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Just plain hate.

Posted by catharsist 
Re: Just plain hate.
October 16, 2020
My hates today, in no particular order:

1. tailgaters. I hate drivers who will not go with the flow. No matter whom they get behind or how fast that person is going, they ride bumpers until they can pass the person. obnoxious. note: I get out of anyone's way who wants to pass me-you wanna go faster? Have at it. But some people cannot be behind anyone and they need to stop fucking driving.

2. People in stores who have no concept that other people are in the store and they may need to get to an item. I am not talking about people who take a minute to look at things and compare items--I'm talking about people who park in front of shit and look at their cell phones or are generally oblivious when someone else may be trying to access something in front of them.

3. I have an acquaintance on FB who was my neighbor approximately 15 years ago. I never hear from her unless she wants me to donate to one of her church related causes. She just asked me for my address again and I'm sure a mailer is coming about some mission critical Xtian indoctrination mission in another country, some dumb fundraiser for one of the holy grand brats or some MLM type venture. Seriously, do people have no shame? I would be embarrassed but I guess that means I'm not an MLM type person.

4. Anyone under 25 who calls themselves a "seasoned professional" on LinkedIn. Someone I know has a kid who is 24 and he is touting himself as a "senior influencer" or "senior strategist." Just stop it already.

5. "Influencers." Not a real job. Just stop it already.
Re: Just plain hate.
February 04, 2021
I realize today I have another hate, and it often is from Southern women:

Women with "little girl" voices. You are a grownup--talk like a damn grownup, please.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 27, 2021
I share that same visceral reaction to artificially childlike voices...in adults of any gender.

There's a joke between the spouse and I that I subconsciously trained an acquaintance of ours to modulate her voice when around me. But it's true. I certainly wish her no ill, but we're not really friends either. She seems to think I'm cool, though, and so we'll chat when at parties together. And she uses a regular adult voice and conversational cadence with me. I honestly don't know how this happened really.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 11, 2021
I realize today I have another hate, and it often is from Southern women:

Women with "little girl" voices. You are a grownup--talk like a damn grownup, please.

I hate that too. I also hate the "mom voice" that a lot of women put on when they are with their kids. Or when they talk to their kids in the third person, like "Mommy wants you to put that down, MacKinzlee."
Re: Just plain hate.
April 15, 2021
People in stores who have no concept that other people are in the store and they may need to get to an item. I am not talking about people who take a minute to look at things and compare items--I'm talking about people who park in front of shit and look at their cell phones or are generally oblivious when someone else may be trying to access something in front of them.

Allow me to add an introvert spin to this hate: when someone is standing right where I need to be and refuses to move, and because I don't want to talk to anyone when I shop to say "excuse me," I may go all the way around the other end of the aisle in order to have access to the other side of this person to reach the thing I want. But by the time I do this, the motherfucker in question has relocated themselves juuuust enough to be in my way again. I know this is partly my own fault for being unsocial, but goddamn it I want to brain these assholes with a sack of rice just so they get out of my fucking way already.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 31, 2022
I hate most people who get rid of their pets because it's most often for bullshit reasons. I'm on one of those Buy nothing groups on Facebook. There have been two older cats there in the past two weeks.

1. A woman said her husband "just doesn't like" the cat and she's rehoming him because he's "not living his best life." The cat hides during the day and comes out during the night to sleep between her legs. He's declawed of course. Thanks for mutilating your cat, then wanting to dump him. (And gee, why is he hiding? Is the husband mean to him while she's not looking?) And why can't her asshole husband just live and let live? Is it really so offensive to have a cat living there who ignores you? (Sounds like she needs to get rid of HIM.)

I rescued a cat who was afraid of men who RAN from my husband for at least four years. My husband didn't have a problem with that--he gave the cat time and space. Now the cat is stuck to my husband every time he sits down.

2. Cat #2 is an older male cat who is "very sweet" but is having "urinary problems." Moo readily admits the vet recommended more litter boxes. Moo says there's "no room" for another litter box because of "the kiddos?" And he's peeing in the house of course. Moo wants "no judgement" because it's "taken them a long time to get to this point." How about not being lazy? You have one damn cat. Add another litter box and teach your kids some responsibility. Make a game out of it.

I get REALLY IRRITATED when people blame cats for peeing when they won't put out another litter box or take it to the vet's. Cats are clean animals and they want to go in the box. You should often have N+1 litter boxes. If you have a two story house, you should have a litter box on each floor for the cat. (I know someone who has litter boxes only in the basement and the cats use it without issue. She's lucky.

