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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
April 01, 2015
The place where I volunteer usually has large box of a variety of donuts on the counter with a roll of paper towels or a pile of napkins right beside it and a sign that says they're free and to help yourself to one.

I hate it when people ignore the paper towels/napkins and rifle through the donuts with their bare, unwashed hands, touching multiple ones along the way. After they pick one (and it's guaranteed to be one with lots of toppings and/or a squirty, filled middle), they lean over the box as if it's their personal plate and take a huge bite out of the donut, dropping sprinkles, bits of icing, flecks of spittle, etc. onto the remaining pastries.

I tell myself that they do this out of habit to try to avoid making a mess; however, after that inital sloppy bite, they walk around while continuing to eat the donut and touching various surfaces with their sticky hands, leaving a trail of crumbs, toppings, etc. on the floor.

I have to struggle not to grimace at the person every time I witness it. There's always at least one person per day who does that, and it's almost never the same one. They also tend to do it right after we set the box out at the beginning of the day when it's at full capacity, so they're fouling up most of the pastries for everyone else. I swear, it's like clockwork how predictable these inconsiderate boobs are.

"I treat my body as a temple, Laverne. You have chosen to treat yours as an amusement park."
Re: Just plain hate.
April 02, 2015

I have to struggle not to grimace at the person every time I witness it. There's always at least one person per day who does that, and it's almost never the same one. They also tend to do it right after we set the box out at the beginning of the day when it's at full capacity, so they're fouling up most of the pastries for everyone else. I swear, it's like clockwork how predictable these inconsiderate boobs are.

Where do you volunteer? A jail? A zoo? What a bunch of cave-people!

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: Just plain hate.
April 19, 2015
Something I read/hear quite a lot in this rural area; no one dies, they "pass away." Or sometimes they are " taken to their heavenly home." What's wrong with saying "died"? I mean, my Mom died last year, and that's how I say it. Not meaning to be bitchy, but that bothers me a lot.

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 07, 2015
Not a hate, more just annoyance/bewilderment: people who censor swearwords in their writing. saying 'wtf' Why? What's the point of that? Either write the words in full or don't bother with them at all!


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
May 07, 2015
strange aeons
Not a hate, more just annoyance/bewilderment: people who censor swearwords in their writing. saying 'wtf' Why? What's the point of that? Either write the words in full or don't bother with them at all!
Feels like "making the world safe for da childwen", automatic turn off.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 08, 2015
strange aeons
Not a hate, more just annoyance/bewilderment: people who censor swearwords in their writing. saying 'wtf' Why? What's the point of that? Either write the words in full or don't bother with them at all!
Feels like "making the world safe for da childwen", automatic turn off.

I'm not active enough on the board to be able to break down personalities, but I think it is often to add emphasis to a word. Like adding an emoticon.

You have your hearty, bellowing "FUUUUCK!" - sometimes italicized: "FUUUCK!"
Your razz-a-frattin, shmig-a-shmaton "F^%#$K"
Your doleful "oh, f*"
Then there's the whimpering "fuck-fuck-fuck" - better emphasized with a smaller font, as if whispering: "fuck-fuck-fuck"

Meh. I often interpret different "dialects" in spelling, expression and emoticons as if the poster is really trying to "speak" to the board members.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 08, 2015
strange aeons
Not a hate, more just annoyance/bewilderment: people who censor swearwords in their writing. saying 'wtf' Why? What's the point of that? Either write the words in full or don't bother with them at all!
Feels like "making the world safe for da childwen", automatic turn off.

I'm not active enough on the board to be able to break down personalities, but I think it is often to add emphasis to a word. Like adding an emoticon.

You have your hearty, bellowing "FUUUUCK!" - sometimes italicized: "FUUUCK!"
Your razz-a-frattin, shmig-a-shmaton "F^%#$K"
Your doleful "oh, f*"
Then there's the whimpering "fuck-fuck-fuck" - better emphasized with a smaller font, as if whispering: "fuck-fuck-fuck"

Meh. I often interpret different "dialects" in spelling, expression and emoticons as if the poster is really trying to "speak" to the board members.

