Get a load of this bullshit:


I would be lying if I said that I don’t find this to be shocking. To know that out of EVERY THING (material Enzo could choose to have), or ANY PLACE (in the world Enzo could travel to) and out of EVERY PERSON on this earth he chose Ina, and she cannot see what an honor that is. And he wanted to actually be with her for NO reason other then to have her company and cook with her. I actually feel badly for her because Enzo has NOTHING but pure love and intensions and she will never get to have that experience with him and she is missing out on something so authentic and beautiful.

Sickly Little Enzo doesn't need DIABETES thrown in, too! two faces puking
and BTW, since what kid is interested in cooking shows to begin with?!

I'm sure it was the moo's idea.

Found this quote from Ina Garten's book (from 3 years ago) as to her being CF:

"...we all know that families now aren't necessarily like Ozzie and Harriet (it turns out Ozzie and Harriet's family wasn't all Ozzie and Harriet)... family has a traditional context, but today it's not as simple as two parents with 2.3 kids... it's about relationships... it's about people who are bound together by love and a sense of being responsible for one another... [it's spouses with no children, like Jeffrey and me]... it's a group of women who meet to cook dinner together once a month... it's a one-parent family with adopted children... it's two men who've made a life together... at the end of the day, all we have is love... getting love, but even more, feeling love"

Oh, and please excuse me while I go two faces puking, too.
I feel bad for the kid if this really was his wish, but I'm sure he'll get over it. Still I agree it's more likely that his mom is using his illness as an excuse to meet her favorite celebrity. People shouldn't feel obligated to hang out with kids just because they're sick. Dying adults don't get shit like this, do they?

Does anyone watch Metalocalypse? This reminded me of an episode where a dying kid from the "Wish For Something" foundation wanted to meet with one of the guitarists and he flat-out refused.
I will say this for really (cancer, etc.) sick kids: they tend to be a lot more mature than their non-sick counterparts. I know this is not always the case, but many times, it is.

It's your hell; you rot in it!
I remember watching a news item about these Make A Wish type foundations, and the conclusion was that the cute and/or more attractive children often got to have several wishes come true, while the less fortunate in appearance were turned down. These foundations are a scam and I think that they are ridiculous. Make the best life for your sick kid yourself.
Re: Oh this is funny - Ina Garten refuses to meet with "make a wish" brat
March 27, 2011
So the kid isn't technically dying. I looked at this pix on the cow's blog and thought - hey - this kid doesn't look all that sick. In fact, he looks pretty healthy and big for his age.

My guess is - Moo was trying to insinuate herself to some celebrities. She sees the kid as a potential ticket of some sort and is trying to use this 'illness'.

I also think that this cooking woman Ina's staff, or the TV station or producers she works for - they are likely the ones who said ixnay to this - possibly because they "saw through it". And the polite turn down was well - just done to look polite.

You'd think such requesters would be vetted, right?

Plus the whole thing just sounds weird.
Re: Oh this is funny - Ina Garten refuses to meet with "make a wish" brat
March 27, 2011
Why the hell would you set up a kid up for ONLY one single wish based entirely on a total stranger?
Would you not say to the kid- " what are the top 5 things and places you would like for your wish and we will see which one can get fulfilled?"

Back to previous comments (in a different thread) about how much money is wasted on ONLY extravagant wishes and how many of them are funding the families wishes too!
There is no frickin' way that I believe a three year old is fixated on an obscure TV chef without mama really working that up.
Hellbent moo, pure and simple. Read the blog, looked up leukemia on Wiki, and concluded she's full of bullshit. I've only heard on Garten, and I think everybody's spot on the fact why would a 3 or 6-year-old want to cook with a lower profile chef (Minute To Win It white-haired asshat, Ace of Cakes, or that other moron who stuffs himself to the point of stomach-pumping would on camera be better-suited to kyds)? Moo is just another fatass using her kid for Wal-Mart sympathy points. Anybody recall that scam artist moo on Queen Oprah who manged to convince the world she was dying of cancer (wasn't even sick to begin with) and even had Madonna donate a wig to her? thumbs updown
I feel bad for the kid if this really was his wish, but I'm sure he'll get over it. Still I agree it's more likely that his mom is using his illness as an excuse to meet her favorite celebrity. People shouldn't feel obligated to hang out with kids just because they're sick. Dying adults don't get shit like this, do they?

Does anyone watch Metalocalypse? This reminded me of an episode where a dying kid from the "Wish For Something" foundation wanted to meet with one of the guitarists and he flat-out refused.

I don't know what to make of this. Something just smells fishy.

I can't imagine many young boys would want to meet a middle-aged female chef on television. I could see them wanting to meet LeBron James, Lady Gaga, or President Obama.

I think you may be onto something as far as the kid meeting the mother's (not his) favorite celebrity. I think that may be a distinct possibility.
Since when was anybody obligated to do anything for your kid? She's busy, and she said no..As another commenter said, grow the fuck up and get over it.