If you aren't prepared to have a litter box on each floor, and aren't prepared to scoop it, don't get a cat! Humans typically have a bathroom on each floor, and you expect your cat to go to another floor when it has to pee or poop? I currently have four cats (thanks to inheriting two) and I have SIX litter boxes throughout my house: three in the cats' bedroom, one in our MB sitting room (it's in an Armoire thing) one in a closet downstairs and one in the downstairs bathroom. The one in the bathroom is in a carpeted enclosure that looks like a bench.

There are pieces of furniture that allow you to hide the litter box. I scoop at least twice a day. It's not that haaaaaaard.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 01, 2022
Whenever someone posts something deplorable about animal neglect or unnecessary rehoming or cruelty and say, "No judgment please" you know that they realize that what they're doing is wrong and others will call them on it. Those poor cats. sad smiley


I've been on several avian forums and once I read some stupid bitch asking for "no judgment" because she forgot to give her lovebird water for days. She claims it was only for a day or two, but I've had birds my whole life and it usually takes a long time for all the water in the dish to evaporate. Apparently the poor bird was so thirsty when she finally decided to give it water that it drank so fast it aspirated and died.

What makes me think this wasn't the FIRST time this happened? And how do you forget about a pet bird? I don't know about every pet, but I've had birds my whole life and they make a lot of noise.

Apparently she was such a bizzy moo she neglected her poor little bird to death. This woman should be stuck in a cage and not given water for a week and see how it feels. sad smiley

She didn't want any judgment, but requested sympathy for how bad she felt. The only sympathy I have is for her lovebird and any other future pets she may bring into the house. I judged her very harshly in my head, but didn't post. I also left the forum because I can't fucking stand reading about animal neglect and cruelty. It makes me want to cry.
Re: Just plain hate.
March 31, 2023
Old ass thread, but here’s a thing I really hate… (Or should I say, things)

I LOATHE toddlers with a passion. They are tiny sociopathic gremlins incapable of reason, impulse control, and emotional regulation. They are self-absorbed and don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves.

These little fuckers will trash your house, scream like a banshee for whatever reason(tantrum screaming, excitement screaming), hurt their pets or siblings, destroy your belongings, and embarrass you in public. I detest the little bastard brats with every inch of my being. Fuck toddlers, fuck them straight to hell.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 01, 2023

I LOATHE toddlers with a passion. They are tiny sociopathic gremlins incapable of reason, impulse control, and emotional regulation. They are self-absorbed and don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves.

Yep. And guess what? It's a parunt's job to train them into human beings who have some awareness that other people exist and they are not the center of the universe. (Note, this may involve pain to the child. I'm not talking about physical pain--I'm talking about the pain of not getting your way and having to tow the line to some kind of authority figure. If people have no concept of being a citizen and part of a larger whole, we are all fucked, as many recent events have shown us.)

At that age, Parunts are essentially behavioral cops. By the looks of Reddit, this is a complete surprise to the Moos, who seemed to think having a Baybee meant getting a lot of attention and having some kind of small doll they could dress up in cute clothes. Unsocialized brats are horrible, nasty little fuckers, and many parents are not raising them because they are too checked out to bother.

John Rosemond may be a Fundy Christian, but he has this aspect right. I read somewhere where he was saying, it's a good thing toadlers are small people, because they are little sociopaths. You will run your child's life or the child will run yours....if you allow him/her to do so.

And if you don't get a handle on this when they are 2-4, dawG help you when they are an almost-adult-sized teenager. By then it's too late.
Re: Just plain hate.
April 01, 2023
Yep. And guess what? It's a parunt's job to train them into human beings who have some awareness that other people exist and they are not the center of the universe. (Note, this may involve pain to the child. I'm not talking about physical pain--I'm talking about the pain of not getting your way and having to tow the line to some kind of authority figure. If people have no concept of being a citizen and part of a larger whole, we are all fucked, as many recent events have shown us.)

At that age, Parunts are essentially behavioral cops. By the looks of Reddit, this is a complete surprise to the Moos, who seemed to think having a Baybee meant getting a lot of attention and having some kind of small doll they could dress up in cute clothes. Unsocialized brats are horrible, nasty little fuckers, and many parents are not raising them because they are too checked out to bother.
Too bad a majority of parents don’t get it. Plenty of them would rather talk to them about “feelings” instead of time-outs or spankings. They’d rather treat their kid like a mini-adult and attempt to reason with them. bemused eye roll
Re: Just plain hate.
April 23, 2023
I hate perimenopause, doctors, medical tests, and having a body.

