrooms but they are a necessity. We have seven bathroom stalls in the ladies' room at work. I'll be the only one in the bathroom and there will be lots of other choices that aren't next to me (five in fact) yet someone will take the stall RIGHT NEXT TO MINE.

It's not restrooms either. I was at a car wash the other day. You run your car through and you get a free vacuum, which is a DITY project. It was early and the place was empty except for me. It's a big place with at least 20 parking spaces where one can vacuum his/her car. Yet the guy in the big Redneck truck with the huge tires has to park RIGHT NEXT TO ME. It's invasive and creepy.

Having to deal with other people is bad enough. GIVE ME MY SPACE.
Omg do we work at the same place? I'm sure we don't, but I have exactly that gripe too, right down to the seven stalls and inevitably a potty buddy wanders in.
Personally I have a shy bladder, so this really pisses me off! I suspect they are all extroverts, and when I can see their shoes, I try to confirm my guess later. Invariably it is people I don't like for one reason or another and they usually are extroverts. Needed company that badly???
I'm going to post something with a urinal etiquette picture in all the stalls one of these days...

Since I'm rolling about bathrooms... How in the everloving fuck do the other women who work here get their hand IN their own shit or blood? And then WHY do they leave big smears of it under the TP dispenser? I feel like I'm risking my life, trying to get some paper without either touching the wall or getting my TP on the smear!
I thought the grungy assprint of sweaty skin funk on the back of the seat was bad.
And the shit spray on the seat and wall from hoverers is pretty bad too, but strategically placed smears right where I need to get my TP???
Nasty filthy pigs work here, obviously.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 21, 2014
I hate feeling crowded by people who have no concept of personal space. I hate using public restrooms but they are a necessity. We have seven bathroom stalls in the ladies' room at work. I'll be the only one in the bathroom and there will be lots of other choices that aren't next to me (five in fact) yet someone will take the stall RIGHT NEXT TO MINE.

It's not restrooms either. I was at a car wash the other day. You run your car through and you get a free vacuum, which is a DITY project. It was early and the place was empty except for me. It's a big place with at least 20 parking spaces where one can vacuum his/her car. Yet the guy in the big Redneck truck with the huge tires has to park RIGHT NEXT TO ME. It's invasive and creepy.

Having to deal with other people is bad enough. GIVE ME MY SPACE.

Gaaah! What is it with people who do that?! :kill

I'll go into a bathroom. Typically, the farthest stall from the door is the handicapped stall. I'll trek allll the way down and take the stall next to that one. It could be a large mall bathroom with 20 stalls, yet I'll be sitting there taking care of business, hear the door open, and the sound of feet clacking their way steadily toward me as the person makes a beeline right to the stall next to mine.

And the same with fitting rooms. I shop during the week - NEVER the weekends. There can be as few as none, or just a few shoppers in the store. I gather my try-ons, ask for a room far away from the entrance and STILL, some bint has to come sailing in and take the room next to mine. Usually with a friend who'll carry on a long conversation and comments about the clothes.

Is it too much to ask for a little quiet and privacy?
Re: Just plain hate.
August 21, 2014
I hate feeling crowded by people who have no concept of personal space. I hate using public restrooms but they are a necessity. We have seven bathroom stalls in the ladies' room at work. I'll be the only one in the bathroom and there will be lots of other choices that aren't next to me (five in fact) yet someone will take the stall RIGHT NEXT TO MINE.

It's not restrooms either. I was at a car wash the other day. You run your car through and you get a free vacuum, which is a DITY project. It was early and the place was empty except for me. It's a big place with at least 20 parking spaces where one can vacuum his/her car. Yet the guy in the big Redneck truck with the huge tires has to park RIGHT NEXT TO ME. It's invasive and creepy.

Having to deal with other people is bad enough. GIVE ME MY SPACE.

People talking in the work bathroom really fucks me off. Especially talking while peeing...or pooping! Seriously -- how can people think that's normal behaviour?!?!

