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Kre8ive Names

Posted by Anonymous User 
Re: Kre8ive Names
September 28, 2014
Add 'Kevhin' to the list. I guess the same kind of person to give a kid a downright fucking stupid name like also did nothing to stop it from growing into a creep and a dumb asshole. From an image sharing website:

benevolent Anti-natalist, pro-abortion, pro-smut, anti-sleeze, eat the rich, fuck childbirth. pro-black, lgbtqia? Cool. *thumbs up*
Re: Kre8ive Names
December 03, 2014
This one is from another thread about the Autard girl and her service pit bull. Kid's name is Abcde.
Pronounced Ab-cid-ee.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Re: Kre8ive Names
December 05, 2014
I just realized there is a woman at my place of business whose name is......Shower. Yes, somebody named their kid Shower.
Re: Kre8ive Names
December 05, 2014
I just realized there is a woman at my place of business whose name is......Shower. Yes, somebody named their kid Shower.

Is her nickname "Golden"?

ducking and running...

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Kre8ive Names
December 05, 2014
I just realized there is a woman at my place of business whose name is......Shower. Yes, somebody named their kid Shower.

Is her nickname "Golden"?

ducking and running...

waving hellolarious
Re: Kre8ive Names
December 07, 2014
My idiot cousin & his sycophant named their mistake Jasmine, which I will only give them credit for utilizing an actual word, that's sometimes a name, & without a horrendous deliberate misspelling reminiscent of how a small child would spell it after hearing it for the first time. It just feels a little pretentious & passive aggressively attention whoring, not to mention it being such an insufferably hyper feminine, full of pink, girl name that screams future spoiled princess & skanky, rhinestone encrusted walking set of tits. No offense to anyone who incidentally likes or has that name, & isn't any of those, it just kind of feels that way when its known that a couple of breeders used the name.
Anonymous User
Re: Kre8ive Names
December 11, 2014
Not exactly creative, but I was introduced to some poor small sod (baby) at a party. 'This is Calypso'. I nearly fell off my chair. :-O
Re: Kre8ive Names
December 27, 2014
"Calypso?" Like the drink? Fantastic.

Saw one in the paper today under the massive 'births' section: someone's daughter named "Kenzington." First of all, that sounds like a surname or the name of a battlefield. Second of all, if it was a first name, it sounds male. What, was "Mackenzie" not kre8ive enough? Another was "Lilli Storm." Well, at least they made the dumbass name the middle name.
Re: Kre8ive Names
December 29, 2014
On a specific fandom cosplay group on Farcebook. A moo posted a photo of a sprog getting her cosplay theme gift and the brat's name is Ireland.

Guessing that in 30 years normal names like James or Nicole will be seen as old people names.
Re: Kre8ive Names
December 29, 2014
Well, it happened. At work I met an eight-year-old girl named Princess. That's her legal first name.

I knew it was just a matter of time.
Anonymous User
Re: Kre8ive Names
January 03, 2015
One time, when I worked for a major company, a friend used the in-house messaging system to get me to bring up the file and check out the client's name:


Yep, now what was the question?
Re: Kre8ive Names
February 04, 2015
I work at a university. One of our new intake this year is called Bluebell. Odd, but not unheard of.

Then, you see the middle name. Anthrax. Yes, Bluebell Anthrax.
Re: Kre8ive Names
March 08, 2015
Little Sizzler. That is my suggestion for a lazy moo name who lives in AZ and enjoys leaving baybeez in the car while she gets high with friends in their house. And they shouldn't name baybeez after flowers if they don't even have the sense to wipe their own asses yet. Babies are ugly, sometimes mottled lobby bumps of flesh. Children aren't much better with their huge heads. A kitten can be named after a flower because it is litter trained within about 6 weeks. I've never seen a cat play with poo. Gerbils also have the sense to keep their defecations away from their food. Humans are developmentally slow to most animals in comparison. If those bonding hormones didn't kick in we'd see such a surge of infanticide it would be unparalleled!
Re: Kre8ive Names
March 14, 2015
Here's another yoounikye spelling: Kamrin

I actually came across this disaster on a credit card transaction last night. Owner of said name was also baking a twat croissant, so who knows how many generations these yoounikye names will go on... two faces puking


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion: http://popcornculturejunkie.wordpress.com/)

(Cornucopia of visual rantage: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD78oSD27mzAlVzsB0q2ibA)
Re: Kre8ive Names
March 15, 2015
^I can do you one better on that name: I once saw it spelled "Kamwhren." I wish I was joking.
Re: Kre8ive Names
March 16, 2015
Obviously parents must hate their kyds, otherwise they wouldn't spell their names so stupidly. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Kre8ive Names
March 16, 2015
They named their son Stalin...yes, that's right...Stalin.
Re: Kre8ive Names
March 19, 2015
Saw one in the local mistakes births section of the paper earlier: a boy named "Caryl." I don't know if it's pronounced "Carol" or "Carl." Or maybe "car-yull"? You never know with breeders, and there's an abundance of trash in my area (as in at least 50 percent of the inhabitants of a neighboring town have the same last name). I don't think Carol is a male name, but then again, didn't Claire used to be an old-timey male name too?