I just turned 53 and thought I was doing great with perimenopause. No major issues at all. Then about a month ago the prolonged heavy bleeding started. Fuck. That's not something I can just live with. After fucking around with urgent care, the emergency room, and various medical people on the phone I got an appointment with women's health at the veteran's hospital on Friday. I was really hoping to avoid doctors, but I can't die now because my cats need me, so I went. It was okay, but the doctor said heavy bleeding and irregular periods can be a sign of cancer, so she wants to do a some scary tests. WTF? I thought early50s + irregular periods = perimenopause was a complete no brainer. I was not the slightest bit worried about the irregularity. Why do doctors have to scare you with the worst case scenario? It really fucks with my anxiety.

The good news is she gave me some progesterone pills and the bleeding has almost completely stopped, and now the VA hospital is offering to let people see civilian doctors in the community. No more driving across town on the ugly freeway to the creepy old VA hospital.

But I quickly went from doing great with perimenopause to having a really shitty time with it. Fuck.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 09, 2023
In addition to baby voices on adult females I loathe when grown people use baby-fied words. Like calling kids “littles” and referring to Moos carrying baybees in their “tummies” or “bellies.” A FB acquaintance that I keep around mostly for hate reads literally just posted that she’s “praying for a safe delivery of the littles that are in their Mommy’ tummies.” Because I guess she’s about to get more grand brats. I also hate the word “nurseling” to refer to a baby teat sucker. Make it stop already and speak like a grown person.

Not exactly on the same topic but I hate the word “nourishing,” particularly when it’s (over) used outside food. I follow Jeanne Di Bonn on YT and she frequently describes certain PT moves as “nourishing” to the spine or body. Gawd, make that stop too.
Re: Just plain hate.
May 12, 2023
“Littles” drives me up the wall. It reminds me of the word vittles, so my first reaction is always that they are talking about food.

The baby language that moos insist on using is so idiotic. It really makes me doubt their intelligence.

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Just plain hate.
May 13, 2023
A FB acquaintance that I keep around mostly for hate

bouncing smileys
Re: Just plain hate.
May 18, 2023
I hate "littles" too. Like we have enough words for them, why do we need more? Children, kids, brats, little ones, bastards, babies (regardless of age). You know, a nice variety of nice and mean terms to be used at the parents' discretion depending on how much the child has annoyed the parents on a given day. So does that mean the adults are "bigs?" Would teenagers be "middles" because they're not quite adults and not quite children?

And I also always hated when piggos would say they have babies growing in their tummies or bellies. Not just because of the baby talk, but because "tummy" and "belly" imply the stomach and unless the woman has some seriously fucked up anatomy, fetuses do not grow in the stomach. I guess I could understand saying "tummy" to a child because trying to explain what a uterus is for might be a bit too complex, but there is no reason for an adult with a fully developed brain to talk like a toddler.

Then you have the parents who refer to nursing as "nummies" and "num-nums" and that makes me want to vomit. Especially if the nursing child is in grade school and is old enough to call food "food."
Re: Just plain hate.
May 18, 2023
I'm okay with the idea that languages change - new slang appears, certain words fall out of use as they become less relevant...but I agree with the general hatred for infantalizing the language. Also, it was completely unconscionable for the dictionary to add 'figurative' as a secondary definition to 'literal' a couple of years ago. Mess up basic concepts like having words that mean precise things (and not their exact opposite) and we'll be stuck in 1984 lingo, having to describe things as 'double plus ungood' because we lack the vocabulary to express any nuance.

I never want to hear bullshit like this: "Num-nums meemaw give is triple plus good."
Re: Just plain hate.
July 18, 2023
I'm getting so sick and tired of this stupid BBL look! I'm looking for a new pair of jeans so I've been cruising online to see what I can find at a reasonable price. Nearly EVERY advert has photoshopped the women's bodies to have a wasp waist and huge, giant ass. Very few (if any) women look like this! I just want a fair representation of what the jeans will look like on a normal body.

I guess I'm old because I don't see the magic of the massive butt. I'm just a normal woman who wants a normal pair of jeans and see what a pair would look like on a human figure, not some weird, alien creature shape.

I'm looking online because there's very few shops here in town besides Walrus Mart that have affordable jeans.