People need to treat the work bathroom like a library. Get in, keep quiet, do your business and move on. On the very, very, very rare occasions that someone does need to go to the work bathroom for a cry, I suggest two protocols.

Please go in the stall if it's some kind of horrible bad news and you need to compose yourself; in which case you have my sympathy and please feel free to leave and go home because I get it -- shitty stuff in life happens -- and I'm not a total cold-hearted bitch.

I am an angry crier, which annoys me to no end; it makes people think I'm feeling defeated, when it's really more like tears of frustration that I can't kill them with my bare hands. So, if your workplace tears are an emotional response to the crazy-nuts behavior of The Powers That Be -- by all means, stay out by the sinks and share it with the class! Seriously, TPTB in my job are bat-shit crazy -- it's a family-owned business, and there seems to be a certain genetic component -- and we normal folk need all the validation we can get.

But day-to-day bathroom behaviour...shut up, be quick, be tidy, and use the air freshener.
That is all.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 22, 2014
I am an angry crier, which annoys me to no end; it makes people think I'm feeling defeated, when it's really more like tears of frustration that I can't kill them with my bare hands.

I have the same problem, and I hate it too. I feel like it undermines my seriousness when I choke up. You can tell me that I'm being let go and I will not cry, but piss me off and I might just start crying from rage.

Usually I feel that way when I'm being patronized, so tears are really counter-productive because I'm dealing with sexist people who want to dismiss all women as emotional and illogical. (Not that remaining calm is likely to get my point across either, but it just seems like this makes it even easier for them to dismiss me.) Fortunately I haven't worked anywhere that has led me to that in a while, but I remember it happening in school.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 22, 2014
Hehe, glad to see this thread still going strong. smiling smiley

Add me to the fake scent hate list. There are things I expect to have strong scents - perfume and cleaning products. But some things like scented candles and air fresheners (especially those oil stick bottles) are horrifying and give me a headache. I especially hate when they take a perfectly good scent that smells lovely naturally and ruin it, like vanilla. What are they compensating for by making something reek to the point of making all your senses ache? If the house smells like baked dog shit and sweaty balls, adding in a linen-scented Glade plugin will just make it smell like someone's boiling turds and wet jockstraps on a freshly-made bed.

Some natural scents are pretty potent by themselves. Not overpowering, but noticeable. One of my favorite things to do is stick my nose in a branch of lilacs and take a big whiff, hoping I don't inhale any bugs. Or getting a noseful of the aroma from a bottle of vanilla extract.

Other random stupid shit I hate:

- Walking and feeling like your foot is going to split up the middle on the bottom.

- The motherfucking callus I've had on my thumb for years that will not go away despite sanding, clipping and attempted X-acto blade removal.

- That I can buy a book or DVD on Amazon for one cent, but it costs $5 to ship it.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 22, 2014
I fucking hate know-it-all smart ass newbies.

Especially when they fucking reek of breederpleaser.

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 22, 2014
I fucking hate know-it-all smart ass newbies.

Especially when they fucking reek of breederpleaser.

Re: Just plain hate.
August 22, 2014
Since I'm rolling about bathrooms... How in the everloving fuck do the other women who work here get their hand IN their own shit or blood? And then WHY do they leave big smears of it under the TP dispenser? I feel like I'm risking my life, trying to get some paper without either touching the wall or getting my TP on the smear!
I thought the grungy assprint of sweaty skin funk on the back of the seat was bad.
And the shit spray on the seat and wall from hoverers is pretty bad too, but strategically placed smears right where I need to get my TP???
Nasty filthy pigs work here, obviously.
I'm betting they were changing an overfilled tampon, probably maximum absorbancy.

