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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
August 09, 2018
Speakers saying "suppose-a-bly" instead of supposedly is another annoying one.

One of the stranger mistakes I've recently heard was using the word foreclosure instead of closure in describing the grief process of a relative, as in "Mom needs to understand Dad is gone, and get some foreclosure with the situation."
Re: Just plain hate.
December 11, 2018
I need to rail on lotion pumps. Why in the fuck are these monstrosities everywhere now, popping up on all sorts of products that are better left alone? They NEVER work properly. I do all the YouTube tricks to unlock them, the first step being to take the damn thing off the container, wash the straw and then unlock it while holding the neck, which of course contaminates the contents and totally defeats the purpose. I recently wrestled with one that went clockwise instead of counter clockwise.

And once you get the fucker unlocked, forget taking it anywhere because it pops back up in your bag and runs all over everything. So you have to buy ANOTHER container to put the contents in if you want to take it anywhere.

That's presuming you don't have to transfer it to another container because it just stopped working. That happens at least 80% of the time. It just stops pumping or the straw breaks and won't go back together.

Why can't lotions be in a squeezy bottle? Just another "modern convenience" that's a stupid idea.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 16, 2018
Idiots spelling "paid" as "payed". I see it on Reddit all the time now. Also with "on accident" instead of "by accident".
Re: Just plain hate.
January 31, 2019
What is up with the ugly-ass jeans that are primarily marketed to women?

Let's start with the resurgence of mom jeans. Why in the hell would anyone think these were ever a good idea? I hated those things when I was a kid. I have a very short torso, and high-waisted jeans make me look like a Fresno nightcrawler.

Next up, boyfriend jeans. Lord, are they hideous. They are shapeless and covered in holes. I can see someone maybe doing a grunge throwback look, but that's it. I see 30-and-40-something women wearing these with normal shirts and shoes. It's a look that says, "I've given up"!

I'll take skinny or straight-legged jeans with a mid-rise any day over these travesties.

Re: Just plain hate.
March 21, 2019
What is up with the ugly-ass jeans that are primarily marketed to women?

Let's start with the resurgence of mom jeans. Why in the hell would anyone think these were ever a good idea? I hated those things when I was a kid. I have a very short torso, and high-waisted jeans make me look like a Fresno nightcrawler.

Next up, boyfriend jeans. Lord, are they hideous. They are shapeless and covered in holes. I can see someone maybe doing a grunge throwback look, but that's it. I see 30-and-40-something women wearing these with normal shirts and shoes. It's a look that says, "I've given up"!

I'll take skinny or straight-legged jeans with a mid-rise any day over these travesties.

As a long torso person, I am kinda glad to see higher rises; less plumbers' smiles and I no longer need a second hairdo to wear jeans. However, we don't need super high rises.

Ditto on boyfriend jeans. Baggy=sloppy with or without holes and tears.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Just plain hate.
April 01, 2019
Right now I'm hating on all the generalizations posted on the net about how neat, tidy people aren't as creative or intelligent as their messy, slovenly counterparts. There are even books and articles put out that claim that living like a pig is an art form. Suuuurrree....

One article was so nasty against people who keep cleaner homes, that I wanted to post a comment like, "Spoken like a true fucking slob." There was no place to make a comment.

Just because people are sloppy doesn't mean they're smarter than I am. Just because someone chooses to live in their own filth doesn't make them more popular or interesting than neater people.

I think that the majority of people are fucking nasty pigs, and these articles are there to give them some sort of encouragement to show how much better they are than clean people.

If someone wants to live that way, I say fine. I just wouldn't feel comfortable living in a chaotic, dirty environment, so I keep things clean. To each their own, but I think that tidiness and organization are virtues that are lost on most people nowadays.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 03, 2019
Some people are slobs and some are neat freaks, and there are plenty in between. I do like things to be neat and tidy myself (am an artist too), but at the same time, I haven't cleaned a damn thing in forever because I haven't given a shit for a long time now. I have a friend who is a complete slob (like doesn't do dishes for weeks, leaves dirty laundry all over the floor, etc.) and he's one of the smartest and most handy people I know.

I've seen creative/talented people who thrive in both environments. People just want an excuse to be lazy and live in squalor and blame it on "creativity."

