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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
September 08, 2014
I definitely hate public restrooms, especially when the seat has been sprayed. Hint: this is why bathroom seats are germy! They wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for "hovering."
Other hates:
People who expect women to look just like what's in the magazines or on TV. All glam, all the time.
Women who ridicule other women for being "too skinny." Passive-aggressive stuff, basically."Oh, it's just a joke!"
A lot of Facebook. Can be good for keeping up with friends IRL, but please talk about something other than your kids! If I wanted to know about your kyd, I'd friend him/her.saying 'wtf'
The "duck face." Good God.
People who run their chainsaws early in the morning, in the city limits.
The current pay-to-play political system wherein the more money you have, the more "speech" you get.
Political campaigns in general, and I'm interested in politics. Superficial stuff mostly and they go on way too long.

It takes a child to raze a village.
Re: Just plain hate.
September 09, 2014
Keyboard pounders.

Damn! The typical keyboard that accompanies a PC is NOT akin to the old days of Underwood typewriters. You don't have to raise your hand a distance and bring it down with a hard slap.

At this moment, I'm listening to another person in the computer room assaulting the keyboard to enter commands. He's not too rough while typing out the letters, but I always know when he hits the ENTER key:

peck-peck-peck-BAM!-peck-BAM!-peck-peck-peck-peck- KABAM!

.....and just now he had to adjust the keyboard because his assault sent it skidding across the desktop.

I protested "you're going to break that!" and got a surprised look in return.

He's not the first person I've encountered who does that; typically, it IS a guy who has to be emphatic about entering commands. I just don't get why they do it.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
September 10, 2014
I FUCKING LOATHE, DETEST, and DESPISE toadlers that reach out their filthy fucking index finder and poke me in the chest.

Do they really think I'm going to whip one out and stick it in their mouth? They're bone dry, you disgusting little perverts, and they will stay that way until the end of time.


Why is no one teaching those damn things basic boundaries, like, DON'T SEXUALLY ASSAULT WOMEN IN PUBLIC? And why do they never do it when their parents are looking so I can shoot them all the icy stare of death while repeating "no, I don't like being touched there, please don't touch me there, you shouldn't touch people there" ad nauseam until everyone else is just as embarrassed about this bullshit as I am.

angry flipping off
Shit, what is it with little kids who think they can do that? The last time it happened to me I was so disgusted. Technically, I guess it was an "accident". Hubby and I were walking along a beachfront boardwalk. Some fucking little sprog decided to show off to Moomy and Duddy that he could walk balancing on the railing. Instead of stopping the little shit and warning him he could fall and hurt himself, they applauded him and urged him to continue. He took this as encouragement to go faster; but when he got close to me he started to lose his balance. Before I could move out of the way, He reached out his hands and FUCKING GRAPPED MY BREAST to catch himself from falling. I was so pissed off that I couldn't even get the words out to yell at his damn parents. And of course, they never even apologized in fact, I think Dud was trying to hide a snicker. He probably wished it'd been him.
Re: Just plain hate.
October 01, 2014
You know what I fuckin' hate? I hate people that sell shit like Arbonne or Rodan and Fields and plaster my Facebook newsfeed with the latest thing that I HAVE to have. Bonus if those people call it a *business*. Triple bonus if they try and get me to sell that shit.

The idea of selling anything to anybody, having clients, having to pursuade people about the efficacy of a fucking facecream, is my idea of Hell.

That would involve actually making friends and talking to people. Just, ugh.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
October 25, 2014

I also hate the whole, "but, but, but HITLER was an Atheist!" argument. Hitler also drank water, damnit.

This right here. I swear I am going to punch the next fool who drags Hitler into any discussion, thinking that invoking the name will shut the other person/s up and thus leave the fool thinking they've "won".

Completely aside from the knee-jerk brainless mentality implicit in this practice, the dude was NOT the first person-- nor the last-- to commit large-scale genocide. The way his memory is waggled about these days, you'd think he'd done something completely unique. The details may be different, but there are plenty of other instances.
Re: Just plain hate.
November 03, 2014
This is more of a "WTF I hate myself" kind of a thing, but...

I hate trying to remember to tell myself to not sign every single email with, "Love, Cambion." It's a habit from sending cards that I cannot break and I've caught myself almost emailing resumes and signing the cover letter or the email with love. Then I toss and turn all night wondering if I wrote "Love" or "Sincerely." BlarghgoddammitFUCK.