I'll go along with this. I also think it could be for other reasons too, such as - some forums do not allow swears and people are used to that so try to avoid it or look for 'work arounds'. Most biz's do not want uncouth language either of course, so you will want to write things like - Attn Team Members rather than Hey All You Mother Fuckers! grinning smiley

And then it becomes an ingrained habit after awhile. My parents were always strict about swearing because they said it made you look uneducated.

I just remembered one of my best and most creative ones - first of all - see this book ~


But don't read it because it sucks. Really BAD writing. Notice the author's name ~
I wanted to make a post on there that said: Maria Flook you FOOKIN SOOK!

Now, is that some creative swearing, or what? grinning smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
May 08, 2015
Hey Strange -

You're in Scotland, yes? Thinking of that and swearing I remembered this other book I read which is very good -


I had some difficulty getting through the 'language' and WTF is a bampot ?

Yeah, I had to look that one up, ha. The language was unfamiliar to me but I kept going. It's a very good book.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 08, 2015
Current hate is the dumbasses who always let the rear bit of the car hang out over the parking space lines. My parking lot is more of a one way street with angled parking on each side, the complex was built in the late 40s as housing for returning soldiers/sailors. Having a SMooV or even a Toyota Corolla with the end sticking out makes it hard to get through the lot even with my mid size sedan. The complex can't expand the parking lot without removing a building.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 11, 2015
Hey Strange -

You're in Scotland, yes? Thinking of that and swearing I remembered this other book I read which is very good -


I had some difficulty getting through the 'language' and WTF is a bampot ?

Yeah, I had to look that one up, ha. The language was unfamiliar to me but I kept going. It's a very good book.

Heh, ours is a very rewarding language. And very good for shouting. grinning smiley

Here's another word for you: gash. One of my favourite words. Just means 'bad'. Usually used like: That Fifty Shades of Grey is pure gash.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
May 11, 2015
strange aeons
Hey Strange -

You're in Scotland, yes? Thinking of that and swearing I remembered this other book I read which is very good -


I had some difficulty getting through the 'language' and WTF is a bampot ?

Yeah, I had to look that one up, ha. The language was unfamiliar to me but I kept going. It's a very good book.

Heh, ours is a very rewarding language. And very good for shouting. grinning smiley

Here's another word for you: gash. One of my favourite words. Just means 'bad'. Usually used like: That Fifty Shades of Grey is pure gash.

I don't know if you know this or not, but gash is an insult for women, like dick is for men. Just a way to reduce a woman to nothing but genitals, and derogatorily at that. Puts an amusing spin on calling 50 Shades of Grey gash, lol!
It's interesting that it means "bad" literally too in a different language.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 11, 2015
strange aeons
Hey Strange -

You're in Scotland, yes? Thinking of that and swearing I remembered this other book I read which is very good -


I had some difficulty getting through the 'language' and WTF is a bampot ?

Yeah, I had to look that one up, ha. The language was unfamiliar to me but I kept going. It's a very good book.

Heh, ours is a very rewarding language. And very good for shouting. grinning smiley

Here's another word for you: gash. One of my favourite words. Just means 'bad'. Usually used like: That Fifty Shades of Grey is pure gash.

I don't know if you know this or not, but gash is an insult for women, like dick is for men. Just a way to reduce a woman to nothing but genitals, and derogatorily at that. Puts an amusing spin on calling 50 Shades of Grey gash, lol!
It's interesting that it means "bad" literally too in a different language.

Yep, knew that. Isn't language strange?


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
May 12, 2015
Reading comprehension fails or read the damn email before commenting!

I go to a conference every year, a high ranking person in the conference's parent organization sends an email announcing next year will be at a different location but with the same hotel rate as this year and discounted parking which they can't disclose until after this year's conference.

