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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
February 17, 2015
People who don't understand the concept of stop blowing up my inbox because you don't like our decision.

I'm a juror for an award, person wanted to submit a widget for the jurors to consider, but had a question regarding eligibility. The administrator and jurors discuss the question and conclude that the widget is ineligible. The administrator informs the person by email and Bcc's the jurors.

Few days later, she emails my personal email address [she has it for reasons unrelated to the award] around the clock saying she never got a decision from the administrator and that the widget is the greatest widget known to humanity and this could be the big break for the widget maker. I email the administrator who informs the person yet again that the widget is ineligible for our award and the decision is final. The administrator reminded the person that all questions regarding the award must go to the administrator and to the administrator alone.

So far no new emails.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 03, 2015
I don't know if I had mentioned this earlier, but I HATE it when people tell women of a certain age that it's time to cut their hair short. I'm not a soccer moo, so I don't want to look like one TYVM.

These types will also go on to say that women who are older who have long hair are trying to hold on to their youth, trying to compete with younger women, etc.

No, assholes, I just love my long hair. If you don't like it, don't look at it.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 08, 2015
I HATE "spring forward" to Daylight Saving Time with the power of 10,000 suns.. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

Actually, I despise the whole semi-annual ritual of fucking with the clocks. It's ridiculous, stupid, annoying as fuck, and makes no sense. But I hate "spring forward" and losing an hour the most. It takes me a good 2 weeks to adjust. At least with "fall back" you gain an hour. Who would think an hour would make such a difference? And WHY do we want it light until almost 10 pm in the summer? I'd rather have an "extra" hour of daylight in the dead of winter.

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Re: Just plain hate.
March 08, 2015
I don't know if I had mentioned this earlier, but I HATE it when people tell women of a certain age that it's time to cut their hair short. I'm not a soccer moo, so I don't want to look like one TYVM.

These types will also go on to say that women who are older who have long hair are trying to hold on to their youth, trying to compete with younger women, etc.

No, assholes, I just love my long hair. If you don't like it, don't look at it.

thumbs upwink

Oh, my niece. I'll have to save a couple of pictures from FB to post here. She went from trim and Barbie-looking, with long hair, to the epitome of Mom-ness. Still has the baby weight from a year ago; hair is cut to just above the shoulder, with bangs and a part on the side. Talk about doing a 180.

I cut my hair off when I started riding a motorcycle. Long sweaty hair is a pain. Now that I'm not riding as much as I used to, I thought about letting it grow out, but can't get past the stage of having it get down inside my collar or poke my ears without screaming "gaah! cut it off!" At least I don't mousse it into a rigid skull cap like a lot of women I work around. Think Carol from the Walking Dead. I just pull it around with my fingers and call it my hedgehog hair cut smile rolling left righteyes2

Re: Just plain hate.
March 08, 2015
I HATE "spring forward" to Daylight Saving Time with the power of 10,000 suns.. cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

Actually, I despise the whole semi-annual ritual of fucking with the clocks. It's ridiculous, stupid, annoying as fuck, and makes no sense. But I hate "spring forward" and losing an hour the most. It takes me a good 2 weeks to adjust. At least with "fall back" you gain an hour. Who would think an hour would make such a difference? And WHY do we want it light until almost 10 pm in the summer? I'd rather have an "extra" hour of daylight in the dead of winter.
All of this. I despise mornings like they are my greatest enemy, and every year it happens that I have to get up even earlier for even more morning suckage. It is not at all offset by gaining an hour once a year also, IMO.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 12, 2015
Daylight savings time is an antiquated relic from a bygone era which should be abolished. People talk about how much energy it 'saves' when the same could be accomplished by businesses having seasonal schedules.

Someone should calculate just how much energy goes in to dealing with time conversions in code because of this nonsenese. You end up using a library which is just a very long hardcoded bunch of if statements which has to be updated annually. If you want to do future dates, you're out of luck, since governments will fuck around with those dates for no real reason. So much wasted energy and intellect for a problem that has a much simplier solution.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 13, 2015
Racist fuckwads with names like Parker, Clinton, etc. who are so cocky they chant a disgusting song while they are knowingly filmed and then act all sorry only when the video is released to national news.

Especially with the news of those cocky kids from TX who think money makes them invincible. What they did was bad enough but I've heard first hand from lots of cocky kids from TX who spend all their time talking about how much better their home state is than the state in which they're attending college. I'd ask them what stops them from attending college in their home state, since it is so much better in every way imaginable. And Texans who go to OU consider themselves special because they're from out of state and can afford the tuition and will brag about this. It doesn't take a Rhodes Scholar to figure out that the kids + all their connections still wasn't enough for them to attend UT. Most of the crap they do manages to get buried so they remain completely narcissistic specul snoooflakes, I'm so glad they finally were delusional enough to think a video wouldn't expose them. Texas pumps out these brats, mostly from North Texas/Highland Park area.