Minor gripe, but why can't anyone pronounce the word "warrior?" Every single time someone says it out loud, they say "woy-yer." Is three syllables too many to manage now?
Re: Just plain hate.
April 03, 2019
I just don't get the correlation between tidiness and lack of intelligence. I keep my home serene, clean, and organized. I find that a chaotic environment with a lot of clutter or mess really screws with my stress levels, and it can make me depressed.

I have a friend who is CF, and he's super smart, even though he usually acts like he's not. He's also majorly tidy. He washes his hands often enough that he makes Howard Hughes jokes about himself, and his place is so clean, you can eat off of the floor.

I used to have a friend who wasn't really big in the brains department, and her place was always a mess. She had a small long haired dog. One time she invited me over to her place, and the dog hair was so bad, that I told her that I'd come back after she vacuumed.

I've never been so up front with someone about their mess problem, but I couldn't stand to breathe the air in there. She was a pretty dumb person though.

I'm not saying I'm the smartest person, but I just don't understand how slovenly=smarter or more creative.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 03, 2019
I really hate it when dumbasses that can't get my name right cost me money.

My company is hiring, I messaged one of Takeo's friends that has been underemployed for two years. Told him to send me his resume and I'll go over what to emphasize or play down as appropriate. He sends his resume, I give him suggestions and walk him through the application process.

The first step in the application form is primarily to weed out the people who can't read and understand directions. They're automatically rejected. The next step HR checks if the applicant is referred by a current employee, their applications go to Big Boss. Applicants without employee referrals get screened by HR and they decide whether or not to forward the application to Big Boss. Big Boss interviews candidates, and decides who to hire

I assume he sends the application and wait. Two weeks later he asks why he hasn't been called for an interview. I ask him did he fill out the forms correctly, and did he list me as a reference. He said he put my name on the referred by space, I asked him if it was first and last name since I'm not the only Hana in the company. He said he put down Hana Smith, I told him his application went to HR for screening since there is no one by the name of Hana Smith working for the company and they didn't send his application to Big Boss. My last name is Johnson, it's the name on the emails I sent him. I met him before Takeo and I got married, and made it explicitly clear I'm not changing my last name. Big Boss already hired somebody so there's nothing I can do.

Company policy gives very nice bonuses if the person you refer gets hired and stays a year. He would've been a great fit and thrived here.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 19, 2019
Ugh. His inattentiveness cost him a job prospect, but it also cost you money. How annoying.

I hear you on the name mess-up, hana. It's never cost me money, but people who should damn know better have messed up my last name.

Some cousins reached the point where they were getting married and dutifully popping out 2.1 children. I kept getting announcements addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. (DH's first and last name)". As I put it to DH when we were going thru the mail, I wasn't on that envelope at all. I don't use the title Mrs., I did not change my last name, and my first name is nowhere to be seen. I didn't attend the weddings--due to travel costs, not because of the envelope business. They're very nice, sweet people, just very traditional to the point of slightly retro. I sent back my RSVP regrets card, writing my first and last name and that of my husband. Sent them a nice present. Made sure our names were on the return address so they could update their address books and the like.

Then these cousins all started sending family photos, Christmas cards, and the like. I don't send those myself, but certainly appreciate the gesture. Again, things were addressed to "Mr. and Mrs. (DH's first and last name)". I don't tend to send holiday cards, but for a couple years I sent them to those cousins, making sure it had our full signatures in the card as well as on the return address. After 2 years, one of the cousins noticed and she now gets it right every time. The other two still mess it up.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 22, 2019
I hate when people tell me I should do something I like doing for a living. Motherfucker NO, I already did that once when I went to art school and all I have to show for it is a pile of debt that prevents me from being able to afford to live (not to mention a total loss in desire to draw). Hobbies don't make good careers - just because I can do something half-decent does not mean I need to try to do that shit for money (and most likely fail). I appreciate the compliment, but seriously, fuck off.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 19, 2019
To continue with the grammar and spelling theme, I DETEST when people write or speak text.

I can understand if two teens or 20-somethings are texting, but people over 30 who use these words looks as if they are DESPERATELY attempting to be cool or hip and it just does not work. In a blog entry or a "news" article, JUST USE THE GODAMN WORD.


I hate it when people say or use the word "veggies" for vegetables (yeah, this one is longstanding and has been in use for a while, but I still hate it.)

I hate when people say or use "deets" for details.

"Sesh" for session.

"Peeps" for people.