Cue the outrage! Lots of angry emails saying they're not going because the hotel rate is $400 plus $30/day for parking plus wifi. The person who posted the email repeated that the hotel rate negotiated by the conference is the exact same as this year's conference and there will be a discount rate for parking, and if you join the hotel's loyalty program wifi is free.

Cue more outrage, so I decided fuck it and and deleted the emails unread. Think it's time to take tech break except for work and Bratfree that is.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 21, 2015
Yet another, though this one starts out bordering on annoying/eyeroll-worthy and usually proceeds to make me ragey: people who get pets and then complain about them.

I don't mean in regard to bad habits like pissing on the floor or scratching the wall, but normal pet behaviors. Case in point, my mother. She's got two dogs and she throws a fit anytime they bark or because they need to be walked. Well, why the fuck did you get a dog at all if you don't want to hear barking or have to be bothered to walk them? I kinda figured that when people get dogs, the noise and their potty needs kind of are expected. She was throwing a tantrum earlier about how she's sick and tired of having to walk the dogs every day.

Same when they complain about their pets getting sick, like said pets did it on purpose. Any time any of the animals in here have fallen ill, my mother's first response was to scream about it. Taking the animals to the vet is an annoyance, medicating them is an annoyance, paying for treatment is an annoyance.

The problem is the people who get pets and then have problems with their normal animal behaviors tend to go on to neglect or abuse those pets in some form. Again with my mother, when the older dog was younger, Mom would beat her with her leash if she didn't pee during every single walk. The whole reason for walks was peeing, so when the dog didn't do that, Mom felt the trip outside for a whole 5-10 minutes was a total waste. Because, you know, beating a dog for not pissing on command is an effective strategy.

Why bring home a pet if you can't deal with their most basic pet behaviors?
Re: Just plain hate.
June 10, 2015
My BFF's boyfriend. Or more specifically, the relationship between them and the big huge honking blind spot that she has.

They've been together 6 years now, and they've been at each others' throats for 5 of it, I swear. She calls me ranting and raving, they do nothing but scream at each other, he's a manipulative asshole, and she is slowly changing to a person I don't recognize anymore. She used to be an incredibly peaceful person, who loved order and calmness and was always optimistic.

She is constantly screaming that she is going to leave him, and then he does the 'oh I'm so sorry, let me make it up to you' and she caves, and then he goes right back to being an asshole again. And yet, when I point out the behaviors that he does that are textbook emotional and mental abuse, she just skips right over it. And it just keeps escalating. Their neighbors moved in order to get away from it.

Her response to him - complete passive-aggressiveness that her moo praises her for. And occasionally things I would consider abusive on her part. Like, the other day, she pulled out a STUN GUN and threatened him with it because that was the only way to get him to leave her alone. (As a note, he claims his ex-wife was completely abusive to him, and that he is always a victim - when I suggested that I've LOVE to meet with the ex and get her side of the story, my BFF flipped out on me that ex really was completely at fault in everything. All I know is how their relationship is going to be spun in the future, and it is exactly the way he is spinning his old one).

And the part that gives me the most rage? Her moo is encouraging her to marry him. Her moo thinks my BFF should marry him, take half his money, then immediately file for divorce AND ask for alimony. The second part that gives me the most rage? He is pushing her to breed with him. Yeah, cause that's a healthy relationship to bring little timebombs into.

Can anyone tell that I spent an hour on the phone with her last night hearing about the latest blowup? And it was in front of her niece and nephew who already have serious anxiety issues from their own pahrunts' uselessness and screaming matches.

Also, boyfriend is a complete pro-liar, fundie, tea-tard, who spends his entire time off planted in front of the TV watching fundie programming or Faux News. She's agnostic, has had an abortion and is still pro-choice, and (at least used to be) very liberal. He keeps trying to brainwash her, including by inviting a church group over to their house to 'speak' to her - without her permission.

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." - Oscar Wilde
Re: Just plain hate.
July 05, 2015
Maybe some here do this - I don't mean to be offensive - but when posting pictures to Fakebook, PLEASE ADD A DESCRIPTION.