Hope this follows them around for the rest of their lives and students from TX with the entitled spoiled attitudes start a trend of going to school in their own state. Being kicked out of a fraternity is a big huge deal to this particular group of snot superficiality, so glad they are disgraced.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 13, 2015
I don't know if I had mentioned this earlier, but I HATE it when people tell women of a certain age that it's time to cut their hair short.
Just plain rude!
Re: Just plain hate.
March 13, 2015
One more, the backhanded compliment. Starts out as a compliment and may seem gracious until the zinger is inserted. Often delivered by a passive aggressive person in a clueless fashion, as if they aren't purposely being a jerk.

You look fantastic for your age.
Your new car is nice. I had the same model while in high school but I've grown up now.

These are two I wouldn't mind hearing because I'd enthusiastically agree when they expect me to have some guilty reaction:
Your house is so clean. Then again, it is a snap to keep a house clean without kids.
You always look so nice. Must be great to have so much free time/money/etc. on your hands.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 13, 2015
One more, the backhanded compliment. Starts out as a compliment and may seem gracious until the zinger is inserted. Often delivered by a passive aggressive person in a clueless fashion, as if they aren't purposely being a jerk.

You look fantastic for your age.
Your new car is nice. I had the same model while in high school but I've grown up now.

These are two I wouldn't mind hearing because I'd enthusiastically agree when they expect me to have some guilty reaction:
Your house is so clean. Then again, it is a snap to keep a house clean without kids.
You always look so nice. Must be great to have so much free time/money/etc. on your hands.

Oooooh, do I hate this one! I've received it several times, since I don't make my age a secret. It pisses me off to no end. Why not just say "You look great!"? Why always with the age thing? WTF am I supposed to look like? Some toothless grey-haired old hag that has to gum her food at the dinner table? angry smiley
Re: Just plain hate.
March 14, 2015
.. I've heard first hand from lots of cocky kids from TX who spend all their time talking about how much better their home state is than the state in which they're attending college.

Somewhat related ... I live in a high transplant state. Not so much now, what with the crappy economy, but up until 2008 there was a lot of in-migration. I know whereof I speak, being a transplant myself (1990), so I'm patient with people saying "well, back home we had ...." or "I miss (insert grocery store chain, sports team, better school system).." I'll give folks two or three years to adjust. Since most of them are from parts of the country that might have striking differences from this state, it can be hard to get used to some stuff here. After that, please tone it down with the "well, where I come from is so much better."

You moved here because there were more jobs, or the taxes were lower, or the climate was milder - something about this state was so much more amenable than your home state that you pulled up stakes and moved here. You might raise a family here, you certainly hope to have a steady job or career, you may well die here. It's fine to be homesick; even always think of the other state as home; but if you're going to keep putting this state down, then just move the fuck back from which you came. No one wants to keep listening to your complaints.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 16, 2015

Oooooh, do I hate this one! I've received it several times, since I don't make my age a secret. It pisses me off to no end. Why not just say "You look great!"?

I've had a few people tell me, "I love your hair color," which I think means they like what the colorist does with it. Why not just say, "I like your hair," and leave it at that.

I go to the theater with a group of friends and I sold my ticket to another friend because she wanted to go. She wrote me a check for $78.87 which was the amount for the ticket but I would have written the check for $79 or $80, because, really? I thought it was weird.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 16, 2015
I've had a few people tell me, "I love your hair color," which I think means they like what the colorist does with it. Why not just say, "I like your hair," and leave it at that.

I've said that to someone (not someone I've known for a while, of course), meaning that the color is specifically what I like best about it. I usually can't tell if it has been colored unless it is blatant, so it's like telling someone that they have a beautiful eye color (something I hear from time to time). If I've known someone for a while and the hair color changed, I might say "That color really suits you."
Re: Just plain hate.
March 18, 2015
I hate Craigslist shoppers.

We're downsizing in preparation to sell our house and build our small cottage - mostly lawn and garden stuff. We're looking at buying a 1/2 acre wooded lot, no need for the equipment we use to manage the one acre grassy lot our current house is on.

I have read the horror stories about crimes that have occurred through CL and took the appropriate cautions suggested on the site. There is no direct contact, folks interested go through the CL notification system. We don't allow anyone to come to our house, instead meeting them at the local Walmart. That part has been fine. What is not fine is the way those interested in our equipment basically want us to give the stuff away. Fuckers. I've lost count of the number of inquiries we've gotten, saying "if I come pick it up today, will you take $25? (or some other low ball amount)" This for an item that is listed at $75. We had two ladders, each worth about $200 if bought new, that were each listed for $80. Got an inquiry "I'll take both if I can have them for $125 together."