Does anyone else do this or is it a sad trait unique to me?
Re: Just plain hate.
November 04, 2014
Cambion, I've done the same thing!!! I think I have undiagnosed OCD. I'm especially bad about leaving voice mails. I will sometimes leave one, listen to it, think it sounds awful, delete it, re-leave the message, lather rinse and repeat...then freak out later over "OMG did that sound dumb? What if I said something I didn't mean to say/something rude/etc. etc..." it's weird but yeah.
Re: Just plain hate.
November 04, 2014
What I really hate right now are people who think because I telecommute that I have huge amounts of free time to wait on other shit.

Someone from the convention's parent organization that I staff thought it would be a great idea to give away pens with the organization's logo. Great idea but decided to order the pens last Friday, and they're being overnighted to my place today. Person who did the ordering seems to think I'll stay at home until 7pm for a package that may or may not require a signature. I have to vote and be out and about for convention related business. I took comp time from the job to work a half day, if they want me to stay home they can pay me triple my hourly rate. Cash only upfront.

I'm so looking forward to 8pm Sunday and never dealing with them again.
Re: Just plain hate.
November 06, 2014
The hardware store near me put up their Xmess trees/decorations even before Halloween was done. Bloody hell.
Anonymous User
Re: Just plain hate.
November 08, 2014
Working close to YET ANOTHER sociopath. Fuck this bitch. Fuck her right in the motherfucking ear.
Re: Just plain hate.
November 08, 2014
When my dog dies. :bawl

Fuck you, universe. angry flipping off
Re: Just plain hate.
November 08, 2014
When my dog dies. :bawl

Fuck you, universe. angry flipping off

friendly hug

Very sorry to hear that.
Re: Just plain hate.
November 13, 2014
I'm sorry to hear you've lost a fuzzy. friendly hug It's never easy when our fuzzies leave us. Why can't brats conk out in their teen years and pets live to be 80 instead?
Re: Just plain hate.
November 19, 2014
I hate bossy, know-it-all bitches. I hate my roommate. She questions every goddamned thing I do and it drives me crazy. Example. Yesterday I took a picture of the class schedule from my gym, you know the paper calendar they always have at the front. This way, I could reference the photo easily on my phone and pick classes to go to. She was like, "Why are you doing that? Why don't you just go to their website? Why take a photo when you can screen-capture it from the internet?" It kind of escalated as I kept explaining to her that I don't have good connectivity at work for several reasons, and I finally said, "Why would I do all that when I can just take a fucking picture of it?!" It's like that with everything. Why do I have the stove on high instead of medium high? Why do I have a certain light on? Why didn't I use the rotten tomato instead of buying new ones? Why is meat thawing on the counter? She pulls our frozen turkey burgers from the freezer and asks me what they are and why they are in there. Uh, guess why, you stupid bitch, JUST FUCKING LEAVE IT ALONE!

I made an herb dressing and she regarded it suspiciously, picked up a spoon and played with it like she was using a stick to dig through dog shit, and then isolated a caper from the mix and held it up like she'd just discovered a baby cockroach and asked me, "What's this?"

Actually, I just hate my roommate. All she does is sit around on her ass and complain about how fat and lonely she is. But when presented with solutions, all she has are a million excuses why that will never work. She takes her cheap, shitty, $20 boots and stuffs them on top of my expensive, suede boots that need to stand upright. She fucking sucks.
Re: Just plain hate.
November 21, 2014
I feel your pain on those people that want to know "Why...?" about everything. My aunt is like that. Having a conversation with her sucks because it's all about Why I did something and about 1000% of those times, it is NONE of her business WHY I did or didn't do something!

I am supposed to see her at Thanksgiving and she starts with that shit I am just going to come out and ask HER why SHE is so concerned about what I do!

That might shut your roommate up if you turn it around on her. Or you can always default to this one "Why do you want to know?" :biggrin2
Re: Just plain hate.
November 24, 2014
A minor gripe that I'm pretty sure I didn't talk about here already (sorry if I actually have), but I really hate when people look at my character illustrations and go, "Duh-eee, you draw good anime." I know, this might not seem like a big deal, but the thing is I don't draw fucking anime. I have no issues with anime or the style, but I don't want to draw that way because fucking everyone else does it and it's not unique. I don't think I've ever gone out of my way to draw anime, but morons assume that large eyes = anime. I had some tard tell me this a few weeks ago at a ComicFest event. Said tard was some Yu-Gi-Oh! fangirl who is homeless, but talking about how she's going to cosplay as a Yu-Gi-Oh! character complete with 100% silk costume. Then her expression dropped like a sack of bricks when I let her know that YES, I do charge for my work.