I hate all these kid-centric charities. It's almost like they demand that everyone drop their shit and kiss their asses, because it's all about teh chylllldren. Blech.
I will say this for really (cancer, etc.) sick kids: they tend to be a lot more mature than their non-sick counterparts. I know this is not always the case, but many times, it is.

I've found this to be true as well... these kids, although they know that they are terminally ill, they tend to have such a good attitude. I'm sure that they have their moments of profound sadness, which is normal, but they are a hell of a lot more mature than the entitlebrats who are not sick and take everything for granted these days. Most kids today SUCK SHIT. They're bratty, inconsiderate, rude, self-centered, smart-mouthed and have no sense of respect for ANYONE but themselves. I blame majority of that on the parents, but kids can also learn from other kid's examples - those with whom they see on tv; these terminally ill kids who seem to be pretty down-to-Earth. Maybe severe illness is a humbling situation for these poor sick kids.

Now if it turns out to be the moo of Enzo who is really the one who is using her own child to meet a celebrity, well, hoopefully, her efforts will serve her up a great big, heaping helping of Karma - served to her by one of those "Worst Cooks in America." Shame on her.

I'm so glad that I have no goddamned kids - it gives me more time to spend with my pets, who will always love me unconditionally.
I hate all these kid-centric charities. It's almost like they demand that everyone drop their shit and kiss their asses, because it's all about teh chylllldren. Blech.

They prey on people's guilt and pity. "Bow down and worship me and my chyld because s/he has a disease." Even worse is the example they are setting for these kids, sending them the message that they are even MORE spayshul and entitled to other people's money than a normal kid. These parents take attention-whoring to a whole new plane, and they don't see a thing wrong with it. It's no different from families who sent their deformed kids to be in the freak show or circus way back when. Shame on them. thumbs updown

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
I feel bad for the kid if this really was his wish, but I'm sure he'll get over it. Still I agree it's more likely that his mom is using his illness as an excuse to meet her favorite celebrity. People shouldn't feel obligated to hang out with kids just because they're sick. Dying adults don't get shit like this, do they?

Does anyone watch Metalocalypse? This reminded me of an episode where a dying kid from the "Wish For Something" foundation wanted to meet with one of the guitarists and he flat-out refused.

Yeah, it was Toki. That episode was HYSTERICAL.
Get a load of this BS. So her kid is not terminal. WTF, I thought Make a Wish was for terminally ill kids.

Nice backpedal lady, did you get a cease and desist from the Contessa's lawyers? And you are full of shit trying to pretend like you weren't trying to cyber bully her in to visiting your kid *coughYOUcough. She's a POS skag trying to use her kid to meet celebrities. SICK.

Re: Oh this is funny - Ina Garten refuses to meet with "make a wish" brat
March 28, 2011
What I find amusing is how much time she spends in her blog telling people that they should follow the godly Enzo and forgive Ina (forgive her for what--declining to do a favor?), when it is clear from the way she's presenting it she most certainly does want the protests, so long as they are not directly associated with her child. The anecdote she picked to demonstrate his Christ-like nature is his nightly request for God to bless him and his cancer. Because he's just that wonderful, that he is even concerned for his cancer. (What does this kid live off of, air? Because anything else he eats would involve killing or hurting something. Even if he chowed down on grass like Lu, he'd be hurting the grass.) Ina should be honored to meet the wonder child. It's completely her loss, and that's why moomy isn't flouncing one bit.

Plus: this kid is sick and yet he can have swimming lessons so he can swim with the dolphins? I would have thought the chemo would make him ill, and also make it a bad idea for him to be exposed to all the disease found at the public pool.
I'm thinking Moo wants to get Ina Garten in her kitchen as well, not so much her kid.

And, correct me if I'm wrong, but when I think of cancer/leukemia, I think of bone marrow transplants and chemotherapy, and then I think of puking and nausea, and.... who wants to watch a fucking COOKING show when they're harfing up green jello and applesauce as it is? And a six year old BOY wants Ina-fucking-Garten to come to his house.

Yea. I call bullshit too.

I wish I had cancer when I was a kid. Hell, if I could get sick and have some adult MAW foundation, I'd totally get Dolph Lundgren to come to my house and entertain me. No shit. For some reason I came across his wiki article. Dude speaks like six languages, has a MASTER's in chemical engineering and was a Fulbright Scholar at one time (I think he gave it up for acting...yea, I know....)