You piece of shit. :BS

Sorry for the profanity, but dammmn.

After Dh read me the third or fourth e-mail like that, I burst out "yanno what? I'm going to edit those freaking ads to say "we aren't selling these items to get money to buy drugs. we are not DESPERATE to make a sale, you cheap-ass, trying to steal, sons-of-bitches!" Dh laughed at that, but suggested it would probably put off anyone, even those willing to make a clean, reasonable deal. So, I did edit the ads, but stated "Price is firm. Do not contact us with the intent to haggle or dicker."

*blech* All the stuff we are selling is in near-to-new condition. It has been taken care of and is, IMO, reasonably priced. Maybe I'm just not the bargaining type. If I see something for sale, I'll research its value and consider the price. If it's too high, I'll just keep looking. I'm not going to insult anyone by offering a bargain basement price.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
March 22, 2015
Just re-joined, apparently since I hadn't accessed the site in a while - but I love this thread. Used to hate using the word "hate", but I've gotten over it.

I hate it when a connecting bus is running late and the "express" has to wait for that bus with that one passenger, inconveniencing about 25-30 other people. What - our time isn't as valuable?

I hate people who are sensitive to smells and have to make it all about their needs. As an office manager, I referee any bathroom situations. Had a pregnant worker who wanted air freshener spray because the smell of shit made her sick. Found one that the Official office princess could tolerate. Supplied it until the pregnant worker spawned and left. One of our divisions hired "that" person, the one who has to have special office blinds, special furniture, objected to all smells (except the foul odorous food she warms up in the kitchen). The former pregnant worker came back. Other people complained about shit smells. I bought a variety of sprays, put them in the restroom, and asked everyone to try to them out. The special snowflake came into my office and accused me of using her as a guinea pig, threatened to take me to the union. I made sure she realized this isn't all about her. Another woman wanted seat gaskets because someone was leaving a snail slime trail on the seats. Company policy is not to supply them, but I ordered a carton just to shut down the complaints. I used to laugh at the character on Ally McBeal who flushed before he entered a stall - wish we could do that here because someone is always leaving "crumbs" and other detritus.

Other than this, my job is the best I've ever had. And I love wearing fragrance and wear it daily, despite the sign we were forced to post asking people who come to our building to be sensitive to the needs of others. I'm not a visitor so I see the sign as not applicable to me.

A good start, I'm sure I'll think of other stuff.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 23, 2015
Yesterday in FB feed I saw 2 "friends" post baby announcements. 2 in one day, that's a record for me. ranting two faces puking
Re: Just plain hate.
March 24, 2015
I don't know if I had mentioned this earlier, but I HATE it when people tell women of a certain age that it's time to cut their hair short.
Just plain rude!

It is rude to comment on a person's appearance for purposes of giving either a back handed compliment or unsolicited opinion on how they should wear it to look better. I have worn mine in everything from a pixie to a chin length bob since I was 15. I do this for a variety of reasons including that it is thick, curly and has to be washed every morning or it looks like an oil slick. I have also had in ever color that varies from natural black to platinum blond and every shade in between with highlights or my entire head the shades of fire engine red, pink, orange and yellow. No matter the length and color I always have random people suggest I let it grow out (it looks like shit and takes 30 minutes to wash) or suggest another color. If I don't ask, I don't care.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 24, 2015
Just re-joined, apparently since I hadn't accessed the site in a while - but I love this thread. Used to hate using the word "hate", but I've gotten over it.

I hate it when a connecting bus is running late and the "express" has to wait for that bus with that one passenger, inconveniencing about 25-30 other people. What - our time isn't as valuable?

I hate people who are sensitive to smells and have to make it all about their needs. As an office manager, I referee any bathroom situations. Had a pregnant worker who wanted air freshener spray because the smell of shit made her sick. Found one that the Official office princess could tolerate. Supplied it until the pregnant worker spawned and left. One of our divisions hired "that" person, the one who has to have special office blinds, special furniture, objected to all smells (except the foul odorous food she warms up in the kitchen). The former pregnant worker came back. Other people complained about shit smells. I bought a variety of sprays, put them in the restroom, and asked everyone to try to them out. The special snowflake came into my office and accused me of using her as a guinea pig, threatened to take me to the union. I made sure she realized this isn't all about her. Another woman wanted seat gaskets because someone was leaving a snail slime trail on the seats. Company policy is not to supply them, but I ordered a carton just to shut down the complaints. I used to laugh at the character on Ally McBeal who flushed before he entered a stall - wish we could do that here because someone is always leaving "crumbs" and other detritus.