Crap. People I know: family, friends .. post pictures and have the assumption that everyone who looks at them will know WHO the person/pet/creature is, WHERE the picture was taken, WHY it was taken and posted. And then they get butthurt when no one does a LIKE on the picture. I'm sure as heck not going to because .. as they say .. I don't know "the motivation."

One of my nieces posted a picture of a lake. Nothing else - no name, no reason for posting it ...
A couple of days later, she posts (what I interpret as) a petulant question "doesn't anyone like the picture I took?" ::crickets from the gallery:: So I up and ask, "WTF am I looking at?"
Niece: "I took that picture when we were out on our party barge on the lake down the road from our house. You know I live near a lake, right?"

Me: "yeah, I knew that. So what? It's water and trees. Pretty, but try adding a few words, like what made the day so special that you were taking pictures. We're not mind readers."

No answer from her, but the photo was deleted and she later made a new post with a passive-aggressive remark about not being a good enough photographer.

Big :::eyeroll::: from me. I do like looking at pictures people post, but it's also nice to know what I'm looking at or if there is a special reason that the picture exists.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
July 09, 2015

Why bring home a pet if you can't deal with their most basic pet behaviors?

IKR? There's a sweet little black and white long-haired kitty living around here who's outside all. The. Time... even during our heat wave last week, where temps were at 105+ F.

Far as I know, it belongs/belonged to a dickbag breeder famblee a few doors down, who have at least two kids (maybe three). They used to run around screaming every afternoon, but the populace around here seems to be classing up a bit and not putting up with incessant shrieks, so now the little dumbshits mostly hang around their front door, quiet-like. The little girl in particular seems a bit... affected. Not a flapper, but essentially treated like one, even by her slightly older brother, who yells out her name every thirty seconds like she's gonna wander off if he doesn't. I shudder to think what's going on there.

I've heard that poor kitty is outside all the time now (and getting into fights with raccoons at 4AM) because these geniuses have taken in a puppy. Because they're really winning at this whole nurturing thing, what with the half-feral kids and neglected/abandoned cat.

If I knew someone who would take good care of her, I'd totally "kidnap" her.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 10, 2015
You know what I really hate? People going on and on and fucking ON about how fucking happy they are. Yeah, yeah, good for you, asshole. I'm just utterly thrilled that your life is so fucking awesome! smile rolling left righteyes2

Well, I hate that and being out of alcohol. That really sucks. Seems I'm only happy when I'm drunk these days.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
July 10, 2015
That seemingly every shampoo now has the "lightness and volume" effect! Piss off, I want my hair to be normal, it's thick enough as it is, I don't need to carry a feather duster on top of my head!

I also hate it that so many people are freaking out over vampires and zombies. What the fucking fuck?! They're dead, they're disgusting, they're trying to eat people's brains, they're trying to suck people's blood, ... how is this even remotely readable or watchable?

Also, people with that stinky eggy breath, who insist that they just have to stand close to you and talk directly into you.

People who sit next to me in public, when there's space elsewhere, and proceed to talk to me. Fuck, there are headphones in my ears, and I'm reading a book on my phone! What is it, that made you believe I would welcome a conversation?

Irregardless, lose/loose, their/there/they're, its/it's, definately, using defiantly instead of definitely, text speak, not capitalising, wall of text, alphabet soup of incoherent babbling, ... cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
Yes, I'm a grammar Nazi, but since English is a foreign fucking language for me, I rather think I've earned the right!

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: Just plain hate.
July 12, 2015
I've forgotten a few things.

People who go around, telling me all the kinds of privilege I have. Fuck off, you don't know shit about fuck!

Jazz! It's aural atrocity. Also rap, hip hop, motown, swing, and probably some more - worst sounds on Earth!
While we're at the subject of music, what is it with the singers who keep belting at the top of their lungs? I automatically take it that the song sucks, and the singer sucks as well, since she's covering with the air raid sirens.