I do have a couple of hate reads other than GFG. One is Katheats and she does this crap all the time. pathetic.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 19, 2019
To continue with the grammar and spelling theme, I DETEST when people write or speak text.

I can understand if two teens or 20-somethings are texting, but people over 30 who use these words looks as if they are DESPERATELY attempting to be cool or hip and it just does not work. In a blog entry or a "news" article, JUST USE THE GODAMN WORD.


I hate it when people say or use the word "veggies" for vegetables (yeah, this one is longstanding and has been in use for a while, but I still hate it.)

I hate when people say or use "deets" for details.

"Sesh" for session.

"Peeps" for people.

I do have a couple of hate reads other than GFG. One is Katheats and she does this crap all the time. pathetic.

Oh no! I sometimes use the words "Veggies" or "Peeps" when I'm writing something on the forum, but I mostly in everyday speak I use the full words. I guess I do it for whatever reason, but I'll keep that in mind.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 20, 2019
I feel like most of those shortcuts came from the days of texting on phones prior to the introduction of smart phones, so people in their 20s who got their first phones after 2010 have even less of an excuse for it, since there was never any need for them to do it. The ones I cannot stand is 'u' instead of 'you' and 'r' for 'are' - as if anyone ever saved time by leaving out two letters.
Re: Just plain hate.
November 14, 2019
Back in the bronze age, my dad wrote me a flash card program on a TRS-80 to help me learn to read. I asked if the word "are" was spelled like it sounded, "r". That punk said yes and wrote it into his program. I was fucking outraged to learn it was not. Liar!!!

"For all intensive purposes" is becoming FAR too common.

And "upmost" is replacing utmost. sad smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
April 11, 2020
This is a minor rant in light of COVID-19, but COVID-19 has made it obvious that at least 50% of the population does not know the difference between the noun "breath" and the verb "breathe."

I would presume a level of unintelligence on Facebook, but I've even seen the gaffe on mainstream news sites like MSN and NBC. Doesn't anybody proofread anything for context anymore? Or are they content to just let a spelling bot pick up the errors and let it rip?

I wince every time I read about someone's personal account of having to call the ambulance because they could hardly breath.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 12, 2020
"Breath" vs. "breathe" drives me crazy. So does substituting "itch" for "scratch," e.g., "I itched my mosquito bite until it bled."
Re: Just plain hate.
April 14, 2020
Let's also add "loose" when the person means to write "lose".

Re: Just plain hate.
April 16, 2020
Let's also add "loose" when the person means to write "lose".

Or "lead" when they mean "led."
Re: Just plain hate.
July 05, 2020
A MAJOR pet peeve of mine: When you tell someone some big news, like a success you've achieved or another major thing that's happened recently in your life, and they immediately tell you about someone they know who has had a much BIGGER success/drama/tragedy. I hate pissing contests like that.

Me: "I just got a great job!"
Them: "I have a relative/friend/neighbor who is working directly with super important people OMG!!11"


Me: "My mother just died."
Them: "I have a relative/friend/neighbor who died the most OMFG awful death!11!!! Let me tell you ALL about it."

Both of these scenarios happened to me. They are just SO fucking annoying. It's like when something major happens, there's always someone out there whose got it SO much better/worse. They usually don't let you talk about your own news at all, but they'll continue to go on and on and on ad nauseum about someone else's stuff, and it's usually someone you've never met before in your life.

ANNOYING! angry smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
July 06, 2020
Gotta love the one-upmanship. I suppose some people are trying to find a way to relate and don't realize they sound like assholes, but other people are just in it for the competition because for some people, they have to one-up everybody. Whatever you did or went through, they themselves or someone they know did it better or had it worse. It's like breeders who think they're the only ones allowed to be tired and will gladly and LOUDLY tell anyone who isn't a parent why they will never be as tired as a mommy.

It gets a little old. I don't see why "congratulations" or "I'm sorry" is so hard, depending on what's going on.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 23, 2020
I just plain fucking hate student loans, namely the servicers. My student loan payments are honestly the only thing keeping me from having normal adult independence because my lender will not lower my payments and I can't find work that pays better. I just applied yet again for loan refinancing to try and get a more affordable payment... and got rejected. Again. Because I don't make enough money. Motherfucker if I made more, I wouldn't be trying to refinance!

Oh yeah, and I've been giving those pricks $600 a month for over ten years and my balance went up by $8,000, so I'm not even making a dent.