I don't know why it pisses me off. It just does. Or when people look at my work and go, "Duyyyy, what show is that from?" Apparently you can only draw cartoons of existing characters and not do original work! angry flipping off
Re: Just plain hate.
November 27, 2014
My SIL who spawned at 46 and thinks her need to eat early during bad weather so her perfectly normal 10 year old doesn't get "too tired" on the drive home and doesn't grasp that a flight was delayed out of Philly and I can't drive or start a ride at 4 AM because lack of sleep triggers my seizures but her stupid ass will delay the family Christmas because of a fucking sinus infection. My seizures can kill me, bitch. Get over it. Right now, I hate my husband for not telling her to STFU after my entire extended family moved our Thanksgiving to Friday so hubby could spend all day with his family. Fuck this shit. 25 people rearrange their schedule (4 have kids) and you want to bitch about something that is actually serious and this bitch is mad she has to wait 3 extra hours to stuff her face. And fuck my husband for not shutting this shit down and telling me I can "sleep in the car."
I hate then both right now!
Re: Just plain hate.
November 27, 2014
I'm so with you on the family thing. Two of my DH's siblings live within a couple of hours from his parents. The other two, one of whom is my DH, live a day's drive away. We live the farthest away.

A couple of years ago, my in-laws changed the previously-set date, naturally to accommodate one of the siblings who is closer. My SIL is the worst, because she hasn't worked outside the house for 25 years and has NO FUCKING CLUE about scheduling vacation, getting off work or the other issues that people typically face. Thankfully my DH did not expect us to re-arrange our vacation, etc. He just told them they would see us when we get there. But it galls the shit out of me that the people who are closest, and the people who are childed, seem to think they can make last minute changes and they should be accommodated because they have bullshit-y sprog reasons.

And we stay in a hotel when we get there. I told him I wouldn't go if we didn't do that. Twenty people in a house with 2 bathrooms? Sleeping on couches? That's not how grown people live, thank-you-very-much.

My hate for today is extremely minor: I hate people who use the word "Pacific" instead of "specific." Leave the ocean out of your fuck-ups.
Re: Just plain hate.
November 27, 2014
Family sucks.

Went to egg and sperm donor's place for Thanksgiving only because my grandmother was there. Months before egg donor said she would talk to golden cow about splitting the holidays, I would get Thanksgiving and she would get christmas. When we arrive golden cow, golden parasite and ogg are there. Egg donor says we never had a conversation and calls me a liar. Golden parasite screeches non stop and only goes upstairs when grandmother orders ogg to take it upstairs. I defend myself and mentioned the many ways the golden cow has treated me like shit over the years, and if someone non related did half that shit she would ask why the hell I was still friends with that person. For the second year in a row egg donor forgot a small thing the two of us did, and denies that we ever had this thing we did for 25 fucking years. Then she called the golden parasite the nickname she calls me. I'm not a behind the coucher, I've been replaced.

Manage to get through dinner and after spending a half hour sitting in the bathroom and crying, I grab my stuff to leave. I figure no one will notice, Takeo makes a huge production of saying we need to go. I told him to stay and have fun, I'll take the subway home. Really hating that breeder pleasing asshat more than the fucking breeders right now. The one time I need his support and he sides with them?

Those breeders are dead to me. I'm going to a convention with a CF friend tomorrow. Right now I'm crying my eyes out. Bratfree is the only family I have, I'm so glad I found this site.
Re: Just plain hate.
November 28, 2014
Do talk to your partner when you calm down, and explain about being hurt by his failure to stand by you when you were doing something difficult (cutting ties with your family is hard, even if they're assholes). I don't know him at all, of course, but perhaps he has an instinctive need to avoid scenes or conflict and acts accordingly without realizing how it will affect you.