"You did good." angrily flogging with a whip WELL!!! It's WELL!!!!! You did WELL!!! How fucking hard is it to remember that?

People who walk on bike paths. Especially those, who meander along, hear me ring the bell, and then, instead of moving, just stand there like cows and stare at me cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck
Or those who are walking along, seemingly on a benign trajectory, and then suddenly veer off right in front of me, just as I'm trying to pass them, naturally, without looking where they're going. :headbrick And THEN, they have the nerve to be all butt-hurt that I've plowed into them! Well, what exactly did you expect me to do, asshole? Veer into the traffic? Plow into the group of people on the side walk? Grow wings and fly over you? :hardcore

A special peeve of mine among morons who think they don't have to look where they're going: An adult with a loaf in a pram, a loose brat or two, a dog on a leash, gabbing away with another adult. angry flipping off
The sight always makes me cringe! The only thing worse, is when the other adult also has a loaf in a pram. They clog up the entire length of the path, I have to ring and yell for them to move, since they take up the entire side walk AND the bike path, and they almost always behave like it's such an imposition for them to move from a place they weren't supposed to even be.

When you're in a class setting or in a meeting, the speaker explains something, and asks if there are any questions. Then some moron asks the exact thing, the speaker has just explained, and the speaker goes through the entire thing again. angry flipping off

Flavoured (sugared) vitamins and minerals! I don't need a fuck-all of sweeteners, dyes, and flavour chemicals in my vitamins and minerals, I want to take them because I know why they're good for me!

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: Just plain hate.
July 17, 2015
trekkie monster
That seemingly every shampoo now has the "lightness and volume" effect! Piss off, I want my hair to be normal, it's thick enough as it is, I don't need to carry a feather duster on top of my head!

I have a bit of a gripe about shampoo too. All I ever see are products for dry, damaged hair, but fucking NOTHING for oily hair! I tried looking for something and most of what I read suggested simply using normal clarifying shampoo. Yeah I've been doing that and it doesn't make a difference.

I can't afford to get some $50 salon product, so I have to stick to the grocery store or drugstore and even then, some of the shit they sell is too expensive for my budget. I've been rinsing my hair with vinegar and water the last few days because it's supposed to reduce oil and I think it has helped a teeny tiny bit. I also have heard that the keratin shampoos from Suave can help fight excess buildup, so I'm gonna try that next.

trekkie monster
People who sit next to me in public, when there's space elsewhere, and proceed to talk to me. Fuck, there are headphones in my ears, and I'm reading a book on my phone! What is it, that made you believe I would welcome a conversation?

I do too, but I can also say that I met one of my closest friends this way. A friend I met my first semester in college sat next to me on an otherwise-empty trolley and was a little tipsy thanks to tequila to boot. Then we had some kind of bizarre discussion about the odds of getting struck by lightning while using the toilet and that magical conversation is what sealed the friendship. Fuck if I understand it. shrug

One more to add to the pile, and I'm gonna pick on myself for a switch. I HATE how difficult it is for me to shop for clothes. Being huge doesn't help, but I am so picky about every goddamn kind of clothing that it makes it so hard for me to buy clothes. Finding a simple pair of jeans that I like is like finding a needle in a haystack on another planet.

Generally, my tastes can be summed up in one broad stroke: loose tops, tight pants, flat shoes. I love tunics and mini-dress kind of things, but also a good ol' t-shirt tickles my fancy. I don't like tops that are too short, too tight, too stretchy, too low-cut, too see-through, don't like sparkles or sequins, don't like certain fabrics, don't like baby sleeves, 3/4 sleeves or sleeves with wrist cuffs, don't like white shirts or most light/bright colors or that light sweatshirt grey color, don't like tanktops unless I wear something over it, don't like tucking my shirts in. Don't like shoulder pads, but they're easy to remove. Don't like gold buttons or buttons that are a color that doesn't match the color of the shirt, don't like those empire-waist tops because they make me look fatter and/or pregnant. One of my favorites is a top that's a size or two bigger than necessary so I can wear it off my shoulder. But when you're a size 22/24, finding a size bigger can be tough.