Other than this, my job is the best I've ever had. And I love wearing fragrance and wear it daily, despite the sign we were forced to post asking people who come to our building to be sensitive to the needs of others. I'm not a visitor so I see the sign as not applicable to me.

A good start, I'm sure I'll think of other stuff.
I would never complain about it, but I hate the smell of 95 percent of artificial smells. If the bathroom smells like shit, then people need to learn to flush the toilet or they need to be cleaned more often. I have four bathrooms and have never had the issue of them smelling like shit.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 30, 2015
I'm remembering how much I hate people who only talk to me when they want shit. I reconnected with one of my friends from high school via social media maybe a year or so ago, and the guy never ever talks to me unless he wants me to draw something for him. And don't get me wrong, I'm glad to draw stuff for people if they actually interact with me for other reasons like, I don't know, just having a conversation?

With this guy, it's kinda like, "Hi, can you draw me (thing)?" Don't ever recall payment being mentioned either. He did this recently, wanting some stupid bullshit hand-drawn and colored by this week (told me about it over the weekend) on a poster. I tried real hard to say that now's not a good time - not only was it short notice, but I'm on a drawing binge right now as I gear up for a convention and make some new prints, plus I don't have dependable transportation. Fucker still didn't take the hint, and I somehow wound up vaguely agreeing to it, so I backpedaled and made up some shit about being out of town for a spontaneous road trip.

This bloke liked to annoy me in high school to draw him shit too, to the point where I somehow got suckered into doing an art project for him once. The art teacher wasn't stupid and bitched the guy out for not doing his own damn work. I know it's my fault for putting up with it, but I guess I'm too damn nice to just say "fuck off."
Re: Just plain hate.
March 30, 2015
Cambion, do you take commissions at conventions or online? Next time this fucker asks you for free art, reply to him with an estimate for his commission request, then add an PITA premium and rush fees if he wants it with little or no notice.

I did this every time someone wanted me to do artwork or make jewelry for free. I also attached a contract that listed the cost, deadline, policies, and progress updates for the client to sign and mail to me with a check for the nonrefundable deposit (cost of materials or 50% whichever was greater). Of course I would not begin until the client's check cleared, per the policies listed in the contract.

People stopped demanding free stuff once they saw the contract.

I'd also drop this so called friend, a person who contacts you only when he wants something is a user not a friend. Have too much firsthand experience with this. If you keep him in your life the stuff he wants from you will increase. One former friend bought something on ebay and when he tried to pay for it his credit card company flagged it as fraud. So he called me and wanted to use my credit card to pay for it. I told him no, and he whined about it and was cold to me when I saw him a couple weeks later. Concluded he wasn't a friend and stopped doing stuff for him, he gave me the cut direct.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 31, 2015
Yup, I do take commissions, though mentioning my prices usually makes most people walk away. Christ, I charge a piddly $6.00 for a hand-drawn, fully-inked illustration. I charge $5.00 for a digital print and offer discounts (like buy 3 prints, get a fourth free) and people are still put off by it. I personally feel my work's not good enough to warrant a higher price tag, but I do attach some value to it. Had this guy given me more notice and didn't only talk to me to ask for shit, I'd have probably just asked him to give me a couple bucks to cover materials.

And yeah, a contract is a scary thing to a lot of people. Back when I looked for freelance gigs on Craigslist and had potential clients all excited to have me do work for them, the second I talked about a contract, they never spoke to me again because I don't think they ever intended to pay in the first place. And it was nothing unreasonable - just fancy, professional-sounding words that said "I'm the artist and will do (project) by (date). You are the client and agree to pay me (amount) for my work with (amount) deposit."
Re: Just plain hate.
April 01, 2015
I have a hatred for the word "tummy." I have a yoga DVD that I really like and in a few places the narrator says, "tighten your tummy," and it's like nails on a chalkboard.

No person over the age of six should be saying "tummy." What's wrong with "abdomen," or even "mid-section?"

I hate baby-fied shit in the English language.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 01, 2015
I hate the "tummy" word, too, along with adults saying "yummy!" to each other, like if discussing foods/recipes with other adults, like you see on various boards, and they say something is so yummy! and how they want to get a toned tummy.

Re: Just plain hate.
April 01, 2015
Thirded. I get especially brassed off when doctors use that word to ask about your symptoms. I'm not fucking 6 years old, for Christ's sake!


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Re: Just plain hate.
April 01, 2015
I hate that word too. Along with 'veggies.' Veggies sound annoyingly perky and soccer mawmish, and feels far less dignified then 'vegetables.'
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