He has to be dressed up like The Preacher man from Johnny Mnemonic, though. That would be AWESOME!
I just had a chance to read some of the vitriol left by some of the idiotic commenters. Wow, what a bunch of sanctimonious assholes! They are wishing Ina Garten be run over by a monster truck, calling her terrible names, saying she can't cook worth a damn, basically showing their true, ugly breeder colors.
Perhaps if they counted to ten, and gave it a moment's thought, they would wonder why a young boy (who is apparently not so terminally ill) would want to meet with someone as obscure and uninteresting to a brat as Ina Garten? Maybe they would realize that it's not the boy's wish to meet Ina, but truly the mother's wish to attention-whore and be a general pain in the ass. She is using her poor, sick sneauflayke to harrass and belittle a celebrity chef. It's also quite possible that she was being persistent with Ina's PR people, which led to the "definite no."
This moo-cunt is really riling people up in the name of her poor, sick Gonzo..
I just had a chance to read some of the vitriol left by some of the idiotic commenters. Wow, what a bunch of sanctimonious assholes! They are wishing Ina Garten be run over by a monster truck, calling her terrible names, saying she can't cook worth a damn, basically showing their true, ugly breeder colors.
Perhaps if they counted to ten, and gave it a moment's thought, they would wonder why a young boy (who is apparently not so terminally ill) would want to meet with someone as obscure and uninteresting to a brat as Ina Garten? Maybe they would realize that it's not the boy's wish to meet Ina, but truly the mother's wish to attention-whore and be a general pain in the ass. She is using her poor, sick sneauflayke to harrass and belittle a celebrity chef. It's also quite possible that she was being persistent with Ina's PR people, which led to the "definite no."
This moo-cunt is really riling people up in the name of her poor, sick Gonzo..

Hey now. That's an insult to the late, great, Dr. Thompson. AND Muppets.
Get a load of this BS. So her kid is not terminal. WTF, I thought Make a Wish was for terminally ill kids.

Nice backpedal lady, did you get a cease and desist from the Contessa's lawyers? And you are full of shit trying to pretend like you weren't trying to cyber bully her in to visiting your kid *coughYOUcough. She's a POS skag trying to use her kid to meet celebrities. SICK.


She is backpedalling because she claims Enzo's story is getting lost and MAW (love the initials) called "warning her that the story was released by TMZ". I am betting it was more like a call from a lawyer or ten.

She claims Enzo and she are both over it...if that was true why was it dated March 2011, which is, uhhhh, NOW??? And I agree, I think it was MAWM who wanted to meet Ina, not Enzo. I would think he would want to meet Rachael, or Sandra or one of the loud, crazy men on TFN if he was a foodie at 3 at all. Kids that age want to meet astronauts at NASA, the President, sports stars, or pop stars.

Methinks there is more to the story....
Yeah, you can bet a couple of telephone chitchats with lawyers prompted her little "stop the madness" post. I hope the IRS is looking into her PayPal donation button, too.

Sometimes on weekends I look at the QVC shoping channel message forums -- not that I shop there, but I have a sort of business interest in that industry and like to see what the consumers are saying. To my embarrassment I let myself get caught up in the debate on two Ina threads -- I gave it my best and invested far too much time but jesus christ, it's like talking to a brick wall.

These people were rabid and have no regard for fairness, due process, critical thinking about the moo's motives, nothing. I looked briefly at the LA Times comments area too, and some CafeMom boycott campaign, and didn't look at Facebook but hear that's a morass of vilification too. Oh and on QVC I was lambasted as "acting superior" when I suggested that condemning Ina based solely on the moo's word was unethical and contrary to our system of justice.

The witch-hunt mentality and the notion that waiting for objective information is "elitist" (one woman actually said to me 'we are entitled to judge based on our feelings, beliefs and opinons..." -- um, no you're not, as far as every jury instruction I've ever read is concerned) is really saddening and bodes ill for our political system, our justice system and just society in general. All one has to do is use the phrase "sick child" to set off a firestorm entirely lacking in reason.
Interesting piece defending Ina Garten:

Ina Says No.
There's a post on an ethics blog about this brouhaha; check out this breederific response. Face it, folks, we are outnumbered by the mushbrains who lose all intellectual functioning when it comes to the chyldrun.


Obviously we have different beliefs about what constitutes “ethics”. The first duty of all persons in a civilized society is to care for the children. My ethics say that for the optimum function of society, we care for children unless what they ask for will cause physical or emotional harm to them.

Short of confinement in a leprosy ward, this woman has no excuse for her unkindness to a child. If the “too busy” excuse is true, then she is just greedy. No law against being greedy, is there ? She has no duty to be concerned with anything other than her money.

The other place we have ethical differences is that it against my ethics to criticize control and blame a sick child’s mother. Talk about hit below the belt. Shame on you.

Celebrities are not mandated to give back–they may bite the hand that feeds them any time they like. And I decide who gets my hard earned money, and it will not be her or Food Network.

I don’t pay people who hurt children .

And here from a different source is a post from a former MaW volunteer who says celebrity-granted wishes are extremely rare:
Apparently someone with ties to MAW stated that celebs refuse these request nearly 100 percent of the time. Most don't even bother replying to them. This kid is probably asking about Justin Bieber, not Ina. The Biebs probably turned down a few too.

One of the raging cows suggested that Brett Favre and wife made an appearance last December so a nobody like Ina can too because he is more famous. But...they forgot two things: he was done with football that year, and had to make the appearance to offset the bad PR from the sexual harassment suit focused on obscene texts and cockshots he sent to the sideline skank/reporter.
supreme fatness
Interesting piece defending Ina Garten:

Ina Says No.

That discussion is truly refreshing. I left a comment as "jazzcat." smile rolling left rightsmile

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
Goodness knows it is unnatural for a woman to say no to a child, let alone a sick child.
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