Jeans? Either bootcut or flares; no classic cut, no capris, no shorts, and normally no skinny jeans, though I do like having a pair to wear with my knee boots. They gotta be stretchy denim, but not those elastic waistband jeans with no zipper or button because they make me feel lazy and fat(ter). Alas, jeans made of stretchy, thin denim usually also tear really easily in the inner thighs. I also prefer lighter-blue jeans compared to darker blue, but if I find a pair that meet all my other standards that are darker in color, I get them. I also usually need a size 20/22/24 wide, which does not help me. They also cannot be short or petite and they cannot end above my ankle because they look too short. They have to be about long enough for me to walk on, and long jeans I can just cuff at the ankles.

Shoes, I just don't even bother with. I wear my men's work boots most days. I think having the ankle support helps me to not fall on my face, as my one ankle seems prone to rolling/spraining. I can't do heels or wedges, I don't like a vast majority of women's shoes and I generally lean toward only black shoes. I take a size 9 in women's shoes, which is probably the only part of me that's a normal size, but I tend to lean toward men's shoes anyway.

No dresses either. Aside from the tunic-style shirt dress kinds of things, I won't wear skirts or dresses of any length. I've found they do not flatter my figure in any way. Basically, I don't ever show my legs, my cleavage or most of my arms and I like to be just about swimming in my tops.

I don't even have a normal bra size. Stores seem to think that if your band size is above 38, you must be a D-cup. Nope! I'm a 40C, and while it's not the most obscure size, it's still a pain in the ass to find a bra in my size that's got underwires and a little padding so the whole world doesn't know when I get cold.

Allllll that being said, you can imagine how fuckin' hard it is for me to buy clothes, and why I insist that other people not buy me clothing. I have to try everything on because a size 22 from one brand might be too big, but a size 22 in another will be way too small. I really want to figure out my sewing machine so I can start maybe doing some customizing/upcycling of second-hand clothes so I have stuff I like that fits. Doesn't help that a vast majority of plus size ladies' clothing is so frumpy and dumpy-looking.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 18, 2015
Birds which shit on clean laundry.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 18, 2015
I really want to figure out my sewing machine so I can start maybe doing some customizing/upcycling of second-hand clothes so I have stuff I like that fits. Doesn't help that a vast majority of plus size ladies' clothing is so frumpy and dumpy-looking.

I have a sewing machine that is over 20 years old. It doesn't do much but stitch, which is all I really need. The newer ones are spiffy; even with USB ports to update stitching patterns; but that's beyond my need.

If you want a machine for simple alterations, I'd check Goodwill, Craigslist or some of the sewing forums. I work with a guy who sews, he's always on the lookout for the older machines to recondition and sell. He said that they are out there, they just might need some simple maintenance like oiling the parts or taking them apart to clean out the lint.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 18, 2015
People who don't know the difference between breathe and breath.

Reading something like,"all the pollen in the air makes it hard for me to breath," makes me positively STABBY. It bothers me more than lose/loose because you would think the person would be reading along in his/her head as they are writing and they would hear that they are trying to "breath" and know something is wrong.

Re: Just plain hate.
July 18, 2015
@Dorisan, I have a sewing machine already and it's a beginner's machine with just basic stitch patterns, and I still manage to fuck it up. One of my mother's former co-workers does quilting and I asked her to thread the machine for me; it does work perfectly fine, but I swear the second I put my hands on it, it fucks up and thread gets stuck in places I didn't even know it could get stuck. Last time I used it, I got a big wad of thread tangled around the bobbin case that caused the machine to stop running.

And yep, I have the instruction manual and attempted to set it up myself. Still screwed it up. I can sew by hand, but it takes me forever. My hands are just Kryptonite to sewing machines.
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