One of the things I hate about bathrooms is when these same slobs fail to flush- I've found quite a few turds left floating in the bowls, one once was an avocado green. I'm betting it was kids, their breeder mothers must not be training them correctly.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 24, 2014
Wow here do I start? I hate asshole people who cough and sneeze on people without covering their mouths and act like its no big deal Or during flu season while deathly ill with the flu, feel the need to go out shopping, to restaurants and especially airplanes with this shit. Nothing like planning a trip to Europe and have some shitbag coughing and hacking for 9 hrs. Thus tripling the chances that I and wife may contract that shit. Another is warehouse clubs that give free food samples ,Costco has good employees and great products but it seems to attract the most rude,self centered,pompous assholes I have ever seen. First off these free samples are set up where people have to walk! When a new batch of food comes out, these people attack like vultures, people, kids, and carts. Then they stay there savoring this teaspoon size treat. They don't give a flying fuck who needs to pass. I swear they act like they are starving and this is the last food for weeks. And when the samples run out they will berate the lady why she didn't plan better, I've seen these fat bastards send their kids in relay to get more samples so the fat assed moo can get a free meal.Then they leave in their $60.000 SUV. And finally the motorized shopping scooters. I call em tard carts These were meant for elderly and handicapped. However now it seems being a morbidly obese pig is a handicap. They say they cant help weighing 450 + lbs but check out the items they buy! Candy,sodas and chips. Pay for it with a EBT card then ride over to the lottery machine and feed it $20.00 at a time for one scratch off ticket! I saw this last week ,i watched this welfare pig buy 5 of these after paying with ebt,] Tard carts are always in the way, will simply run into anyone who happens to be in the way.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 26, 2014
Mass/Group text messages and socially clueless people who send them. I have a friend/coworker who, for the most part, I like. She just has a severe talking problem. She will talk to anyone and everyone about whatever happens to be going through her mind at the moment, no matter how mundane. She will go on for five to ten minutes about the lunch bag and thermos she bought for her kid and which ones she chose it over, even if I was the person to ring her up. Or talk about straightening her hair the night before or how much she want to do it when she goes home on a particular day. (Once she flat out interjected this into a conversation I was having with another coworker. The topic we were discussing? The Holocaust.) After telling one person this, she will randomly move on to whomever else she happens to encounter, and we work in a small space, so there is a good chance everyone in the pharmacy will end up hearing the same verbal diarrhea half a dozen times in a day. I don't mind talking to people as long as the conversation is engaging, but I really don't care what you fed your kid for breakfast or what you got when you stopped at Starbucks and how you paid the barista with one quarter and had him put the rest on your debit card.

So we get to this morning. It is my day off, however, I am having my little dog's teeth cleaned for the first time and I have been really anxious about it. I didn't go to sleep until almost 1:30 in the morning and then was up again a little after seven to take him to the vet. Normally I keep my phone on silent unless I'm expecting an important call/message, but since I gave the office both numbers, I turned my ringer/notifications up because after they X-Ray and assess Dobby's mouth, they'll call me with an estimate for what else needs to be done. After I've given up on going back to sleep, I decide to get up, throw a load in the wash and have some breakfast, when I hear my phone going off. Oh. It's a message from Gabby. A MASS message. A picture of her new parking decal from the local college. Are you shitting me? It's not like she didn't already go to the college for a semester last year, too. I delete it with a scowl and go on with my morning. But no, it continues to go off because she included her mother in law in the list and now the poor woman is confused beyond reason because she is getting texts from strangers asking who she is. And my notification (The TARDIS landing noise) is going off every time they exchange messages and Gabby thinks this is all hilarious.

Fuck's sake. Like I said, normally it wouldn't bother me because I'm not a social butterfly and I have no issues with turning the phone down on my day off. But today I'm anxious and running on very little sleep. I just want to get this whole dental business over and go get my baby back when he's awake and his poor little mouth is repaired.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 26, 2014
People talking in the work bathroom really fucks me off. Especially talking while peeing...or pooping! Seriously -- how can people think that's normal behaviour?!?!

One of my sisters is like that.

I visit, we decide to hit the mall. She said there was a sale on kids' clothes at Baby Gap or something, she wants to get her only granddaughter some clothes. She gets frowny after we get there and I tell her that I'll meet up at the food court; I'm going to check out the bookstore while she clothes shops. Whatever. She knows I am sooo not into kid clothes.