This is probably a very old complaint that's been around for a long time but I literally can't find representation online for anyone that's normal sized! I'm sorry, but I doubt Kim K and her band of rich idiots are looking at cheap jeans on Amazon so I wish they'd STOP with it already because I don't know anyone else who has this going on.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 18, 2023
Mum, yes!!! I feel your pain! I also feel like women's pants are way too long -- I'm 5' 6" and have to shop in the petites section because I guess my legs are super short or something. Why are they designing these things for supermodel sized women? Isn't the average woman's height like 5' 4"? But then petite clothes fashion is just so ugh so that's a whole nother bitch fest bouncing smileys
Re: Just plain hate.
July 19, 2023
I'm 5'4", so buying pants is a nightmare. Even in the Petites section. They often ride up the crotch. Urgh!
Re: Just plain hate.
July 20, 2023
I'm about 5' 5", but petite jeans are too short on me because I guess I have longer legs? Still, shopping for jeans can be a fucking nightmare because I'm kind of between a size 16 and a size 18, usually. I also need a wide/curvy size because of my big fat ass and big fat thighs. Even worse, I'm super picky about the cut! I can't do super low waist, I don't like the jeans with rips in them because they make my legs look like popped cans of biscuits, and the only styles I like are bootcut and flare. I hate boyfriend jeans, relaxed fit, capris, classic cut, straight leg, and whatever those awful things are with elastic in the ankles.

Women's jeans make no damn sense as far as the sizing. I have a pair of cargo jeans in my closet that are a size 14 that fit me perfectly. I just bought jeans that are a size 20 wide from the thrift store this past weekend that fit me just right. I have both 16s and 18s in my dresser.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 20, 2023
I'm also 5' 5", but apparently I have short legs because I have to get the petite length. Regular jeans always seem to be several inches too long. And it's hard to find jeans that aren't cut for someone skinny. In my case having a belly is the problem. I used to buy Lee jeans in the short length, but a few years ago I decided I wanted pull on jeans without the button, because the button eats holes in my shirts. I found something at Kohl's which is pretty good, don't know the brand. There has to be a way to improve womens clothes, but nobody wants to make the effort.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 22, 2023
I'm always a day late and a dollar short.

When I actually had a fat ass, everything was skinny jeans, skinny this, skinny that, heroin chic yadda yadda. I couldn't find anything remotely flattering. Now I'm skinnier and apparently I require the obligatory BBL to be whatever's deemed acceptably attractive in our day and age. TBH not dissing on anyone's body shape but I think this one trend in particular looks ugly and unnatural. I've personally never met a woman in my life who had those dimensions. I doubt any human does have them without extensive, dangerous surgery.

I just want to give up and wear whatever is comfortable, but I still want to look stylish sometimes.

Fast fashion trends (and the idiot fashion designers they mimic), vanity sizing, fucking Instagram influencers and the the fake filters they use, who the HELL looks like this IRL? It's all a scam IMO to make women feel insecure to part them with their money.

I mostly buy from thrift stores but there just isn't much selection in the shops where I go right now. I haven't found much in the way of jeans or even work slacks. I've found some of the best stuff in thrift stores in the past, but where I live there just isn't the best selection of second-hand stuff.

I'm sorry you guys are experiencing similar frustrations, but a little relieved that I'm probably not in the minority with this.
Re: Just plain hate.
July 25, 2023
In my case having a belly is the problem.

Same here. I don't have a huge butt, hips or thighs, but I am thick around the middle. So pants are usually either comfy at the waist but baggy everywhere else, or they fit all over except the waist (too tight).
Re: Just plain hate.
July 25, 2023
One more fashion bitch about pants - why in the HELL is everything ankle or above the ankle nowadays? I'm having such a tough time finding something that goes down to my shoe. I have to wear compression socks in the summer (ankles swell) and I don't want to show that off to the world.

I also think it's an ugly fashion style that's being pumped out everywhere, despite it not being a flattering cut on a lot of women. Who wants to look like they live in flood territory.

I'm gonna keep looking but it's getting so frustrating. I wouldn't even mind the floods being out there (to each their own) but they should have more varieties. It's like someone grabs onto some stupid trend (Low rise jeans, I'm looking at you) and it's next to impossible to find anything else in the stores for the next decade or so.
Re: Just plain hate.
August 03, 2023
I have never been able to buy a pair of jeans without having to have them shortened. I don't bother with the petite section because they are usually the wrong cut for me. I have just sucked it up and become friends with my local tailor...and now I have jeans to last me for the next 20 years or so, which is good, because that's about how often a style I like becomes fashionable. I just buy a lot of pairs and then continue to wear them, usually they come back on trend at least once before they wear out...
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