Federal student debt isn't a big deal because they offer income-based repayments, but if you're a poor fucker and have private student debt, you are nothing but fucked every which way. Lenders and servicers won't work with you, you can't refinance, you can't release your cosigner if you're enrolled in income-based repayment, and any time I hear about a lawsuit against my lender (of which there are many), nothing seems to happen in favor of borrowers. There are legitimately no options.

It's not that I don't want to pay what I owe - I just want to be able to afford to live! I just can't believe these people are allowed to essentially enslave borrowers financially.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 03, 2020
My experience with student loans was from gradual school.

I borrowed around $8,000 (this was the 90's) and paid it back. One thing I do remember is, every time the loan changed hands, the former lender reported that I had not made ANY payments and the new lender would start sending me nasty letters. I had to send a lot of certified letters with proof of payment. I recommend you keep some kind of documentation every time you make a payment. I wrote checks so it was easy but beware, banks change too, so just make it a habit of each time you send a payment, keep the proof of payment. I realize checks are very 1990, but there is a lot to be said for them in terms of documentation.

I realized I actually overpaid on mine (my ex was writing the checks on autopilot) and I sent them certified letters, return receipt requested, because the assholes would deny any previous conversations, and they finally left me alone and marked my loan paid. Of course I did not get any of my overpayment refunded.

I'm a believer in certified mail, not phone calls, because most CSRs cannot do anything, and certified mail cannot be repudiated. They have to acknowledge they received the correspondence and it usually makes its way to a manager.

It seems reasonable to me that you could:

Get your own paperwork/records and figure out how much you have paid
Ask them, via certified mail, for your entire account record: what you have paid, what you owe, how your payments are being credited*, and the interest rate.

Once you get those documents, marry them together. *It's possible they are not crediting your payments to principal, which does you no good.

Your state's attorney general's office may be a source of information and help. They are probably very aware of these predatory practices.

There is a lot of information about how these lenders are crooks. They team with for-profit universities. John Grisham wrote an entire book about it. They use the Federal backing as a shield and they have no incentive to record payment so they can just soak people for more money.

People should have to pay their student loans, but there are also people who are having your experience and that is not right. IMO, the Government is not cracking down on these lenders as they should be. It kind of reminds me of how the mortgage industry used to be, until the Government really cracked down on them.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 03, 2020
I can actually see my entire payment history on my servicer's website, all the way back to the beginning. They tell me how much of each payment goes to principal and how much goes to interest and I already knew that out of $600, about $50 goes to the balance, which means I pay only $600 a year toward my balance and the remaining $6600 goes to the interest, yet the balance goes up because the interest accumulates faster than I can pay it off.

I have tried both asking and telling them to apply the payment to the balance first, but they don't listen. My servicer has even publicly announced that they are under no obligation to do what is in the best interests of their borrowers, so they're very up-front about how much they enjoy being assholes.

These people also will not provide me with any documentation. I've asked them to send me a copy of my original promissory note, copies of my payment history and/or to prove the debt is mine and they just kind of ignore me (sent certified, so they did receive it), even though they are allegedly legally required to send me this stuff when I ask for it. Apparently there's nothing I can do to make them send these documents either because I guess they are somehow exempt from any sort of fair debt collection laws.

My interest rates are all over the place too - each loan has a different one, ranging from 3% up to 8%, I think.

I have a letter prepared to send to the attorney general, but he's sued my servicer more than once and nothing ever seems to happen. I'm not sure he can do much, especially when he already knows how much this lender/servicer sucks.


There is a lot of information about how these lenders are crooks. They team with for-profit universities.

Bingo! That was precisely the combination I unknowingly dealt with - for-profit school that basically took an associate's program and added a ton of fluff classes to stretch it out into a bachelor's program and when federal loan money ran out, they just shoved a paper in my face and said "sign this if you want to stay here." I've also applied for borrower defense to repayment, which is just something that says the school you attended sucked and you want loan forgiveness for it. Unfortunately, it's only for federal loans and my application has been pending for two years.
Re: Just plain hate.
September 28, 2020
The last thing the American west needs is another mother fucking heat wave, but that is what we are getting. The past 3 days have been triple digits. We are supposed to get a cooldown but that means highs "only" in the high 90s. Fuck! will this shit ever end? Even my flowers look sick despite being watered every day.
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