Before deciding on food, we hit the ladies' room. She takes the stall next to mine, even though there were only a few people there (strike 1, Sis) and tries to carry on a conversation about the great deal she got on the kid's clothing.

Me: "............."
Sis: "blah, blah, I think I'll take Granddaughter to have her picture taken in what I bought her. Say, are you OK?"
Me: ".........."
Sis: "helllooooo."
Me (keeping my lips together): "inasecond"

We wash our hands in silence and leave the restroom.

Sis (reverting back to Older Bossy Sister mode): "RUDE! I was talking to you!'
Me: "yanno, while you're talking in the toilet, you're getting poop fumes from other people in your mouth."
Sis: "........."
Me: "yeah, that's a paranoid, fussy thought, but I don't talk in the bathroom unless I have to. Gross!"
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
August 29, 2014
To add to that...


Those cunts can all die in however many fires it takes to reduce them to ashes.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
August 30, 2014
I FUCKING LOATHE, DETEST, and DESPISE toadlers that reach out their filthy fucking index finder and poke me in the chest.

Do they really think I'm going to whip one out and stick it in their mouth? They're bone dry, you disgusting little perverts, and they will stay that way until the end of time.


Why is no one teaching those damn things basic boundaries, like, DON'T SEXUALLY ASSAULT WOMEN IN PUBLIC? And why do they never do it when their parents are looking so I can shoot them all the icy stare of death while repeating "no, I don't like being touched there, please don't touch me there, you shouldn't touch people there" ad nauseam until everyone else is just as embarrassed about this bullshit as I am.

angry flipping off
Re: Just plain hate.
August 31, 2014
One more thing...

When someone asks your opinion then gets pissy when it's not what they want to hear. I was asked my personal opinion about who to put on programming by reading their name, bio, and what they want to do and choose yes/no/maybe and add a comment why if desired. I pretty much said no to the single moo sob stories and the ones plugging Harry Potter knock offs.

Few hours later I get emails saying I'm not inclusive enough because I put down no votes for the single moos sob stories. Didn't expect anyone to be accepted or rejected on my opinion alone, but if you ask for my opinion you're getting my opinion. I"m not going lie or bullshit if you ask my opinion, and if you don't like what I might say don't ask me. angry smiley

Anyways I'm winding down my commitments to that group and not volunteering again.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 31, 2014
I never talked about it before, but I hate Buy-Bull thumpers and religion in general. I feel strongly that it hurts more than it helps anyone, and that all the supposed "positives" of religion can be had without it, minus the belief in our existence somehow continuing after death. I honestly think from an evolutionary perspective that's why religion is so popular - humans want to survive at all costs. We know we can't physically survive, right? So why not hold on to a belief that consciousness doesn't end with death. I feel this is a dangerous way to think, in the long run, because it makes people more OK with squandering their lives, awaiting a "paradise" in the afterlife.

I also hate the whole Pascal's Wager way of thinking. If god is supposedly omniscient as these people claim, if I'm faking prayer and belief just to hedge my bets and avoid hell, isn't an omniscient god going to know I'm faking belief? I can't believe in it. I can't logically make myself believe in a "force" or creator or anything. I can't perform such an extreme suspension of disbelief.

What I hate is that if I tell people this about myself, they're very likely to like me less. On one hand, I don't need the approval of every rando out there, but I also don't want to suffer at work or anything, so I keep my non-belief a secret from the co-irkers, even though a bunch of them are clutching their pearls and braying on about how GAWD helped them through a hard time in their life, etc. It's OK for them to go on and on about their faith, but I dare not mention my LACK of belief.

I also hate the whole, "but, but, but HITLER was an Atheist!" argument. Hitler also drank water, damnit.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 31, 2014

And I bet they don't wash their hands afterwards either.
Re: Just plain hate.
September 07, 2014
Nasty fucking holier-than-thou morons.
Re: Just plain hate.
September 08, 2014
Oh, and "feminists" who want to exclude some females from having a voice on the issues because (whatever reasons).

Tell you what, I learn new words on this website every day. Some of them are ones I didn't know those fighting against equality were using.
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