What the fuck is so hard about naming a kid something normal? Do parents think that, if their loaves have "creative" names, it'll automatically make the kids special? Shit don't work that way. If you name your kid "Slim," that doesn't mean he won't grow up to be a fatass.

Celebs can get away with naming their kids stupid shit like North and Pilot because those kids will probably be financially set for life and will never need to find regular jobs. But the average spawn of the average breeder? Give it a retarded middle name if you must, but at least pick a normal first name. There's no shortage of good names and alternate spellings of many of said names, and plenty that are exotic or uncommon without having to make up bullshit names with apostrophes, hyphens and extra letters.

Most of the names modern breeders pick for their brats, I wouldn't give to a stuffed animal, let alone a human being.
Re: Kre8ive Names
April 09, 2015
Ramen (pronounced ray-mon) (mon as in 'lemon')

Saw this name in an email sendee list at a previous workplace. The guy is like late thirties to early forties now.

So are his siblings Soba and Udon, then? What the fuck is wrong with just plain old Raymond? That name is getting rare here, too.

On the topic of food, I also saw a 'Delicia'...
Re: Kre8ive Names
April 09, 2015
Ramen (pronounced ray-mon) (mon as in 'lemon')

Saw this name in an email sendee list at a previous workplace. The guy is like late thirties to early forties now.

Ramón is a normal Hispanic name.

I have nothing against the use of names from a person's native language or culture. What sounds stupid is the use of names from another language or culture that you're not a part of.
Re: Kre8ive Names
April 09, 2015
I know about Ramon and that's a fair name... was just showing how parunts being kre8tif can backfire horribly. Pretty sure Ramen isn't a name in any language (especially not Japanese). This guy is Chinese by the way.

I too find it jarring when someone a name from a foreign culture is paired with an incongruous last name. Nothing wrong with say Asian people named Mary, Samuel etc but names like Siobhan or Giuseppe enter the realm of trying way too hard . Especially when most of the people in the chyld's country can't pronounce it. Congratulations, parunts, your chyld will never be left alone in school.

(ugh and I meant recipient, not sendee)
Re: Kre8ive Names
April 09, 2015
I saw a good one, dead of a brain eating amoeba attack: Koral Reef Pier
Re: Kre8ive Names
April 09, 2015
I know about Ramon and that's a fair name... was just showing how parunts being kre8tif can backfire horribly. Pretty sure Ramen isn't a name in any language (especially not Japanese). This guy is Chinese by the way.

Oops, read the pronunciation and read over the spelling.
Re: Kre8ive Names
April 10, 2015
Penn Jillette named his daughter 'Moxie CrimeFighter Jillette'... smile rolling left righteyes2 I kind of like the guy, too, but honestly, wtf.

My current occupation involves, among other things, filling magazine orders & making sure the orders are correct. One of the newest fulfillment titles are the line of 'Ranger Rick' magazines, which have been around forever. There's a version for the 4-7 range and one for the 7-12 range.

Already, I've seen many unfortunate names. And unfortunate is the nicest word I have for what I've seen. It's not these kids' fault that they were saddled with such titles.

Paysyn, MacKynzi and many, many others. It's a goldmine of cringe.

As I find 'good' ones, I'll return here to share them.

Slightly decent trend: In the last 5 years, I've noticed that names have started to trend toward Victorian-era names: Stella, Wyatt, Ruth, Jane, Earl, etc. People may be coming to their senses, but don't celebrate just yet.
thumbs upwink
Re: Kre8ive Names
May 01, 2015
I was pleasantly surprised to see almost all normal names in today's list of mistakes in the paper, but one stood out: Dixierina. How do you pronounce that? Dixie-reena? Dick-sure-eena?

When I look at the local births section and see 20 or so new loaves, I can't help shaking my head knowing that that's 20 more people forced into the world who have no future. I know, people can do with their lives what they wish, but forgive me for finding people selfish who look at the ever-worsening world around them and go, "This looks like a fantastic world to bring a child into!"
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