And I hope the convention makes you feel better.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 01, 2014
Talked to Takeo and he tends to go between confrontational to conflict averse, his reasoning was if he was neutral it would be easier to repair the relationship between me and the sperm and egg donors. I'm at the point where my give a damn is damaged beyond repair. I can't trust them at all, I'm offended they call me a liar while they lie and steal from me. I told Takeo that I need him to have my back and if the situation was reversed I would be very supportive of him neutrality be damned.

He did say the donors asked him if I was amenable to a christmas dinner the weekend before or after Dec 25, I can't trust them not to spring the golden cow and her parasite on me. I'm tempted to make them sign and notarize a contract saying only the donors, Takeo, and I will be present and the golden cow will be turned away if she shows up. If they don't they have to donate to The DC Abortion Fund, but that is probably more effort than it's worth.

Had a great time at the convention. I was great going to panels and not being in charge of anything or being babystalked.
Re: Just plain hate.
December 14, 2014
Jeebus I have such an irrational hatred of people who don't know the difference between

breath and breathe
lose and loose

It grates on my last nerve when I read,

"When I breath through my nose..."

angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip

It's breathE, you fucking moron!
Re: Just plain hate.
December 14, 2014
Jeebus I have such an irrational hatred of people who don't know the difference between

breath and breathe
lose and loose

It grates on my last nerve when I read,

"When I breath through my nose..."

angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip angrily flogging with a whip

It's breathE, you fucking moron!

The lose and loose thing makes me want to reach through the screen and punch the writer face saying 'error' I don't know why I get irrational about it, but it drives me fucking nuts. Also, seen and saw. "I seen a movie yesterday" or "I seen that." Might be a colloquialism to the south, I hear it all over, but I have to put my fingers to my mouth to keep from saying "it's SAW, not SEEN, you fucking ignoramus!"
Re: Just plain hate.
December 28, 2014
The spelling ones drive me nuts too. I know it can be because there's no spell-check, and "loose" and "breath" are real words. They can be easy to overlook when re-reading your writing and I'm guilty of missing misspellings. But I think most of the people who confuse those words aren't just misspelling them - they genuinely don't know the fuckin' difference. I've caught myself using "quit" instead of "quite" or "breath" instead of "breathe." But, I do have a reason for it: some of my keyboard keys don't work that well anymore and I have to pound on them to make them work. One of the malfunctioning keys is the "E" key.

Another fun one I was reminded of recently: People who sit around waiting for someone to help them. Both my mother and her moron do this; unless you're in Macy's where the staff flock to you the moment they think you're going to spend money, what is the problem with opening your mouth and asking for help? I got bitched at about this a few days ago when the moron was doing shit in the basement and how I never offered to help. One, I know he'll say "no," and two, I hate him. Then he bitched to Mom about how he was down there for X hours and I never offered to help. Well, if you need help, ASK FOR IT. He can open his mouth to scream just fine, so he can ask for help too. Thing is he didn't need help. He was just being a pissant over no one offering.

Same with Mom. I know she'll refuse help because she has her own way of doing shit and it can only be done her way, a.k.a. The Right WayTM. But if no one offers help, she'll mutter to herself about how everyone in here is worthless, everything's her job, she's the maid, etc. And when she does ask for help, she says it in a really shitty way. "Cambion, wouldya puh-LEESE come an' help mayyyy?!?"

Just... what is the big deal about just asking for fuckin' help if you want or need it? Fucking people just sit around waiting for someone to assist their asses and then bitch when no one does. Personally I don't usually ask those two if they need help because they always say "no." I'll ask everyone else I know if they need help, probably because they don't treat me like shit. I'm not lazy - I'm more than happy to help. I just hate when people are passive-aggressive about it.
Re: Just plain hate.
January 01, 2015
Goddamn fucking NYE fireworks! I get that it's a holiday and all, but it's still a weeknight most of the time, and some people have to be at work in the morning, so if it's more than a few minutes past 12, cut it out! It also terrifies my poor dogs especially the bigger one, so he's breathing heavily and clawing at the edge of my bed because he thinks it's the end of the world. I have even tried giving him his prescribed Valium an hour or so before this fuckery starts, and it has little to no effect on him. We called the police one year and got "Well we'll say something, but ma'am, it IS New Year's Eve."

Um, so what? It is what it is, but most people use it as an excuse to get drunk and blow shit up. It wouldn't bother me if they only did it for a little while, but no, it starts as soon as it gets dark and drags on until past 2 in the morning.
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